
Terran Confedercy
...做所为(实在小说最后也就讲到星际争 霸原版的神族战争)《星际争霸:档案》《星际争霸:档案》讲述的是人族联邦(terran confedercy)的覆灭用档案的情势,联邦的视角来叙述terran在星际争霸原版 时辰的国内战争《星际争霸:鬼魂特工诺娃》本小说发生在 星际争霸:鬼魂...
The corrupt Confederacy was overthrown by terrorist and revolutionary Arcturus Mengsk during the chaos of the zerg invasion.
The survivors of the expedition established three colonies that became the basis for the major power blocs in terran space: the Confederacy, the Kel-Morian Combine, and the Umojan Protectorate.
- 来自原声例句
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欢喜受险些人人都会打“星际争霸(StarCraft)”。副业电竞选(Run for)手和其他的体裁明星一律,不要相信星座命理,那是哄小朋友的,命运在自己手中。
Argentum(星际争霸)是一款英文的 免费游戏,免费下载。 【软件介绍】:
Starcraft II
StarCraft Adventures
The Ontology of Starcraft
StarCraft Original Game Soundtrack
World of StarCraft
SC Universe
Project Revolution
Starleague Best Highlight
It is for this reason that any new RTS I play I can't help but immediately compare it to StarCraft.
I'm sure many of us remember playing through the StarCraft campaign and finding that one or two units we absolutely love.
Or StarCraft for Koreans. A game so popular that the tournament organisers could rely on sponsors who do not care if the game is one year or twelve years old.
《星际争霸》(英语:StarCraft)是暴雪娱乐制作发行的一款著名即时战略游戏。这是星际争霸系列游戏的第一部作品,于日正式发行。截至2009年2月,《星际争霸》在全球范围内已经售出了超过1100万套,是PC平台上销量最高的游戏之一。许多媒体给予了这款游戏很高的评价,认为其是一部经典的即时战略游戏。游戏拥有三部资料片;其续作《星际争霸II:自由之翼》已于日发行。 游戏描述了26世纪初期,位于银河系中心的三个种族在克普鲁星际空间中争夺霸权的故事。三个种族分别是:地球人的后裔人族(Terran)、一种进化迅速的生物群体虫族(Zerg),以及一支高度文明并具有心灵力量的远古种族神族(Protoss)。游戏三个独特种族的创新设计得到了好评。 《星际争霸》提供了一个游戏战场,用以玩家之间进行对抗。这也是该游戏以及所有即时战略游戏的核心内容。在这个游戏战场中,玩家可以操纵任何一个种族,在特定的地图上采集资源,生产兵力,并摧毁对手的所有建筑取得胜利。游戏同时为玩家提供了多人对战模式。在韩国这一项目尤为盛行,并发展出了职业的游戏比赛。大量选手在电视联赛上进行对抗,赢得了很高的知名度。
- 来自原声例句
人类Tempered by hardship and strife, the resourceful terrans have proven a formidable match even for the technologically advanced protoss or the ravenous zerg.经过各种艰难和纷争的磨练,机智的人类证明了他们是一个值得敬畏的对手,不管是面对科技先进的星灵还是穷凶极恶的异虫。The terrans are relative newcomers to the Koprulu sector. They are the descendents of a disastrous colonization expedition launched from Earth centuries ago, its human cargo made up of dissidents and malcontents the government deemed expendable. The survivors of the expedition established three colonies that became the basis for the major power blocs in terran space: the Confederacy, the Kel-Morian Combine, and the Umojan Protectorate. The corrupt Confederacy was overthrown by terrorist and revolutionary Arcturus Mengsk during the chaos of the zerg invasion. Now the Terran Dominion has emerged from the ashes of the old Confederacy as the dominant power, ruled by none other than Emperor Arcturus I.人类是科普卢星区的新移民。他们的祖先是数世纪前来自地球的殖民远征军,是一支遭到政府抛弃的叛军。远征军的幸存者们建立了三个殖民地,也就是后来人类的三个中心集团:联邦、凯莫瑞安联合体以及尤摩扬护国军。在异虫入侵期间,革命领袖阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克率军推翻了腐朽的联邦政府。现在,人类帝国已经从联邦政府的废墟中崛起,并成为了一个以阿克图尔斯元首为首的强大势力。Forced to adapt to the harsh existence on the mostly lifeless worlds of the sector, the terrans are masters of survival. With neither the advanced technology of the protoss nor the natural prowess of the zerg to rely on, the terran military forces consist of a varied mix of units. From basic but effective infantry like the Marines to heavily armed battlecruisers, terran units rely on solid armor, plentiful firepower, and strength in numbers to hold the line. Terrans excel in defensive situations where their bunkers and Siege Tanks really shine.由于被迫在星区内最严酷的环境中生存,人类逐渐适应,成为了生存大师。既没有星灵的发达科技,也没有异虫的天生神力,人类的军队由各种混合单位组成。从基本却高效的陆战队员到重型武装的战列巡航舰,人类单位靠着坚固的装甲、强大的火力及数量的优势在战线上活跃着。得益于地堡和攻城坦克,人类在防御上更是大放光彩。TERRAN CHARACTERISTICS
生存能力The terrans have learned to adapt their tactics to rapidly changing battlefield conditions in surprising ways. Terran production facilities, for example, can lift off and fly to different locations, allowing the terrans to relocate entire bases on the fly.人类学会了用各种神奇的方式来适应瞬息万变的战场。比如人类的建筑物可以升空并飞往不同的地区,这让人类基地可以飞走并改变位置。BUILD ANYWHERE
任意地点建造建筑Unlike the other races, terrans can create buildings wherever they want. Combined with their production facilities’ lift-off capabilities, terrans have incredible base-building flexibility.和其他种族不同,人类可以在任何地点建造建筑。加上人类建筑升空的能力,人类基地具有极强的机动性。ADAPTABLE
适应能力The terran military includes highly trained and specialized infantry units such as the rugged and reliable Marines, guerrilla-fighting reapers, and the stealthy ghost infiltrators. Mixing different units allows the terrans to capably handle any situation.人类部队包括训练有素的步兵单位比如强壮可靠的陆战队、游击作战的收割者以及隐匿作战的幽灵渗透部队。混合部队让人类有能力适应任何情况。NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED
侦测到聚变打击The terran arsenal includes one of the game’s most devastating weapons, the tactical nuke. Nukes require a lot of planning, but once you see a mushroom cloud rising from the ashes of a vanquished foe’s base, you’ll know it was worth all the trouble.人类的武器包括游戏最具毁灭性的武器之一:战术聚变打击。聚变打击需要许多部署和准备,但当你看到蘑菇云将敌军基地夷为平地的时候,你知道任何麻烦都是值得的。PROTOSS
星灵For thousands of years, the ancient and mysterious protoss have used their alien technology and psionic power to maintain order and peace in their part of the galaxy.数千年来,古老并神秘的星灵借由他们的外星科技和灵能力量维持着自身世界的秩序与和平。With their highly advanced technology and potent psionic abilities, the protoss once considered themselves the most powerful species in the galaxy. Their war with the zerg has proved otherwise: even the most individually capable warrior cannot overcome such insurmountable numbers. The lesson has been a hard one for the protoss, for their society is built around core philosophies that have been rigidly adhered to for over a thousand years. However, the zerg invasion of the protoss homeworld of Aiur has brought the race to a crossroads: the protoss must embrace change if they are to survive and prevail.星灵凭借其高度发达的科技和强大的灵能力量,一度将自己信奉为宇宙中最强大的种族,但与异虫的战争却将此信心粉碎殆尽。即便是最强大的战士,也无法只身对抗成千上万的虫群。对于星灵来说这个教训是痛苦的,因为他们是围绕着核心价值观建立起的千年文明。但异虫的对艾尔的入侵将星灵逼入了一个十字路口:一成不变接受毁灭和失败,或者拥抱改变获得存活和胜利。Now new tactics and technologies are being brought to bear in the increasingly desperate battle against the zerg, and ancient, terrible weapons the protoss set aside long ago are being unleashed. The protoss have never been a prolific people and have traditionally bolstered their numbers with a variety of robotic war machines. Individual protoss warriors are unsurpassed in their skills, greatly enhanced by the combination of technology and formidable psionic strength. Nonetheless, the protoss must rely on mobility and surprise to maximize their advantages without getting drawn into a battle of attrition. One of their greatest strengths lies in their fleet, which boasts a variety of ships powerful enough to pound an enemy to atoms.随着和异虫的战争愈发困难,星灵采取了新的战术和科技,并唤醒了很多早已尘封的远古武器。星灵从来不是依靠数量取胜的种族,他们通常使用机械战争武器来维持军队的数量。星灵战士有着无人可比的单兵作战能力,科技与可怕灵能力量的混合更是让他们在战场上如虎添翼。虽然如此,星灵必须依赖他们的机动性和出其不意的战术来强化自身的优势并避免拖入消耗战。星灵最大的优势之一是他们的舰队,多种多样的强大战舰足以让任何敌人化为灰烬。PROTOSS CHARACTERISTICS
重量级战士Pound for pound, the protoss field StarCraft II’s strongest and most durable units. That power comes at a price, as their units tend to be costly.星灵拥有《星际争霸II》中最强壮和持久的单位。当然了,强力是有代价的,星灵单位造价较为昂贵。WARP-IN
折跃Warp technology is an integral part of protoss tactics. Via a psionic matrix formed by a network of pylons or phase prisms, protoss forces can be deployed nearly anywhere on the battlefield at a moment’s notice.折跃科技对星灵来说是不可或缺的一部分。通过水晶塔或相位棱镜形成的灵能矩阵,星灵部队可以在瞬间传送至战场的任何地方。SHIELDS
护盾Protoss units and buildings are equipped with protective energy shields. These shields can only soak up a limited amount of damage before failing, but they recharge after a few seconds.星灵单位和建筑装有防护性的能量护盾。这些护盾在失效前只能吸收有限数量的伤害,但会在几秒钟后充能。PSIONICS
灵能The protoss are potent psionics able to bend the forces of the universe to their will. Among their most powerful psychics are the templars, who can unleash devastating psionic storms, disrupt enemy systems, and even fuse together to form the nigh-unstoppable archons.星灵拥有能让宇宙都按他们意志改变的强大灵能力量。灵能最强的又数圣堂武士,他们可以释放毁灭性的心灵风暴、干扰敌军系统,甚至融合成为更无法阻挡的执政官。ZERG
异虫Led by the cunning Queen of Blades, the zerg are set to unleash their alien horrors on the galaxy, threatening to consume all who stand in their way.异虫在狡猾的刀锋女王带领下,决定将恐惧散布到宇宙每一个角落,并威胁要吞噬任何胆敢阻碍他们的事物。When the zerg first arrived in the Koprulu sector, they were unified by their absolute obedience to the zerg collective sentience known as the Overmind. The Overmind directed the actions of every zerg creature in the Swarm, functioning through a hierarchy of lesser sentients. Although the Overmind was primarily driven by its desire to consume and assimilate the advanced protoss race, it found useful but undeveloped material in humanity. By taking a powerful terran psionic, Sarah Kerrigan, the Overmind evolved a new and unique creature: the Queen of Blades. After the protoss destroyed the Overmind during the invasion of Aiur, the Queen of Blades eventually came to dominate the Swarm.当异虫第一次抵达科普卢星区时,他们全部听命于主宰,主宰是所有异虫的感知中枢。主宰通过一种阶级式的感知传输来控制每一只异虫的行为。尽管主宰的主要目标是吞噬并吸收高等的星灵,但它在人性上发现了有用但未被开发的材料。主宰通过利用一个强大的人类莎拉·凯瑞甘,进化出了一个独特的生物:刀锋女王。当星灵在异虫入侵艾尔时摧毁了主宰,刀锋女王成为了虫群新的主宰。The zerg are entirely unlike the terrans and the protoss. They are composed of many different species that were integrated into the Swarm via zerg infestation. Such creatures are rapidly and selectively evolved into ruthless killing machines to further the driving zerg imperative of achieving absolute domination. The zerg make no use of technology to create their weapons, armor, or starships. Instead, these functions are efficiently fulfilled through biological adaptation and planned mutation of zerg strains. Even zerg structures are in fact specialized organs within the living, growing organism of a zerg nest.异虫是一个与人类及星灵截然不同的种族。异虫通过感染其他种族从而将他们感化成异虫的一员。这些生物迅速且有选择地进化成了冷酷的杀戮机器,以此进一步地巩固了异虫的绝对统治地位。异虫不会利用科技来建造武器、装甲或飞船。取而代之的,异虫通过生物同化以及有计划的虫群变异来有效地武装自己。就连异虫的建筑其实也是由虫巢中的活体器官转化而来。ZERG CHARACTERISTICS
数量取胜Left unchecked, the zerg multiply at an alarming rate and spawn large armies quickly. Individual zerg units may not be as strong or as hardy as the other races’ forces, but that doesn’t matter when you’re facing an endless stream of them.一不留意,异虫就会以惊人的速度增长,并迅速集结成一支大军。异虫的单兵作战能力也许不如其他种族,但当你面对无穷无尽的虫群时,留给你的只剩绝望。CREEP
菌毯Zerg bases spread creep, a biological substance that nourishes and sustains the Swarm’s colonies. Creep nourishes zerg units and provides them with a movement speed bonus.异虫基地会散布菌毯,一种滋养并维持虫群殖民地的生化物质。菌毯治疗着异虫的单位并为他们提供移动速度加成。BURROW
潜地All zerg ground units can gain the ability to burrow underground. Burrowed units lurk unseen, anticipating the right moment to strike. Some zerg units can even move underground while burrowed.所有异虫地面单位都可以学习潜地能力。潜地的单位藏在无法看到的地下,等待着正确时机给予敌人致命一击。有些异虫单位甚至可以在潜地状态下在地下移动。WE HAVE WORM SIGN
我们有虫One of the Swarm’s particularly devious developments are Nydus worms. These burrowing horrors can form interconnected networks, allowing zerg units to quickly travel vast distances through their intestinal tunnels. Gross.虫群最阴险的单位之一就是坑道虫。这些遁地的魔鬼可以连接成重重地下网络,让异虫单位可以在他们的肠道里迅速穿梭。太恶心了。
are set后面呢?
有,你没看到are set to unleash their alien horrors on the galaxy, threatening to consume all who stand in their way.


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