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& &&steam购买游戏后库里没有怎么办?不少玩家在steam买游戏的时候都遇到过这种问题,今天为大家介绍的是steam购买游戏后库里没有的解决方法及steam的常见购物知识,一起来看看吧。
& & 每天有很多刚接触steam不久的新人发私信求助steam购买游戏钱付了没收到游戏的问题。
& & 不厌其烦再讲一遍,此教程只针对大陆玩家和银联支付方式。
& & steam直购原理:
& & 1.玩家结算购物车
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& & 3.支付平台(银联)扣款
& & 4.支付平台显示扣款成功
& & 5.点选跳转回steam,等待网络反馈(10秒-1分钟不等)
& & 6.反馈成功,steam收到支付平台(银联)扣款成功的反馈信息
& & 7.steam为你的游戏库添加游戏,同时发购买成功信到你的邮箱。
& & 关于支付成功后不能即时收到游戏的玩家,99.9%是因为第四步支付平台显示扣款成功后,没有点选返回steam,或者点选以后,没有等待网络完成跳转(视网络情况,有时长达一分钟!)就关闭了网页。所以steam无法跟银联确认是否扣款成功,导致你游戏卡住。
& & 这时你有3个方法可以处理:
& & 1.置之不理。steam内部有纠错机制,一般下一个整点会检查跟支付平台的通信错误情况,自动重刷你的扣款成功链接,这样你就会收到游戏了。如果高峰时段可能要等2-3小时,但一般不超过6小时。
& & 2.重刷链接。如果你是用非steam内置浏览器购买的,你可以查找浏览器的历史记录,如果能找到被你不小心关闭的连接,复制重刷一次,也能完成支付,收到游戏。
& & 3.暴力纠错。这招屡试不爽,如果实在着急可以试试。就是你之前未收到的游戏,再购买一次,steam会提示该游戏有未完成的支付,警告你会重复扣费是否继续,点勾继续,再次选择银联支付,点勾,确定继续。稍等几秒,steam会提示你已经有该游戏,同时你的游戏也收到了。这招相当于强行插队启动steam的纠错机制,因为网络原因可能有重复扣费的风险,不过我几百款游戏暂时没遇到过。
& & 以上3个方法的重要前提是,不要点选账户交易明细里的&取消这项购买& ,不要点选账户交易明细里的&取消这项购买&, 不要点选账户交易明细里的&取消这项购买&。
& & 如果你手贱点了。那你只能等大概6小时后,再买一次游戏,并且会被重复扣费。被重复扣取的费用,会在大概3天后回到你的银联账户。
& &steam购买游戏后库里没有解决方法及购物必备知识就为大家介绍到这了,希望可以给不熟悉的新玩家有帮助!
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VR Support
The VR mode for this game requires the use of a gamepad or a keyboard and mouse.HeadsetsInputPlay Area
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Simplified Chinese
Includes 17 Steam Achievements
Title: Subnautica
Release Date: 23 Jan, 2018
Buy Subnautica
Recent updates
Crushing BugsSince , we have been prototyping potential Subnautica expansions, working on Xbox One launch, and working on tidying up some of the more glaring bugs in the Steam 1.0 release.Today we released an update that includes a bunch of that tidying up. Here's the list of changes:Main menu button texts update correctly when switching languagesIn-game menu button text colors fixedF8 panel fully translatedCyclops flooding leak indicators now clearly outside of the hullController navigation and selection boxes fixedBuilder menu usable with swapped mouse buttonsLifepod fabricator lighting fixedCyclops hatch door collider fixedDisallow poster placement where wall lockers are disallowedNon-localized text removed from color customization terminalPhysics bugs with ion cubes and precursor keys fixedEnd-game achievements now triggerLost river creatures now immune to brinePlayer mask now correctly litCan not despawn Aurora by building a base next to it anymoreSeamoth hatch animation fixedChanging quality settings in game reminds player to restart the gameTime capsule UI simplyfiedPathfinder tool recipe adjustedEntering exosuit while sprinting fixedFixed saved game rocket not being ready for launchReduced hitching when rebuilding a baseFixed moonpool ladders not working properly when cinematics have been skippedTime capsule fixes for various platformsAdded option to turn off subtitles.Updated TimeCapsuleTitleFormatFixed base interiors looking incorrect when viewed from inside a vehicle or another baseFixed Cyclops interior not looking correct when viewed from a vehicleFixed low LOD of certain base windowsRe-caching of entire world (to help with hitching a little)Options menu screen resolution fixFixed localization of deconstruction errorsAdded TimeCapsuleTitleFormat to English.jsonTranslator credits updateTranslation updatesEnjoy!Historical FactoidIn the early days of Subnautica development, updates did not have names. They had numbers, like
We eventually switched to names, like , because they were punchier.Under the hood the named updates continued to have numbers. Update 84 reverts to the old school: A Subnautica Update with no name. -
This post was edited to include additional changes pushed in a small update released just after Update 84. Together the two updates constitute Update 84.
24 January
Subnautica has emerged from Early Access to launch on Steam. To celebrate, we have released a
that offers a glimpse of events on Planet 4546B before the crash of the Aurora starship.You can also catch the Cinematic Trailer on:If you love Subnautica, please consider giving the Cinematic Trailer a 'like', 'share' or 'retweet' on , , or .Thank you, and we hope you are enjoying the dive!
About This Game
Subnautica is an underwater adventure game set on an alien ocean planet. A massive, open world full of wonder and peril awaits you!You have crash-landed on an alien ocean world, and the only way to go is down. Subnautica's oceans range from sun drenched shallow coral reefs to treacherous deep-sea trenches, lava fields, and bio-luminescent underwater rivers. Manage your oxygen supply as you explore kelp forests, plateaus, reefs, and winding cave systems. The water teems with life: Some of it helpful, much of it harmful.After crash landing in your Life Pod, the clock is ticking to find water, food, and to develop the equipment you need to explore. Collect resources from the ocean around you. Craft knives, lights, diving gear, and personal water craft. Venture deeper and further form to find rarer resources, allowing you to craft more advanced items.Build bases on the sea floor. Choose layouts and components, and manage hull-integrity as depth and pressure increase. Use your base to store resources, park vehicles, and replenish oxygen supplies as you explore the vast ocean.What happened to this planet? Signs abound that something is not right. What caused you to crash? What is infecting the sea life? Who built the mysterious structures scattered around the ocean? Can you find a way to make it off the planet alive?The ocean teems with life: Use the ecosystem to help you. Lure and distract a threatening creature with a fresh fish, or simply swim as fast as you can to avoid gnashing jaws of roaming predators.Build a Pressure Re-Active Waterproof Nanosuit, or PRAWN Suit, and explore extreme depth and heat. Modify the suit with mining drills, torpedo launchers, propulsion cannons, grappling hooks and more.As the sun goes down, the predators come out. The ocean is unforgiving of those caught unprepared in the darkness. Areas that are safe to explore during the day become treacherous at night, but also reveal a beauty that those who hide from the darkness will never see.Cave systems wind below the sea bed, from dark claustrophobic passages to caverns lit by bio-luminescent life and burning-hot lava flows. Explore the world below the ocean floor, but watch your oxygen levels, and take care to avoid the threats lurking in the darkness. see
and give feedback
Subnautica Early Access development is open, and the development team wants to hear from you.Subnautica is being created by Unknown Worlds, a small studio founded by
that traces its roots back to the 2003 Half-Life mod Natural Selection. The team is scattered around the globe, from the United States to the United Kingdom, France, the Czech Republic, Russia, Thailand, Australia, and many more places. There is a central office in San Francisco, California that serves as home base for the whole team.
System Requirements
Minimum:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows Vista SP2 or newer, 64-bitProcessor: Intel Haswell 2 cores / 4 threads @ 2.5Ghz or equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: Intel HD 4600 or equivalent - This includes most GPUs scoring greater than 950 points in the DirectX: Version 11Storage: 20 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Subnautica is an Early Access game, and minimum specifications may change during development
Recommended:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows Vista SP2 or newer, 64-bitProcessor: Intel Haswell 4 cores / 4 threads @ 3.2Ghz or equivalentMemory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: Nvidia GTX 550 Ti or equivalent, 2GB VRAMDirectX: Version 11Storage: 20 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Subnautica is an Early Access game, and recommended specifications may change during development.
Minimum:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: OS X 10.9 MavericksProcessor: Intel Haswell 2 cores / 4 threads @ 2.5Ghz or equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: Intel HD 4600 or equivalentStorage: 20 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Subnautica is an Early Access game, and minimum specifications may change during development
Recommended:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: OS X 10.9 MavericksProcessor: Intel Haswell 4 cores / 4 threads @ 3.2Ghz or equivalentMemory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: Nvidia GTX 550 Ti or equivalent, 2GB VRAMStorage: 20 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Subnautica is an Early Access game, and recommended specifications may change during development.
(C) 2018, Unknown Worlds Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
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