
英语中不发音的字母有哪些 - 听力课堂 英语学习论坛
英语中不发音的字母有哪些 - 听力课堂 英语学习论坛
英语中不发音的字母有哪些?英语中有一些字母,在某些构词环境中不发音,使词的形、音脱节,从而增加了词汇学习的难度。但此类字母并非杂乱无章,无规可循,而往往有一定的规律性。  如果学习者掌握了不发音字母的一般规律,问题也就迎刃而解了。  不发音字母主要有以下几种情况:  1.b出现在词尾,在字母m之后。如:bomb,climb,comb,crumb,dumb,lamb,limb,plumb(垂直的),thumb,tomb.  2.c出现在字母s或者x之后。如:adolescence(青春期),ascend(登高),dis-ciple(门徒),excellence,excess,excite,fascinate,scissors。  3.g出现在词首,在字母n之前。如:gnarled(多瘤节的),gnash(咬牙切齿),gnat[英]蚊子,gnaw(咬)。  g出现在词尾,在字母m,n之前。如:diaphragm(隔膜),paradigm(范例),phlegm(痰);campaign,deign(屈尊),design,foreign,reign.  4.gh出现在词尾,或在字母t之前。如:brought,caught,fought,height,high,straight,thorough,thought,weight.  5.h出现在词首,在字母g,r,ex之后。如:ghetto(犹太人居住区),ghost,ghoul(盗尸的人);rhetoric(修辞学),rhyme,exhaust,exhibit,exhilarate(使高兴),exhort(规劝)。  h出现在词尾。如:ah(啊!),myrrh(没药),Sarah(女子名),Utah(美国西部一州名)。  6.k出现在词首,在字母n之前。如:knead(按摩),knee,knickers(灯笼裤),knife,knight,knit,knot,know.  7.l出现在词尾,在字母组合alf,alk,alm中。如:calf,chalk,stalk,talk,alms(救济金),calm,palm,psalm(赞美诗)。  8.m出现在词首,在字母n之前。如:mnemonic(帮助记忆的),mnemonist(记忆术专家),Mnemosyne(古希腊司记忆的女神)。  9.n出现在词尾,在字母m之后。如:autumn,column,hymn(圣歌,赞美诗)。  10.p出现在词首,在字母n,s,t之前。如:pneumatics(气体力学),pneu-monia(肺炎);psalm(赞美诗),pseudonym(笔名),psychic(精神的,心理的),psy-chology(心理学);pterodactyl(飞龙目动物)。  11.t出现在词尾的字母组合-sten和-stle中。如:fasten,apostle(鼓吹者,倡导者),castle,whistle.
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Rossella Biscotti: For the Mnemonist, S.
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Series of 108 silver gelatin prints on baryth paper, 30 x 40 cm each. Courtesy of the artist
I dreamt that you changed into a cat… gatto… ha ha ha, 2013.
Compost sculptures, audio piece of the dream workshop (60’). Installation view at the 55th Venice Biennale, 2013. Photographs by Ela Bialkowska. Courtesy of the artist
Rossella Biscotti, The Prison of Santo Stefano, 2011.
Super 8mm film transferred to video (10'16''), colour, no sound. Courtesy of the artist and Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
Rossella Biscotti, Il Processo (The Trial), 2010-14.
A re-enactment of the 7 April trial, with live typist and translators from Italian to English, audio piece (6 hours), documentation, courtroom furniture, type writer, metal platform, and video (10’).
Installation view at e-flux, New York, 2013. Photo by Ray Anastas.
Courtesy of the artist
About this exhibition
For her first solo exhibition in Belgium, acclaimed Italian artist Rossella Biscotti draws a trajectory across spaces that evoke important historical processes and links them to the sciences of the mind. The artist creates environments and unmonumental architectures, constructed from materials which bear traces of individual destinies and collective endeavours. Informed by research and collaborations Biscotti’s method consists of interweaving narratives in relation to the concrete and discrete architecture of memory, dreams and ideas. The exhibition revisits sites of punishment such as the women’s prison on Giudecca in Venice, the cells designed for life imprisonment on the Santo Stefano Island, or the courtroom where radical leftists were tried in the 1980s in Rome.
From this gathering of works emerges the ability of the human mind to resist oppression, such as in the re-enactment of the trial where engaged personalities from Brussels translate selections from the trial recordings. Besides language, scientific techniques are used to explore the imaginary: whether it be through photographic prints of anatomical cross-sections or the recorded dreamscapes of inmates, Biscotti poignantly sketches out the inner workings of a human brain.
Rossella Biscotti was born in 1978 in Molfetta, Italy. For the past decade, she has been living and working between the Netherlands and her research sites. Her work has been presented in solo exhibitions at CAC Vilnius (2012), Fondazione Galleria Civica di Trento (2010), and the Nomas Foundation, Rome (2009); and group exhibitions at MAXXI, Rome (2010–11), Witte de With, Rotterdam, Museu Serralves, Porto (2010), Manifesta 9 and dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel (2012). In 2013, Biscotti participated in the 55th Venice Biennale and had a solo exhibition at Secession, Vienna.
Curator: Dirk Snauwaert
Opening: 27.05.
Performance : 07.06.-18:00
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For her first solo exhibition in Belgium, acclaimed Italian artist Rossella Biscotti draws a trajectory across spaces that evoke important historical processes and links them to the sciences of the...单词中不发音字母的规律_文档库
当前位置: & 单词中不发音字母的规律
9.l 出现在词尾,在字母组合alf, alk, alm中。
calf, half, chalk, stalk, talk, walk, alms (救济金),calm, palm,psalm (赞美诗)
10.m 出现在词首,在字母n 之前。
mnemonic(帮助记忆的),mnemonist (记忆术专家),Mnemosyne (古希腊词记忆的女神)
11.n 出现在词首,在字母m 之后。
autumn, column, hymn(圣歌,赞美诗)
12.p 出现在词首,在字母n, s, t之前。
pneumatics (气体力学), pneumonia (肺炎), psalm (赞美诗), pseudonym (笔名),psychic (精神的,心理的), psychology (心理学), pterodactyl (飞龙目动物)
13.t 出现在词尾的字母组合-sten 和-stle 中。
Fasten, hasten, apolstle(鼓吹者,倡导者),castle, whistle


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