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cookie cutter (redirected from cookie-cutter)Also found in: , , , .
cookie cutter1. noun A tool used to cut dough into shapes for cookies. I used a heart-shaped cookie cutter for these Valentine's cookies&aren't they adorable?2. adjective Identical to other things. In this usage, the phrase is typically hyphenated. I want a unique house, not one of those cookie-cutter boxes that looks like every other one on the block.See also: ,
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Widder's discussion of the cookie-cutter shark's dark patch is scheduled to appear in an upcoming issue of Environmental Biology of Fishes.While no major acquisitions are in the works right now, you can bet that the next time Ashland goes shopping, it won't come back with cookie-cutter art.For a long time, we resisted providing cookie-cutter templates to our customers," explained Ajay Goel, President of JangoMail.Award-winning, Brooklyn-based architect for Greenbelt, Gregory Merryweather, said, "Greenbelt is a departure from the dull brick facades and usually cookie-cutter interiors of 90% of the new development in Brooklyn.Kennedy's a lesbian, but not the cookie-cutter hard-left lesbian typical of Sacramento and personified by bossy legislators Jackie Goldberg and Carol Migden.Unlike the bulk of today's equally revered circuit DJs, who have a tendency to create one seamless mix after another with cookie-cutter tracks, Levan prided himself on playing a variety of sounds.They put learning and community above a national football championship, offer more than cookie-cutter majors, and favor small-group learning over teaching assistants and 300-student lecture halls.Stone Ridge at Fairfield is the first residential development in Connecticut to break away from the traditional, cookie-cutter condominium design and combine incredible craftsmanship with amenities, conveniences and comforts normally reserved for some of the finest residences around the world.As we start getting all these cookie-cutter coffee shops .Rather than taking the purist approach of those "gayer than gay" collections that feature little more than cookie-cutter hi-NRG, Ru mixes things up to far greater effect.It is important that municipalities and ISPs understand that no two networks are the same, and that applying a cookie-cutter approach to citywide Wi-Fi will result in a mismatch between expectations and what is actually delivered.Stores are cookie-cutter in design and can be profitable in six to nine months.In addition, charter schools are built to serve the particular needs of students and the communities, and aren't cookie-cutter institutions imposed upon a neighborhood by a monster bureaucracy.View: the Black Mountains, Lake Mohave, the Colorado River and pristine desert landscape -- what more could a Boomer want to get away from the city and cookie-cutter suburbs?They have shunned the typical cookie-cutter, boxy design you see everywhere for something that is dramatic and exciting, with surprising angles and efficient space.
For webmasters:Cookiecutter Sharks, Isistius brasiliensis
Description & Behavior
Cookiecutter sharks, Isistius brasiliensis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824), aka cookie-cutter shark, smalltooth cookiecutter shark or cigar shark, are small, deepwater sharks named for the cookie-shaped wounds they leave on larger fish and marine mammals.
Cookiecutters have cylindrical bodyies that reach up to
cm in length. They have conical snouts and 2 low spineless dorsal fins positioned at the posterior (rear) end of their bodies. They are dark brown to black on their dorsal (upper) side, lighter ventrally (below), and possess a dark collar around their gill regions. The entire ventral surface, with the exception of their dark collar, is covered in a dense network of tiny photophores which emit a greenish glow (). This glow is reported to last as long as three hours after the shark's death.
There is a second species of cookiecutter shark, Isistius plutodus, which is commonly known as the large-tooth cookiecutter shark. Although it also grows to about the same length, it has even larger lower teeth for which it's named.
World Range & Habitat
Cookiecutter sharks live in the warm, deep waters of equatorial oceans, primarily in coastal waters near islands. They inhabit deep waters below
m during the day and migrate into surface waters at night at around
m. They have been found in depths up to
Feeding Behavior (Ecology)Cookiecutter sharks, appear to blend with the light from above when viewed from below due to the shark's ventral photophores that disguise the shark's outline. The primary prey of the cookiecutter shark are squid, small fish (like ), and crustaceans.
This shark also feeds on larger pelagic animals such as wahoo, tuna, billfishes, and marine mammals. It is a facultative ectoparasite, which means that it feeds on the flesh of other species causing them harm but not death and it is not dependent on these species for survival.
A dark patch on the ventral surface of the cookiecutter shark resembles a smaller fish when viewed from below and is thought to lure larger fish and marine mammals that may be swimming beneath it. When this sneaky predator attacks its prey, it grabs hold of the flesh with its lips and bites using its small, sharp upper teeth to grip the prey while it cuts the flesh with the large, serrated lower teeth. The cookiecutter shark then spins its body to remove a "cookie-shaped" plug of flesh which it swallows before releasing its prey.
Unlike other shark species that lose teeth individually, the teeth of the cookiecutter shark are shed as a single unit. The bottom teeth are swallowed, possibly to help maintain calcium levels in the body.
Life HistoryCookiecutter sharks are ovoviviparous. Hatching takes places between 12-22 months with 6-12 pups per litter. When the young emerge, they are fully developed and able to hunt for food by themselves. Males mature at
cm and can grow to a size of
cm. Females mature at
cm and can reach up to
Ovoviviparous: eggs are retained within the body of the female in a brood chamber where the embryo develops, receiving nourishment from a yolk sac. This is the method of reproduction for the "live-bearing" fishes where pups hatch from egg capsules inside the mother's uterus and are born soon afterward. Also known as aplacental viviparous.
Conservation Status & Comments
The cookiecutter shark has been reported to also attack the rubber sonar domes of submarines. Due to its deep sea habitat and small size, it is no danger to humans.
References & Further Research
Research Isistius brasiliensis &
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cookie cutter中文是什么意思
中文翻译饼干模型切割刀切割;饼切曲奇饼成形机这类原创内容很少或&&&&n. 1.〔苏格兰语〕甜面包;〔美国〕(家常)小甜饼;饼 ...&&&&n. 1.切者;裁衣人;【电影】剪辑员。 2.切刀,切断 ...&&&&尖唇进气道&&&&磁致伸缩曲奇切割器&&&&n. 1.〔苏格兰语〕甜面包;〔美国〕(家常)小甜饼;饼干。 2.〔俚语〕厨娘;厨师助手。 3.〔口语〕(对心爱的人的称呼)亲爱的。 4.〔俚语〕精明能干的 ...&&&&聪明的人; 聪明人&&&&脚掌弓形片; 鞋头盖; 月眉片&&&&成为巧手糕点师&&&&赌一块饼&&&&散装饼干; 自制大量小甜饼&&&&奶油曲奇饼&&&&巧克力曲奇&&&&圣诞节炕饼&&&&罗盘厨师&&&&制甜酥饼干面团&&&&饼干盅&&&&糕点模制机&&&&曲奇饼混合料&&&&曲奇饼混合料&&&&饼干包装机&&&&小酥饼压榨器&&&&甜酥饼干, 胚面片&&&&库存糕点&&&&生活的真谛&&&&占卜饼〔一种夹层饼,其中夹有写着预言吉凶祸福或格言等的小纸片〕。fortune Fortune 500《财富》500强〔指美国Fortune杂志每年评出的全 ...
例句与用法Did the cute cookie cutters cut cute cookies可爱的饼干切工切割可爱的饼干? The cute cookie cutters cut cute cookies可爱的饼干切工切割可爱的饼干。 If the cute cookie cutters cut cuter cookies , where are the cute cookies the cute cookie cutter cut如果可爱的饼干切工切割更可爱的饼干,可爱的饼干切工切的可爱的饼干在哪里? " we can ' t look too cookie cutter , " mark brownstein , one of three owners of the restaurant , said about the new decor这家餐厅的三位经理之一马克?布朗斯坦谈到新设计时说: “我们不能过于一成不变。 ” The neoplastic epithelial cells within the duct show minimal hyperchromatism and pleomorphism , but they have holes with sharp margins as though punched out by a cookie cutter导管内的肿瘤上皮细胞显示出轻微的着色过深与多形性,但它们的空洞边缘锐利就好象是用小甜点切割刀切成的一样。 Line a cupcake tin with plastic wrap , pressing it into cups . using cookie cutters or an inverted glass , cut out six 2 1 / 4 - inch rounds and twelve 2 3 / 4 - inch rounds from bread在纸托蛋糕锡纸里填满塑料薄膜,然后压入每个杯子里。用切饼干的刀或把玻璃杯倒过来从三明治面包上切出6块21 / 4英寸的圆形面包。 &&
英文解释a kitchen utensil used to cut a sheet of cookie dough into desired shapes before baking
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