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  新华社达累斯萨拉姆5月6日电( 李斯博)坦桑尼亚北部地区6日早上发生一起车祸,一辆载有35名师生的校车因超速行驶而跌入山谷,造成至少31人死亡,其中包括3名教师。  事故发生地卡拉图地区专员塞雷西亚表示,当地时间早7时,这辆校车搭载师生从北部城市阿鲁沙出发,前往卡拉图地区一所学校,汽车行驶到距阿鲁沙150公里处的马雷拉峡谷时发生事故。  由于事发地区近日连降大雨,加大了救援难度。目前,救援工作仍在进行当中。  作者:李斯博
  投篮点 实录   北京时间日,骑士客场挑战绿军,欧文全场拿下28分,最终骑士以99-103负于凯尔特人!  全明星之后的三场比赛,欧文表现抢眼场均可以轰下27分5篮板7助攻,投篮命中率也超过了50%!开局之后欧文就命中了自己第一次进攻,手感看似不错。但是在命中了第二次运动战得分之后,欧文就陷入了犯规麻烦,直接2次犯规提前下场休息!  在整个半场欧文的进攻几乎是停滞的,不仅仅是因为犯规问题,还有为了适应德隆。但是在下半场绿军很快就追平了比分,随后欧文终于再次开启了单挑的模式,在面对约翰逊的防守直接上演突破之后的拉杆滑翔上篮。  作为本赛季后卫中仅次于威少的单挑王,欧文也是联盟前五的单挑高手,他的单挑实际上是骑士的撒手锏之一,而在第三节刚开始,欧文开启了这个模式,在上篮之后再次命中了追身的三分球打停了绿军。刚暂停回来欧文又跑到了对方腹地偷袭篮下得手。第三节6分钟,欧文甚至顶着小托马斯,直接强行爆起命中干拔三分球。  10秒之后,还是欧文先是突破了绿军外线第一布拉德利,随后又是制造了约翰逊完成了拉杆2+1上篮。一分钟之后,欧文甚至肘翻了斯玛特直接走上罚球线。整个第三节欧文轰下15分成为了骑士的第一得分尖刀。末节最后3分28秒,托马斯贴着欧文,结果欧文硬是突破了托马斯,在双人防守下被犯规完成逆天的2+1抛投,这个关键的投篮让骑士再次反超了绿军2分!  末节最后1分29秒,还是欧文在罚球线附近硬是缠斗布拉德利,最终制造对手犯规罚球再次反超绿军。比赛最后38.9秒,骑士落后2分,欧文甚至面对托马斯和霍福德的防守上演了一个当年J博士的彩虹拉杆上篮,追平了绿军!虽然骑士最终负于绿军,但是在生死时刻欧文再次接管了比赛险些带队力挽狂澜。  (韩少)
  北京时间2月13日,芝加哥公牛89-117不敌明尼苏达森林狼,遭遇三连败,韦德因右手腕伤势缺阵,队中的另一员大将吉米-巴特勒也因右脚踝持续的伤痛缺席了比赛。  韦德是在周五公牛不敌太阳的下半场比赛中弄伤了手腕,好在,周日的X光检查结果呈阴性。“手腕很疼,我两只手都受伤了。有意思的是,一开始只是左手腕疼,但是比赛结束后疼痛从左手腕变成了右手腕。”韦德在公牛战森林狼的赛前说道。  与森林狼的比赛开始之前,韦德的右手腕就开始肿了起来。“我的手腕不能够弯曲”韦德说,“如果我认为我需要做核磁共振,回到芝加哥我一定会去做的。”韦德希望能够尽快重返赛场。“我想专注于现在,我曾经克服过很多困难,在可以控制的范围内我希望能够克服这次伤病,但不是今天,现在我甚至无法弯曲我的手腕。”  至于巴特勒,他的回归时间尚不明朗。虽然在缺席三场比赛后巴特勒在公牛与太阳一役回归并且砍下了20分,但是巴特勒承认脚踝依旧隐隐作痛。他也因此错过了公牛与森林狼的比赛。不过赛后巴特勒表示脚踝的感觉已经好多了,“今天我的脚踝感觉好多了,继续好好治疗,好好休息,这是我再度回到球场前需要做的。”虽然脚踝伤势并没有痊愈,但是巴特勒并不认为他在公牛战太阳的比赛中登场是一个错误的决定“那并非错误的决定。我热爱比赛,热爱与队友们一起并肩作战,我愿意承担风险。”  公牛队主教练弗雷德-霍伊博格在赛前提到巴特勒的脚踝痛感很明显。“我们会让他休息,希望明天能够出现乐观的结果。”而巴特勒能否亮相全明星还是个未知数。目前的公牛可谓是伤兵满营,尼古拉-米罗蒂奇由于背部痉挛,保罗-齐普泽由于食物中毒和脚踝肌腱炎均作壁上观。
  Most people are unsure about how to begin a fat loss program.
They have many questions about food choices, meal composition and exercise.Getting yourself in good physical condition will require willpower and dedication and the desire to get results. It is not easy to lose body fat.
It took a long time to accumulate the fat and it will take just as long to remove it.Remember that you should aim to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs. per week.
Lose any faster and you are probably losing water and muscle.
Losing muscle is detrimental to any fat loss program because it is muscle that burns calories.
THE MORE MUSCLE YOU HAVE THE MORE CALORIES YOUR BODY REQUIRES!If you lose fat slowly while learning to adopt a healthy lifestyle, you are more likely to keep the weight off.
And, if you ever falter, you'll know exactly how to get back to your goal weight without returning to your old ways.Here is how to start a good eating program.1. Increase your water intake. If you are exercising, try to drink at least 100 oz. to 128 oz. per day.2. Limit yourself to two drinks per week. Alcohol slows your metabolism and decreases your body's ability to burn fat by as much at 40%.
Empty calories!3. Decrease significantly or completely eliminate sugar from your diet. If you are a dessert person, treat yourself once a week to something sweet. This includes soda. If you are a soda drinker, switch to diet and only have two cans per day?Splenda sweetened preferred!4. Eat 5 small meals per day. This is the most important factor in losing fat. Eating smaller more frequent meals will speed up your metabolism and prevent your body from going into starvation mode. Each meal should be approximately 3 hours apart.5. Try to eat a serving of vegetables with 3 of your 5 meals. Vegetables are water rich (so is fruit) and have plenty of vitamins and fiber. They are filling and of course they are good for you.6. Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime. The evening is when you are least active and your metabolism slows in preparation for sleep. You risk storing late-night calories as fat. IF you are absolutely starving at night, have a few pieces of fat free turkey breast to fight the hunger.7. Do not skip breakfast. This is the meal that will govern your day. Eat a basic breakfast of carbohydrates, protein and fat to set up your metabolism for the day and to provide fuel for your daily activities. Remember, if you don't feed yourself a small wholesome meal in the morning, your body will draw on your muscle tissue as a source of energy, putting you in a slump and in muscle deficit. This means your body will eat your muscle to fuel your activities and your body fat will grow.8. To lose fat you must put yourself into calorie deficit. This means you will have to eat less than you have been eating. Try to eat 500 calories less per day than you have been eating or reduce your calorie intake by 250 calories and add enough exercise to burn 250 calories. (Example: 35 minutes on a treadmill at 4% incline at 3.5mph.)9. Lower your starchy carbohydrate intake, increase your protein intake and be careful how much fat you eat. Some fat is necessary.
Try not to eat more than 20% of your daily calories from fat.
Starchy carbs are potatoes, rice, beans, bread, pasta, oatmeal, etc. Replace these carbohydrates with fibrous carbs, such as green veggies. The best way to slowly lower your carb intake is to stop eating starchy carbs after 3pm so that your last two meals of the day do not contain starchy carbs.10. Get 8 hours sleep per night. Sleep, rest and relaxation are of prime importance. It's during periods of sound sleep that our bodies recuperate and build muscle tissue. Lack of sleep encourages the production of the hormone Cortisol.
High levels of Cortisol have been shown to promote fat storage.My fat loss and fitness plan &Every Body Loses& will give you the tools you need to begin a healthy weight loss program. The style of eating and exercising outlined in my book is one that you can follow for life without feeling deprived.
If you're serious about losing fat and getting fit go to
and get started TODAY!Good Luck and Be Well,Aimee DeakPersonal Trainer & Nutrition AnalystAIM 4 NUTRITION
  法国司法消息人士27日说,欧洲议会指认,法国极右翼总统候选人玛丽娜·勒庞领导的“国民阵线”政党涉嫌冒领议会薪资约500万欧元(约合3756万元人民币)。这一数额是先前估计的两倍有余。  欧洲议会先前指认,“国民阵线”冒领议会薪资190万欧元(1427万元人民币)。其中,勒庞的保镖蒂埃里·勒吉耶2011年10月至12月期间领取欧洲议会发放的4.15万欧元(32万元人民币)薪酬,填报的是“议员助理”身份;勒庞的助手凯瑟琳·格里泽长期在法国工作,却在2010年至2016年从欧洲议会领薪近29.8万欧元(224万元人民币)。  勒庞否认“空饷”指控,声称她不受欧盟委员会“待见”,欧盟反欺诈局此次针对她的调查带有歧视性。不过,法国方面已就此展开调查。  法新社27日援引了解调查的消息人士的话报道,据欧洲议会交给法国调查人员的最新数据,被冒领的议会薪资达到498万欧元(3741万元人民币)。  上述说法得到欧洲议会律师帕特里克·迈松纳夫证实。  另外,法国消息人士称,包括勒庞在内,欧洲议会共有17名“国民阵线”议员涉案。  在刚刚结束的法国总统选举第一轮投票中,勒庞以得票率第二的成绩跻身“决胜局”,将在5月7日的第二轮投票中与“前进”运动候选人埃马纽埃尔·马克龙对战。不过,最新民意调查显示,马克龙支持率领先勒庞近20个百分点,优势明显。
  北京时间5月1日消息,犹他爵士今天抢七击败快船,成功晋级西部半决赛。对手是轻松晋级的西部一号种子勇士。两支战术风格截然不同的球队相遇,会擦出怎样的火花,我们拭目以待。  季后赛首轮勇士的表现比常规赛更为强势,119.5的场均得分冠绝联盟,比排名并列第二的骑士和火箭都高出了6.7分,场均净胜分数18分也是无人企及。其中命中率48.4%排在联盟第一,三分球命中率40.3%与骑士并列第三,助攻27.3排在联盟第一。  更让人叫绝的是他们的防守,季后赛首轮他们的场均篮板高达46.5个(联盟第二)、抢断8.3个(联盟第三)、盖帽10.3个(联盟第一)。  个人表现方面,库里、杜兰特、汤普森、格林四巨头每人场均要命中2个以上的三分球,库里场均甚至达到了4.8个,汤普森和格林也接近3个,勇士首轮的表现可以说是无懈可击,完全找不到弱点。  爵士的命中率也非常高,一度排在十六支季后赛球队中的第一位,季后赛首轮结束后,47.7%的命中率排在第四,三分球命中率38.9%联盟第六。然而他们的场均出手数只有74.6次,16支季后赛球队中排在倒数第二。  可见爵士是立足防守的情况下主打阵地进攻,而勇士的防守同样提升到了季后赛的级别,不过他们的进攻主要是建立在防守成功后转换进攻,当然他们的阵地进攻也非常强势,不过真正拉开分差还是靠攻守转换的快攻以及三分球。  可以预见,即将开始的比赛是一场快和慢的节奏对抗。爵士要想多给勇士制造麻烦,预计最有效的办法就是使劲压节奏,让比赛按照爵士的节奏来走,同时最大限度地发挥戈贝尔在攻防两端的作用,要知道勇士唯一的软肋可能就是中锋位置上,这一点在首轮展现地淋漓尽致,开拓者内线不仅没能给勇士造成麻烦,而且还被麦基、格林等人压制,结果只能是灰溜溜地被横扫出局。(紫雨轩)
  海外网5月10日电朝鲜总联机关报《朝鲜新报》10日上午报道了文在寅当选韩国总统的消息,称李明博和朴槿惠的9年保守政权画上了句号。据悉,这次朝媒不仅罕见地介绍了文在寅当选的得票率和广场演说内容等细节,还出乎意料地评价这次当选是“烛光的胜利”。韩媒称,这实际上是表明对文在寅当选的欢迎立场。  据韩国纽西斯通讯社报道,10日上午,《朝鲜新报》发表题为《借助烛光力量的政权交替》的文章,报道文在寅当选韩国总统的消息。文章指出,这次提前举行的大选,是要求腐败权力下台的“烛光革命的产物”。并评价称,共同民主党候选人当选带来的政权交替,是手持烛光在广场上集会的市民争取到朴槿惠弹劾之后,取得的另一个胜利。
  I have a deep and abiding belief that there lies within every person the capacity for greatness. I don't mean the old adage that you can become anything you want to be -- I'm more receptive to Peter F. Drucker's admonition to not "waste time trying to put in what the creator left out." But the potential of almost every person is far above his or her level of achievement. That so few rise to their potential does not in any way diminish the validity of this belief. We often see some obscure person rise apparently from nowhere to leadership of a cause or a movement, giving proof to the idea that this capacity lies dormant within each and every one of us.We've been conditioned by life and by the authority figures we grew up with to recognize and accept ourselves as we are, with severe restrictions on our abilities. We were taught to accept our role and station in life without whining, that the ability to accept and endure our lot shows strength and character. So long as we are prepared to go through life accepting that which fate has thrust upon us as our ordained destiny, so too are we condemned, by our own resignation, our own self depreciation, to the ranks of mediocrity. Others may put me down but the choice to stay down is mine alone.If we can find within ourselves the courage to challenge fate, to say to her and to the entire world, "I am not ordinary. I will not accept that it is my destiny to live out my life in a humdrum existence, doing things of little consequence, never dreaming, never daring to reach for more.", then we have forced open the door to, at least the possibility of greatness. Leadership writer Paul J. Meyers said, " there is in our world a vast storehouse of plenty which is approached by some with a steam shovel, by others with a tea spoon.""What", you ask, "if I spend my entire life in pursuit of this fantastic dream yet never achieve it? I will feel robbed, cheated, let down, betrayed."Who suffers the worse fate, the man who fights to no avail with every fibre of his being for that in which he truly believes or the man who spends his life whining, "I could have been a contender"? "Man's goals should exceed his grasp, else what's a heaven for." (Robert Browning )Of all the peoples in the world we, who live in Canada and The United States -- countries built on and by the impossible dreams of men and women of vision and courage, determined to soldier on in the face of horrendous odds -- have the least excuse for believing in our limitations, for accepting our fate. With the hundreds of larger than life legends in our heritage, how can we dare to not believe in our own incredible potential?All of us in North America, indeed throughout the world, must relearn this ability to "dream the impossible dream" and to bring to bear the necessary resources, belief, determination and courage to make our dreams come true.I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.(source unconfirmed)Len McNally is President and founder (in 1996) of The Leadership Centre, dedicated to leadership development, management team building and change management through executive and corporate coaching - from the top floor to the shop floor. With more than thirty years experience in sales, marketing and business development Len has for many years been an avid student of psychology, behavior and motivation. He still reads three to four books a month and has writen several book reviews . He can be reached at (519) 759-1127 or email:
[email protected]
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  北京时间2月8日消息,来自美媒体的报道称,消息灵通人士透露,下赛季勇士队球票价格将上涨15%-25%,平均涨幅高达17%。  勇士队是现今NBA最好的球队,也是最具观赏性的球队。而对球迷来说,下赛季现场观看勇士队需要花费更多。据悉,勇士队主场最便宜球票将从32美元上涨至40美元;最贵的场边座位从625美元涨至715美元。又或者,球迷可以花费30745美元买到场边座位的常规赛套票。  勇士队球票价格连年上涨。14-15赛季,也就是勇士队夺取总冠军那年,最便宜的球票仅为18美元,最贵的场边座位是450美元。  谈及为何球票价格上涨,勇士队商业运营高级副总裁布兰登-施耐德透露:“主要是为了应对黄牛,因为每场比赛会有大约6000张球票被黄牛以高于原价70%的价格进行倒卖。”  上赛季勇士队宣布,99.5%的季票持有者重新购买了季票,创造队史纪录;而季票持有者的等待名单多达32000人。  自日以来,勇士队已连续214个主场爆满。上赛季勇士队取得73胜创联盟历史最佳战绩;本赛季至今,他们以43胜8负排名联盟首位。(jim)
  In the column Plants, Herbs and Roots For Prosperity, I explain in detail how to practically use a plant material to attract things to you, so refer to that if you have never used plant matter in magic before.In brief, the main methods of using plant material to draw love are: carrying the substance on your person in a locket or a sachet, boiling the herb and sprinkling the residual water around your residence, putting a sprig of it under your bed or in your pillow and burning it as incense. Also with love attracting, just keeping the living plant in your house can help increase your vibrations. Some flowers can also be dropped in a bath.Here is a list of common plants, herbs and roots used in love magic with some tips about how to use them:Apple Blossoms: One of the simplest love attracting spells involves dropping these pretty blossoms in your bath. It is said to make others thing that you are more attractive than you are! Apple blossoms are also said to increase fertility. Carrying the blossoms on your person increases popularity, flirtation and invitations.Althea Root: Sometimes also known as Marshmallow Root this herb is known as the persuasion herb, this can be carried in a locket or sachet on your person. Traditionally, though, it is burned on charcoal with Apple and Rose blossoms to invite a proposal of marriage.Balm of Gilead: This energizing and protective herb is carried on the person or burned as incense to keep a lover attracted and faithful.Bayberry: Bayberry is used a commercial oil. It is bought by men and worn on the pulses to attract women.Bay: The leaves, which represent &the glory of love& are put in a bath and used to attract a soul mate. They can also be carried on the person for the same person.Black Snakeroot: This is traditionally burned on charcoal or concealed on the person of a man to arouse a woman's lust. It is the most commonly used ingredient in Adam and Eve love spells.Caraway Seeds: Carried on the person to increase lust in another. Place on your lover's person they are said to stop infidelity.Cardamom: Sprinkled as a spice on food or tucked in a sachet under the bed to arouse a lover. It is known as a compelling herb.Cinnamon: Used in love sachets and sprinkled under the sheets of the bed to increase passion between two people. It is also burned as incense to speed things up in a love affair.Coriander: Carried on the person, sprinkled under the sheets or used in food recipes to deepen and strengthen an existing love relationship.Cumin: Used in recipes or sprinkled around the bed to keep a lover faithful to you.Deerstongue: Used to attract another of the same sex. Usually is carried on the person in a locket or a sachet.Dill: Sprinkled about the home to protect and strengthen an existing love.Elecampane: Carried on the person as a love charm to attract a soul mate.Frangipani: Can be bought as an oil or commercial incense. The flowers are used to gain the confidence or trust of a person that you desire. Mildly compelling.Ginger: Used to arouse a reluctant lover or cure impotence. Typically sprinkled under the sheets. When added to other love drawing herbs it is said to accelerate desired results.Hazel: Two twigs bound with a red ribbon is said to reconcile estranged lovers.Jasmine: Can be bought as incense, oil or perfume. The flowers are rare, but if you can find them they are sprinkled on the bed or stuffed in a pillow to ensure a successful seduction.Lavender: Kept as a plant in the home or stuffed inside a pillow, this sweet smelling herb is thought to straighten out marital problems and ensure fidelity.Orange Blossoms: Used as oil, perfume, as a plant or in a sachet to attract a marriage proposal.Myrtle: A sprig of myrtle kept in the bedroom, on a mirror or hung above the bed is said to increase fertility.Poppy Seeds: Stuffed in a lover's pillow, these are thought to make him dream of you.Rosemary: Used in every way, ingested, as incense, as oil and in a sachet, to bind two people together in a gentle loving manner.Sweet Pea: An attraction flower. The plant is kept in the garden to attract friends and lovers. Bathing in the flowers is thought to increase popularity.Vanilla pods: Tucked under the bed, these are thought to lower another's inhibitions. Carried on the person, vanilla's vibration is thought to cause others to find you're seductive. Can be bought commercially as perfume, incense and oil.Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here/author.php?id=110You can meet Samantha Stevens at
where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at
     北京时间2月4日,姚明效力NBA联盟休斯顿火箭队时穿的11号球衣正式退役,接下来我们也一起回顾一下"小巨人"姚明的NBA生涯。 在姚明随着火箭队征战的这9个赛季的职业生涯中,他为球队创造了很多的纪录,在绝大部分考察内线能力的主流指标方面,姚明都跻身到了火箭队史的前十名。以下是姚明在火箭队的纪录:  1, 姚明一共为火箭队出场了486次,位列队史第10名。  2, 姚明一共为火箭队出手了6445次,位列队史第8位,命中其中的3380次,位列队史第7位,命中率为52.4%,暂列队史第5位。(注:由于命中率是可以上升也可以下降,而不是一直上升的,所以该的排位变化较大。)  3, 姚明一共为火箭罚球2984次,位列队史第5位,命中其中的2485次,位列队史第4位,罚球命中率为83.3%,未至队史前10(前10名均为外线罚球高手)。  4, 姚明一共为火箭队抢到了4494个篮板球,位列队史第6位,其中前场篮板为1233个,位列队史第4位,后场篮板为3261次,同样位列队史第4位。  5, 姚明一共为火箭队送出920次封盖,位列队史第2位,仅次于大梦奥拉朱旺。  6, 姚明一共为火箭队得到了1311次失误,位列队史第6位。  7, 姚明一共为火箭队得到了1596次犯规,位列队史第8位。  8, 姚明一共为火箭队得到了9247分,位列队史第6位。  9, 单赛季方面:姚明在04-05赛季的命中率为55.2%,08-09赛季的命中率为54.8%,分别为火箭队史单赛季命中率排行榜的第5位和第7位。  10, 其他纪录:在北京时间日火箭客场挑战奇才队的比赛中,姚明在第四节拿下了23分,这是火箭队史上单节得分第二高的纪录。在北京时间日火箭主场迎战热火的比赛中,姚明全场12投12中拿下了26分,这刷新了火箭单场在投篮全中情况下的出手纪录。
  4月26日电  据日本共同社报道,日俄两国政府正在展开协调,拟最早于5月内启动原岛民搭乘飞机的日俄争议岛屿(日称“北方四岛”,俄称“南千岛群岛”)免签证访问。  据报道,在以往的包船这一交通方式外也允许使用飞机,将减轻日渐高龄的原岛民的负担。据悉,拟在27日晚举行的日本首相安倍晋三与俄罗斯总统普京的首脑会谈上进行确认。安倍将于27日上午搭乘政府专机从羽田机场启程,前往俄罗斯莫斯科。    报道指出,使用飞机访问“北方四岛”将成为继2000年10月以来的首次。两国首脑在去年12月举行的会谈中就简化原岛民访问“北方四岛”的手续达成了共识。鉴于夏季将全面启动免签证访问,双方认为有必要尽早实施。日方希望通过激活“北方四岛”的人文交流,推进包括归还领土在内的日俄和平条约缔结谈判进程。  此次首脑会谈中,“北方四岛”的共同经济活动具体化、朝鲜的核与导弹开发问题、叙利亚局势等也将成为议题。  据外交消息人士透露,航线将连接北海道的中标津机场与择捉、国后两岛的机场。预计将使用俄罗斯的航空公司的包机。日俄两国政府有意首先允许原岛民搭乘飞机自由返乡及扫墓,进而扩展到非原岛民也能参加的交流项目。  有关使用飞机往来一事,日方担心若飞往“北方四岛”的飞机遵从俄罗斯管制,是否会意味着承认俄罗斯主权。日本政府相关人士表示:“结合首脑间共识,两国外交部门将尽早完善考虑双方立场的机制。”  据悉,由于俄方准备需要时间,启动时期也有可能推迟。  围绕简化原岛民往来手续,双方还将就增加乘船登岛时能够办理入域手续的地点进行磋商,现在的地点仅限于国后岛海域。若得以实现,船只将无需绕至国后岛海域,可以直接从出发地北海道根室市,前往与根室市距离较近的色丹岛、齿舞群岛。  报道称,安倍将于28日前往英国,30日返回日本。
/0842131.false中国新闻网.cn/gj//8209880.shtmlreport12574月26日电 据日本共同社报道,日俄两国政府正在展开协调,拟最早于5月内启动原岛民搭乘飞机的日俄争议岛屿(日称“北方四岛”,俄称“南千岛群岛”)
  投篮点 实录   北京时间2月27日,NBA常规赛激战8场,其中主场作战的多伦多猛龙以112-106击败了波特兰开拓者,迎来了4连胜。洛瑞尽管缺阵,但是德罗赞33分6篮板,而开拓者双枪利拉德和麦科勒姆联手贡献了45分。  四节比分(猛龙队在后):28-25、24-28、28-29、26-30。  由于洛瑞继续伤停,因此德罗赞只能独自带队面对开拓者双枪,他第一节贡献了12分,可是开拓者队的麦科勒姆和哈克里斯联手贡献了16分,帮助球队以28-25领先猛龙。第二节还剩4分钟,领先9分的开拓者没有运动战得分,而猛龙打出一波12-2的小高潮,半场以53-52反超。  第三节,两队比分交替领先,这一节中德罗赞贡献了10分。最后一节,猛龙开局一波7-3的小高潮再次将分差扩大。还剩5分钟时,开拓者将分差缩小为2分,可是猛龙打出一波9-4的小高潮,而且距离比赛还剩30秒,猛龙领先了7分。最终,德罗赞4罚3中,帮助猛龙以112-106击败了开拓者,迎来了4连胜。  开拓者队首发:哈克里斯、利拉德、麦科勒姆、努尔契奇、冯莱  猛龙队首发:德罗赞、瓦兰丘纳斯、伊巴卡、约瑟夫、卡罗尔  (鸾台)
  It can be difficult to find a hair extension stylist near you, and you don't always have the time to drive hours to get your hair done. Luckily, several online resources are available to help.Here is a helpful, condensed list:The Hair Extension Salon LocatorThis site lists hair extension salons by state. It also features articles on the care of hair extensions and hair loss information. Additionally, they have supplies and training resources.HairBonzThis is the website for the HairBonz hair extension system. You can call 1-888-693-HAIR to find a listing of hair extension salons using the HairBonz system.Hair BoutiqueThis informative site has links to hair extension salons. Unfortunately, the information is listed alphabetically and cannot be searched by city or state. However, if you have the patience to scan the listings you just might find a local salon.Black Beauty Care DirectoryThis site is specifically for African-American beauty concerns, and lists salons that cater to African hair. Information is categorized by state for easy access.Another way to find a local hair extension salon is to type &Houston hair extension salons& or &hair extensive salons near Houston& in a search engine. Of course, use your own city name in place of Houston!You can also use your Yellow Pages to find hair extension salons.One of the best ways to find a top-quality salon is by word of mouth. If a friend or family member has beautiful extensions, ask for a reference.No matter where you located your hair extension salon, make sure that your stylist is qualified to apply the extensions. He or she should be a licensed cosmetologist with ample experience in applying the type of extensions you are considering. Many experts recommend that you meet some of the stylist's other clients and find out if they are happy with their extensions. At the very least, ask to see a portfolio with before and after pictures.Hair Extensions Info provides detailed information about human, fusion, clip-on, and wholesale hair extensions, as well as hair extension sales, prices, and more. Hair Extensions Info is the sister site of Salon Equipment Web.
  北京时间2月8日据美国媒体报道,勇士将在北京时间2月12日做客能源中心挑战雷霆,这场比赛也将成为当日的焦点之战,将对全美进行直播。届时勇士球星凯文杜兰特将回到他梦想启程的地方,面对18000名俄克拉荷马城的球迷。  对于杜兰特重回俄城,库里表示“我不清楚到时候球迷会有怎样的反应,但我认为他们应该对杜兰特为这座城市所做出的贡献有所感激。当一个球员能够作为球队的核心那么长时间,一直保持着良好的状态总是难能可贵的,在那段时间里他一直是人们的精神的原动力。”  杜兰特在2007年选秀首轮第二顺位被西雅图超音速队选中 ,2008年随球队搬迁到俄克拉何马城。21岁的杜兰特在雷霆成为NBA史上最年轻的得分王 ,之后又连续2个赛季荣膺NBA常规赛得分王。2014年,杜兰特同时成为了联盟得分王与NBA常规赛最有价值球员(MVP)。  但2016年夏天,杜兰特成为完全自由球员,他没有留在雷霆,而是选择加盟勇士签下一份为期2年,总价值5430万,其中第二年为球员选项的合同。同时勇士也凑齐了现今拥有库里、汤普森、格林和杜兰特的超级强阵。  对于杜兰特重回家乡,库里还表示:“无论他夏天做了什么决定,希望那里的球迷都应该对他表示感激。到时他内心肯定有所波澜,因为他在那里付出了青春,挥洒了汗水。这成为了一个人生命中不可磨灭的一部分,他在那里真正成长为一个男人。”  (文森特)
  Mineral Makeup is a natural alternative to acne causing and pore clogging oil based makeups that dominate the market. Cosmetics are big business, but just because something costs more doesn't mean it's better for your skin. Every liquid you put on your skin is absorbed into the skin and goes directly into the blood stream. Think about that next time you pull out your liquid foundation and apply it to your skin.The process by which a substance is absorbed into the blood via the skin is called transdermal delivery. It is one of the fastest ways to get something into the blood in a concentrated form. Many drugs are delivered by applying a skin creme or skin patch that contains that drug to areas of the skin that absorb it readily. The face is one of those places.Transdermal delivery is so effective in fact that many drug companies offer their drugs in some kind of creme or patch for an effective means of dispensing the drug into the blood without getting a shot or taking a pill. It actually takes the body longer to absorb something through the digestive system and get that substance into the blood than it does to apply it directly to the skin. This is something you need to consider when you buy makeup. Read the labels carefully, and if you aren't interested in putting dies, chemicals and preservatives into your blood you may want to consider an alternative form of makeup.Oil and other chemicals, dies and preservatives not only absorb into your skin, but they also clog your pores, which then build up sebum under the clog and cause acne. Oil based makeups are simply not good for your skin in
any way. Naturall many people have turned to mineral makeup as a safe and natural alternative to commercial makeup. Why?First mineral makeup is made from all natural minerals that come from the earth. Most of them are a combination of the minerals mica, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are natural sun blocking agents and are used in almost every over the counter sun block lotion you buy. They are also water proof so the staying power of mineral makeup is usually all day with little or no touch up needed.The minerals used to make the makeup are very finely milled into a powder that is so fine that it blends very well into the skin and looks very natural. The vast range of colors availiable in the minerals make it possible for mineral makeup manufacturers to offer many different colors. Every concievable color has been made from blush, eyeshadows, lipsticks, and foundation in hundreds of shades. It's easy to buy two or three different foundation shades and blend them for a custom color. The minerals blend very easily together.The minerals are also milled so fine that they won't clog your pores, and if some of them do manage to get into the blood stream, remember they're all natural and they're minerals. They are completely safe for the body. Many doctors and dermatologists have proclaimed mineral makeup as the skin care makeup because it is so healthy for the skin and does not aggrivate acne and it covers blemishes, acne, large pores, and scars very effectively.If you're interested in a safe and natural alternative to chemical, oil and preservative laden makeup, minerals may be something for you to look in to.Find more Natural Mineral Makeup information at http://www.bare-. Get the facts, ingredients, and benefits as well as advice about which brands are the best.
  An eating disorder is a life threatening condition that often requires professional assistance and support to overcome.
If you think you have an eating disorder it is critical that you seek out the help and support you need to overcome your condition.Beating an eating disorder can prove very rewarding and open new avenues of opportunity you never dreamed of.
You will no longer be tied down by food and your emotional as well as physical health and well being will improve substantially. Often the first step to improving your health is to understand the causes of eating disorders.HOW DO I KNOW I HAVE AN EATING DISORDER?There are many signs and symptoms that are indicative of an eating disorder.Consider asking yourself the following questions:- Do you obsess about food and eating?- Do you deny yourself food at times even when you feel hungry?- Do you often withdraw from social activities involving eating?- Do you often feel fat even if you are not fat or overweight?- Do you exercise excessively after meals or to the point of pain or injury?- Do you purge (vomit) after eating?- Do you regularly use laxatives or diuretics to control your weight?- Do you often eat large volumes of food uncontrollably?If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may have an eating disorder.ANOREXIA AND BULIMIAAnorexia is a type of eating disorder that is often characterized by starving oneself thin.
People who are anorexic often do not allow themselves to eat more than 500 or less calories per day.Bulimics tend to eat large quantities of food and then purge them, through vomiting or laxative use.Both anorexics and bulimics may exercise excessively.
There are other types of eating disorders as well including binge eating disorder where you consume large quantities of food over and over again but don't necessarily purge.WHERE TO GO FOR HELPIf you feel you may have an eating disorder it is vital that you seek help. Recognizing that you may have a problem is actually the first step toward recovery.The good news is you can eat a healthy and well balanced diet that doesn't require that you follow a strict or rigid routine.
A flexible diet will help you remain fit and a normal weight.
A nutritionist or dietician can help you develop a healthy and well balanced meal plan that is easy to follow and will help boost your spirits.Eating disorders often result from distorted thinking about yourself, your body image and the way others perceive you.
Part of recovering from an eating disorder requires that you recognize that your body isn't related to your identity and that the two are actually separate.
You may need professional help distinguishing between the two and identifying the triggers that are causing you to engage in distorted eating patterns.Many eating disorders are simply a way to mask your emotional pain.
If you have an eating disorder, don't keep it a secret.
Talk to friends or family members or seek assistance from your healthcare provider or an online support community.
There are numerous groups online that can help you work through your emotional pain and start your journey toward healing.S.A. Smith is a freelance writer, correspondent, and contributing editor of the Anorexia Bulimia Help resource site which publishes helpful news, tips, and articles for families and individuals coping with anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders.
  北京时间3月11日,圣安东尼奥马刺官方宣布,由于在昨天对阵雷霆的比赛中被打到头部,科怀-伦纳德将无法出战明天对阵勇士的比赛。  目前,在西部积分榜上,马刺仅落后勇士两个胜场,在常规赛还剩18场结束的情况下,他们完全存在反超对手登顶的希望。  为了明天主场对阵勇士的比赛,马刺上下作了精心的准备。过去两场球,马刺都选择轮休了部分球员,就是希望全队能以充足的体能去迎战勇士。  只是人算不如天算,马刺核心伦纳德却在昨天打雷霆的比赛中,被奥拉迪波撞到头部,并出现了脑震荡。按照联盟的脑震荡保护协议规定,当球员头部遭遇重击后,为了保护其生命安全,该球员必须通过一系列的检测,确保没有脑震荡症状后才能够重返球场。  如今,尚不清楚伦纳德的头部伤势是否严重,但是即便马刺有心让他出战,恐怕也无法绕过联盟的保护协议。  事实上,在昨天的比赛之后,伦纳德本人就没有接受任何媒体采访,而他身边的队友,也不清楚具体情况究竟是怎样的,阿尔德里奇透露,“我也好奇怎么了,我也没看到他,我知道的是他离开(球馆)后就再也没有回来。”  主教练波波维奇则表示,“我不想说他怎么了,因为我也不知道&&我知道他被击中了头部还是哪,所以我们等等看。”  本赛季至今,伦纳德场均出场33.6分钟,可以得到26.2分5.9个篮板3.4次助攻和1.88次抢断,是马刺攻防两端的绝对核心。另外,对马刺更为不利的是,除了伦纳德,控卫托尼-帕克也因为背部僵硬出战成疑。(波洛)
  北京时间4月20日消息,NBA季后赛首轮系列赛正在进行,以下是明日赛事前瞻:  骑士(2-0)VS步行者(0-2)(07:00)  骑士4月21日将客场挑战步行者,这也是双方季后赛首轮系列赛的第三场较量,在前两次交锋中,骑士大比分2-0领先步行者。  在系列赛第二场比赛中,骑士三巨头发挥出色,共拿下了89分——欧文拿下了37分,詹姆斯25分、10个篮板和7次助攻,乐福27分11个篮板,这也是骑士三巨头在季后赛首次同时拿到25+得分。尽管骑士目前大比分2-0领先步行者,不过他们赢得并不是那么轻松,步行者在第一场系列赛中曾有绝杀的机会,而在第二场中他们曾经一度将18分的落后分差追至只差4分。  骑士当家球星詹姆斯在接受采访时表示,骑士越来越接近球队的最佳状态了。“我们在季后赛中打出配合并取得领先,这让我们赢得胜利,这是你所能要求的全部。不过我们现在已经处在球队真正可以达到的水准之上了。”詹姆斯表示。  值得一提的是,骑士在前两场比赛中进攻端予取予求,但他们在常规赛中防守出现的问题依然存在。前两场比赛中,步行者可以在每百回合内拿到115.3分,比他们在常规赛时的整整多了9分。显然,防守的失利给他们带来一些不小的麻烦,来到客场后,骑士必须要提升自己的防守强度。  詹姆斯在前两场比赛中场均可以贡献28.5分、8篮板、10助攻、3.5抢断和2封盖,他是球队最值得信赖的球员,来到客场后,詹姆斯必须要承担起更多的责任,在攻守两端给予球队带来更多的支持。与此同时,詹姆斯也要减少自己的失误,上一场他全场就出现了8次失误。  另外,詹姆斯个人职业生涯季后赛总得分已经达到了5629分,在明日的比赛中,他如果能够拿到12分,那么就可以超越名宿科比-布莱恩特(5640分)跻身NBA联盟季后赛总得分榜第3位。  值得一提的是,在第二场比赛中,JR-史密斯因左腿筋受伤退出了比赛。JR-史密斯的左腿筋伤势不是很严重,今天参加了骑士全部的训练。训练结束后,他还做了一些短跑和冲刺,并练习了急停跳投,过程中没有显示出明显的不适。不过下一场能否出战步行者,目前还是个未知数。骑士主教练泰伦-卢也未就第三战是否上场做明确表态。  反观步行者,尽管乔治全场拿下32分、8个篮板和7次助攻,但遗憾的并没有让球队在克利夫兰带走一场胜利。对于步行者来说,他们现在需要找出一个办法来让球队王牌保罗-乔治冲击篮筐,而他本人希望这个办法是更好的利用与大个子的挡拆。  “我认为在第三节,骑士对我们采取的双人包夹给我们带来了麻烦。而我们本应该做得更好,我们可以用挡拆来解决这个问题,我们的大个子必须在这上面发挥作用。”乔治说道,“很明显,骑士希望球脱离我的手,他们会迫使我们队中的其他人来击败他们。”  现在步行者大比分0-2落后,回到主场后,步行者必须要有所反弹。“我们没有灰心,我们还有更多的比赛要打,我们不会放弃,我们就是要打出表现,从错误中学习,在下场打出好的表现。”史蒂芬森说道。  马刺(2-0)VS灰熊(0-2)(09:30)  马刺上一场在主场以96-82击败灰熊,目前马刺系列赛大比分2-0领先,4月21日双方系列赛第三场较量将在灰熊主场联邦快递球馆进行。值得一提的是,马刺在季后赛已经对灰熊完成10连胜。  在第二场比赛中,伦纳德全场拿到了37分11篮板2助攻,其中罚球19罚19中,刷新了他季后赛生涯的单场罚球纪录。伦纳德19次罚球命中也追平了马刺队史的季后赛单场罚球纪录,另外,伦纳德也是自从1985-86赛季至今,德克-诺维茨基和保罗-皮尔斯之外第三位可以在季后赛单场至少19罚19中的球员。  “我只是很高兴我们今晚取得了胜利。”谈到自己出色的发挥时,伦纳德说道。与此同时,伦纳德也表示需要为第三场比赛做出调整:限制失误,在进攻端执行得更好,防守以及打出能量。客场作战,作为球队领袖,伦纳德要继续引领球队进攻,同时他也是球队防守的核心之一。与灰熊队交锋,进攻中马刺队还需要帕克、阿尔德里奇、米尔斯、大加索尔等人发挥作用,他们要给莱纳德带来帮助。  反观灰熊,球队主教练大卫-菲兹代尔在球队输给马刺第二场比赛后新闻发布会中,用超过一分钟的时间阐述比赛中裁判是如何偏袒马刺后,菲兹代尔生气地关闭了麦克风并且大声咆哮道:“记下这些话!”。4月20日,NBA联盟今天宣布,菲兹代尔因公开批评裁判被罚款30000美元。灰熊主力控卫康利此后在接受采访时表示,这笔罚款将由灰熊队友们来付。  比赛中,马刺有32次罚球,比灰熊多了17次。裁判一共吹罚了马刺13个犯规,而灰熊则被吹罚了22个犯规,其中还包括两个技术犯规。  “教练相信我们,我认为这就是他如此生气的原因,他相信我们可以做到很多非常不错的事情,我们打得非常努力,因此会很激动,无论是否有存有争议的吹罚,他都会很投入,他会激励我们前进,他会展示出他对胜利的在乎程度,无论是他朝着裁判大喊,还在他在板凳席上朝着我们大喊,他那样会给我们信心。”赛后康利说道。  毫无疑问,回到主场后灰熊会打得更强硬,也会对科怀-伦纳德和拉马库斯-阿尔德里奇采取更多的包夹。  猛龙(1-1)VS雄鹿(1-1)(08:00)  猛龙在上一场主场106-100击败雄鹿,将大比分扳成1-1平。4月21日双方系列赛第三场较量将会前往密尔沃基进行。  猛龙能够在主场扳回一城自然离不开洛瑞的出色发挥,在首场表现挣扎的洛瑞在第二场比赛中表现出色,他全场12投6中,得到了22分、4个篮板和5次助攻,其中包括在终场前8.9秒投中的一记关键球。  “他(洛瑞)很强壮,就像个小消火栓,”猛龙主帅凯西如此称赞自己的爱徒,“他总会反弹的,他就是这样的球员,一位竞争者,一位斗士。”  来到客场后,洛瑞必须要打得更有侵略性,给对手制造更多的麻烦。猛龙双枪另外一名超级得分手德罗赞也要有好的表现,这样猛龙赢球的几率才会更大。猛龙除了依靠两把双枪之外,其他球员如伊巴卡和瓦兰丘纳斯两名内线球员也要相继做出贡献,这样才会给德罗赞和洛瑞创造得分机会。另外瓦兰丘纳斯则需要做好篮板球的争抢。  反观雄鹿,事实上,雄鹿本可以带着2-0的大比分回到主场,不过在第二场比赛最后时刻他们未能组织起有效进攻,错失扳平比分球。尽管有些遗憾,但雄鹿的表现仍值得称赞。  “我们肯定从前两场比赛中学到了很多,我们做了自己该做的事,这两场我们都打得很努力。总而言之,我们做了正确的事,也打出了正确的战术。我们会朝前看,回到密尔沃基为第三场比赛做好准备。”阿德托昆博在谈到前两场比赛时说道。  雄鹿是以“字母哥”阿德托昆博为核心,来建立球队整体的攻防阵容,对于他雄鹿有过多的依赖。在系列赛第二战中,字母哥得到24分、15篮板和7助攻,这是2001年以来首次有雄鹿队员在季后赛打出20分15篮板5助攻及以上的。对于字母哥而言,这个赛季是他表现爆棚的一季,回到主场后,他要打得更有侵略性,捍卫主场优势。  (晨晨)
  新华社华盛顿4月24日电(江宇娟高攀)美国媒体24日报道,特朗普政府的税改方案计划将企业所得税税率降至15%,以兑现其竞选承诺。  《华尔街日报》当天援引一位不具名的美国白宫官员说,特朗普总统要求在税改方案中把企业所得税税率从目前的35%降至15%。  美国财政部长史蒂文·姆努钦当天在白宫新闻发布会上说,企业税改将让美国的企业税更有竞争力,可以让美国企业将数万亿美元的海外资金汇回美国国内。  对于个人所得税改革,姆努钦说,方案将针对中产阶级大规模减税,同时还将大幅简化税制,让美国人可以在一张“大一点的明信片”上完成报税。  对于减税对政府收入的影响,姆努钦重申税改方案将依赖经济增长来抵消大规模减税对财政收入的影响。他说,特朗普政府可以通过税改和放松监管来推动经济实现3%以上的可持续增长。姆努钦当天并没有就税改方案细节透露更多信息。  白宫行政管理和预算局局长米克·马尔瓦尼23日表示,白宫将于26日公布美国税制改革的具体原则,但税改计划细节可能要到6月才会揭晓。  分析人士指出,企业税率降至15%的方案很有可能提高美国财政赤字,很难在国会获得多数支持。
  近期发生在美国的一起“天价保释金案”引起了舆论热潮,本刊昨日推送了对该案件律师Geoffrey Carr的采访报道,随后我们又采访到了此案的控方发言人Steve Wagstaffe,今天来听听他的看法。  想要联系负责“天价保释案”的地区检察官瓦戈斯达夫(Wagstaffe)也真是不容易。他负责的San Mateo County有70余万人,他麾下有60位起诉人(prosecutors),他本人有至少两位助理。在几天夜里的“不懈追问”下,第二位助理终于给出了他个人座机的电话。于是我在当天就联系上了刚刚从法庭上回来的检察官本人。检察官Steve Wagstaffe  有意思的是,在瓦戈斯达夫当天出席的另一起案件上,“天价保释案”的当事人Tiffany Li的辩护律师Geoffrey Carr又作为嫌疑人的辩护律师出庭。这两位采访对象真算得上是老对手了。他们互相评价也都很高。不过如果仔细看看两人对类似问题的回答,就会发现这个案件,至少有A/B两面。  值得一提的是,这次案发所在地——Hillsborough是湾区典型的“富人区”。根据2013年华尔街时报的报道,Hillsborugh所在的圣马特奥县(San Mateo County)也是全美收入最高的地区,这里的居民平均每周收入为3240美元,高出第二名曼哈顿地区1000多美元。该地区内有甲骨文、谷歌、EA、索尼娱乐等多家企业的总部。Hillsborough小镇  而根据2010年的人口调查显示,这个一万人出头的小镇,有接近三分之一的亚裔人口。人均收入接近10万美元,而家庭收入中位数超过了20万美元。2011年,CNN Money频道将Hillsborough评为全美最有钱的城镇(No.1 in 25 top-earning towns)。1994年林青霞与邢李源的世纪婚礼,就在镇上的邢家豪宅举行。  由于加州法律与律师守则的限制,采访对象不能提及案件的具体证据。根据当地报纸和各大媒体对预审中公开信息的报道,我们整理出了一些细节,供读者参考。  案件证据  有监控录像显示,在4月28日Tiffany Li和被害人格林(Keith Green)见面后,嫌疑人Adella开着一辆2005年的克莱斯勒尾随Li的奔驰AMG G63?  Adella5月5日将该辆克莱斯勒卖掉。买主后来在接受警方调查时称该车有漂白剂的味道。  身高约一米九六、体重113公斤的Adella,职业是保镖和个人健身教练。Adella妻子称,嫌疑人“连一只苍蝇都不会伤害”。一位警官称,案发当夜,格林的iphone6 手机在Li家豪宅内连上了蜂窝移动数据(Celluar Data)。嫌疑人 Olivier Adella  另一位警官称,案发当夜4月29日凌晨三点三十分,嫌疑人Adella的FasTrak(加州电子道路收费系统)显示,他的车南向行驶过了金门大桥(格林的手机是在金门大桥公园发现的)。对此,Tiffany Li的辩护律师卡尔称,当夜Tiffany Li向他母亲公寓的房客发了短信,而短信并不像一名谋杀案的参与者会打出来的。  另有消息称,格林当夜所穿的粉色Nike篮球鞋,在Tiffany Li的豪宅中被发现。  Tiffany Li家中的高尔夫球袋上有弹药痕迹。辩护律师卡尔则认为,因特警荷枪实弹进行屋内搜查,这点不能成为证据。  格林被发现时赤身裸体,全身仅剩黑色袜子。因高温下尸体腐烂,最终通过口腔内牙齿比对确认身份。尸检结果是格林死于谋杀,死因很可能是九毫米手枪放入口中射击,当场死亡。  三联生活周刊 :我们注意到,Tiffany Li的母亲去年11月份第一次提出保释,今年4月Tiffany获释。中间控方做了什么?  Wagstaffe(以下简称W):我们不知道李家这方面的动向,在法庭上也不会提及这些细节。根据加州法律,我们也无从得知。我们不知道李家是如何集齐保释金的。  5个月前,法官提出此案可以有保释金,我们希望是1亿美元,但法官认为过高,所以最终金额是3500万美元。我们完全不知道李家到底有多少财产,只是觉得如果保释金达到1亿美元,Tiffany Li就不大可能弃款逃回中国。  三联生活周刊 :这件案子,除了天价保释金外,还有其他特别之处吗?  W:单纯作为谋杀案而言,没有任何出奇的地方。唯一特别之处,就是被指控的嫌疑人中,有一位真是家财万贯。在我们圣马特奥县(SanMateo County)来说,也是独一份。这是我们历史上,甚至是北加州历史上数额最高的保释金。  三联生活周刊 :您对此案引起风波有预期吗?  W:我们一开始以为这件案子发生在Hillsborough这样的富人区会引起很多关注。但没预想到有这么大的影响。尤其是保释金数额公开后才引起了国际关注。估计下轮开庭后,可能风波会渐渐消散,最后还会是湾区当地人民比较关注。  三联生活周刊 :您身为圣马特奥县的地区检察官,以您的经验,发生在Hillsborough的谋杀案是否很少见?  W:没错,Hillsborough地区的杀人案率极低,而且该地区极其富裕,它是辖区内最富有的城镇,平均房价达数百万美元(据福布斯2015年数据,该镇房价中位数接近500万美元,排名全美第十)。这个地方十年出一起杀人案。  三联生活周刊 :在圣马特奥县牵涉到华裔的案件很多吗?  W:本地区的亚裔人口还是很多的。Hillsborough也有许多亚裔美国人。杀人案中牵涉到华裔并不罕见。  三联生活周刊 :当地报纸提到了许多案件的具体证据,比如受害人当天穿的粉色耐克鞋在嫌疑人Tiffany Li的豪宅中被发现,您能核实这些证据吗?  W:这些信息都是一开始当地警察提供的,不是从控方而来。由于法律原因和检察官的准则(ethics),我不能谈论具体细节。我只能提供大体上的信息,比如尸体在索诺玛县被发现,分析证据后我们认为目前被捕的三位嫌疑人是犯案者等等。  三联生活周刊 :您认为该案件的犯罪动机有哪些?  W:我们认为目前有两种可能性。一是现男友对前男友的嫉妒。二是Tiffany Li 害怕自己失去两个孩子的抚养权。  三联生活周刊 :您认为 Tiffany Li的保释对于控方而言是一种失败吗?  W:你知道吗? 虽然保释金额只是我们要求的三分之一,所以这肯定算不上胜利;但是,只要她下次出庭,案件继续,就算一切正常,那就完全没关系。不过,如果她真的逃回中国,不再出庭,那么这个法律体系就失败了,而我们本来提出的1亿美元保释金就是有根据的。今年夏天就知道最后如何了。不过她现在还在呢!她现在还在Hillsborough的家里。  三联生活周刊 :TiffanyLi保释后的安全状况如何?  W:在很多其他人身上,这种保释方式成功了(嫌疑人此后回到了庭上)。但对于Tiffany Li而言,她有机会使用私人飞机还有其他方法,如果她真的逃跑,那么她比一般人成功几率要大。但是她身上还是有GPS追踪器,如果她取下的话,我们立刻就会冲过去。但是在这种情况下,她能成功到达机场,上机逃离呢?我们也不清楚。  三联生活周刊 :您怎么看保释金制度本身呢?据称目前加州正在试图改革该制度。  W:我也在为此努力。此前为了加州议会上的提案,我也出庭作证了。就我看来,目前的保释金制度,确实使富人获利(favor the rich)。如果一个人很有钱,她就可以离开监狱。其他两位男性嫌疑人,付不起钱,所以就必须待在监狱里。这并不好。我们和加州都在为改变这种现状而努力。  三联生活周刊 :当地人民对这件案件的反应是什么?  W:大家都很惊讶,有人会说为什么杀人案会允许保释。但大部分的人还是震惊于保释金的数额。  三联生活周刊 :对于保释金金额盖过了案情本身,您怎么看?  W:目前照看两个孩子的是被害人格林的母亲,她其实对保释金并不关心,只要孩子没有被带走,审判继续进行就好。我完全理解媒体关注点会在这里,否则这只是成千上万的杀人案中的一个罢了。  三联生活周刊 :如果一切照常,这件案子的审判会持续多久?  W:从去年五月开始算,一般一件杀人案需要两到三年会结案。五到十个月后才会开始选择陪审团成员。我们相信此案的证据十分充足,能够说服陪审团做出正确的选择。  三联生活周刊 :我刚刚和Tiffany Li的辩护律师Geoffrey Carr聊过,您对他有什么看法 ?  W:他很棒,非常棒。他是资深的刑事辩护律师,他会很好地为Tiffany Li辩护,一切都将非常职业化地完成。不会有任何法庭“全武行”之类的事情发生。他现在也在处理另一件这周刚刚开始的杀人案。他从不造假、说谎。  三联生活周刊 :您认为这样的关注对于案件本身是否有益呢?这件案子对您个人有影响吗?  W:不,我们希望没有宣传(publicity),就是把工作做完就好。但是最后也不会有什么影响,评审团最后会做出他们认为正确的判决。  我本人并没有受到什么影响。我已经习惯了这种媒体的关注。我们一年起诉22000个案件,其中有20到30件杀人案。有没有媒体宣传都成。但我们很愿意让大众关注这些案件。不过这桩案子的确算得上是最引起关注的几个了。  (图片来自网络)
  Recently, a Japanese study showed dramatic results of organ fat loss and increased muscle strength, in test rats fed rare phytochemicals from baby green apple skins.Without additional vitamins or supplements, these rats lost 27% of their internal organ fat -- "belly fat" in you and me-- and increased in muscle strength by 16%, in just three weeks. Should these findings translate to humans, we could be looking at a true health breakthrough of the new century.Belly fat in mice and men is a signature of aging. The body deposits additional fat around the organs and raises blood levels of cholesterol in response to uncontrolled oxidative stress (aging) in the organism, because body fat and blood fat are the natural protectors of every cell in our bodies.Exercise, which elevates human growth hormone, was the only proven way to reduce organ fat before the discovery of the remarkable water-soluble polyphenols given to these test animals.What could this mean for you? It means that a concentrated natural apple extract, with no side effects, may reverse some of the aging markers in the human body. It is also worth noting that every drug which is given to humans has first shown its effectiveness and safety in mice and rats.Ancient SupermenIn ancient mythology, the apple was considered to be the Goddess's sacred heart of immortality. The Celts called the western paradise Avalon, which means "Apple-land." The Irish kings received the Goddess's magic apples of immortality. King Arthur was taken to Avalon (Apple-land) by the triple Goddess, in the form of the three fairy queens.The Scandinavians thought apples essential to resurrection. The Greeks said Mother Hera kept the magic apple garden in the West, where the tree of life was guarded by her sacred serpent, represented by icons showing the great Goddess offering life to her worshippers in the form of an apple. The Norse Goddess Idun kept all the gods alive with her magic apples.And now science is proving the mythic legends. In recent human tests, polyphenols from apples dramatically raise the biological activity of all three of the body's anti-aging, disease-fighting enzymes- superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase, and catalase. No wonder the apple eaters were considered to be &consorts of the Goddess.& Such a man would be stronger, look better, and live in radiant health much longer than his non-apple-eating peers.Modern Medical MarvelsPhytochemicals in baby apple skins may be the closest thing to "magic" to come out of the labs since penicillin. The list of health conditions that these botanical compounds improve or prevent is truly impressive. Apple phytochemicals are showing promising test results in 3 of the 5 leading disease killers of Americans, including seven types of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.Apple polyphenols are 6 times more powerful than vitamin C against human cancer cells in lab tests. They may prevent asthma attacks, inhibit dental carries, lower cholesterol, and stabilize insulin response. Recently, scientists from Cornell University proposed that extracts from apples "could reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disease such as AD (Alzheimer's Disease)."But unfortunately, an apple a day won't keep the doctor away. Polyphenols in ordinary grocery store apples are lost through ripening, storage and processing. Immature green apples, which are too bitter to eat, contain up to 10 times more polyphenols than mature fruit. And in nearly every study, the test animals are not eating whole apples. They are given dehydrated, highly concentrated powder extracted from the apple skins, the richest source of these phytochemicals.The blessing of these natural botanicals are our inheritance as children of the legendary Goddess, Gaia. Her crown jewels are the fruit of the trees, and the blossoms of the rain forest. And her most precious emerald gems-- baby apples-- may one day reverse aging, cure disease, and help her children realize their ultimate perfect health and longevity.______________________________________________________Katrina Kern is an author, women's health counselor and former practicing nurse. More information on these exciting health discoveries, and her new e-book, "How to Absolutely, Positively Know When Your Body is Burning Fat," are available now at /bellyfat/. You can find a link there for current medical studies and breaking news on apple phytochemicals.
  投篮点 实录 网友热议  北京时间4月12日,NBA常规赛继续进行,洛杉矶湖人坐镇主场迎战新奥尔良鹈鹕。最终湖人108-96战胜鹈鹕取5连胜。  四节比分(鹈鹕在前)分别为:25-26,28-31,20-28,23-23  鹈鹕方面,霍乐迪14分7助攻,阿金萨14分8篮板,康宁汉姆10分,克劳福德19分11篮板。  湖人方面,慈世平18分,英格拉姆15分5篮板6助攻,克拉克森15分6助攻,兰德尔11分。  比赛一上来,英格拉姆篮下补篮得手率先得分,霍乐迪上篮回应,随后湖人加强了内线的冲击,南斯、兰德尔连续篮下造杀伤得分将优势建立。首节后半段鹈鹕的命中率有所回升,在霍乐迪的串联下鹈鹕逐渐将比分反超。最后时刻南斯命中底角3分将完成比分上的反超,湖人26-25领先鹈鹕进入第二节。  第二节比赛,双方势均力敌,对于这两支无缘季后赛的球队来说,两队主要是锻炼新人,比分一直处于僵持。 比赛进行到一半时间,湖人众将集体发威,老将布鲁尔空接背身上篮让人眼前一亮,鹈鹕这边火力不足给了湖人扩大优势的机会。康宁汉姆命中3分,英格拉姆半截篮也有,克拉克森两罚全中湖人在半场结束前保持领先。半场结束湖人57-53领先鹈鹕进入下半场。  易边再战,湖人率先发力,克拉克森连续命中两记3分,鹈鹕也不甘示弱,霍乐迪造犯规罚球得分,希尔也命中一记3分将比分紧咬。慈世平在比赛进行到9分钟的时候命中一记3分,这也是本场比赛慈世平得到的第一分,此后慈世平接连翻身跳投命中,让主场的球迷陷入沸腾。最后时刻,英格拉姆奉献一记惊为天人的隔人暴扣将分差扩大到12分。三节结束湖人85-73领先鹈鹕进入第四节。  末节比赛,湖人一直保持两位数的领先优势,比赛也成为慈世平的个人秀,湖人球员也甘做绿叶接连助攻慈世平命中外线3分,比赛进行到一半时间慈世平被替换下场,此时他已经拿到了18分。随后湖人再次将慈世平替换上场,不过并没有得分进账,比赛已经失去悬念。四节结束,湖人108-96战胜鹈鹕。  鹈鹕首发阵容:弗雷泽、霍乐迪、所罗门-希尔、康宁汉姆、阿金萨  湖人首发阵容:克拉克森、英格拉姆、兰德尔、小南斯、慈世平
  在4月15日举行的朝鲜阅兵式上,除了各式展出的导弹,最亮眼的恐怕要数佩戴夜视仪的朝鲜特种部队了。4月19日,俄罗斯卫星网发布了截取自朝鲜官方电视台关于朝鲜特种部队士兵训练与展示的视频。在视频中,尽管训练科目并无太多新意,但是朝鲜士兵展示出了高度惊人的身体素质与顽强意志。  实际上,在对颇为神秘的朝鲜人民军的分析中,尽管各方及媒体更为关注其导弹,但朝鲜的特种部队也是其不容忽视的杀手锏。朝鲜前最高领导人金日成曾经评价其特种部队为“在整个朝鲜人民军当中最强和最精锐的,并是军队中独一无二的先锋部队”。  朝鲜特种部队的强悍战斗力,源于其庞大的规模、坚决的作战意志、相对先进的武器装备。据2010年发表的韩国《国防白皮书》介绍,朝鲜特种兵达到20万人,其规模可谓世界之最。《南方周末》2011年关于朝鲜特种部队的报道曾引述中国国防大学教授李大光的评论称,尽管朝鲜特种部队的装备不及美韩对手,但其旺盛的作战意志、严格的训练制度,以及因地制宜的作战样式,“能够达到新的战略平衡”。另外,从朝鲜15日的阅兵也可看出,其特种部队装备的火力与侦测水平远高于朝鲜一般部队。  今年3月起,美韩两国开始在朝鲜半岛举行大规模军演。面对这一紧张局面,朝鲜除了以试射导弹等方式展示其强硬立场外,也高调展示了其特种部队的战斗力。  据朝鲜劳动党机关报《劳动新闻》4月13日报道,朝鲜最高领导人金正恩近日指导了今年的“朝鲜人民军特种部队空降和目标打击大赛”。报道称,朝鲜特种部队使用轻型运输机以超低空飞行抵达目标上空,完成伞降。金正恩还观看了第525部队直属特种大队士兵的自动步枪实弹射击演练,并称赞道,“子弹好像长了眼睛,枪打得真好,都是百发百中的神枪手。”  此前,据新华社3月26日报道,朝鲜人民军总参谋部发言人当日表示,将以朝鲜式特种作战彻底粉碎美韩“特种作战”图谋。  《南方周末》的报道曾提及,上世纪80年代在中国上映的朝鲜电影《命令027》,实质就反映了朝鲜“牡丹花排”的强悍战力。影片中,区区六名朝鲜特种兵以徒步行军的方式,摆脱韩军前后堵截,仅用三天时间便摧毁了韩国密谋袭击朝鲜的谍报队基地。“尽管有艺术加工的成分,但片中角色是由真正的朝鲜特种兵扮演的,从隐蔽行进到跆拳道搏击,从目标侦察到决死破袭,几乎可视为朝鲜特种兵的教学片。”中国《舰载武器》杂志执行主编石宏表示。  韩联社分析认为,朝鲜阅兵式上亮相的特种部队的任务是对付要袭击朝鲜领导人的美韩特种部队。据其估计,朝鲜特种部队的编制为8.8万-12万人。
  投篮点 实录 网友热议  北京时间3月19日,三连胜的孟菲斯灰熊在主场迎战西部 第二的马刺,最终经过四节较量,灰熊以104-96送给马刺两连败。  全场比赛,康利19分7篮板6助攻,小加索尔16分5篮板7助攻,贾玛考-格林13分,兰多夫18分7篮板,丹尼尔斯11分,卡特10分4篮板。马刺队中,阿尔德里奇21分9篮板4助攻,伦纳德22分7篮板3助攻,西蒙斯14分,大加索尔8分9篮板。  单节比分(灰熊在前):29-18,15-25,31-30,29-23  开赛后,两队进攻效率都不高,伦纳德和帕克先后突破,康利两记三分卡特拉杆上篮,阿德连进两个中投}


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