
AMX30原终于特级了,有没有必要升级30B-坦克世界-多玩游戏论坛 -
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欧服官方指导 最平衡的中坦竟然是AMX30B
  Commanders,  指挥官们!  Update 9.7 for World of Tanks will bring 7 new, standard French vehicles. You can find the details about themin the respective introductory article. However, perhaps the most interesting vehicle is the new Tier X medium tank& the AMX 30 B.  9.7版本带了一条新线7俩法国鸡。你可以找到相关的文章来介绍这些车。当然我们太了解你们这些不想花钱不想练级的死基佬其实只想要10级的那辆AMX30b。  The tank is a typical example of a Western post-war vehicle: impressive gun elevation angles, good mobility, powerful and precise gun, great view range, yet quite modest armour protection. Also, this vehicle has no automatic loading system: old school manual loading for the win!  这是辆非常典型的西方战后坦克,令人印象深刻的火炮俯仰角,高机动,高穿深大威力精确主炮。巨大的视野范围,嘛,还有能防止打个喷嚏被唾沫星击穿的装甲。嗯?为什么没有法国鸡招牌弹夹?AMX30B被法国军队选中本身就是证明,一发一发装填才是正道。  In this article you will find the technical characteristics of the vehicle, learn its strong and weak points and get some advice on using this French fighter effectively.  我们在这篇官方托文里给你介绍下技术特点,帮助你扬长避短,让你不要辛苦练出这个法国鸡然后说连183金币弹都防不住有屌用之类的。  从任何角度仔细观察的3D查看器 :/models/696fdb425fcf47fb91cd74f744b2f59a  Features and Characteristics  功能和特点  An effective 105-mm gun:it is precise, has good aiming time, and high alpha damage for a medium tank. The AMX 30 B will make a formidable opponent in long-distance firefights. Moreover, the gun deals good damage-per-minute&about 2,630 points.  一门有效的105毫米炮:锁圈快、单发高,远距离有很好的弹道。优点这么多,你不会在吹毛求疵DPM只有2630这样的细节吧?(射10发不中不如一发就中嘛,还省银币呢。我们很体贴客户的)  High penetration for standard shells:the standard shells are composite rigid (APCR), with penetration of 260mm. What is also appealing about the gun is the fact that the composite rigid shells have a high muzzle velocity, which translates into shorter travel time to reach the target.  高穿深的APCR弹药,260毫米穿深,高初速,为了吸引更多的那啥来玩,我们需要让彩笔也能轻松掌握提前量  Perfect view range:410 meters. It is one of the best vie only the M48 Patton and M60 have a better view range. If you use this advantage right, you may sway the tides of battle in your favour: the early spotting of the enemy will allow you to start the fight on your conditions and put all the power of the 105-mm gun to good use.  高视野控场:410米的视野,除了M48和M60那两个逗B外最好的视野。(我查过AMX30b隐蔽值和62A完全一样,毛子用的就是同样的数据)控场能力超强有没有?自点自打别人看不见你随你打  Comfortable gun elevation angles:-8/+20 degrees. The tank can make an effective use of hilly terrain, which means there should be fewer instances of having to expose yourself to enemy fire. Using ground irregularities as cover can significantly increase the tank's survival rate in battle.  舒服的俯仰角:-8/+20度的俯仰角,如果你有效利用丘陵地形,那么你可以只把炮盾暴露在敌人面前,让那些永不低头的逗比看得见你打不到你,极大提升了你的战场存活率。  Good Mobility:although the tank is in no way a race car, its speed is sufficient to allow it to change positions quickly if the situation on the battlefield requires it.  良好的机动性:虽然我们的游戏不是赛车,但是他的速度足以改变战场局势。  Poor Armour protection:the vehicle is quite lightly armoured. If you want to succeed using the AMX 30 B, avoiding enemy fire should be one of your priorities.  可怜的防护性:别让人打到你,让他们打队友不就完了。  Tactical Role  战术应用  This Tier X medium tank enables a lot of creative play in game. The AMX 30 B will be interesting for players with a good knowledge of the key positions and tactical approaches for each map. The tank is mobile enough to take good firing positions quickly and easily. Should the battle situation require so, it can rapidly change its position and move to another flank or firing point.  10级中坦在游戏里是最具有创造性的。30B优秀的特点将为你在每个地图抢到关键点和适用各种战术。抢在那些锅盖头之前先进黑枪位,不用打断他们的履带就能把他们甩在身后逃之夭夭。  Aggressive raids in medium-tank wolfpacks may not be the best tactical use of this new French vehicle. It is certainly not a Maus, nor even an AMX 50 B, &so its armour will not protect it from the fire of anything above Tier VIII. The best strategy is to act carefully and wisely: use the terrain to conceal yourself or hide behind your allies or any other structures. Do your best to preserve your hit points till the end of the battle because they will become crucial for victory in the final stage of the fight.  猪突猛进不是最好的使用这个车的方式。甚至50B都比你这个脆皮更适合担当一个激进冲击的中坦,8级坦克就可以稳穿你了。最好的方式还是利用地形掩护或者跟仇恨值高的队友同时亮。保住你自己的血量,残局还要靠你来拯救这些逗B,你要做的是确保胜率。  The most effective use of this top French tank is to combine sniper and support tactics. Take key positions to spot and eliminate enemy vehicles, cover your advancing allies with support fire and Lady Luck will smile upon you.  你比较适合担任狙击手和支援角色,抢占关键点、通过输出消灭敌人。你要是效率高,这个车能帮你效率更高。  To sum everything up, we can say that the AMX 30 B is the most balanced Tier X support medium tank. If you fully understand and can effectively use this vehicle, you will be able to turn the tide of the battle in your favour.  嘛,我们根本没吹牛,这是最平衡的10级中坦,如果你能理解并有效使用这个工具,分到你这边增加游戏难度的NPC和狂送滥发的0场次M60都不能阻止你的胜率。
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顶级中坦 我感觉 必须要上高光
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内衬吧&&今天我试了打这车大HE基本都是高伤&&500+& & 嘎嘎~~~
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你麻痹小学生 发表于
30是输,锤,高光。30B是属,锤,通。因为30射速快,没必要上扇子,30B射速慢,要上 ...
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17:02:08 上传
建议 输弹、高光、通风,昨天上手30B,感觉这个车子视野不+,而却装填超级慢,高光可以增加存活几率,能黑枪,输弹就不说了。我110的成员,+女性车长,+输弹。+通风,尽然要7。56的装填………… 在斜坡角度上跳蛋了140几发!!!感觉平地上基本打我的都穿的了。但是有斜坡角度的,跳蛋还不错
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限40积分878精华0UID帖子金钱2648 威望0
Lv.4, 积分 878, 距离下一级还需 122 积分
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新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限30积分111精华0UID帖子金钱641 威望0
Lv.3, 积分 111, 距离下一级还需 139 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草
17:09:52 上传
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