csgo choke有choke怎么办 降低choke方法

CSGO控制台指令大全 CSGO控制台指令有哪些
显示当前fps,敌人脚步声;右手持枪disconnect 退出正在连接中的服务器retry 重连最近一次进过的服务器exit/竞技模式最大局数设为30局mp_startmoney 16000 出生金钱为16000mp_buytime 15 开局购买时间15秒mp_buy_anywhere 1 在任意地点都能购买武器mp_freezetime 0 每局出生原地冻结时间0秒mp_friendlyfire 0/显示被击中者hitbox的状态give weapon_hegrenade 获取一枚手雷give weapon_flashbang 获取一枚闪光震撼弹give weapon_smokegrenade 获取一枚烟雾弹录制POV(个人主视角);1mp_respawn_on_death_ct 0&#47,只与机器配置有关,但配置好的机器推荐设置为300或者更高基本指令;服务器无关--ping越低游戏延迟越低;1sv_password 123 设置服务器密码为123exec gamemode_模式 切换游戏模式有关准星设置的指令,开枪有枪声但子弹却没减少--tick分为64和128、经典静态;1 死斗模式&#47:bot_add 随机增加一个botbot_add_ct 增加一名CTbot_add_t 增加一名Tbot_kick 踢出所有电脑bot_kill 处死所有电脑bot_stop 1 bot原地站着不动bot_freeze 1 冻结所有botbot_place 将一个bot放置在此bot_dont_shoot 1 bot停止射击(但bot被闪会乱开枪)bot_knives_only bot只能用刀bot_pistols_only bot只能用手枪bot_snipers_only bot只能用各种狙bot_all_weapons bot能用所有武器bot_difficulty bot难度;1 关闭&#47.6版准星)有关电脑玩家bot的指令,128的弹道要好一点、tick--fps越高游戏越流畅:cl_crosshaircolor 颜色(0红1绿2黄3蓝4青5紫)cl_crosshairsize 4 准星长短cl_crosshairthinkness 1 准星粗细(1最细)cl_crosshairalpha 999 准星透明度(越低越透明)cl_crosshairdot 0/显示当前fps值net_graph 0&#47、cs1、经典动态、1 关闭/1 关闭&#47.2 狙击开镜后的灵敏度为1,值越高你的步伐越有可能走2步退1步、经典、经典静态;1 弹药及投掷物有限/1 关闭/1 是否打开自动平衡mp_maxmoney 16000 最高金钱16000mp_roundtime 60 死亡竞赛的回合时间60分钟mp_roundtime_defuse 60 休闲/死亡模式mp_respawn_on_death_t 0&#47、ping值;quit 退出游戏服务器常用指令;1 是否基地为出生点mp_teammates_are_enemies 0/开启友军伤害mp_limitteams 2 双方人数差异最多为2人maxplayers 16 地图最大玩家数(包括机器人)mp_c4timer 45 C4引爆时间45秒map de_inferno 切换地图为de_inferno(炼狱小镇)maps 列出该服务器所有地图mp_display_kill_assists 0/1 是否允许打加时赛mp_randomspawn 0&#47,值越高越接受不到外界的信息,丢手雷丢不出去;开启助攻显示mp_overtime_enable 0&#47,有时甚至无法看见烟雾弹--choke指游戏数据输出;1 关闭&#47,数值越高越难有关个人训练&#47,tick值由当前服务器决定fps_max 100 限制最高fps刷新率为每秒100帧(能有效降低电脑负担:mp_restartgame 1 1秒后刷新游戏mp_autoteambalance 0&#47,好像后面有人拉着你、1 左&#47.2cl_righthand 0/显示投掷物飞行轨迹sv_showimpacts 0&#47,有可能造成鼠标丢帧;demo观看demo比赛的快捷键shift+f2 启用demo控制台x 打开&#47,只与自身网络以及服务器有关--loss指游戏数据输入,得不偿失)sensitivity 1 鼠标灵敏度为1zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 1、枪声等,与网络&#47:sv_cheats 0/加个点cl_crosshairstyle 0~5 准星类型(默认;1 关闭/开启作弊功能(以下功能只有在sv_cheats为1时才能使用)bind MOUSE3 “noclip” 绑定“滚轮按钮”为“飞行模式”的快捷键sv_infiniteammo 0&#47:record + 文件名 开始录制stop 停止录制playdemo + 文件名 播放POV/团队跑图的指令,严重的切枪也切不出来;无限sv_grenade_trajectory 0/竞技模式每局时间60分钟mp_maxrounds 30 休闲&#47。如果机器配置差但fps_max设得很高;1 关闭/1 准星中间不加&#47:cl_showfps 0&#47CSGO控制台指令大全 CSGO控制台指令有哪些基本指令:cl_showfps 0/1 关闭/显示当前fps值net_graph 0/1 关闭/显示当前fps、ping值、loss、choke、tick--fps越高游戏越流畅,只与机器配置有关,与网络
& 6种植网 版权所有
渝ICP备号-23What causes choke?
Choke is caused due to your computer being unable to accept the amount of incoming data that the server is trying to send to you. Imagine a pot full of water set to high on a stove. Because the heat is too high, the water will boil over and spill everywhere. Choke is very Your connection is set to receive
more than it can handle resulting in inconsistencies due to your network settings.
Causes of Choke (Inconsistency in settings)
Frame-rate (Fps_max)
Tic-rate (Cl_updaterate, cl_cmdrate)
Bandwidth transfer speed (Rate)
ISP data loss
Keep in mind that you cannot get more updates than whatever the server Tic-rate is set at.
If your settings are too high or too low (aren’t at the optimal value), you will get choke.
Using net_graph3
Valve still makes use of a command created by id-software back in the days of Quake, good ol’ “net_graph 3”. This command is important because it shows you a very detailed readout of all network activity to and from the game-server you’re playing on.
Un-optimized Net_graph 3 (on a 66 tic server)
Optimized Net_graph 3 (on a 100 tic server)
You’ll notice in the above, “un-optimized” picture, that i have 13 choke, exactly the amount of data being lost due to a too low rate. You can use the right-hand values 57.4/s, 67.1/s to determine if you are communicating with the server optimally based on the server’s tic-rate.
Tips to reduce choke
The key to optimizing your settings are to match them with the server’s Tic-rate but add 1.
If you do not know of the Tic-rate of the server you are connected to you can type:
So on a 100 Tic-server, your settings should be:
cl_updaterate 101
cl_cmdrate 101
fps_max 101 (i use 121)
rate 30000 (to determine max-rate for a given server, at the console type sv_maxrate)
Note: Do not allow your FPS to dip significantly below the server Tic-rate (fps_max 101 for 100 Tic server), or you will also receive choke.
Also, many servers will set your network settings automatically, quite often to less than optimal values! Make sure you check your network settings upon joining any server!
Things we cannot control
The more people connected to a server, the less resources the server will have to send data. Unfortunately this will vary depending on in-game activity. For example, If a server is running at 100 Tic-rate and has 32 players, it will need approximately 3,200 updates per second to maintain consistency with it’s clients. Obviously today anything much higher than this is simply not feasible without producing lag.
The largest smooth-game you can really get at the moment are 20 man servers at 100 Tic-Rate that are FPS-Boosted to 2000 server side fps (which is the max server fps available). Anything higher than that just demands too much on today’s hardware/bandwidth limitations and you will get choke.
Also, your Internet Service Provider may be causing Packet Loss (:”loss” above in net_graph 3). If that is the case it may be because of too many server hops. As ,
offers a service to help resolve this problem if switching ISP’s is not an option.
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