赛车类电影大全 电影

1、湾岸midnight(动漫)/湾岸午夜(电影)在这部作品中,你能感受到十分真实、强烈的那个年代对于速度的那种激情!在此强烈推荐!2、速度与激情系列片如其名,绝对经典系列!车迷必看之作!3、车神拉力赛车、超级跑车、原型车、美女!4、狂野时速(Red Line)一辆价值20万美元的保时捷卡雷拉GT被撞毁。本片导演曾是成龙特技组的特技指导。5、漂移革命/吉隆坡漂移日系改装迷们可以在这部电影里得到很好的体验。6、的士速递系列(共4部)知名大导吕克·贝松指导的作品,绝对的大制作!5、雷霆壮志赛车里的《壮志凌云》。8、洒向勒芒的热泪这是一部纪录片,也是亚洲车厂首次勒芒冠军、转子引擎赛车首次勒芒冠军。9、极速漂移堪比速度与激情!10、头文字D电影版周董在片中演得不错,挺符合原作藤原拓海的性格形象。11、疯狂金龟车难得的女性向的赛车电影,追求梦想的美女加上可爱的“活车”,这是一个很棒的故事!12、生死极速看看动作巨星是如何演出老一代方程式赛车的激情的!13、赛车总动员系列车迷要从娃娃抓起,带着家里的孩子一起看吧!14、极品飞车首次将著名赛车游戏极品飞车搬到荧幕上,确实不负众望!15、死亡飞车系列各种武装化改装的跑车有一种只有军事迷才欣赏得来的暴力美感。16、Drift系列(漂移系列,共5部)日本人自己讲述自己的故事,很多核心精神表达还是很到位的。17、竞速之王新旧马自达RX-7对决(FC3S VS FD3S),你懂的!18、塞纳塞纳真心是一个英雄,巴西人的英雄、全世界的英雄!他是永远的车神!19、极速60秒尼古拉斯凯奇加上安吉丽娜朱莉的强大阵容,大片就是大片,真心给力!20、漂移圣经。看完《头文字D》想漂移么?看看这个吧!看再多电影不如自己亲手操作(如果有条件的话)给力啊!本文为12缸汽车(微信号:kf12gang)综合文章,转载请注明完整出处!12缸(kf12gang) 
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5. Death Race (2008)In an alternate future, the U.S. economy collapses, causing unemployment to skyrocket, and crime to rise. This leads to more prisoners in the system, and privatized prisons for profit. One prison has a pay-per-view broadcast of a gladiator style game called “Death Race” where prisoners in Mad Max looking cars drive around a racetrack trying to murder one another and come in first. Should a racer win 5 races, he will be granted freedom. Jason Statham is framed for his wife’s murder and ends up in this prison, where he is given the chance to take on the persona of a popular racer who seemingly died in the last race. The racer had won 4 races already, so all he needs to do is win one more. The story is dumb, the acting nonexistent, but the action and spectacle of it all more than makes up for the film’s flaws. A great popcorn film if ever there was one.
4.Gone In Sixty Seconds (2000)This remake of the 1974 original does everything right. The original was one of the strangest films ever made, with stitched together scenes of cars and stunts directed by stuntman H.B. Halicki. The remake is slick, and smooth with an all-star cast. Nicolas Cage plays a master thief who needs to steal 50 cars in 96 minutes, or his brother will be killed. Gathering together a team of thieves, he sets off on his mission. In typical Jerry Bruckheimer fashion, the set pieces are ludicrous and the action is eye-popping. The final chase scene alone is worth the price of admission, as Cage roars around in a 67 Ford Shelby GT500, with what looks like every cop in the city chasing him. At one point a car get flung through a wall by a rogue wrecking ball, adding some crazy to the mix.
3. Drive (2011)When Drive was released, not everyone knew what to expect. From the trailers it looked like a high octane action film, instead it was a slow burning thriller. The film follows the nameless Driver (Ryan Gosling), as he leads a double life. On one hand he’s a stunt driver and part time mechanic, on the other he offers his services as a getaway driver with specific rules. His life is thrown into chaos when he takes a job to help a girl, and gets in way over his head. This movie is a cinematic beauty. The soundtrack is engrossing, the cinematography is gorgeous, and the story, while simple, is expertly told and will keep you on the edge of your seat. Critics love it, and audiences didn’t quite understand it, but Drive is one of the greatest car films of all time.
2. Mad Max : Fury Road (2015)The Mad Max films have always been over the top, with wacky villains and insane cars, and Fury Road follows in the footsteps of its predecessors. The film follows the story of Imperator Furyosa (Charlize Theron) as she tries to save herself and a group of female slaves, and Max (Tom Hardy) who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. As they race along the dystopian landscape that was once Australia in a tractor trailer covered in spikes and weapons, they contend with the warlord chasing them and his troops. The visuals are as gorgeous as they are violent, with explosions and bullets around every corner. The vehicles are so loaded with weapons and spikes that any one of them would probably get you through a zombie apocalypse with ease. The pinnacle of the films over-the-top antics in the giant rolling sound system: speakers on top of speakers making a pyramid, with a crazed guy hanging from bungie cords, playing a flaming guitar. This film is awesome.
1.Fast And The Furious 7 (2015)The latest entry in the Fast and Furious leaves no holds barred, and steps into the realm of the absurd. This may sound like a bad thing, it’s not, every second of this crazy ride will keep you glued to the screen. As each new film in the franchise gets released, the bar gets raised in an effort to out do the other, leaving us with this awesome film. No longer is this street racing crew racing cars, instead they are taking on an ex-CIA assassin and a band of mercenaries. The car stunts are impossible, the fight scenes over the top, and at one point they fling a $4 million dollar Lykan Hypersport out the window a tower in Dubai. The film holds the record for the fastest film to gross over $1 billion dollars, and is the 3rd highest grossing film of 2015 (Behind Avengers: Age of Ultron and Jurassic World).*************************************喜欢的朋友请免费关注我的微信公众号 English_anything (英语大杂烩) ,每天都有好玩的英语相关内容推送,求吧务高抬贵手别删,我仅仅是一名英语爱好者而已。
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