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Title: War of Beach
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 15 Oct, 2015
Play War of Beach
Free to Play
Recent updates
1. upgrade Command Center to level 22.
2. upgrade the level of troops and buildings.
3. solve the game crashing problem of returning to the main base.
4. add new appearance models to some buildings.
5. New Instance: add General Violence Instance on every Monday and Friday and bring more trophies.
About This Game
War of Beach is a strategy game in which you are to rule your own Island-State.
As the ruler of your island, you are to plan your economy and optimize the layout of your island.
Be careful though, some people might not like your success.
Don`t let your guard down. Wealth will always attract enemies.
Prepare your defense for anything that might try to invade your island.
While you’re at it, you might wish to retaliate with an army of yours.
Why not pay them a visit?
Game Features
- Create your own island and plan its defenses
- Plan, manage and improve your economy
- Choose from a variety of defensive buildings and different troop types.
- Defend yourself from other players or start raiding them
- Skill will be more valuable than anything else
- Achievement system
- Explore your island and its surroundings
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8
Processor: Dual-core 2.0 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 10 class GPU with 512MB VRAM
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 2 GB available space
OS: 10.8.6
Processor: Intel Core Duo Processor (2GHz or better)
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 2400 or better / NVidia 8600M or better
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Total rip of Boom Beach but I like it. It is boom beach for my desk top!
Pretty cool game, (it recalls boom beach, but for computers, that's great) but................................... Diamondssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss x)
There is one little problem: This is a rip off (Or AKA based off of) of Boom Beach. Other then that, IT'S A AWESOME GAME! I suggest this game, Because it has easy functions, And it's the only game like clash of clans on Steam i know, It's good to find a war game where you can make you're own base!
The uninstall button works!
Das a Pretty good
fix the game
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game niet afspelen
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321 people found this review funny
I am just amazed.I am just amazed at how a little unknown company can take a well-known mobile game, basicly stealing everything from it, AND MAKE IT WORSE.They just took the game &Boom Beach& and made the graphics, the music and even the grammar worse. EW.How was this even allowed by Steam anyway? Did someone fall asleep on the accept button?If you have the joy of uninstalling bad games, THIS IS MADE FOR YOU.If you are a sane person, don't even bother.
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91 people found this review funny
Boom Beach copy0/10
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43 people found this review funny
Your Basic Facebook stratergy building game.No innovation, very cookie cutter, uses time based mechanic for building, its like a poor version of clash of clan in every aspect. Inferior Graphics, sound, animation, stratergy and gameplay. 2/10I had a look at some of the Advanced bases, which I think are the developers and are maxed out. Basic buildings, no walls, no building positioning bonus, single island map base that dose not expand. Limited number of building, few units & few defenses. Very basic at max level
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50 people found this review funny
This is easily one of the worst strategy game I have ever seen. This would have been barely acceptable in 2009 on facebook, and has NOTHING to do on Steam.AVOID AT ALL COST
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I personally like the game but I have played the mobile game Boom Beach by supercell and this game is almost a carbon copy of it I cant even make a good first impressions video on the game because of how been there done that It makes me feel because of playing Boom Beach.
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Horrible grammar, and they will actually reward you for writing a ????ing good review, everyone report this
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18 people found this review funny
The only thing that works is the uninstall button.A complete rip-off of Supercell's Boom Beach! Has Valve started letting any game go on Steam?If I wanted a mobile game on my computer, I would have used BlueStacks.
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Pay to WinMobile game ported to Steam30 FPS trash game
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Full Audio
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Title: War of Beach
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 15 Oct, 2015
Play War of Beach
Free to Play
Recent updates
1. upgrade Command Center to level 22.
2. upgrade the level of troops and buildings.
3. solve the game crashing problem of returning to the main base.
4. add new appearance models to some buildings.
5. New Instance: add General Violence Instance on every Monday and Friday and bring more trophies.
About This Game
War of Beach is a strategy game in which you are to rule your own Island-State.
As the ruler of your island, you are to plan your economy and optimize the layout of your island.
Be careful though, some people might not like your success.
Don`t let your guard down. Wealth will always attract enemies.
Prepare your defense for anything that might try to invade your island.
While you’re at it, you might wish to retaliate with an army of yours.
Why not pay them a visit?
Game Features
- Create your own island and plan its defenses
- Plan, manage and improve your economy
- Choose from a variety of defensive buildings and different troop types.
- Defend yourself from other players or start raiding them
- Skill will be more valuable than anything else
- Achievement system
- Explore your island and its surroundings
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8
Processor: Dual-core 2.0 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 10 class GPU with 512MB VRAM
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 2 GB available space
OS: 10.8.6
Processor: Intel Core Duo Processor (2GHz or better)
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 2400 or better / NVidia 8600M or better
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Total rip of Boom Beach but I like it. It is boom beach for my desk top!
Pretty cool game, (it recalls boom beach, but for computers, that's great) but................................... Diamondssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss x)
There is one little problem: This is a rip off (Or AKA based off of) of Boom Beach. Other then that, IT'S A AWESOME GAME! I suggest this game, Because it has easy functions, And it's the only game like clash of clans on Steam i know, It's good to find a war game where you can make you're own base!
The uninstall button works!
Das a Pretty good
fix the game
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game niet afspelen
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321 people found this review funny
I am just amazed.I am just amazed at how a little unknown company can take a well-known mobile game, basicly stealing everything from it, AND MAKE IT WORSE.They just took the game &Boom Beach& and made the graphics, the music and even the grammar worse. EW.How was this even allowed by Steam anyway? Did someone fall asleep on the accept button?If you have the joy of uninstalling bad games, THIS IS MADE FOR YOU.If you are a sane person, don't even bother.
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91 people found this review funny
Boom Beach copy0/10
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43 people found this review funny
Your Basic Facebook stratergy building game.No innovation, very cookie cutter, uses time based mechanic for building, its like a poor version of clash of clan in every aspect. Inferior Graphics, sound, animation, stratergy and gameplay. 2/10I had a look at some of the Advanced bases, which I think are the developers and are maxed out. Basic buildings, no walls, no building positioning bonus, single island map base that dose not expand. Limited number of building, few units & few defenses. Very basic at max level
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50 people found this review funny
This is easily one of the worst strategy game I have ever seen. This would have been barely acceptable in 2009 on facebook, and has NOTHING to do on Steam.AVOID AT ALL COST
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I personally like the game but I have played the mobile game Boom Beach by supercell and this game is almost a carbon copy of it I cant even make a good first impressions video on the game because of how been there done that It makes me feel because of playing Boom Beach.
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Horrible grammar, and they will actually reward you for writing a ????ing good review, everyone report this
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18 people found this review funny
The only thing that works is the uninstall button.A complete rip-off of Supercell's Boom Beach! Has Valve started letting any game go on Steam?If I wanted a mobile game on my computer, I would have used BlueStacks.
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Pay to WinMobile game ported to Steam30 FPS trash game
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有谁玩过war of beach这个游戏吗?
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