
于是有段时间,周围不少人买了这个经典烂作,你现在看到有这么几个人不停在群里说warz。 比如你加了一个气氛不错的游戏群,你跟不跟这个风,也不在乎花钱买到垃圾? 即使你知道这个游戏可谓史上恶评最多的游戏之一,正好最近没有新游戏,但是你不玩这个游戏你连句话都插不了,然后这群里有几个核心人物,一起买了warz这个游戏联机,他们比较壕。于是商量了一下。 好吧记得之前warz在steam贴吧还火过一段时间
出门在外也不愁你在 Steam 上见过哪些有趣的测评?
谢邀。图多杀猫,说三个印象深刻的游戏。——————作为史上最贵游戏(算上DLC一共只需要1W7rmb就能买到)的,测评区里面其实是很欢乐的:『所有的DLC加起来可以买一辆真正的火车了你造吗!(╬▔皿▔) 』『所有的DLC加起来可以买一辆真正的火车了你造吗!(╬▔皿▔) 』『(#`皿?)斯蒂芬·霍金都比这破游戏run(跑/运行)得好(流畅)』(这个体会原文才有感觉。)『(#`皿?)斯蒂芬·霍金都比这破游戏run(跑/运行)得好(流畅)』(这个体会原文才有感觉。)——————steam名著、第一哲学游戏的测评区里则充斥着收到了心灵洗涤的信徒们:更多的大家自己去评论区翻吧(? ? ?)?,古有知乎膜(敏感词),今有steamer膜山~更多的大家自己去评论区翻吧(? ? ?)?,古有知乎膜(敏感词),今有steamer膜山~——————最后放一个大招,曾经笑得合不拢腿,,出处见水印,图侵删。————————————以上啦~其实想发掘这些(抖机灵)评论,可以去任何一款游戏的测评区里选择『欢乐』一项。虽然英文是funny,但是表意应该和这个差不多:
最近Steam推出了“鉴赏家”的功能。我在浏览这些鉴赏家的时候,发现了一个Hodor Review。。。我在浏览这些鉴赏家的时候,发现了一个Hodor Review。。。看过GOT的都知道Hodor这个角色是只会说“Hodor”这一个单词的,所以他怎么可能评测游戏啊。。连基本意思都表达不全。看过GOT的都知道Hodor这个角色是只会说“Hodor”这一个单词的,所以他怎么可能评测游戏啊。。连基本意思都表达不全。但是后来我发现,这家伙用Hodor这一个单词完美地阐述了自己玩过的游戏,有一些梗如果你不玩这个游戏,还真看不懂。举几个例子!狙击精英:望远镜——子弹——击中。。。狙击精英:望远镜——子弹——击中。。。三位一体:三个人物协力完成游戏三位一体:三个人物协力完成游戏Payday:不许动!!!打劫!Payday:不许动!!!打劫!Braid:一款通过“时光倒流”来完成解谜的动作游戏...Hodor变成了rodoHBraid:一款通过“时光倒流”来完成解谜的动作游戏...Hodor变成了rodoH传送门2:Ho在传送们的一边,dor在传送门的另一边。。。太6了。。传送门2:Ho在传送们的一边,dor在传送门的另一边。。。太6了。。半条命2:G胖不会数3的梗哈哈哈哈哈半条命2:G胖不会数3的梗哈哈哈哈哈蝙蝠侠:“nanananananananana……Batman!”蝙蝠侠:“nanananananananana……Batman!”街霸:Hodor对阵Hodor!Hodor the Reviewer!收下我的膝盖吧!
(超级长)这个可以答一发,很久之前保存过不少。看有趣的测评,主要是看文字,为了版面整洁、方便手机观看、避免出现他人ID(不管什么原因在Steam平台以外曝出玩家ID是不妥的)我就不上图了,纯手打上传。先上个人喜爱的游戏,然后是热门游戏,最后是其他游戏。提醒:好评如潮的游戏我会贴出名字,那些褒贬不一或者评价不好的就不贴了,每个人口味不一样,还是自己体验再做判断为好; 每个游戏名称都是Steam链接;有些内容不玩游戏很难体会。个人拙译尽量还原;另外可到Steamcn社区看帖,富文本编辑更好些:。或关注专栏查看其他:12.28日:更新、、。个人喜爱(异形:隔离)(网易云音乐)- Throw a noise grenade- Hit the wall- Bounce back to me- Alien are swarming around with their creepy sound- ALT+F4- 扔了个噪音手雷(注:吸引或分散敌人注意力用)- 一不小心扔到墙上- 它又弹到我身上- 异形立马察觉到异常,自带吓尿的BGM朝我袭来- ALT+ F4I went to a room, saw an alien and learner how to uninstall a game very fast, repeat 5X. I learned how to uninstall steam and destroy my PC,10/10 very educational!游戏中我无意闯进一小屋,看到了异形。然后异形教会了我如何一键卸载游戏,如此反复5次后,我懂得了卸载Steam、毁掉电脑的正确方法。电脑教学满分!Sat in a corner for ages, finally moved, saw the Alien andALT+ F4.Will try again when drunk.躲在角落里怂大半天了,最后终于鼓起勇气走两步,出门就看到异形,瞬间高潮。立马 ALT + F4.下次喝醉壮壮胆再玩吧。Never get caught in this game. Every time the Alien see me, I just ALT + F4.从来没被逮到过,因为每次被异形发现后,我直接 ALT + F4 , 机智如我。Well... I have to wear a diaper because I am ??????? myself constantly. This says everything?? I also love the Outlast, Dead Space, etc.10/10OK, I have to change my diaper again, bye. -.-让人家怎么说呢(尴尬ing),我每次玩都得塞一片尿不湿进去,因为人家经常被吓出翔!这总能证明点什么吧? 我平时也玩逃生,死亡空间等恐怖游戏,异形我给满分。就这样吧,该换尿不湿了。-.-Move from under one table to another Simulator.游戏名称,异形:“桌”迷藏 Or 异形: 拱桌底。I pooped my pants.吓得我一滩热翔在裤头。I WAS suffering from constipation."WAS"10/10 would poop pants again.我曾饱受便秘之苦,多亏了异形,我会继续玩的,大便通畅的感觉真好。Had to buy so many new pairs of pants I could've bought five copies of the game.10/10.要不是因为钱都砸在买内裤上了,我还能再买5份游戏。满分。Finished Outlast.Finished Amnesia.Finished Slender without blinking.Scared ????less to the point where I can't finish Alien Isolation.Brown Pants/10 would never play it in the dark again.想当年,劳资速通,秒过,谈笑间通,然而却卡在异形隔离这儿,吓爆翔我以屎色的内裤发誓,再也不敢关灯装逼了。。In space, no one can hear you scream.My neighbours can, however, and have made several noise complaints.在太空中,没人能听到你的嘶喊(异形的经典影评)。然而我的邻居能听见我的鬼哭狼嚎,就差报警了。Hide. Run. Hide. Run. Distract. Shit yourself. Repeat. One of the best games I've player so far (and finished) and the best Alien game ever made.躲,跑路,吓出翔;再躲,继续跑,又一身翔,整个游戏如此往复。这是我目前玩过最棒的异形主题游戏。 (塔洛斯原理)(颠覆你世界观、人生观、价值观的烧脑解谜游戏,类(颠覆你世界观、人生观、价值观的烧脑解谜游戏,类)If you like Portal, you will like this game!If you study philosophy, you will like this game!If you study math, you will like this game!If you study religion, you will like this game!If you study physics, you will like this game!....If you play CoD, you will die. Slowly.如果你喜欢传送门,你会喜欢这个游戏!如果你搞哲学,你会喜欢这个游戏!如果你学数学,你也会喜欢这个游戏!如果你研究宗教,你依然会喜欢这个游戏!如果你研究物理,你还是会喜欢这个游戏!......如果你是COD狗,你只会在折磨中慢慢地死去。*a terminal in the game asks me to prove that i am a human or not**looks at bedroom mirror**closes laptop**lie down on the floor**thinking about my existence*10/10 would mindf--ked again一天,游戏里的电脑终端问我:如何证明我到底是不是人?听完关了电脑,对着镜子看了一会儿,又躺在地板上,思考我是否存在的终极问题。满分。A computer terminal in the game asked me why I wanted so much to prove I'm human. I spent like 10 minutes thinking, unable to answer.Thought this was just puzzles, ended up on one of the most philosophical rides a game has ever taken me. 10/10一天,游戏里的电脑终端又问我:为啥非要证明自己是人?我花了10分钟思考,无果。尽管我知道这只是谜题的一部分,却成了我这辈子遇到的最具哲学的谜题。满分。This game makes you question everything. I'm not even sure if I'm a person anymore. 10/10这游戏让你怀疑一切,我已无法确定自己还特么是不是人了。满分In the beginning were the words,and the words made the world. I am the words. The words are everything. Where the words end the world ends. You can not forward in an absence of space.起初,只有文字,文字创造了世界。我即是文字。文字是天地万物,文字消失之处便是世界灭亡之时。在一片虚无中,你寸步难行。In the beginning were the wordsand the words made this review.I am the words.The words are everything.Where the words end this review ends.You will purchase this game or your death is assured.Repeat.起初,只有文字,文字组成了这篇测评。我即是测评者。文字是天地万物,文字消失之处便是测评结束之时。你即将购买这款游戏,不然你的生命将随文字而消失。谨记。holy ???? they hired the devs of serious sam to make portal 3天了噜他们居然请英雄萨姆的开发者制作了传送门3 I have yet to find one ???????ed cat in this ????ing game. The picture promised a ????ing cat, and there ain't no ????? anywhere.我特么到现在也没逮到一只喵星人,说好的猫咪呢?连根毛也没找到(注:游戏封面有只猫)。54 68 69 73 20 61 20 33 44 20 70 75 7a 7a 6c 65 20 67 61 6d 65 20 74 68 65 20 73 61 6d 65 20 77 61 79 20 74 68 61 74 20 50 6f 72 74 61 6c 20 77 61 73 20 61 20 70 75 7a 7a 6c 65 20 0a 0a 67 61 6d 65 2c 20 62 75 74 20 6d 6f 72 65 20 6c 61 73 65 72 73 20 61 6e 64 20 6c 65 73 73 20 6a 75 6d 70 69 6e 67 2e 20 53 77 65 65 74 20 21 0a 0a 49 20 6d 69 67 68 74 20 6c 65 61 72 6e 20 73 6f 6d 65 20 70 68 69 6c 6f 73 6f 70 68 79 20 68 65 72 65 2e 2e 2e 2e 20 61 6e 64 20 6d 61 6b 65 20 62 65 74 74 65 72 20 63 68 6f 69 63 65 73 20 0a 0a 66 6f 72 20 42 72 65 61 6b 66 61 73 74 20 66 6f 6f 64 2e 2e 2e 2e 0a 0a 4c 61 73 65 72 73 2c 20 6d 69 6e 65 73 2c 20 6b 65 79 73 2c 20 74 75 72 72 65 74 73 2c 20 63 6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72 73 2c 20 70 68 69 6c 6f 73 6f 70 68 79 2c 20 44 65 75 73 20 45 78 20 0a 0a 4d 61 63 68 69 6e 61 2e 20 47 6f 6f 64 20 54 69 6d 65 73 20 21这个其实是Hex码要转换成ASCII,,在此粘贴以上代码得到以下文字(内容平淡,但这个逼给9分):This a 3D puzzle game the same way that Portal was a puzzlegame, but more lasers and less jumping. Sweet !I might learn some philosophy here.... and make better choices for Breakfast food....Lasers, mines, keys, turrets, computers, philosophy, Deus Ex Machina. Good Times !Enjoyment = T Dissapointment = False乐趣 = 是 ; 失望 = 否 ;The cat was not a lie. 10/10原来喵星人真的存在哦。满分(中土世界:暗影魔多)(个人最喜欢的动作游戏)(个人最喜欢的动作游戏)"What happened?""You're in a space between life and death. Before you can die, you must seek vengence upon the ones who wronged you.""The Black Hand of Sauron?""No. The developers who cursed us with unskippable cutscenes and slow motion.""How can we find them?""Start by interrogating those Uruks"Talion jumps into action and kills the nearest Uruks. Seconds later, he's interrogating the last member of the group."Talk, monster. Tell me what you know of the ones who cursed me.""You have the curse of the unskippable cutscene? Hur hur hur.""I wouldn't laugh. I can rip the answers from your mind if I want.""Oh. I'll laugh, human. I'm laughing because we're in a cutscene right now.""What you say!!""Yes. It's what I say... and you must listen to it. Right to the end... and watch... dramatic... camera... angles" , he finishes slowly."No! I can't move! I need to get back to the fight!""Not until I'm done, you won't.""You fiend! As soon as I can control my body again, I'm going to kill you!""Then I'm afraid I'll have the last laugh. Because I'm the last Uruk of my squad and if you kill me you'll need to watch me die...""I think I can live with that.""...in an unnecessarily long unskippable slow motion cutscene.""Oh."Talion thinks for a moment."On second thought, I'll spare you today." He sheathes his sword. "Rejoin your masters but pray we never meet again."The Uruk cowers and slinks away."What do you think, Clebrimbor?""We have what we need. From his insignia, I can see that he reports to Gragnok The Interruptor.""The... uh... interruptor?""One of the enemy captains. From their titles you can tell what role an orc plays in orc society. Gragnok's job is to...""I can guess.""...exactly. Gragnok's lair is to the north, but before we leave we must wait for this cutscene to finish.""Wait, we're in ANOTHER cutscene?""It would seem so.""But I only had control of my body for... like... three seconds since the last one.""Such is the way of the cursed.""Is this going to happen a lot?""No. Only when you die, discover a new captain, kill an enemy, start a boss fight, unlock a new zone or... okay, yes. Yes, it happens a lot. Quite a lot."译文如下:"...咋滴啦刚才这是?”“你现在游离三界之外,身在生死之间,你必须在死之前找出置你于此地的凶手。”“你是说黑暗之手 - 骚龙(索隆)大魔王?”“...不是。我指那些对我们下了诅咒的开发者们,让我们置身无法跳过的过场动画以及,各种慢镜头终结招数。”“如何才能找到他们?”“先逮几只半兽人虐一下。”Talion转身跳到附近的兽人身上,三拳两刀干死,开始审问最后一只兽人。“乖,听话,告诉我诅咒我的幕后黑手是谁。”“看样子,你受到了
诅咒 ? 呵呵 。”“呵呵你麻痹!! 别逼我强奸你的大脑,快说!”“哎疼!我说我说,我要说了,但是我开说后画面就无法停止..., 而你什么也做不了,只能眼睁睁地看完....,不信,你看镜头又开始固定了呢。”“哎我曹,我又动不了了,我要回到战斗画面!”“呵呵,在我死之前,你想都别想。”“你介个饿魔,等咱们走完过场动画,你就等着受死吧!”“呵呵你又逗我,别忘了我可是这个兽人小队里仅存的一只受了,最后一只兽人都自带Buff,杀了我,你自己掂量掂量先...”“Buff又怎样,没啥大不了的。”“Buff之‘ 强制进入过场动画 ’。”“我日你妈哦。”Talion思索片刻后。“算了,兽人也是人,得饶人处且饶人,今天刚学新技能,饶你不死。”说着Talion收剑入鞘,“哪来滚哪去,别叫我再碰见你哦。”兽人吓得屁股尿流,一溜烟跑了。“你怎么看,Clebrimbor(,魔戒铸造者)?”“我们已经得到了需要的信息,从他的臂章来看,他隶属于Gragnok The Interruptor ”“ 爱插嘴的格...什么鬼..来着...?”“就是众多的兽人大队长之一啊,从他们的头衔你就能判断他在兽人社会里的角色。Gragnok专门负责....”“我懂你憋说了。”“...正是如此,他的老巢在北方,我们即刻就动身。哦对了,动身之前先等这个过场动画走完。”“哦好...啥,你刚说啥玩意儿...这特么就又进了一个过场动画?”“看起来,似滴。”“可我才刚刚控制自己身体几秒钟啊, 也是醉了。“”要不怎么说我们被诅咒了。“”这症状会频发么?“”不会...,只有你死的时候、发现兽人大队长的时候、终结兽人的时候与Boss战斗的时候以及解锁区域的时候和其他时候才会出现这个情况。“日了狗了。Another great entry in the Orcs Must Die franchise.兽人必须死系列。Orc society simulator 2014模拟兽人生 2014I walked into Mordor.满分。不为别的,我走进了魔多。One Game to rule them allOne Game to beat them allOne Game to bring them allAnd in the greatness beat them至尊游戏驭众游至尊游戏虐众游至尊游戏引领众游秒天秒地秒空气l make your decision about this game easy, just answer this questionaire.1-Feel ripped off by WB for Batman?2-Like the Assassins Creed Series?3-Enjoy the Middle-Earth Stories?4-Do you like a game with over the top grotesque Graphics?5-A good story in a game?6-RPG like elements in a game?7-Have steam installed?If you answered yes to any 2 of the aboveWhy have you not bought this earlier click the add to cart button now.回答以下问题,教你如何快速决定是否购买游戏:1. 觉得华纳的坑爹?2. 又喜欢系列?3. 刚好也沉醉于中土故事会?4. 画面党?5. 爱剧情?6. 喜好角色扮演?7. Steam没卸载?满足两项你还没买是傻逼吗快加入购物车。The love child of Bruce Wayne and Ezio Auditore becomes Gondor's undead CIA agent. Highly recommended.老爷和艾吉奥爱的结晶长大后成为刚铎中央情报局的探员。推荐。12.28日:更新Dear developers ....................../′ˉ/) ....................,/ˉ../ .................../..../ ............./′ˉ/'...'/′ˉˉ`·& ........../'/.../..../......./¨ˉ\ ........('(...′...′.... ˉ~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·′ ............\..............( ..............\.............\..???????????█????█????????????▄?????????█▄▄??????????█?█?????????????? ?????????????????▄???????????█????????▄??????? ????▄???????????▄▄????? ??▄??????????█▄???????? ??█????????????▄?█????? ???█▄???▄????▄???█????? ???█?????????????█????? ???█?▄???????????█▄▄??? ??????▄Dayz▄??????▄▄▄??????????????????????????Dont waste your time.Pros:- gets run when I click Play- Uninstall still works别浪费时间了。优点:- 点击“开始游戏”可以正常启动- 卸载流畅缺点:(不翻了,你们多少都了解)This game is the mostaccurate Detroit Simulator I have ever seen.这是我见过最逼真的“底特律求生模拟游戏“ (注:底特律城于2013年宣布破产,对就是美国的汽车之城,为了方便理解这个测评,附上几张底特律近况,自行体会一下)。Best game to try out thenew steam refund policySteam最佳退款体验游戏A real world apocalypse will occur before this game is complete.末日以后,DayZ之前Step 1. Pay $30 for Early Alpha AccessStep 2. Ignore disappointment (it's in early-alpha still, right?)Step 3. HopeStep 4. Wait until 2014Step 5. HopeStep 6. Wait until 2015Step 7. Early Alpha AccessStep 8. Realize you got duped by Dean because he legally got all us scrubs to legally give him money he legally does not have to give back, but will once a year drop "improvements" to UI to make you think he's not actually blowing all that money on d.r.u.g.s.Step 9. Hope?1. 花30刀买A测2. 无视差评,忽略Bugs(当年能玩上A测,夫复何求?)3. 期待ing4. 20145. 继续等6. 20157. 盼来了A测8. 才发现,被Dean玩,昧心钱,已被敛;苦逼们,莫受骗,特么UI改善根本不算。9. 是等呢,还是等呢,亦或是等?UhNot too sure what to write here so here‘s a recipe for Pancakes insteadIngredients:1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour3 tablespoons sugar1 tablespoon baking powder1/4 teaspoon salt1/8 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg2 large eggs, at room temperature1 1/4 cups milk, at room temperature1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract3 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus more as neededNow to make it1. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and nutmeg.2. In another bowl, beat the eggs and then whisk in the milk and vanilla.3. Melt the butter in a large cast iron skillet or griddle over medium heat.4. Whisk the butter into the milk mixture. Add the wet ingredients to the flour mixture, and whisk until a thick batter is just formed5. Keeping the skillet at medium heat, ladle about 1/4 cup of the batter onto the skillet, to make a pancake. Make 1 or 2 more pancakes, taking care to keep them evenly spaced apart. Cook, until bubbles break the surface of the pancakes, and the undersides are golden brown, about 2 minutes. Flip with a spatula and cook about 1 minute more on the second side. Serve immediately or transfer to a platter and cover loosely with foil to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining batter, adding more butter to the skillet as needed.6. Procedure for adding fruit to pancakes: Once the bubbles break the surface of the pancakes, scatter the surface with sliced or diced fruit, or chocolate chips, nuts, etc. Flip with a spatula and cook for 1 minute more, being careful not to burn toppings.额,无力吐槽了,不知道写啥我还是来写一份煎饼果子食谱吧配料:- 半杯普通面粉- 3大勺白糖- 1大勺发酵粉- 1/4茶匙盐- 一点新鲜落花生- 常温保存的鸡蛋2颗- 1/4杯常温牛奶- 1/2茶匙香精- 3大勺无盐奶油,可酌情增添制作过程:1. 将面粉、白糖、发酵粉、盐、花生倒入大碗A搅拌2. 再另一大碗B中打入鸡蛋、牛奶、香精3. 黄油放在平底锅里,用中火加热至融化4. 黄油倒进碗B搅拌--然后倒入碗A--搅拌至面糊状5. 保持锅热,舀入1/4杯的面糊摊在锅里(如果想同时摊三个煎饼,注意留够间隙)。等2分钟,看到煎饼表面泡泡破裂且下面焦黄后,用锅铲翻面,再等大概一分钟即可出锅。可即食,也可用盘子盛装,记得锡箔盖上以保温。重复以上步骤直到食材用完。 失忆症System Requirements:A PC with some RAM, a video card, hard disk drive and a defibrillator.游戏配置:随便上一根内存条、显卡、一点硬盘,再配个心脏起搏器。Pros: Not scary when there's no monsters nearby.Cons: There's monsters everywhere.优点:没怪的时候倒也没辣么惊悚。缺点:到处是怪。Yay, free stuff! Now the only money I will spend on this game will be on dry cleaning for my soiled underwear.哈免费领的!现在唯一烧钱的事就是要不停换内裤。I was constipated all week.Then i played this game.#Instantrelief10/10Would recommend this game to anyone with severe bowel movement disfuctions曾连续便秘一星期,偶然玩了这游戏,在厕所瞬间爆炸。推荐给排便困难患者I (c)rapped in my pants :cI forgot why..Amnesia Confirmed我内裤上居然有屎,可我忘了原因失忆症无疑The best game to use when you have constipation, I didn't even had to walk all the way to the toilet.recommended 便秘患者最佳药物,我连去厕所都省了。 保持通话,没人爆炸这游戏,其实一张图就足够描述了,笑尿这游戏,其实一张图就足够描述了,笑尿在此附上(中文由民间粉丝翻译),、、,不过推荐还是英文原版,因为游戏中的一些术语和细节还是适用英文的,翻译不能很好适配。游戏方法:买游戏,找个基友,把指南给他们看,你进入游戏负责描述炸弹细节(或者反过来),他们根据细节查阅拆弹指南,然后给你下达指令,五分钟之内解除炸弹。不然瞬间爆炸!!Play with your girlfriend, Result: Break upPlay with your best friend, Result: Never speak to him againPlay with bunch of newbies, Result: Start hating humans.Final Result: You find that you are an impatient human with psychopathic tendencies.10/10跟女朋友玩,分手;跟好朋友玩,友尽;跟菜逼们玩,厌世;最终你发现,自己是个略显变态的急性子。How to destroy your friendship simulator. 10/10友谊毁灭装置。I always play this game with my boyfriend, I recommend it , it's so addicting. I also always want to murder him when it explodes(love you, baby) but this game rocks anyway. 10/10我常和男朋友一起玩,强烈推荐这款游戏,根本停不下来。每次只要拆弹失败我就想杀了他。I got PTSD and flashbacks whenever my alarm clock goes off in the mornings thanks to this game. Plz help/10.这游戏让我得了创伤后应激障碍,每次床头闹钟响的时候我都以为是炸弹要爆炸。绝对满分。谁来救救我。Play with some friends. I no longer have friends. 10/10 would explode again.我之前和朋友一起玩,现在玩到没朋友了。谁想和我做朋友,我们一起爆炸。I went to
and now I am on a TSA Watchlist.我常去,现在是运输安全管理局的重点照顾对象。-Playing with 2 friends over Skype-Another friend joins in-They think it's a good idea to say 'cut the blue wire'-I cut blue wire, and explode-I now have 1 fewer friends on Skype- 和两个朋友用Skype语音合作- 一会儿又进来一个- 他们一致认为“剪蓝线”- 我剪了之后,爆炸身亡- 已拉黑Went to
and got flagged by the NSA.10/10 would get SWATted again.去了拆弹指南官网,回来就收到国家安全局警告。目测还会被特种部队查水表。me: push and release immetiately releasegirlfriend: it glows blueme: i said immetiately release babe*strike*girlfriend: Thats what i didme: Nope, u keep it pushgirfriend: now it glows redme: i told yo immetiately release omg!!!*strike*Girlfriend: Are you calling me a lier?me: call down.... just hit it and release it really fast, son we can keep going.Girlfriend: Done, it glows whiteme: are you ????ing serious?*BOOOOM*10/10 Would sleep in the couch again我:按下后立即松开女友:好的,现在绿灯在亮我: 我说“按一下就松开” 好么?“啪”女友:我就是这样做的我:才不是,你肯定一直按着没松手女友:好了现在是红光我:我跟你说多少遍了立即松手!!无语了!“啪”女友:你居然敢怀疑我?我:没有啦....宝贝你一会就用 快速手轻轻拍一下,想想扇我的时候,就这样,然后我们就可以继续继续愉快地啪啪啪了呢女友:行了行了,按过了,现在是白光我:你他妈在玩老子是不?!“BOOOOM”今晚又要睡沙发了。待更
"Stanley thought this game was amazing. He found the idea of multible endings quite enjoyable. So much so, in fact, that he scrolled up out of the reviews, and clicked the Add to Cart button."史丹利觉得这游戏吊炸天, 他发现多结局的主意相当过瘾.正因为如此,实际上,他离开了评测,向上滚鼠标,并点击了添加至购物车按钮"Oh, perhaps you misunderstood. Stanley clicked the Add to Cart button."哦,也许你误解了.史丹利点击了添加至购物车按钮"Stanley clicked on the Add to Cart button."史丹利点击了添加至购物车按钮"Are you even listening to me? STANLEY CLICKED THE ADD TO CART BUTTON!"你到底听没听我说话?史丹利点击了添加至购物车按钮!"Fine, do whatever you want, Stanley, but you should have listened to me. Do you think I'm trying to trick you? Why would I do that? Are you that convinced I want you to waste your money? I'm serious, Stanley, this game is amazing. Now please, scroll up and click the Add to Cart button. I promise you'll like it.好吧,史丹利.你爱做什么做什么吧,但是你应该听我的, 你以为我想骗你?为什么我要那样做?你是不是相信我要你浪费你的钱?我是很认真的,史丹利,这个游戏非常的激动人心.现在,求你了,向上滚并点击添加至购物车按钮.我承诺你会喜欢的.Opens laptop打开笔记本Opens steam打开steamOpens outlast打开逃生Plays for 10 minutes 玩了10分钟Closes outlast关掉逃生Uninstalls outlast卸载逃生Uninstalls Steam卸载steamCloses Laptop合上笔记本Smashes Laptop with giant hammer用大锤子砸烂笔记本Stomps on it在笔记本上使劲踩Throws Laptop out the window把笔记本从窗户扔出去Can't sleep for 1 week一周都不敢睡Other than that 10/10 : )除以上所述外,可给满分: )(Chinaknight提供)
渣翻译,见谅。不定期更新,看到有意思的就会搬过来。现在已经很长了=====================================Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition“在废土发现一个可爱的小女孩,VATS说我有0%的几率打中(吸引)她。10/10,太现实了”==================================Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition“你杀了我全家!”(演讲技能100)“没”“哦,好吧。”请跟着《Guy Mitchell - Heartaches By the Number》唱出来=================================Fallout 4我马上就捏好我的老冰棍了。自从开始玩捡垃圾4,我已经减重10磅了,因为我一直忘记吃饭。10/10 - Steam上最好的减肥游戏。一个有毒瘾的老太婆让我给她造个椅子。我给她造了个椅子,她立马坐到椅子旁边什么都没有的地方。她坐到了空气上,依旧要我给她造个TMD椅子。毒品不好。花了40分钟捏脸以第一人称玩游戏并且戴了一个头盔10/10捡垃圾4【剧透】花30分钟捏老婆脸没到10分钟,眼看着她死了10/10愿意再看着老婆死你有个比你老的儿子并且他的名字是“父亲”10/10愿意再叫儿子“父亲”=================================Amnesia: The Dark Descent系统需求:一个PC,随便来点RAM、一个显卡、硬盘和一个除颤器==================================Besiege尝试造一个可以发射炸弹的投石机造了一个可以发射投石机的炸弹11/10======================================BeamNG.drive所有东西必须砸烂……所有东西必须砸烂……可以砸烂我Ex的车一遍又一遍!!!!!!!!!!10/10生气了,当我的车在真实生活中没有碰撞地像游戏里这么逼真。10/10这个游戏糟透了。它支持车辆虐待。人们就是不知道作为一个车有多么困难。Forza 5:我希望我在下一个转角别掉下悬崖GTA 5:我刚刚把我的车完全改装完,最好别掉下悬崖BeamNG:咱们来开下这个悬崖来看看会发生什么吧37409/10 愿意再压扁我的三轮车保罗沃克模拟器2k15毛子开车模拟器 10/10诶呦我艹,这个物理特效!*撸 撸 撸 撸 撸*把我的车变成了一个罐头(译注:然后被废土垃圾王捡走)========================================Wolfenstein: The Old Blood(重返德军总部:一口老血)好吧,不得不一屁股打穿游戏,因为每当我要退出游戏,游戏就叫我小丁丁……总之,是个好游戏。 10/10BJ Blazkowicz 是美国队长,只是他挥舞一个管子而不是一个盾,并且穿了皇帝的新衣而不是一个盾10/10 愿意再用狗粮过充我的HP这个游戏开了一个语法纳粹的玩笑。10/10我杀了一个纳粹,他同时是一个语法纳粹。=====================================The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth终于有一个游戏有好的基督教价值观了!一个杰出的游戏,可以教当今的年轻人好的基督教价值观========================================Plague Inc: Evolved瘟疫公司:已进化草泥马的格陵兰岛……=======================================Half-Life 2: Lost Coast我们的主和救世主G胖的声音让我在我裤子里做出神奇的事情。10/10你是G胖,然后在这个游戏里你在找消失的HL3游戏代码。10分钟长,依旧比CoD更好。人们真的相信这游戏是$40。(译注:现在只随HL或Valva大包赠送)=================================Tabletop Simulator买完这游戏要干的事1. 找堆朋友2. 下载团队语音3. 玩任何可玩的棋、牌、RPG4. 希望你有足够的力气掀桌5. 看“我爱露西”现在但愿我完成第一步……(ノ゜Д゜)ノ︵ ┻━┻我进的第一个服务器,一人自动拿出一平板并打开1024。69/10这是个好游戏,只是我没朋友=================================Euro Truck Simulator 2我老婆正试着停卡车:她只需直直地倒大约60尺。我看了20分钟这奇观并且笑得前仰后合以至于她威胁要和我离婚。10 / 愿意再次冒15年婚姻的险欧卡2不是个普通的游戏。这游戏像毒品一样消耗你。你不买他因为你明白他将使你失去自己的社交生活。但是欧卡2得到了他想要的。我全家都抛弃我啦。剩下的只有我的50辆卡车的车队。我GF在我们床上哭着对我说“关了游戏吧,该睡觉了”她不理解。这不是一个游戏。我在经营一个数百万美元的国际运输帝国。睡觉是给菜鸟的。这个游戏获得了我完美的10/10,我失去了我曾经爱的所有东西。但是,我现在真有20辆沃沃了……我GF不明白为什么我爱这游戏。她说我是个卢瑟、是个奇行种。然后我就把我的运输公司建成一个百万美元的帝国,就是为了向她展示我能干啥。我已经有段时间没收到她的信了。10/10视线移开了一秒去回短信,把车撞得大约得花2000磅修车费。这个游戏教育了我开车不要发短信的重要性。10/10这游戏挺有意思的,直到你被要求从德国运送火药和氯去法国。11/10 愿意再开一场世界大战就像在天际开大卡自从开了欧卡后我在GTA里都遵守交通规则了10/10。下个DLC需要加个法庭系统,这样我就能跟法官解释,那车撞我的时候违反了(先行)路权就像在真实生活中开车,但是在一个卡车里、在欧洲然后并不是在真实生活中这游戏里没难民 差评=======================================American Truck Simulator欧卡的新作,美卡模拟玩了半个小时,还没有被条子崩了10/10 但是稍微有点不真实我爸有35年开卡车经验。当他看着我艰难地停挂车时,他非常生气我不能停好挂车。10/10 愿意再逗我爸一遍这游戏不真实;加州竟然下雨。3天交了$86,000的罚款。愿意再次帮助重振米国经济10/10玩了两小时还没看见一家麦当劳10/10 愿意再次驾车穿越一个健康的米国&打开游戏,选白人司机&开车发短信&差点撞上条子&他没让我靠边停车10/10 给现实主义看见卡戴珊姐妹在我面前过街,忘了哪个键是刹车 :)欧卡2:重置版=================================Game Dev Tycoon我的公司破产了,在我发布完全一样的COD游戏12次以后,所有的游戏只是名字上稍微有点不同。0/10 不真实&6个游戏是我的热销游戏&其中的5个是原版的续作&玩家慢慢得开始恨我&销量下滑&所有的游戏都叫COD真实的游戏。 10/10我发布Day Z太早了,还有14个没修复的bug……人人都爱它。10/10开了家公司叫育婊,几分钟就倒闭了。10/10给我公司命名为Valve发布一个游戏叫"Half Life"立马就拿到了9/10的评分之后发布了一个续作叫"Half Life 2"又一次立马10/10等了很多年后发布了第三部续作"Half Life 3"人人都恨它,我得到一个3/10不到一年,我的公司Valva就破产了。这是个信号吗?Valve已经知道了?HALF LIFE 3会害死VALVE10/10 愿意再开发数字3开了家公司叫EA做了个游戏叫"5分钟运动"然后命名我剩下的99个游戏形如"5MC: DLC1"10/10 - IGN装了个空调然后破产了 10/10如果你不喜欢这游戏,你可以在这游戏里做个更好的游戏10/10 造戏中戏我觉得人们买这游戏就是为了取笑他们做的游戏。10/10
说点在微博上分享过的。显示一个小品游戏,《Game Dev Tycoon》,经营游戏公司做游戏的游戏。-给公司装了空调然后破产了 10/10-给公司装了空调然后破产了 10/10-&有6个游戏是大卖的 &有5个是一个游戏的续作 &大家都慢慢开始恨我了 &销量下降了 &这些游戏都叫做使命召唤 很真实,10/10-我做了一个叫做半条命3的游戏,在科技和设计两项上都获得了超过300点。 然后我把这个制作项目端掉了。11/10还有山羊模拟,这是重灾区-比使命召唤幽灵好玩-比使命召唤幽灵好玩-bug比战地4少黑出汁来了……
我要提名一个冷门游戏。。。Brick-Force。。宣传语是“ If Minecraft and COD had a baby, it would look like Brickforce."(如果《我的世界》和COD有个孩子,那就会是Brickforce“...让我们先看看这个游戏。。嗯?多半差评?只有31%好评?嗯?多半差评?只有31%好评?COD and Minecraft should have been aborted.(COD和我的世界当时就应该被流产呀。。。)COD and Minecraft should have been aborted.(COD和我的世界当时就应该被流产呀。。。)别着急,,不是还有31%的好评吗,让我们再看看这31%的好评都是怎么推荐这款游戏的。。My friend forced me to play this, we are no longer friends.(我朋友逼着我玩这游戏。我们再也不是朋友了。)My friend forced me to play this, we are no longer friends.(我朋友逼着我玩这游戏。我们再也不是朋友了。)Wow! Amazing! Best Uninstall simulator I've ever seen!(哇哦!太惊人了!这是我见过最棒的卸载模拟器游戏了!)Wow! Amazing! Best Uninstall simulator I've ever seen!(哇哦!太惊人了!这是我见过最棒的卸载模拟器游戏了!)My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because this game gave me cancer anyway.(我祖父一生都在吸烟。当我十岁的时候母亲告诉他:"如果你还想看到你孙子毕业,你就得早点把烟给戒了。”当他意识到已经多么危险的时候,老泪纵横。他很快就戒烟了。三年后他死于肺癌。这件事实在太过于悲伤,给了我沉重的打击。母亲告诫我:“永远不要吸烟。请不要把你祖父带给我们的那一切再在你的家庭里重演。”我答应了。我28岁了,从没有碰过哪怕一根香烟。我必须得说,我有些后悔自己从没有抽过烟了,因为玩了这个游戏已经让我得癌症了。)My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because this game gave me cancer anyway.(我祖父一生都在吸烟。当我十岁的时候母亲告诉他:"如果你还想看到你孙子毕业,你就得早点把烟给戒了。”当他意识到已经多么危险的时候,老泪纵横。他很快就戒烟了。三年后他死于肺癌。这件事实在太过于悲伤,给了我沉重的打击。母亲告诫我:“永远不要吸烟。请不要把你祖父带给我们的那一切再在你的家庭里重演。”我答应了。我28岁了,从没有碰过哪怕一根香烟。我必须得说,我有些后悔自己从没有抽过烟了,因为玩了这个游戏已经让我得癌症了。)我当时怎么都没想到居然游戏测评可以这样神转折。。。。、等等,看样子好像终于有人要站出来支持这款游戏了。。。等等,看样子好像终于有人要站出来支持这款游戏了。。。I don't understand why people hate on this game so much, I think its pretty good.For starters, I really enjoyed the amount of time I spent at the loading screen. It really built suspense for the game and heightened my excitement. Too many games nowadays just blaze through the load screen and it just kills the game for me.I found the tutorial to be very helpful and necessary. Other computer games I play use a similar WASD configuration, but it feels *really* different for some reason on this game and was very worthy of explanation. It was also really important that the tutorial told us that the space key was jump - it would have taken me forever to figure that out. No other game that I've ever played uses the space key for jumping for some reason, even though it is a very large and very hittable key and it just feels really intuitive, so I hope other game developers take note. Several times during the tutorial, I found myself being randomly disconnected on the server. This is by far the best feature in the game. Other games, like Team Fortress 2, waste several seconds waiting and determining if you are disconnected from the server. The problem though is I'm not a patient gamer - if there is even a nanosecond when I am not actually connected to the server, I want to know about it, and I want to be kicked off immediately. I don't want to give the enemy the satisfaction of being able to shoot me while I can't get away. Better yet, while in the tutorial, a disconnect from server meant re-starting the whole game. Who doesn't like starting fresh?I feel so honored to be able to play with 10-year old MLGs. Its not everyday you come across so many people who have so much skill at such a young age. And my weapons? Its great that they disappear so quickly... I always hated cleaning out my TF2 backpack. Now I can spend loads of time earning money to spend on weapons only to have them disappear on me - I love it. Maybe one thing I didn't really like about the game was how easy it was to accidentally hit the uninstall button. If this issue is fixed, I will give you the rating you deserve.**Warning: No numeric value currently known to mankind can accurately represent how *great* this game is.(真不知道怎么会有这么多人黑这款游戏,我觉得这游戏超棒的。


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