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  日,备受瞩目的亚洲基础设施投资银行开业仪式在北京举行。自2013年10月中国提出筹建亚投行倡议以来,已有57个国家签署了政府间协议并成为亚投行初始成员国,亚洲和其他地区的许多经济体正在申请加入。作为首个由中国倡导的多边开发性金融机构,亚投行将致力于成为&专业、高效、廉洁的21世纪新型多边开发银行,成为构建人类命运共同体的新平台,为促进亚洲和世界发展繁荣作出新贡献,为改善全球经济治理增添新力量&。从功能定位上讲,作为一家开发银行的亚投行旨在推动亚洲区域基础设施和互联互通建设,促进区域经济一体化和共同繁荣。这对于亚洲国家自身的经济发展以及整个亚洲地区的一体化进程具有重要意义。后金融危机时代全球市场需求疲软,以出口导向型模式为主导的亚洲经济体普遍面临较大的经济下行压力,保增长与调结构的两难问题成为制约亚洲国家可持续发展的瓶颈。而加大基础设施建设和互联互通,无疑是促使亚洲国家走出这一困境的切实途径。从长远来看,扩大基础设施投资和促进亚洲各国互联互通,将加深区域内货物贸易和产业分工水平,进而提升中长期发展潜力并刺激亚洲乃至世界经济增长。与欧洲和北美相比,亚洲区域一体化进程起步较晚且处于较低水平。冷战后多边进程受阻和停滞促使亚洲国家开始探索适合本地区合作的制度模式。近十余年中,亚洲区域内贸易规模从1万亿美元扩大到3万亿美元,占区内各国贸易总量的比例从30%升至50%。与此同时,亚洲国家之间的双边自贸区实现蓬勃发展。然而,亚洲却尚未建立由主要地区贸易大国参加的、覆盖整个地区的自贸区,更不用说从自贸区向共同市场和经济共同体的深化合作。显然,作为全球经济增长的重要引擎,亚洲迫切需要提升本地区的制度化合作水平,为区域内贸易和投资的增长提供有力支撑。基础设施和互联互通水平不仅决定着一国经济发展效率,而且与地区一体化的发展程度密切相关。就亚洲而言,基础设施建设需求与巨大资金缺口二者间存在深刻矛盾,这严重制约着亚洲区域经济一体化进程的发展与深化。2013年,习近平主席分别在哈萨克斯坦和印尼提出建设&丝绸之路经济带&和&21世纪海上丝绸之路合作倡议&,其重要内容便是大力发展沿线国家基础设施建设和互联互通。可是,亚洲许多国家本国金融市场的融资能力严重不足。而世界银行和亚洲开发银行等多边银行从功能上讲并非是专门投资于基础设施的金融机构,同时,其有限的融资贷款能力也无法满足亚洲基础设施建设的庞大需求。由此可见,对于解决亚洲基础设施融资难而言,作为基础设施开发性金融工具,亚投行的成立可谓恰逢其时、应运而生。通过改变亚洲地区基础设施建设项目的资金流动,亚投行将成为促进地区经济发展和深化一体化水平的长效机制。它显然是打破亚洲地区基础设施融资瓶颈、提升亚洲发展需求的有益创举。作为推进&一带一路&倡议的重要金融支撑,亚投行的未来投资方向将包括推动&一带一路&倡议同各国发展战略相对接,支持开展基础设施建设项目;推进国际产能合作,提高各国自主发展能力,促进产业链、价值链深度融合;以推动信息基础设施建设与互联互通投资为抓手,加强互联网技术合作共享,打造金融与网络融合的范本。这将实质性地推动亚洲各国加速融入区域经济一体化进程,分享区域与全球经济发展的收益。显然,随着&一带一路&倡议的逐步推进以及亚投行的正式建立,以&一带一路&和亚投行推动亚洲命运共同体建设将成为亚洲区域合作模式的重要创新。而其最终目标则是建立一个政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体。从全球治理层面上看,亚投行的成立反映出新兴经济体尝试修正现行国际金融秩序矛盾,进而在全球经济治理中谋求更大话语权的利益诉求。二战结束以来,美国主导的&布雷顿森林体系&、特别是世界银行与国际货币基金组织主导着世界经济的发展方向。这一体系已无法满足世界经济、特别是新兴经济体的发展需求。丝路基金、金砖国家新开发银行和亚投行便是新兴经济体和亚洲国家对改变现有国际金融秩序的集体反应。作为首个由发展中国家主导筹建的多边开发性金融机构,亚投行75%的股权由亚洲区域内成员,主要是亚洲发展中国家与新兴经济体持有。这无疑将提升这些经济体在全球经济治理中的代表性和发言权,促进国际经济合作的权利、机会与规则平等,形成对现有世界经济金融治理体系和机制的有益补充。就运行模式而言,亚投行将按照多边开发银行模式和原则运作。在充分借鉴现有多边开发银行经验和做法的同时,亚投行将与现有多边开发银行互为补充、并行不悖,凭借自身优势和特色致力于成为&互利共赢和专业高效的基础设施投融资平台&,并将在未来国际经济格局中占有一席之地。而亚投行的示范效应也将促进现有国际金融机构治理结构的完善及国际金融秩序的变革。尽管中国是亚投行最大股东,但亚投行的筹建以及未来的决策和管理运营都将坚持&共商共建共享&原则,彰显合作共赢、创新、可持续发展理念。作为国际发展体系的积极参与者和受益者,中国同时也致力于成为这一体系的建设性贡献者。中国提出筹建亚投行,便是承担更多国际责任、提供更多国际公共产品的建设性举动。目前,中国国内改革已进入攻坚期和深水区。亚投行的未来建设无疑将考验中国在多边机构中的领导能力和治理水平。如何以亚投行为支点推进落实&一带一路&倡议,以新一轮开放和对外投资全面带动国内经济结构调整和深化改革;如何通过平衡国家利益与促进区域经济发展之间的关系,以本国发展带动亚洲繁荣,在亚洲繁荣中实现国家利益,不仅将在很大程度上决定中国未来改革的成效,而且也将对扩大亚洲共同利益、促进亚洲命运共同体意识产生深远影响。  RIGA, Jan. 1 (Xinhua) -- Latvia adopted the euro Wednesday, making the Baltic country the 18th member of the eurozone, as New Year's Day fireworks erupted at midnight in Riga, the Latvian capital.As part of celebrations marking Latvia's entry to the eurozone, Valdis Dombrovskis, Latvia's acting head of the government, withdrew an euro banknote from a local bank machine, becoming the first Latvian to do so.  新华社北京1月27日电 题:五大关键词读懂2016年中央一号文件&真经&新华社记者新华社27日受权发布《关于落实发展新理念加快农业现代化实现全面小康目标的若干意见》。这是改革开放以来第18份以&三农&为主题的一号文件,也是自2004年以来,中央一号文件连续第13次聚焦&三农&。对当前我国&三农&发展呈现出的新矛盾、新挑战,文件有哪些破题之策?新华社记者从中梳理了五大关键词,采访权威专家,对文件进行深度解读。&农业现代化&:连续三年写入标题回顾近6年来的中央一号文件,2011年至2013年的主题分别是水利、农业科技、新型农业经营体系,而从2014年至今,则连续三年将&农业现代化&写入文件标题。专家认为,&农业现代化&连续三年&入题&含义深远。当前,我国农业面临千年未有之变局,迫切需要通过落实新理念,加快推进农业现代化,从根本上提升竞争力,破解农业农村发展面临的各种难题。近年来,我国农产品产量持续增长,粮棉油、果菜鱼等大宗农产品总量均居世界首位,人均占有量超过世界平均水平,但国际农产品市场竞争加剧,大而不强、多而不优、竞争力弱等问题日益凸显。对此文件提出,持续夯实现代农业基础,提高农业质量效益和竞争力。大力推进农业现代化,必须着力强化物质装备和技术支撑,着力构建现代农业产业体系、生产体系、经营体系,实施藏粮于地、藏粮于技战略,推动粮经饲统筹、农林牧渔结合、种养加一体、一二三产业融合发展,让农业成为充满希望的朝阳产业。中国社科院农村所研究员李国祥表示,农业是受自然灾害影响较大的行业,我国现代农业的基础不牢,水利等基础设施欠账较多,加快现代农业发展,必须在物质技术装备、基础设施方面着力,建立健全现代农业发展的政策支持体系。 &供给侧结构性改革&:首次写进中央一号文件与当前经济转型升级方向相一致,&供给侧结构性改革&一词今年首次写入了中央一号文件。专家指出,尽管&供给侧结构性改革&在文件中仅出现一次,但15000字的文件内容通篇体现出农业供给侧改革思路。在优化农业生产结构和区域布局方面,文件提出,在确保谷物基本自给、口粮绝对安全的前提下,基本形成与市场需求相适应、与资源禀赋相匹配的现代农业生产结构和区域布局,提高农业综合效益。&农业供给侧改革不是聚焦数量问题,主要是结构和效益问题。&农业部副部长余欣荣认为,近年来我国粮食连年增产,供求总量基本平衡,但结构性矛盾问题也十分突出。玉米出现阶段性供过于求,大豆缺口逐年扩大,优质饲草供应不足,有效供给不能适应需求变化。为推进种植业结构调整,农业部已经决定适当调减非优势区粮食生产,重点是调减东北冷凉区、北方农牧交错区、西北风沙干旱区及西南石漠化区等&镰刀弯&地区的玉米种植面积。调减出的耕地将根据市场需求和农牧发展需要,因地制宜地发展青贮玉米、饲草、杂粮杂豆等作物。文件还提出,树立大食物观,面向整个国土资源,全方位、多途径开发食物资源,满足日益多元化的食物消费需求。记者了解到,马铃薯主食开发工作将继续推进,越来越多的马铃薯馒头、马铃薯面条等产品将端上人民群众餐桌。以&绿色发展&保护资源修复生态我国农业发展取得巨大成就的同时,也付出了资源环境代价,出现耕地质量下降、地下水超采、农业面源污染加重等问题,资源与环境的紧箍咒越绷越紧。对此文件提出,推动农业可持续发展,必须确立发展绿色农业就是保护生态的观念,加快形成资源利用高效、生态系统稳定、产地环境良好、产品质量安全的农业发展新格局。&绿色发展本是农业的天然功能,但目前很多追求眼前利益的做法与绿色发展相悖,需要及时纠正。&中国农业大学农民问题研究所所长朱启臻认为,要加快改变农业开发强度过大、利用方式粗放的状况,放弃&高投入、高产出&的掠夺经营方式,大力发展循环农业,采用休耕、轮作、种植结构调整等措施修复农业生态环境。文件还提出,强化食品安全责任制,把保障农产品质量和食品安全作为衡量党政领导班子政绩的重要考核指标。这意味着&舌尖上的安全&或将与领导干部的&官帽&紧密联系在一起,督促地方政府把更多精力放在食品安全问题上。补齐&短板&吹响决胜小康冲锋号&短板&一说,源于管理学中的木桶理论:一个木桶能装多少水,取决于最短的那块板子。小康不小康,关键在老乡。今后五年是我国全面建成小康社会的决胜阶段,农村成为最需要补齐的那块短板。随着中央强农惠农富农政策不断完善,新农村建设发展势头良好。但不可否认的是,农村基础设施依然薄弱,重建设轻管护;农村基本公共服务难以适应当下农民需求,重硬件轻软件;农村环境存在脏、乱、差现象,重眼前轻规划;农村老龄化、空心化严重,推进市民化过程中重&面子&轻&里子&。特别是农村仍存在大量贫困人口,亟待脱贫致富。对此文件提出,把国家财政支持的基础设施重点放在农村,建好、管好、护好、运营好农村基础设施,加快推动城镇公共服务向农村延伸,开展农村人居环境整治行动和美丽宜居乡村建设,推进农村劳动力就业创业和农民工市民化,实施脱贫攻坚工程,坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战。中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究员蒋和平认为,今年一号文件在强调农村基础设施建设的同时,还强调不断提高农村学前教育、乡村教师队伍等基本公共服务水平,今后美丽乡村和农民幸福家园建设必将驶入快车道。&产业融合&支撑农民增收&十二五&期间,我国农民人均收入年均增长9.5%,2015年农民人均收入突破万元大关,增幅连续第6年高于GDP和城镇居民收入增幅。然而,农民收入不高且不平衡问题依然存在,随着农产品价格下行和农民工资性收入增长乏力&双碰头&,保持农民收入持续较快增长难度加大。对此文件提出,必须充分发挥农村的独特优势,深度挖掘农业的多种功能,培育壮大农村新产业新业态,推动产业融合发展成为农民增收的重要支撑,让农村成为可以大有作为的广阔天地。&在农业转型发展过程中,推进农业的产业化经营,促进&接二(产)连三(产)&是一个重要方向。&中国社科院农村所研究员李国祥认为,要建立利益联结机制,让农户分享加工销售环节收益。与此同时,农村第三产业发展也被寄予厚望。我国休闲农业近年来已经进入发展快车道,2015年休闲农业吸引游客11亿人次,受益农民达3300万人。对此,文件提出,依托农村绿水青山、田园风光、乡土文化等资源,大力发展休闲度假、旅游观光、养生养老、创意农业、农耕体验、乡村手工艺等,使之成为繁荣农村、富裕农民的新兴支柱产业。(记者王宇、林晖、刘羊旸、于文静、周楠、王建)  MOSUL, Iraq, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- The Iraqi security forces on Tuesday continued their advance in south and west of the city of Mosul, as fierce battles continued in the city to drive out the Islamic State (IS) militants from their last major stronghold in Iraq.In west of Mosul, the Shiite Hashd Shaabi paramilitary units continued their advance in the vast rugged land in west of Mosul toward the town of Tal-Afar, some 70 km west of Mosul, and managed to recaptured six villages after clashes with the IS militants, Lieutenant General Abdul-Amir Yarallah from the Joint Operations Command said in a statement.The paramilitary units fought fierce clashes with the IS militants during the advance, killing dozens of them and destroying seven booby-trapped cars, along with seizing a large cache of weapons and mortar rounds, Yarallah said.Tuesday's advance brought the paramilitary units to about 18 kilometers from the airport of the tow of Tal Afar, Yarallah said, asserting that the recapture of the airport will enable the troops to use it as a launching pad to free Tal Afar.Tal Afar, which used to have majority of both Sunni and Shiite Turkoman villagers, as well as other minorities of Kurds and Arabs, fell to IS in 2014.The advance of the pre-dominantly Shiite paramilitary units was aimed to cut off the supply lines between Mosul and neighboring Syria, but such advance in the ethnically mixed region where Sunni Muslims form a majority, could spark sectarian tension with Sunni Arabs and neighboring Sunni state of Turkey.In south of Mosul, the Iraqi army and federal police surrounded the IS held village of Albu Saif, located some six kilometers from Mosul airport at the southern edge of the city, a source from the Operations Command of Nineveh Liberation told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.In Mosul, the army pushed further into the southeastern districts of Intisar, Jadidat al-Mufti, al-Salam, Younis al-Sab'awi amid fierce clashes with the extremist militants in the eastern side of the city, locally known as left bank of the Tigris River, the source said.In eastern the city, the commandos of the Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS) continued clearing operation in the districts of Aden, Baker, al-Dahabiyah and Khadraa, the source added, without giving further details.The battles in and around Mosul are part of a major offensive announced by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Oct. 17 to retake Mosul, the country's second largest city.Since then, the Iraqi security forces have inched to the eastern fringes of Mosul and made progress on other routes around the city.Early in the month, hundreds of the CTS commandos and Iraqi army made a significant progress from three directions at the eastern side of Mosul and managed to recapture some 10 districts, so far, out of about 60 districts on both sides of the city.Mosul, some 400 km north of Iraqi capital of Baghdad, has been under IS control since June 2014, when Iraqi government forces abandoned their weapons and fled, enabling IS militants to take control of parts of Iraq's northern and western regions.  A group of Italian earthquake experts went on trial Tuesday accused of manslaughter for allegedly not properly warning the public before an earthquake struck. The 2009 quake killed more than 300 people in the central Italian city of L'Aquila.The seven defendants, which include scientists and government officials, are accused of giving incomplete and contradictory information to residents of the area about tremors felt before the April 2009 quake. Prosecutors say residents should have been warned to leave their homes before the quake hit. Much of the town was reduced to rubble.The defendants are drawing support from seismologists around the world who say it is impossible to predict earthquakes. Last year, more than 5,000 international researchers signed a petition supporting their Italian colleagues and warning that the risk of litigation could discourage scientists and officials from issuing opinions.Much of Tuesday's hearing was taken up by procedural measures. The next hearing has been scheduled for October 1.  UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday that Iran seeks &constructive engagement& with other countries based on mutual respect and common interest, pledging never to develop nuclear weapons.While addressing the UN General Assembly here for the first time as president, Rouhani said that Iran and other actors should pursue a political solution for the nuclear issue of Iran.&Iran seeks constructive engagement with other countries based on mutual respect and common interest, and within the same framework does not seek to increase tensions with the United States,& he said.Speaking at the annual General debate which kicked off Tuesday, the newly-elected president noted that there is no issue or dossier that cannot be resolved through reliance on hope and prudent moderation, mutual respect, and rejection of violence and extremism.&Iran seeks to resolve problems, not to create them,& he said, pushing for the &rejection of violence and extremism.&&Commensurate with the political will of the leadership in the United States, and hoping that they will refrain from following the short-sighted interests of warmongering pressure groups, we can arrive at a framework to manage our differences,& he said. & Equal footing, mutual respect and the recognized principles of international law& should govern these talks.The Iranian leader argued that Iran's nuclear program is entirely peaceful. &Nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction have no place in Iran's security and defense doctrine, and contradict our fundamental religious and ethical convictions.&&Our national interests make it imperative that we remove any and all reasonable concerns about Iran's peaceful nuclear program, & said Rouhani.Rouhani insisted that his country is &absolutely no threat& to the Middle East or the rest of the world. &In fact, in ideals as well as in actual practice, my country has been a harbinger of just peace and comprehensive security.&Meanwhile, he insisted on the implementation of Iran's rights and the imperative of international respect and cooperation, saying Iran &is prepared to engage immediately in time-bound and result-oriented talks to build mutual confidence and removal of mutual uncertainties with full transparency.&  2月19日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在北京主持召开党的新闻舆论工作座谈会并发表重要讲话。习近平深刻阐述新闻舆论工作的重要地位和作用,并就新的时代条件下做好党的新闻舆论工作作出战略部署。习近平的重要讲话为新形势下做好党的新闻舆论工作提供了强大思想武器和根本遵循,也在国外引起广泛共鸣。国外专家学者、媒体负责人等认为,中国领导人对新闻舆论工作的重视,有助于促进打造新型媒体集团,从而增强中国的国际话语权,并为中国的改革发展凝聚广泛共识、注入强劲正能量。  实地调研,对新闻工作者的鼓励和肯定为召开这次座谈会,习近平到人民日报社、新华社、中央电视台进行了实地调研,这引起了国外媒体和有关人士的关注。俄罗斯塔斯社、今日俄罗斯国际通讯社、《公报》、《论据与事实》等媒体纷纷发表相关报道。泰国国家行政学院李仁良博士对本报记者表示,当今社会是信息社会,信息传播在国际社会中发挥着巨大作用,习近平主席的调研体现了对传媒的重视。南非&新闻24&网站记者莱维林&普林斯对本报记者表示,中国领导人到新闻单位调研,表明新闻舆论工作在中国经济社会发展中扮演着重要角色,是对新闻工作者的鼓励和肯定。&作为韩国的媒体人,我很羡慕中国的媒体能得到国家领导人这样的重视。&韩国朝鲜日报社东北亚研究所所长池海范对本报记者表示,习近平主席到人民日报编辑部,与一线的编辑记者对话交流,了解编辑排版的过程,这显示了他对媒体工作的高度重视。他认为,政府和媒体的相互配合是十分重要的,这有利于让国家政策获得民众理解和支持。&事关旗帜和道路&&事关贯彻落实党的理论和路线方针政策&&事关顺利推进党和国家各项事业&&事关全党全国各族人民凝聚力和向心力&&事关党和国家前途命运&,习近平这样强调新闻舆论工作的重要地位和作用。巴基斯坦中国委员会执行主任菲扎尔&拉赫曼非常赞同这样的阐述。他在接受本报记者采访时表示:&中国主流媒体经过多年发展,在对内解读国家政策和传递民情民意等方面发挥了桥梁作用,在对外向国际人士介绍中国全方位发展成就中扮演着重要角色,有力维护了中国稳定发展的大局,凝聚了中国社会各界的共识。&科特迪瓦非洲全天候新闻网总编辑加里&索格农向本报记者表示,中国在经济、政治、文化等方面拥有越来越大的国际影响力,媒体的正确引导有助于社会共识的凝聚,为中国经济社会发展注入正能量。  审时度势,指明新闻舆论工作未来方向经过数十年的发展,党的新闻舆论工作有了很大进步。特别是近年来,中国主流媒体适应新形势和新要求,不断提高国际传播能力、不断推动融合发展。但同时要看到,西强我弱的国际舆论格局仍没有改变,如何讲好中国故事、增强中国的国际话语权,仍是摆在中国媒体面前的重要任务之一。习近平在座谈会上强调通过创新加快构建舆论引导新格局,提出&要推动融合发展&&要抓住时机、把握节奏、讲究策略&&要加强国际传播能力建设,增强国际话语权,集中讲好中国故事,同时优化战略布局,着力打造具有较强国际影响的外宣旗舰媒体&。&通过此次调研,习近平审时度势地对媒体工作方法提出了有针对性的新要求,准确指明了新闻媒体未来发展方向,为中国媒体增强传播力、提升影响力增添了新动力。&俄罗斯科学院远东研究所政治研究与预测中心主任维诺格拉多夫表示,在当前新媒体特别是自媒体飞速发展的背景下,以人民日报为代表的中国主流媒体一方面与新媒体积极融合,拓展信息渠道、增强与受众互动,另一方面夯实媒体公信力,用事实说话、坚持正确舆论导向,取得了斐然成绩。美国丹佛大学教授、美中合作中心主任、《当代中国》主编赵穗生对本报记者表示,中国媒体要用当地的语言和方式,结合当地人民关心的问题,对外讲好中国改革开放的成就,以及中国克服困难、和平崛起的故事。&我非常赞同习近平主席对中国媒体的新要求和&澄清谬误、明辨是非,联接中外、沟通世界&的提法。依靠专业化的队伍,人民日报可以将自身打造成讲好中国故事的旗舰。&阿拉伯埃及网总编辑阿德尔&萨布里在接受本报记者采访时表示,中国媒体在国际舞台上不断发声,这不仅体现在加强驻外人员和力量上,更体现在把握新闻规律,以驻在国的视角讲好中国与世界的故事方面。人民日报等中国主流媒体与埃及媒体有着很好的合作关系,扮演着&民间大使&的重要角色,这也是中国不断崛起、逐渐掌握话语权的重要表现。相信随着中国的不断发展,中国声音在国际上能够被越来越多的人士不仅听到耳朵里,更能听进心里。索格农表示,中国媒体正在走向世界,把中国的声音和客观真实的中国呈现给读者。中国的新闻报道,特别是一些有时效性、有深度、有品质的新闻,都得益于中国媒体的创新和努力。&中国媒体发展形势喜人,后劲足,潜力巨大,并正在变得越来越强大,尤其是在得到中国领导人关怀和重视的情况下。&英国萨利大学教授伯纳对本报记者说,&假以时日,中国一定会出现世界一流媒体。&  务实亲民,为深化改革提供民意支持在中央新闻单位调研时,习近平与一线编辑记者亲切交流,勉励大家为全国人民提供更多更好的精神食粮,并通过人民日报新媒体平台向全国人民发送元宵节语音祝福,通过视频同福建宁德市赤溪村村民交流,这给国外媒体同行和专家等留下了深刻印象。&这种直观的沟通方式,不仅体现了领导人对民众的关怀,也是加倍提升受众对媒体信任度的传播模式。&维诺格拉多夫表示。李仁良认为,习近平的调研还体现了媒体的传播形式要高效务实,采用现代高科技形式。他说:&这同时是习近平主席亲民风格的展示,也释放了现代传媒要贴近民众的信息。&菲扎尔&拉赫曼认为,调研和座谈会的内容,充分体现了亲民、爱民、以人民为中心的思想。他特别提到:&习近平在人民日报社的新媒体平台和演播室分别通过不同的新媒体技术实现了同中国人民的互动交流,体现了人民日报社融合发展所取得的成就,这有利于促进人民日报在未来中国的媒体事业中实现新的更大发展。&池海范对习近平与赤溪村村民的视频交流印象深刻。他说,这显示了对扶贫工作的重视和领导人的亲民作风,&这种赢得民心的举动将为中国全面深化改革提供民意支持&。(本报北京、莫斯科、曼谷、约翰内斯堡、首尔、伊斯兰堡、华盛顿、开罗、伦敦2月20日电记者裴广江、林雪丹、俞懿春、王欲然、万宇、徐伟、李志伟、张朋辉、王云松、黄培昭)《 人民日报 》( 日 03 版)  WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden on Sunday embarked on a week-long visit to Japan, China and the Republic of Korea, in the administration's latest effort to rebalance toward Asia.&In each country, the vice president will meet with key leaders to discuss a full range of bilateral, regional and global issues,& the White House said in a statement, as Biden left the Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington for Tokyo.&The trip will reaffirm our enduring presence as a Pacific power, promote our economic and trade interests, and underscore our commitment to rebalancing U.S. foreign policy towards the Asia- Pacific,& the White House said.Atop Biden's agenda will be the efforts to complete the Trans- Pacific Partnership negotiations, denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, help lower tensions in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, and boost U.S. economic ties with China, senior administration officials said.  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<?A??  HORGOS, Serbia, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- While Serbia struggled to decrease the pressure of the escalating refugee crisis within its borders, Hungary earlier this week denied them entry, leaving thousands of people camping in the open field in the border zone far from their European dream.Around 3,000 people from the Middle East and Africa have so far gathered to camp in front of two border crossings, closed since Monday midnight, between Hungary and Serbia which connect towns of Horgos on the Serbian side and Roeszke in Hungary.The wide camping zone, surrounded by a 4-meter-high barb-wired fence, is now crowded with sick people and mothers carrying crying infants after a long journey. The camp is also full of angry men protesting that Hungary should open its doors and fulfil their human rights to seek asylum in Germany, or some other European or Scandinavian countries.Serbia, now faced with the inflow of new migrants coming from its southern border and gathering up in Horgos at its northern border, receives the complete burden of the refugee crisis in the past few days alone.Although most of the migrants have said they are determined to stay in the border zone and wait for the reopening of the two border crossings in Horgos, some have agreed to be transported to a nearby shelter in the town of Kanjiza that is able to receive hundreds of them.HUMANITARIAN CRISIS ESCALATESThe improvised camping site in Horgos becomes a temporary home to more and more people who luckily still haven't experienced rain conditions, which will take place next week according to weather forecast.Autumn sun overheated their bodies as they carried their children and bags to the barb-wired fence secured by heavy Hungarian police and military forces.They wer they were in need of many supplies so they eagerly waited for some humanitarian organizations to jump in with their aid. Rows were created for every item, and volunteers tried to distribute the necessities fairly.However, these people told Xinhua that they did not wish to stay in Serbia.The long delay has created bitterness for people who have so far travelled for thousands of kilometers and are now on the last part of their journey.Protests have risen in the meantime with people banging against the fence, shouting &Open the door& and &Thank you Serbia&.On Wednesday, Hungarian police reacted with tear gas and water cannons against those who became more violent. After the clash, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic condemned the violence and an attack on Serbian journalists whose equipment was damaged by the Hungarian police.Riam, a young mother of two children from Syria, told Xinhua that she only wants to see a solution to the problem they have with Hungary so that her family could move to Belgium and find a job and new life.&I don't know what will happen if they keep the border closed down. Our children are so tired and sick, but we are staying here,& she said, holding a three-month-old infant with heavy sunburns on the face.Abdullah, a young man from Baghdad, Iraq stood in front of the closed gate while protestors were slowly gathering up.He hoped that he would reach Finland and join his uncle and friends, so he firmly decided not to leave the improvised border camp.&I don't know (what I will do if the border stays closed) but I will stay here. I will stay, and all the people will stay here. People stay in front of this door, and together we will go through that door too,& Abdullah said.SERBIA STRUGGLES IN WAITING FOR EUROPE'S STRATEGYOn Tuesday, Aleksandar Vulin, Serbia's minister of labor and social policy, said during a visit to the camp that Serbia will try its best to help the refugees on its territory.He added that Serbia is waiting for a strategy from the European Union (EU) to handle the crisis, so that it could react jointly with other countries.Meanwhile in Horgos, minimal order at the border zone was kept thanks to the joint efforts by Serbian policemen and doctors, as well as numerous humanitarian organizations which distributed food, water and other necessities.Those who have applied can be transported to nearby Kanjiza, but in reality refugees seldom decided to do so, preferring to watch for signs of change on the Hungarian side, which has announced that the border crossings will remain closed for the next 30 days.Tamas Takac, a doctor from the general hospital in the city of Subotica, said nonstop medical services would be available to the refugees in the camp.&The main problems are common colds, flues, wounds, cuts, various injuries and blisters because they have to walk a lot and have sore feet. It is really a problem for them. Fortunately we have some supplies here and can provide them with some medical assistance,& Takac said.Present at the camp was also the UNHCR with a mission to provide humanitarian aid and try to persuade people to leave the border zone and move to some other shelters.Melita Sunjic, a senior public information officer of the UNHCR, said her agency did not want the improvised settlement in Horgos to become a permanent shelter for refugees, adding that she and her co-workers were providing them with necessities to prevent a humanitarian crisis.&What we have seen so far is a large international problem but the response is always on one border, in one center, very piecemeal,& Sunjic said.&And we have been saying from the very beginning that this is not the right approach. We need a comprehensive strategy on the European level,& she said.  从去年12月16日到今年2月19日,在短短的65天时间内,习近平六次与新媒体亲密接触。党的最高领导人以如此密集的频率走近新媒体,这不仅是十八大以来的首次,而且也是我国新媒体发展史上的首次,也是我们党95年光辉历程中的首次。足见习近平总书记对新媒体重视程度,同时也说明新媒体在我国经济社会发展中的重要地位。请随&学习中国&小编一起重温习近平与新媒体的那些亲密接触。图为:日,第二届世界互联网大会在浙江省乌镇开幕。国家主席习近平出席开幕式并发表主旨演讲。一、镜头祝长寿日上午,第二届世界互联网大会在乌镇开幕,习近平主席亲临现场并发表主旨演讲。当日下午,习近平来到智慧乌镇展台,工作人员向他介绍如何通过信息化手段为人民服务,现场视频连线了智慧乌镇居家养老服务照料中心的老人。 人群中,镜头前:总书记:&你们好!&老人们:&习书记好,总书记好&&&总书记:&你们现在生活好不好?&老人们:&好!习书记,我们想你啦。&总书记:&祝你们健康长寿。&老人们:&谢谢,谢谢&&&长时间的掌声。47秒的对话自然流淌。有人已眼眶湿润,有人兴奋至极,有人恍若梦中&&图为:日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平视察解放军报社,在军报微博微信发布平台敲键盘发微博。二、微博贺新年微博是一种新型的社交平台,通过相互关注的机制,及时地提供共享信息共享服务。日,习近平主席视察解放军报社,在军报微博微信发布平台,习近平敲击键盘,发出一条微博:&值此新年即将到来之际,我代表党中央、中央军委,向全体解放军指战员、武警部队官兵和民兵预备役人员祝贺新年。希望大家践行强军目标,有效履行使命,为实现中国梦强军梦做出新的更大贡献!& 该微博发出三天内有30万次转发,3万多条留言。据&学习中国&大数据平台统计,这是习近平主席首次通过微端与人民沟通。图为:日上午,习近平总书记来到人民日报社新媒体中心,调研微博、微信、客户端等新媒体运营情况。 三、语音祝元宵2月19日上午,习近平总书记来到人民日报社调研。他走进新媒体中心,通过实时播报系统,向全国人民致以元宵节问候。总书记点击键盘,在人民日报&两微一端&向全国人民发布问候:&大家好!在中华民族的传统节日元宵节即将到来之际,我向大家致以节日问候,祝大家身体健康、工作顺利、阖家幸福!& 很快,屏幕上显示网民点击量迅速攀升。据&学习中国&大数据平台统计,这是习近平首次通过微端语音功能与网友互动。图为:日,习近平通过人民网视频连线福建赤溪村村民。四、在线谈扶贫2月19日上午8时40分,习近平来到人民日报社人民网演播室,习近平同正在福建宁德赤溪村采访的记者连线,并同村里干部群众在线交流。赤溪村曾有&中国扶贫第一村&之称。习近平在任宁德地委书记时,高度重视这里的扶贫工作。日,习总书记曾对赤溪村扶贫工作作出重要批示。如今,他又在北京人民网演播室同赤溪村村民 &面对面&连线了!北京人民网视频画面中的习近平:&很高兴通过人民日报人民网和你们视频连线。看到宁德的乡亲们,我感到很高兴、很亲切。我也在想念着你们!&宁德赤溪村村史馆视频画面中村民们欢呼雀跃,喜形于色:&总书记好!&&习爷爷好!&&感谢总书记!&宁德赤溪村村史馆视频画面中赤溪村书记杜家住:&看到您的批示后,大伙倍感振奋,欢欣鼓舞。一年来,我们村又发生了新的变化,杨赤公路正式通车,村民年人均纯收入达到13600多元。您倡导我们保护下来的绿水青山,真的变成了老百姓山上的银行。全村贫困率从80年代的92%,下降到现在的1%。&&在不久的将来,我们要完全消除贫困,确保少数民族群众一个也不掉队。&北京人民网视频画面中的习近平:&&中国扶贫第一村&这个评价是很高的,这里面也确实凝聚着宁德人民群众、赤溪村的心血和汗水。我在宁德讲过,滴水穿石,久久为功,弱鸟先飞,你们做到了。你们的实践也印证了我们现在的方针,就是扶贫工作要因地制宜,精准发力。希望赤溪村再接再厉,在现有取得很好成绩的基础上,自强不息,继续努力。扶贫根本还要靠自力更生,还要靠乡亲们内生动力。但是党和国家会一直关心你们、支持你们!&宁德赤溪村村史馆视频画面中《闽东日报》原总编辑王绍据:&总书记新春好!请允许我代表乡亲们向您拜个年。能够在视频上与您见面,我的心情特别激动。回想您在宁德工作期间的日日夜夜,我们都历历在目,记忆犹新。我们大伙都非常想念您啊!&&我已经退休了,但我还经常来赤溪村走走看看,每次都能看到新的变化。赤溪村脱贫致富,有如此变化的今天,就印证着您在批示中的那16个字&&艰苦奋斗、顽强拼搏、滴水穿石、久久为功。总书记,乡亲们热切盼望您回宁德走走,到赤溪看看!&北京人民网视频画面中的习近平:&绍据,我看到你也感到很高兴。当年你还是个小伙子,现在都已经退休了。我也记得当年我们共同下乡的情况。&&我们当时下乡还是比较深入的,所以我现在特别注重在地方工作的同志也要深入基层。&&你在当地是活地图、活字典,应该协助大家总结宁德扶贫经验,提供实际情况,为下一步全国全面摆脱贫困、建成小康发挥余热!&雨水轻催涧边草,春在溪头荠菜花。恰逢二十四节气中的&雨水&,正是一年春种的好时机。连线现场外,春雨绵绵沁心脾,连线现场内,春心荡漾暖人心。一端在北京,一端在宁德,总书记与昔日战友交流谈心,回顾以往,展望未来。图为:日上午,习近平总书记到人民日报社调研,在总编室编辑平台看望了采编技术人员。五、连线&走基层&2月19日上午10时,习近平到新华社调研。习近平通过新华社全媒报道平台的远程指挥系统,同正在河南兰考县谷营镇爪营四村进行基层干部作风调查的记者视频连线。总书记指出,基层干部作风事关巩固党的执政基础,事关人民群众切身利益。新闻记者要深入调查研究,多掌握一手情况。图为:日上午,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平来到中央电视台调研。 六、问候&跨国人&在海外工作的媒体人,是连接中外的&跨国人&,是中外信息交流的桥梁。2月19日上午11时15分,习近平来到中央电视台调研。在总控中心,习近平同位于华盛顿市中心的北美分台视频连线,了解分台建设运行情况。当得知分台成立4年来每天提供5小时全自制节目、90%的工作人员来自当地的情况后,习近平对此表示肯定,并向分台全体人员致以亲切问候和良好祝愿。新媒体已经发展成为一种综合生态圈,既是党的新闻舆论工作主战场,也是党的理论传播主战场,还是世界人民交流互动的主战场。在中国经济转型升级的紧迫时刻,在全民建成小康社会的决胜阶段,在中华民族伟大复兴的关键时期,新媒体的地位和作用越来越突出、越来越重要。日,习近平在深改组第四次会议上指出:&着力打造一批形态多样、手段先进、具有竞争力的新型主流媒体,建成几家拥有强大实力和传播力、公信力、影响力的新型媒体集团,形成立体多样、融合发展的现代传播体系。&  MILAN, Italy, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) - Two people were killed and four went missing after two merchant ships collided while maneuvering in the Italian northern port of Ravenna on Sunday.&Two victims have been ascertained so far. Five people have been hospitalized in Ravenna in good conditions, while four are missing,& Ravenna Mayor Fabrizio Matteucci told Rai State television.All people involved in the wreckage, Matteucci said, were Turkish nationals aged between 25 and 55. He also added that rescue efforts were &gigantic& amidst &dramatic and perilous sea conditions.&According to local media, a Turkish-flagged vessel sank after colliding with a Belizen-flagged ship probably due to low visibility, because of a thick fog and an intense snowfall in the area.ANSA news agency said one of the vessels was carrying fertilizers, while the other one was unloaded.Vessels, helicopters and firefighter teams were taking part in the search and rescue operations which local reports said were getting more difficult amidst wind.  PARIS, Jan. 12 (Xinhua) -- At request of the Ukrainian authorities, Red Notices have been issued for four individuals including former President Vicktor Yanukovych and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, said INTERPOL in a press release Monday.Followed by a thorough review by INTERPOL's Office of Legal Affairs to ensure that Ukraine's request for the notices was in compliance with the Organization's rules and regulations, the Red Notices were issued Monday for charges including embezzlement and misappropriation.&These Red Notices are not connected to a previous request made by Ukraine in March 2014 for a Red Notice to be issued for Vicktor Yanukovych on charges including abuse of power and murder,& affirmed INTERPOL, the world's largest international police organization, adding that the previous request was assessed by it as &not compliant& with its rules and regulations and was refused.  新华社瑞士达沃斯1月23日电为期4天的世界经济论坛达沃斯年会23日落幕。从第四次工业革命、世界经济走势、地缘政治到气候变化、中国经济转型,与会者纵论&天下事&,为一系列全球热点问题献计献策。随着机器人、3D打印和物联网等进入人们的视野,智能制造和工业创新不断发展。在此背景下,围绕年会主题&掌控第四次工业革命&,与会者力图清晰描绘新一轮工业革命的图景。与会者普遍认为,新一轮工业革命的关键词可以概括为融合、数字化、智能化、个性化以及服务等。新一轮工业革命已在渐进式发生,非单一技术引领而是不同技术和要素的融合。世界经济论坛创始人兼执行主席克劳斯&施瓦布说,第四次工业革命以新技术的涌现为特点,将不断融合物理、数字与生物世界的界限,对世界上所有学科、经济体与行业产生重大影响,甚至撼动人类对自我的认知。德国SAP公司负责产品和创新的董事会成员贝恩德&罗伊科特认为,第四次工业革命将改变企业与客户互动的方式以及企业的生产方式,还将为企业开发新商业模式带来巨大机遇。面对扑面而来的新技术潮,有人担心这会造成大量失业、加剧贫富差距。美国微软公司首席执行官纳德拉说,与其担心出现失业潮,社会不妨更应为教会人们如何找到新工作而加大投入。此外,提高劳动生产率以驱动增长、实现盈余是关键。进入2016年,全球金融市场经历大幅震荡,给世界经济稳步复苏带来巨大挑战。国际货币基金组织(IMF)日前发布的报告预计,2016年和2017年全球经济增速分别为3.4%和3.6%。国际货币基金组织总裁拉加德在年会上对今年世界经济形势保持谨慎乐观。国际货币基金组织副总裁朱民认为,今年以来全球股市波动的主要原因是经济增长水平没有达到利率增长水平所要求的程度,其结果是全球股市估值必须作出调整。未来,如果利率水平继续上升,经济增长继续疲软,全球股市估值将继续调整。瑞银集团董事会主席阿克塞尔&韦伯表示,美联储与欧洲央行货币政策分化是造成国际金融市场不稳的源头。印度央行行长拉詹说,过去几年大规模量化宽松货币政策的后遗症可能正在显现,&许多央行仍坚定地把脚踩在油门上,但我们是否真的从中获得了巨大利益,其实并不清楚。&对于油价走势,中国能源问题专家林伯强在接受新华社记者采访时表示,预计国际油价还会继续下跌,甚至可能跌破每桶20美元,但不会持续太久。国际油价持续下跌主要原因为全球经济增长疲弱导致供过于求、新兴市场增速放缓以及市场投机等。不少与会嘉宾指出,尽管面临一系列风险,世界经济仍具备一定的抗风险能力。瑞士信贷集团首席执行官蒂亚姆说,2008年国际金融危机爆发以来,世界经济已经发生很大改变。得益于全球中央银行系统的努力,银行业已能抵御较大程度的市场震荡。中国经济转型受关注虽然去年中国经济增速放缓至6.9%,但与会者普遍对这份&成绩单&表示肯定。国际咨询公司IHS首席经济学家纳里曼&贝拉韦什告诉新华社记者,中国经济没有衰退之虞,增速虽下降,但中国经济体量大,若衡量其增长对全球经济的贡献,6.9%增速可能相当于10年前12%的增速。微软创始人比尔&盖茨说,6.9%仍是一个很高速的增长,许多国家甚至羡慕这一增长率。他认为中国的未来十分光明,对此有充足的信心。对于中国经济转型,拉加德表示,相信中国政府可以控制好经济转型:即从依赖投资和制造业转为更加注重服务业和消费。波士顿咨询集团全球主席汉斯-保罗&博克纳说,当前谈论改革和转型的经济体不在少数,而中国的改革和转型比其他国家或地区更具有确定性。澳大利亚前总理陆克文认为,外界不应忽视中国长期改革目标,应注意到中国的改革成就。欧亚资源集团主席亚历山大&马克科维奇说:&哈萨克斯坦25年前宣布独立时,大家担心这样远离大海的内陆国家未来怎么办?但现在不少人发现,中国可以成为哈萨克斯坦的&海&和机遇。&谈到全球经济治理,朱民表示,中国政府积极参与规则制定,决定在二十国集团框架下重新启动对全球货币体系的改革,这很重要,体现了全球第二大经济体的担当。(执笔记者:沈忠浩,参与记者:饶博、赵小娜、孙奕、吴丛司、张淼)  (新华全媒体头条&五个发展理念)在协调发展中拓展新空间新华网北京10月31日电 促进城乡区域协调发展,促进经济社会协调发展,推动物质文明和精神文明协调发展,推动经济建设和国防建设融合发展&&十八届五中全会公报提出,&十三五&期间,在中国特色社会主义事业总体布局下,通过正确处理发展中的重大关系,我国经济社会将不断增强发展整体性,在协调发展中拓宽发展空间,在加强薄弱领域中增强发展后劲,&协调&将成为未来发展的强大动力。  破解二元结构:城乡协调发展改革开放经天纬地,中国变化翻天覆地。但城乡二元结构难题仍有待破解。公报提出,推动城乡协调发展,健全城乡发展一体化体制机制,健全农村基础设施投入长效机制,推动城镇公共服务向农村延伸,提高社会主义新农村建设水平。&在经济体制改革上,如果说要找到一个能够顺应民心,提高资源使用效率,促进社会公义和缩小贫富差距的最佳切入点,我个人认为一定是农村土地制度改革。&华泰证券研究所所长陆挺认为,这有利于鼓励2.6亿农民实现真正的城市化,也更有利于推行农地整合和规模种植。8月底,全国农村集体经营性建设用地入市在贵州湄潭县敲响&第一槌&。全国人大常委会授权33个县市区农村土地制度改革三项试点全面启动。城乡要协调发展,要素要自由流动,要害在&财富之母&的土地上。这项改革试点将在2017年收官,总结可复制经验后将依法在全国推进。&我们进到一个村里,农民放鞭炮庆祝确权。&著名经济学家厉以宁说,确权主要是指&三权三证&:土地的承包经营权发证,宅基地的使用权发证,农民在宅基地盖房子的房产权发证。嘉兴市在土地确权之前,城市人均收入和农村人均收入比是3.1∶1,确权以后变为1.9∶1,收入差距大大缩小了。城市民居&5+2&休闲模式,就是农村居民&5+2&工作模式。随着&乡村旅游&百万创客等行动铺开,&十三五&期间,农村和农业将在工业智能化时代开辟就业新空间。  补齐&内轮差&:经济社会协调发展&经济和社会发展不平衡,如同一个人一条腿长一条腿短一样,一定会跌跤。&中国领导人一再以这个浅显比喻,清醒地揭示着我国经济社会发展的&内轮差&。&内轮差&,指车辆转弯时内前轮转弯半径与内后轮转弯半径之差。由于内轮差,转弯时前后车轮运动轨迹不重合。忽略了内轮差,就会冲出路面发生事故。我国社会学界说的改革&内轮差&,指经济改革与社会改革不协调,社会结构调整滞后于经济结构调整。&社会结构与经济结构不匹配体现为就业结构、城市结构、社会阶层结构、人口结构、家庭结构与产业结构、消费结构不匹配。&内轮差&后果在于使贫富差距由经济领域扩展到社会领域,经济资源方面的差距扩大为在社会资源方面的差距。&中国社会科学院经济与社会建设研究室主任钟君说。公报提出,促进经济社会协调发展,促进新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展。经济社会协调发展,经济增长将更多反映为社会进步,其中蕴含着增长新动力,包含巨大的经济效益。据预测,2015年实现580万户棚户区改造,按每户50平方米推算,至少可以拉动5800亿元以上投资。加大棚户区改造力度,将使棚户区改造投资对房地产投资的拉动增加2.29个百分点,对固定资产投资的拉动增加0.43个百分点,对GDP拉动增加0.21个百分点。从棚改到医疗,从教育到养老,&内轮差&包括的巨大潜力,在经济下行压力长期持续的情况下,辩证地认识这一点至关重要。  缩小地区差:区域协调发展我国幅员辽阔,区域发展差别大。数据显示,尽管区域发展差距扩大趋势得到有效抑制,但与发达国家相比,我国区域差距依然较大,高收入地区人均生产总值(GDP)与低收入地区的比值至少为5至6倍,而发达国家一般为2至3倍。就像水力发电站一样,认识差距、开发差距,蕴含着无可限量的势能。专家说,缩小、填平我国东中西部之间的区域差距,几乎意味着增长一个中国!&5年前这里还是一望无际青纱帐。5年间,从服装博物馆到&霓裳一号&秀场,50多座厂房拔地而起。&河北永清台湾工业新城工委书记、管委会主任杨华彬说,大批企业陆续从北京亦庄和大红门、动物园批发市场迁来。农民就地市民化,农村城市化。&没有京津冀协同化发展,这是绝不可能的。&公报强调指出,推动区域协调发展,塑造要素有序自由流动、主体功能约束有效、基本公共服务均等、资源环境可承载的区域协调发展新格局。&&十三五&时期需继续努力,进一步调整缩小地区差距、促进区域协调发展。&中国社科院工业经济研究所陈耀说,&十三五&时期要正式引入区域治理理念,以跨行政区经济一体化为导向,通过政府、社团机构、企业和居民共同参与,采取区域规划、区域协作组织、行政区划调整、区域立法等手段,力求实现产业分工协作、基础设施互联互通、生态环境协防共治、要素流动市场配置目标。  两手都要硬:物质文明与精神文明协调发展&今天,你勤俭了吗?一粒米不算多,千钟万粟便可堆积成坡;一分钱不算多,聚沙成塔也能建起希望小学。&10月31日是世界勤俭日,&北京发布&头条以此相询。&中国,要仓廪实而知礼节,还是饱暖思淫欲,这是必须回答的问题!&网友说,这是全面走向小康社会的良知之问,是对物质文明与精神文明协调发展的期盼。公报强调,推动物质文明和精神文明协调发展,加快文化改革发展,加强社会主义精神文明建设,建设社会主义文化强国,加强思想道德建设和社会诚信建设,增强国家意识、法治意识、社会责任意识,倡导科学精神,弘扬中华传统美德。&最大的亮点就是对社会诚信建设的强调。&长安大学马克思主义学院社会学教授戴生岐说,公报提出要加强社会诚信建设,切中解决诸多问题的关键。诚实信用的社会是健康人性的土壤,要千方百计地呵护这个土壤,释放社会活力。央行征信系统截至9月末已收录8.7亿自然人和2102万户企业及其他组织,基本上为国内每一个有信用活动的企业和个人建立了信用档案。2020年,全部国人将被纳入数据库。守信激励不足,失信成本偏低,商业欺诈、制假售假、偷逃骗税、虚报冒领、学术不端等现象因此将得到有效遏制,而政务诚信度、司法公信度也将不负人民期待,社会信用体系与经济发展水平和社会发展阶段更加匹配、更加协调。  寓军于民犁剑之道:经济建设和国防建设融合发展铸长剑为犁铧,是一个古老的梦想。寓长剑于民用技术,是工业强国之通途。中国商用飞机有限责任公司副总经理吴光辉透露,C919大型客机将于11月初正式总装下线。军用大型运输机(&鲲鹏&运20)、C919、蛟龙600,中国&大飞机三剑客&今年将全面取得重大突破。这是中国航空工业推动产融结合、军民融合的思路,倚重非航空的民品或服务业反哺主业取得的成就。公报强调,推动经济建设和国防建设融合发展,坚持发展和安全兼顾、富国和强军统一,实施军民融合发展战略,形成全要素、多领域、高效益的军民深度融合发展格局。&五中全会对推动经济建设和国防建设融合发展,富国与强军统一,实施军民深度融合发展战略作了重要部署。&中航工业集团董事长林左鸣说,通过清醒分析判断,我们走上了一条适合中国国情、军民融合、寓军于民的发展道路。国防工业产业链长,涉及行业面广,几乎涉及所有专业学科领域,直接促进了诸多专业技术突飞猛进。&这些专业技术转移到民用领域后,对国家经济建设和发展起到了强有力推动和促进作用。&林左鸣说。(执笔记者:王立彬;参与记者:何雨欣、安蓓、吴雨、钱春弦、陈春园、潘晔、袁军宝、秦宏)  WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday denounced the latest violence and bloodshed in Egypt, calling it a &serious blow& to the reconciliation efforts in the country.&It's a serious blow to reconciliation and the Egyptian's people's hopes for a transition towards democracy and inclusion,& the top American envoy said in a statement he read at a daily news briefing.&Today's events are deplorable and they run counter to Egyptian aspirations for peace, inclusion and genuine democracy,& he added.State TV reported the deaths of at least 43 policemen and injuries of 211 others in clashes with supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi during the police's operation to disperse the protesters in the capital of Cairo.Morsi's followers have been encamped in two Cairo squares demanding his reinstatement. His ouster on July 3 by the military had sparked deadly confrontations across the country.The Egyptian Health Ministry said previously that the police's move to clear the camps had resulted in clashes across Egypt, leading to some 149 deaths and more than 1,400 injuries.&Egyptians inside and outside of the government need to take a step back,& Kerry said. &They need to calm the situation and avoid further loss of life.&He also opposed Egypt's return to a state of emergency law.He said, however, that he was convinced a path toward a political solution is still &open& and &possible& based on his phone conversations with the foreign ministers of Egypt and other countries on Wednesday.White House spokesman Josh Earnest issued a statement earlier in the day, denouncing the violent crackdown on protesters and urging all parties in Egypt to refrain from violence and resolve their differences &peacefully.&Hours after the raids on Cairo's camps, Egypt's interim government declared a state of emergency nationwide for one month, imposing a curfew on Cairo and 10 provinces and allowing security forces to arrest and detain civilians indefinitely without charge.Washington has opted not to label Morsi's ouster a coup, enabling it to continue its 1.3 billion dollars in annual aid to the Egyptian military. It, however, has halted the delivery of four F-16 fighters to Cairo in a show of its unhappiness with the military's handling of the situation.  GENEVA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- The repatriation of illegal smugglers agreed by China and Thailand according to relevant international conventions and bilateral treaties is rational and legitimate, the spokesperson of the Chinese delegation to UN at Geneva said on Monday in a press release.According to the spokesperson, for a period of time, China and Thailand have found that some Chinese citizens of ethnic minority groups went to Thailand through various channels and illegally stayed there.The spokesperson said that joint investigation shows that those are illegal smugglers and migrants.&Some of them hold forged travel documents, some are forcibly taken abroad, and some have stated openly that they want to go to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS,& the spokesperson said.The spokesperson noted that the repatriation is normal cooperation between countries on combating illegal smuggling and migration, which is also due international responsibility and obligation of all countries.&Illegal smuggling and migration by holding falsified passports or by other means is a widely-recognized crime, which severely undermines the normal international order of exit and entry,& the spokesperson said, adding that the international community should make joint efforts in combating illegal migration and smuggling through international cooperation in accordance with relevant international conventions and laws.&We oppose some foreign governments and organizations, which refer to those illegal migrants as 'refugees' without any ground, wantonly criticize the normal law enforcement cooperation on combating illegal migration between China and Thailand, and even politicize this issue,& the spokesperson noted.As for how China will deal with the above-mentioned illegal migrants, the spokesperson said that it is China's consistent policy that suspects of severe crimes will be investigated and dealt with fairly, while those not guilty of criminal acts or only involved in minor offenses will be properly resettled.&I believe it has been noted that the Associated Press recently quoted a Thai national security official who had just visited China as saying that over 100 Chinese illegal migrants repatriated to China have been treated well at a rehabilitation center, and some were being investigated for their suspected involvement in terrorism,& the spokesperson said.  RAMALLAH, March 5 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is to meet with the U.S. Vice President Joe Biden over the current tensions with Israel and the stalled Middle East peace process, a senior Palestinian official said Saturday.The two are scheduled to meet in the West Bank city of Ramallah next Wednesday amid Biden's tour in the region that also includes the UAE, Israel, the West Bank and Jordan, according to Ahmad Majdalani, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization's executive committee.The official said, however, no new ideas were presented before Biden's visit pertaining to the Palestinian cause or the peace process with Israel.&What we were informed was that the general theme of Biden's visit is counter-terrorism and particularly against the Islamic State (IS),& said Majdalani, adding that the meeting is expected to involve the issues like Palestinian development and an international peace conference.He expressed less hope of an American move &in light of Washington's upcoming elections and its unwillingness to push Israel in the peace process.&The Israeli public radio reported that a senior official at the White House said Biden's visit includes no suggestions on the Palestinian-Israeli issue.Abbas met with U.S. State Secretary John Kerry on Feb. 21 in Amman, without citing progress.The peace progress between Israel and Palestine has been stalled since April 2014, after nine months of talks achieved no tangible results.  新华网7月31日电 2022年冬奥会候选城市北京申冬奥代表团完成陈述。当日17:30至18点之间,在国际奥委会第128次全会上,2022年冬奥会举办城市将由85位国际奥委会委员投票产生。北京本次派出了强大的陈述阵容,中国国务院副总理刘延东带队陈述,陈述人还包括中国奥委会主席、国家体育总局局长刘鹏,北京冬奥申委主席、北京市市长王安顺,国际奥委会副主席、中国奥委会副主席于再清,中国残奥委会主席张海迪,张家口市市长侯亮,国际奥委会委员、羽毛球世界冠军李玲蔚,国际奥委会委员、冬奥会短道速滑冠军杨扬,北京冬奥申委总策法务部负责人杨澜,北京2022形象大使、著名篮球运动员姚明,北京2022形象大使、自由式滑雪空中技巧世界冠军李妮娜,北京冬奥申委工程规划技术部负责人张利。  KATHMANDU, June 11 (Xinhua) -- At least 55 have been killed in several landslides that hit Taplejung district in northeastern Nepal on Wednesday night and Thursday morning, local media reported.Republica, an English daily, said the massive landslides caused the death of 55 villagers in six Village Development Committees and injured over one dozen, while nearly 40 are still missing as of Thursday evening.Earlier, Shanti Raj Koirala, Deputy Superintendent of Nepal Police based in Taplejung district told Xinhua over phone that 21 dead bodies had been recovered and another 27 were missing.Police officials involved in rescue operations said that incessant rainfall caused the massive landslides, burying or sweeping away several dozen houses in the six villages.Since the search and rescue operation is still underway, and many injured people are in critical situation, the police is afraid that the death toll will continue rise.The tragedy happened just before this year's monsoon, which, according to Nepal's Weather Forecasting Division, will arrival in this Himalayan nation within two days, provoking widespread fears that Nepal will face greater casualties in this rainy season after the devastating earthquake and its aftershocks.Rishi Ram Sharma, director general at Department of Hydrology and Meteorology told Xinhua earlier that this year the monsoon will witness less rainfall, but the risk of disasters is as high as the previous years.Generally, the four-month monsoon begins from June 10 and ends at September 23, according to the Weather Forecasting Division of Nepal.  UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said here Thursday that the fate of Palestinian aspirations for statehood or non-member observer statehood is in the hands of member states.&The UN Charter is quite clear that the recognition of a State and membership in the United Nations are issues for Member States to decide and other UN intergovernmental bodies,& Ban said.His statements came during a press conference where he addressed issues that have been prominent in the global organization's work of late.At the forefront of the list of issues is the question of whether or not Palestine, which is currently only an &observer& at the UN, will receive an elevated status within the organization by aiming to get full-fledged statehood through the Security Council or by seeking the lesser status of non-member observer state via a General Assembly vote.UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon speaks at a press conference at the UN headquarters in New York, Sept. 15, 2011Although Palestine has yet to announce which route it will take, the U.S., which has full veto power in the Security Council, has hinted it will use this power to prevent a Palestinian statehood measure from passing.&On the admission of a state into the United Nations, this is an issue to be decided by member states in accordance with the Charter provision: first, they should go to the Security Council and get the recommendation by the Security Council, and that should be decided by a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly, & said Ban.If Palestine submits the bid for statehood, it would do so on Sept. 23, the same day that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is slated to address the General Assembly at its plenary session here.The secretary-general stated that his role in the process of achieving UN statehood for Palestine remains limited to evaluating &technical& questions.&When I receive an application from a state for admission into the United Nations, I review all these technical issues - whether this application is in proper form and stating that they are committed to implementing all the Charter provisions,& he said. & Then, I refer it to the Security Council.&Ban said that he has not yet received any application for Palestinian statehood.Riyad Mansour, the permanent observer of Palestine spoke to reporters here Thursday, confirming that Palestinian leaders have yet to announce a final decision on which of the two possible approaches they will choose for boosting Palestine's status at the UN.&The decision has not been finalized but once it is finalized, we will deal with the technicalities and the rules of procedures of how we can implement it and we will try to implement it as soon as possible,& he said.Abbas has been engaged in talks with leaders from the Arab League, as well as the European Union (EU) on the topic of Palestine's UN aspirations.&After all of these discussions are finalized, we will decide, President Abbas will decide, and we will follow while we are pursing our objective of acquiring what belongs to us -- to become a full member of the United Nations,& said Mansour.During his press conference, Ban also commented on the ongoing deadlock in negotiations between Israel and Palestine for a two- state solution in the region.&I am profoundly troubled by the lack of progress in the peace negotiations,& said Ban. &It is vital that they resume.&Direct talks between Israel and Palestine stalled in October 2010, when Israel declined to renew a moratorium on its settlement building.Ban said that time is not on the parties' side in finding a solution to their decades-long disagreements.&Ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and achieving a two- state solution is long overdue,& he said. &Time is not our friend. &The diplomatic Quartet for Middle East peace, consisting of the UN, the EU, the U.S., and Russia had set the deadline for negotiating a final settlement between Israel and Palestine for September 2011. Thus far, there has been no indication that direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine will resume.&The two parties have been negotiating, the negotiations have been up and down,& said Ban. &And it is really high time to resolve this issue, to realize a two-State solution where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side in peace and security. That is the vision agreed upon by the two sides and supported by all the countries around the world. So, I am asking them to enter into a meaningful negotiation.&  评习近平主席在二十国集团领导人第十次峰会第一阶段会议重要讲话  新华网北京11月16日电 初冬时节,地中海滨的土耳其安塔利亚聚焦全球目光。在古代东西方文明交汇之地,在世界经济深度调整的关键节点,占全球经济总量八成以上的二十国集团领导人济济一堂,瞩望&共同行动以实现包容和稳健的增长&,破解世界经济&怎么看&、全球增长&怎么办&等重大课题。这些问题的答案,不仅决定着世界发展走向,也将影响我们每个人的未来。  &善治病者,必医其受病之处;善救弊者,必塞其起弊之原。&在二十国集团领导人第十次峰会第一阶段会议上,习近平主席发表重要讲话,提出认识世界经济的&中国看法&、提振世界经济的&中国方案&。讲话既以鲜明的问题导向,深刻剖析世界经济增长乏力背后传统发展模式潜能消退、发展不平衡、现有经济治理机制缺陷等&病根&,又以长远眼光和大国担当,对症下药提出四点建议,为各国携手促进世界经济增长注入信心与力量。  全球化时代,没有哪一个国家可以独善其身,唯有同舟共济,方能乘风破浪。当今世界的一大特点,就是各国日益结为你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体,协调合作成为必然选择。地球村中的风吹草动,无论是美国货币政策调整,还是大宗商品的供给关系,抑或是各国出台的改革举措,都可能引发蝴蝶效应。开创世界经济的美好未来,不仅在于顺境中共襄盛举,更在于逆境时携手前行。  &孤举者难起,众行者易趋。&加强宏观经济政策沟通和协调,正是为了防止负面外溢效应,避免货币战、贸易战,形成政策与行动合力。构建开放型的世界经济,旨在打破贸易保护主义的障碍藩篱,让贸易和投资两大引擎高速转动,激发世界经济肌体活力。落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程,不仅是共同的道义责任,而且能释放出不可估量的有效需求,为公平包容发展注入强劲动力。&不谋万世者,不足谋一时;不谋全局者,不足谋一域。&把治标与治本、当前与长远、国内与国际有机结合起来,各国就能在精诚合作中共同应对挑战、共享发展机遇。  大变革时代,转型升级如闯关夺隘,唯有改革创新,方能勇往直前。这是中国快速发展的成功之要,也是世界经济走出困境、实现复苏的根本所在。从美国全力打造制造业创新网络到德国力推&工业4.0&,从印度提出&数字印度&到备受瞩目的中国制造2025、互联网+、大众创业和万众创新,创新既是发展机遇,也是合作空间。对二十国集团而言,把推动创新驱动作为合作重点,加快新旧增长动力转换,共同创造新的有效和可持续的全球需求,就能不断增强世界经济中长期增长潜力,引领世界经济发展方向。  大调整时代,应对挑战如穿云破雾,唯有增强信心,方能行稳致远。作为金融危机后全球经济增长的领航者,中国不仅是机遇的创造者,更是信心的承载者。近年来,中国面对经济下行压力,不搞大规模刺激,而是选择转方式、调结构的长远之道,展现了&全面深化改革、建立开放性经济新体制的决心和行动&。余温犹在的&双十一&网购热潮,以阿里巴巴平台创纪录的912亿元人民币成交额,与服务业崛起和高技术产业猛进一起,折射出&中国经济强劲内生动力&。不久前出炉的&十三五&规划建议提出创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的五大发展理念,更是有力印证了&中国政府坚强有力的政策引导&。展望未来,中国的发展,不但惠及亿万中国人民,也将为世界经济释放出巨大需求,成为重要的增长之源、信心之基。  &与其坐而论道,不如起而行之。&世界经济复苏之路艰难曲折,但只要各国务实行动、并肩前行,就一定能沿着合作共赢的发展轨道,迎来世界经济拨云见日、阳光灿烂的美好明天。  来源:新华网  来源:文汇读书周报  凡事都有其要领,为官当领导作为治理社会事务的一种社会职业,也是如此。自古以来,为官之要领或称之为官之道一直受到人们的重视。战国时的荀况说,执政者手中握有很大的权力,但仅凭权力并不能使天下自行安定,&安之者必将有道也&。为官之道,对于我们党的领导干部来说,我体会到最重要的有四点:   一是为官之本。为官之本在于为官一场,造福一方。造福一方就是造福于人民,这与我们党的为人民服务的宗旨同一个意思。现在社会上有一种偏激心理,认为清高者不屑于为官从政,不屑于与官为伍;认为官场多龌龊,为官多不廉。  我想,&官&作为一种社会职业,同医生、清洁工等社会职业一样,都是社会的需要。&官&作为一种社会职业,并无好坏可言。但为官是有好坏之分的。因此,从做官的第一天起,就要思考为什么要当官和当什么官这两个问题。有些人致仕数十年,终为名利所困,或一事无成,或身败名裂。究其原因,是没有树立正确的当官宗旨。旧社会,有的人十年寒窗潜心致仕是为了光宗耀祖,青史留名;有的人钻营官场,是为了鱼肉百姓,大发横财。在中国几千年的文明史上,帝王将相何其多,但在百姓头脑中留下记忆的也不过百来号人。李白、杜甫官不过五品,修建都江堰的李冰父子、设计赵州桥的李春,也非大官,鲁班、黄道婆等更是与官无缘,可见,青史留名与官阶并无本质联系,而是与做事相联系。如果当官只是为了图个人私利,那么,在政治上就会结党营私,行为上就会违背道德施欺骗邪恶之术,终难逃脱声败名裂的下场。当官,当共产党的&官&,只有一个宗旨,就是造福于民。这是共产党的&官&与旧社会的官的本质区别。造福于民要大公无私。只有无私才能无弊,无弊才能为政公平,使民安居乐业。造福于民,还要与民相知心,这就要切实改进领导作风,深入群众,密切党同人民群众的联系。只有这样,才能想群众之所想,急群众之所急,主动、及时地为人民群众排忧解难。造福于民,最重要的是做人民公仆,为民办实事。   二是为官之理。为官之理在于讲奉献。当共产党的&官&要造福于民,就得讲奉献,做到先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。这是由党的性质和宗旨决定的。毛泽东同志说,共产党是为民族、为人民谋利益的政党,它本身决无私利可图。如果想当官又想发财,那是十分危险的。有些人当了官,就以权谋私,结果是一失足成千古恨。陈毅同志不是早就说过&手莫伸,伸手必被捉&吗?想通过当共产党的&官&来发财,党纪不容,国法不容。古时候说&无官一身轻&。想当官又想图清福也是办不到的。当官要负责任,任务没有完成要找你,有困难要找你,出了事故要找你。甚至老百姓心中有怨气,想骂人也是骂当官的。我认为认认真真地当好共产党的&官&是很辛苦的。我也没有听到哪一个称职的领导人说过当官真舒服。既然这样,为什么还有人要当官呢?从社会角度讲,官是一种职业,必须有人去做。从个人角度讲,当官是服从党的事业的需要。一个不图私利,不图清福,只图为社会、为人民多做贡献,为共产主义理想而奋斗的人,在领导岗位上,即使工作苦些、累些,他的心里也是充实的,这种充实感对他来说就是一种无穷的乐趣。   三是为官之德。为官之德在于清廉。为官一场最起码应留个清名。持身必须以清廉为准则,凡利禄名誉&苟非吾之所有,虽一毫而莫取&。当官做领导,手中握有一定的权力,因此在钱财、名利问题上犯错误的可能性总会比一般人大。如果平时不刻意&慎独&,不注意防范&找上门来&的错误,老是怀着侥幸心理去为不可为之事,非栽跟斗不可。当领导要以德服人。恩格斯在《家庭、私有制和国家起源》 中分析原始社会酋长在氏族内部的权力特征时说,&酋长在氏族内部的权力,是父亲般的、纯粹道德性质的&,它&以自己的榜样来影响别人&。道德榜样的影响力不能忽视,现代领导人应更懂得这个道理。如果共产党的领导干部在艰苦奋斗、廉洁奉公上不成为榜样,就无法在人民群众中树立威信。   四是为官之义。为官之义在于明法。这里讲的义,不是指江湖义气,而是指维护公正,申张道义。无明法不足以正纪纲,无纪纲就不能护公正,张道义。北宋包拯认为:&法令既行,纪律自至,则无不治之国,无不化之民。&现在有些领导干部事事老好人主义。老好人主义从本质上说,就是没有为官之义。没有为官之义,使法度变得模糊不清,纪纲变得松懈无力。没有为官之义的原因在于私蔽心窍。因此,只有为官者&寸心不昧&,方能使&万法皆明&。法度明,纪纲正,大治之势必成。事实证明,哪里的领导秉公办事,不畏权贵,执法严明,那里的正气就上升,事情就好办。2014日年1月24日《文汇读书周报》(责任编辑:杨松青)  WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- The United States is sending its special envoy to Japan and China next week for meetings on policy toward the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the State Department said Thursday.During his trip to the two Asian countries on Jan. 26-30, Sung Kim will have a trilateral meeting in Tokyo with his Japanese counterpart Junichi Ihara and the Republic of Korea counterpart Hwang Joon-kook on top of bilateral meetings with them, the agency said in a statement.While in Beijing, Kim is scheduled to meet with senior Chinese government officials, including special representative for Korean Peninsula affairs Wu Dawei, the department said.It also said Sydney Seiler, U.S. special envoy for the six- party talks, and Allison Hooker, director for Korea at the National Security Council, will be accompanying Kim on his trip.The State Department on Wednesday rejected a latest DPRK proposal for an unconditional resumption of the six-party talks that also involve Russia, reiterating a call for Pyongyang to abide by i}


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