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林肯中学 美国缅因州 纽卡斯尔 私立 寄宿男女合校中学 英文名 创建时间 规模及人数 是否有分校 Lincoln Academy 1801年 500多人 否 http://www.lincolnacademy.org/ Lincoln Academy,81 Academy Hill Rd,Newcastle, Maine 04553 USA
林肯中学(Lincoln Academy)是一所独立的男女同校的走读学校,同时有针对国际留学生的家庭寄宿项目。LA成立于1801年,是在缅因州的第四个最古老的中学,有520名学生来自18个乡镇,以及中国,德国和巴基斯坦。作为一所综合性高中, 林肯中学有来自达马里斯科塔湖(Damariscotta Lake)和布里斯托尔半岛(Pemaquid Peninsula)周边地区18个城镇的学生。林肯中学位于缅因州东海岸,在波特兰东北方向80公里处。学校为国际学生量身的打造每个人不同的ELS课程,确保每位学生能够顺利渡过语
言关。同时注重教学量,每年众多毕业生被美国顶尖大学例如哈佛大学、耶鲁大学等知名学府录取。 林肯中学有来自达马里斯科塔湖(Damariscotta Lake)和布里斯托尔半岛(Pemaquid Peninsula)周边地区18个城镇的学生。学生总人数为500,师生比例为1:17。 校内设施: 为了适应学生人数的不断增加,学校最近扩建了教学大楼,更新了教学设备。目前学校的教学设备包括三个计算机房、一个现代图书馆、两个体育馆、一个游泳池和大型运动场,以及新的科学实验室和更新教学设施。还有一个美丽的新的餐饮公地以及黑盒剧场。一个新的住所厅定于在2013年的秋天。 学生福利: 学校非常重视学生的福利工作,有两名高级职员负责留学生工作。留学生部主任定期和留学生交换意见。此外通过学校的指导制度,校方充分关注留学生的学习生活。 食宿安排: 学校为学生安排校外家庭寄宿,并有家庭寄宿协调员密切注意留学生的适应情况。学校将安排接机并帮助新生熟悉校园生活。
提供大学先修课程(AP课程) 提供ESOL英语辅导课程 近500名学生,师生比1:17 LA是认可的新英格兰学校和学院协会也是缅因州的独立学校协会,国家独立学校协会的成员,独立学校协会,美国大学理事会的新英格兰北部和缅因州校长协会。 毕业生去向(部分)
AP/高级课程:AP微积分AB,AP微积分BC(网络学习或在林肯中学老师辅导下学习),AP统计学, AP生物学,AP环境科学,AP英语,AP英语文学,AP美国历史,AP欧洲历史,AP工作室艺术,AP音乐理论,AP西班牙语,AP法语。 在2011年林肯中学有35名学生被授予AP荣誉学者,占林肯中学所有参加AP课程总人数的41%。
戏剧(秋季汇演,冬季独幕剧节,春季汇演 体育课程:足球, 越野赛跑,高尔夫,篮球,摔跤,游泳,室内田赛,拉拉队
春季:棒球,长曲棍球 , 网球,田赛,足球,曲棍球,越野赛跑等 ESL课程:提供
【概况】 缅因州 (Maine -- ME)美国东北部新英格兰地区一州。西北和东北边境分别毗邻加拿大,南临大西洋 ,西接新罕布什尔州 。面积 8.6 万平方千米,人口123.3万(1990)。首府奥古斯塔 。缅因州以其拥有巨大的森林资源而著称,林地面积达1760万公顷,林地面积占该州总面积的89%,森林覆盖率为全美之首。缅因州因此而成为避暑胜地。该州的水产资源也很丰富,缅因州龙虾名闻遐迩。
本州特征有三:第一,它是美国大陆最孤立、最偏僻的一州。它位于美国的东北角,只有西南方与新罕布什尔州为邻。它的轮廓好像一块大木楔,向北方深深地塞进加拿大魁北克与新伯伦瑞克两省之间。因此,缅因州的港口,可作为加拿大东部地区的通过港。第二,它是新英格兰六州之中最大的一州。面积86,524平方公里,在五十州内,列第三十九位。第三,物产方面,它是美国主要产龙虾之州,产量约占美国总产量四分之三。马铃薯,产量约占美国总产量八分之一,列全国第二位,仅次于爱达荷州。林区约占本州总面积十分之八,主要木材为白松whitepine。 【气候】 由于受高纬度的影响,以及大西洋寒、暖洋流的影响,该州有3个界限分明的气候区:南部内陆区、沿海区和北方区。年均气温北部为3~4℃;南部内陆和沿海地区为6~7℃。夏季凉爽,冬季长而多雪。夏季平均气温为17℃;冬季-7℃。一年中晴天占60%。平均年降水量毫米。北部和山区平均降雪量多达2500毫米。 【交通】 学校坐落于缅因州(maine)的海滨小镇萨科(saco),占地80英亩,距离缅因州的波特兰市15英里,距波士顿90英里。可由州际高速或铁路直达(火车站距离校区不到一英里)。去往三大主要机场十分方便:90分钟即可抵达波士顿罗根机场(logan airport)或位于新罕布夏州曼彻斯特(manchester, nh)的曼彻斯特-波士顿地区机场(manchester-boston regional airport);15分钟即可到达波特兰国际喷射机机场(international jetport)。
IBT 55或IELTS 4.0,GPA 2.7
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来源:开心夏令营发布时间: 12:12:39
缅因概况人口:1,085,000人,被昵称为大吃客(down-eaters)。在五十州内,列第三十八位。面积:86,026平方公里在五十州内,列第三十九位。州府:奥古斯塔 augusta州税:州购物税 6%。主要城市:波特兰 portland 路易士顿 lewiston州花:白松果和缨 州鸟:山雀缅因州以生产龙虾、蚌类、以及蓝莓而闻名。 缅因州旅游资讯服务中心maine publicity bureaup.o. box 2300hallowell, me 04347电话 (207) 623-0363传真 (207) 623-0388缅因州旅游观光点1. acadia national park2. cole land transportation museum3. maine maritime museum4. maine state museum5. musical wonder house6. ogunquit museum of american art7. portland museum of art8. victoria mansion9. wadsworth-longfellow house地理环境  缅因州是美国东北部的一个州,于1820年被收归为第二十三个州。最早在1602年被欧洲人开发,此地区在1652年被马塞诸萨合并。缅因北部和加拿大新布伦瑞克省的边界于1842年和英国以条约的形式确定下来。  缅因州的面积为八万六千零二十七平方公里,其中包括了数千个离岸的小岛。该州可以区分为三个自然区域∶海岸低地、新英格兰高地、以及白山.朗法罗山区。海岸低地包括了沙滩、岩岸、以及位居沿岸平原及山区之间的一处山丘地。新英格兰高地是一处地势高而平坦的高原,位置在海岸低地的西北方。白山.朗法罗山区是阿帕拉契山脉的北端,其中许多山峰的高度超过海拔一千两百一十九公里。缅因州最长的河流是圣约色河,麋鹿角湖则是该州最大的湖泊。  过去的一千年在缅因州没有太大变化。森林和湖泊依旧覆盖该州的土地的90%,仍然像“leif ericson”和他的维京探险队第一次踏上这个海岸时一样。缅因州海岸线的从基特利(kittery)到鲁伯克(lubec)的状态仍然体现两个有力的传统:捕鱼和造船。这里有丰富的龙虾(lobsters),龙虾塘遍布这里的海岸线。请旅游者记住7月前吃龙虾最好,往后它们开始脱毛。人文景观  缅因州的昵称为“松树州(pine tree state),州鸟是山雀(chickadee,山雀是北美洲产山雀属的几种形小且多肉的鸟中的任何一种,全身羽毛主要为灰色,头部为深色有冠。),州花是白松的果和穗(white pine cone and tassel,五针松,白松一种木材树木 (美国五针松 松属)长于北美东部,松针每五针聚成一小簇,有经久耐用的且容易加工的木材。),州首府是奥古斯塔(augusta,奥古斯塔是缅因州首府,位于该州西南部,肯纳贝克河岸边,波特兰东北偏北。1628年一个贸易站建立于此,人口21,325。),州人口1,253,000人(1999),人口密度每平方公里13.7人,参加联邦的日期是日。时差:比格林尼治时间晚5小时,比北京时间晚13小时。  奥古斯塔为其首府,波特兰是其最大城市。沿美国1号高速公路向南几英里是“kennebunk”镇,是作家和艺术家常去的地方。书店和画廊是这里的特征。向东在35号公路上有该镇的海岸港口“kennebunkport”,有著名的前总统乔治布什(former us president, george bush)的高尔夫球场(golfing spot)。  该州的主要城市有∶波特兰(portland)、路易斯顿(lewiston)、班哥尔(bangor)、欧本(auburn)、南波特兰(south portland)、以及奥古斯塔(augusta)。  该州出过的名人有∶女社会改革家桃乐西亚?迪克斯(dorothea dix)、电影导演约翰?福特(john ford)、恐怖小说作家史蒂芬?金恩(stephen king)、诗人亨利?华兹华斯?朗法罗(henry wadsworth longfellow)、以及女诗人艾德娜?圣文生?米雷(edna st. vicent millay)。  该州每年生产五百亿根的牙 ,产量居全美国之冠。一年四季  缅因州的夏季气候凉爽,冬季则是漫长而寒冷。该州最北部夏季的平均温度在摄氏十七度左右,沿岸地带的夏季均温则是十八度。北部冬季的均温是摄氏零下八度,沿岸地带则是零下三度。该州有些地区每年的平均降雨量是102公分,内陆地区的降雪量约从178公分到254公分不等。缅因州的海岸常为浓雾所笼罩。娱乐休闲  缅因州关于海洋以及伐木业文物的博物馆有∶位于巴斯(bath)的缅因州海洋博物馆、位于布斯贝(boothbay)的葛蓝?班克斯?休纳尔博物馆、位于希尔斯港(searsport)的潘纳斯考特海洋博物馆、位于派顿(patten)的伐木工博物馆、以及位于灰烬地市(ashland)的灰烬地伐木博物馆。该州的艺术博物馆包括∶位于洛克兰(rockland)的法恩斯渥斯图书馆及艺术馆、位于波特兰的波特兰艺术馆、以及位于包德恩学院内的渥克艺术馆。  班哥尔及波特兰都有交响乐团。班哥尔也是缅因州立芭蕾舞团和班哥尔歌剧院的所在地。该州的戏剧团体包括∶位于瓦特维尔的缅因州立剧院,以及于班哥尔和欢喜山岛两地演出的阿凯狄亚戏团。在缅因州常见的音乐表演包括∶爵士、古典、摇滚、水手歌谣以及乡土的音乐。缅因州的大学院校也常会推出音乐、舞蹈、以及戏剧的表演。  缅因州有二十九座州立公园、七处州立野生区、以及五座国家森林和野生生物区。  该州受欢迎的休闲地区包括∶位于沙漠山岛的阿凯迪亚国家公园(arcadia national park)po box 177, bar harbor, me 04609phone: 207-288-3338 fax: 207-288-5507 open all year overview. carved by glaciers冰河 and pounded重击 by ocean waves, acadia national park's rugged崎岖的 seashore海滨 and hilly陡的 interior offer a wide range of activities. over three million people per year take advantage of利用 the park's 41,000 acres, making it one of the most popular national parks. swooping猛降、突袭 ospreys鱼鹰, bobbing 标竿boats, and silent stands of trees welcome visitors to this group of islands and peninsulas半岛 located a little over halfway up the maine coastline. when the glaciers retreated撤退, they scoured冲洗 mountains, fjords海湾, and lakes out of an ancient granite花岗岩 ridge山脊. mussels蚌类 and crabs found homes in the tidal pools, while many colorful species of ducks paddled戏水 on porpoise playgrounds. wabanaki indians made their homes on the maine coast, where the french explorer samuel de champlain found them in 1604. until the united states claimed possession of these islands in the late 18th century, they were a bone of contention争端 between france and britain. in the late 19th century, east coast society families shared the islands' resources with local fishermen and boat builders. in order to preserve their quiet retreat away from the hubbub吵闹 of city life, many summer residents purchased land and donated it to the park service. it became a national park in 1919, but land was acquired long after that. today visitors enjoy not only the magnificent华丽的 coastline but also the unspoiled为损坏的, forested草木丛生的 interior of mount desert island and isle小岛 au haut. hiking trails thread the trees and skirt环绕 the shore, while john d. rockefeller, jr.'s carriage马车 roads through mount desert island welcome walkers, bikers, and horseback riders. cadillac mountain, the highest peak on the eastern seaboard, rises over an island home to thriving兴旺 villages coexisting 共存with outdoor preserves. 禁区what to see and do. your visit to acadia could be divided into two parts: a day on the main island, then days spent on excursions远足 to outlying偏远的 islands and peninsulas. split roughly大概地 in half by somes sound海峡, mount desert island has two "lobes.耳垂" if you have only a day for acadia, focus your time on the eastern lobe. when crossing the causeway辅道 from the mainland, stop at the thompson island information center. you'll receive good directions to the hulls cove小峡谷 visitor center (open from mid-april to october 31), where a film, exhibits, and rangers introduce you to the park. consider making a tour around the park loop环 road. along its 20 miles, you'll have plenty of opportunity to sample the island's riches. bird-watchers will want to spend time at sieur de monts spring and along the coast, especially at otter水獭 point. after following the coastline, the road turns inland through tranquil 安静forest, eventually最后 bringing you to jordan pond house. a bite to eat and a constitutional along the nature trail will leave you ready for the second half of the road, which includes a spu激励r up to the summit 顶点of cadillac mountain. at 1,530 feet the park's highest point, cadillac is a splendid 壮丽的place from which to witness a rising or setting sun. in order to best appreciate欣赏 acadia's quiet interior spaces, most visitors take advantage of 120 miles of hiking trails and 45 miles of carriage roads. hikes are relatively brief but range from strenuous热烈的 to easygoing. the carriage roads are unique独一的 to acadia. don't miss the granite bridges built especially for these roadways. bikers are welcome to ride carriage roads within the park, though mountain bikes are recommended for all but two roads. biking is prohibited on hiking trails and on posted 有地位的private-land carriage roads (south of jordan pond). naturalists can enjoy this park in many ways. you'll find self-guided nature trails at the jordan pond house, at the carroll homestead家园 in southwest harbor, and at ship harbor, located on the far southern tip of the western lobe. canoeing独木舟 and kayaking皮舟 are increasingly popular ways to see acadia's wildlife. because these watercraft船只 are quieter than powerboats, animals and birds don't take fright so easily, and you can better observe them in their natural habitats. on the boat rides to baker island and to islesford historical museum, located on little cranberry island, rangers lead programs focusing on the natural and cultural history of the bay. during your explorations of acadia's hallmark特点 seashore, pay close attention to the tidal pools, where myriad无数的 small creatures such as sea urchins刺猬 make their temporary homes. summer may be the high season at acadia, but wintertime offers delights, too. road snowmobiles may be welcome, but you should check with park rangers regarding available routes. snowshoers and cross-country skiers滑雪 may wind their way along the carriage roads and hiking trails. maine is close to the ocean, though, so don't expect a lot of snow. blackwoods campground remains open throughout the year. all pets must be on a leash约束. hiking is discouraged, as trails are usually icy, snow-covered, and dangerous.if you can spend more than a day, lodging 寄宿is easy to find. mount desert island itself hosts tiny bar harbor as well as smaller communities, all offering private accommodations住宿. two campgrounds within the park, blackwoods and seawall, invite overnight stays. because acadia is a short drive from many towns along the maine coast, gas and supplies are easy to come by. boat, bike, and ski rentals are widely available. 位于该州中北部的贝克斯特州立公园(baxter state park)、baxter state park 64 balsam dr millinocket, me 04462 phone: 207-723-5140this wilderness and forest preserve covers over 204,733 acres of land surrounding maine's highest peak, mount katahdin (baxter peak), which rises 5,267 feet in the northern portion of the state. this mountainous landscape--the park contains 46 peaks -- provides the best rugged hiking in the state. the park marks the northern terminus of the appalachian trail, and many other scenic and challenging paths, including the "knife edge," intersect the preserve. the park authority operates several campgrounds, which are open from may 15 to october 15. a seperate winter camping season, operating under different regulations, runs from december 1 to april 1. though a state park, baxter is privately funded and is not connected with the maine department of conservation or the other state parks in maine. restrictions: no pets allowed. motorcycles and oversized vehicles (over 9-ft high, 7-ft wide, and 22-ft long) are prohibited.reservations and fees: you can call for reservation information (207-723-5140). reservations cannot be made over the telephone, but they can be made by writing to the reservation clerk at the baxter state park headquarters (64 balsan drive, millinocket, me 04462). 位于卡利(calais)附近的麋鹿角国家野生生物保护区(moosehorn national wildlife refuge)、moosehorn is fortunate enough to provide the bald eagle with year-round habitat. we are very proud to have several bald eagle families on the refuge. the refuge received national attention when a pair took over an osprey nesting platform along rt. 1. they have been nesting there since 1991. a second pair of eagles has a nest on bald mountain. both nests are near large waterways where the eagles can search for fish, their favorite food.both nests have successfully produced bald eagle chicks. chicks take 4-5 years to reach adult plumage.the moosehead marine museum on the steamboat katahdin has exhibits and cruises. also enjoy lily bay state pa big squaw mountain rafting, canoeing, and kayaking on the penobscot or seaplane tours.首府augustmaine's capital and sixth-largest city grew from the community surrounding fort western on the banks of the kennebec river. the restored重建 fort, built in 1754, is the oldest surviving wooden fort in new england. you can visit the fort and see costumed装束 interpreters口译 performing military and domestic chores家务杂事. the elegant文明 state capitol 国会大厦(1829) with its granite花岗岩 dome 屋顶was designed by charles bulfinch, the architect of the u.s. capitol in washington. self-guided tours are available. nearby, the maine state museum offers displays ranging from archaeology考古学 to marine engineering. you can also tour blaine house. built in 1833 by one-time presidential candidate james g. blaine, the mansion官邸 has served as the official residence of maine's governors since 1919. the surrounding park-like grounds were designed by noted landscape architect frederick law olmsted. 缅因州海岸线的从基特利(kittery)到鲁伯克(lubec)lubec is the easternmost town in the united states. (nearby freeport claims bragging rights as the easternmost city.) from lubec, you can cross the bridge to new brunswick and the campobello island home of president franklin delano roosevelt. nearby, quoddy head state park marks the place where the sun first rises on the u.s. the park includes trails along rocky cliffs towering 80 feet above the ocean and through fragile peat bogs with unusual plant life. the lighthouse near the tip, west quoddy head, is noted for its distinctive red and white horizontal stripes.的状态仍然体现两个有力的传统:捕鱼和造船。这里有丰富的龙虾lobsters),龙虾塘遍布这里的海岸线。请旅游者记住7月前吃龙虾最好,往后它们开始脱毛,并且这里禁止捕捞龙虾。沿美国1号高速公路向南几英里是“kennebunk”镇,是作家和艺术家常去的地方,书店和画廊是这里的特征。向东在35号公路上有该镇的海岸港口“kennebunkport”,有著名的前总统乔治布什(former us president, george bush)的高尔夫球场(golfing spot)。以及位于肯尼邦克港(kennebunkport)的老兰花海滩(old orchard beach)this coastal resort town has been the summer home of many well-known people, including former president george bush and nature writer rachel carson, who left a trust fund for "preservation of maine seashore areas.'' visitors like to fish, swim at cleaves cove and goose rocks beach, and visit seashore trolley museum, town house school (1899) and nott house (1851-53). 波特兰(portland)是缅因州的最大城市, 维多利亚式重建是它的特色,现在被称为“old port exchange”。渡船来往于附近的卡斯口海湾岛(casco bay islands)。visitors to maine's largest metropolis大都市 like to walk the historic streets, to view the casco蛋白质胶合剂 bay islands, and to explore the portland museum of art, the children's museum of maine, the maine historical society, and wadsworth-longfellow house, home of the poet. also see tate house (1755), victoria mansion (1858), the restored 19th-century old port exchange with shops and restaurants, and portland head light (1791), the oldest lighthouse in contiguous毗邻的 use in the u.s. scenic优美的 cruises are a popular tourist pastime.色罢哥湖(sebago lake)提供了滑水运动(water-skiing),而“自由港(freeport)”提供了计划购物的机会。在夏天,人群聚集到波特兰(portland)北边161公里处的肯姆登(camden)。肯姆登丘陵州公园(camden hills state park)提供了长于 25 英里的植物曼生地和海港的美丽景色。在肯姆登北边40公里处的贝尔法斯特(belfast),旅游者可以欣赏古董商店、旧货市场和跳蚤(廉价货物)市场。被树林所覆盖的鹿岛(deer isle)是在蓝邱(blue hill)的南边23公里处。 从这里可以划船旅游到(acadia national park)的一部分(isle au haut)。machias is in the heart of downeast maine's blueberry growing country, where 85 percent of the world's blueberry crop is grown. a wild blueberry festival celebrates the tiny fruit each august. the pirates who once roamed these parts are remembered at the burnham tavern museum. the historic structure dates from 1770 and the site where colonists planned the first naval engagement of the revolutionary war. you can also visit the site of fort o'brien which saw action during the revolution and was later destroyed by the british during the war of 1812. the thomas ruggles house (1818) features extraordinary hand-carved woodwork and original furnishings and decorations. machias is home of the hannah weston chapter of the daughters of the american revolution. 文化教育  缅因州立大学历史可追溯到1862年,是由林肯批准成立的学校,建校之初是一所农机学校,1865年转型为大学,现在是缅因州大学体系的一员。缅因州大学体系是一个由7所公立大学组成的综合体,有利于各个成员取长补短,整合资源。校园风景优美,建筑古典优雅,学习环境极佳。缅因州有十六所大学院校,以及九所社区学院。缅因州大学(university of maine)是一所州立学校,其校区分于∶欧洛诺(orono)、法名顿(farmington)、肯特堡(fort kent)、玛起亚斯(machias)、奥古斯塔以及普瑞斯克岛(presque isle)。南缅因州大学(university of southern maine)的校区位于∶波特兰、哥尔罕(gorham)、以及路易斯顿-欧本学院(lewiston-auburn college)。其他的学校还有∶位于巴尔港(bar harbor)的大西洋学院(college of the atlantic)、位于路易斯顿的贝兹学院(bates college)、位于布朗斯威克(brunswick)的包德恩学院(bowdoin college)、位于瓦特维尔(waterville)的寇比学院(colby college)、位于班哥尔的哈森学院(husson college)、校区位于波特兰和毕德佛(biddeford)的新英格兰大学(university of new england)、位于北温德罕(north windham)的圣约色夫学院(st. joseph’s college)、位于瓦特维尔的汤玛斯学院(thomas college)、位于联合市的联合学院(unity college)、以及位于波特兰的卫斯布鲁克学院(westbrook college)。as the state's center for learning, discovery, and service to the public, the university of maine is the state's principal research and graduate institution. as the flagship campus in the university of maine system, umaine awards more undergraduate and graduate degrees than any other higher education institution in the state. established as a land grant university under the morrill act in 1862, umaine was accorded sea grant college status by the federal government in 1980. today umaine offers nearly 160 academic programs of study at the undergraduate and graduate levels.the university of maine's spacious orono campus, located about eight miles north of bangor, is composed of more than 200 buildings on 600 beautiful acres overlooking the stillwater river. the public is welcome to tour the many points of interest on the campus. individuals may visit the campus through self-guided or guided group tours. arrangements for guided group tours may be made by calling 207-581-3740.in 1980 the university of maine was given sea grant college status by the federal government under provisions of the national sea grant college program act. 位于沛马奎特半岛的沛马奎特灯塔(pemaquid lighthouse)、在该州受欢迎的活动包括∶ 船、钓鱼、攀岩、骑单车、越野骑车、健行、以及露营。
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