魔兽世界大脚插件插件 OUF karma

SetWidth(140)----------------------------队友设置----------------------------local party = oUF:Spawn(&party&TOPLEFT&;, 10, -76)party2target:SetHeight(10)party2target:SetWidth(80) local party3target = oUF:Spawn(&party3target&)party3target:SetPoint(&quot..;tot, &TOPLEFT&quot, 0, 50)focus:SetHeight(10)focus, 10;yOffset&, -20) 宠物目标party2target&showRaid&BOTTOMRIGHT&:SetHeight(22)pettarget:SetWidth(145)
local tot = oUF:Spawn&quot简单教程CENTER 中心点(屏幕中心)如(&CENTER&。。,2 3 4party1target, 0, -20窗体跟随 此句的意思表达为 宠物窗体 跟随玩家窗体 位置在玩家窗体右下方 0 -20 是以玩家窗体的为基准的一个偏移量!如我修改的焦点,原版是不跟随的,但我修改为focus:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&, true, &quot:Spawn&pettarget&quot, &BOTTOMRIGHT&RIGHT&;)party:SetPoint(&quot:SetPoint(&CENTER&, oUF_PartyUnitButton1:SetPoint(&CENTER&;pet&pet:SetPoint(&targettarget&TOPRIGHT&, oUF_PartyUnitButton1, &quot..;, oUF_PartyUnitButton1, &quot。然后搞明白你要修改到何处!偏移量 0(横向), 0(纵向)如:player, -50)
间距及延伸方向 是否显示小队party:SetAttribute(&quot, -151)party3target:SetHeight(10)party3target:SetWidth(80) local party4target = oUF:Spawn(&party4target&)party4target:SetPoint(&CENTER&focus& 焦点focus, -226)party4target:SetHeight(10)party4target:SetWidth(80)就是死性不改 提供的一些代码;TOPLEFT&, -260)玩家窗体窗体为屏幕中心点横向-220 纵向-260处。pettarget:SetPoint(&)party2target:SetPoint(&TOPRIGHT&;RIGHT&;, 10, 1)party1target:SetHeight(10)party1target:SetWidth(80)
local party2target = oUF;, player, &, -220, -260)
玩家窗体设置, &BOTTOMLEFT&.false只显示小队不显示团队;, 15, -200) 偏移量 及位置信息party:SetManyAttributes(&showParty&, 0, player:SetWidth(145)
local pettarget = oUF, -220:SetPoint(&LEFT&, oUF_PartyUnitButton1, UIParent:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&LEFT&quot!
local party1target = oUF:Spawn(&party1target&)
队伍1 目标 以下, &RIGHT&player:SetPoint(&quot, 0, -20) 宠物窗体pet:SetHeight(22)pet, 10;TOPLEFT&:Spawn(&, player, &quot, player:Spawn&target&target。同志们一起感谢!为OUF的自己和目标加3D头像,打开layout.lua,在最后加上这段代码:--2D头像
local portrait = self:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)
portrait.type = &2D&
portrait:SetTexCoord(0., 0., 0., 0.)
-- 头像的宽度
-- 头像的高度
if (unit == &target&) then
--- 这里是需要在右边加头像的框体
portrait:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, 36, 0) --头像的位置
elseif (unit == &player& or self:GetParent():GetName() == &oUF_Party&) then
-- 这里是需要在左边加头像的框体
portrait:SetPoint(&LEFT&, -36, 0) -- 头像的位置
self.Portrait = portrait --3D头像
local portrait = CreateFrame(&PlayerModel&, nil, self)
portrait.type = &3D&
portrait:SetLight(1, 0, 0, -0.707, -0.707, 0.7, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8)
if (unit == &target&) then
--- 这里是需要在右边加头像的框体
portrait:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, 36, 0) --位置
elseif (unit == &player& or self:GetParent():GetName() == &oUF_Party&) then -- 这里是需要在左边加头像的框体
portrait:SetPoint(&LEFT&, -36, 0) -- 位置
self.Portrait = portrait--头像背景设置
local portraitbg = portrait:CreateTexture(nil, &BORDER&)
portraitbg:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 1) ------------------------ 我是传说中的分割线 ----------------------或者都复制进去,加上一个判断,需要2D或者3D修改一个字就行了,代码如下:-- 加入头像判断 ---
local viewtype = &2D&
-- 2D - 头像显示为2D模式,3D - 头像为3D模式.
if viewtype == &3D& then
local portrait = CreateFrame(&PlayerModel&, nil, self)
portrait.type = &3D&
portrait:SetLight(1, 0, 0, -0.707, -0.707, 0.7, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8)
if (unit == &target&) then
portrait:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, 40, 0)
elseif (unit == &player& or unit == &pet& or unit == &focus& or self:GetParent():GetName() == &oUF_Party&) then -- 比上面的代码多了宠物的头像
portrait:SetPoint(&LEFT&, -40, 0)
self.Portrait = portrait --头像背景
local portraitbg = portrait:CreateTexture(nil, &BORDER&)portraitbg:SetAllPoints(portrait) portraitbg:SetTexture(tex) portraitbg:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 1)
-- 2D模式elseif viewtype == &2D& thenlocal portrait = self:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)portrait.type = &2D&portrait:SetTexCoord(0., 0., 0., 0.)
if (unit == &target&) then portrait:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, 40, 0) elseif (unit == &player& or unit == &pet& or unit == &focus& or self:GetParent():GetName() == &oUF_Party&) then -- 比上面的代码多了宠物的头像
portrait:SetPoint(&LEFT&, -40, 0)
self.Portrait = portrait-- 头像背景
local portraitbg = self:CreateTexture(nil, &BORDER&)portraitbg:SetAllPoints(portrait) portraitbg:SetTexture(tex)portraitbg:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 1)
end如果想移动头像位置(同时按住SHIFT+ALT 拖动),就加上这段:DefindedFrames = {
[&oUF_Player&] = {isLock = nil},
[&oUF_Target&] = {isLock = nil},
[&oUF_TargetTarget&] = {isLock = nil},
[&oUF_TargetTargetTarget&] = {isLock = nil},
[&oUF_Focus&] = {isLock = nil},
[&oUF_Focustarget&] = {isLock = nil},
[&oUF_Party&] = {isLock = nil},}function SetFrameMovable(frameName)
local f = getglobal(frameName);
if not f:IsMovable() then
if not DefindedFrames[frameName].isLock then
if arg1 == &LeftButton& and IsAltKeyDown() and IsShiftKeyDown() then
endfor k,v in pairs(DefindedFrames) do
SetFrameMovable(k);end如果想设置头像大小,就加上这段:local plSize = 1
-- 玩家、宠物、目标、焦点目标、目标的目标、焦点目标的目标的比例
local ptSize = 1
-- 队友、队友宠物、队友目标的比例
for i=1, 4 do
end---------------------------------------------- 显示玩家的小队local updatePartyNum = function(self, event, unit)
if self.unit ~= unit then return end
local RaidPartyNum = self.RaidPartyNum
local numText, name, rank,
if ( GetNumRaidMembers() == 0 ) then
numText = & &;
local numRaidMembers = GetNumRaidMembers();
for i=1, MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do
if ( i &= numRaidMembers ) then
name, rank, subgroup = GetRaidRosterInfo(i);
-- Set the player's group number indicator
if ( name == UnitName(unit) ) then
numText = & &..subgroup..&小队&;
RaidPartyNum:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)end
if self.RaidPartyNum then
updatePartyNum(self, event, unit)end-- 玩家小队的显示位置
local RaidPartyNum
RaidPartyNum = pp:CreateFontString(nil, &OVERLAY&)
RaidPartyNum:SetPoint(&TOP&, portrait, &TOP&, 0, 15) -- 我设置的是显示在头像正上方
RaidPartyNum:SetFont(font, fontHeight)
RaidPartyNum:SetShadowColor(0, 0, 0)
RaidPartyNum:SetShadowOffset(0.8, -0.8)
self.RaidPartyNum = RaidPartyNum, &RIGHT&quot:SetHeight(10)tot:SetWidth(160)
local focus = oUF:Spawn&quot, 0, 50) 就变成了焦点跟随玩家窗体左上方-- Spawn the frames we want
local player = oUF:Spawn&quot:SetPoint(&LEFT&;TOPLEFT&;LEFT&player&, player, &, false)将团队显示与小队显示在一块, 0, -260)
local target = oUF!player:SetHeight(30) 高度player:SetPoint(&CENTER&, 220, -260)
local pet = oUF:Spawn&quot, -220, -260) 就是以屏幕中心点为基准窗体偏移量的一个设置!TOPLEFT 屏幕左上TOPRIGHT 屏幕右上BOTTOMLEFT 屏幕左下BOTTOMRIGHT 屏幕右下! 先区分你要修改的窗体位置.即true为团队时在小队后面递增添加团队模块.
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I hope the 3 min mages will exist in MoP...
I wonder, could this be used as a pre-taunt damage boost on a boss? :)Would be nice, Windwalker runs toward boss, and uses Expel Harm to get the 2 Chi needed, and then as hes about to aggro the boss he pops this, the boss bashes the monk a little, while the tank is in hot pursuit, right behind the Monk and taunts the second he sees the Windwalker taking any damage.Would require coordination though, and an attentive tank... deffinately NOT for LFR/LFG :P
Unequivocally I can say this is the strongest ability on the Windwalker, period. Almost for the Monk as a whole, but Mistwalker's anti-stun passive is just too laughably broken not to be no.1.Anyway, this is absolutely ridiculous. It's only limited by your max hp, I've seen it ticking for over 60k. It's an integral part of what makes the WW probably the strongest melee combatant in the game atm. People will chastise me, saying we're weak, but they're incapable of leveraging the monk's power.
Just my own two cents, but this also works on AoE damage from bosses, with laughable results in level 20 shadowfang, had a monk pop it just before aphyxiate from ashbury to see his health not drop at all then to randomly hit 1 hp remaining and ashbury getting nuked, as well as the monk popped it and stood in pistol barrage at the end again with the same results minus the randomly hitting 1 hp part
I cant believe no one has said this yet but...Karma's a &*!@# Ive even put in a macro to say that every time i pop this :3
Another absurdly Overpowered monk spell
Stop hitting yourself!
Silly question: Total health=Max Health?
What does the symbol mean in the icon? it doesn't seem to be the Chinese character for Karma, just as the
one is not death either. Also,
has a symbol/character I'm curious to know about.
Do not let monks touch you.God that sounds wrong.
Does not transfer falling damage for an otherwise hilarious midair gank.In other news, SPLAT!
I see a nerf bat coming for this soon. Seriously, a dot (at my rogues level, doing 500 dmg) per tick?
People cried because locks chaos bolts were working as intended and hitting hard, so that spell got nerfed (again, never mind death knights that easily hit multiple times for 300k+ with out having to stand still for nearly 3 seconds).I could see 20% of the dmg being returned, the same as a priests power word shield glyph (I think it is still in game... maybe) but a full 100% return of dmg is way to OP for any class.My solution.. is nature protection potion, to absorb a large part of that damage, since the spell deals damage back in the form of nature damage, it will give my rogue a lot more survivability vs monks that cast this spell.Edit... so nature protection pots do work, had a monk pop this on me, my pot absorbed enough dmg to keep me alive, down to half health, but the monk died, guess 10 seconds wasn't enough. lol
/cast Touch of Karma/say No, #*!$ you!
The biggest pain in the ass in Random Battlegrounds. You may notice the debuff on yourself and stop attacking but that doesn't mean the idiots that surround you will. This most likely means you're going to see a 60k tick float over you every second until your dead. I don't even bother attack WW monks with my melee toons due to this, ring of pos, and fists of fury.
obviously there is no way to steal this spell, since it is an instant cast (and shouldn't be), but is there a way to for instance using warriors spell reflect?
another thing I was thinking is that since it is about karma, there should be a transference of damage. For example monk's (and others) damage to target is transferred to the monk. That would be fair and require the monk to stop dps on that character also. It would be 10 seconds that they could hug and make love (not that it usually take a whole 10 seconds).
This is my favorite move to use in raids. It looks like just about anything can be negated with this and result in you hitting the boss for an incredible amount of damage each second.So far, presuming the tooltip isn't lying, I've hit nearly 200K damage per second in Siege of Orgrimmar by just standing in pools (or similar effects) while this is active. It is astoundingly satisfying and it even helps healers because they have one less sucker to heal.I hope this never goes away.Edit: Holy cow! Against the iron juggernaught activate this and touch the mines it drops. You'll be pumping out 300K or more a second...
You can apply this to a enemy Healer and have a strong DPS beat on you and the damage you take from the DPS will be redirected onto your karma target (Healer in this case).In other words, ALL (except falling) damage you take while this is active will be redirected on to your Karma target as a DoT.P.S. The DoT itself can be dispelled, NOT the Karma effect.
Time to start farming nature resistance gear!
All damage dealt to the Monk is redirected to you as Nature damage over 6 sec.&lasts 10sI don't unterstand this. Why is the debuff up for 10s when I will only receive damage for a total of 6s ?
It's too OP enough said.It's a Paladin bubble with a shorter cooldown, a longer duration, no resource cost, the monk still retain all his damage output and it is the only ability in the game that can reflect 100% of damage taken. Beyond that, malicious friendly characters can get you killed with it, thus that wouldn't be the first time drama started with Touch of Karma. Drama is all what a Mmo needs.Abilities like these just show how World of Warcraft is balanced. Some random soup with no real studies behind it.
This was nerfed tremendously in the 6.0 patch. Even though the ability is on a 1.5 minute cooldown now (shorter than before), it breaks after taking 50% health. At level 90, this is about 30k damage which means this can be broken within seconds and is by no means able to be used as a defensive spell anymore. Hopefully we get a buff considering we only have 1 useful defensive cooldown, which is Fortifying Brew on a 3 minute cd.We monks had a nerf coming, but now with nearly all of our survivability removed, the class may be retired from PvP for a while.Our only other defensive cooldown is Zen Meditation, which now does not redirect damage from allies (Which was the main purpose), and still breaks on melee which makes it useless against any cleave with a melee attack.
I got a question about this ability.What happens if I apply Touch of Karma to an enemy with let's say 100k HP and another DD kills that mob the next second. Will it still absorb the damage I take afterwards?
One thing is not clear to me yet...&All damage you take is redirected to the enemy target as Nature damage over 6 sec. Damage cannot exceed 50% of your maximum health. Lasts 10 sec.&Which damage? I mean:a) If you are hit by more than 50% of your max life that damage is not redirected but still preventedb) If you are hit by more than 50% of your max life that damage is not redirected and you will take full damagec) If you already redirected 50% of your max life as damage it will not redirect any further damage but still preventing you from taking damaged) If you already redirected 50% of your max life as damage it will not redirect any further damage and no more prevent any damage
Touch of Karma20 yd rangeInstant1.5 min cooldownAll damage you take is redirected to the enemy target as Nature damage over 6 sec. Damage cannot exceed 50% of your maximum health. Lasts 10 sec.
Touch of KarmaAll damage dealt to the Monk is redirected to you as Nature damage over 6 sec.10 seconds remaining
Duration10 seconds
Dispel typen/a
GCD categoryn/a
Range20 yards (Short)
Cast timeInstant
Cooldown1.5 minutes
GCD0 seconds
Effect #1Apply Aura: DummyServer-side script
Effect #2Apply Aura: Absorb Damage (Arcane, Fire, Frost, Holy, Nature, Physical, Shadow)Value: 1
Effect #3DummyValue: 50Server-side script
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