狙击 Hitman的sniper fuse boxx在哪

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《杀手:狙击》是一款站桩射击游戏。这款游戏是继《杀手47:行动》之后SQUARE ENIX推出的新作。那么杀手:狙击Hitman: Sniper怎么通关呢?今天小编就给大家带来了杀手:狙击Hitman: Sniper攻略大全,杀手:狙击Hitman: Sniper图文、视频攻略,帮助你轻松通关哦!
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1.杀死了一个人结果没地方藏起来的话会被发现的 建议杀在悬崖峭壁边上的人,杀的时候会飞出去 达到隐藏尸体的作用.如果没有掉下去 可以对着尸体开几枪把尸体推下去
2.后面每一关都有特殊目标 其实就是把前面每一关的红色目标在杀一遍能杀就尽量杀 不杀也可以完成任务过关
游戏大小371.0 MB
以上就是由手心攻略网小编给大家带来的杀手:狙击Hitman: Sniper攻略大全,杀手:狙击Hitman: Sniper图文、视频攻略的全部内容了,希望对你有所帮助。
游戏大小371.0 MB
. Some rights reserved 湘ICP备号-2&杀手:狙击
安卓数据包下载地址:安卓数据包使用教程:《杀手:狙击》是一款站桩射击游戏。这款游戏是继《杀手47:行动》之后SQUARE ENIX推出的新作。游戏将主打“创造性暗杀”这一特色玩法,虽然玩家只有一把狙击步枪可以使用,但是可以利用周围的环境去隐藏自己,对敌人的暗杀,有多重手段,玩家还可以制造意外事故将目标杀死。在普通场景中寻找一个合适的藏匿地点,将是这款游戏的重中之重。游戏中,对人物的设置非常人性化,你在镜头里可以看到目标的生活细节,走出房间,关灯,甚至把玩手机,当然,这只是游戏的一部分,游戏的目的在于让玩家操纵整个暗杀的过程。在暗杀的过程中,一些富有想法的元素也有加入其中,吸引守卫,掩护无辜群众等,许多电影里才能看到的桥段,在这款游戏中也有所呈现。如此丰富的设计,让暗杀成了一场斗智斗勇的挑战。
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, 版权所有:厦门纯游互动科技有限公司Hitman: Sniper -- Tips & Tricks
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Even Agent 47 needs a little assistance sometimes, which is why we&#8217;ve compiled a list of several useful tips & tricks for Square Enix&#8217;s recently released Hitman: Sniper for iOS and Android. If you haven&#8217;t be sure to check out our
of the game, but otherwise, let&#8217;s get started with the tips!
Cancel &#8220;Hold Breath&#8221; right after you take the shot
Starting off with something very simple and easy to implement here. You&#8217;re probably aware of the &#8220;hold breath&#8221; feature, as it&#8217;s one of your two main buttons on the screen. However, you can maximize the usefulness of this feature by simply cancelling the effect as soon as you take a shot. There&#8217;s no need to watch your bullet fly in slow motion, as it&#8217;s going to hit the same spot regardless. Just tap the button right after you tap the fire button, and you&#8217;ll preserve more of the resource &#8212; thus not having to wait to use it again. You can pretty much use &#8220;hold breath&#8221; the entire round (whenever taking a shot) if you keep doing this.
Study the map and it&#8217;s inhabitants
In Hitman: Sniper, you&#8217;ll play on one map throughout the entire game, and the inhabitants of this map will continue to move around the map the same way every mission. Because of this, it is extremely important that you study the inhabitants, and continue to learn their every move as you continue to progress through the game. Try to take a note of anything that seems like a special opportunity, as usually you can score more points by getting creative, and there is more than likely going to be a required objective to do that thing later on.
Never execute the primary target until previous objectives are complete
This is very simple. Whenever you take out the primary target listed in your objectives, you&#8217;ve only got 10 seconds until you&#8217;re extracted from the mission. That means if you don&#8217;t have your secondary objectives complete by the time that count-down is finished, you&#8217;ll fail the mission and have to retry. If you do this by accident, and realize you need to take out another guard or whatever it may be, you can utilize hold breath to slow down the extraction timer and give you a few extra seconds to look around the map.
Try to score as many points as possible every few levels, and how to score them
You can rank up divisions by scoring a certain number of points, and by ranking up divisions, you unlock new sniper rifles that can be very useful in your arsenal. I don&#8217;t recommend to try and maximize your score on every single mission, as you&#8217;re going to spend a very long time completing all 150 of them &#8212; especially if you do it that way. Instead, just try to do this on missions that already have a score requirement.
As for how you can score more points, the easiest way is to eliminate all non-primary targets. I don&#8217;t mean secondary objectives, as those are already required. I&#8217;m talking about the list of optional targets you&#8217;re given prior to starting the mission, which consists of people you&#8217;ve probably had as a primary target before. You can zoom in on any of the building inhabitants heads and if they are an optional target, you&#8217;ll be able to assign a purple target that follows them around the map.
Other ways to score bonus points are performing creative kills, such as two headshots with one bullet, a domino kill, or shooting a fuse box to blow a guard off the map via a giant fan. You can also shoot vehicles to set off car alarms, which can get more than one guard in the same spot &#8212; making it easier to execute a double kill. If you&#8217;re confident with your shot, you can get extra points by not using &#8220;hold breath&#8221; for a kill as well. And finally, if you really want to maximize your score, you can get a few thousand extra points (not much) by destroying laptops and the rubber duck on any mission, which I&#8217;ll explain right below this.
The laptops and the rubber ducky
You&#8217;ll encounter missions that require you to find small objects on the map that aren&#8217;t super visible to the naked eye. Instead of looking all over the map for these objects, take a look at our cheat-sheet that shows you were to find the five laptops, as well as the hidden rubber ducky. In-case you missed the note, the laptop on the right hand side of the center building, 2nd level to the top, only becomes visible once the mission timer hits 8:50 &#8212; until then, the room has the lights off and you can&#8217;t see.
Note: you can click on the above image to make it larger and get a clearer view.
Utilize all of the abilities of your various sniper rifles
Lastly, it&#8217;s important to know what each of your weapons are capable of doing. They each have their own unique use-able abilities, and these can make certain objectives extremely easy. For example, one perk found on a few different weapons allows you to automatically headshot all marked targets (until the ability ends), which makes objectives like &#8220;get x amount of headshots without holding breath&#8221; much easier to complete.
That does it for another set of mobile gaming tips & tricks! Hopefully you enjoyed these, and they&#8217;re able to help you do a little bit better in Hitman: Sniper. Feel free to leave a comment below with your own tips as well!
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