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建筑生成器1.7.2汉化版让玩家OP变身为minecraft中的上帝!创造各种奇妙的建筑,丰富你的世界。可以生成的建筑物:沙漠神庙丛林神庙废弃矿洞 (在地下随机组合生成)END遗迹 (在地下随机组合生成, 但是木有)END入口传送室 (不能被小黑眼睛追踪, 在使用指令玩家的高度生成).村庄 (随机组合生成)井 (只会在沙子上生成)巫婆的小黑屋指令:/worldgen [类型] [radius=50][type] 必须 以下字符: village(村庄), witch(小黑屋), jungletemple(丛林神庙), deserttemple(沙漠神庙), well(井), stronghold(END遗迹), mineshaft(废矿), shportal(入口传送室)radius 限制生成范围(半径),默认是50. 对Wells, Witch&#39;s Huts, Desert and Jungle Temples, 和 Stronghold Portal Rooms无效注意!!生成是不可逆,即生成之后没有办法回复之前的地貌结构!! 所以生成前请考虑清楚先!!权限:<mand: 允许玩家使用worldgen 指令<mand.deserttemple: Allow user to generate a desert temple<mand.jungletemple: Allow user to generate a jungle temple<mand.mineshaft: Allow user to generate a mineshaft complex<mand.stronghold: Allow user to generate a stronghold complex and rooms<mand.village: Allow user to generate a village complex<mand.well: Allow user to generate a well<mand.witch: Allow user to generate a witch&#39;s hut自己对号入座吧~worldgen.* 允许生成所有建筑1.2完整代码和英文介绍:NPC村庄类型代码: villageGenerates a random NPC village complex starting next to your current position. Villages start with a center square and branch out randomly, adding various structures along the way. Use the [radius] option to limit the max size of the village.&&color red&&NOTE: Villages only generate in plains or desert biomes. Attempting in any other biome type will result in just getting a well.&&/color red&&巫婆的小黑屋类型代码: witch, witchhutGenerates a single witch&#39;s hut next to the player&#39;s current location. Should contain a single witch.丛林神庙类型代码: jtemple, jungletempleGenerates a jungle temple next to the player&#39;s current location.沙漠神庙类型代码: dtemple, deserttempleGenerates a desert temple next to the player&#39;s current location. Depending on the terrain, the complex can generate partially underground.井类型代码: well, desertwellGenerates a solitary desert well on the player&#39;s current location. A well requires the land you are above to be made of sand to generate.巨型蘑菇类型代码: mushroom, shroomGenerates a single huge mushroom, much as you&#39;d see on a mushroom island. The mushroom will only generate on grass, dirt, or mycelium. The Minecraft placement algorithm seems to be very picky for a starting location, so if you get an error on placement, move around a little bit and try again.甘蔗类型代码: reedGenerates a group of sugar canes along a waterfront. This requires you to be standing along a shoreline to generate.睡莲类型代码: lilyGenerates a group of water lilies in the water. You must be standing over water for this to generate anything.南瓜地类型代码: pumpkinGenerates a pumpkin patch on grass. You must be standing on a grass patch for this to work.湿地树类型代码: swamptreeGenerates a swamp tree at your current location. Can generate on grass, dirt, or in shallow water.要塞类型代码: strongholdGenerates a random stronghold complex, normally underground, starting near the player&#39;s current position. Note that strongholds generated this way may not make a portal room in them (the positions of these are fixed by the world seed). You can generate a custom portal room of your own using the command below. Use the [radius] option to limit the max size of the stronghold.末地传送室类型代码: shportal,strongholdportalThis generates a single stronghold portal room next to the player&#39;s current location. This can generate underground or in the air, so be aware of your current position when you generate it. Portal rooms generated this way are not traceable using an eye of ender, since its not tied to a world seed location.废矿类型代码: mineshaftThis generates a random mineshaft complex underground starting near the player&#39;s current location. Use the [radius] option to limit the max size of the fortress.地狱要塞类型代码: fortress, netherfortressThis generates a random nether fortress complex starting near the player&#39;s current location. You can generate fortresses in worlds other than the nether, such as the overworld. Use the [radius] option to limit the max size of the fortress.村庄: 铁匠铺类型代码: vblackThis generates a village blacksmith building next to your current location.村庄: 屠夫屋类型代码: vbutcherThis generates a village butcher building next to your current location.村庄: 农田类型代码: vfarm, vfarm2This generates a village farming area (plots of wheat typically) next to your current location. Use vfarm2 to build a double-sized farm.村庄: 屋子类型代码: vhouse, vhouse2This generates a village house building next to your current location. Use vhouse2 to build a double-sized house.村庄: 小屋类型代码: vhutThis generates a small village hut building next to your current location.村庄: 照明火炬杆类型代码: vlightThis generates a village light pole next to your current location.村庄: 图书馆类型代码: vlibraryThis generates a village library building next to your current location.村庄: 庙宇类型代码: vtempleThis generates a village temple building next to your current location.
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