mac,minecraft 1.8 mac怎么打不开说要什么jdk

将教大家如何在Ubuntu上安装MineCraft 1.安装JDK1.7 安装MineCraft首先要安装JDK sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk 2.安装MineCraft 下载MineCraft的安装包 sudo apt-get install wget wget http://minecr
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
sudo apt-get install wget
chmod +x minecraft_server.jar
java &Xmx768M -Xms768M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
apt-get install screen
java &Xmx768M -Xms768M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
然后按Ctrl+A 然后按D退出即可。
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最模板 , 深圳奇好科技有限公司 All Rights Reserved.AAPL: 154.43
Thursday, January 31,
am PT (09:21 am ET)
The recently released Java 7 Update 11 has been blocked by Apple through its XProtect anti-malware feature in OS X.
Oracle issued the latest update to Java
to fix a serious zero-day security flaw. The threat was so serious that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security had recommended that all Java 7 users disable or uninstall the software until a patch was issued.
Apple took action on its own and
MacGeneration on Thursday, Apple has again updated its OS X XProtect list, this time to block Java 7 Update 11.
Because Oracle has yet to issue a newer version of Java that addresses any outstanding issues, Mac users are prevented from running Java on their system.
Over the last few years, Apple has moved to gradually remove Java from OS X. The Mac maker dropped the Java runtime from the default installation for OS X 10.7 Lion when the operating system update launched in 2010. Java vulnerabilities have been a
used by malicious hackers looking to exploit the OS X platform.
Most notably, the "Flashback" trojan that spread last year was said to have infected as many as
at its peak. Apple addressed the issue by releasing a
specifically tailored for the malware, and also disabled the Java runtime in its Safari web browser
version 5.1.7.
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Hot TopicsQ: how to install legacy java se 6 runtime for mac 10.10
after i upgrade my mac to yosemite, some application (photoshope cs5...) require to install legacy java se 6 runtime. so how can i do?
Posted on Oct 17,
how to install legacy java se 6 runtime for mac 10.10
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in response to prince bee
(5 points)
in response to prince bee
HI, I solved it by installing the java SE8 Oracle. I went to take it directly from the site: Applications are split.All the adobe application and other.I hope you will solved your problem
in response to dininao
(5 points)
in response to dininao
Your message is unclear.&Says to run SE 6, not SE 8.&Applications are split? What do you mean?
in response to Working Stiff
(5 points)
in response to Working Stiff
I mean with the various applications, all applications that you had already installed in your mac before the new system Yosemite.I know that asks java SE 6, but the oracle site led me to install this version java SE 8 compatible with Yosemite. Now all my applications work properly and do not see the request to update the screen.
in response to prince bee
(10 points)
in response to prince bee
much easier is this apple link ....---&&
in response to Working Stiff
(10 points)
in response to Working Stiff
much easier --&
in response to sjons
(5 points)
in response to sjons
So, by updating/upgrading to Yosemite, we must install a lesser version of JRE which is not as secure as Java SE 8.BTW, I tried opening PS 5.1 but would not run on SE 8.You would think these geniuses could get on the same page.&Very disappointed in Yosemite so far, slow as molasses, has issues with Time Machine, and more.
in response to Working Stiff
(10 points)
in response to Working Stiff
@Working Stiff - you think you've got it bad.... I talked my wife into getting a mac after having been on them since around '86.& Problem is, she needs windows for a few things concerning real estate and our finances.. After a few yrs of upgrading Parallels, upgrading windows, and upgrading OS X's, she's about to throw in the towel!& I'm tech-y, but wow, after this recent misaligned trifecta of Para 10, Win 8.1, and Yosemite, I'm in her corner!& And I agree, why does Apple push and promote before the OS X is ready for PrimeTime
in response to sjons
(5 points)
in response to sjons
I feel your pain!I'm disgusted with Apple right now. And I might as well throw in Adobe and Oracle (Java run time) while I'm at it.I happened to stop by the Mac Store recently. They don't care about customer svc. rude, non-communicative, approaching surly.I have self censored my reply.Hope things work out for your wife's work issues.
in response to Working Stiff
(10 points)
in response to Working Stiff
Thanks for your sympathy :-) And yes, it's as if the bloat has taken over and customer service and quality went out the window...&
in response to prince bee
(0 points)
in response to prince bee
I would have thought that I would learn by now to wait at least six months before performing any APPLE software upgrades. There's always a problem that sets me back hours if not days of productivity just trying to cycle through the endless errors and incompatibility issues with a freakn upgrade. Gezz Apple. We pay a lot of money for your products and your service level continues to decline rapidly. Because of the type of business that I'm in I'm almost forced to work with only MAC. However, I am seeking alternatives to my media production dilemmas because APPLE, I'm losing money every time you pull this crap. We are not your BETA testers! We are hard working people trying to make a living with our investments. Get your act together APPLE. Seriously.&
in response to prince bee
(5 points)
in response to prince bee
I have had the same problem with Adobe CS4 apps on Yosemite, but it is solved by following this YouTube demo:
in response to dininao
(238 points)
in response to dininao
Your trick did not work for me. I bought a new MBA this week and transferred my files using Migration, as soon as I booted up, I got the same dialogue box. I upgraded to Java 8 and then your trick. The problem is that i don't have any applications that require Java runtime except for browsers. The only way I can get rid of the box is to start up in Safe Mode. I've had a lot of problems with 1010. In fact, it really suc... When I received my new MBA, it still had Mavericks on it! I had to spend an hour upgrading the System before I could transfer files! What a joke! I should of learned, Also, that too never, I mean NEVER, upgrade OS until all the bugs have been worked out& Now I have to spend an hour on the phone with the geniuses at apple to solve this issue.
in response to sjons
(238 points)
in response to sjons
That link does not work.
in response to prince bee
(10 points)
in response to prince bee
Direct link (I found this using Wayback Machine)&&&&This is a Direct Download Link&}


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