
乐高哈利波特5-7全收集图文攻略(8号更新) - 跑跑车主机频道
-> 乐高哈利波特5-7全收集图文攻略(8号更新)
乐高哈利波特5-7全收集图文攻略(8号更新)作者:不详  来源:
17:55:16   (0)
‍‍这个是乐高哈利波特5-7的全收集图文攻略,帮助玩家更完美的完成游戏,作者zichuan,有需要的玩家可以来看看参考一下。碰巧看到帖子的不要激动,我只是打个草稿方便自己收集,之后会翻译和贴图本帖不同于ps3t,是按照时间线,也就是游戏具体流程走的,更加人性化一些,另外,建议第一周目不刻意收集,因为角色没有解锁很多东西是收集不到的,解锁了Freeplay之后就可以毫无阻碍地收集了(要买个会黑魔法的,Death Eater不错,10w,不知道还有没更便宜的)。Order of the Phoenix第一章Little Whinging Park(Minikit*2,Token*1,Brick*1)(第一个Minikit)公园里使用卫斯理箱子,爬上墙之后可以看到(红砖)游玩公园里所有设施,包括:滑梯,秋千(需要荡360度),骑蓝色的鸭子,蹦蹦床(要拿到蓝色那个硬币),转盘(转到你被甩出去)(第一个Token)出了公园可以看到下水道那里被植物挡住了,用光魔法赶走植物即可拿到(第二个Minikit)魔法部那里,往前走直到喷泉广场,往左走有需要力量型角色开启的大门D.A.T.D.A. Lesson(Minikit*1,Token*1)(Minikit)打开教室里的五扇窗(Token)教室左侧有个木马,往它身上放魔法,它就会踢后面的柜子,一直放魔法直到它踢碎柜子第二章A Trip to Hogsmeade(Minikit*2,Token*3)(第一个Character Token1/3)首先起始位置左边有个破碎的雪人,需要Luna Lovegood的眼镜才能互动。(第一个Minikit)过河并通过右侧的铁栅门之后有个射击小游戏,完成之后房子里有个传送阵,传送之后就能看到一顶金帽子(第一个Character Token2/3)继续往前有一面冰墙,左侧有破碎的雪人(需要Luna的眼镜)(第一个Character Token3/3)打破冰墙后往里,能看到地上的破碎雪人(第二个第三个Character Token)都在地下室,需要力量型角色打开通往地下室的门,需要邓布利多的熄灯器,需要水魔法,一个硬币是把灯光转移后鸡踢下来一个盒子里打碎就有,另一个要把墙边的机器运行(第二个Minikit)酒吧里所有互动都完成以后和出口一起出现The Duelling Lesson(Minikit*1)(Minikit)对方后面壁炉的火焰浇灭以后出现Legilimency: Park(Minikit*3,Token*5,Brick*1)公园场景(第一个Token):用黑魔法破坏左下方的3个垃圾桶走廊场景(第二个Token,第一个Minikit)左侧有个衣柜,力量型角色开启(Minikit);有4盆花,水魔法浇花,之后得到Token决斗场景(第三个Token,第二个Minikit)壁炉火用水魔法浇灭,得到Minikit;大厅左边3个封死的窗破坏掉,得到Token魔法部长廊(第四个Token,第三个Minikit)打破墙上的4个装饰品,得到Minikit;把长廊开头的灯光移下一块长廊那里,得到Token火车站场景(红砖,第五个Token)第一部分往前走左侧角落里有一个只能用黑魔法师打开的大型垃圾箱,打开后出现红砖;最后部分有个像出口一样的平台,但这不是出口,切记不要走过这个平台,否则会触发CG结束本关!那是赫敏用来使用空间袋的平台,使用后出来一把小提前,拉完以后得到最后一个Token第三章12 Grimmauld Place(Minikit*2,Token*2,Brick*1)(红砖):水槽注满水后洗碗,洗碗得到钥匙,打开右侧的箱子得到红砖(第一个Minikit)第二个房间有个力量型角色才能开启的壁橱,打开后跳进去会升到2楼,用三种食物喂完巴克比克后出现Minikit(第一个Token)上楼梯之前右侧有扇门必须用黑魔法打开,里面有Token(第二个Minikit和Token)最后一个房间左侧有个黑魔法才能打开的壁画,之后可以看到地毯可以掀起来,炸开隐藏通道的木板,下去以后左右各有一个Minikit和TokenThe Patronus Lesson(Token*1)(Token)黑魔法,壁炉左侧搭一个灭火器,灭掉壁炉火之后硬币出现Meeting Grawp(Minikit*1)(Minikit)彝攴缟壬先ブ螅白呖梢钥吹揭桓龊彀咽滞瞥担煤谀Хㄆ苹The Weasley Twins Leave Hogwarts(Minikit*1,Token*2)(Minikit)一开始红黑地板,黑魔法打开(第一个Token)一直往右走,决斗之后左侧有个泥塘,用宠物挖出来这个硬币(第二个Token)教室里,爬上钟摆之后左侧飞天扫帚旁边就是第四章Grawp Visit(Minikit*2,Token*3)(第一个Minikit x/5)路上注意有5个植物需要浇水生长,浇完5个后得到Minikit(第二个Minikit)往下走之后往左一直走,这里有个力量型角色开启的地方(第一个Token)上一个帽子拿到后一直往右,有个泥坑可以挖出卫斯理箱子,打开之后发射一堆火箭射下一只蜘蛛和Token(第二个Token)巨人在旁边睡觉的场景,有三株红色的花,用黑魔法破坏(第三个Token)叫醒巨人之后,到巨人后面的地方,拿到TokenThe Hall of Prophecy(Minikit*2,Token*2,Brick*1)(第一个Minikit和Token)第一次遇到食死徒后,搭一个梯子,移到右边,爬上去之后,放下一个梯子,走过去,然后跳到右边平台,再往左跳,可以看到头上架子那有个金色的预言球,这里掉Minikit;不要急着跳下去,继续往左跳,可以看到这里有个Token(第二个Token)救朋友那里,最左边用luna的眼镜使用钻头,救下Ron之后地上就是Token‘(第三个Token)救出所有朋友后,往回走,拱门附近有块石头,打碎之后出现Token(第二个Minikit)干掉火蛇之后,左右有两个可以击碎的物体(红砖)干掉火蛇之后,左右有两个路灯,吸收灯光,然后在圆形广场那里往左走可以看到有扇铁门左右有两个熄灭的路灯,把灯光移过去后门打开,里面的箱子里有红砖‍‍Half-Blood Prince第一章Professor Slughorn(帽子*4,硬币*3,红砖*1)(硬币 1/3)房间左侧的台灯先竖起来,然后把灯光移到图中右侧的壁灯处,之后出现硬币(帽子 1/4)房间靠左侧的门出去会进入卫生间,打碎左边的锁,出来一个赫敏可以使用空间袋的平台,使用后得到马桶搋子,抽马桶4次会出现帽子(帽子 2/4)还是卫生间,把澡盆注满水,然后把澡盆上方的肥皂打翻,会有气泡出现,打破所有气泡出现帽子卫斯理商店之后(硬币 2/3)起始点往右一点有个绿脸雕像,互动它会吐出硬币上到二楼之后(硬币 3/3)上去往左走可以看到紫蓝绿三色土,把土放回盒子里出现硬币(帽子 3/4)放回土之后,往屏幕下方走,会被挡住,使用卫斯理兄弟中的一个,切到宠物(Pet),然后炸掉障碍物,出现帽子(帽子 4/4)往右走,有个只能用黑魔法打开的柜子(红砖)往屏幕上方走,小丑脸这里,先把牙轰掉,然后喂糖,小丑会咬舌头,吐红砖Draught of Living Death(硬币*2)(硬币 1/2)往左走,被植物挡上的就是(硬币 2/2)往右走,在铁栏里面,用力量型角色即可第二章The Three Broomsticks(帽子*2,硬币*3,红砖*1)(进关卡之前记得选luna,如果队伍里还有Argus Filch或者哥布林就最好了……)(第一个帽子)把3个杯放到吧台上(第二个帽子)选luna,壁炉旁边使用魔法,壁炉打开后浇灭火焰即可拿到(红砖)玻璃管道右边有扇力量型角色才能开的门,打开门后可以看见红砖(第一、二、三个硬币)楼上右侧有个力量型才能打开的门,进去之后绿色箱子打开是一个硬币;往右走有个赫敏才能用的书架,得到钥匙,打开右侧宝箱得到硬币;再往右把灯光转移,得到硬币&Slughorn’s Supper(帽子*1,硬币*1)(帽子)往右走到阳台上,浇4盆花后出现(硬币)房间左上角,力量型角色打开,拿到钥匙在右边的钢琴后面使用Aguamenti Lesson(帽子*1,硬币*1)(硬币)往左走可以看到一把椅子,硬币就在椅子上方,首先站到椅子上,然后对椅子释放魔法,椅子会长高,这时候就可以跳起来拿到了(帽子)上楼之前先存灯光,上去之后一直往右走,可以看到书架上熄灭的灯,灯光移过去掉下骑士的头,安上以后帽子出现第三章The Burrow(帽子*2,硬币*3)(队伍里要有黑魔法师和Argus Filch)(第一个帽子)往右走,玻璃管到下面用宠物挖,中间部分用魔法放回原位,宠物进去把篮球拿下来,之后在右边篮筐投篮(第一个硬币)组装好灭火车之后,往左走,灭掉那堆火,组装吸尘器,吸出一个平台,赫敏使用空间袋,得到转轮,往右走安装到图中那个装置上,得到硬币切场景(第二个帽子)屏幕上方有红黑的草,除掉后组装车(第二个硬币)看到食死徒的过场之后,往右走到头,有个泥塘,宠物挖(第三个硬币)往前走,跳过河,解决两个食死徒,左边水塘下面有传送门,这里需要luna的眼镜,如果没有这角色,可以往右走,有个泥塘里可以挖出来,之后用黑魔法组装水泵抽出水,组装传送门,通过传送门之后用Argus Filch或者哥布林开箱子Duelling Draco(帽子*2,硬币*2,红砖*1)厕所里(第一个硬币)有个力量角色打开的洗手池(第一个帽子)有个红黑门的蹲便坑,黑魔法打开(红砖)绕到厕所后面可以看到一个红黑的推车,解决以后可以看到有盏灯,吸了灯光往回走到洗手池那里使用&储物间(第二个硬币)炸掉橙色的障碍物以后,有个黑色的雕像,放回原处掉落硬币(第二个帽子)有三个陈列柜可以擦拭,擦完掉落第四章The Cave Entrance(帽子*4,硬币*5,红砖*1)第一片区域(第一个硬币)往前走会看到陷在地里的箱子,挖出来后得到硬币(第一个帽子)再往前走一点右边会看到金属门,转移灯光即可打开(第二个硬币)到岛中间以后,把钟组装好,放一个魔法敲,会飞来一只蝙蝠,杀掉后掉硬币第二片区域(开始有两个坑)(红砖)需要用luna的眼镜,把黑色雕像组装起来,组装3个以后出红砖(第三个硬币)首先过独木桥装灯,之后回来用黑魔法炸掉那个铁门(第二个帽子)火墙之前,有个粉色平台,挖出来,之后不多说了(第三个帽子)过了火墙以后,需要转移灯光,不过熄灭之后会有怪上岸,清掉以后掉帽子第三片区域(喝药的岛上)(硬币 4/5)中间靠近屏幕下方,有块小石头,破坏以后拿到(帽子 4/4)切换到luna,戴上眼镜,沿着岛找第四片区域(硬币 5/5)跳过滚下的木桩后和食死徒对战的地方,有个绿色的草丛可以破坏掉(硬币 额外)你把贝拉特里克斯的南瓜扔回去以后,用力量角色打开门,进去就能看到一个稻草人,破坏之后掉硬币第一章The Wedding(帽子*2,硬币*2)(帽子 1/2)起始点旁边使用卫斯理箱子,组装传送门,过去以后用黑魔法组装小提琴,之后别忘了把金色的气球打掉(帽子 2/2)破坏场景里的5个金气球,请见上图(硬币 1/2)利用灯光融化雕像以后,用luna戴眼镜传送,之后切哈利使用蛇语箱子,拿到钥匙开右边的宝箱(硬币 额外)就在上一个拿硬币的场景,右侧有些箱子,破坏就有(硬币 2/2)灭火器用完后的场景,往屏幕右下方走会有一个酒桶,力量角色打开Godric’s Hollow(帽子*4,硬币*5,红砖*1)(帽子 1/4)起始点往左走,炸开锁,往左走到头,luna眼镜,组装雕像(帽子 2/4)接着上面的地方,把灯光保存,往右侧走到图中的位置,装灯(帽子 3/4)用宠物猫杀掉地上的三只老鼠(红砖)地上有3盆花,放回原位以后出现砖(硬币 1/5)见图,场景中部,打碎这里(硬币 2/5)见图,打碎这里的雪人后出现(硬币 3/5)打门口这个窗口,会有蝙蝠带着钥匙飞出来,打掉钥匙,然后拿到最后边那里开锁切场景(硬币 4/5)进入房子以后,干掉两只蜘蛛后掉落(帽子 4/4)从房间左上角进去,到厨房,把右边的食物都放进垃圾箱,然后盖上盖子(硬币 5/5)还是厨房,左侧桌子上的物品第二章Forest of Dean Lake(帽子*4,硬币*5,红砖*1)水下(红砖)打破第一层冰之后,往下游有个绿箱子,用Flich打开(帽子 1/4)往左游,可以看到一个红色的锁,黑魔法打开(帽子 2/4)喂完螃蟹以后,在它呆的位置有一帽子(硬币 1/5)经过螃蟹之后,一直往上游可以看到这个硬币(硬币 2/5)剑的上方,要破坏锁的这里拿到剑切换场景(帽子 3/4)不要杀掉那只螃蟹,把它引到篝火附近,让它点燃篝火,融化旁边的帽子(硬币 3/5)传送到左侧,然后树干那里弹到最高有一枚硬币(硬币 4/5)最右边的红墙那里(帽子 4/4)赫敏使用空间袋的粉色平台,从蘑菇弹跳上去,之后力量角色打开树干,宠物爬上去拿到帽子(硬币 5/5)拿到上面帽子之后,把灯光保存一下,然后跳下去屏幕右下方装灯第一章Gringotts Break In(帽子*3,硬币*2,红砖*1)(硬币 1/2 帽子 1/3)往左走,黑魔法组装一个信号灯,之后开过来一辆车,拿到硬币;打开卫斯理箱子,拿到道具鞋,往右侧走,上墙,拿到帽子(帽子 2/3)进入宝库,一直往里走有个力量角色开的门(红砖)两面墙上一共8个雕像,全打碎掉落(硬币 2/2)宝库里,剧情需要,基本不会错过(帽子 3/3)跳到上面拿到圣杯之后旁边就出,基本不会错过Hogsmeade(帽子*1,硬币*2)(硬币 1/2)过了一扇铁门之后在这里打掉这个雪人后出现(帽子 1/1)打掉4个贴在墙上的哈利波特的通缉单后出现(硬币 2/2)打掉最后边的邮箱第二章The Chamber of Secrets(帽子*2,硬币*3,红砖*1)(帽子 1/2)拔出(不是拔掉)所有蛇雕像的牙,注意一开始的两个需要先把火炬使用掉(红砖)在这里面,剧情提供,基本不会错过(硬币 1/3)过了绿桥之后,再往前一点有个力量角色才能拉的机械,之后组装钟,敲之后干掉飞下来的蝙蝠(帽子 2/2)过了绿桥,轰碎隐形障碍物,再轰碎后面的棕色箱子获得(硬币 2/3)卫斯理箱子后面的棕色箱子(硬币 3/3)钻掉障碍物之后有个红黑箱子,黑魔法打开The Lost Diadem(帽子*2,硬币*2)(硬币 1/2)开场往前走,有个红黑笼子,黑魔法(帽子 1/2)赫敏使用完空间袋搭梯子以后,上去可以看到一个绿色的箱子,用Flich打开切场景(硬币 2/2)骑上扫帚之后,能降落的平台用力量角色拿钥匙开箱子(帽子 2/2)最后一个平台左侧箱子打碎‍‍第三章Hogwarts Battle(帽子*4,硬币*5,红砖*1)(帽子 1/4)灭掉所有火焰(硬币 1/5)打碎3个雕像切场景(硬币 2/5)下楼梯后屏幕上方有面红黑墙,用黑魔法(硬币 额外)红黑墙那里,最右边地上的小石头,破坏以后获得(帽子 2/4)打完高尔夫,上到城墙,传送切场景(帽子 3/4)切luna用眼镜,之后赫敏空间袋,浇灭火拿到帽子(硬币 3/5)巨人左边有个橙色箱子,用卫斯理家宠物炸掉切场景(硬币 4/5)斯内普前面水中有个金属平台,炸掉拿到硬币(这里突然会游泳了= =)(硬币 5/5)左边有个红黑锁,黑魔法打开,小船放水里,右侧有个粉色平台,赫敏空间袋,另一艘小船,也放水里(红砖)右侧有个传送门,切luna戴眼镜传送,绿箱子切Flich打开(帽子 4/4)右侧这个管子注满水第四章Harry vs Voldemort(帽子*4,硬币*5,红砖*1)(帽子 1/4)决斗后先去场景左上角,保存灯光,然后来右下角装灯,之后炸掉墙,打开卫斯理箱子(硬币 1/5)场景左边有个粉色平台,要先用宠物挖下来,再用赫敏的空间袋(帽子 2/4)第二阶段地上长出很多藤蔓的时候,能看到有两个藤蔓下有帽子切场景(帽子 3/4)来到蛇+巨人+食死徒的场景,干掉四处瞬移的食死徒之后掉落(硬币 2/5)屏幕下方有个隐形传送门,切Luna眼镜,组装传送门,传送后会看到硬币(硬币 3/5)用锅打倒巨人之后,把锅拿掉以后地上切场景切场景到第二次战巨蛇(硬币 4/5)用黑魔法打碎屏幕下方的石像(硬币 5/5)用卫斯理箱子里的道具炸了巨蛇之后,蛇会移动到大门那里,靠近它使用它身后的碎片夹住它,它会吐出硬币切场景(红砖)场景左上角,luna眼镜,传送(帽子 4/4)先制作药水,三个材料在左上角,最上边,还有坩埚上方,制作完把灯光移动,帽子就会掉下来
相关阅读:年代记攻略通关视频攻略第5-8关乐高蝙蝠侠3:飞跃哥谭市季票细节公布乐高蝙蝠侠3:飞跃哥谭市封面公布 光棍节上么么答哈利波特答案图解大全乐高幻影忍者 白金奖杯流程攻略圣火英雄传15-15通关攻略 平民玩家打法《乐高蝙蝠侠3:飞跃哥谭市》新预告 各路英乐高漫威超级英雄ios版评测好玩吗
大小:318.7M /
语言:日文本作是一款与《恶魔城 宿命之镜》有些相似的2.5D风格的横卷轴动作冒险游戏,游戏中的主角可以使用各种各样的能力来进行战斗。大小:202.0M /
语言:日文在本作中,玩家可以制作女孩子们喜欢的各种“甜品”,并放在自己的店铺中出售。游戏中不会有比较晦涩难懂的规则等限制,玩家可以轻松进行游戏,并了解这些可口的食品的制作过程。另外,如果在TGS上试玩本作,还将得到特制的“料理妈妈豪华大判(A5规格)帖纸”做为礼品。大小:221.5M /
语言:日文本作是旅行日本全国铁道的双六型图版游戏。玩家将作为地方吉祥物的制作人,与各地的吉祥物相遇,并和它们一起周游日本全国。通过在途中发生的地方吉祥物大赏等活动,获得粉丝成为日本第一的地方吉祥物制作人。大小:5.86G /
语言:《光明之响》(日语:シャイニング?レゾナンス,英语:Shining Resonance,又译「光明之共鸣」或「光明共鸣曲」)是由世嘉开发并发售在PlayStation 3平台的角色扮演游戏,于日同步于中文版发售,和前五作(《光明之泪》、《光明之风》、《光明之心》、《光明之刃》、《光明之舟》)一样依旧由Tony负责人物设计。大小:481.8M /
语言:英文《乐高霍比特人》游戏剧情建立在《霍比特人 意外之旅》和即将上映的《霍比特人2 斯毛戈荒漠》两部电影之上。玩家将会加入比尔博?巴金斯、灰袍甘道夫、矮人王索林的队伍,在整个中土世界展开冒险任务。查看: 12036|回复: 16
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限30UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间232 小时
猥乎其微 Lv.3, 积分 446, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
UID积分446帖子精华0浮云4 猥币1061 汽油0
-线下奖杯: 41 (22 , 15 , 3 , 1)?
-白金时间: 12 – 20小时(我个人是17小时白的,因为很多地方都不明白,收集部分花了很多时间。)
-可能错过的奖杯: 无. 所有收集要素都可以在Freeplay里完成.
第一步: 通关一次故事模式。
完成整个游戏。一共四各部分, 可以解锁下列奖杯。(注意毁掉所有种类的敌人,可以取得一个Know your Enemy奖杯)
Order of the Phoenix Trophy
Half-Blood Prince Trophy
Deathly Hallows Part I Trophy
Deathly Hallows Part II Trophy
第二部: Free Play
二周目主要收集Character tokens(人物徽章,包扩额外的徽章:用于解锁人物), Minikits(帽子), Red Bricks(红色积木), True Wizard (每章达到一定分数,这个一般自然获得).
关键部分:一周目之后,你需要解锁一位黑魔法师,一般你应该有些几十万分的,去大厅二楼右边尽头的解锁版买到一个叫TOM RIDDLE的角色(如果你没有足够的分数,你可以先去收集不需要黑魔法的要素,过程中可以解开黑魔法师ALECTO CARROW)。解谜过程中很多数都要用到黑魔法师。
同时在这一步注意:在Deathly Hallows: Part II.无伤击败伏地魔,可以解一个奖杯。
总评分:&浮云 + 1&
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限30UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间232 小时
猥乎其微 Lv.3, 积分 446, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
UID积分446帖子精华0浮云4 猥币1061 汽油0
12:40 编辑
Trophy Guide
All Finished!
Student Category Duelling Champion
在Student Duelling category击败所有人。
Open Category Duelling Champion
在Open Duelling category击败所有人。
Dumbledore's Army Category Duelling Champion
在Dumbledore's Army Duelling category击败所有人。
Hogwarts Category Duelling Champion
在Hogwarts Duelling category击败所有人。
Phoenix Category Duelling Champion
在Order of the Phoenix Duelling category击败所有人。
Ministry of Magic Category Duelling Champion
在Ministry of Magic Duelling category击败所有人。
Death Eater Category Duelling Champion
在Death Eater Duelling category击败所有人。
Bonus Category Duelling Champion
在Bonus Duelling category击败所有人。
Master Dueller
100% 完成游戏。(收集所要要素,全人物解锁)
Order of the Phoenix Trophy
通关Order of the Phoenix.
Half-Blood Prince Trophy
通关Half-Blood Prince.
Deathly Hallows - Part 1 Trophy
通关 Deathly Hallows - Part 1.
Deathly Hallows - Part 2 Trophy
通关Deathly Hallows - Part 2.
收集所有Red Bricks(红色积木).
Complete Collection
Shield Charm Master
The Best Offense is a Strong Defense
Use only Protego during a duel in the Duelling Club.
Niceties Must be Observed
Defeat Voldemort without taking any damage.
I said, bow!
As Voldemort, defeat Harry Potter in Duelling Club.
在大厅坩埚处选伏地魔,进入决斗俱乐部击败哈利波特。你可以在Dumbledore's Army Category最后一个人物找到哈利波特。
Richer by the Galleon
存够 10,000,000 分。
This is Knuts!
存够 100,000,000 分。
Know Your Enemy
Defeat one of each enemy.
Dementor – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Pixie – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Knight – Order of the Phoenix Chapter 3
Mole guy that pops up out of ground – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Death Eater – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Small Green Spider – Half-blood Prince: Chapter 1
Fanged Frisbee – Half-blood Prince: Chapter 1
Rat – Half Blood Prince: Chapter 2 (Use Crookshanks)
Rabid Book – Half-blood Prince: Chapter 2
Green Plant – Half-blood Prince: Chapter 3
Werewolf Guy (Boss) – Half-blood Prince: Chapter 3
Inferi – Half-blood Prince: Chapter 4
Snake – Half-blood Prince: Chapter 4
Bat – Half-blood Prince: Chapter 4
Spider – Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Skeleton – Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Nagini (Boss) – Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Fire Crab - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2
一般在完成Deathly Hallows: Part I Chapter 2之前能够取得.
Creature Confusion
Force any enemy creature to attack another.
你可以在Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4拿到这个奖杯。 在一开始见mole到的地方, 杀死一只后, 会有两只出现. 用Confundo 魔法(Harry’s Imperius Curse)施展在其中一只身上,之后他们会互殴。 当然你也可以在以后见到两名敌人时再获得。
Blind as a Basilisk
Blind an enemy creature.
(用Lumos 魔法在任意一名敌人身上。)
Kitted Out
Collect all Minikits.
Put me down!
Cast Levicorpus on an enemy.
用Levicorpus 魔法在任意一名敌人身上。
Bellatrix Beaten
As Molly Weasley, defeat Bellatrix without taking damage in the Final Battle.
选Molly Weasley无伤击败Bellatrix。
在 Deathly Hallows Part II Chapter 4和 Bellatrix决斗的时候无伤击败她。(Bellatrix就是那个半边头发遮住脸的黑法师)。如果不小心被打中,你可以直接输了这场决斗,决斗将会自动重新开始,奖杯依然有效。
A Siriusly Cold Dish
As Sirius, defeat Bellatrix in the Duelling Club
在坩埚处选Sirius Black ,去决斗俱乐部击败Bellatrix。
Kreacher Confusion
Cast Confundo on Kreacher in Grimmauld Place
在Grimmauld Place控制Kreacher。
在Order of the Phoenix Chapter 3第一个场景,用Harry’s Imperius Curse 控制Kreacher。
Enjoy all the fun in the playground
Achieve a single True Wizard Stud Total
取得第一个True Wizard 。
Falling to Pieces
Fail to put together puzzle pieces after six attempts
The Enemy Within
As a Death Eater, cast at anyone in the Hogwarts hub.
在坩埚处选Death Eater,到大厅攻击任意一个人。
Create your own character in the character customiser.
Well Done Draco
As Draco, defeat Dumbledore in the Duelling Club.
Dumbledore在Bonus Category 里面。
Beat the Parents
As a custom character, defeat Lily and James Potter in the Duelling club.
用自定义角色在决斗俱乐部击败Lily and James Potter (哈利波特他爹妈)。
Lily and James Potter 在Order of the Phoenix组。
Suits You!
As Voldemort in a suit, defeat Arthur Weasley in a suit in the Duelling Club.
用Lord Voldemort (Suit)在决斗俱乐部击败Arthur Weasley ,
Arthur Weasley 在Order of the Phoenix 组别。
Infer Inferi are Inferior
Cause the Inferi to destroy each other in the cave.
在The Half Blood Prince Chapter 4用 Confundo spell (Imperius Curse) 在 Inferi 身上。
Draco's Disco
As Draco Malfoy, cast Tarantallegra at another character.
在坩埚处选Draco Malfoy,到大厅调到红色魔法,按住方块键后再按R键,调到一个音乐魔法。用它来攻击大厅的人。
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限30UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间232 小时
猥乎其微 Lv.3, 积分 446, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
UID积分446帖子精华0浮云4 猥币1061 汽油0
12:52 编辑
Character Tokens Location Guide
Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 1:
Little Whinging Park – 1 Character Token
Petunia Dursley: In the second area of the first level. Must use Lumos on the plant in the ditch to get to it.
D.A.D.A. Lesson – 1 Character Token
Professor Umbridge: In the classroom where you make the Strength Potion. Go to the far left and you will see a horse next to a bookcase. Cast a spell on the horse and hit will kick the bookcase. Continue to do this until the bookcase breaks revealing the character token. (You also get Delores Umbridge (Ministry) from this token).
Chapter 2:
Trip to Hogsmeade – 3 Character Tokens
Michael Corner: Use Luna Lovegood's goggles power to rebuild all 3 snowmen throughout the level. One is at the beginning on the left, the second to the right of the ice wall that you melt with the coffee pot, and the third right outside of the building near the end of the level. After you build the last snowman he will take off his hat and the token will fall out.
Parvati Patil: In the basement of Hogsmeade bar, use the Deluminator to put a light above the Spectrospec's box. This will make a chicken knock a box down. Destroy the box and the token is inside.
Padma Patil: In the basement of Hogsmeade bar, use a pet to climb up the tube and knock down some pieces. Assemble those on the front of one of the big boxes in front of you. Break some boxes next to the lever that requires strength to pull. Assemble this to activate the lever. Pull the lever. This drains some water and lets you assemble the rest of the boxes, as well as giving you a water tank to fill. Put together the boxes and move the hands to the proper place on front of them. Fill the tank with water using Aguamenti. Use Wingardium to water the boxes and the token will pop out of the tube to the right.
The Duelling Lesson - No Character Tokens
Legilimency: Park - 5 Character Tokens
Madam Hooch: Using a Dark Wizard in the playground, destroy the three trash cans on the lower left corner.
Dean Thomas: In the Grimmauld Place area, water all four plants in the flowerpots.
Hannah Abbot: In the area where you battle the robots you will see three windows boarded up. Use Reducto to open all three of them for this token.
Cornelius Fudge: In the Ministry of Magic Hallway, use the Deluminator at the start of the hall and at the end of it place the light in the lamp
Daily Prophet Photographer: In the train station, close to the end there will be a bag spot. Use the bag and you will pull out the pieces to a violin. Assemble it and play it. The token will appear out of the hat.
12 Grimmauld Place – 2 Character Tokens
Regulus Arcturus Black: Use a Dark Wizard to open the door on the right side of the room. Go inside and shoot the cabinet on the top left to knock a chicken out. This will cause the tablecloth to fall off the table and reveal a dish. Zap the dish and you will find a piece of a puzzle to put on the wall. Next grab the handle on the floor and attach it to the level. Pull the lever and that will move the cabinet into the wall. Shoot the floor and it will reveal a Snake cabinet. Complete the puzzle and another piece will fall out. Finally use the Deluminator on the lights and the third and final piece will fall. Once all pieces are on the picture the token will appear.
Madam Pomfrey: Use a Dark Wizard to break the lock on the picture on the left side of the last room. Look at the picture and you will see a cut scene. Use Wingardium on the carpet and it will fly away and reveal a trap door. Use the Weasley Box to release the exploding pets and blow up the walls to the right. Go into the prison cell type thing and break a few walls. The token is at the end of the cell.
The Patronus Lesson – 1 Character Token
Susan Bones: Douse the fire in the fireplace by building a water machine with a Dark Wizard. The machine is to the left of the fireplace.
Meeting Grawp – No Character Tokens
The Weasley Twins Leave Hogwarts – 2 Character Tokens
Moaning Myrtle: On the far right side of the courtyard, use a pet to dig the token out of the ground.
Romilda Vane: After getting the Weasley Boxes from the knights in the class room, climb to the top of the clock and jump over to the ledge with the broom. Don’t get on the broom yet. Jump over it and grab this token.
Grawp Visit - 3 Character Tokens
Madam Malkin: On the far right of the level, use a pet to dig in a sandbox to uncover a Weasley box. Use the box and it will send down a spider to give you the token.
Fleur Delacour: Use a Dark Wizard on the three red flowers on the left side of the screen where you are trying to wake up Grawp.
Professor Sprout: After building the tricycle and waking up Grawp, go behind where he was sleeping and use the Lumos spell on the plants there. The tree stump will blow up and reveal the token.
The Hall of Prophecy – 2 Character Tokens + 1 Bonus Character Token
Professor Trelawney: After your first encounter with the Death Eaters, at the top of the screen you will put together a ladder. Move it to the right and climb up it. Once at the top turn around and lower a bridge. Cross over and jump to the platform. Once at the top (this is where you will find a Minikit) jump to the left one more time to find the token on a shelf.
Rita Skeeter: In the room full of Death Eaters, where you have to save your friends, use Luna’s Spectrospecs to save Ron. After the jackhammer splits the rock, the token will appear behind the Death Eater. You can collect it after the duel.
Bonus: Four Characters: After saving all of your friends, go to the top of the hill where the glowing arch is. There will be a small rock next to it. Blow it up and a token will appear.
The Half-Blood Prince
Professor Slughorn – 3 Character Tokens
Madam Pince: Set up the lamp on the far left of the room. Now use the Deluminator to move the light from the lamp to the other side of the room. Follow the trail of studs to the token.
Leanne (Jacket): In the Weasley's store, at the top left you will see a green statue type thing. Use Wingardium on it and it will throw up a token (you will also get Leanne with this token).
Verity: One you finish making the potion, go upstairs and move all the goo into it’s location the token will appear.
Draught of Living Death – 2 Character Tokens
Lavender Brown: In the top left corner of the classroom you will see a character token behind some plants. Use Lumos to move them out of the way.
Slytherin Twin #2 - On the far right, use a strong character to open the gate. (You also get Slytherin Twin (Dress) with this token).
The Three Broomsticks – 3 Character Tokens
The Grey Lady: Use a strong character to open the door upstairs. Use Hermione’s book to open the chest and get the key. Use the key to open the chest for the token.
Peeves: In the upstairs room opened by using a strong character, use the Deluminator on the lamps.
Katie Bell: In the upstairs room opened by using a strong character, use Argus Filch (or equivalent) to open the green box on the left side.
Slughorn’s Supper – 1 Character Token
Marcus Belby: Use a strong character to open the cabinet in the left corner to get a key. Use the key to wind up the piano. It will play music and make the people in the picture dance. They will give you a token.
Aguamenti Lesson – 1 Character Token
Slytherin Twin #1: In the classroom where you learn Aguamenti, stand in the professor’s chair and target the chair. Once it is zapped it will lift you up so you can jump and grab the token. (You also get Slytherin Twin #2 (Dress) with this token)
Chapter 3:
The Burrow – 3 Character Tokens
Charlie Weasley: On the far left side, use the vacuum to dig up the carrots revealing the bag spot. Use the bag to get a handle. Place the handle on the roller and the token will roll out.
Nearly Headless Nick: After the brief cut scene with the Death Eater appearing and disappearing, go up to the location where he was standing and dig in the area to the far right. The token will appear in the box you uncover.
Cormac McLaggen: Use the Spectrospecs to build a pump to rain the water out of the small pond. Build the teleport pad and then use it. Open the green box with Argus Filch. (You also get both Cormac McLaggen (Quidditch) and Cormac McLaggen (Suit) with this token).
Duelling Draco – 2 Character Tokens
Blaise Zabini: Use a strong character to break the sink. Ride up the fountain of water. (You also get Blaise Zabini (Shirt) with this token).
Madaam Rosmerta: When you are in the storage area with Ginny, after you use the Horn Pets to blow up the orange bar in the path there will be a black object you can move with Wingardium. Set it up right and the token will be underneath it.
Chapter 4:
The Cave Entrance – 5 Character Tokens + 1 Bonus Character Token
Elphias Doge: Dig up the box at the beginning and open it.
Minister Rufus Scrimgeour: On the center island (where the light is) build the bell and zap it to ring it. A bat will fly out carrying the token. Kill the bat.
Professor Flitwick : Use a Dark Wizard to remove the gate at the beginning of the second area. Jump across the gap.
Bonus: Five Characters: Once you get to the area where Dumbledore drinks the poison, run around and you will see a small rock near the fountain. Break the rock for this token.
Argus Filch: In the area with all the fire, after Snape kills Dumbledore, after you jump the logs and fight the Death Eaters, there is a small bush that you destroy and this token will be under it.
Professor Sinestra: There are three scarecrows in the fire area that you have to destroy. The first one you build towards the beginning. Bellatrix will throw another one at you. After your fight with Bellatrix use a strong character to break the gate. Here you will find the last scarecrow.
Deathly Hallows: Part I
The Wedding – 2 Character Tokens + 1 Bonus Character Token
Xenophilius Lovegood: After melting the ice statue with Deluminator,, use Luna’s Spectrospecs to use the teleporter. Use the snake box with Harry to get a key and use it to open the chest.
Madam Delacour: Use a strong character in the last area of the wedding . It will be in a barrel on the bottom right.
Bonus: 6 Characters: After melting the ice statue with Deluminator, use Luna’s Spectrospecs to use the teleporter. Once inside go to the right and destroy the presents.
Godric's Hollow – 5 Character Tokens
Second Brother: Once you gain control of your character, go right and towards the bottom of the screen. It is lying on the ground by a grave.
Narcissa Malfoy: Far right at the top, by a tree and a rocket.
First Brother: Once you gain control of your character go forward into a small hut. There is a small metal box you can zap on the wall, by the Spectraspec's box. The noise makes a bat with a key fly down. Cast a spell on the bat and he will drop the key. Take the key to the far right and open the tool shed with it. Inside will be the token.
Bathilda Bagshot: In Bathilda's house, shoot two spiders that come down from the ceiling. The token will appear after the second one dies.
Mafalda Hopkirk: Go over to the kitchen table, lift the object through the press with Wingardium and the token will pop out.
Forest of Dean Lake – 5 Character Tokens
Mundungus Fletcher: After the crab breaks through the rock, follow the path a bit more and swim to the top of the screen. You will see this floating around up top.
Peter Pettigrew: After breaking the lock to drop some barrels for the hammer and chisel, break the ice before you head down.
Third Brother: Use the teleporter to the left after getting out of the water and use Wingardium to tie the tree limb to a rock. Then bounce on the tree limb until you reach the token.
Dobby: At the bottom right area, use the red wall.
Reginald Cattermole: On the right ledge grab a light using the Deluminator. Place it on the lamp on the lower right.
Malfoy Manor – No Character Tokens
Deathly Hallows: Part II
Gringotts Break In – 2 Character Tokens
Amycus Carrow: Use a Dark Wizard on the stop light to the left of the dragon. This will cause a cart to come down and smash the other cart leaving behind a Weasley box and this token.
Alecto Carrow: In Bellatrix's Vault, break the rails in the top right area by the snake. Douse the fire, use the bag and get the snake to sneeze. Use the piece he sneezes up to rotate some gears and open a chest.
Hogsmeade – 2 Character Tokens
Aberforth Dumbledore. After defeating all of the Death Eaters, destroy the snowman up in a small alleyway.
Emmeline Vance: In a mailbox on the far right of the level.
The Chamber of Secrets – 3 Character Tokens
Bill Weasley: After crossing the green bridge, and pulling the lever, cross over to the Weasley walkway. Blow up the gate and move the Weasley box. Destroy the brown box behind it.
Fenrir Greyback: Use a strong character to pull the lever after the green bridge. Build the bell and ring it. Shoot the bat.
Lucius Malfoy: Use a Dark Wizard on the red blocks after using the jackhammer on the large rock.
The Lost Diadem – 2 Character Tokens
Vincent Crabbe: Use a Dark Wizard on the cage right at the beginning of the area.
Draco Malfoy: Use a strong character to open the wardrobe after riding the first broom. Get the key and open the chest. You also get Draco Malfoy (Sweater) with this token.
Hogwarts Battle – 5 Character Tokens + 1 Bonus Token
Seamus Finnigan: Destroy 3 of the suits of armor.
Gregory Goyle: Dark Wizard the wall in the second area
Mr. Ollivander: Use Fred's pet to blow up the Weasley box by the troll.
Tom Riddle: Blow up the big metal object in the water. It’s in front of crying Snape.
Professor Vector: Use a Dark Wizard on the red lock on the chest in the left side area to get a small boat. Use Wingardium to put it in the water. Use the bag spot on the right side to get another boat and put it in the water as well. After the small cut scene you can get the token in the water.
Bonus: 8 Characters – Blow up the small rock on the right side of the second area.
Harry vs Voldemort – 5 Character Tokens
Lilly Potter: Use a pet to dig the bag spot. Use the bag for the token.
Bellatrix Lestrange: In the area with the snake and the troll, after taking out the troll lift the pot that you put on his head.
James Potter: After you attack the snake twice, he will be in the door way. Before taking him out move close enough to him to trigger the Wingardium spell on the blocks behind him. Use it and it will trigger the snake to spit out the token.
Molly Weasley: Use Luna's Spectrospecs to build the teleport spot. Use the pad.
Voldemort: Use a Dark Wizard on the knight in the fourth area.
Alphabetical Locations
Below is a listing in the order the games character store has them in. This will show all characters, the amount of studs to buy it (if applicable), and where to unlock the character. Cross-reference the tokens you have to find with the Locations Guide above. Note that some of the tokens are unlocked by completing Duelling Club Categories.
Aberforth Dumbledore – (75,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 2
Albert Runcorn – (500,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3 (8 Characters)
Albus Dumbledore - Unlocked after Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4
Alecto Carrow – (20,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 1
Amycus Carrow – (20,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 1
Argus Filch – (15,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4
Arthur Weasley – (25,000) – Unlocked after Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 3
Arthur Weasley (Suit) – Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Bathilda Bagshot – (20,000) – Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Bellatrix Lestrange – (500,0000 - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 4
Bill Weasley – (25,0000 - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 2
Blaise Zabini – (20,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 3
Blaise Zabini (Shirt) – (20,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 3
Bogrod – (15,000) – Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 1
First Brother – (750,000) – Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Second Brother – (750,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Third Brother – (750,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2
Cedric Diggory – Unlocked after completing the Student Category Duelling Club
Charlie Weasley – (25,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 3
Cho Chang - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Cormac McLaggen – (20,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 3
Cormac McLaggen (Quidditch) – (20,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 3
Cormac McLaggen (Suit) – (20,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 3
Cornelius Fudge – (100,000) – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Daily Prophet Photographer – (10,000) – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Dean Thomas – (20,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Death Eater – (100,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4 (Five Characters)
Dennis - (2,000) - Purchasable from the character wardrobe
Dobby – (50,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2
Draco Malfoy – (100,000) – Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 2
Draco Malfoy (Sweater) – (100,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 2
Dudley Dursley - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Elphias Doge – (20,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4
Emmeline Vance – (20,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 1
Fenrir Greyback – (100,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 2
Fleur Delacour – (20,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Fred Weasley – Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Fred Weasley (Suit) – (25,000) - Unlocked after Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 1
Gellert Grindelwald – (500,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3 (8 Characters)
George Weasley - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
George Weasley (Suit) – (25,000) - Unlocked after Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 1
Ginny Weasley - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Ginny Weasley (Cardigan) - Unlocked after Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4
Ginny Weasley (Quidditch) – (25,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Ginny Weasley (Jacket) – (25,000) - Unlocked after Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4
Godric Gryffindor – Unlocked after completing the Bonus Category Duelling Club
Gordon – (2,000) - Purchasable from the character wardrobe
Gornuk – (15,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3 (8 Characters)
Gregorovich – Unlocked after completing the Open Category Duelling Club
Gregory Goyle – (20,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3
Griphook – (15,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 1
Gryffindor Boy – (10,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4 (Four Characters)
Gryffindor Girl – (10,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4 (Four Characters)
Gryffindor Prefect – (12,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4 (Four Characters)
Hagrid - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Hagrid (Motorcycle) – (25,000) – Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Hannah Abbott – (20,000) – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Harry (Blue Jacket) – Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Harry (Grey Jacket) – (250,000) - Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2
Harry (Coat) – (250,000) - Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Harry (Brown Jacket) – (250,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Harry (Winter Jacket) – (250,000) - Unlocked Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Harry (Suit) – (250,000) - Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Harry Potter - Unlocked after completing the Dumbledore’s Army Category Duelling Club
Helga Hufflepuff – (500,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3 (8 Characters)
Hermione Granger - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Hermione (Red Top) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Hermione (Purple Jacket) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 1
Hermione (Pink Hat) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Hermione (Winter Hat) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Hermione (Dress) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Hermione (Disguise) - Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 1
Hufflepuff Boy – (10,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3 (8 Characters)
Hufflepuff Girl – (10,000) – Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3 (8 Characters)
Hufflepuff Prefect – (12,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3 (8 Characters)
Igor Karkaroff – (30,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 1 (8 Characters)
James Potter – (200,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 4
Katie Bell – (20,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 2
Kingsley Shacklebolt - Unlocked after completing the Ministry of Magic Category Duelling Club
Kreacher - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Lavender Brown – (20,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 1
Leanne – (20,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 1
Leanne (Jacket) – (20,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 1
Lily Potter – (200,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 4
Lucius Malfoy – (500,000) – Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 2
Lucius Malfoy (Death Eater) – (500,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 2
Luna Lovegood (Jacket) – (30,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Luna Lovegood - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Luna Lovegood (Dress) – (30,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Madam Delacour – (25,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2
Madam Hooch – (25,000) – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Madam Malkin – (25,000) – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Madam Pince – (25,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 1
Madam Pomfrey – (25,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Madam Rosmerta – (25,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 3
Mad-Eye Moody - Unlocked after completing the Order of the Phoenix Category Duelling Club
Mafalda Hopkirk – (25,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Malcolm – (2,000) - Purchasable from the character wardrobe
Marcus Belby – (20,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 2
Michael Corner – (20,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Minister Rufus Scrimgeour – (30,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 3
Moaning Myrtle – (10,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Molly Weasley – (25,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 4
Mr. Ollivander – (30,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3
Mundungus Fletcher – (10,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2
Narcissa Malfoy – (30,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Nearly Headless Nick – (10,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 3
Neville Longbottom – (30,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Neville (Cardigan) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Neville (Waiter) – (30,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Neville (Sword) – Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 4
Nymphadora Tonks - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Padma Patil – (20,000) – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Parvati Patil – (20,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Peeves – (10,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 2
Peter Pettigrew – (20,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2
Petunia Dursley – (5,000) – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Phineas Nigellus Black – (20,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4 (Four Characters)
Professor Binns – (10,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2 (Six Characters)
Professor Flitwick – (25,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4
Professor McGonagall – Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 1
Professor Sinestra – (25,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4
Professor Slughorn – (25,000) - Unlocked after Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 2
Professor Slughorn (Pajamas) - Unlocked after Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 1
Professor Snape - Unlocked after completing the Hogwarts Staff Category Duelling Club
Professor Sprout – (25,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Professor Trelawney – (25,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Professor Umbridge – (25,000) – Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Delores Umbridge (Ministry) – (25,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Professor Vector – (25,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3
Ravenclaw Boy – (10,000) – Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2 (Six Characters)
Ravenclaw Girl – (10,000) – Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2 (Six Characters)
Ravenclaw Prefect – (12,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2 (Six Characters)
Reginald Cattermole – (30,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 1
Regulus Arcturus Black – (30,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Remus Lupin - Unlocked after Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 3
Rita Skeeter – (30,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 4
Romilda Vane – (20,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Ron Weasley - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Ron (Red Jumper) – (200,000) – Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Ron (Brown Jacket) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Ron (Quidditch) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Ron (Winter Hat) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Ron (Cream Jacket) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2
Ron (Brown Jumper) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 2
Ron (Disguise) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 1
Ron (Suit) – (200,000) - Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 1
Ron (Gryffindor Sword) – Unlocked after Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2
Rowena Ravenclaw – (500,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2 (Six Characters)
Salazar Slytherin – (500,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4 (Five Characters)
Seamus Finnigan – (20,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3
Sirius Black – (20,000) - Unlocked after Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
Slytherin Twin #1 – (20,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 2
Slytherin Twin #1 (Dress) – (20,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 2
Slytherin Twin #2 (Dress) – (20,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 1
Slytherin Twin #2 – (20,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 1
Slytherin Boy – (10,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4 (Five Characters)
Slytherin Girl – (10,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4 (Five Characters)
Sytherin Prefect – (12,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 4 (Five Characters)
Susan Bones: - (20,000) - Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 3
The Grey Lady – (10,000) - Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 2
Tom Riddle – (500,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 3
Tom the Innkeeper – (20,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2 (Six Characters)
Verity – (20,000) – Half-Blood Prince: Chapter 1
Vernon Dursley – (5,000) - Purchasable from the character wardrobe
Vincent Crabbe – (20,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 2
Voldemort – (1,000,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part II: Chapter 4
Lord Voldemort (Suit) - Unlocked after completing the Death Eater Category Duelling Club
Xenophilius Lovegood – (20,000) - Deathly Hallows: Part I: Chapter 2
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限30UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间232 小时
猥乎其微 Lv.3, 积分 446, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
UID积分446帖子精华0浮云4 猥币1061 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限50UID1608230帖子狩魂0 在线时间1025 小时
猥言大义 Lv.5, 积分 1068, 距离下一级还需 932 积分
UID1608230积分1068帖子精华0浮云58 猥币921 汽油0
本帖最后由 f8rinoa 于
14:28 编辑
这个直接搬运攻略也太那个了吧。好歹自己动手写点难点呀,上面的那些,写了等于没写不实用。 你确定这个是PSV的攻略?感觉攻略牛头不对马嘴,貌似不是流程攻略,楼下的鉴定一下。
PSV 白金进度稳步推进。达成目标过半!
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限30UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间232 小时
猥乎其微 Lv.3, 积分 446, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
UID积分446帖子精华0浮云4 猥币1061 汽油0
f8rinoa 发表于
这个直接搬运攻略也太那个了吧。好歹自己动手写点难点呀,上面的那些,写了等于没写不实用。 你确定 ...
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限60UID339459帖子狩魂0 在线时间797 小时
猥人师表 Lv.6, 积分 3162, 距离下一级还需 1838 积分
UID339459积分3162帖子精华0浮云115 猥币11796 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限80UID353034帖子狩魂0 在线时间1996 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 15829, 距离下一级还需 14171 积分
UID353034积分15829帖子精华0浮云533 猥币65582 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限80UID86876帖子狩魂0 在线时间2233 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 16694, 距离下一级还需 13306 积分
UID86876积分16694帖子精华0浮云700 猥币64954 汽油0
本帖最后由 yellowyee 于
22:47 编辑
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限150UID8398154帖子狩魂0 在线时间3698 小时
UID8398154积分23864帖子精华0浮云5610 猥币65487 汽油182
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限60UID8867335帖子狩魂0 在线时间648 小时
猥人师表 Lv.6, 积分 2335, 距离下一级还需 2665 积分
UID8867335积分2335帖子精华0浮云33 猥币4783 汽油0
问一下 马尔福和决斗场第四组最后一个人在哪解锁啊啊?
欢迎PSV fifa足球爱好者加入我们PSV fifa14线上联赛群~~群号:&&
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限40UID86118帖子狩魂0 在线时间281 小时
猥服出巡 Lv.4, 积分 545, 距离下一级还需 455 积分
UID86118积分545帖子精华0浮云5 猥币2848 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限50UID448772帖子狩魂0 在线时间1085 小时
猥言大义 Lv.5, 积分 1717, 距离下一级还需 283 积分
UID448772积分1717帖子精华0浮云38 猥币4638 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间3 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 20, 距离下一级还需 30 积分
UID积分20帖子精华0浮云0 猥币88 汽油0
在6年级的第一章新魔药教授家楼上的浴室里 攻略说是有2顶巫师帽
另一顶攻略说要往注水的澡盆扔肥皂 可是哪有肥皂呢 把浴室里能炸的东西都炸了 也没发现
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限40UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间194 小时
猥服出巡 Lv.4, 积分 582, 距离下一级还需 418 积分
UID积分582帖子精华0浮云14 猥币1850 汽油0
正在玩 顶了
随便玩玩就拿到这么多了,SO EASY,妈妈再也不用担心我的成就 (获得累计超过10个成就--不包括负面成就)
你已经踏上了成就收集的不归路,5个成就怎么可能满足你的需求,继续努力吧! (获得累计超过5个成就--不包括负面成就)
首先我要感谢我的把拔马嘛,还要感谢各种TV,感谢@#%&*…让我拥有现世代所有的游戏机。(PSP、PSV、NDS、3DS、PS3、XBOX360、WII、WII U、PS4、XBOX ONE)
作为大型玩具公司董事长女儿的我,只有在给小樱做漂亮衣服的时候,才能让我体会到作为一个有钱人的好处 (在猥皮大本营的加油站充过5汽油)
差点就是第一名了! --不甘心的菲尼如是说(曾在论坛任意板块内组织的活动中获得第二名)
一朵,两朵,三朵,呵呵呵… (累计获得1000朵浮云)
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