
大家好,我是新来的,最近想开mcpc服,因为我的水桶服只有插件太无聊了,当我下了Minecraft 1.6.2 with Forge9.10.1.871(附开服器).rar后,开服也是失败,求大神们帮帮我啊,我真的很想开服玩555555,我QQ
1楼 17:14&|
老开服核心被墙了,要下载我们这边带有补档的帖子里的客户端才可以[修复方案]【紧急】关于Spigot及mcpc+服务端的问题及解决方式:(症状:使用Spigot的服务端将在3月27日4点后出现crash,表现结果是服务器内出现2个以上玩家,直接崩服,假如出现这个问题,请见链接,一般常见于1.6.2及以下版本)(解决措施:自行更换1.6.2版本的mcpc+核心即可,核心下载链接:)(目前新增症状:1.6.4版本的mcpc+也出现问题,替换为Cauldron服务端即可,链接:)【我的世界】Minecraft 1.6.2 with Forge9.10.1.871 中文输入修复纯净版(附开服器,无任何mod,补档):【我的世界】Minecraft 1.6.4 with Forge9.11.1.965纯净版(附Cauldron开服器+中文输入修复,补档):【我的世界】Minecraft 1.7.2 with Forge10.12.2.1147纯净版(附Cauldron开服器):【我的世界】Minecraft 1.7.10 with Forge10.13.0.1187纯净版(附Cauldron开服器):目前比较推荐的是1.6.4版本和1.7.10版本开服教程:(【我的世界-Minecraft】科普向教程.从下载、启动、安装mod、插件到开服的简要版图文教程:)
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[1.7.10] [RPG] The Mists of RioV [V2.4.8]
112,218 Views, 845 today
15,716 Downloads, 169 today
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The Mists of RioV (Ree-Awhv) adds new blocks, items, bosses, mobs, dimensions, biomes, and new GUIs to fit your RPG needs. Wait, what if it doesn't fit my RPG needs? Leave a suggestion in the comments below!
The Mists of RioV is Singleplayer, Multiplayer and MCPC+.
The Mists of RioV may be included into any modpack, but please give credit and link this post wherever the modpack may be posted. :)
NOTE: The 'dead bodies' are not a bug! It's an aesthetic!
Onyx - Mine Onyx Ore with an Iron Pickaxe.
Amethyst - Mine Amethyst Ore with a Stone Pickaxe.
Nironite - Mine Nironite Ore with an Agonite Pickaxe.
Orb, Mythril Ingot or a Base Crystal - Kill a Mage mob from the Overworld.
Horse Meat - Kill a Minecraft 1.6 horse.
Vulron - Kill the Demon Angel boss.
Dark Matter, Cloth of Magic - Kill the Darkness boss.
Wind Element - Break Skyclouds.
Scrolls - Kill Adventurers.
Eos Potions - Kill Mages.
New wands - Kill Mages.
Black Nether Quartz - Mine Nether Quartz Ore in the Nether.
Blood Rock - Mine Blood Rock.
Black Bones - Kill a Skeletal Horse mob from the Nether.
Aun'Tun Minion Gear - Kill Aun'Tun beings in the Nether.
Ingot of Flame - Kill Aun'Tun Minions.
Dragon Soul Gem - Mine Dragon Ore with an Agonite Pickaxe.
Blind Oasis:
Blindonite - Mine Blindonite Ore with an Infused Onyx Pickaxe.
Agonite - Kill the Terron boss here. (Make the Agonite Pickaxe with this)
Vravinite Gear - Kill Vravinite mobs, or mine Vravinite Ore with an Agonite Pickaxe.
Jaavik - Mine Jaavik Ore with an Infused Vravinite Pickaxe.
Drakiuz - Mine Drakiuz ore with a Infused Vravinite Pickaxe.
Aleris - Mine Aleris ore with an Infused Vravinite Pickaxe.
How to get to The Blind Oasis:
Obtain Black Quartz from the Nether.
Make Black Quartz Blocks
NOTE: Tef , The Darkness, and the other boss, Terron must be spawned here ONLY. They cannot be spawned anywhere else.
Make the portal like this:
Light up the portal with the Blind Oasis Activator (Recipe in recipe section)
How to get to Vaeryn:
Obtain Blindonite from The Blind Oasis.
Make Blindonites Blocks.
Make the portal like this:
Light up the portal with the Vaeryn Activator (Recipe in recipe section)
How to get to Flamonor:
Obtain Jaavik Block from Vaeryn.
Make portal formation with said blocks.
Light up the portal with the Flamonor Activator (Recipe in recipe section).
NOTE: Drakiuz Ore must be mined with a INFUSED VRAVINITE PICKAXE. So it's best to go to the Vaeryn dimension first.
How to get to Sanctuatite:
Make quartz blocks from the Nether's vanilla quartz ore.
Make portal formation with said blocks.
Light up the portal with the Sanctuatite Activator (Recipe in recipe section).
NOTE: How to obtain Aleris ore: Mine it with an INFUSED VRAVINITE PICKAXE.
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NEW RIOV-API RELEASED! Use this API to make addons for RioV with ease!
Features Java Reflection methods to replace methods in main Minecraft files/or RioV files
Getting variables in other classes in RioV that cannot be accessed within the source.
Base RioV item files for easy item adding!
Base RioV block files for easy block adding!
Useful methods for addon development!
- Use this API to make addons.
- Distribute with your mod
- Alter code and distribute it.
You may not:
- Make profit off of the API (adfocus, adfly)
***** If you wish to make money off of your addon, then do not distribute the addon with your mod, leave a download link to this page. **
Feel like donating?
Donations are not mandatory, but appreciated. :)
If you feel like sending money, put my email in the box to send it to:
Top Donors:
krwminer - $50
lDiverse - ?5
HelloImLuke - $5
-- No one else... --
Upgrading from v2.1.x to v2.2.x? Delete your config if you had one..
1. Download Minecraft Forge from here:
Download the latest 1.7.10 INSTALLER.
2. Put my mod's zip file into the /mods/ folder of your .minecraft folder
1. Install Forge into your server folder using the same installer.
2. Install my mod like Singleplayer.
3. Run the server with the universal-forge-blahblahblah.jar and enjoy!
To install expansion packs:
1. You must have The Mists of RioV installed
2. Install like Singleplayer.
Recipes here:
+ Infused Aleris items (finally)
+ Azanor's Baubles mod integration
+ Helmet overlay for helmets (similar to pumpkin) (can be disabled)
+ New tool set and wand: Shadownite
+ New mob: Shadownite Wizard
+ New projectile: Raw Dark Matter
+ In-game RioV documentation
+ NEI integration for Anvil
* Lowers mob spawn rate because people don't like a challenge
* RioV food now affects saturation level
* Fixes Nizonian hitbox
* Demon Angel and Aun'Tun Bodyguard do not attack you if you're on Raetiin, instead, they follow you.
* Switches over to SimpleNetworkWrapper for syncing of Player data, fixes potential memory leak issue
* Anvil recipe is fixed (uses red wool again)
* ModUpdateChecker now checks to see if you're online or not
* Faction names are no longer handled by the server in RioVPlayer NBT data, instead, they are handled client side
* Factions are now only IDs.
* Fixes config GUI not syncing.
* Paladin boss bar vanishes when dead body.
* Mod runs a lot better now
* 'Void Holder' is no longer a duplicate item
* HUD text looks pretty now. :)
* Removal of unused methods and such and variables, in preparation for 1.8
* [RioV-API] Increased version to v2.0.0
- Garnet ore, block/item, and armor
- Blindonite armor/tools as they are useless
- Galokin gear
The rest of the changelog can be found here: /u//RioV_Changelog.txt
Note: Showing last 25 of 54 logs.
Fixes starting guide issue.
Fixes NEI server crash issue.
Fixes server crash when boss mobs are killed.
Fixes latest forge issue. :)
Lowers mob spawningAdds option to disable mob nameplatesThis is the first update in my weekly updates schedule for riov! :)
Fixes NEI crashingFixes smaller bugs
Someone flagged my download page. :(
I fixed a thing.
Hey everyone! So, some of you may have noticed I haven't done any modding at all in the past... 2 - 3 weeks or so, reason being is I'm working on my game. :) Hoping to get it greenlit whenever it's ready to be published to the Greenlight area of Steam. You can follow me on Twitter to receive updates about it. :) Thanks!Sheen.
Fixes Jaavik Ore genFixes helmet overlay bug
v2.4.0---Additions---+ Infused Aleris items (finally)+ Azanor's Baubles mod integration+ Helmet overlay for helmets (similar to pumpkin) (can be disabled)+ New tool set and wand: Shadownite+ New mob: Shadownite Wizard+ New projectile: Raw Dark Matter+ In-game RioV documentation+ NEI integration for Anvil---Fixes/Changes---* Lowers mob spawn rate because people don't like a challenge* RioV food now affects saturation level* Fixes Nizonian hitbox* Demon Angel and Aun'Tun Bodyguard do not attack you if you're on Raetiin, instead, they follow you.* Switches over to SimpleNetworkWrapper for syncing of Player data, fixes potential memory leak issue* Anvil recipe is fixed (uses red wool again)* ModUpdateChecker now checks to see if you're online or not* Faction names are no longer handled by the server in RioVPlayer NBT data, instead, they are handled client side* Factions are now only IDs.* Fixes config GUI not syncing.* Paladin boss bar vanishes when dead body.* Mod runs a lot better now* 'Void Holder' is no longer a duplicate item* HUD text looks pretty now. :)* Removal of unused methods and such and variables, in preparation for 1.8* [RioV-API] Increased version to v2.0.0---Removes---- Garnet ore, block/item, and armor- Blindonite armor/tools as they are useless- Galokin gear
Fixes minor bugs.
Lots of fixes just use /pc or /printchangelog in game to see. :)
v2.3.3 released!---Additions---+ Adds new reputation system! No longer execute commands to join factions!---Fixes/Changes---* Fixes server crash when hitting a player* No more /spfaction /mpfaction commands. :)* Fixes Wood Elf King spawn egg.* Made the mob AI a bit more intelligent. :)Probably the last update for v2.3.x, hopefully moving onto v2.4.0.NOTICE: Your player saves on multiplayer will be bugged, it's best to delete the player files in the world save file.
Fixes thing. Use /pc in game to see changelog
New update!Use /pc or /printchangelog in game to see changelog.
I didn't plan to update today but I had to fix some game breaking bugs... so here you go! :p
Finally updated to v2.2.0 and MC 1.7.10!I had to remove some things for the sake of the mod working, and they didnt fit... so eh.There are going to be a few bugs still, so feel free to report them. :)
New update! Nothing changed, just needed to update to 1.7.10. :)
Fixes a lot of stuff, dimensions working ish, need to fix generation issues, multiplayer kinda works (excluding Eos), etc.
It's summer and I'm back to modding! I updated the download link to go to a google doc and it has all downloads for my mods there. It is much easier to manage now!
New version is out! Containing minor bug fixes, major issues will be fixed in the next couple updates! If you do not take the time to read this entire post for the mod and complain to me that &the mod has issues omg leleleksdjkgsdhnrgjsbhdrjgbsdjfg& I will completely ignore you.
I switched to for my mods instead of because it has a higher payout rate. More money = more assets I can buy for my upcoming game. :)
Okay, new build is out for 1.7.2. Remember it IS
a pre-alpha, so it is not fully playable, it is intended for bug hunting. :)
Okay guys, today I'll start working on this mod again. I took a long break to focus on schoolwork, etc. New build should be out on Sunday. Hopefully a huge changelog with lots o' fixes. :)
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Game Version: Minecraft 1.7.10
Official-jedimartin said
I have begun coding the new systems, old systems will not be removed until new system is implemented...
WTFshady said
i7-4790K w/Noctua NH-U9B CPU cooler
16 GB Crucial Ballistix Sport XT @ 1866 MHz
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It just seems to be a thing now, Where lots of new players, Including me when I first started, Were ...
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Ban their IP.
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Age: 14 1/2
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contact a moderator...
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