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EVA-ANIMA&&&&&& 《EVA-ANIMA》是从2008年1月开始在杂志《电撃HOBBY》上连载的EVA官方小说。由EVA的机械设定山下いくと为总策划兼机设、曾经做过动画板原画与在同人界各方面都出名的うたたねひろゆき来做人设、以及架空战记作家,以对战车很有爱的阴山琢磨执笔创作的作品。作品介绍
&&&&& 这部作品会出现的起因主要是在2004年末,导演庵野秀明向EVA机设的山下いくと聊起今后EVA的各种构想开始。而其中一种构想就是「希望让EVA像高达那样多元化」。听到这话的山下也随性跟庵野说起他曾经有想过原创的EVA企划,那是跳脱EVA原本的故事型态“偏向科幻作品那样、朝着宇宙前进”这样的内容。&&&&& 庵野就对山下说「随你去做吧,反正贞本那边(漫画)也在随自己意思画了,使用EVA的标题也可以」这样干脆的放手让山下去玩。&其结果就是现在这个《ANIMA》。《ANIMA》,是指“灵魂所在”。故事设定
&《EVA-ANIMA》中17岁的绫波丽&  《ANIMA》的故事设定。是以「『人类补完计划』没有发动的世界3年后」作为舞台,与原作可以说是平行世界的故事。  主要剧情分歧点在于TV版24话完结的时候,从这个点开始与旧剧场版新25、26话走向不同的剧情进展。  而内容最主要分歧点,其实是以加持躲过了谍报部门的追杀,活下来揭露SEELE的内幕给国联和日本政府作为关键,故事整个大转弯。由于加持的努力,导致SEELE所发动的人类补完计划失败,全人类都存活了下来,在这个世界里真嗣他们17岁开始的崭新故事。
资深日本动漫爱好者,发表过多篇动漫相关评论、研究文章。Anima - definition of anima by The Free Dictionary
anima Also found in: , , , , , .
The inner s the soul.2.
In Jungian psychology:a.
The unconscious or true inner self of an individual, as opposed to the persona, or outer aspect of the personality.b.
The feminine inner personality, as present in the unconscious of the male. It is in contrast to the animus, which represents masculine characteristics.[L see
in .]anima ('aen?m?) (in Jungian psychology) n (Psychology) a. the feminine principle as present in the male unconsciousb. the inner personality, which is in communication with the unconscious. See also [Latin: air, breath, spirit, feminine of animus]an•i•ma
(ˈaen ə mə)
(in the psychology of C. G. Jung)
the inner personality (contrasted with ).
the feminine principle, esp. as present in men (contrasted with ).
[;25; & Latin: breath, soul, spirit] anima,
- Anima is Carl Jung's term for the inner part of the personality, or character, as opposed to the persona, or outer part.See also related terms for .anima,
- Anima is the source of the female part of personality and animus is the source of the male part.See also related terms for .anima1. The spirit of the opposite sex within the subject (female in men, male in women).2. female spirituality
Switch to Noun1.anima - (Jungian psychology) the inner self (not the external persona) that is in touch with the unconscious,
- your consciousness of your own identity,
- the science of mental life, ,
- Swiss psychologist ()
anima [ˈænɪmə] N (Psych) →
fanima n (Psych) →
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They are happy men, whose natures sort
otherwise they may say, multum incola fuit anima when they converse in those things, they do not affect. ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF ONE OR MORE WORKS: De Anima (with Parva Naturalia), by W. Early in the morning we ascended the Sierra de las Animas. The Barrington teens were asked to fill in with the young Anima singers to boost the tenor and bass parts of the songs.Anima will exclusively present photographs of digital visual effects to show that language and words often do not hit the mark, as they can "neither express nor describe the love, the loss, the tragedy or joy felt deep inside the human soul," according to organisers.Anima begins with the discovery of a brutal murder.The two awe-inspiring sculptures will be exhibited outdoor one to be displayed in front of the Museum of Islamic Art, and the other outside the Anima Gallery.Palabras clave: Ramon Llull, Liber novus de anima rationali, aristotelismo, psicologia medieval.Stockinger then toured The Mind Museum with students of Anima Christi, which provides therapy and interventions for children with learning challenges.Because moderns no longer think of anima as a concept in relation to plants or sensory experience, and think of soul as a religious rather than a scientific concept, such discussions can seem bizarre, unless we appreciate these thinkers were debating what were still pressing issues.Children like Anima could grow up to author works for Kaff's most recent program, Books-in-a-Bag, winner of a 2014 Literacy Grant from the Society In fact, a graduate student Kaff mentored at Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University (SEKOMU) in Lushoto rewrote a Tanzanian folktale about a one-legged youth for this initiative, she explained, "so that children with disabilities would have a story about a child with a disability who is able to help his family.ANIMA is an international cooperation platform for economic development in the Mediterranean.
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