
似乎这个论坛很少人提到他啊,他给影迷留下的经典还是不少啊!1. 数字23 The Number 23 (2006) Walter Sparrow/Fingerling 2. 新抢钱夫妻 Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) Dick Harper 3. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2005) Walter Mitty 4. 无敌金钢 The Six Million Dollar Man (2005) Col. Steve Austin 5. 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004) Himself - #68: Box Office Hit to Box Office Flop (archive footage) 6. 无痛失恋 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Joel Barish 7. 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) Count Olaf 8. 第76届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) Himself - Presenter: Honorary Award to Blake Edwards 9. 冒牌天神 Bruce Almighty (2003) Bruce Nolan 10. Pecan Pie (2003) The driver 11. 美利坚向英雄致敬 America: A Tribute to Heroes (2001) Himself 12. 堂皇 The Majestic (2001) Peter Appleton 13. 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) Himself 14. 圣诞怪杰 How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) Grinch 15. 一个头两个大 Me, Myself & Irene (2000) Officer Charlie Baileygates/Hank Evans 16. 好莱坞百年百个明星 AFI's 100 Years... 100 Stars (1999) Himself 17. 月亮上的男人 Man on the Moon (1999) Andy Kaufman/Tony Clifton (also as Tony Clifton) 18. 第71届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) Himself - Presenter: Best Editing 19. 一路上有你 Simon Birch (1998) Adult Joe Wenteworth 20. 楚门的世界 The Truman Show (1998) Truman Burbank 21. \"Celebrity Profile\" (1997) Himself 22. 大话王 Liar Liar (1997) Fletcher Reede 23. The 69th Annual Academy Awards (1997) Himself - Presenter: Best Visual Effects 24. The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) Himself - Presenter: Best Cinematography 25. 王牌特派员 The Cable Guy (1996) The Cable Guy 26. 神探飞机头2 Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995) Ace Ventura 27. 永远的蝙蝠侠 Batman Forever (1995) The Riddler/Edward Nygma 28. The American Film Institute Salute to Steven Spielberg (1995) Himself 29. 神探飞机头 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994) Ace Ventura 30. 阿呆和阿瓜 Dumb & Dumber (1994) Lloyd Christmas 31. 变相怪杰 The Mask (1994) Stanley Ipkiss 32. Doing Time on Maple Drive (1992) Tim Carter 33. 生动的颜色 \"In Living Color\" (1990) Various Characters (as James Carrey) 34. 凯迪拉克神探 Pink Cadillac (1989) Comedian (as James Carrey) 35. 外星奇缘 Earth Girls Are Easy (1988) Wiploc 36. 虎探追魂 The Dead Pool (1988) Johnny Squares (as James Carrey) 37. 时光倒流未嫁时 Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) Walter Getz 38. 一咬定情 Once Bitten (1985) Mark Kendall [/size]各位看过多少呢??本人十分喜欢《楚门的世界》
1. 2. 7. 9. 14. 20. 22. 25. 26. 29. 30. 3112部……对《楚门的世界》没好感,还是喜欢看纯搞笑的哈哈
看过的不多,上初中的时候看过《变像怪杰》,感觉还不错后来看《神探飞机头》,很接受不了他那夸张的表演,此片快进看了一半就看不下去了上大学后看了《冒牌天神》,很好看,对这个人也能接受了《yes man》也好看,什么时候再抽空看看《神探飞机头》,看看能接受了不....
最近看了《yes man》,就再看了一遍《楚门的世界》,都很不错。对了,还有《冒牌天神》和《变相怪杰》
Good morning, and in case I don‘t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
引用10楼 心痛 发表的
嘿嘿经典吧Good morning, and in case I don‘t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
7. 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) Count Olaf 有他么有他么?……真的有诶,没注意……
除了无痛失恋 基本上都看了
The Truman Show 其实是很有意思的电影,因为不像平时那么无厘头,好像还得了个喜剧演员的奖Jim carrey还是应该停止对艺术片的执着,回归到夸张表演的时代,娱乐大众的艺术家更值得敬重
最喜欢的还是他的 变相了...
其他人正在看douban.com, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司本视频由声明原创。《王牌特派员》到底是什么意思 金凯瑞演的这个角色到底是想要表现_金凯瑞吧_百度贴吧
《王牌特派员》到底是什么意思 金凯瑞演的这个角色到底是想要表现收藏
09-12-20 &
J金凯瑞日出生于加拿大的多伦多,原名詹姆斯·尤,是家庭中四个孩子中最小的一个。父亲是个并不成功的音乐人,后经商失利而破产,一家人只能在贫困线上挣扎,靠打杂工糊口。 少年时的金凯瑞只能放弃读书而帮助家庭维持生活,现实使他看清了世态的炎凉。15岁时他在父亲的帮助下在多伦多一家喜剧俱乐部表演,后来来到洛杉矶参加了“滑稽商店”的演出。但很快他发现这种节目并不适合他,但是长时间的表演充分发挥了他天才的喜剧才能,并使他能够吸收各种各样有用的技巧。 到了1981年,金凯瑞已成为一个可以独自制作节目的喜剧演员,他将生活的真实感融入到喜剧表演中,令幽默诙谐之中充满了一种讽刺嘲笑的内涵。后来他在《生动的颜色》(《In Living Color》)这个电视节目中取得了成功,成为全美上下人人皆知的笑星。他的任何一个动作,一个神态举手投足之间都能使人们从苦恼中解脱出来, 开怀大笑。NBC的系列剧《鸭子工厂》(《The Duck Factory》1984)又使他成为儿童喜爱的卡通明星。 1986年金凯瑞放弃了在电视上的发展,开始涉足影坛。最开始他在一些影片中都是饰演配角的喜剧形象,《佩吉·苏出嫁》(《Peggy Sue Get Married》 1986)、《地球姑娘好相处?!》(《Earth Girls Are Easy》1989)、《一朝被咬》(《Realing Bites》1988)、《The Deled Pool》1988、《Rink Cadi Uac》1989。他在这些影片中仅仅是作为大明星克林特·伊斯特伍德、吉娜·戴维斯等的配色小角,一个跑龙套的小人物。但是他潜在的并时常表现出来的天才喜剧才能却在这些不经意不起眼的小角色中放射出光芒;随意的动作、神态往往令人拍案叫绝。 终于机会来了,1994年,他应邀主演《神探飞机头》--1(《ACE VENTURA: Pet Detective》),影片推出后引起观众极大喜爱,金凯瑞大显身手的出色表演令人们如痴如醉。他终于走出了徘徊的低谷,开始走红好莱坞。接着他主演了《变相怪杰》(《The Mask》)中的好好先生史丹利,他戴上一个古怪的面具后就具有了非凡的能力,他在影片中追求爱情,与黑社会斗争,最终全盘获胜。笑声充满了整个影片,他以大胆的创意,夸张的动作,千变万化的面部表情,精湛娴熟的身体技能折服了千百万观众,使影片创下了辉煌的票房记录,人们争相观看,百看不厌。《面具》一片使他真正成为一名超级巨星。 同年的《阿呆与阿傻》(《Dumb & Dum-ber》)再一次取得巨大成功。金凯瑞名噪一时,成为好莱坞众多明星中最引人注目的一颗巨星。1995年凯瑞参加了《蝙蝠侠》Ⅲ(《Batman For-ever》)的演出,他与方·基默和汤米·李·琼斯合作,饰演了阴险、恶毒、伺机向蝙蝠侠复仇的发明家“解迷人”伊艾活。他的表演没有一处不令人发笑,他把内心情绪全部通过面部的细致但是准确夸张的神态表情展现出来,把恶人演到了极点。 在完成了这部电影之后,金凯瑞又投入到《神探飞机头》--2(《Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls》)的拍摄中。这是《神探飞机头》--1的续集,讲述了一个非洲大冒险的故事,金凯瑞的表演又一次令人大开眼界,笑破肚皮。1996年,由他主演的影片《王牌特派员》(《The Cable Guy》)也获得了很大的成功,此时,他的片酬已达到了2000万美元之巨。 98年暑期电影照例一堆捞钱要紧的片子,金凯瑞却在此时推出了幽默感人、非常具原创性的《楚门的世界》,合作的还是感性知性兼具的彼得威而。在片中,我们看到了熟悉的金凯瑞,也看到了非常不一样的金凯瑞,该片将为金凯瑞打下坚实的基础,从此我们可以看出金凯瑞的演艺生涯定将更上一层楼。  jim Carrey in January 1962 was born in Toronto, Canada, 17, formerly Zhanmusiyou is a family of four children in the smallest one. Father was not a successful musician, the latter due to losses in business bankruptcy, a person can only be under the poverty line struggling make ends meet by working odd jobs. When young Jim Carrey could only give up reading and to help families living in reality to enable him to see the state of the world Yan Liang. Age 15 with the help of his father, a comedy club performances in Toronto, and later came to Los Angeles participated in the &funny store& performance. But soon he found that this program is not suitable for him, but a long show full of his comic genius in order to enable him to absorb the variety of useful skills. By 1981, Jim Carrey has become a comedian can be independently produced programs, he will live realism into comedy performances, so full of humor into a satirical mockery connotations. Later, in his &vivid color& ( &In Living Color&) in this television program a success, becoming the nation's well-known comedian from top to bottom. Any one of his action, an air of gestures can make between the freed people from the distress, laughing. NBC's series &Duck Factory& ( &The Duck Factory& 1984) has made him a children's favorite cartoon star. Jim Carrey in 1986 gave up the development of television, film began to get involved. The very beginning, he played in a number of the film is the image of a supporting role in comedy, &Peggy Sue Got Married& ( &Peggy Sue Get Married& 1986), &Earth girl to get along ?!&(& Earth Girls Are Easy& 1989), &once bitten& ( &Realing Bites& 1988), &The Deled Pool& 1988, &Rink Cadi Uac& 1989. In these films, he is just as big star Clint Eastwood, Geena Davis, etc. matching a small angle, a utility man of the little people. But his potential and often comic genius can be manifested is in these inadvertently play a minor role
random movements, the posture is often lovely. Finally the opportunity came, in 1994, he was invited to star of &Mad Detective plane head& - 1 ( &ACE VENTURA: Pet Detective&), video introduction to attract an audience a great love, Jim Carrey who display their skills to good performance is mesmerizing . He finally wandering out of the valley began to popular Hollywood. Then he starred in &The Mask& ( &The Mask&) in the Mr. Nice Guy Stanley, he put on a mask after the eccentric has a remarkable ability, his pursuit of love in the film with the underworld struggle, the final the overall victory. Laughter filled the entire film, his bold ideas, exaggerated movements, ever-changing facial expressions, superb mastery of physical skills impressed millions of viewers to record a brilliant movie box office records, People are eager to watch, never lost their appeal . &Mask,& made him a truly become a superstar. In the same year's &Dumb & A silly& ( &Dumb & Dum-ber&) once again a great success. Jim Carrey very famous as the many Hollywood stars in the most compelling one star. In 1995, Kerry participated in the &Batman& Ⅲ ( &Batman For-ever&) performance, he and Val Kilmer and Tommy Lee Jones co-operation played a sinister, vicious, and await the invention of the Batman Vengeance home &attractive solution,& Yi Yi live. His performance is not a not a cause for laughter, he inner feelings all through the face of detailed and accurate, but an air of exaggerated expression revealed itself, and the villain played to the extreme. After the completion of the film, Jim Carrey again into &Detective plane head& - 2 ( &Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls&) of the filming. This is the &Detective plane head& - 1 of the sequel, tells the story of an African adventure, Jim Carrey's performance once again an eye-opener, Xiaopodupi. In 1996, he starred in the movie &Cable Guy& ( &The Cable Guy&) also received a great deal of success, this time, his paycheck has reached 20 million U.S. dollars is huge. 98 summer movies to bear in making money as usual, a bunch of film, Jim Carrey but this time to introduce a sense of humor, very original with the &Truman Show&, co-operation or both of the Bide Wei and intellectual sensibility. In the film, we see a familiar Jim Carrey, but also saw a very different Jim Carrey, Jim Carrey film will lay a solid foundation, from this we can see that Jim Carrey's acting career will certainly be a higher level .


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