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&Pure Land Buddhism Sutras
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中英文对照The Chinese-English Contrast佛教Q土典cU集居士惟智c喜g著The Anthology Of the Zen Poems And Pure Land Buddhism Sutras English Translation By Weizhi-qingxi版权归属三宝 &欢迎大众翻印免费赠送结缘 &此书请勿买卖目 & 录CONTENTS1.七句祈\文 &………………………………1.The Seven Sentences Of Prayers To Guru Rinpoche ……… 122.般若心…………………………………………2.The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra………………………… 153.大葜疗兴_念佛A通章…………………………3. The Consummate Perspicuous Chapter For Bodhisattva Mahas -thamaprapta Chanting The Name Of Buddha Amitabha In The Shurangama Sutra &……………………………… 184.佛f摩X般若阿陀佛4.The Buddha Is Delightful To Speak The Maha Prajna Sutra Of Amitabha Buddha5.念佛人有一百N果 5.The People Who are Chanting Buddha Have One Hundred Kinds of Retributions … 676.佛f天地八神咒 6.Buddha Is Delightful To Speak the Sacred Mantra Sutra of Heaven-Earth Eight-Yang7.正法眼藏 & & &…………………………… & & 7.The Correct Dharma and Eye-treasury …………………… 159 8.《清Q》及《S帝》……………8.The Lustration Sutra And The Sutra Conforms To Yin…… 1989.《佛说阿弥陀》 ……………………………… &9.Buddha Speaks Amitabha Sutra……………………………21610.《佛说观无量寿》…………………………………10.Buddha Is Delightful To Say Amitayur-dhyana Sutra & & ( The Contemplation Sutra Of Amitayus )_偈:o上甚深微妙法,百千f劫y遭遇,我今得受持,解如碚x。The Sutra-Opening Gatha:The surprisingly supreme extremely profound and microsubtle dharma,Is quite difficulty to encounter in a hundred thousand million of kalpas,I have today beheld it and heard it, so I have to accept it and perserve it ,Well, I’m willing to fathom the authentic righteousness of the Tathagata.七句祈文 藏Z(h字拼音) & & & & hZ &W砸苣叵N & & & w金刹土西北隅o_|波拉 & & & & o花胚之座上雅N巧格W哲尼 & & & & 稀有殊俪删驼炯攘x色 & & & & 世Q名ㄉ括德喀卓芒布果 & & & & 空行眷俦@且芗_哲 & & & & 我S汝尊而修持辛吉洛f夏色所 & & & & 橘n加持祈降R格嶝色德 & & & & 格嶝色德The Seven Sentences Of Prayers To Guru Rinpoche(Please recite and read aloud three times, seven or twenty-one )HUNG. OGYEN YUL GYI NUB &HANG &TSHAMIn the northwest border juncture of Oddiyana Krestra LandPEMA &GESAR &DONG &POLAAnd in the throne of the lotus stem and flower embryo
& & YAMTSEN &CHOG &GI NGO &DRUB &NYEThere is one unusual and unique surpassing Siddha PEMA &JUNGNE &ZHE &SU &DRAGWhose name and epithet are called as Pema Jungne by the earthling,KHOR &DU &KHANDRO &MANGPO &KORWho is circumambulated by a multitude of Dakinis and Bandhavas KHYE &KYI &JE &SU &DAG &DRUB &GYII should follow your honour and cultivate myself into practice JIN &GYI &LOB &CHIR &SHEG &SOLFor the sake of granting me your blessings, I pray to your befalling
& & & & &GURU &PEMA &SIDDHI &HUNG 心咒:The Mantra of Guru Rinpoche嗡阿 班t格岚喱斯德耍 om ah hum vajra guru padma siddhi hum & Notice: Padmasambhava =Pema Jungne = Guru Rinpoche ㄉ. Bandhavas =Family Dependents。Oddiyana= orgyen yulw金 & & & & & & & &七句祈文 The Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche(注)ㄉ笫吭f^:念b此法一定能虬阎T佛菩_迎到。f:任何人祈,我都淼剿I前,加持清除一切`。在平r、特e是遇到`rS力b持。它是十方T佛同rl出的自然金。阿陀佛、阿陀佛、阿陀佛、阿陀佛、阿陀佛、阿陀佛、阿陀佛。Notice: Guru Rinpoche has ever said: While reciting and read aloud this method, you must be able to welcome the multitudinous Buddhas and Bodhisattvas being invited to befall. Guru has also said: Anyone would beseech praying to me, I would all come at the presence of him, blessing him to get rid of all the conditions of violations. At ordinary times, especially while encoutering the conditions of violations with the force to keep reciting it. It is also the inconceivably natural vajra sound which is issued at the same time by Ten Direction of the multitudinous Buddhas. Na Mo Amitabha Buddha、Na Mo Amitabha Buddha、Na Mo Amitabha Buddha。The Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche 心髓祈修智仁波切造才多堪布 gh g:  O希奇!How fantastic外器清Q佛陀巧玻 & The outer container lustration of the Buddha mandala krestra心g~色吉祥山之中,In the midst of the hearted copper-colored auspicious mountainX性上常安住,Awareness Guru Rinpoche is eternal and peaceful to dwell 本o有聚散敬祈。Originally with no aggregation or dispersion, esteem to pray please X空通澈界中n加持,The awareness is empty to understand thoroughly in the world to grant the blessing  oe密xA融成一w,The Irrespective Dense Connotation is perfect to merge into an integrate  究竟妙拂吉祥佛刹中,It is ultimate and wonderful to whisk away in the auspicious Buddha Krestra  成就持明o量佛子。The immeasurable Arhat Masses have achieved the Vidyadhara修持蓄共聚,Practice and uphold the mandala during getting together willing to gather altogether  面部主牵To interview the principle tantra and the surpassing mandala of Guru Rinpoche  恒r享用妙法甘露藏,Constant to enjoy the wonderful dharma and sweet dew treasure &速C殊倜艹酥腔鄣亍Fast to prove the the unique surpassing stage of the mantrayana wisdomThe Hearted Pithy Gatha Of Prayers To Guru RinpocheHow fantastic!The outer container lustration of the Buddha mandala krestra in the midst ofthe hearted copper-colored auspicious mountain. the Awareness Guru Rinpoche is eternal and peaceful to dwell. Originally withno aggregation or dispersion, please esteem to pray. The awareness is empty to understand thoroughly in the world to grant the blessing,the Irrespective Dense Connotation is perfect to merge into an integrate,it is ultimate,wonderful to whisk away in the auspicious Buddha Krestra. The immeasurable Arhat Masses have achieved the Vidyadhara Practice and uphold themandala during getting together willing to gather altogether, to interview the principle tantra and the surpassing mandala of GuruRinpoche, constant to enjoy the sweet dew treasure Fast to prove the the unique surpassing stage of the mantrayana wisdom The Hearted Pithy Gatha Of Prayers To Guru Rinpoche & & & & & & & & & & &般 若 心
& & & & & & & & & & & [唐]玄奘法g
& & & & & & & & & & & 惟智校g. &   ^自在菩_,行深般若波_蜜多r,照五N皆空,度一切苦厄。 舍利子,色不空,空不色;色即是空,空即是色。受、想、行、R,亦}如是。舍利子,是T法空相:不生、不纾徊还浮⒉Q;不增、不p。是故空中o色。o受、想、行、R;o眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意;o色、香、、味、|、法。o眼界,乃至o意R界;oo明,亦oo明M;乃至o老死,亦o老死M。o苦、集、纭⒌馈o智亦o得,以o所得故。菩提_捶,依般若波_蜜多故,心o斓K,o斓K故,o有恐怖,hx倒粝,究竟涅磐。三世T佛,依般若波_蜜多故,得阿耨多_三藐三菩提。     故知般若波_蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是o上咒,是o等等咒。能除一切苦,真不。故f般若波_蜜多咒,即f咒曰:“揭B!揭B!波_揭B!波_僧揭B!菩提_婆X!”
& & & &The Bodhicitta Sutra Of The Prajna Paramita & & When the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is putting the Profound Prajna Paramita into practice, it illuminates and manifests the Five Skandhas &which are all empty, and it & paramitas all sufferings and misfortunes ( it has an extrication of all sufferings and misfortunes ). Shariputra, form does not differ from sunyata, sunyata does
form itself is sunyata, sunyata itself is form. Also, thuswise thusness are the sensation, thinking, behaviour &and consciousness. Shariputra, it is the multitudinous Dharma of the sunyata pseudomorphism that is not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not purified, neither increase nor diminish. Hereat, in the midst of sunyata there is no sensation, cognition, formation, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, no sight, sound, scent, taste, touch, or D no realm of the eyes, up to no realm
and no ignorance or no end of ignorance, up to no senium and death or no end of senium and death. There is no torment, no accumulation, no extinction, no Majjhima-patipada, no intellect or no attainment. Hereat because there is nothing to have attained, the Bodhisattvas have no hang-ups or barriers in the mind through the reliance on the Prajna P because of no hang-ups or barriers, there are no horrors or terrors, which is far way from upside down dream and thought, into the Ultimate Nirvana! the Three Periods of the multitudinous Buddhas have attained the Anuttara- samyak-sambodhi through reliance on the Prajna Paramita. Hereat it is known that the Prajna Paramita is the Tremendous Miraculous Mantra and the Tremendous Luciferous Mantra, the Superlative Mantra and the Unequalled Mantra, which can eliminate all agonies, it is genuine and not inveracious. Hereat saying the Prajna Paramita Mantra, namely speak the mantra tamber: Gaté Gaté Paragaté Parasamgaté Bodhi Svaha! The Mantra is proclaimed in Prajna Paramita: Oh Buddha! Going, Going, Going On, To the Other Shore. Always going on to the Other Shore! Always Becoming Buddha! Hail the Sutra of the Heart of Great Wisdom! The Great Scripture of Wisdom of the Heart! The Great Scripture of Wisdom of the Heart! The Great Scripture of Wisdom of the Heart!大藏中空是色般若中色是空。一念不生成正X法界人天B。生死海中念佛人天路上福橄取R得陀念念空摩X般若波_蜜。《大佛首楞澜大葜疗兴_念佛A通章》
& & & & & & & & & 惟智校g於. 大葜疗兴_c其同五十二菩_,即座起,Y佛足而佛言:我往昔恒河沙劫,有佛出世,名o量光,十二如恚嗬^一劫,名超日月光,彼佛教我念佛三昧。譬如有人,一,一人M缡嵌耍舴瓴环辏蛞非,二人相,二念深,如是乃至生至生,同於形影,不相乖。十方如恚O念生,如母子,若子逃逝,m何椋孔尤母,如母r,母子焉幌噙`h。若生心,佛念佛,F前恚囟ㄒ佛。去佛不h,不假方便,自得心_,如染香人,身有香猓t名曰香光f馈N冶疽虻兀苑鹦模o生忍。今於此界,z念佛人w於Q土。佛A通,我ox瘢z六根,Q念相^,得三摩地,斯榈谝弧 ( Q空法J檫@是念佛之心,好好感悟@句的深意.Dharma Master Jing Kong said this is the Heart Sutra of chanting Amitabha Buddha, these words well well understood profound) & & & & & & & The Consummate Perspicuous Chapter For Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta Chanting The Name Of Buddha Amitabha In The Shurangama Sutra & Dharma Prince Mahasthamaprapta,together with the fifty-two Bodhisattvas of his congener, arose from his seat, bowed at the Buddha's feet, and said to the Buddha: I remember when, as many aeons ago as there are the Ganges Sands (Ganga-nadi-valuka) with a Buddha called the Limitless Immeasurable Light who had appeared in the world. It had been one kalpa in succession since there were twelve Tathagatas, the last one was called Light Surpassing the Sun and Moon. That Buddha taught me the Mindfulness of the Buddha Samadhi.Take for example there was one person who was special to remember someone else, but another person who was especial to forget someone else. If two of such people were to encounter, even if they were to see each other, it would be the same as not encountering or not seeing each other. “If two people remember each other until they have had the mutual deep reminiscence, thuswise, up to life after life, they will be the same as a physique and a shadow, and they will never be mutually absonant or disparate. ”Out of pity for the sentient beings, the Ten Directions of the Tathagatas have recollected them which is the same as a mother remembering her child. If the son escapes away and fades away, while her rememberance is of what use ? But if the son remembers his mother in the same way that the mother also remembers the son, then in life after life the mother and the child will not be too far apart or against their will. If the sentient beings bear the Buddha in mind and are mindful of the Buddha, they will be supposed to see the Buddha at present or in the future. They will never be too far from the Buddha, and not by means of the expedients,their minds will awaken by themselves. Such as perfumed by the fragrance, a person carries incense on his body. Such is called the solemnity of fragrant light. I was on the causal ground myself with the Buddha Mentality entering into the Anutpattika- Dharma-Ksanti. At present in this world I gather in all those who are mindful of the Buddha and bring them back to the Pure Land. The Buddha asks about the consummate savvy and sagacity. I would have no choice except for the convergence of the six organs through the pure mindfulness mutual continuous to obtain the Samadhi. This is in the first foremost method._偈:o上甚深微妙法,百千f劫y遭遇, & & & &我今得受持,解如碚x。
& & & & & &The Sutra-Opening Gatha:The surprisingly supreme, extremely profound and microsubtle dharma,/Is quite difficulty to encounter in a hundred thousand million of kalpas,/I have today beheld it and heard it, so I have to accept persisting in it,/Well, I’m willing to fathom the authentic righteousness of the Tathagata./佛说摩X般若阿弥陀佛经The Buddha Is Joyful To Speak The Maha Prajna Sutra Of Amitabha Buddha &佛说摩X般若阿弥陀佛经即佛说阿弥陀经秦唐两译会集本佛说阿弥陀经秦译一名称赞净土佛摄受经唐译 & 姚秦三藏法师鸠摩罗什译 & & & & 唐三藏法师玄奘奉诏 &译菩_戒弟子i城夏雍河中华蜀国居士惟智c喜英文翻译。
&Chinese Collection by Bodhisattva-prātimoksa Disciple Xia Lianju, Yun Cheng .English Translation by Weizhi-Qingxi, Shu State, China如是我闻。一时佛在舍卫城,o树给孤独园。与大比丘僧千二五十人俱。皆是尊宿声闻。大阿罗汉。众所知识。长老舍利弗。摩诃目犍连。摩诃迦叶。摩诃迦旃延。摩诃俱罗。离婆多。周利陀。难陀。阿难陀。罗T罗。x梵波提。宾头卢颇罗堕。迦留陀夷。摩诃劫宾那。薄拘罗。阿耨楼驮。如是等诸大弟子。并诸菩萨摩诃萨。妙吉祥菩萨。无能胜菩萨。常精进菩萨。不休息菩萨。与如是等大菩萨。而为上首。复有帝释。大梵天王。堪忍界主。护世四王。诸天子众。及馀世间。无量天人。阿素洛等。为闻法故。俱来会坐。Thus I have heard, at one time the Buddha dwells at the Sravasti, in the Jetavana Vihara, altogether with the twelve hundred fifty Maha Bhikshus, who are all venerable Sravakas and great Arahants, as is conscious and well-known: Elders Shariputra, Mahamaudgalyayana, Mahakasyana, Mahakatyayana, Mahakausthila, Revata, Suddhipanthaka, Nanda, Ananda, Rahula, Gavamoati, Oindola-Bharadvaja, Kalodayin, Mahakaphina, Vakkula, Aniruddha, such a degree of the multitudinous big disciples and the multitudinous Bodhisattvas Mahasattva, Bodhisattva Manjushri, Bodhisattva Ajita, Bodhisattva Nityodyukta and Bodhisattva Aniksiptadhura, in the left-hand seat headed by such a degree of Maha Bodhisattvas. Again, there are Sakka, Mahabrahma, the Lord Sabā Realms / Saha Realms, the Four Kings Protecting the World, the myriad of the multitudinous heavens’ sons and the other worlds, the immeasurable Deva-gatis and Humans, Asuras and so on, who have come together and would sit down for the sake of hearing the Dharma. 尔时,佛告长老舍利弗。汝今知不。从是西方,去此世界,过十万亿佛土。有世界,名极乐。其中有佛,号阿弥陀。名无量寿,及无量光,如来,应正等觉,十号圆满。今现在彼,安稳住持,为诸有情,宣说甚深微妙之法。令得殊胜利益安乐。At that time, Buddha tells the Elder Shariputra: Thou have known it up to now, nay ? From this westward going to This World and passing through ten trillion Buddhalands, there is one world named the Utmost Bliss, thereinto there is the Buddha called Amitabha and named Amitayus, as well as the Immeasurable Light and the Tathagata and Lokavidu and the Upright Equality Awakening with the Ten Allonyms consummate and satisfactory. Today he is at present,smooth and steady to be an abbot who is declaring the extremely profound and subtle wondrous Dharma for the sake of the multitu- dinous affectionate beings who would be made to attain the unique surpassing benefits of the peace and the bliss.舍利弗,何因缘故,彼佛世界名为极乐。由彼界中,诸有情类。无有一切身心忧苦,唯有无量清净喜乐,故名极乐。又舍利弗,极乐世界,净佛土中,处处皆有七重行列妙宝栏J,七重行列宝多罗树,及有七重妙宝罗网,皆是四宝周匝围绕,众妙绮饰,功德庄严。是故彼国名为极乐。Shariputra, therefore for what cause is That Buddha World named as the Utmost Bliss?Because of being amidst That Realm, the multitudinous species of the affectionate beings have not had any tribulation or melancholy of the body and mind only with the immeasurable lustration and joyful bliss, hereat it is named the Utmost Bliss. Shariputra,again in the midst of the Buddha Lustration Land of the Utmost Bliss World ( The Western Paradise / Elysium / Sukhavāti ), everywhere all there are septuple tiers and septuple corteges of the wonderful jeweled lengthwise railings and horizontal balustrades, there are septuple layers and septuple corteges of the jeweled TalaTrees, and there are septuple folds of the wonderful jeweled nettings, which are overall for the Four Kinds of Jewels around to surround with so much wonderful and gorgeous embellishment of the merits and virtues, the grandeur and solemnity, hereat That Country is named as the Utmost Happiness. 又舍利弗,极乐世界,有七宝池,八功德水充满其中。何等名为八功德水。一者澄净,二者清凉,三者甘美,四者轻柔,五者润泽,六者安和,七者饮时,除饥渴等无量过患,八者饮已,增益种种殊胜善根,多福众生,常乐受用。是诸宝池,底布金沙,四边阶道,四宝庄严,诸池周匝,有妙宝树,间饰行列,香气芬馥,上有楼阁,亦以金,银,琉璃,玻璃,砗S,赤珠,玛瑙,而严饰之。是诸池中,常有种种杂色莲华,量如车轮,青色青光,黄色黄光,赤色赤光,白色白光,光影四显,微妙香洁。舍利弗,极乐净土,成就如是功德庄严。And again Shariputra, there are the Shippo Pools and the Eight Merit And Virtue of Water full of thereinto in The Western Paradise. What kind is named as the Eight Merit And Virtue of Water ? the first one: limpid and chaste, the second one: pleasantly cool and salubrious, the third one:tasty sweet and delicious,the fourth one: relaxed and tender, the fifth one: moist and glossy, the sixth one: &tranquil and peaceful,the seventh one: while drinking the water,dispel the thirst and hunger and so on the immeasurable faults of the anxiety,the eighth one: while having finished drinking, tone up and benefit all kinds of the unique-surpassing roots of kindness, so much benediction of the sentient beings are eternal happy to enjoy it. The bottom of such multitudinous Shippo Pools is covered with the gold sand, the four kinds of jewels being solemn of the four sides of footsteps and footpaths, there are the marvelous jeweled trees surrounding the multitudinous pools, decorated between the corteges, giving off a rare redolence and fragrance, upward there are the tower pavilions which are also decorated solemnly with gold, silver, beryl, ruby, crystal, red pearl and carnelian. In the midst of such multitudinous pools, frequently there are all kinds of varicolored lotus flowers so measurable as the carriage cartwheels, the cyan color cyan light, the yellow color yellow light,the red color red light,the white color white light, the light and shadow to manifest around, subtle and chaste and aromatic. Shariputra, the Elysium Lustration Land has been achievable of such merits and virtues solemn and majestic.又舍利弗,彼佛净土,自然常有众妙天乐,音曲和雅,甚可爱乐,诸有情类,闻斯妙音, 诸恶烦恼,悉皆消灭,无量善法,渐次增长,速证无上正等菩提。又彼佛土,黄金为地,其触柔软,香洁光明,无量无边妙宝间饰,昼夜六时,常雨种种上妙天华, 光泽香洁,细软杂色。虽令见者,身心适悦,而不贪著,增长有情不可思议殊胜功德。彼有情类,常持供养阿弥陀佛。每以清旦,持此天华,于一食顷,飞至他方无量世界,于诸佛所,持散供养。即以食时,还至本处,饭食经行。舍利弗,极乐国土,成就如是功德庄严。And again Shariputra, in That Buddha Lustration Land, naturally and frequently there are myriads of the wonderful Celestial Music, the musical songs are harmonious and graceful, extremely lovable and merry, whenas the multitudinous species of the affectionate beings had heard this wondrous music, the multitudinous evils of vexations would have been overall wiped out, the immeasurable Kindness Dharmas will have increased upward gradually and sequentially, rapid to have proved the Superlative Upright Equality B again, in That Buddha Land, the gold has been used as the ground pillowy to touch, chaste and aromatic, bright and luminous, evenly adorned between it with the immeasurable boundless and wonderful jewels, at day and night of six periods frequently to rain all kinds of the superlative wonderful heavenly flowers, sheeny and lustrous, chaste and aromatic, subtle delicate and pillowy &varicolored, even though it had made the eyewitness comfortable and delightful in the body and mind, everyone would not be greedy of clinging, with the &growth of the inconceivable and unique surpassing merits and virtues of the the multitudinous species of the affectionate beings are oftentimes to persevere and make offerings to Amitabha Buddha, per the matinal daybreak, who hold the heavenly flowers with them, within a meal of awhile flying to reach the Other Directions of the immeasurable worlds, in the multitudinous Buddhas’ Abodes to keep scatter even while dining, still return the native place, have a meal and walk around or take a break or go around a place for resting, Shariputra, the Elysium Lustration Land has been achievable of such merits and virtues solemn and majestic.复次舍利弗,彼土常有种种奇妙杂色之鸟,白鹤,孔雀,W鹉,舍利,迦陵O伽,共命之鸟,是诸众鸟,昼夜六时,出和雅音,随其类音,演唱妙法。所谓甚深念住、正断、神足、五根、五力、七菩提分、八圣道等,无量妙法。其土众生闻是音已,各得念佛,念法,念僧,无量功德,熏修其身。舍利弗,汝勿谓此鸟实是罪报所生。所以者何,彼佛净土无三恶道。尚不闻有三恶道趣名。何况有实。是诸众鸟,当知皆是阿弥陀佛,欲令法音宣流,变化所作。作诸有情利益安乐。At the multiple times, Shariputra, in That Land oftentimes there are all kinds of the marvelous wonderful varicolored birds: the parrots, the peacocks, the white cranes, the Sarira Birds, the Kalavinka Birds and the two-headed birds, at the day and night of six periods, such flocks of the multitudinous birds which have been warbling the harmonic and graceful sound, with their kind of the sound vocally singing the wonderful Dharmas, the extremely profound Satipatthana, Sammappdhāna(Samyak-prahāna),Iddhipada, Indriya, Panca Bala, Satta Sambojjhanga and Attha Maggangāni and so on, which are called the immeasurable wonderful D while His Land of the sentient beings have ever heard such a sound, the individuals could chant the name of Buddha, with the mindfulness of the Dharma and with the mindfulness of the Sangha, the immeasurable merits and virtues would edify their bodies into practice. Thou, Shariputra, do not say that these birds are born as sin
So what cause is it for ? In That Buddha Pure Land, there are no Three Evil Paths, even still it has not heard there is the interesting name of the Three Evil Paths, much less there is the authenticity ? Be sure to know overall that Amitabha Buddha wants to make such flocks of the multitudinous birds declaring the Dharma Voice popular and all-pervading, what the change is done which will be made as the affectionate beings’ interests of the peace and the bliss. 又舍利弗,彼佛净土,常有妙风吹诸宝树,及宝罗网,出微妙音。譬如百千天乐,同时俱作。出种种声,说种种法。闻是音者,自然生起佛法僧念,作意等无量功德。舍利弗,彼佛净土,成就如是功德庄严。And again Shariputra, in That Buddha Pure Land, oftentimes there are the wonderful breezes blowing through the multitudinous jeweled trees and jeweled nettings and emitting subtle wondrous sound, take for example a hundred thousand of the Celestial Music played altogether at the same time, emitting all kinds of the sound and speaking all kinds of the Dharmas, the ones who have heard such a sound would be spontaneous to arouse the mindfulness of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, the immeasurable merits and virtues of the concentration of their attention and the like. Shariputra, the Elysium Lustration Land has been achievable of such merits and virtues solemn and majestic.舍利弗,极乐世界净佛土中,有如是等无量无边,不可思议,甚希有事。假使经百千劫,以无量舌,出无量声,其功德,亦不能尽。是故名为极乐世界。Shariputra, in the midst of the Elysium Pure Land of Buddha there are such an equality of the immeasurable and boundless, inconceivable and extremely
supposing that it takes one hundred thousand kalpas with the immeasurable tongues making the im- measurable sound to praise its merits and virtues, which is also unable to dead-end. Hereat it is named as The Western Paradise For The Utmost Bliss . 又舍利弗,彼佛何缘,名无量寿。由彼如来,及诸有情,寿命无量阿僧o劫。由是缘故,名无量寿。舍利弗,何缘彼佛名无量光。由彼如来,恒放无量无边妙光,照一切十方佛土,施作佛事无有障碍,由是缘故名无量光。舍利弗,阿弥陀佛成佛已来,于今十劫。又舍利弗,阿弥陀佛常有无量声闻弟子,一切皆是大阿罗汉,非是算数之所能知,具足种种微妙功德。菩萨弟子亦复如是,其量无边不可称数。舍利弗,彼佛净土,成就如是功德庄严。And again,Shariputra, for what cause is That Buddha named Amitayus? Because That Tathagata and the multitudinous affectionate beings, whose longevity is immeasurable Asankheya K hence because of this reason, who is named Amitayus. Shariputra, for what cause is That Buddha named the Immeasurable Light ? Because That Tathagata is permanent to emit immeasur- able and boundless wonderful light, pervasive to illuminate everything and the Ten Directions of the Buddhas’ Lands, which bestows doing some Buddha- karya with no more obstacles, because of this reason, who is named the Immeasurable Light----- Amitabha. Shariputra, it has been Ten Kalpas up to the present since Amitabha Buddha became B and again, Shariputra, Amitabha Buddha oftentimes has the immeasurable Sravakayana Disciples, everyone of whom are overall Maha Arahants, it is not the arithmetics which could know everything, in enough possession of all kinds of the subtle wondrous merits and virtues, the Bodhi- sattva Disciples are also likewise the same as it, whose quantity is boundless, incalculable and uncountable. Shariputra, That Buddha Pure Land has been achievable of such merits and virtues solemn and majestic.又舍利弗,若诸有情生彼土者,皆是阿@跋致,一生补处,必不复堕诸险恶趣,常[诸佛清净国土,殊胜行愿,念念增进,决定当证阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。舍利弗,若诸有情,闻彼西方阿弥陀佛清净佛土,无量功德众所庄严,应当发愿,愿生彼国,所以者何? 若生彼土,得与如是功德庄严,诸上善人,俱会一处,受用如是功德庄严清净佛土,大乘法乐,常无退转,无量行愿,念念增进,速证无上正等菩提故。And again, Shariputra, if the multitudinous affectionate beings who were born in That Land would be overall Avaivarts and reach One Life of the Alternate Buddha Stage, they would no longer fall and sink into the multitudinous sinister Durgati, oftentimes to travel around the multitudinous Buddhas’ Lustration Nations and L the unique surpassing vows and deeds are mindful and mindful to promote and improve, with the determination to be sure to prove the Anuttrara Samyak S Shariputra, if the multitudinous affectionate beings heard the Western Lustration Buddha Land of Amitabha Buddha and the immeasurable merits and virtues so much solemn and majestic, be supposed to awaken the aspirations and willing to be born in That Country, so what cause is it for ? The reason is that if those were born in That Land, they could get together in a place with the multitudinous superlative philanthropists of such merits and virtues solemn and majestic, with the enjoyment and application of such merits and virtues solemn and majestic, the Lustration Buddha Land, the Mahayana Dharma Bliss permanent not to &retrogress, and the immeasurable vows and deeds one idea by one idea to enhance and promote, hereat fast to prove The Supremacy, Upright Equality Bodhi. 舍利弗,生彼佛土诸有情类,成就无量无边功德。非少善根、福德、因缘, 诸有情类可得往生。若有净信诸善男子,或善女人得闻阿弥陀佛不可思议功德名号,极乐世界功德庄严,闻已思惟、执持、系念,若一日夜、或二、或三、或四、或五、或六、或七,一心不乱, 专持名号,以称名故,诸罪消灭,即是多善根,福德,因缘。其人临命终时,阿弥陀佛与诸圣众,现在其前,慈悲加佑,令心不乱,是人终时,心不颠倒,即得往生阿弥陀佛极乐世界清净佛土。舍利弗,我观如是利益,安乐,大事因缘,说诚谛语。若有众生,闻是说者,一切皆应信受发愿,如说修行,生彼佛土。Shariputra, the multitudinous species of the affectionate beings who have been born in That Buddha Land would have been achievable of the immeasurable and boundles it is not with the causality of the less kindness roots, the beatitude and morality that the multitudinous species of the affectionate beings would be ava If there were the Pure Faith of the multitudinous kindness men or kindness women who could have heard the inconceivable merits and virtues of the name and alias of Amitabha Buddha, the Sukhavāti Merits and Virtues solemn and majestic had been heard, they could ponder over it, clinging of persistence and linking to one idea, if a day and a night, or two, or three, or four, or five, or six, or seven, with heart and soul and no confusions special to persist in the name and alias, hereat because of eulogizing the name to wipe out the multitudinous sins, namely with the causality of the more kindness roots, the beatitude and morality, while that person’’s life-span comes to an end, Amitabha Buddha would appear at the presence of him with the multitu- dinous sages and saints, the benevolence and compassion plus the benediction to make heart and soul in no confusion, while this person comes to an end, his heart and soul won’t be upside-down, instantly able to go born in The Western Paradise and the Lustration Buddha Land of Amitabha B Shariputra, I meditate and ruminate such interests and benefits, the peace and bliss, the causality of the Great Event, saying the sincere language of the Truth and V if there were the sentient beings who had heard such a lecturer, everything should all be believed and accepted, awakening the aspirations such as saying amending oneself the deeds and giving birth to &That Buddha Land.舍利弗,如我今者,称扬叹, 阿弥陀佛不可思议佛土功德。东方亦有现在阿z@佛,须弥相佛,大须弥佛,须弥光佛,妙音佛,如是等恒河沙数佛,住在东方自佛净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门。当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。Shariputra,just as I’m this person who is exclamatory to admire and praise and eulogize the inconceivable Buddha Land Merits and Virtues of Amitabha Buddha, in the East there are also the present Aksokhya Buddha, Sumeru Likeness Buddha, Maha Sumeru Buddha, Sumeru Light Buddha, Wonderful Voice Buddha, such an equality of Ganges River’s Sand ( Ganga-nadi-valuka ) of the in- numberable Buddhas, dwelling in the East in the Intrinsic Pure Lands of the Buddhas own, the individuals show and display their wide long tongue epiphase pervasive to overcover the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, saying the sinc thou and the like, the affectionate beings should all believe and accept such a Dharma-mukha, be supposed to believe it is This Sutra that all the multitudinous Buddhas should protect the mindfulness of, who should praise the inconceivable merits and virtues of the Buddha Land.舍利弗,南方现在有日月灯佛,名闻光佛,大光蕴佛,须弥灯佛, 无量精进佛,如是等恒河沙数佛,住在南方自佛净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门,当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。Shariputra, in the South there are the present Candra- surya-pradipa Buddha (Sun-moon Lamp Buddha), Yashah-prabha Buddha(Celebrated Light Buddha), Maharci-skandha Buddha(Great Light Storage Buddha), Sumeru Lamp Buddha and Ananta virya Buddha(Measureless Vigor Buddha), such an equality of Ganges River’s Sand of the innumberable Buddhas, dwelling in the the South in the Intrinsic Pure Lands of Buddhas own, the individuals show and display their wide long tongue epiphase pervasive to overcover the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, saying the sinc thou and the like, the affectionate beings should all believe and accept such a Dharma-mukha, be supposed to believe it is This Sutra that all the multitu- dinous Buddhas should protect the mindfulness of, who should praise the inconceivable merits and virtues of the Buddha Land.舍利弗,西方现在有无量寿佛,无量相佛,无量幢佛,大光佛,大明佛,宝相佛,净光佛,如是等恒沙数佛。住在西方自佛净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门。当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。Shariputra,in the West there are the present Amitayus Buddha(Measureless Life Buddha), Amita-skandha Buddha(Infinite Features Buddha), Amita-dhvaja Buddha (Measureless Curtain Buddha), Mahaprabha Buddha (Great Light Buddha), Mahajvalana Buddha (Great Clarity Buddha) , Maharatnaketu Jeweled Like- ness Buddha, Sphuta rashmi Buddha (Pure Light Buddha ) , such an equality of Ganges River’s Sand of the innumberable Buddhas, dwelling in the West in the Intrinsic Pure Lands of Buddhas own, the individuals show and display their wide long tongue epiphase pervasive to overcover the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, saying the sinc thou and the like, the affectionate beings should all believe and accept such a Dharma-mukha, be supposed to believe it is This Sutra that all the multitu- dinous Buddhas should protect the mindfulness of, who should praise the inconceivable merits and virtues of the Buddha Land.舍利弗,北方现在有无量光严通达觉慧佛,最胜音佛,难沮佛,日生佛,网明佛,如是等恒河沙数诸佛,住在北方自在净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门,当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。Shariputra, in the North there are the present Amita prabha vyuha abhijha Buddhi ( Immeasurable Light Rigorous-Understanding-and-Awakening of Wisdom Buddha), Most Surpassing Sound Buddha, Invincible Buddha, Sun-birth Buddha, Netting Luminous Buddha, such an equality of Ganges River’s Sand of the innumberable Buddhas, dwelling in the North in the Intrinsic Pure Lands of Buddhas own, the individuals show and display their wide long tongue epiphase pervasive to overcover the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, saying the sinc thou and the like, the affectionate beings should all believe and accept such a Dharma-mukha, be supposed to believe it is This Sutra that all the multitu- dinous Buddhas should protect the mindfulness of, who should praise the inconceivable merits and virtues of the Buddha Land.舍利弗,下方现在有师子佛,名闻佛,名光佛,达摩佛,法幢佛,持法佛,如是等恒河沙数诸佛,住在下方自佛净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门。当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。Shariputra, Beneath there are the present Simha Buddha (Lion Buddha), Yashas Buddha (Well-known Buddha), Yashah Buddha (Celebrated Light Buddha), Dharma Buddha (Dharma Buddha), Dharma dhvaja Buddha ( Dharma Curtain Buddha), Saddharma Buddha ( Upholding Dharma Buddha), such an equality of Ganges River’s Sand of the innumberable Buddhas, dwelling Beneath in the Intrinsic Pure Lands of Buddhas own, the individuals show and display their wide long tongue epiphase pervasive to overcover the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, saying the sinc thou and the like, the affectionate beings should all believe and accept such a Dharma-mukha, be supposed to believe it is This Sutra that all the multitu- dinous Buddhas should protect the mindfulness of, who should praise the inconceivable merits and virtues of the Buddha Land.舍利弗,上方现在有梵音佛,宿王佛,香上佛,香光佛,大焰肩佛,杂色宝华严身佛,娑罗树王佛,宝华德佛,见一切义佛,如须弥山佛,如是等恒河沙数佛,住在上方自佛净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门,当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。Shariputra, Above there are the present Brahma Ghosa Buddha ( Pure Sound Buddha), Naksatra raja Buddha (Constellation King Buddha), Superior Fragrance Buddha, Gandha prabhsa Buddha (Fragrance Light Buddha), Great Radiant Shoulders Buddha, Motley Jewel Kegon-Body Buddha, Salendra-raja Buddha (Sala Tree King Buddha), Utpala shri kalpa Buddha (Jewel Flower of Virtue Buddha), Sarvartha darsha Buddha ( Discerning All the Righteousness Buddha), Like Sumeru Mountain Buddha, such an equality of Ganges River’s Sand of the innumberable Buddhas, dwelling Above in the Intrinsic Pure Lands of Buddhas own, the individuals show and display their wide long tongue epiphase pervasive to overcover the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, saying the sinc thou and the like, the affectionate beings should all believe and accept such a Dharma-mukha, be supposed to believe it is This Sutra that all the multitudinous Buddhas should protect the mindfulness of, who should praise the inconceivable merits and virtues of the Buddha Land.舍利弗,何故名为称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。由此经中,称扬叹阿弥陀佛,极乐世界,不可思议佛土功德。十方诸佛,为欲方便利益安乐诸有情故,各住本土,现大神变,说诚谛言。劝诸有情信受此法。是故此经,名为称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛摄受法门。Shariputra, for what cause is it named as the fact that it is This Sutra that all the multitudinous Buddhas should protect the mindfulness of, who should praise the inconceivable merits and virtues of the Buddha Land ? Because of the midst of This Sutra which is exclamatory to admire and praise and eulogize The Western Paradiseand the inconceivable the Buddha Land Merits and Virtues of Amitabha Buddha, hereat Ten Directions of the multitudinous Buddhas, for the purpose of the expedience of interest and benefit, peace and bliss to the multitudinous the affectionate beings, each dwells in the mainlands of theirs and show Great Abinna(Manito), saying the sincere and honest words and exhorting the multitudinous affectionate beings to believe and accept This Dharma, hereat This Sutra is named to praise the inconceivable Buddha Land Merits and Virtues and the Dharma-mukha all the multitudinous Buddhas should absorb and accept.舍利弗,若善男子,或善女人,得闻是经及诸佛名。深生信解。生信解已,皆为一切诸佛之所护念。如说行者,皆得不退转于阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。汝等有情,皆应信受,领解我语,及诸佛所说。当勤精进,如说修行,勿生疑虑。Shariputra, if a kindness man or a kindness woman &had heard This Sutra and the multitudinous Buddhas’ Names, he or she could be deep to awaken faith and savvy, while to have ever awakened the faith and savvy, each is protected and recollected by all the multitudinous Buddhas, such as saying a pedestrian, who would all attain no retrogression of Anuttrara Samyak Sambodhi, thou and the like, the affectionate beings should all believe and accept and understand my language and what the multitudinous Buddhas have said, be supposed to be diligent and vigorous, such as saying amending oneself the deeds, don’t arise suspicious or dysphoric. 舍利弗,若有人已发愿,今发愿,当发愿,欲生阿弥陀佛国者。是诸人等,必为诸佛之摄受。如说行者,定于阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,得不退转。一切定生阿弥陀佛极乐世界,清净佛土。是故净信诸善男子,或善女人,皆应深心信解,发愿往生,勿行放逸。Shariputra, if there were some people who had already expressed their desires or at present were expressing their desires or would expressed their desires, they would &desire to be born in the Amitabha Buddha’s Country, it is such multitudinous people and the like who will be definitely absorbed and accepted by the multitudinous Buddhas, such as saying a pedestrian, who is sure not to retrogress the Anuttrara Samyak Sambodhi, everything would be affirmative to be born in The Western Paradise and the Lustration Buddha Land of Amitabha B hereat, the Pure Faith of the multitudinous kindness men or kindness women with Pure Faith should all be deep- hearted to believe in it and understand it, expressing their desires to go born there. Don’t practise indulgent or comfortable. 舍利弗,如我今者,称扬诸佛叹阿弥陀佛,不可思议佛土功德。彼诸佛等,亦称我不可思议无边功德。而作是言,甚奇希有,释迦牟尼法王,如来,应正等觉,明行圆满 ( 明行足 ),善逝,世间解,无上丈夫,调御士,天人师,佛世尊,乃能于是娑婆国土,五浊恶世、劫浊、见浊、烦恼浊、众生浊、命浊中,证得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。为欲方便利益安乐诸有情故,说是一切世间极难信法。Shariputra, just as I’m this person who is exclamatory to admire and praise and eulogize the inconceivable Buddha Land Merits and Virtues of Amitabha Buddha, those multitudinous Buddhas and so on also admire and praise the inconceivable boundless merits and virtues of mine. While uttering such words: it is extremely miraculous and uncommon that Dharmaraja Shakyamuni, the Tathagata, Arhatship Samma Sambuddha, Vijjacarana- sampanna, Sugata, Lokavidu, Anuttara, Purusadam- yasarathi, Devamanussanam, Buddha and Bhagava (the Tathagata, Arhatship, Equality and Upright Enlightened One, Possessed of Wisdom and Practice, Perfected One, Knower of World, Unsurpassed One, Tamer of Men, Master of Gods and Men, Buddha and World-Honored One), who could be inside such Nations and Lands of the Saha World, Five Degenerations of the Evil Worlds: the the disaster turbidities, the opinion turbidities, the vexation turbidities, all living beings turbidities and the life-span turbidities, who has proved and attained the Anuttrara Samyak Sambodhi, for the purpose of the expedience of interest and benefit, peace and bliss to the multitudinous affectionate beings, saying the authenticity that all the worlds are extremely difficult to believe in the Dharma.舍利佛,当知我今于此杂染堪忍世界,五浊恶时,证得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,为欲方便利益安乐诸有情故,为一切世间,说此难信之法,是为甚难希有不可思议。Shariputra, you should know that I’m present in This Sabā World ( the Tolerating World ) of Impurities and Defilements, Five Degenerations of the Evil Eon, who have proved and attained the Anuttrara Samyak Sambodhi, for the purpose of the expedience of interest and benefit, peace and bliss to the multitudinous affectionate beings and for the sake of all the worlds, saying This Dharma difficult to believe in, this is due to be extremely difficult and rare uncommon and incon- ceivable.又舍利弗,于此杂染堪忍界中,五浊恶时。若有净信诸善男子,或善女人,闻说如是一切世间极难信法,能生信解,受持,演说,如教修行,当知是人甚为希有,无量佛所曾种善根,是人命终,定生西方极乐世界,受用种种功德庄严,清净佛土,大乘法乐,日夜六时,亲近供养,阿弥陀佛,[历十方,供养诸佛,于诸佛所,闻法受记,福慧资粮,疾得圆满。速证无上正等菩提。佛说此经已。尊者舍利弗,诸大声闻,及诸菩萨摩诃萨,一切世间天人阿修罗等,闻佛所说,皆大欢喜,信受奉行,作礼而去。And again, Shariputra, in the midst of This Sabā World of Impurities and Defilements, Five Degenerations of the Evil Eon, if there were Pure Faith of kindness men or kindness women who would have heard about such a Dharma all the worlds would be difficult to believe in, they could arouse faith and understand it, accept it and persist in it, and deliver a speech such as teaching to amend oneself the deeds, be supposed to know that such a person is extremely rare uncommon, who has ever implanted the Kindness Roots in the Immeasurable B, uddhas’ Abodes, while such a person’s life-span comes to an end, affirmative to be born in the Western Elysium, with the enjoyment and application of all kinds of the Merits and Virtues solemn and majestic, the Lustration &Buddha Land, the Mahayana Dharma Bliss, at the day and night of the six periods, closely near to make offerings to Amitabha Buddha, for pleasure traveling &around Ten Directions to making offerings to six periods the multitudinous Buddhas, in the multitudinous Buddhas’ Abodes, who would have heard the Dharma and have been granted the Record, the grain and expenses of the intellect and beatitude tantivy to get consummate and satisfactory, fast to prove The Supremacy And Upright Equality B Buddha has said This Sutra, the Ariya Shariputra, the multitudinous &Maha Sravakayanas and the multitudinous Bodhisattva Mahasattva, all the worlds of Deva-gatis and Asuras, Humans and the like, have heard what the Buddha said, overall greatly rejoiced and overjoyed to believe and accept it and reverent to put it into practice, bowed down and kneel down polite away. l &
& 回 & 向 & 文此福已得一切智 &摧伏一切过患敌生老病死犹波涛 &愿度苦海诸有情生西方Q土中 &九品楦改花_佛悟o生 &不退菩_榘HResponse To The Gatha For Generating The VowsThis fortune has ever got all wisdom to destroy and subdue all/the enemies of clanger and misery,the birth and senility, illness/and death are just like surge billows we shall have been willingto paramita the bitter sea of multitudinous affectionate beings/Be willing to give birth in the center of the Western Pure Land, /Nine qualities of the lotus flowers being our fathers and mothers,/That Blossom’s at the sight of Buddhas is to awaken non-birth, /No retrogression of the Bodhisattvas would be our companionsNotice : 正断 即四正断。四正勤也称四意断、四正断、四正胜(巴利文Sammappdhāna, 梵文Samyak-prahāna)在三十七道品中,其为四种正确修行方法的努力实践。所谓甚深四念住、四正断、四神足、五根、五力、七菩提分、八圣道等,无量妙法佛说摩X般若阿弥陀佛经 & & & &The Buddha Is Delightful To Speak The Maha Prajna Sutra Of Amitabha Buddha & & It is collected together at 11: 50 in Aug.16 to 22, 2006 It is retranslated and finalized at 16:43 in December 22, 2011 . Here ends’ the Sutra of chanting Amitabha to attain birth in his country’which is spoken by Buddha Shakyamuni. It is collected together at 11: 50 in Aug.16 to 22, 2006. It is retranslated and finalizedin at 16:43 in December 22, 2011.Welcome to publish and reprint this sutra, its merit and virtue are immeasurable without any copyright.
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& 佛说摩X般若阿弥陀佛经The Buddha Is Joyful To Speak The Maha Prajna Sutra Of Amitabha Buddha &佛说摩X般若阿弥陀佛经即佛说阿弥陀经秦唐两译会集本佛说阿弥陀经秦译一名称赞净土佛摄受经唐译 & 姚秦三藏法师鸠摩罗什译 & & & & 唐三藏法师玄奘奉诏 &译菩_戒弟子i城夏雍河中华蜀国居士惟智c喜英文翻译。
&Chinese Collection by Bodhisattva-prātimoksa Disciple Xia Lianju, Yun Cheng .English Translation by Weizhi-qingxi, Shu State, China 如是我闻。一时佛在舍卫城,o树给孤独园。与大比丘僧千二五十人俱。皆是尊宿声闻。大阿罗汉。众所知识。长老舍利弗。摩诃目犍连。摩诃迦叶。摩诃迦旃延。摩诃俱罗。离婆多。周利陀。难陀。阿难陀。罗T罗。x梵波提。宾头卢颇罗堕。迦留陀夷。摩诃劫宾那。薄拘罗。阿耨楼驮。如是等诸大弟子。并诸菩萨摩诃萨。妙吉祥菩萨。无能胜菩萨。常精进菩萨。不休息菩萨。与如是等大菩萨。而为上首。复有帝释。大梵天王。堪忍界主。护世四王。诸天子众。及馀世间。无量天人。阿素洛等。为闻法故。俱来会坐。尔时,佛告长老舍利弗。汝今知不。从是西方,去此世界,过十万亿佛土。有世界,名极乐。其中有佛,号阿弥陀。名无量寿,及无量光,如来应正等觉,十号圆满。今现在彼,安稳住持,为诸有情,宣说甚深微妙之法。令得殊胜利益安乐。舍利弗,何因缘故,彼佛世界名为极乐。由彼界中,诸有情类。无有一切身心忧苦,唯有无量清净喜乐,故名极乐。又舍利弗,极乐世界,净佛土中,处处皆有七重行列妙宝栏J,七重行列宝多罗树,及有七重妙宝罗网,皆是四宝周匝围绕,众妙绮饰,功德庄严。是故彼国名为极乐。又舍利弗,极乐世界,有七宝池,八功德水充满其中。何等名为八功德水。一者澄净,二者清凉,三者甘美。四者轻柔,五者润泽,六者安和,七者饮时,除饥渴等无量过患,八者饮已,增益种种殊胜善根,多福众生,常乐受用。是诸宝池,底布金沙,四边阶道,四宝庄严,诸池周匝,有妙宝树,间饰行列,香气芬馥,上有楼阁,亦以金,银,琉璃,玻璃,砗S,赤珠,玛瑙,而严饰之。是诸池中,常有种种杂色莲华,量如车轮,青色青光,黄色黄光,赤色赤光,白色白光,光影四显,微妙香洁。舍利弗,极乐净土,成就如是功德庄严。又舍利弗,彼佛净土,自然常有众妙天乐,音曲和雅,甚可爱乐,诸有情类,闻斯妙音, 诸恶烦恼,悉皆消灭,无量善法,渐次增长,速证无上正等菩提。又彼佛土,黄金为地,其触柔软,香洁光明,无量无边妙宝间饰,昼夜六时,常雨种种上妙天华, 光泽香洁,细软杂色。虽令见者,身心适悦,而不贪著,增长有情不可思议殊胜功德。彼有情类,常持供养阿弥陀佛。每以清旦,持此天华,于一食顷,飞至他方无量世界,于诸佛所,持散供养。即以食时,还至本处,饭食经行。舍利弗,极乐国土,成就如是功德庄严。复次舍利弗,彼土常有种种奇妙杂色之鸟,白鹤,孔雀,W鹉,舍利,迦陵O伽,共命之鸟,是诸众鸟,昼夜六时,出和雅音,随其类音,演唱妙法。所谓甚深念住,正断,神足,五根,五力,七菩提分,八圣道等,无量妙法。其土众生闻是音已,各得念佛,念法,念僧,无量功德,熏修其身。舍利弗,汝勿谓此鸟实是罪报所生。所以者何,彼佛净土无三恶道。尚不闻有三恶道趣名。何况有实。是诸众鸟,当知皆是阿弥陀佛,欲令法音宣流,变化所作。作诸有情利益安乐。又舍利弗,彼佛净土,常有妙风吹诸宝树,及宝罗网,出微妙音。譬如百千天乐,同时俱作。出种种声,说种种法。闻是音者,自然生起佛法僧念,作意等无量功德。舍利弗,彼佛净土,成就如是功德庄严。舍利弗,极乐世界净佛土中,有如是等无量无边,不可思议,甚希有事。假使经百千劫,以无量舌,出无量声,其功德,亦不能尽。是故名为极乐世界。又舍利弗,彼佛何缘,名无量寿。由彼如来,及诸有情,寿命无量阿僧o劫。由是缘故,名无量寿。舍利弗,何缘彼佛名无量光。由彼如来,恒放无量无边妙光,照一切十方佛土,施作佛事无有障碍,由是缘故名无量光。舍利弗,阿弥陀佛成佛已来,于今十劫。又舍利弗,阿弥陀佛常有无量声闻弟子,一切皆是大阿罗汉,非是算数之所能知,具足种种微妙功德。菩萨弟子亦复如是,其量无边不可称数。舍利弗,彼佛净土,成就如是功德庄严。又舍利弗,若诸有情生彼土者,皆是阿@跋致,一生补处,必不复堕诸险恶趣,常[诸佛清净国土,殊胜行愿,念念增进,决定当证阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。舍利弗,若诸有情,闻彼西方阿弥陀佛清净佛土,无量功德众所庄严,应当发愿,愿生彼国,所以者何,若生彼土,得与如是功德庄严,诸上善人,俱会一处,受用如是功德庄严清净佛土,大乘法乐,常无退转,无量行愿,念念增进,速证无上正等菩提故。舍利弗,生彼佛土诸有情类,成就无量无边功德。非少善根,福德,因缘, 诸有情类可得往生。若有净信诸男子,或善女人得闻阿弥陀佛不可思议功德名号,极乐世界功德庄严,闻已思惟,执持,系念,若一日夜,或二,或三,或四,或五,或六,或七,一心不乱,专持名号,以称名故,诸罪消灭,即是多善根,福德,因缘。其人临命终时,阿弥陀佛与诸圣众,现在其前,慈悲加佑,令心不乱,是人终时,心不颠倒,即得往生阿弥陀佛极乐世界清净佛土。舍利弗,我观如是利益,安乐,大事因缘,说诚谛语。若有众生,闻是说者,一切皆应信受发愿,如说修行,生彼佛土。舍利弗,如我今者,称扬叹, 阿弥陀佛不可思议佛土功德。东方亦有现在阿z@佛,须弥相佛,大须弥佛,须弥光佛,妙音佛,如是等恒河沙数佛,住在东方自佛净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门。当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。舍利弗,南方现在有日月灯佛,名闻光佛,大光蕴佛,须弥灯佛, 无量精进佛,如是等恒河沙数佛,住在南方自佛净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门,当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。舍利弗,西方现在有无量寿佛,无量相佛,无量幢佛,大光佛,大明佛,宝相佛,净光佛,如是等恒沙数佛。住在西方自佛净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门。当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。舍利弗,北方现在有无量光严通达觉慧佛,最胜音佛,难沮佛,日生佛,网明佛,如是等恒河沙数诸佛,住在北方自在净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门,当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。舍利弗,下方现在有师子佛,名闻佛,名光佛,达摩佛,法幢佛,持法佛,如是等恒河沙数诸佛,住在下方自佛净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门。当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。舍利弗,上方现在有梵音佛,宿王佛,香上佛,香光佛,大焰肩佛,杂色宝华严身佛,娑罗树王佛,宝华德佛,见一切义佛,如须弥山佛,如是等恒河沙数佛,住在上方自佛净土,各各示现广长舌相,覆三千大千世界,说诚实言。汝等有情,皆应信受如是法门,当信是称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。舍利弗,何故名为称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛所护念经。由此经中,称扬叹阿弥陀佛,极乐世界,不可思议佛土功德。十方诸佛,为欲方便利益安乐诸有情故,各住本土,现大神变,说诚谛言。劝诸有情信受此法。是故此经,名为称不可思议佛土功德,一切诸佛摄受法门。舍利弗,若善男子,或善女人,得闻是经及诸佛名。深生信解。生信解已,皆为一切诸佛之所护念。如说行者,皆得不退转于阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。汝等有情,皆应信受,领解我语,及诸佛所说。当勤精进,如说修行,勿生疑虑。舍利弗,若有人已发愿,今发愿,当发愿,欲生阿弥陀佛国者。是诸人等,必为诸佛之摄受。如说行者,定于阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,得不退转。一切定生阿弥陀佛极乐世界,清净佛土。是故净信诸善男子,或善女人,皆应深心信解,发愿往生,勿行放逸。舍利弗,如我今者,称扬诸佛叹阿弥陀佛,不可思议佛土功德。彼诸佛等,亦称我不可思议无边功德。而作是言,甚奇希有,释迦牟尼法王,如来应正等觉,明行圆满,善逝,世间解,无上丈夫,调御士,天人师,佛世尊,乃能于是娑婆国土,五浊恶世,劫浊,见浊,烦恼浊,众生浊,命浊中,证得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。为欲方便利益安乐诸有情故,说是一切世间极难信法。舍利佛,当知我今于此杂染堪忍世界,五浊恶时,证得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,为欲方便利益安乐诸有情故,为一切世间,说此难信之法,是为甚难希有不可思议。又舍利弗,于此杂染堪忍界中,五浊恶时。若有净信诸善男子,或善女人,闻说如是一切世间极难信法,能生信解,受持,演说,如教修行,当知是人甚为希有,无量佛所曾种善根,是人命终,定生西方极乐世界,受用种种功德庄严,清净佛土,大乘法乐,日夜六时,亲近供养,阿弥陀佛,[历十方,供养诸佛,于诸佛所,闻法受记,福慧资粮,疾得圆满。速证无上正等菩提。佛说此经已。尊者舍利弗,诸大声闻,及诸菩萨摩诃萨,一切世间天人阿修罗等,闻佛所说,皆大欢喜,信受奉行,作礼而去。l &
& 回 & 向 & 文此福已得一切智 &摧伏一切过患敌生老病死犹波涛 &愿度苦海诸有情生西方Q土中 &九品楦改花_佛悟o生 &不退菩_榘H佛说摩X般若阿弥陀佛经The People Who are Chanting Buddha Have One Hundred Kinds of Retributions.English translation By Wei Zhi .念佛人有一百N果Chinese by Dharma Master Xu Fa of Jing Dynasty. () He was a monk in Jing Dynasty and born from Ren He―Hang Zhou, in Zhei Jiang . His family name was Sheng, the surname BoTing, and calling Guang Ding as well as Cheng Fa清.m法法著.()清代僧。浙江仁和(杭州)人,俗姓沈。字伯亭,灌,又名成法。If it were mentioned because one door chanting the Buddha absorbed the mundane and supramundane dharmas, it would be for the sake of Five Desires that the arousal of mind to chant the Buddha would be just the Realm of Hell, it is for the sake of the fame and profit that the arousal of mind to chant the Buddha is just the Realm of Hungry Ghost (2), it is for the sake of the family dependents that the arousal of mind to chant the Buddha is just the Realm of Domestic Animals (3),it is for the sake of conquering him that the arousal of mind to chant the Buddha is just the Realm of Asura.(4) it is for the sake of fearing the Evil Path that the arousal of mind to chant the Buddha is just the Dharmadhatu of Human (5), it is for the sake of seeking for Celestial Music that the arousal of mind to chant the Buddha is just the the Dharmadhatu of Heaven(6) it is for the sake of appre- ciating Nirvana that the arousal of mind to chant the Buddha is just the Realm of Savaka (7),it is because of admiring non birth that the arousal of mind to chant the Buddha is just the Realm of Pratyekabuddha (8), it is for the sake of desiring to convert him that the arousal of mind to chant the Buddha is just the Realm of Bodhisattvas (9), it is for the sake of hoping to attain the Buddha- hood that the arousal of mind to chant the Buddha is just the Dhar -madhatu of the Buddhas (10), the firmation of chanting the Bud dha is just the Earth Element (11), The joyful confidence of chan- ting the Buddha is just the Water Element (12), the enthusiastic confidenc of chanting the Buddha is just the Fire Element (13), the diligent confidence of chanting the Buddha is just the Wind Element (14), The modest confidence of chanting the Buddha is just the Void Element (15), the spiritual confidenc of chanting the Buddha is just the Dolgan Element (16), the contemplative confidence of chanting Buddha is just the Consciousness Element (17), The spining sight of chanting the Buddha is just the root of eyes (18), the contrary auditory sense of chanting the Buddha is just the root of ears (19), the whirling shin of chanting Buddha is just the root of nasion (20), The returning taste of chanting the Buddha is just the root of tongue (21), the taking-in &perception perturbation of chanting the Buddha is just the root of body ( 22), the inverse knowledge of chanting the Buddha is just the root of mind (23), The contem- plative picture of chanting the Buddha is just the form of color (21), the name hearing of chanting the Buddha is just the form of sound (22), the fumigating fragrance of chanting Buddha is just the form of aroma (23), The smell existence of chanting the Buddha is just the form of smell (27), the solemn light of chan- ting the Buddha is just the form of touch (28), the meditating contemplation of chanting the Buddha is just the form of dharma (29), With the eyes unable to distinguish color, the consciousness of eye is just mindful of the Buddha (30), with the ears unable to distinguish sound, the consciousness of ears is just mindful of the Buddha (31) , With the nose unable to distinguish aroma, the consciousness of nasion is mindful of the Buddha (32), with the tongue unable to distin -guish taste, the consciousness of tongue is just mindful of the Buddha (33), with the body unable to distinguish touch, the consciousness of body is just mindful of the Buddha (30), with the mind unable to distinguish the dharma, the consciousness is just mindful of the Buddha (31) ,The horror of suffering from birth and death is the duhkhasatya of chanting Buddha (36), the end of various doubtful karmas is the samudayasatya of chanting the Buddha (37),The practicers of precepts, samadhi and wisdom is the margasatya of chanting Buddha (38), the witness of &Vyupasama Truth is the nirodhasatya of chanting the Buddha (39),the vexations not to arise is just the ignorance conditions of chanting the Buddha (40),to do no various karmas is the action conditions of chanting the Buddha (41), No reliance on the womb of mothers is the consciousness conditions of chanting the Buddha (42), the removal of sexual mind is the name and form conditions of chanting Buddha (43), The ash vanishment of the various roots is the Ayatana conditions of chanting the Buddha (44), the separation of the roots, dusts and mind consciousness is the touch conditions of chanting the Buddha (45), No comprehension of the manifest objects is the sensation conditions of chanting Buddha (46), no greed of wealth and libido is the love conditions of chanting the Buddha (47), No pursuit of the worldly desires is the acquire- ment conditions of chanting the Buddha (48), no success of karmas is the condition existence of chanting the Buddha (49),No suffering from the subsequent Bardo is the rebirth conditions of chanting Buddha (50), no maturity or ravage of Sunyata is the aging and death conditions of chanting the Buddha (51), one mind of chanting the Buddha, self-abandonment of ten thousand conditions, such is the Paramita of Sadaqa: almsgiving (52), one mind of chanting Buddha, self-termination of the various evils, such is the Paramita of Precepts (53), one mind of chanting Buddha, self-submissiveness of Heart, such is the Paramita of Forbearance (54), one mind of chanting the Buddha eternal not toretrogress, such is the Paramita of Vigour (55),one mind of chanting the Buddha,the remanent ideas not to arise, such is the Paramita of Dhyana (56), one mind of chanting Buddha, the masatomo clear and bright, such is the Paramita of Wisdom (57),one mind of chanting the Buddha and attaining the Sambuddha, such is just the Bodhi &(58), one mind of chanting the Buddha, in Eternity and Happiness and True Self and Purity, such is just the Nirvana (59) , the silence of chanting Buddha, such is the Sunyata Tathagatagarbha (60), the imaginary portraits of chanting Buddha, such is the Amogha Tathagatagarbha (61)the mahasandhi understandment of chanting Buddha, such is just the Sunyata Amogha Tathagatagarbha (62), the sunrise of chanting Buddha, such is first to illuminate (63),the meal time of chanting Buddha, such is early to return illumination (64), the midday of chanting Buddha, such is middle to return illumination (65), the &afternoon of chanting Buddha, such is subsequent to return illumination (66), the sunset of chanting Buddha, such is back home to return illumination (67), Be mindful of the outer Buddha, such is the Primary Education (68), Be mindful of the inner Buddha, such is the Pre-Teaching (69), Be mindful of the present mental Buddha, such is the Ultimate Instruction (70), Be mindful of the non-mental Buddha , such is the Insight Education (71), Be mindful of the universal and confluent Buddhas, such is the Mahasandhi Teaching (72), there is Mentality and there is Buddha , the pure mindfulness inter-continuous , such is the Dharmadhatu of Affairs (73), There is neither Mentality nor Buddha, by no means of the convenience, such is the &Dharmadhatu of Theory (74) , Be mindful of Mentality and Buddhas, entering into the &Endurance of Non-Birth, such is the Dharmadhatu of the Affairs and Theory unobstructive (75), If there were Mentality and Buddha which had spreaded all over including endlessness , such is just the Dharmadhatu of Affairs and Affairs unobstructive (76), One Door of Changting Buddha which includes the endless significances, such is the Total Phase (77), the four or five doors of Righteousness are Not One Mind Of the Buddha, such is the Respective Phase (78), sixteen kinds of contemplation and so on are the same achievement of chanting the Buddha, such is the Same Phase (79), the circumstance are clean and pure, not rightful or solemn, such is out of phase (80), One Door of Chanting the Buddha,pulling down the achieve- ments of many a significance, such is the Successful Phase (81), There are four or five kinds which individually live in the self- alignment, such is the bad phase (82), in the accordance with righteous merits and virtues,it is convenient and circumspect chanting the Buddha, at the same time just in enough possession of the corresponding doors (83), spreading all over many a dharma is not far away from recting the Name of the Buddha ( chanting the Buddha ) , such is just one wide and narrow, comfortable and unobstructive door (84),one root prays to the Buddha,six roots all restrain themselves, one-more is mutual compatible with the different doors (85), The Mindfulness- of- the-Buddha Samadhi namely all the dharmas , the phase of many a dharma is just the Comfortable Door (86), while just praying to the Buddha ,the remanent doors are not to arise, in case the secret and hidden emergence is the successful door (87), This Mindful- ness-of-the-Buddha Door has altogether absorbed the subtle and compatible、peaceful and stable door (88), five kinds of chanting the Buddha just inter-absorb the multiple doors of Dharani-Net Cumstance (89), the sight of This Mindfulness-of- the-Buddha Door namely encounters the endless doors with the dependence of things manifesting dharmas and producing explanations (90), the previous and consequent mindfulness of Buddha is not different from the present mindfulness, ten pre-existences insulating the Dharmas differ from the successful door (91),One Dharma of Buddha Recitation drives the endless dharmas, parters and protagonists who are perfect and vivid are just in possession of the virtues door (92), chanting the Self-Inner Buddha is the Primal Awareness -- Rigpa (93) , The confidence of Buddha Recitation is just the name in the process of beginning awareness (94), &that &Buddha Recitation unbinds the mentality is just the similarity in the process of beginning awareness (95) , that Buddha Recitation demonstrates the mentality is just the respective attestation in the process of beginning awareness (96), that the Recitation of Buddha is the attainment of Buddha is just the Ultimate Enlightement (97), While praying to The Buddha, it is lonely solitary and unconditioned, such is just Dharmakaya Buddha (98), While praying to The Buddha,it is in no posse- ssion of no virtues, such is Sambhogakaya Buddha (99), While praying to The Buddha, that the sages and earthlings are elevated is just Incarnation Buddha (100), herein it is known that One Dharma of Buddha Recitation is complete to absorb all the dharmas.The People Who are Chanting Buddha Have One Hundred Kinds of Retributions.English translation By Wei Zhi .念佛人有一百N果清.m法法著()清代僧。浙江仁和(杭州)人,俗姓沈。字伯亭,灌,又名成法。 & 若以念佛一T、z生世出世法言之。槲逵省l心念佛、地z界也(一)。槊省l心念佛、I鬼界也(二)。榫俟省l心念佛、畜生界也(三)。偎省l心念佛、修_界也(四)。畏旱拦省l心念佛、人法界也(五)。求天饭省l心念佛、天法界也(六)。欣涅故、l心念佛、界也(七)。慕o生故、l心念佛、X界也(八)。欲度他故、l心念佛、菩_界也(九)。希成佛故、l心念佛、佛法界也(十)。孕哪罘稹⒌卮笠玻ㄊ唬O残哪罘稹⑺笠玻ㄊ嵝哪罘稹⒒鸫笠玻ㄊG谛哪罘稹L大也(十四)。心念佛、空大也(十五)。`心念佛、根大也(十六)。想心念佛、R大也(十七)。念佛旋、眼根也(十八)。念佛反、耳根也(十九)。念佛D、鼻根也(二十)。念佛L、舌根也(二一)。念佛zX、身根也(二二)。念佛逆知、意根也(二三)。念佛^像、色m也(二四)。念佛名、m也(二五)。念佛染香、香m也(二六)。念佛有味、味m也(二七)。念佛光馈⒂|m也(二八)。念佛^想、法m也(二九)。眼不e色、眼R念佛也(三十)。耳不e、耳R念佛也(三一)。鼻不e香、鼻R念佛也(三二)。舌不e味、舌R念佛也(三三)。身不e|、身R念佛也(三四)。意不e法、意R念佛也(三五)。怖生死苦、苦B念佛也(三六)。息T惑I、集B念佛也(三七)。修戒定慧、道B念佛也(三八)。C寂缋怼缰B念佛也(三九)。啦簧o明念佛也(四十)。不作TI、行念佛也(四一)。不托母胎、R念佛也(四二)。色心纭⒚念佛也(四三)。T根灰泯、六入念佛也(四四)。根mRx、|念佛也(四五)。不I前境、受念佛也(四六)。不色、劬念佛也(四七)。不求m欲、取念佛也(四八)。Io有成、有念佛也(四九)。不受後⑸念佛也(五十)。空o熟摹⒗纤谰念佛也(五一)。一心念佛、f自舍、施度也(五二)。一心念佛、T鹤灾埂⒔涠纫玻ㄎ迦R恍哪罘稹⑿淖匀犴、忍度也(五四)。一心念佛、永不退D、M度也(五五)。一心念佛、N想不生、U度也(五六)。一心念佛、正智分明、智度也(五七)。一心念佛、成正遍知、菩提也(五八)。一心念佛、常肺Q、涅也(五九)。寂o念佛、空如聿匾玻O胂衲罘稹⒉豢杖聿匾玻唬A通念佛、空不空如聿匾玻H粘瞿罘稹⑾日r也(六三)。食r}


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