
百度经验:jingyan.baidu.comGames to play indoors 洋哥哥洋姐姐在家陪伴孩子可以玩什么游戏呢?丰富的室内游戏,互惠生火速get!——本文主要帮助住家的洋哥哥洋姐姐来了解陪伴中国孩子玩耍的游戏有哪些?当然同时可以适用于英语老师或者成人在陪伴孩子时候可以玩耍的室内游戏。百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com11. Indoor bowling 室内保龄球 A great way to reuse water bottles! Line six-10 water bottles up at the end of your hall or living room. Place a line of duct tape at the starting line. Grab a medium-sized indoor ball and start bowling! If you want, keep score and give out trophies at the end. (Note: if you need to stabilize the water bottles or make the game more difficult, simply fill them up with some water. Don’t forget to screw the tops on tightly!)22. Hot Potato 传递热土豆 This game will have everyone giggling. Ask the kids to sit on the floor in a circle. Turn on some tunes and have them pass the potato (a bean bag or soft ball) around the circle as fast as they can. When the music stops, the player holding the potato leaves the circle. Keep going until only one player is left and wins the game.33. Picnic memory game 野餐记忆游戏 To play, everyone sits in a circle. The first player says, “In my basket for the picnic, I packed…,” and then says what item he or she packed. The next player then says, “In my basket for the picnic, I packed…,” and then recites what the first player packed and adds his or her own item to the basket, and so forth.44. The listening game 听力游戏 Take out several miscellaneous items. Have the children look at all the items, and then take them away. Next, ask one child to hide his or her eyes and listen as you pick up an item and make sounds with it. Ask the child to guess which item made the sound. Examples of items might be a comb (run your fingers along it), a glass (gently tap it), cymbals, shakers, sandpaper, blocks rubbed together, a pot and spoon. Be creative and have fun!55.&Bubbles 吹泡泡 You don’t have to go outside to enjoy bubbles. For this game, you need a plate and straw for each player, some dishwashing soap and water. Place a dime-size drop of dish soap at the centre of each plate. Pour a little water onto the plate and gently mix with the dish soap until some suds start to form. Have the kids place the straw in the suds and blow very gently. Watch as massive bubbles start to form. To make this competitive, see who blows the&biggest, or longest-lasting, bubble.66. Simon Says 我说你做 This traditional favourite will never get old. To start, choose one player (probably a parent for the first round) to be Simon. The rest of the players will gather in a circle or line in front of Simon as he calls out actions starting with the phrase “Simon says”: “Simon says…touch your toes.” The players then have to copy Simon’s action, touching their toes. If Simon calls out an action without uttering the phrase “Simon says,” the kids must not do the action. If a child touches his toes when Simon didn’t say…, he or she is out of the game. There are lots of great ways Simon can trick players into doing actions when Simon didn’t say: Simon can perform an action without uttering a command, for example, or he can perform an action that doesn’t correspond with the command. Fun! The last player left in the game wins and becomes the next Simon.77. Touch-and-feel box 触摸游戏(感官游戏) Most preschoolers flock to the classroom sensory table as soon as the teachers pull it out. So there is little doubt they will love this entertaining challenge. Find a shoe box or any box that has a lid on it. Cut a hole in one of the sides of the box —large enough for your host kid to fit her hand in. If you want, get creative and decorate the box with glitter and question marks. When you’re ready to play, put an item inside the box and have the children guess what it is. They can ask questions about the item if they need to, or you can offer clues. Get as ooey-gooey as you wish (fresh pumpkin seeds or slimy spaghetti are great choices for&Halloween),&or use such simple objects as a brush, a toy, a piece of fruit. To make it competitive, you can give a point to the first child to name the object.88. Indoor basketball 室内篮球 You can’t be too little for this version of basketball. All you need is a bucket and a rolled up sock (or a small, light ball). Each player takes a turn at throwing the sock-ball into the bucket. When a player scores a bucket, he or she takes a step back and throws again until missing. The player who shoots the ball in the bucket from the farthest distance wins.END经验内容仅供参考,如果您需解决具体问题(尤其法律、医学等领域),建议您详细咨询相关领域专业人士。作者声明:本篇经验系本人依照真实经历原创,未经许可,谢绝转载。投票(0)已投票(0)有得(0)我有疑问(0)◆◆说说为什么给这篇经验投票吧!我为什么投票...你还可以输入500字◆◆只有签约作者及以上等级才可发有得&你还可以输入1000字◆◆如对这篇经验有疑问,可反馈给作者,经验作者会尽力为您解决!你还可以输入500字相关经验110010热门杂志第1期作文书写技巧941次分享第12期祝你好“孕”477次分享第1期当我们有了孩子338次分享第1期新学期 新气象169次分享第1期孕妇饮食指导556次分享◆请扫描分享到朋友圈适合室内或者室外玩的游戏_百度文库
室内: 象棋,五子棋,军棋,跳棋,游戏机,室外: 打沙包 ,篮球,羽毛球,


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