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)苏公网安备 03号博主最新文章
(最多只允许输入30个字)You code for the web. You demand a fast, clean, and powerful text editor. Pixel-perfect preview. A built-in way to open and manage your local and remote files. And maybe a dash of SSH. Say hello, Coda.
Version 2.6.9 (11/08/2017)
Requires OS X 10.10.5+
Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
New! in Coda 2
Touch Bar.
On the new MacBook Pro, switch instantly between editor and preview, comment lines in a flash, and much more.
Syntax highlighting is anywhere from 4 to 10 times faster. Symbol parsing is 10 times faster. It&#8217;s real zippier.
Editor Improvements.
Vertical indentation guides. Customizable column guide. Color-coded traditional or visual tabs.
Local Indexing.
It&#8217;s here. Site-wide autocomplete of your functions, classes, and variables, all indexed from your local files.
Plugin Prefs.
Manage your existing plugins, and discover new and exciting ones, via Coda&#8217;s preferences.
CSS Overriding.
Easily override and edit a site&#8217;s CSS, live, right within Coda&#8217;s Preview.
Coda can now track and publish files modified outside of Coda. Plus a handy &#8220;Save and Publish&#8221; shortcut.
Panic Sync.
Sync your sites, passwords, and private keys to all of your Macs and more. It's free, easy, and .
What is Coda?
Good question. Coda is everything you need to hand-code a website, in one beautiful app.
While the pitch is simple, building Coda was anything but. How do you elegantly wrap everything together? Well, we did it. And today, Coda has grown to be a critical tool for legions of web developers around the world.
More than anything else, Coda is a text editor. It&#8217;s got everything you expect: syntax highlighting for tons of languages. Code folding. Project-wide autocomplete. Fast find and replace. Indentation guides. Automatic tag closing. Fast commenting and shifting of code. The works. But Coda&#8217;s editor has features you won&#8217;t find anywhere else. For example, the Find and Replace has this revolutionary "Wildcard" token that makes RegEx one-button simple. And as you type, Coda Pops let you quickly create colors, gradients, and more, using easy controls. There are nice touches everywhere.
But an incredible text editor is just a nice typewriter if you can&#8217;t easily handle all of your files & from anywhere. Coda has battle-tested, deeply integrated file management. Open local files or edit remotely on FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, or Amazon S3 servers. Use the Files tab and move, rename, copy, transfer from server-to-server... anything. Track local changes for remote publishing. There&#8217;s even support for Git and Subversion.
Then you&#8217;ll want to see what your code looks like. Use our WebKit Preview, which includes a web inspector, debugger, and profiler. Then, on top of that, we added AirPreview, a revolutionary feature that lets you use your iPad and iPhone with Coda for iOS to Preview pages as you code on your desktop.
Believe it or not, we&#8217;ve just scratched the surface. Open Coda&#8217;s Sidebar to discover a rich set of utilities that make you work better. Like Clips, which let you create frequently used bits of text that you can insert into your document with special triggers. And project-wide Find and Replace that&#8217;ll work across multiple files. There&#8217;s also an HTML Validator, a Code Navigator, and more.
Finally, hiding behind the Plus button in the tab bar is a built-in Terminal and MySQL editor, two amazingly powerful Tab Tools. The Terminal can open a local shell or SSH. MySQL lets you define structure, edit data, and more.
And it&#8217;s all wrapped up in our Sites, which get you started quickly. Opening a Site sets your file paths, your root URLs, where your files Publish to, source control settings, and more. And with Panic Sync, our free and secure sync service, your sites follow you on any computer.
Coda is a very good app.
An incredibly full-featured OS X app at a price affordable to any web developer.
Get the Free Book.
It&#8217;s in the iBooks Store. It&#8217;s free. Or you can . It&#8217;ll walk you through Coda in a tutorial-like format. You should definitely check it out.
Don&#8217;t Miss: .
Designed for your iPad. The power of Coda, anywhere. Plus Air Preview. Check it out.
Use Coda? We have a dedicated team waiting to help you with anything.
Quick questions, fast answers.
FAQs, help docs, tutorials, etc.
Big questions, slower answers.
Is Coda 2.5 a free upgrade?
Yes. Coda 2.5 is free for all Coda 2 owners, to whom we say thanks.
Help, I lost my serial number!
Not a problem! You can . If you no longer have access to the email address you used to purchase,
and we'll look it up for you.
What about Mac App Store customers?
Coda 2.5 is only available directly from Panic. But don&#8217;t worry, we&#8217;re migrating Mac App Store customers for free.
First, make sure you've got the latest from the App Store & Coda 2.0.14 & and that you have launched the latest version at least once.
Ready? Great! Now simply , launch it, and follow the prompts. Provide your email address and we&#8217;ll send you a personalized Coda 2 serial you can use to unlock the app now, and in the future.
How do I activate the Local Site Indexer?
Simply edit your Site, and check the "Automatically index all Site files" box.
Why does autocomplete seem slower?
With the new local indexer, trying to fetch an unknown amount of data can be slow for large sites. Rather than let your typing speed suffer or lag, we introduced a 0.1-second delay before showing the autocomplete menu.
Is there a command line tool I can use?
Absolutely .
How can I make plug-ins?
You can learn more about extending Coda from the
repository on GitHub.
How can I use Git for version control?
If you have Git installed already, simply fill out the Git Tool Path setting in the Files pane of Coda&s Preferences.
To install git on OS X 10.9 and later, enter the following command at a Terminal prompt:
xcode-select --install
(Using OS X 10.8 or earlier? You can
or install )
How can I use Subversion for version control?
Originally, Coda used the
binary that was installed with every copy of Mac OS X. As of Mountain Lion (10.8), Subversion is no longer bundled with OS X, and must be installed manually.
To install Subversion on OS X 10.9 and later, enter the following command at a Terminal prompt:
xcode-select --install
(Using OS X 10.8 or earlier? You can
or install )
& Panic Inc. Coda is a trademark of Panic Inc. &o&评论- 1094&
&script src="lib/jquery/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"&&/script&
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{ text: '节点2' },
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{ text: '节点4' }
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$(function ()
$(".l-tree").ligerTree({ checkbox: true });
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function addTreeItem()
var node = manager.getSelected();
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nodes.push({ text: &#8216;测试节点&#8217;});
manager.append(node.target, nodes);
manager.append(null, nodes);
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var node = manager.getSelected();
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function expandAll()
$(function ()
url: 'json.txt',
onBeforeExpand: onBeforeExpand,
onExpand: onExpand,
onBeforeCollapse: onBeforeCollapse,
onCollapse: onCollapse,
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onSelect: onSelect,
onCheck: onCheck
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function onExpand(note)
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function onBeforeCollapse(note)
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function onCollapse(note)
alert('onCollapse:' + note.data.text);
function onCheck(note, checked)
alert('onCheck:' + note.data.text + " checked:" + checked);
} 场景九:异步动态加载节点
var manager = null;
$(function ()
url: 'json.txt',
onBeforeExpand: onBeforeExpand
manager = $("#tree1").ligerGetTreeManager();
function onBeforeExpand(note)
if (note.data.children && note.data.children.length == <span style="color: #)
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{ text: note.data.text + "'s child1" },
{ text: note.data.text + "'s child2" },
{ text: note.data.text + "'s child3" }
{jQuery} ligerTree(p)
{Array} getChecked()
&posted on
阅读(...) 评论()}


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