
&&& 天体运行新观点
  宇宙中盖房 过长寿幸福生活
  NEW idea of celestial body operation
  The universe in the longecity of happy life
  WU Qingyun
  (1) Utilization of space resource and engineering prospection.
  (2) 空间宇宙时间和力的关系
  (2) Correlation between time and force in cosmic circumstance.
  (3) Orbit theorem and related formulation of celestial body rotation.
  (4) Building houses in space, the ark of human.
  (5) 逐步减气法即空气浮沉原理
  (5) Air buoyancy theorem by reducing air closed in chamber step by step.
  (6) Automatic drive with supply of solar energy under control of human consciousness.
  Favorable conditions to build houses in space
  (1) Titanium fibre material and related prefabrication.
  (2) Solar film generator and related application system.
  (3) Human living system in airproof chamber with three elementary living conditions towards ambient balance for biologic necessity.
  (4) Quantum communication and orientated navigation system.
  (5)Blastoff upon air buoyancy and all other necessary energy supply depends on solar energy.
  Peace development & space exploration is long-time ambition of human. As originator of brand-new celestial body rotation thoery, I hope your cordial support and help. Of course, if you search (Brand-new idea of celestial body rotation) in 360 website, you can find more about my brand-new celestial body rotation thoery. And resultingly, you may be more confident about our common ambition to build houses in space for happy and longevous life.
  Brand-new celestial body rotation thoery
  Building houses in space for welfare of human
  Historical succession of geocentric theory and heliocentric theory is but inevitability of historical progress of science.
  Connatural determination whether moon rotating or not is but inevitability due to physical theorem.
  Although mightiness seems predominance, and feebleness seems insufficiency, mightiness and feebleness are always in intrinsic alternation.
  Divinity seems massive and epiphyte seems illusory, it&s but remarkable distinction of quantitative scale of mass.
  Existence & motion of all celestial bodies in spacetime mostly depend on distinction as characteristic attribute, individuality, assortment, level, profile and quality by transference of different energy.
  Evolvement and subsistence of all life-form mostly depend on temperature and time for propagation in corresponding objects.
  ⋯light year--one year--one day--one second⋯
  ⋯Divinity--one person--one cell--epiphyte
  Note: the divinities mentioned herein mean all jins even more high-level than human, whereas, upon unaided eye and life time of human, it&s imppossible for human to see all super divinities just as the epiphyte can never see human.
  At present, human only know the autoecious correlation between organism which is low-grade relative to human and mineral. For instance, upon unaided eye, human can only find biologic relationship between human and other objects as cells, bacillus. And just because life of human are relatively long, with aid of microscope, human can perceive their living conditions and proper living regularity. Whereas, can bacillus know the living surrounding and proper living conditions of human?
  As a result, human make living on the earth in cosmic eyeable surrounding making up of perceivable objects, whereas, bacillus make living in various food. We then come to deduce the existence & motion of solar system, Milky Way galaxy and so-called Black Holess, in terms of living conditions of jins who are even superior than human in cosmos, it&s of course impossible for human to perceive existence and proper living conditions of jins upon unaided eye and life time of human.
  In terms of origin and configuration of cosmos, there is no way for human to demonstrate disaster orientation or expansion orientation of cosmos upon current science level of human! Because cosmos is unlimited while life time of human is limited, human can only know the material configuration on surface of the earth, for instance, human can perceive all kind of bacillus with aid of microscope, and know various biologic relationship among them, and the more science developed the more human will know about corresponding existent authenticity.
  The earth is moving in cosmos, whereas, the power for it to move in cosmos is some certain powerful object human have not perceived even may be unable to perceive. For instance, the sun transfer heat energy to the earth and consequently to make the earth rotate around the sun in its intrinsic orbit accordingly.
  If the centric sun in accelerating situation, then, the earth consequently implement diffused motion in cosmos, the cosmos with the earth existing in is expanding, as a result, the distance between the sun and earth will be farer and farer.
  If the centric sun in decelerating situation, then, the cosmos with the earth existing in is shrinking, the earth will be more and more closer to the sun, till at last, the earth drops onto the sun.
  The constant moon surface always orients the earth ever since, the cause is that the powerful gravity of earth permanently attracts the moon, as rotation of earth itself, the attraction derived from the earth rotate accordingly. Once the gravitational force is equivalent to the acentric force, the earth rotates 360 radian,the moon goes around the earth a full circle therefore, which is of course similar as an aircraft under gravitational restriction goes around the earth a circle. As a result, it&s impossible for the moon to rotate itself. So the conclusion in text books that the moon rotate itself and rotate around the earth at the same time is wrong.
  The moon can never turn itself, the conclusion in text book that the moon can turn itself must be wrong.
  Objects with different weight usually fly in different height in gravitational field of earth, this of course determines mosquitoes can only fly in low space, spadgers are able to fly a little more higher, whereas, eagles are able to fly higher in sky. It indicates it&s not only impossible for mosquitoes to fly in the same height as eagles, it&s but also impossible for the eagles to fly in the same height as mosquitoes.
  Because the different weight of them directly determines the different height of flying orbit of them.
  The physical regularity of objects moving in gravitational field of earth as below:
  &Rotation of the earth under reciprocity of gravitational viscidity will make object with some certain weight occur acentric force, if the acentric force is just equivalent to the weight of the object, the motion height of the object just means motion orbit of the object. Virtually, the height of the moving orbit around the earth is in direct proportion to the weight of the flying object, whereas, the motion speed of the flying object is in inverse proportion to the height of the moving orbit around the earth.
  The proper formulation as below:
  Such motion orbit of object around the earth is of course ideal manner for existent balance. As the earth rotate itself, relative motion of the object will consequent occur, which of course proves what Maozedong said, a man siting down on the ground virtually has gone eighty thousand kilometers per day. That&s to say, once an object in existent situation its gravity is equivalent to its acentric force, the rotation speed derived from gravity is impossible to be equivalent to the rotation speed of the earth.
  As the rotation of the earth itself, once the object in existent situation that the gravity working on it is equivalent to the acentric force, the object must go eighty thousand kilometers per day relative to the surface of the earth, if I am right, the regular motion of object in gravitational field of the earth is course self-evident.
  Human can go on their proper orbit as mosquitos, eagles, the moon usually do. Consequently, as remarkable progress of science, human are able to build houses in space, and the proper houses we built can go on their proper obits like eagles and the moon usually do.
  Iron block is heavy, once dropped into river, it must sink into water, whereas, if we fabricate the iron block with the same mass into a ship, it won&t sink into water any longer, this is just something about buoyancy theorem.
  If we add more iron onto ship, the ship will proportionally sink more, till at last the floatage is equivalent to the weight of the ship, which of course indicates if floatage is bigger than weight of ship, the ship will be floated, otherwise, the ship must sink. The submarine is designed accordingly.
  Water has its buoyancy theorem, air of course has its similar buoyancy theorem too.
  In accordance with buoyancy theorem, any object can be floated out of atmosphere by reducing air in hermetical chamber, just as illustration below:
  Let&s suppose there are a hermetical chamber made up of titanium fibre material with retractable backbone, whose radius is 100 meters, and there are superior solar film generator on outer surface of the hermetical chamber, and the center is just the living chamber. If the total weight of the hermetical chamber made up of titanium fibre is 10 tons, and the volume of the hermetical chamber is 4/3兀R3=, the mass of 1 m3 air on the surface of the earth is 1.3 kilogram, so we can know the mass of
air on surface of the earth is 5442 tons. Reducing the weight of hermetical chamber 10 tons, we can know the foatage of the hermetical chamber is 5432 tons.
  If the retractable backbones protrude 40 meters all around, the volume of the hermetical chamber will be , and the air mass extruded by it will be 14934 tons, reduce the weight of hermetical chamber, the air floatage of the hermetical will be 14924 tons. Resultingly, the floatage disparity is 9492 tons once we extrude the radius of the hermetical chamber from 100 meters to 140 meters. Of course, it&s usually difficult for us to extrude the radius of the hermetical chamber quickly from 100 meters to 140 meters, it only seems possible to extrude the radius of the hermetical chamber slowly and consequently increase the air floatage of the hermetical chamber little by little. In accordance with the air buoyancy theorem, as long as we can readjust the length of the retractable backbone of the hermetical chamber, the hermetical chamber will be floated to the proper height in atmosphere by the light of nature.
  宇宙中盖房 造福人类
  Building houses in space for welfare of human
  All circulation drive of all motion objects in cosmos are but derived by two kinds of force, connatural force and conscious force.
  The drive force for the earth to rotate around the sun is just connatural force offered by the sun, the moon rotating around the earth depends on the integrative circulation drive of gravity and acentric force.
  The other force is conscious force! So-called conscious force is virtually a kind of superior ability of human or divinities even high-grade than human, which is usually hypostatized as taking full advantage of nature in accordance with physical regularity and the proper inevitability to serve the production, such as application of aircraft, artificial satellite etc..
  Building houses in space is just integrative application of connatural force and conscious force. Current favorable conditions to build houses in space are as below:
  (1) Titanium fibre material and related prefabrication.
  (2) Solar film generator and related application system.
  (3) Human living system in airproof chamber with three elementary living conditions towards ambient balance for biologic necessity.
  (4) Quantum communication and orientated navigation system.
  The above conditions of course seem possible for us to build houses in space for alternative habitation in space or on the earth for happy and longevous life of human
  Since great Chinese people have accomplished living in hermetical chamber of moon-palace NO. 1 for 200 days, building houses in space for alternative habitation in space or on the earth for happy and longevous life is of course possible.
翻译如下活着是为了生活To live is not just to be alive,but alive is to live.----Roman Roland罗曼.罗兰的名言
人们活着是为了生活。英语翻译:People's being alive is for life.
人活着是为了生活People stay alive is for the purpose of subsistence.
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