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11 Multi-touch and Touch events Javascript libraries
Written by
on 11 Jun 2012 & 273,404 Views
Touch screen devices are ruling the mobile platform nowadays. Most of the smart phones have it, tablet and based on the trend, it's slowly come to our desktop as well. To develop a touch screen compatible web applications or website, you can use the existing touch events of the browsers or the platforms.
There are two ways to create a touch support app - native or using the web development technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript). It's possible to develop an app for mobile devices using web technologies, for example, we can use third party development tools such as
to compile a web app and make it available in different web apps. Good thing about web technology is - almost all of them support the same standard. So, this time, we have collected many javascript extension and plugins that allow you to integrate touch gestures into your mobile app. We listed out events and some other useful info just to save your time.
Touch, Tap, Double tap, Hold, Fingers, Swipe, Swipe Up, Swipe Right, Swipe Down, Swipe Left, DragOther features:
Built-in jQuery-like methods. It uses $$ to avoid conflict.File size:
13KB minifiedStandlone: Yes
Tap, Double tap, hold, drag, transform (pinch)Other features:
Javascript library focused only for multi-touch gesturesFile size:
2KB minifiedStandlone:
long press, drag, pinch, rotate, swipeOther features:
jQuery plugin for webkit browsers and browsers that support outch eventsFile size:
~2.72KB minifiedStandlone:
No, need jQuery framework
Swipe, pinch, touch hold Other features:
Touch events are separated into different files.File size:
No, need MooTools
Touch, Swipe, Tap, Double tap, Swipe left, Swipe Right, Swipe up, Swipe downOther features:
No android support yetFile size:
No, need jQuery
Orientation change, Pinch, Rotate, Swipe move, Swipe in multi direction, Swipe with 1,2,3 fingers, Tap with 1,2,3 fingers, pinch open, pinch close, shake in different directionsOther features:
Bundled with many gestures and useful eventsFile size:
16KB minified Standlone:
No, need jQuery
Swipes in 4 directions, 1,2 fingers touchOther features:
Allows swiping and page scrollingFile size:
No, need jQuery
Tap, Long Tap, Double tap, touchable move, touchable endOther features:
Unifies touch and mouse eventsFile size:
No, need jQuery
touch start, touch end, touch end, touch move, mouse down, mouse up, mouse moveOther features:
PhoneGap and mobile web friendlyFile size:
612 bytes minifiedStandlone:
DragOther features:
Uses CSS3 animations, built-in many drag featuresFile size:
No, need jQuery
Tap, Double tap, Swipe, Flick, Pinch, Pinch arrow, Pinch widen, Pinch endOther features:
Jester makes recognising gestures on DOM elements really easyFile size:
By Kevin Liew
Kevin Liew is a web designer and developer and keen on contributing to the web development industry. He loves frontend development and absolutely amazed by jQuery. Feel free to
to me, or follow
on twitter.
Related Articles
Zepto library defines some touch gestures (tap, singletap, doubletap, longtap, swipes).
What's the best ? - hammer.js ?
Thanks..This is really very helpful information.This helped me a lot.Thanks again.
TouchSwipe also binds to mouse events - so desktop users can also use swipe gestures.
Touchy was primarily created not only to abstract some cross-browser differences, but also to differentiate between different types of touch gestures -- to tell the difference, for example, between a drag and a swipe.
The best library really depends on the problem you are trying to solve, I think.
If you're looking for a multi-touch event library that can handle anywhere from 1-12 fingers, and has been heavily tested, check out Event.js
12 fingers??
Some of us are special.
:D thx for
jquery.finger also supports basic gestures and delegated jquery events which can be very usefull in a one-page application.
Hi Kevin, thanks for this very helpful post! I compiled a list of some top resources on multi-touch event handling, and included your post. Check it out, feel free to share. Hope other developers find this useful too.
Standalone multi-touch events library supporting anywhere from 1 to 12 fingers at a time: click, dblclick, dbltap, tap, longpress, drag, swipe, pinch, rotate, shake
I've reviewing some of the more popular libs and then found this
This lib is perfect for many scenarios.
Which one is better in the standalone group?
great list, just advice you should refer one and ends with your opinion.
overall thanks for reference!
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