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营造出金庸笔下 荡气回肠的武侠世界!For general feedback about the game.
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March 12, 2018 - Dota Team
Today’s update unveils Dota Plus, a new monthly subscription service designed to help you get the most out of every match you play.
Dota Plus is an evolution of the Battle Pass. In the past we released two types of Battle Passes, ones that revolved around the Majors, and one around The International. As a result of the recent introduction of the Pro Circuit, we’ve replaced the Majors Battle Passes with a new type of service that doesn’t depend on a specific start and end date, and one that we can continually add features and content to over time.
This reimagining of the Majors Battle Pass will be an ongoing, uninterrupted service filled with features that provide both progression and opportunities for improvement. Hero Leveling offers you a way to make progress every match while earning Shards, a new currency that can be used to unlock rewards. Test your skills by completing hundreds of new Challenges of varying difficulties. Use the Plus Assistant to help you make build decisions by utilizing real-time item and ability suggestions. These suggestions are based on data gathered from millions of recent games at each skill bracket, ensuring your builds stay current in the ever-evolving meta. Better understand your playstyle by using new graphs and analysis tools both during the match and after it’s finished.
This update also includes the return of the Battle Cup. All Dota Plus members will have free weekly access to play in the weekend tournaments, while non-members can still purchase tickets for $0.99 to participate.
Everything Dota Plus has to offer is available now for $3.99 per month. Receive a discount if you sign up for a six- or twelve-month subscription. Want to gift Dota Plus to a friend? You can purchase gift memberships that will remain active for a fixed number of months.
Check out the
page for more information on all of the features included in your subscription.
February 8, 2018 - Dota Team
The Sundered Moon has always been more famous for its nightly brawls than its seasonal brews. But tonight a new kind of live entertainment steps in, as Awolnation bring their musical stylings to every hero’s favorite watering hole. Can the spirit of music overcome Ancient-sized grudges? Find out in , animated by the three-time winner of the Dota 2 Short Film Contest.
For those heroes who like what they hear and want to take a little thrum to their next scrum, Awolnation’s ‘Magic Sticks of Dynamite’ music pack is also available in the Dota 2 store.
February 1, 2018 - Dota Team
Though winter’s breath still blows across the land, the vernal hopes of creep and hero alike are bolstered by today’s Spring Cleaning 2018 update. Full of bug fixes and a variety of quality-of-life improvements, this update also includes some small gameplay changes.
Check out the
for some feature highlights and a complete list of changes.
We’ve heard the community talking about the Battle Pass recently and we wanted to let you know that our attention is still on reworking the Battle Pass, however we aren’t sure when it’ll be ready just yet.
January 25, 2018 - Dota Team
We’ve been seeing a bunch of discussion regarding DotaTV and want to expand on what we’ve said before.
The first issue we’ve been seeing discussed is regarding DMCA notices. This one is very simple: No one besides Valve is allowed to send DMCA notices for games streamed off of DotaTV that aren’t using the broadcasters’ unique content (camera movements, voice, etc).
The second issue is regarding who is permitted to cast off of DotaTV. We designed
to be flexible in order to allow for up and coming casters, or community figures like BSJ or Bulldog that occasionally watch tournament games on their channel, to be able to stream off of DotaTV. It is not to allow commercial organizations like BTS to compete with the primary stream. It’ll be our judgment alone on who violates this guideline and not any other third party’s.
January 4, 2018 - Dota Team
Based on information we’ve recently confirmed regarding new government regulations for esports players entering the Philippines, we have decided to rescind the tournament’s Major designation, including the Pro Circuit qualifying points, for the Galaxy Battles 2018 tournament.
This is based on what we feel are unreasonable infringements on the privacy of the players, as a condition to enter the country.
The tournament itself may still proceed, but without any involvement of Valve or the Dota Pro Circuit. This isn’t a reflection on how we feel about fans in the Philippines, and we are sorry for those that were planning on attending the event.
As a result, we’re talking to tournament organizers to try to find a way to run a Major with the invited and qualifying teams, including the Pro Circuit points that would have been available in Galaxy Battles 2018.
December 14, 2017 - Dota Team
For too many seasons have the horrors of The Greeviling and Wraith Night kept our formerly festive heroes huddled near the warmth and safety of an Ancient’s glow. But this year a handful of heroes have gathered to ensure the true Frostivus spirit emerges from the traumas of the past.
To kick off the season, today’s update unveils an all-new Frostivus Treasure, filled with 18 community-created item sets and offering the chance to unlock a Rare Batrider set, Very Rare Wraith King set, or Extremely Rare Puck set.
And what would Frostivus be without a return of the Season of Givening?! This year, every player has the chance to earn one free Frostivus Treasure gift simply by going about business as usual. It’s easy — just win three games of Dota to claim your present.
Now to truly foster the holiday spirit and resurrect the tradition of the truce, everyone is invited to partake in the Frostivus Festival Special Event. Queue up to enter the fray and compete against friends and strangers alike in a madcap series of mini-games (randomly selected from a larger pool for each match) that will test your skills but never diminish your holiday cheer.
Please join us in offering a hearty congratulations to VicFrank, the Workshop contributor who created this winning entry and has secured the $30,000 grand prize. Thank you to all of the contributors who worked hard to help make this contest a resounding success.后使用我的收藏没有帐号?
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营造出金庸笔下 荡气回肠的武侠世界!为什么我dota2进不去,我是刚刚注册的号_百度知道
运行游戏,但进去之后没有游戏界面或除了顶部外一片黑,截个图上来才能解决,那是要绑定完美账号的界面,多等一会或者关闭重启几次试试,比如全黑或有色块之类的就是你的配置有问题,看看你的配置是不是满足Dota2 的要求?是的话就是你安装有问题,实在不行就换一台电脑,比如去网吧或让别人帮你绑定。但如果运行游戏后界面异常。客户端没问题的话,是不是你把完美账号输进去了,这里要输入Dota2账号的,没有就直接在那个界面下面注册一个是你的客户端打不开吗。基本按照你的问题来说就这几方面的问题,下次提问请具体描述你的问题,这样大家才能快速帮你解决
从哪里注册的 如果是国服客户端要绑定完美电竞账号


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