蜘蛛侠1 2 3和超凡蜘蛛大电影免费版侠1 2电影我应该按什么顺序看呢?

超凡蜘蛛侠2(Spider-Man 2)是一款 Gameloft 出品的动作游戏,又名《蜘蛛人驚奇再起2》。游戏中,你将化身为惊奇蜘蛛人,在这个充满流畅动作场面的3D开放世界里冒险,面对这位蛛丝射手最大的挑战!纽约正受到一场全城帮派大战威胁,只有蜘蛛人可以阻止!但是有电光人和其他邪恶坏蛋的阻碍,蜘蛛人是否能恢复这个大苹果城的秩序与安全呢? !
前作《超凡蜘蛛侠》凭借开放的沙盒玩法和本尊的超高人气,赢得了万千玩家的宠爱,成为改编游戏的精品之一。而续作则将延续前作的开放式 ARPG 设定,玩家将跟随蜘蛛侠穿梭在纽约最为繁华的曼哈顿区,时代广场、中央公园等知名地标都会一一亮相。蜘蛛侠不仅要与绿魔斗智斗勇,还将大战全新的角色&&电光人,六场 BOSS 战让你爽快过瘾,还有数个支线任务在等着你。总之,如果你是超级英雄粉丝,喜欢开放沙盒玩法,绝不要错过!
- 像行动快速且机智灵敏的蜘蛛人一样,进行蛛丝飞荡、飞墙走壁并发射蛛网!
- 由众所瞩目的漫威电影大片所延伸之原创故事情节!
- 黑猫和怪咖女等新漫画角色登场,比索尼公司的电影更加丰富。
- 解锁蜘蛛人的服装,像是共生体蜘蛛人、钢铁蜘蛛及终极漫画蜘蛛人战衣等等!
- 与著名的反派角色,如猛毒、绿恶魔、电光人及疯狂猎人克莱文交锋对峙!
- 高品质的配音和电影过场动画,为你带来真实的临场体验!
- 激烈的连击格斗技!用疯狂的武打特技击败蜘蛛人最大的敌人,从街头混混到超级恶棍无一幸免!
- 玩家可在这个开放世界的城市中自由飞荡,体验史上最令人叹为观止的高品质流畅动画!
- 用激烈火爆的空中格斗技将战场带上高空!
- 透过改进的图示控制来使出毁灭性的连击,畅享刺激动作体验!
- 在一个更大的曼哈顿3D 开放世界展开冒险,有6个细致的街区等你来探索,包括繁华的时代广场与风景如画的中央公园等等!
- 游戏主机级的图形及流畅动画,提供你更大、更好、更美妙的游戏体验。
- 深入的故事情节,带你进入惊险刺激的冒险旅程,涵盖6个传奇的反派角色及一系列的支线任务!
- 壮观的社交赛事,在神秘法师的竞技场与大反派和对手龙争虎斗!
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超凡蜘蛛侠1 中英字幕
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一 Five, four, three, two, one 准备好了吗 我来啦 Ready or not, here I come 爸爸 Hey, Dad?爸爸 Dad!你在这跟梅婶 You'll stay with Aunt May 和本叔住一阵 and Uncle Ben for a little while 我要和你一起走 I wanna go with you 他不喜欢吃三明治上的吐司皮 He doesn't like crust on his sandwiches 睡觉的时候一定要亮一盏小灯 and he likes to sleep with a little light on -玛丽 走吧 走吧 -天哪- Mary Come on, come on - Oh, God 爸爸 Dad 乖乖的 Be good 抱歉 Sorry 早上好 弗莱舍 Morning, Flash 早上好 帕克 Good morning, Parker 你叫彼得 对吗 Hey It's Peter, right?我很喜欢你的照片 I really like your photos 谢谢 谢谢 Oh, thanks Thanks 你周五晚上忙吗 Listen, are you busy Friday night?太好了 能来给我男朋友的车拍几 张吗 Cool Can you take pictures of my boyfriend's car?我想在他生日时裱一张好的照片送他 You know, I really wanna frame a good one for his birthday 你对他真好 这主意棒极了 That's really nice of you Wow, that's such a nice thought 好的 我去看看原来的 Yeah, I'll have a look at the old -原来的日程表 -好的- The old schedule - Okay 帕克 Parker -有事吗 先生 -滑板还想要吗- Yes, sir? - You want to keep that skateboard?-想 -那 就别在这滑- Yeah - Keep it off the ground -好的 -轮子朝上- Sure Yeah - Wheels up 这样吗 Like that?-对 -好吧- That's it - Okay 吃了它 吃了它 吃了它 Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!吃了它 吃了它 Eat it! Eat it!吃了它 吃了 它 吃了它 Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!把蔬菜吃了 戈登 快吃 Eat your vegetables, Gordon Come on!快吃 Come on!帕克 过来 Hey, Parker, come on 给我们照张相 Get a picture of this 不 我不会照的 No, I'm not gonna take a picture of it -放下他吧 伙计 -照啊- Put him down, man - Come on 戈登 别吃了 Gordon, don't eat it 快照一张 帕克 Take the picture, Parker 放下他 弗莱舍 Put him down, Flash 照下来 Take the picture 把他放下 尤金 Put him down, Eugene!哥们儿 Hey, man 来啊 Come on!站起来 帕克 Get up, Parker!起来 Get up!来啊 来啊 Come on! Come on!站起来 Get up!打死我我也不照 I'm still not taking the picture 那就躺着吧 帕克 Stay down, Parker!还想不想看他挨揍 Who wants one more?-再来 一下 -弗莱舍- One more! - Flash!弗莱舍 今天放学以后还补习吧 Flash, we still on for after school today?三点半来我家 My house, 3:30?希望你做了功课 I hope you've been doing your homework 上次你可让我非常失望 Last time, I was, very disappointed in you -够了 让开 -弗莱舍 我们去上课吧- Okay, move - Flash, how about we go to class?怎么样 How about it?随便吧 Whatever 你刚才的行为很赞 I thought that was great what you did 有点蠢 但很赞 It was stupid, but it was great 你该去校医那看看 万一有点脑震荡什么的 You should go to the nurse You might have a concussion 你叫什么名字 What's your name?你不知道我的名字吗 You don't know my name?不 我知道 No, I know your name 想看看你自己还记得不 I want to know if you know your name 彼得 Peter -帕克 彼得?帕克 -记得就好- Parker Peter Parker - Okay, good 还是去找校医检查下吧 I'd still go to the nurse though 你叫格温对吧 You're Gwen, right?格温?史黛西 Gwen Stacy 好的 All right 今晚咱们吃意大利面和肉丸 I'm making spaghetti and meatballs tonight 开玩笑吧 又是意大利面 You're serious? Spaghetti你什么时候开始不爱吃了 Since when don't you like spaghetti and meatballs, huh?-天 哪 -怎么了- Oh, my God - What's up?你的脸怎么了 What happened to your face?没事 玩滑板的时候摔了一 跤 I'm all right JustI fell, skating 没事的 It's all right 本?帕克 别想把那脏盒子放我厨房里 Ben Parker, don't you even think about leaving that filthy box in my kitchen 这都是我的保龄球奖杯啊 These are my bowling trophies 真是天大的荣幸 求你放我厨房里吧 Oh then by all means please, leave that filthy box in my kitchen -你怎么了 -玩滑板摔的- What happened to you? - He fell 我就不明白这些孩子为什么喜欢玩这东西 Why you kids ride those things, I'll never know 因为它又蠢又危险 Because it's stupid and dangerous 还记得我俩年轻时做的那些傻事吗 Remember when we were stupid and dangerous? 不记得 No -相信我 我们也这样过 -多谢你的提醒了- Trust me, we were - All right Good to know 哪儿漏水了 Where's the flood?跟我来 带你去看看 Follow me I'll show you -真的吗 -嗯- You serious? - Yes 好吧 All right 应该是冷凝器托盘坏了 I think it's the condenser tray 不 如果是冷凝器托盘或热交换管坏了 No Too much water for the condenser tray 应该不会有这么多积水 or the heat exchange tubing 肯定是充填输送管坏了 This has got to be the fill line 听起来倒还像回事儿 That's the only thing that makes any sense 能修好吗 Can you fix it?今晚不行 明天我去一趟五金店吧 No, not tonight I'll go by the hardware store tomorrow 就这么定了 对了 拿这个敷敷脸 Good deal And meanwhile, put this on your face 对方伤得怎样 How's the other guy look?别装了 一看就知道是挨了拳头 Come on I know a right cross when I see one 猜对没 需要我联系谁的家长吗 Yes or no? Do I have to call somebody's father?不 不 用 No, no 好吧 All right 这事我不会告诉你梅婶 Well, I wouldn't tell your Aunt May 我可不忍心让哪个孩子去承受她的河东狮吼 I pity the poor kid who'd have to suffer her wrath 上楼之前再看看有什么值得拿上来的 Before you come up, see if there's anything else worth saving 好的 Okay -管道工可不会给你修家电 -会的- Plumbers don't fix appliances - Yes, they do 他们只负责堵漏泵水什么的 They fix pipes and pump things 你只要跟他们说If you ask them to我都快忘了这东西了 I forgot all about that thing 是你父亲的 It was your dad's -对 -他让我们帮他好好保管- Yeah - He asked us to keep it safe for him 他在第九大街那家皮具店的 He saw it in the window of that leather shop 橱窗里看到 了这个包 over on 9th Avenue 那时他才 19 岁 He was 19 一个 19 岁的孩子要公文包有什么用 What does a 19-year-old kid need with a briefcase?猜猜谁把它卖给了你父亲 And guess who sold it to him -不知道 -你母亲- I don't know - Your mother 他俩就是这么认识的 That's how they met 他让你们好好保管它吗 为什么呢 He asked you to keep this safe? Why?这里面什么都 没有啊 There's nothing in here 你们看过吗 什么都没有 Have you looked in here? There's nothing here 你父亲是一个很神秘的人 彼得 Your father was a very secretive man, Peter 我知道 Yeah, I know 这是谁 Who's that?你知道这是谁吗 Do you know who that is?可能是你父亲的同事吧 Some guy who worked with your dad, I guess 把它从桌子上拿开 好吗 Just take this off the table, all right?要吃晚饭了 拿走 We're gonna eat Off -赶快去洗手 -好吧- And wash your hands, now - All right 去吧 Go on 你要听话 I need you to be a good boy 你去哪儿 Where are you going?我和你妈妈有事要办 There's something your mom and I have to do 这是什么 What is this?零 零 衰变率演算法&Zero, zero, decay rate algorithm &等一下 等一下 Yeah, one sec, one sec 请进 Come in 没事吧 You okay?-没事 怎么了 -天哪- Yeah What's up? - Oh, my God 你看起来和他一模一样 You look just like him -我能进来吗 -嗯- Can I come in? - Yeah 你知道我没受过多少教育 彼得 Listen, I don't have much education You know that, Peter 你十岁以后 Hell, I stopped being able to 我就没法给你辅导功课了 help with your homework when you were 10 我想说的是 What I'm trying to say is 没有父亲陪伴对你来说很不容易 I know it's been rough for you without your dad 而且我们也不常谈到你父母 And I know we don't talk much about them -没关系 -不 有关系- Yeah, it's all right - No, it is not all right 真希望能改变这一切 但我不能 I wish I could change it, but I can't 柯特?康纳斯 Curt Connors 这是照片上你父亲旁边那人的名字 That's the name of the guy in the picture with your dad 他俩共事多年 关系亲密 They worked together for years and they were close 但那晚之后 我们就再没见过他了 But after that night, we never saw him again 他甚至没给我们打过电话 He never even called 从来没有 Not once 你自己去弄清楚吧 Go figure 她很漂亮 She's pretty 本叔 Uncle Ben 怎么 What?您是个很棒的父亲 You're a pretty great dad, alright?您好 Excuse me 怎么 What?有什么需要帮忙的吗 Can I help you?-呃 我找康纳斯博士 -好的- I don't know I'm here to see Dr Connors - Right 左手边找找吧 You'll find yourself to the left 你是来这实习的吧 You are here for the internship?对 对 Yeah Yeah 好的 Okay 在左手边找你的实习证吧 You'll find your badge to the left 没找到你的吗 Having trouble finding yourself?不 找到了 No Yeah, I got it 好的 格瓦拉先生 Okay, Mr Guevara -谢谢 -不客气- Gracias - De nada 欢迎来到奥斯公司 Welcome to Oscorp 源自公司创始人诺曼?奥斯本的构想 Born from the mind of our founder, Norman Osborn,奥斯公司大厦涵盖了 108 层研发机构 the Oscorp Tower houses 108 floors of innovation 本公司科学家的理念 Our scientific minds are 旨在推动国防科技 生物医学 pushing the boundaries of defence, biomedical 以及化学科技的发展 未来世界的主导技术 and chemical technologies The future lies within 欢迎来到奥斯公司 Welcome to Oscorp 我是格温?史黛西 市科院的毕业班学生 I'm Gwen Stacy, a senior at Midtown Science 同时也是康纳斯博士的实习助教 and I'm also head intern to Dr Connors,参观期间我会全程陪同 so I'll be with you for the duration of your visit 我去哪儿 你们就去哪儿 Where I go, you go 这是基本规则 只要遵守就没事 That's the basic rule If you remember that, all will be fine-如果不遵守的话 -拜托- and if you forget that then- Come on!听着 Look, listen 告诉他们罗德里戈?格瓦拉在楼下 Tell them Rodrigo Guevara is down here!请告诉他们 罗德里戈?格瓦拉在楼下 Please just tell them Rodrigo Guevara is down here!我就是罗 德里戈 My name's Rodrigo!看来不用说明有什么后果了 I guess I don't need to tell you what happens if you forget 那开始吧 Shall we?这边请 Come around this way 下午好 格温 Good afternoon, Gwen 康纳斯博士 Dr Connors 欢迎 Welcome 我是柯蒂斯?康纳斯博士 My name is Dr Curtis Connors 正如你们看到的 我是左撇子 And yes, in case you're wondering, I'm a southpaw 我可不是残废 我是个科学家 I'm not a cripple, I'm a scientist,而且是世界爬虫学界的 顶尖权威 and the world's foremost authority on herpetology 也就是你们所说的爬行动物 That's reptiles, for those of you who don't know 但就像帕金森症患者恐惧地瞧着 But like the Parkinson's patient who watches on in horror 身体慢慢不听使唤 as her body slowly betrays her,亦或是黄斑变性患者 or the man with macular degeneration 逐渐失明 我也渴望治愈自己的断肢 whose eyes grow dimmer each day, I long to fix myself 我想创造出一个没有缺陷的世界 I want to create a world without weakness 谁能猜想一下如何做到吗 Anyone care to venture a guess just how?请说 Yes 用干细胞吗 Stem cells?可行 但我的方法更加大胆 Promising But the solution I'm thinking of is more radical -还有吗 -跨物种基因- No one? - Cross-species genetics 人脑分泌多巴胺的细胞逐渐死亡 Person gets Parkinson's when the brain cells 将导致 人患上帕金森症 that produce dopamine start to disappear 但斑马鱼则可以促使细胞再生 But a zebra fish has the ability to regenerate cells on command 若你能将这种能力 If you could somehow give this ability 赋予您所说的这位患者 她 就to the woman you're talking about, that's that She's她就能自我痊愈了 She's curing herself 不过你也得适应她脖子上长出的腮 Yeah, you just have to look pass the gills on her neck 请问你是 And you are?-他是市科院的尖子生之一 -是吗- He's one of Midtown Science's best and brightest - Really?在他们班排第二 He's second in his class -第二 -是的- Second? - Yeah 你确定 You sure about that?十分确定 I'm pretty sure 恐怕我得回去工作了 I'm afraid duty calls 能干的史黛西小姐将继续带你们参观 I'll leave you in the more-than-capable hands of Miss Stacy 很高兴认识你们 Nice meeting you all 请靠拢过来 If you'd like to gather round 欢迎参观奥斯公司的生命之树 Welcome to Oscorp's tree of life 地球的生命之树枝叶无边无际 Our planet's tree of life is immense -在奥斯公司的跨物种工程部-嗨- At Oscorp's Cross-Species Division-Hi 我们竭力探索新的科技we endeavour to explore exciting new methods你来这干什么 罗德里戈 What are you doing, &Rodrigo&?对了 Oh, yeah 你来这干什么 What are you doing here?我在这工作 不对 I work here I don't work here 本来想说我在这工作 I was gonna say I work here,但似乎你还真在这工作 but it seems like you in fact work here,所以估计瞒不住你 so you know that I don't in fact work here 你在跟踪我吗 You following me?不 没跟踪你 我不知道你在这工作 No, I'm not following you, no I had no idea you worked here 那你怎么会到这儿来 Then why would you be here?我混进来是因为I just snuck in because我爱科学 I love science -你爱科学 -简直让我欲罢不能- You love science? - I'm passionate about it 你混进来是因为So you snuck in ?-我得去带队了 -好的- I have to lead this tour group - I know 一会再找你算账 别给我惹麻烦 I'll ask you more about this later Do not get me in trouble -保证不会 -跟着队伍走- I promise you I won't - Stay with the group 好了 各位 接下来咱们去生化反应室 All right, guys? I'm gonna take you to the bioreactor room now 抱歉 Sorry Yo 抱歉 Sorry 今早得出了信使核糖核酸的序列结果 We received the results from the MRNA sequences this morning 还是让人大失所望 They were disappointing 什么叫&大失所望&So define &Disappointing &又是死路一条 Another dead end 还是衰变率演算法的问题 It's the decay rate algorithm -它的作用值得期待 -值得期待- And this is to be expected - Expected?你说你接近成功了 You said you were close 是接近了 但还需要时间 We are close, but it's gonna take time 他可时日无多了 He doesn't have time 诺曼?奥斯本快死了 康纳斯博士 Norman Osborn is dying, Dr Connors 救他 Save him 不然你我都性命不保 Or we'll both lose our heads 好了 证件给我 All right, give me the badge 快给我 Give it to me 抱歉 Sorry 真恶心 啤酒溅了我一身 Disgusting Now I smell like beer 抱歉 我不是故意的 Sorry, I didn't mean to do that 不是故意要I didn't mean to我不是 不是 I didn'tI didn't把手从她身上拿开 Get your hand off her!我在试着把我的I'm trying to get my你成心的吧 Are you kidding?十分抱歉 I'm sorry 你他妈耍我呢吧 Are you freaking kidding me?抓住他 鲁尼 Get him Rooney 抱歉 伙计 Man, I'm sorry!没事吧哥们儿 Man, are you all right?-揍他 -上啊- Take him down! - Come on 抓住他 伙计 抓住他 Get him, man! Get him!不 别拿我的滑板 No, man, no Not my board 拜托 伙计 不要Please, dude, don't 抱歉 Sorry!抱歉 抱歉 Sorry Sorry 真的很抱歉 I'm so sorry 下一站 康尼岛 Coney Island, next stop 下一站终点站 康尼岛 Next and final stop, Coney Island 抱歉 回来晚了 Sorry I'm late -我-我们多担心啊- I got- We've been so worried 我知道 抱歉 I know I'm sorry 小心 Watch out!是只苍蝇 彼得 It's a fly, Peter 真的很抱歉让你们等到现在 I'm so sorry I kept you guys up 我不关心他人 我没责任心 I'm insensitive, I'm irresponsible,我饿极了 and I'm hungry 肉饼 Meat loaf 喝多了吗 Drinking?怎么回事 What's this?我看不像 I don't think so 你做的肉饼 This is your meat loaf 比任何肉饼都好吃 This beats all other meat loafs 太不对劲儿了 Something is very wrong 是啊 Yeah 没人爱吃你做的肉饼 Nobody likes your meat loaf 没事 I got it 他拿了速食通心粉和奶酪 He took the frozen macaroni and cheese 看到了 I noticed that 以前怎么不告诉我你不爱吃我做的肉饼 Why didn't you tell me you didn't like my meat loaf?37 年前你就该告诉我了 You could have said that to me 37 years ago 我都给你做了多少肉饼了 How many meat loafs have I made for you?彼得 Peter 你在那上面干什么 What are you doing up there?我在I'm写功课呢 Homework 小心点 Be careful 当然 Sure 康纳斯博士 Dr Connors 或许您不记得了 我You don't remember me I你是那天的实习生 You're the intern from the other day 对 对 是我 Yeah, yeah That's right, yeah 你是个不错的小伙子 但这是我家 I'm sure you're very nice young man, but this is a home 希望你能去我办公室预约个时间 And I'll ask you to make an appointment with my office 我是理查德?帕克的儿子 I'm Richard Parker's son 彼得 Peter?恐怕我帮不上什么忙 彼得 I'm afraid I can't help you much Peter 我既不知道他们为何离开 I don't know why they left 也不知道他们要去哪儿 or where they were going 反应挺敏捷啊 Good reflexes 谢谢 Thank you -谢谢 -我看了您的书- Thank you - I read your book 太了不起了 It's something, you know 您真的觉得跨物种基因有可能做到吗 So you really think it's possible, cross-species genetics?当然 Yes, of course 那几年 我和你父亲的理论被世人所嘲笑 But for years your father and I were mocked for our theories 不只是公众 在奥斯公司内部也是 Not just in the community at large, but at Oscorp, as well 我们被称为科学怪人 They called us mad scientists 直到你父亲培育出的变种蜘蛛改变了一切 And then your father bred the spiders and everything changed 取得的成果已经不能用令人鼓舞来形容了 The results were beyond encouraging 而是令人震惊的 They were spectacular 我们就将要改变成千上万人 We were gonna change the lives of millions 包括我自己的人生了 Including my own 但是这一切就这样结束了 Then it was over 他走了 He was gone 也带走了他的研究成果 Took his research with him 我当时就知道没有他 我 And I knew without him, I 我I我当时出离愤怒 I was angry 所以我离你远远的 So I stayed away from you离你的家人远远的and your family 对这一切 我很抱歉 And for that, I'm truly sorry 假如 Say假如这项技术实现了 Say it worked 假如你们成功了 Say you got it to work 那外来物种的基因会接管多少身体机能 How much would the foreign species take over?副作用可能有哪些 What could the side effects be?很难说 毕竟没有实验对象活 了下来 It's hard to say, considering no subject survived 问题一直都出在The problem was always出在衰变率演算法上吗 The decay rate algorithm?-正是 -明白了- Right - Right 我能用一下纸笔吗 Can I?当然 Of course 太不可思议了 Extraordinary 你是怎么算出来的 How did you come up with this?彼得 哪天放学之后 Peter, how about coming to see me at the Tower-去公司大楼里找我怎么样 -好啊-one day after school? - Yeah 谢谢 Thank you 快点 里奇 Come on, Reggie 跑起来 哥们 Run it, buddy 我们上 里奇 Let's go, Reggie 想得美 Rejected!你是故意的 弗莱舍 You did that on purpose, Flash!不是故意 是成 心的 你最好小心点 No, but I should've You better watch your back 没事了吧 All right?把球放下 帕克 Give it up, Parker 快点啊 Come on, man 马上 One sec 快点 哥们 Come on, man 不如你自己来拿吧 Why don't you take it from me?上啊 弗莱舍 抢回来 Go ahead, Flash, take it man 来啊 来拿啊 Go ahead Take it 来拿吧 Just take it 好吧 这样行不行 All right, how about this?行吗 All right?这样行吗 How about that?得了 弗莱舍 -弗莱舍 别装了- Come on, Flash - Flash, stop playing, man -赶紧把球拿回来 -给你 拿着啊- Take it from him! - Come on, Flash Take it 得了 弗莱舍 赶紧的 Yo, Flash, come on!-咱们走吧 -赶紧抢回来 弗莱舍- Let's go! Do it, Flash -别演了 -赶紧啊 弗莱舍- Stop playing, man - Let's go, Flash -你磨蹭什么呢 -怎么了- What are you doing? - What's up?你到底磨蹭什么 What you doing?你放马过来吧 来吧 帕克 来啊 All right, bring it! Come on, Parker! Come on! 彼得的行为是 Peter's behaviour is just不可接受的unacceptable 他们不会让咱们赔 They won't make us pay-篮板钱吧 -我才不在乎篮板-for the backboard - I don't care about the backboard -是真的吗 -什么是真的- Was that true? - What?我刚刚在那听说的 What I heard in there just now 你羞辱了那个孩子吗 Did you humiliate that boy?是的 Yeah, I did -但是 -但是什么- But- But what?-他活该 -是吗- This guy deserved it - Did he?-对 -他就是上次揍你的那个孩子吗- Yeah - Is he the kid that hit you?是他吗 Is he?对 是他 但是 Yeah, yeah, but所以你就是要跟他扯平是吧 So all this is about getting even 我想你现在一定 If so, I guess you must 自我感觉相当良好 对吧 feel pretty good about yourself now, right?我说的对吗 Am I right or wrong?对 我就知道 Yeah, I thought so 就因为你给我来了这么一出 Well, thanks to this little escapade of yours我得跟人换班了I had to change shifts at work所以今晚九点你得去接梅婶 听明白了吗so you have to pick up Aunt May tonight at 9: 00 Understood?-听明白了吗 -明白了- Is that understood? - Yeah 好的 很好 Okay, good 她看着有点眼熟 She looks familiar 她是你电脑桌面上那个女孩 She is the girl on your computer 就是她 Yeah 他用你的照片做桌面 我是他的监护人 He's got you on his computer I'm his probation officer 别忘了去接梅婶 Don't forget Aunt May 好吧 Okay 他这人就这样 He's a character 他是我叔叔 That's my uncle 成天满嘴跑火车 He's a pathological liar 他把你看成别人了 He thought you were someone else 这么说你没拿我照片当你电脑桌面了 Oh, man, you don't have me on your computer? 我拍了一张辩论队的集体照 I took a photo of the debate team,而你就在辩论队里 and you're in the debate team -这样啊 -那个- Right - So他肯定是看见我修照片了he must have seenI was touching up stuff -修照片吗 -你想歪了- Touching up stuff? - Come on 我我保持沉默得了 I wasI'm not gonna answer that -你被开除了吗 -没有- Did you get expelled? - No, no 我没被开除 我被罚社区服务了 I didn't get expelled I got community service 你想不想 我不知道 So you want toI don't know?想干什么 Want to what?我不知道 I don't know 就是 Just我也不知道 我们可以 I don't know We could我们可以干点别的 或者 We could do something else, or we could-你要是不喜欢 那就算了 -好啊- If you don't feel like, we could- Yeah -好吗 -好啊 干什么都行- Yeah? - Yeah, either one -真的吗 -当然- Really? - Sure 好的 Okay 那就这样 听起来不错 All right, good Sounds good 很好 Cool 好的 Okay -但是现在不行 现在不方便 -对- I can't right now, I can't right now - Yeah, no -我现在很忙 -我知道 我也有事- I'm so busy right now - I know, me too 但是也许 But maybe-对 你看 -过两天- Yeah, just, you know- Some other-过两天 好的 -好的- Time, all right - Okay -再见 -再见- Bye - All right 我们有蛋白质结构 核糖体 DNAWe have protein structure, rDNA色谱分析法 转基因测试chromatography, transgenics testing那是 X 射线摄影机that's X-ray video 全球仅此一台 我们有 That's the only one on the planet We have-人体线谱鉴定 -我记得那个- Human line testing over- I remember that 我以前见过 I've seen that before 加纳利设备 The Ganali device 对 我记得爸爸的办公室有张它的照片 Yeah, I remember a picture of that in my dad's office 这台设备原理很简单 你给它装上抗原 The idea was so simple You load it with an 他就制造出能覆盖一片区域 It creates a cloud which can 甚至一整座城市的药物云雾 be dispersed over a neighbourhood, even a city 理论上讲 它一下午就能根治小儿麻痹 Theoretically, you could cure polio in an afternoon 真不可思议 That's incredible 但是有人有异议 Well, others disagreed 假如这台设备被装上了毒药呢 What if the device were loaded with a toxin?想跑都跑 不掉 毕竟没人 What if you wanted to opt out? You can't能躲过无处不在的云雾run away from a cloud after all,所以这台设备就一直在这积灰 so here it lies, gathering dust 你看见的是一只蜥蜴的数字模型 What you see here is a computer model of a lizard 许多类似的生物聪明的进化出了 Many of these wonderful creatures have so brilliantly adapted能够随意再生出整段肢体的能力that they can regenerate entire limbs at will 你可以想象我有多嫉妒 You can imagine my envy 我们一直在尝试把这种能力 We're trying to harness this capability转嫁到我们最主要的实验对象and transfer it into our host subject:三条腿的老鼠弗莱德身上 Freddy the threelegged mouse 现在输入算法 Enter the algorithm now 你得接电话吗 Need to take that?系统已准备好 System ready 植入基因for gene insertion 好了 Okay 看一下 Check 看出我想干什么了吗 See what I'm trying to do?-优先占有蛋白质 -建立免疫反应Preempt the proteins -Create the immune response 开始试验 Beginning trials 等待中 等待中 Pending Pending 实验失败 目标死亡 Failed Subject deceased -成功吧 成功吧 -等待中- Come on, come on, come on - Pending 实验失败 Failed 等待中 实验失败 Pending Failed 等待中 实验失败 Pending Failed 目标死亡 等待中 Subject deceased Pending 接收多肽类算法 Peptide algorithm accepted 断肢再生完成 Regrowth complete -看 -重要器官状态稳定- Hey - Vitals normal 血压稳定 Blood pressure normal 断肢再生成功 Limb regeneration successful 难以置信啊 Extraordinary 谢谢你 And thank you 见见弗莱德和威尔玛 Meet Fred and Wilma我们的三条腿our three-legged老鼠mice 来吧 Here you go 小家伙 我接住你了 Hey, buddy, I got you 好了 Okay 小心点 我可不希望扎到你 Careful, don't want to stick you by mistake 下周才能开始人体试验呢 Human trials aren't until next week 好了 There 晚上好啊 Hey 我以为你 Hey, I thought you你是不是忘了什么事 Didn't you forget something?什么 What?不用接 但我很高兴你的 电话还好使 Now, don't answer that, but I'm glad to know it's working 你欠你婶婶一个道歉 真心实意的 You owe your aunt an apology bigtime 像个男人 Be a man 进去跟她道歉 Get in there and apologise 对不起 梅婶 我I'm sorry, Aunt May, I真的 你用不着 Honestly, you don't have跟我道歉 是你to apologise to me It's your-他怎么用不着 -本- The hell he doesn't - Ben 听着 我很抱歉 我在忙别的事 Look, I'm sorry, I got distracted -啊 你有别的事要忙 -是的- Oh, he got distracted - Yeah 你的婶婶 我妻子 在大半夜 Your aunt, my wife, had to walk 12 blocks alone独自走了十二个街区in the middle of the night 然后在一个荒废了的地铁站傻等 and then wait in a deserted subway station就因为你要忙别的事because you got distracted 本 亲爱的 说真的 Ben, sweetheart, honestly我完全可以自己走回家I am completely capable of walking home你不许帮护着这孩子 You will not defend this boy!-我没有护着他 -你就是有- I'm not defending- You are!-听我说 孩子 -听着呢 说吧- Listen to me, son - Yeah, go ahead 你非常像你父亲 You're a lot like your father 非常像 彼得 这是好事 You really are, Peter, and that's a good thing但是你父亲是个有理念 有原则的人but your father lived by a philosophy, a principle, really 他坚信如果你能为别人做点好事 He believed that if you could do good things for other people你就有道义上的责任去做you had a moral obligation to do those things 这才是重中之重 That's what's at stake here 这不是选择 Not choice 而是职责 Responsibility 说得真好 真棒 That is nice That's great 一席话让我醍醐灌顶 那他现在在哪呢 That's all well and good So where is he?-什么 -他在哪- What? - Where is he?我爸爸在哪 Where's my dad?他 难道不觉得 He didn't think it was his 他有责任亲自告诉我这些吗 responsibility to be here to tell me himself?天哪 你怎么敢说这种话 Oh, come on, how dare you?我怎么 不敢 你有什么资格说这些话 How dare I? How dare you?你要上哪去 Where you going?彼得 给我回来 Peter, come back here, please 本 让他自己静一静 他会没事的 Ben, leave him alone for a little while He'll be all right 彼得 Peter!彼得 Peter?彼得 Peter!两块零七分 It's $2 07 是两块零七分 It's $2 07 嗯 我知道 Yeah No, I know 你后面有人等着呢 不行 Yeah, you're holding up the line No 你可以往那投硬币 但是不能往外拿 You can leave a penny, you can't take a penny -什么 -你可以随时- What? - You can leave把钱往里放 但是你得花十块钱a penny anytime, you have to spend 10 dollars才能从那里拿一分钱 这是本店的政策to take a penny It's store policy -你挡着后面的人了 -我没有两分钱- You're holding up my line - I don't have 2 cents 你要是买不起这瓶奶 就滚一边去 You can't afford milk, step aside 你爸没给够你牛奶钱吗 Daddy didn't give you enough milk money today?不就是两分 钱吗 We're talking about 2 cents 一边去 小鬼 Just step aside, kid 你干什么 Really?不带这样的吧 哥们 Yo, not cool, bro 你给我停下 Hey, man, stop!来人拦住那个人啊 Somebody stop that guy!孩子 帮帮忙 吧 Hey, kid, little help?不关我的事 Not my policy 来人啊 拦住那家伙 Somebody stop that dude!别跑 Hey, stop!帮我拦住那个人 Somebody stop that dude!哦 天哪 天哪 Oh, God, oh, God 本叔 本叔 Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben 叫救护车啊 Call an ambulance!来人帮我叫救护车啊 本叔 Someone call an ambulance! Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben 哦 天哪 我的天哪 Oh, God, oh, my God 天哪 Oh, God 不要 No 上帝啊 Oh, Jesus 这是根据目击者的描述 Witnesses gave a description 画出的素描 我需要你看一眼 to the sketch artist I need you to take a look 我不认识他 No, I don't know him 意料之中 凶案组的干警 I didn't expect you would, ma'am Homicide detectives正在调查此案 我们就等着结果吧are on it We'll see what they turn up 好的 Okay 画像能给我看看吗 Can I have that?当然 Sure 还有条线索 他的左手腕上 There's one other thing He has a star有一个tattooed星形的刺青on his left hand 彼得 我知道最近你不好过 Peter, I know things have been difficult lately对此我深感遗憾and I'm sorry about that 我想我理解你的感受 I think I know what you're feeling 帕克 Hey, Parker -今天别惹我 -我只是想跟你聊聊- Not today - Come on, I just want to talk 这样感觉好点了吧 It feels better, right?听着 你叔叔去世了 Look, your uncle died 我很遗憾 I'm sorry 我理解你 I get it 很遗憾 I'm sorry 好吗 Okay?彼得 Peter 离他远点 Stay away from him -你听明白没 -住手- You understand? - Hey!-离乔伊远点 -住手- Stay away from Joey - Hey!你喜欢打女人吗 You like beating on girls?那你喜欢打老人吗 You like beating on old men?哥们 Hey, pal走你的路just keep on walking 这地盘不归你管 You're in the wrong place, buddy 你上次来皇后区是哪个年月 When was the last time you were in Queens?我问你话呢 I asked you a question 尼克 别 Nicky, no!还有枪 That the gun?你准备把我也杀了吗 You gonna kill me too? 住手 Hey! Stop it!给我放开 Hey, get off!住手 别打他 Wait, oh, don't hit Nicky!过来帮 忙 Back up!这人疯了 This guy is crazy!抓住他 Get him!给我回来 抓住他 Get back here, man! Get him!跟上 Follow him!-去那边 -我跟着你- Go around, man! - I'll follow you!快快快 Go, go, go!他在这呢 There he is!你跑不了了 Can't get away!他左手腕上 有一个星形纹身 He has a star tattooed on his left hand 在这呢 Oh, yeah?上 Come on!我知道你长什么样 I know what you look like!听见没有 You hear me?我看到你长什么样了 I've seen your face!你就这么点钱吗 Is that all you got?拿去吧 都拿去吧 Just take it, take it 奥斯公司的生物电缆发射器 Engineered from genetically enhanced spiders原理基于基因加强的蜘蛛Oscorp's BioCable tensile 其缆线强度前所未有 strength is unparalleled We're just beginning我们正在发掘它在工业上的潜在应用 to understand all the potential industrial applications 一个小小的球状发射器就能存储几百米 A single pellet can safely store several hundred metres轻于鸿毛的缆线of the lightweight cable 他妈的 Mother注意 十三号辖区的所有分队 Attention, all units in the 接到报案称 confines of Precinct 13, receiving a 10-30西 19 街和百老汇大街发生袭击事件on West 19th Street and Broadway 袭击者为中年白人男子 三十岁左右 Assailant is Caucasian male, mid-30s体重约 170 到 180 磅170 to 180 pounds金色齐肩长发shoulder-length blond hair 目击者最后见其于 19 街上徒步向西逃窜 Last seen on foot heading eastbound on 19th Street 停下 Hey 有外貌描述吗 You got a description?没有 他戴着面具 Well, no, he wears a mask 面具 A mask?他的受害者 Most of his victims大多数是有严重犯罪前科的嫌疑人are suspects with serious rap sheets 他们管他叫义务警员 They're calling him a vigilante 听着 他不是什么义务警员 Okay, he's not a vigilante,他是个无政府主义者 he's an anarchist 救命啊 有人吗 逮捕我吧 Help me, somebody! Arrest me!把我弄出来 Get me out of here 看啊 Hey, look!氨纶 氨纶 Spandex Spandex 一切 Everything都是氨纶spandex 更大的速度矢量是 Extraordinary velocity vector is a function质量和加速度共同作用的结果of both mass and acceleration 得了 你比谁都清楚 Come on, you know better than anyone做钟摆运动的物体质量对其速度没有影响the weight on any pendulum has no effect on speed 它没法影响频率 It doesn't affect frequency,但它绝对是一个动量因子 but it's totally a factor in momentum 喂 梅婶 Hey, Aunt May 买鸡蛋吗 Yeah Eggs?有机的 知道了 Organic, got it 以后 你要是偷车 In the future, if you're gonna steal cars就别穿得像个偷车贼似的don't dress like a car thief, man 你谁啊 警察吗 What are you? You a cop?真的吗 你真觉得我是个警察 Really? You seriously think I'm a cop?一个穿蓝红紧身衣的警察 Cop in a skin-tight red-and-blue suit?你知道吗 You know, you're你可真是有一颗 You've got a mind学者的聪明大脑啊 先生of the true scholar, sir 我倒觉得我更像个滑雪选手 I was going more for the guys who do the luge 好想法 Good thinking 从窗户里爬出去 Get out the window 对了 很好 There you go You got it 剪刀脚 Crotch!-放我走 -那是把刀吗- Just let me go - Is that a real knife?对 开了刃的刀 Yes, it's a real knife 我最怕小刀了 My weakness, it's small knives -那就让我走 -只要不是- Just let me go - Anything but小刀 哦 太容易了knives! Oh, it's so simple -太酷了 -这是什么玩意-That was cool -What the hell is this?我自己的蜘蛛网 我觉得你不会感兴趣 Webbing that I developed myself I don't think you want to know 求你 放我走 Come on Let me go!好的 等一下 等一下 Okay, one second Hold on, one second 停下 Knock it off, man No!求你 让我走 住手 Come on, let me go Stop it!这不好玩 That isn't funny -其实挺好玩的 -救命- It is kind of funny - Help!情况可能会更糟哦 This could've gone a lot worse 别动 Now hold still 警察叔叔来了 Boys in blue here -看 我逮住他了 -不许动- Yo, I got him - Freeze!-他可动不了了 -不许动- He's not going anywhere - Don't move 真的假的 You serious?你是谁 Who are you?怎么就没人领会面具的理念啊 No one grasps the concept of the mask 不许动 Freeze!我刚帮你把活儿基本干完了 I just did 80 percent of your job 而你 And that?就是这么报答我的 That's how you repay me?停在那儿别动 Hold it right there!有意思 Well, that was fun -注意车 -大家好- Bus! - Hey there, everybody 你搞毛啊 What are you doing?大伙儿小心了 Hey, watch out 我在荡秋千呢 I'm swinging here 我在荡秋千呢 I'm swinging here 这么说 咱们 38 名纽约精英刑警 So, 38 of New York's finest 对战一个穿紧身衣的小子 versus one guy in a unitard 我没说错吧 Am I correct?你真没必要这么一直等着我的 You don't have to wait up for me -不 有必要 -真没必要- Yes, I do - No, you don't 有必要 Yes, I do -好吧 -你去哪儿了- Okay - Where were you?在外面 I was out 你帮我买鸡蛋了吗 Did you get the eggs?没 忘了 Nope Forgot the eggs 我现在去买 I'm gonna get them now 你现在绝对不能去 No, you most certainly will not 这都多晚了 Not at this hour 看着我 彼得 Look at me, Peter 把你那该死的兜帽拉下来 看着我 Take off the damn hood and look at me 彼得 你去哪儿了 Peter Where do you go?谁把你伤成这样 Who does this to you?快去睡吧 梅婶 Please go to sleep, Aunt May -求你告诉我吧 -梅婶 求你了- Please tell me - Aunt May, please,求你了 快去睡吧 please, please go to sleep 我没法睡觉 你不懂吗 我根本睡不着 I can't sleep Don't you understand? I can't sleep 彼得 听我说 Peter, listen to me 秘密是有代价的 不是免费的 Secrets have a cost They're not for free 现在不会 以后也不会 Not now, not ever 跨物种基因工程终于起作用了 Cross-species genetics is finally working 我用蜥蜴的 DNA 实现了弗莱德的前肢再生 I've used the lizard DNA to help Freddy regrow that limb 这真是奇迹 It's a miracle 不 这是努力和希望的成果 No, it's hard work and promise 向灵长目动物实验又进了一步 It's a step closer to the primate lab 但他没时间等你的每一次小进步了 But he doesn't have time for every little step 小进步 Little?我只想说他没时间了 I just mean he can't wait 他必须得等 Well, he'll have to 除非他愿意像小白鼠一样做个试验品 Unless he wants to be a lab rat 我不是这个意思 That's not what I'm saying 那你是什么意思 So, what are you saying?你必须开始人体试验 You have to start human trials 现在就开始 Now 我不能这么做 也不会这么做 No, I don't, and no, I won't -那他就只能等死了 -人都有一死- Well, then he's going to die - People die 就算是诺曼?奥斯本也不例外 Even Norman Osborn -我们还没说完 -人体试验- We are not finished - Human trials?你上哪儿找志愿者 Where on earth are you going to find the people to volunteer?就跟他们说 这是在接种冬季流感疫苗 The ward as far as anyone's concerned is for a winter flu shot 我觉得我们可以从退伍军人医院开始 I might think the Veterans Hospital is a place to start 你开玩笑呢吧 You've gotta be kidding me 我没有 I don't think I am 你现在觉得震惊和愤怒 有点晚了 It's a little late for shock and indignation 晚了 15 年 About 15 years late 我不知道你在说什么 I have no idea what you're talking about 理查德?帕克才配穿这个 Richard Parker wore it well 穿在你身上 就是件廉价外衣 On you, it's a cheap suit,和当年一样 as it was then 那件事和我没关系 I had nothing to do with that 你跟他儿子彼得也是这么说的吗 Is that what you told his son, Peter?我不知道你在说 什么 I don't know what you're saying 你是不知道 还是不想知道 You don't know, or you don't wanna know?我来让你回想 起当年发生了什么 I'll remind you what happened 理查德?帕克当年说的话 Richard Parker said just about the same thing then 和你刚才 说的基本一样 that you are saying now 时间不等人 康纳斯博士 The clock is ticking, Dr Connors 我I我不会这么做 I won't 好吧 Fine 反正配方也是我们的了 The formula is ours now anyway 和你梦想的胳膊说再见吧 Say goodbye to that arm you have dreamed of 你的工作结束了 I'm shutting you down 明早之前把你办公室收拾干净走人 Have your office cleared out by the morning 你的那些宠物可以一并带走 Your toys can be taken away too, you know 是吧 弗莱德 Right, Freddy?最近怎么样 How's it going?你要去哪儿 Where you headed?-周一 选修 B 课 -今天周四- It's Monday, B track - Oh, it's Thursday -今天周四吗 -你的眼怎么了- It's Thursday? - What happened to your eye?-什么 -你 的眼睛 看着有瘀伤- What? - Your eye, it looks bruised 我也不知道怎么Oh, yeah, no, I don't know或许我起麻疹了Maybe I got a rash or看起来很糟 去看过护士了吗 It's pretty bad Have you gone to the nurse?喜欢吃柠檬鲈鱼吗 Do you like branzino?就是鱼 Like, a fish 我知道 我知道 No, no I know I know 如果你愿意Well, if you want 今晚 8 点可以照这个地址来我家 you can come to this address at 8:00 tonight 我妈妈要做柠檬鲈鱼 My mom's making branzino 那么So我们住的是公寓It's apartment2016 号 我没把这个写下来 2016 I didn't write that part down 我也不知道为什么I don't know why l-我记住了 -好的- I'll remember it - Oh, okay 2016 号 2016 你怎么上来的 How did you get out there?爬防火梯上来的 The fire escape 你们的门卫太吓人了 Your doorman's intimidating 这可是 20 层 It's 20 storeys 小意思 Yeah It's all right -这就是你的房间啊 -对 我的房间- This is your room - Yes, this is my room 好多书 Books 还有鞋 Shoes 我给你妈妈I got your mom带了这个 these 你真好 Oh, lovely -很好看吧 -真好看- Beautiful, right? - Beautiful 它们本来挺好看的 They were nice -它们现在也很好看 -对不起- No, they're beautiful - I'm sorry 我觉得这花真的很美 整体造型也好看 No, it's impressive They actually held together very well 这花我还是自己留着吧 I'm gonna keep these 你包里装制服了吗 You have your suit in there?什么制服 My suit?晚饭时候穿的 你准 备It's for dinner Are you gonna你会穿制服吗 are you gonna wear that?-那-亲爱的- That's- Hey, hon 你肯定是彼得了 You must be Peter 爸爸 这是彼得 Dad, this is Peter 很高兴见到你 先生 Nice to meet you, sir 很高兴见到你 Nice to meet you 饭做好了 Dinner's ready 希望你喜欢柠檬鲈鱼 Hope you like branzino 谁会不喜欢啊 Who doesn't?艾玛 我是柯特 Emma, it's Curt -他到了吗 -恐怕还没 博士- ls he there? - I'm afraid not, doctor 他正坐车前往布鲁克林的退伍军人医院 The car is taking him to the Veterans Hospital in Brooklyn 不 他不能去 艾玛 No He can't, Emma 你必须阻止他 他You have to stop him He我是想阻止 但他一上桥信号就不好 I would, but I always lose him on the bridge 我会让拉沙博士尽快给您回电的 I'll make sure Dr Ratha returns your call as soon as possible 到河对岸的霍尔顿大道 我赶时间 I'm going to Holton Avenue, across the river I'm in a hurry 好吧 你想走隧道还是桥上 OK You want me to take the tunnel or the bridge?桥 走桥 Bridge! Take the bridge 好的 没问题 All right, we'll do that 你还好吧 Hey, you all right back there?你在抽搐吗 Are you tweaking man?开你的车 Just drive 好吧 Okay 鱼不大好切吧 You're having trouble there, aren't you?应该从头那一边The head goes on the other赛门 去帮你姐的朋友切鱼 Simon, help Gwen's friend with his fish 我Oh, l我不知道怎么弄 I got no idea 第一次都这样 First time 这就是柠檬鲈鱼 Branzino 乔治 给我们说说你今天的工作吧 George, why don't you tell us about your day 对啊爸爸 你们抓到蜘蛛人了吗 Oh, yeah, Dad Did you catch that spider guy yet?还没抓到 No, we didn't catch him yet 但会抓到的 他只是个业余人士 But we will He's an amateur 在夜深人静的时候袭击市民 who's assaulting civilians in the dead of night 笨手笨脚的 会留下线索 He's clumsy, he leaves clues,但他依旧构成威胁 but he's still dangerous 他袭击市民吗 He's assaulting people?我觉得不大像 I'm not sure 我是说 我看了录像I mean, I saw that video就是有他和那个偷车贼的录像 with him and the car thief, and 我觉得大部分人应该认为他在I think most people would say that he was为大众服务 providing a public service 那大部分人就想错了 Most people would be wrong 如果我想让整条街都见不着偷车贼 If I wanted the car thief off the street,那整条街就 没偷车贼 he'd already be off the street 那为什么还有呢 So why wasn't he then?我来跟你解释 Let me illuminate you 这个偷车贼本来能帮助我们 See, the car thief was leading us to the people 揪出这个 庞大系统的幕后指使 who run the entire operation 只不过我们要先忍受 6 个月 这叫谋略 It's a six-month-long stinger It's called strategy 你应该知道什么是谋略吧 I'm sure you're aware of the term &strategy&?-在学校里听过 这个吧 -听过- Have you heard about that in school? - Yeah 那就好 Good 我懂 I know 很显然 他不知道你有这么个计划 Well, obviously, he didn't know you had a plan 你好像对这事知道很多啊 You seem to know an awful lot about this case 你是知道什 么内情吗 You know something that we don't know?-你到底站在哪边啊 -我哪边也不 站- I mean, whose side are you on here? - I'm not on anyone's side 我在网上看到这个视频I saw a video on the lnternet你是在网上看到的这个视频 Oh, you saw the video on the lnternet -那就没什么好说了 -不是- Well, then the case is closed - Well, no 如果你也看了要不我给你个链接 If you watch the videoMaybe send you a link?看上去他真的是想帮忙 It looks like he's really trying to help 我知道在网上 Yeah, I'm sure on the lnternet 他看起来就像是个蒙面英雄什么的 he's being made out to look like a masked hero or something 不 不 我没说他是英雄 No, no I'm not saying he's a hero 我一点儿不觉得他是英雄 I don't think he's a hero at all 那你想说什么 What are you trying to say?我想说他只是想帮忙 I'm saying he's trying to help 看起来像在帮忙做警察做不到的事 But it looks like he's trying to do something the police can't 警察做不到的事 Something the police can't?-我也不知道 -你觉得我们整天都干什么I don't know - What do you think we do?难不成我们就整天吃油炸圈 Sit around eating doughnuts 闲着没事抠屁股吗 with our thumbs planted frimly up our asses?-乔治 乔治 -爸爸George George - Daddy -抠什么 爸爸 -霍华德- Up your what, Dad? - Howard 我觉得他和你的立场是一致的 先生 I think he stands for what you stand for, sir,那就 是保护无辜市民不受坏人伤害 protecting innocent people from bad guys 我代表的是法律和秩序 这才是我的立场 I stand for law and order That's what I stand for 明白吗 我带着警徽呢 Okay? I wear a badge 而这小子戴的是面具 就和不法之徒一样 This guy wears a mask like an outlaw 他追捕的罪犯长的都差不多 He's hunting down a bunch of criminals that all look the same 就好像有什么世仇一样 like he's got some sort of personal vendetta 但他不是在保护无辜市民 帕克先生 But he's not protecting innocent people, Mr Parker 咱们出去谈谈吧 彼得 Let's get some air, Peter -爸爸 我们得谈谈 -确实得谈谈- Dad, we need to talk - Yes, we do 谢谢你们请我来吃饭 对不起 Thank you for having me I'm sorry 如果冒犯了您 我不是故意的 If I insulted you, it was not my intention -没关系 -柠檬鲈鱼真好吃 史黛西太太- You're welcome - Branzino was real good, Mrs Stacy -谢谢您 -不客气- Thank you - You're welcome -爸爸 -怎么了- Dad - Yeah?你挺能说啊 Well, that was something 对不起 我觉得你爸有一瞬间都想逮捕我了 I'm sorry I thought he was going to arrest me at one point 我不会让他逮捕你的 No, I wouldn't have let him arrest you -你的脸怎么了 -我想告诉你一件事- What happened to your face? - I wanna tell you something 好的 Okay 我被咬了I've been bitten 我也是 So have l 好吧好吧 我得告诉你一件事 Okay, okay, okay I gotta tell you this one thing 我必须告诉你 I gotta tell you this thing -是关于蜘蛛人和偷车贼的 -好吧- And it's about the vigilante and the car thief - Oh, okay 怎么了 What?不 不 听我说 No, no, no Don't 别想那事了 我不说那事了 Forget that I won't talk about that -我要说我自己 好吧 -你怎么了- I'm gonna talk about me, okay? - What about you? 这很重要我真希望能说出来 It's impoI wish I could just我做不到 我说不出口 I can't It's hard to say 没关系说吧 Just say it -我不知道 -说吧- I don't know - Say it 怎么了 怎么了 What? What?怎么了 What?那好 算了吧 Okay, then forget it 你You ?-你就是蜘蛛人 -别说话- You're Spider-Man - Shut up 格温 Gwen?格温 Gwen 你爸说让你马上进屋 Your father wants you to come inside right away 好的 Okay -好吗 -好的- Okay? - Yeah 格温 Gwen 我来了 I'm coming 我麻烦大了 Oh, I'm in trouble 你能去看看怎么回事吗 阿尔弗雷德 Will you please find out what is going on, Alfred? 这下可好了 Excellent 那是什么 Hey! What is that?-上帝啊 -我不知道- Oh, my God! - I don't know!快回车 里去 Get back in the car!救命 Help!救命 Help!我来也 Incoming!谁来帮帮我 Somebody help!帮帮我 我孩子被困在车里了 Help me! My kid is trapped!我要爸爸 I want my dad!爸爸 Dad!救命 Help!-你好 小朋友 没事的 -你走开- Hey, buddy It's okay - Get away -救命 -看- Help! - Hey, look 我是普通人类 看到了吧 Just a normal guy, all right?想拿这个吗 Wanna hold this?拿 着我的面具吧 Hold my mask 好的 All right 你叫什么名字 What's your name?是杰克吗 Jack?-嗯 -我来救你出去- Yes - Let's get you out of here -呆着别动 -好的- Okay, stay very still - All right 我来了 Okay, I got you 听着 我来帮你解开安全带 Okay, look I'll undo the belt 你抓紧前面的座椅 我数到 3You hold on to that seat in front of you On three?-好的 -1 2 3- All right - Okay, one, two, three 很容易吧 你做的很好 See how easy that was? You did a great job 杰克 快爬上来 Jack, climb now -我做不到 -你一定能做到- I can't - Yes, you can 把面具戴上 Put it on, the mask 它能让你变得更强大 It's gonna make you strong 相信我 杰克 Jack, trust me 戴上吧 Put it on 这就对了 就这样 就这样 There you go That's it That's it, buddy 现在 往上爬 Okay, now, climb 快 杰克 Come on, Jack 帮我个忙 爬的快一点 好吗 Do me a favour A little faster, okay, bud?你做的很好 真的不错 You're doing great, buddy You're doing great 就这样 往上爬 That's it Keep coming 继续爬 Keep it coming 继续爬 Keep coming 不 No!杰克 天哪 Jack Oh, God 谢天谢地 Thank God 你没事吧 You okay?我的儿子 我的儿子 My son My son 我的儿子 我的儿子 Oh, my son My son 你是谁 Who are you?蜘蛛侠 Spider-Man 这感觉太好了 Beautiful 大家安静 Settle down, guys 安静 请大家安静 Settle down, boys Settle down 大家听着 昨晚大概 9 点 Listen At approximately 9 p m last night,在威廉斯堡大桥发生了一起事故 an incident took place on the Williamsburg Bridge 具体发生了什么目前还只是猜测 Much of what occurred is speculation at this point 但是 目睹这次事件的几个证人 However, several eyewitnesses to the crime,和我们的 初步调查都显示 as well as our own preliminary findings,有一个人曾在事故现场 have positively placed one individual at the scene 所以 今天上午 Which is why, this morning 我要下达逮捕令 I am issuing a arrest warrant 把蜘蛛人缉拿归案 for the masked vigilante known as Spider-Man 它真漂亮 It's so beautiful 它倒是知道怎么咬人 Knows how to bite though 这事还有谁知道 Who else knows about this?只有你 Just you 真的 Really?你不会Hey, you don't 你不会相信警察说的那些话 是吧 You don't believe what the police are saying, do you?当然不会 Of course not 你害怕吗 Does it scare you?拥有这些能力 What you can do?不 No 不怕 No 桥上那怪物究竟长什么样 What did that thing on the bridge look like?它个头儿很大 不可能是人类 It was real big Too big to be human 你得保持低调 You gotta lay low 我做不到 No, can't do that 你必须这么做 You've got to 我是说 为什么I mean, why?因为昨晚在桥上那些人 Because of last night, those people on the bridge,不管袭击他 们的是什么 都有可能致他们于死地 whatever was attacking them would have killed them 所以我必须找到它 So, I gotta go after it 那不是你的工作 That's not your job 也许是呢 Maybe it is 我真喜欢吻你 I really liked kissing you 你的吻技超赞 You're an amazing kisser 其实我我也喜欢 Well, you know, it was it was good for me too 是吗 Yeah?谁干的啊 Who did that?有人吗 Hello!乱动别人东西可不怎么礼貌 It's not nice to snoop 我给所有人放了一周假 I gave everyone the week off 你不是应该在学校吗 Shouldn't you be at school?今天是自选课 No, I got a free track 我想问你个问题 I wanted to ask you a question 食肉动物是怎么跟踪爬行动物的 How would a predator track a reptile?它们不会的 Oh, they don't 多数爬行动物都在食物链的顶层 Most reptiles are at the top of their repective food chain 是它们领域里的王 Kings of their domain 他们肯定有弱点 对吧 They gotta have vulnerabilities, right?怎么突然对冷血动物感兴 趣了 Why the sudden interest in the cold-blooded?只是问问 学校要用的 Just asking a question I got school stuff 要做一个生物课件 Biology profiles to do 那么它们会不会因为是冷血动物 So because of the cold blood 而对温度突变做出反应 呢 would they react to changes in temperatures?那你要先抓来一只才行 You need have to catch one first 你听说了纽约出现了一只新物种的传言吗 Did you know there's a rumour of a new species in New York?一只美丽的庞然大物 Beautiful and quite large 你对它了解多少 见过它吗 What do you know about it? You seen it?没有 目前还未确 定它的类属 No, it's not yet classified 但它在受威胁时 But it can be aggressive 会极具攻击性 if threatened 博士 你还好吗 Doc, you all right?很好 彼得 从未这么好过 Never been better, Peter Never been better 请原谅我 Now, if you'll excuse me 恐怕我得请你离开了 Afraid I have to ask you to leave 我在研究一个新项目 不希望有人打扰 I have a new project I'm working on I need to be alone 别担心 帕克先生 我会回来的 Don't worry, Mr Parker I'll be back 见证奇迹的时刻就要到来了 Wonderful things are coming 奇迹 Wonderful things 弗莱德 Fred?市长先生 如果有巨型恐龙横冲直撞的话 Mr Mayor, I can assure you if there was a giant dinosaur 我保证第一时间告知你 running around you would be the first to know 所以让你儿子放心 好吗 So tell your son he can rest easy, all right?没错 我们两个 先生 Yeah You and me both, sir 好 回见 Okay Bye-bye 帕克先生 你怎么没去上学 Mr Parker, why are you not in school?今天是自选课 Got a free track 我上班可不能自选 Okay, well, I do not have a free track 所以有话快说 So make your point quickly 在横冲直撞的可能不是恐龙 Fine, there may not be a dinosaur running around 而是更加危险的东西 我知道是谁 But there is something more dangerous, and I know who it is -你知道是谁 -柯蒂斯?康纳斯博士- You know who it is? - Dr Curtis Connors -一名生化学家 -奥斯公司的- He's a biochemist - Of Oscorp?-没错 -柯蒂斯?康纳斯博士- That's right - Dr Curtis Connors 也是我女儿的导师 你说的是他吗 was also my daughter's mentor Is that who you're talking about?-就是他 -很好- That's the one - Okay 康纳斯博士最近为格温写了一封大学推荐信 Recently, Dr Connors gave Gwen a college recommendation 十分感人 我都看哭了 It was beautiful When I read it, I cried 你想让我相信 You would have me believe that he是他穿着一身恐龙装到处惹祸吗 is running around dressed up like a dinosaur?他没有 穿什么服装 也不是恐龙 Not dressing up and not a dinosaur 他把自己变形成了一只蜥蜴 He has transformed himself into a lizard 我问问你 Let me ask you a question 你觉得我像是东京市长吗 Do I look like the mayor of Tokyo to you?我说的是千真万确 的事实 I'm telling you the absolute truth 这个人毕生沉浸于跨物种基因研究 This man has worked for his whole life on crossspecies genetics 他失去了一只胳膊 想长回来 He lost an arm, he tried to grow it back 但那个公式没有 配平 but the equation was imbalanced 他变成了一只蜥蜴 他体内的蜥蜴 DNA 在发挥作用 He has turned into a lizard He's using lizard DNA 他十分危险 He is dangerous 而且在策划恐怖事件 我知道 我确定 and he is planning something horrific I know I know 好吧 我明白了 Okay All right, I get it 我们这么办 Here's what we'll do 你回去继续跟东京市民游街逛店 You'll go back to hanging out with the citizens of Tokyo 而我则继续保护 I'm gonna go back to protecting the citizens 我们这个美好城市的广 大人民 of this fine, fair city of ours 巴特勒警官 请将帕克先生 Sergeant Butler, please escort Mr Parker-送回学校 -史黛西警长 我没有胡闹- back to school - Captain Stacy, I'm not messing around 把他找来 把他找来你就知道了 Just bring him in Just call him in You have to call him in 他是个安全隐患 He is a danger to everybody -拜托相信我 -走吧- Just, please, listen to me - Let's go 吉米 Jimmy 把关于柯蒂斯?康纳斯博士的全部资料都给我 Get me everything we have on Dr Curtis Connors -现在就要 -明白- Okay? Right away - Yeah 实验对象 柯蒂斯?康纳斯博士 Subject: Dr Curtis Connors 实时温度 89 7 华氏度 Current temperature: 89 7 过去 48 小时情况稳定 Steady for 48 hours 血液淋巴细胞和单核细胞读数 Blood panels reveal lymphocyte and monocyte readings 未出现明显波动 consistent with subject's past 血凝度大幅上升 Clotting rate vastly improved 肌肉反应度 Marked enhancement强度和弹性 in muscle response均明显提升 strength and elasticity 视力相应提升 Eyesight similarly improved 实验对象不再需要矫正镜片 Subject no longer requires corrective lenses 这不仅是治疗疾病的范畴了 This is no longer about curing ills 这意味着 This is about走向完美 finding perfection 为抑制反弹现象 In attempt to redress regenerative relapse药量加至 200 毫克 dosage has been increased to 200 milligrams 你阻止过我一次 You stopped me once 但不会再有第二次了 You won't stop me again 我在日益强大 I'm getting stronger every day!弱爆了 Oh, that sucked 彼得?帕克 Peter Parker 请进 Come in 也许你应该考虑 You should maybe从正门进来 consider coming in through the lobby 还有 我爸爸认为 Also, my father is under the impression-你需要见见精神病医生 -是吗- that you require psychiatric attention - Oh, really?彼得 Peter 你怎么了 What happened?你应该去见见另一个人 You should see the other guy 那只巨型变种蜥蜴 The other guy, in this instance, being a giant mutant lizard 格温 亲爱的 Hey, Gwen, honey 你想喝热可可吗 Do you want cocoa?霍华德正在做 Howard's making some 不 爸爸 我不喝 No, Dad, I do not want cocoa 我都 17 岁了 Honestly, I'm 17 years old 我记得某人说 I remembered somebody saying 她的梦想就是住在巧克力屋里呢 her fantasy was to live in a chocolate house 真是太不现实了 Well, that's impractical 还容易发胖 And fattening 巧克力屋 Chocolate house -抱歉 爸爸 -没关系- Sorry, Dad - It's good 我现在不能喝热可可 I can't have cocoa right now because I'm working因为我在I'm doing this我肚子疼 I have cramps 我觉得有点恶心 I feel kind of pukey and just sort of -很情绪化 -没关系 没关系- I don't know, like, emotional I keep crying - It's okay Good -知道了 -太难受了- Good - It's brutal 你还是不听为妙 You don't want to know -感觉很糟糕 -知道了- It's, like, bad - Got it -谢谢理解 爸爸 -不客气- Thanks, Daddy - All right 放松 小虫男 Easy, Bug Boy 你叫我什么 What'd you call me?我会好起来的 I'm going to be all right -不 不要 -没事- No No - Yes Yes 这种感觉我太熟悉了 I know what this is 什么感觉 What is it?从我记事起 Every day, for as long as I can remember, my father爸爸每天早上都会别上警徽 has left every morning带上手枪 and he's put a badge on his chest出门离去 and strapped a gun to his hip 从我记事起 And every day, for as long as I can remember 每一天 我都不知道他能否平安回家 I haven't known if he was gonna make it home 你有我 I got you 好吗 Okay?知道吗 Okay?但我要去阻止他 I gotta stop him, though 我必须去 因为是我创造了他 I have to, because I created him 什么意思 What do you mean?我交给他的一个公式 I gave him an equation是这一切的起源 that made all of this possible 那是我父亲的研究 Something my father had been working on, you know 秘密研究 现在我知道为什么要秘密研究了 Secretly Now I realise why he kept it a secret 重点是 这是我的责任 Point is, this is my responsibility 我必须去补救 I have to fix it 彼得 Peter 我们出去吧 Let's get out of here 出去逛逛 Let's just get out of here 就几分钟 行吗 Just for a minute Can we?-不 不行 -可以 可以- No No - Yeah Yes -可以 -不行- Yes - No 可以 Yes 如果父母看到我出门 我就死定了 If my parents see me leaving, I'm dead 你父母不会看到的 Your parents aren't gonna see you leaving 彼得?帕克 Peter Parker 蜘蛛侠 Spider-Man 我才不需要什么帮助 I'm not the one who needs help 世上不会再有孤独寂寞之人 There will be no more loneliness和被社会抛弃之流 no more outcasts 打破物种的隔阂 Species-wide distribution could enhance能让人性迈出具有进化意义的一步 humanity on an evolutionary scale 适者生存 One has to adapt to survive 居似笼 吾如金蝉脱壳 That, changing like the snake, I might be free 如蛇婉雅 而吾 心自由 To cast the slough wherein I dwell confined 你知道自己的能力后还会想放弃吗 Would you give it all up after all you know you can do?那种无上的力量 All the power you feel 我能拯救他们 I can save them!你无法干涉我的计划 You won't get in the way of my plan 彼得?帕克 Peter Parker!走 快走 Go Go!你走投无路了 彼得 Nowhere to hide, Peter 那些迷失和孤独的灵魂 All these souls lost and alone 我可以拯救他们 I can save them 我能治愈它们 I can cure them 没有必要阻止我 There's no need to stop me 彼得 Peter 你的思路有点混乱 博士 You're not thinking straight, doc 住手 这可不是你的本性 Stop this This isn't you 我们好好谈谈吧 Let's talk this out 博士 Doc!糟了 Oh, boy 你不想谈是吧 You don't want to talk?那就这样好了 There you go 不要 Don't逼我 make me出手 have to伤你 hurt you!真恶心 That is disgusting 格温 Gwen -我得把你扔出窗户 -什么- I'm gonna throw you out the window - What?某些人不学好 Somebody's been 成了一只坏蜥蜴哦 a bad lizard 我是纽约警署威廉警长 This is Lieutenant Williams from the New York City Police Department 大楼已被警方包围 We've got this building surrounded A 队 行动 快 Alpha, let's move ahead Go!-喂 -你在哪- Hey - Where are you?我没事 I'm fine I'm okay 我在下水道里跟踪他 I'm in the sewer, tracking him 我要在他伤害别人之前阻止他 I gotta stop him before anyone gets hurt 但是我们需要解药 But we need an antidote -你知道怎样分析血清吗 -我的工作就是这个- Do you know how to run a serum? - I do it for Connors all the time 很好 我需要你去奥斯公司 Okay, great Okay, I need you to go to Oscorp 找到跨物种基因的文档 是份蓝色血清 I need you to access the cross-species file It's a blue serum 文档号 12389File 12389 知道了 Okay, got it 这就动身 On my way 我穷尽毕生精力 I spent my life as a scientist 想用科学创造一个没有弱者 trying to create a world without weakness没有人被遗弃的世界 without outcasts 我致力于让人类更加强大 I sought to create a stronger human being但是不可能 but there's no such thing 人类弱小 可悲 意志薄弱 Human beings are weak, pathetic, feeble-minded creatures 为何一定要做人类呢 Why be human at all我们明明可以进化得更加高级 We can be so much more?更快 更强 Faster Stronger 更聪明 Smarter 这是我给你们的礼物 This is my gift to you 奥斯公司 Oscorp -史黛西警长 -什么事- Captain Stacy! - What?找到了目击证明 那只蜥蜴正前往 We have a confirmed sighting, sir The Lizard's headed-坚尼大街 -蜘蛛侠呢- toward Canal Street - What about Spider-Man?在学校里 Inside the high school 逮捕蜘蛛侠 I want that Spider-Man off the street 那只蜥蜴释放了一种生物药剂 The lizard creature has released a biological agent 我们阻止不了他 All efforts to stop him have failed 他现在正向北前往第七大街 完毕 and he is now proceeding north on 7th Avenue Over -喂 -你在哪- Hi - Where are you?彼得 我在奥斯公司 Peter, hi I'm at Oscorp 马上离开那里 You have to get out of there now -我正在制造解药 -不不不- The antidote is cooking - No, no, no 康纳斯马上就会到那里 Connors is on the way He's coming to you right now 他需要那个散播设备 他要感染整个城市 He needs that dispersing device He's gonna infect the whole city!只剩八分钟了 It's eight minutes left 我刚才的话都白说了吗 You're gonna wait eight minutes after what I just told you?会 有人死的 People are gonna die 你现在马上离开 You leave right now 这是命令 明白吗 That is an order, okay?我会让所有人离开 I'll get everybody out 你到底有没有在听Did you hear what I格温 该死的 不是吧你 Gwen! Gwen! You Mother Hubbard Are you serious?他往南去了 He's heading south 立刻束手就擒 否则我们就开火了 Stand down now, or we will open fire 你被包围了 已无路可逃 You are surrounded There is no escape 快 快 Go, go!安全 Clear!上方安全 Clear up top!安全 长官 Clear, sir!一切正常 长官 All clear here, sir!别动 Freeze!趴在地上 Down on the ground 把双手放在脑后 Your hands behind your head 快照做 Now!帕克 Parker 他朝奥斯公司去了 It's heading to Oscorp!你的女儿现在正在那里 And your daughter's there right now 你必须让我走 You gotta let me go 别开枪 Hold your fire!保罗 若非亲眼所见 我一定不会相信 Well, Paul, if I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it 我不敢肯定到底是什么 I won't venture to say exactly what it is that's crawling up在奥斯公司大楼的北墙上爬 the north side of the Oscorp Tower但很显然不是人类 而且异常强壮 but clearly it is not human and it is very, very strong 剩余时间 1 分钟 Time remaining: one minute 解药完成 Antidote complete 天啊 Oh, man 我们刚收到最新消息 We're getting the latest details This is just coming in 纽约警局下令 The New York Police Department要求在 54 街以南的 has called for a city-wide evacuation所有市民全部撤离 everything south of 54th Street 如果你住在 54 街以南 If you are south of 54th Street 请即刻撤离 you have to move out of the area immediately 蜘蛛侠正在前往奥斯公司 Spider-Man }


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