求《拳皇回合音效》round2 round3 回合开始音效,KO音效!

A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 Audio.
For bug reports and technical support, see .
SM2 options:&
SoundManager 2 makes it easier to play audio using JavaScript.
SoundManager 2 provides simple, reliable cross-platform audio under a single JavaScript API.&
JavaScript is required.
Featured demo:
Speak and be heard
More sound, in more places
Despite being one of the senses, sound has largely been missing from the web due to inconsistent technology support. SoundManager 2 bridges this gap, making it easier to use audio across a growing variety of devices and platforms, both desktop and mobile.
is pretty easy, too.
A few live examples:
HTML5 + flash hybrid
Complexity, reduced
Supporting HTML5 audio can be tedious in modern browsers, let alone legacy ones. With real-world visitors using browsers ranging from mobile Safari to IE 6 across a wide range of devices, there can be many support cases to consider.
SoundManager 2 gives you a single, powerful API that supports both new and old, using HTML5 audio where supported and optional Flash-based fallback where needed. Ideally when using SoundManager 2, audio "just works."
Desktop support: Windows, Mac OS, Linux
Laptop/tablet support: Windows, Mac OS, Linux / Blackberry Playbook, Kindle Fire + other HTML5/Flash devices
iPhone support: iOS 4.0 and newer
iPad support: Version 1.0 (iOS 3.2) and newer
Android OS supporting HTML5 and/or Flash (Version 2.3 or newer)
The details:
The ginsu knife: 12 KB
Big&features, small footprint
But wait, there's more!
Performance is an important metric, too. SoundManager 2 packs a comprehensive, feature-rich API into as little as
over the that's less than 8% of the original, uncompressed file size.
SM2 is self-contained, having no external dependencies, and is compatible with popular JavaScript frameworks.
The source code is BSD-licensed and is provided in fully-commented, non-debug and compiler-optimized "minified" versions appropriate for development and production use.
Playable links and playlists
These demos use unordered lists with MP3 links that play in- the UI is easily customized via CSS.
A richer playlist theme with optional time, seekable progress bar and a VU meter where supported:
Fancier UI, more features
The Bar UI uses SVG for a resolution-independent UI, with HTML and CSS that makes customization easy.
JavaScript is required.
The 360& player UI demo uses &canvas& and includes options for waveform and spectrum analysis data via Flash 9, adding beautiful visual feedback to the interface.
Seven Or Eight Days courtesy of , from&the album Bruise. For more, see the .
Advanced prototypes
(BY-NC-SA, )
(BY-CC-ND license, )
The Cassette Tape UI is a skinnable player based on the TDK MA-R90 cassette tape, a classic design from 1982.
Remember Type IV, Metal & Chromium/CrO2? .
Getting started
Basic SoundManager 2 set-up
Including the script, configuring the url and registering an onready() callback:
&script src="soundmanager2.js"&&/script&
// where to find flash audio SWFs, as needed
url: '/path/to/swf-files/',
onready: function() {
// SM2 is ready to play audio!
Upon execution of soundmanager2.js, SM2 will determine what Flash SWF to load (if any) based on the path defined in soundManager.url.
After successful initialization, soundManager.onready() will fire and sounds can be played.
By default, SM2 uses a Flash 8-based SWF build. Some
are available when using the Flash 9-based build.
For a live example, see the .
Playing audio
Basic playback control
Once soundManager.onready() has fired, sounds can be loaded and played.
Creating and playing a sound object
// create "mySound"...
var mySound = ({
url: '/path/to/an.mp3'
// ...and play it
Additional options and events can be specified when loading and playing sounds. For more examples of playback features, see .
Additional demos
Examples using multi-track playback, progress and combinations of sound and animation:
Armor Alley: Web Prototype (PC-DOS game remake)
is a side-scrolling, real-time vehicle simulation / strategy game, originally released for the Mac and PC-DOS computers in 1990. This web-based remake is a tribute to the attention to detail shown in the original. Your goal is to defend a convoy as it moves
the game ends when a van reaches the opposing base. See the
SURVIVOR (Commodore 64 game remake)
is a web-based remake of a Commodore 64 game. The goal is to shoot out turrets and destroy bases, while avoiding contact with basically everything around you. Sound was used creatively in the original, and it has been re-implemented in this modern interpretation. See the
As heard on TV the internets
A few nifty places SoundManager 2 has been seen in use on the Wild World Web:
Articles and presentations
Some other words, pictures and video on the subject of HTML5 and web audio:
Video, 02/2012:
(.) Updated HTML5 content, demos and
C64 game demo.
Video presentation:
() (12/2011)
+ turntable demo (05/2011)
24ways.org article,
Credits and thank-yous
Icons: Desktop / mobile / iOS device iconography via
(). Tile background: "". Homepage header typeface:
by Meredith Mandel ().
Music: Seven Or Eight Days courtesy of . Graffiti Sex courtesy of , from the album In Streetlight Communion. Let Me, LA, I Tried and People Asking courtesy of .
Additional experimental demo
The "Wheels Of Steel" started as a simple CSS prototype, and evolved to replicate most of the UI and functionality of a traditional DJ set-up. Pitch bending, scratch and EQ effects are present where supported.
The , a browser-based DJ turntable prototype. For the tech details, read
Technical overview
HTML5 audio + optional Flash fallback
100% Flash-free audio on iPad, iPhone (iOS4) and other HTML5-enabled devices + browsers
Invisible Flash SWF provides HTML5 fallback as needed
API is consistent whether using HTML5 or Flash
for implementation details
API specifics
Basic API features (HTML5, Flash 8*)
Load, stop, play, pause, mute, seek, pan*, volume control from JavaScript
Events: onload(), whileloading(), whileplaying(), onfinish() and more
ID3V1 + ID3V2 tag support for MP3s (title, artist, genre etc.)*
Additional Flash 9-based API features
RTMP / Flash Media Server streaming support (experimental) - see
MPEG-4 (AAC, HE-AAC, H.264) audio support
"MultiShot" play (layered/chorusing effects)
Waveform/frequency spectrum data
Peak (L/R channel volume) data
Audio buffering state/event handling
Everything else
Documentation, tools and demos
with examples and notes
(GitHub Issues)
Not only do you get the ginsu knife...
Even more demos and examples using the SoundManager 2 API...跪求拳皇97 round1 round2 round3 和 KO 音效 本人QQ 麻烦发给我 或者 发到邮箱里吧 急需_百度知道
跪求拳皇97 round1 round2 round3 和 KO 音效 本人QQ 麻烦发给我 或者 发到邮箱里吧 急需
跪求拳皇97 round1 round2 round3 和 KO 音效本人QQ 麻烦发给我 或者 发到邮箱里吧 急需
MP3 格式的 就哦了
马克一下,换个网,之后发给你 从模拟器直接截取的是wav格式的 已发送,格式是wav的,自己用千千静听转一下就行
哥们儿 加你qq 可以么
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急需 拳皇 round1 round2 round3 回合开始音效,KO音效!
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