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Codename CURE: Tactical Manual - A Combat Guide for Fun & Successful Missions
By β?í?η? ?(TM)
The Codename Cure Tactical Manual covers basic & advanced tactics from lessons learned.You may think you know what not to do, but really have no idea, so make sure. Knowing these can lead to successful missions with zero deaths every time.
Cure is not a difficult game for the prepared and by reading this Tactical Manual or any guide on Gameplay you will be more prepared for the hectic, fast-paced adrenaline rush that is Codename: CURE.Many people believe just because they completed the mission that means it was a successful run. But what about your squadmates? What about squaddies trying to get 'no death' achievements or 'completed successful' achievements? You may be successful, but that success just may be at the expense of your squadmates.Read this Tactical Manual and have more Fun and Successful missions using what you learn.(*Combined the First guide with the &Do Not& guide to make this &Tactical Manual&) - Errors will be fixed as they are found and reported.* * * * * If you like this Tactical Manual, please rate it and post a short comment - I appreciate it!
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β?í?η? ?(TM)
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If you are willing to translate the Tactical Manual into your native language I will post it again for each translation I have been given.If interested, please send me a Friend Request when you have the translation completed and I will give you my e-mail address to send it to me and make sure that your name(s) are listed in the Credits/Dedications/Contributors section.Thank you.briana - CC Veteran who never leaves a soldier behind.
Mission Basics & Common Mistakes
Welcome to my Quick Start Guide.
I am going to give you some very quick pointers on how to play each class and the goals for a successful and fun filled mission.Codename Cure basics goal for all current maps (except custom survival maps) are:#1 - Enter building / location#2 - Set Bomb (timer starts!)#3 - Escape to exit pointYou will encounter zombies all the way there and on the way out.
The pace will be fast.
You must keep your eye on the people in front because they are most likely not keeping an eye on you.
But after reading this guide - maybe that will change some.---------------------------------------------Most Common Mistakes1 - RUSH RUSH RUSH - or as you will often see: GO GO GO GO GO1a - the only time you need to rush is AFTER the bomb is set.* When you RUSH RUSH RUSH GO GO GO - you do dumb things like run past zombies and leave them for the suppor/tech/sniper or someone who is injured and would have made it to the box or health had you just punched or killed the zombie(s) instead of running past them when you know your squad mates are close on your six.2 - Opening doors where ever you go.
Do not do this.
Zombies will come out.
Only open doors in rooms you know you need to use or move through to reach your objective.3 - Do not make noise.
Do not punch or shoot the car.
Do not fire useless as you run through buildings outside from one building to another - you will simply make them come rushing out at you or even worse, just as you go through the doors into the next building the first room floods because they heard all the extra noise you made - like shooting/punching the car.4 - Getting lost.
All maps have arrows telling you the primary direction you need to go.
Some places are maze like - i.e.: the red rooms, the office.
Never stop in these places to fire fight - always move forward - If you need to Box up in a corner to gain health and fight a small horde - make the stay short and sweet or the zombs WILL over run your location - the noise of the firefight ensures an ever coming onslaught.5 - HEAL UP BEFORE placing the bomb.
Because of GO GO GO RUSH RUSH RUSH mentality that many players have - they get to the bomb site - and set it before anyon else arrives.
This is ONE TIME you have to stop and re-up your health, armour, and ammor for the big run to your pick up zone.
If you rush into the bomb room, set it, and rush out without healing - then chances are very high the majority of your squad will not make it because we all know that without team work - an injured squad can never make it to the end - especially in the Trainstation.* When running for the exit - there are places on each map that you can stop to heal up with a box and still make it without a problem - use the locations - slow movement is the last thing you want when running for the helo, truck, garage - you won't make it, you will die.
If you stop to hold out and heal for 15-30 seconds, that can give you speed and health you need to out run and the zombs, take a few hits and still make it out with some laughs.6a - Leaving your squad mates.
If you run solo and leave your mates, you will get far, but chances are high you will die - you have no backup, no support, no cover fire.6b - Getting left by your squad mates.
You will die.
They will leave zombies filing their wake or pouring out of the rooms in The Office building and you will never catch up.
Best bet is to hold out in the elevator room if you can and catch them on their way out.6c - Together you are stronger, apart you are weak.
Stay together whenever possible.8 - You don't know the map.
In this game, you will die if you do not know the map because you may not get left on one map, but you will definitely get left on another.
By not learning the map - YOU ARE USELESS TO YOUR SQUAD[/u].
Because all you are going to do is find some place to hold out all by yourself until it says &Mission Successful& or &Mission Failure& and somehow think you did a good thing by driving up your zombie kill count.
What you did was fill a spot that someone who wants to have fun playing with people who have some semblance of a clue as to what they are doing besides running in circles shooting at zombies on the roof of The Office or holdup in a room with a sentry by yourself for 10 minutes.
At the Start of the Mission [Do Not]
At the Start of the MissionPLEASE DO NOT:DO NOT play this game if you do not wish to have fun: Squad whiners who join and start calling people noob, criticize every choice the squad makes or a particular player, kvetching (complaining - learn your Yiddish) about every thing that happens - Uninstall or play solo with M Higgins & G Redman, because they won't care how much you whine.The reason:
This game can get very intense, high adrenaline, and mass frustration.
No one wants to hear your frustration.
Everyone wants the mission to succeed.
The more you complain the lower you bring team moral.
Complaining is different than giving tips and advice. Bottom line - the game is for fun - if you are feeling flustered, log, because most people would rather have someone who wants to have fun, do team work, learn the game, and eventually have successful -zero death- missions - complaining works against that process.DO NOT blindly pick your class: Hit &TAB& before choosing your class - look at the MAP name, and the current classes in use - Choose something that supplements the Squad - do not just go with your favorite class.The reason: This is a team-play experience.
If you join a server and see - 2 Pointman, 2 Assault - Do not choose Sniper or Technician, choose Support Medic - that is the most needed class and you will be the biggest reason they make it to the end - your healing and ammo box.
Also, choose your class according to the map.
If it is a &survival / hold out& map - then you will need barricades and firepower and that means - Support Boxes and Sentries - perfect time to earn your Achievements for Sentry or Support Box.DO NOT leave your squad solo:
There is no need to take off immediately.
Wait for your Squadmates to spawn and get situated and then move out - if they don't follow - wait - use good judgement & patience.The reason:
If you take off solo or even a team of 2 - you will create a train of zombies in your wake that your following team will be unable to get through to reach you and they will die.
People do what to complete missions without dying - This is how you get Achievements - help, do not hinder.DO NOT make uneccessary noise/shoot the car:
You shoot the yellow car (which erupts with a loud noisemaker) or make a lot of uneccessary gunfire.The reason: Zombies will pour through the next door you open and will spawn at your rear so now you have a flood in 2 directions and all you can do is barricade and hold out - If this is your goal.
Have fun because it can be fun.
If your goal is for a successful mission, no deaths for any squad members, etc - then silence is safety.DO NOT close doors behind you unless last: Why intentionally make your Squad mates movement through buildings/offices difficult?
A closed door creates confusion to new players and slows down veterans who may have a zombie train on their six and that .7s delay to open a door is all it takes for a group of zombies to reach you, bring you down and nom nom nom.DO NOT activate special door closing switches:
When you run into a room or down a hall you may have to activate a special door that will raise and lower.
Do not LOWER than door until your full squad has arrived - there is no rush unless the timer is going.The reason: You leave your squad mates to get ambushed/zombie rushed.
There is no need to rush - people do want to finish the levels without dying and with the knowledge that their squad-mates will wait for them, give covering fire and overall support the team.
You lower that door before your squaddies arrive and you quite possibly sentence them and yourselves to death.
Veteran players know the maps well enough to usually survive this unless solo.DO NOT lead if you do not know the map:
If you do not know the map - why are you out front and leading the pack?
It's good to be in front if you are the tank but not if you do not know where are going.The reason: The blind leading the blind - you will lead other new players into a dead end or a kill box where zombies over-run you.
You will also turn around to check your six and find you are alone and now lost - so what a waste of time - learn the map by following those who know it (that is the fastest way), learning by trial error is great as well -but why don't you play solo on your own server with bots and do that?
People, new players and veterans want successful missions - learn the map - then take point.DO NOT run past zombies in your path and leave them for the soft targets in your rear (support/technician/sniper):
One of the most destructive behaviours are Pointmen & Assault that run past zombies in the path and leave 2-4 zombies to ambush squishier lesser armed Squad mates pulling up the rear.The reason: ovious obvious - you leave a nasty surprise for the people behind you who expect the tanks to... TANK.
When running down or up stairs in buildings - this is a death sentence to the Support medic because 2-4 zombies in the Office Building stairwell (or any stairwell) can make a fast meal of an unprepared Medic caught by surprise because no one expects the tanks to skirt around zombies when they have weapons that can easily take out 5-8 zombies in a full clip blast.DO NOT stop for firefights:
Never stop your forward momentum to stand still for a firefight..The reason: You will draw massive zombie attention - your forward path will close and your rear will get swamped with zombies.
If you need to combat while moving - then fight to keep your forward momentum going -OR- know where you can quickly escape to for a temporary hold out:
Stand on tables, boxes, barricade a dead-end room with the Support Box and a Sentry.
Fight to reach something - but don't stand there and turn circles fighting while screaming ARGHHH DIE FREAKINN ZOMBIES!!! because everyone will die.
Fight to reach a hold out/ to move forward, or retreat - but never stop to stand and fight - never turn around to stop and fight what is coming up your rear - run backwards and shoot and hopefully your squad-mates will leapfrog giving you a breather while they run backwards taking out rear zombie runners.If you see 1-2 squad mates stopping to firefight things not in your forward movement path - you must make the choice to stand with them and watch their blind spots - or keep going.
9 out of 10 who stop moving to fire fight die - If you stop, your chances of dying dramatically increase because the noise draws zombies.
Let them die.
If you know you can't make without them - let them know to keep moving.
If they prefer to stop and do shoot-outs - change servers, your fun time with them is at an end unless you like Alamo / Kobiyashi maru scenarios (no win).
Pointman & Assault [Basics]
&& Pointman & Assault: &&KNOW THE MAP - KNOW THE MAP - KNOW THE MAPTo maximize your effectiveness in each class, I cannot emphasize this enough: Learn the maps.Weapons- Pointman: M4 Super-90, Dual Infinities, and HE (High explosive) grenades- Assault: IMI Galil, CZ 75 and HE grenadeYour job is to be in the front so you have to know the map.
This lets you know where to most likely expect the rush, the most common areas for ambush and how to effectively burst onto the scene and clear out 4-8 zombies in a burst of automatic fire creating an exit for your pinned down squadmates (especially Techs and Support).Basic Rules#1 - Do not stop to fight UNLESS supporting your squad.
If you for some reason are not leading the squad - do not - do not - do not - stop to fight - you will be left behind, in the wake of your squads movement and noise making, zombies will fill the void and you will be trapped and most likely lost if you are new.#2 - Do not stop to fight unless supporting your squad.
See what I did here?#3 - PUNCH - Punch zombies whenever possible[/b] - especially solo zombies.
Preserves ammo, and gun fire brings more zombies running.
#4 - Reload - Always.
Whenever your clip is not full, you are wrong and in danger.
A full clip M4 is needed to destroy a dead soldier, if you are 1 round short, and health low - you may have just killed yourself because you did not reload.
So reload - even if you have only fired 1 round.#5 - FOLLOW THE BOX - If your support mate is good, you will know because that box will appear in every room the team stops in.
Keep your support alive (IF they are good) and 9 times out of 10 you will make it everytime. Zero Death.#6 - Don't run past zombies and leave the medic & Tech to fight them - they will die, and you will have no box, no armour, no health, no support - and now you die.#7 - There is no need to RUSH RUSH RUSH when you have a full squad that is balanced and decent.
The only time to rush is after the bomb is set.#8 - LEARN COVERING FIRE - You run the same speed backwards as forwards - Learn the maps - run backwards when possible to take out rear pursuing zombs that are about to murder your Support, Tech or Sniper.
If you stop to give cover fire - Start moving before the person bringing up the rear passes you.
You are not good to your team dead.#9 - Create obstacles & Jump on things: Use the environment.
You can knock down cabinets, racks etc, and push them to block entry ways.
Jump on trashcans and boxes whenever possible if you are in 'survival, hold the zombs back mode!'.Grenades a.k.a 'nadeYou can throw 'nades pretty far.
You can even throw them far and high so they airburst over the zombies nuke style instead of ground bursting.
Does it make a difference?
Visual satisfaction only.#1 Do not 'nade your squad mates#2 Do not 'nade your squad mates#3 Throw 'nades ahead of you to make a hole / thin the ranks of an oncoming zombie rush.#4 Throw 'nades behind you to make a hole and give your squad an extra 1-3 seconds breathing room to get barricaded, or handle a rush already on you.
When throwing nades behind you - Don't do it unless you chose to play awesome squadmate and bring up the rear and slowing the zombie rush.
You don't want to 'nade your six and kill hurt squadmates.#5
Self-nade: Zombie rushed, not enough rounds in your clip?
Drop a 'nade on your self, clear the Zombies off you, and start running.
(Supreme Sacrifice Achievement for the profit).
Self nading is often the only way to get off zombies off you and have more armor/health intact than if you had fought 4-5 zombies off you punching & shooting.#6
'Nade bait:
Run around the area training the zombies on you, then drop nade real close to yourself and run.
What is left over can be handled by another Point/Assault or Sentry.Stairwell CombatThis is bad.
You are in a killbox - and both ways out can be zombie rushed.
Use 'nades and throw them ahead of you upstairs or downstairs (remember 'nade rule 1 & 2).
Use angles to bounce them off walls into the rooms at the top or bottom of stairs before you pass.
Best strategy - Don't stop to fight in stairwells.Health & Ammo#1 Save 2 grenades for your egress.
It will make things easier.
Especially for the Bunker and Office.#2 NEVER TAKE ALL THE HEALTH - Your team is stronger with numbers - even if moving slower.
If your goal is for you to survive no matter what?
Then take all the health and armour you see and don't expect everyone to be happy with you.Setting the BOMB!!! - Patience - No need to rush - Ammo & Health up first!Wait until your full squad has arrived or that everyone at the bomb site has replinished health and ammo.
Once everyone is sufficiently loaded and health re-charged, set the bomb and GO GO GO GO!
Pointman & Assault [Do Not]
As a Pointman or Assault class you are the most powerful asset on the team.
You can decimate groups of up to 8 zombies with a full clip and not break a sweat - this power will repeatedly save your squadmates if you are a team player.To be an effective member of your squad as a Pointman or Assault, DO NOT:DO NOT throw grenades near your squad members:
You have grenades, they clear zombies out of your path fast - the urge to use them is great when you see nodes of 5+ zombies coming or waiting behind a raising gate, however, if squadmates are near or quarters are close - DO NOT DO IT.The reason: You will kil injure healthy team mates, and probably be the primary reason everyone dies and the mission fails.
Injured people run slower.
If your goal is to slow people down so you can make it, you will be playing this game solo quite often.DO NOT run around zombies and leave them for squadmates in your six
The reason:
You are playing a tank, so tank.
No one expects the tank to run wimpy style around zombies in the stair well they are going up and down or through a hall.
Punch the zombies, point blank hose them - turn and run backwards and mow them down - but don't leave them for your squaddies as a surprise.
Do your job.DO NOT choose to use your secondary weapon as the primary during a rushThe reason: You are not as effective at machine gunning with a pistol or dual pistols as you are with your primary weapon.
Your squad needs you at your most effective and if you are choosing to earn a pistol based Achievement on the backs of your squad when they need your heavy power - then you are a liability - Help the squad, do not hinder.DO NOT run to the corners and block the Support Box so you can fire fightThe reason: Do not wimp out and run into the most effective corner for your own survival.
You will block the medics ability to put the Support Box down which will most likely result in squad death because you were thinking only for yourself.
Tanks have to be ready to tank for the squad - Stand and deliver until the barricade is up - avoid being in the way of the Technician and Support Medic - or you and the rest of the squad will not get the support you need to survive in a timely manner because the Medic and Tech have to repeatedly spam the equipment key to try and get the Sentry and/or Box down around you - instead of you making it easy for them to setup by blocking the charge and unleashing rounds.DO NOT stand in front of the barricade or on top of the barricadeThe reason: The barricade is there to give you a breather and protection.
If you stand in front of it or on top of it - then you will be fully exposed and your usefullness as a Tank to the squad will end in seconds because you will die.DO NOT lead a zombie train to your barely surviving barricaded in a corner squad mates:
When you have a 10 * 10^10 zombies chasing you around - do not spot your squad-mates barricaded in a corner barely surviving and lead your Crazy Zomb Train to them.The reason: Your zombie train will overwhelm their barricade and you will die anyways.
Run your zombie train close to the barricaded and then away so that your squads can pick them off, throw nades in your wake, incenerate them with fire - etc.
Be a help not a hinderance and die with your boots on not a skirt. DO NOT fail to reload after every time you shoot: If you just shoot 1 or 2 rounds or 1 or 2 bursts - reload immediately.
Reload always, never find yourself running without your clip being full unless you are out of ammo.The reason: Obvious, right?
But it isn't.
While running towards the objectives, as pointman or assault leading the pack, you will turn a corner or open a door and 4+ zombies will be there with welcoming hugs and noms.
if your clip is at 50% you are dead.
If your clip is full, you just pause, unleash rapid fire shotty/carbine madness and keep moving - you don't die.
If you only fired 1 round, or 1 burst and your turn the corner or open the door and dead Rambo is there to hug and nom - you are screwed because you need a full clip to love him back and cure him permanently.If you are running around and your clip is not full and you encounter one of the scenarios I listed above, sure you may not die - but your forward moment will be compromised, if you have zombies eating up your six (rear) that pause it takes to reload and shoot or punch may be just enough to give those zombies the back attack and bring you down.
However, if your clip was full - you would just keep blasting while moving forward and reloading so you can run backwards and give yourself some breathing room if you don't have a squaddie already doing it for you.- This is classic behaviour on The Office map.
A huge train of zombies follows you on each floor.
If you turn a corner and are not fully loaded then you will stall/pause and be rushed from the rear - probably in the stairwell - especially if the person ahead of you ran by the zombs thus leaving you some extra unexpected company to entertain.
Reload always, and often.DO NOT waste your ammo!:
Tanks will be ammo low on the Bunker map if you waste your rounds.
Your best assest is your primary weapon.
Having to make the final run with your pistola's is not fun unless you have the skills - if you are reading this, then you probably do not yet have the skills - may the force be with you.DO NOT waste your grenades: Always try to keep 1-2 (preferably 2) grendades for your run to the extraction/evac point.
Trainstation, Office, Bunker - all of these have some rough evac paths - Grenades can turn these runs into cake walks.DO NOT throw grenades near your squad members:
You have grenades, they clear zombies out of your path fast - the urge to use them is great when you see nodes of 5+ zombies coming or waiting behind a raising gate, however, if squadmates are near or quarters are close - DO NOT DO IT - i am repeating this because it is very important, and i have been notoriously guilty of this behaviour until i learned better.
Also, my grenade key is &E& - so i sometimes slip when hitting reload.
Which brings me to the next one.DO NOT bind your Grenade Key next to your Reload or anykey you push oftenThe reason:
You will find yourself pressing the USE key to open a door but instead you keep bouncing a grenade off of it.
You will go to reload and instead grenade your squad.
Not only do you decimate yourself, and your squad, you deplete an important resource and in the end jeopardize the entire mission.
DO NOT fail to ONE PUNCH a zombie and keep moving: All zombies except dead Rambo's can be one-punches - do this when you can, especially when running through the office to avoid attracting attention.
Support Medic & Technician [Basics]
Support Medic & TechnicianKNOW THE MAP - KNOW THE MAP - KNOW THE MAPYou are the most effective squad member when you know the map.
Weapons- Support (Medic): MP5K, USP Match, and Support box (health/armour/ammo)- Technician: Mossberg 590, USP Match, Sentry turretSupport:
Your box is life. The more you know the map, the more you help your squad.#1a - (suppport) - Put your back to the corner, drop that box.Corners offer you a hold out for a short to long period of time when solo, depending on the map.Whenever your team gets in a fire fight, your first thought should not be to squeeze the trigger, it should getting your back to a corner or the wall and putting that box down.
If you know the map - then quickly move to the nearest dead end room you can barricade or through a section of wall that you can barricade behind you.
Tell everyone immediately &BOX& - so they know to look for you and that they don't have to 'suicide#1b - (technical) - Your Sentry turret is an endless fountain of lead poisoning.
It can completely destroy a rush of zombies - especially if it has distsance on them.
Always - Always - Always - support the Supply Box!- Sentry placement:1 -
Right in front of the supply box if in a corner.
Aiming down any hall zombs are rushing down3 -
Desperate Diversion tactic - Place sentry gun at farthers possible point and run.
It will attract the zombies, blow them up when it goes, and give you a chance to escape.
This is a desperate move.
Don't expect assured survival from it.#2 - BarricadingLearn every spot on the map that allows you to place your box or turret in a room with no other entry/exit points - Like the bathroom stalls on &The Office& map - a couple rooms in The Bunker, etc.
Barricaded rooms allow your squad to catch a breather, or sometimes just gives you the time for a good WTF laugh before your Alamo hold out collapses and you die (great time for a tank to earn grenade achievements).#3 - Door BlockingThis is the Support & Sentry role at its BEST!
Running up to double doors that usually have zombs pouring out? Open it and drop the box - back up and open fire with your squad.- Standing in the elevator?
EVERYONE BACK UP so that you can put down the box and the sentry.
The elevator blocked will prevent the Z-rush on the Bunker map and let you clear the
arrival room before making a run through the next room and hall for the truck.-
Being chased by zombies?
Run thru a door that you know has no other points of entry and drop that box or turret behind you and open fire, or - if time is of the essence - keep running.
You can do the same down narrow paths and halls, especially if its the last run to the Helo or Truck.- Helo & Truck blocking - Naturally keep the zombs from running into the truck or helo - because they will join you on what should be your celebratory evac ride.#4 - Take the Higher GroundA sentry on high ground = Hand of God.
It can rain down lead from above without anything being able to get near it.#5 - Jump on things!
You can place your support box and sentry on a number of objects - like fallen cabinets.
You can drop down ontop of vehicles and place your support box so people can take a quick respite and heal before running on.
Support Medics [Do Not]
As a Support Medic you are the most important asset on the team it is important that you fill this role with that thought in mind so that you are a contributing squad member, not a hiderance - if the squad is on the brink of death, you can bring them back to safety and succcess. To be an effective member of your squad as a Supprt Medic, DO NOT:DO NOT leave your box:The reason: Obvious obvious - If its the last 60-90 second run to the evac point you can leave your box if it will be an obstacle to a zombie rush on your tail - in these final few seconds - the box can make or break the entire team making it or not.
Use your supply box wisely.DO NOT move your box once down and encamped/barricadedThe reason: Here is the scenario - You and squadmates are corner in a hall with 4m of space to your rear - 3m of space to your front and only way in and out - you have your Support Box down, a Sentry behind you.
The rush of zombie's ebbs and flows - as it ebbs, you decide to move the box up 1-2m to give the squad more breathing room and as you pick it up - the flow of zombies bursts into the scene and now you cannot get the box down, your squad cannot possibly stop the rush, the Sentry blows up, everyone dies, and you moved the box why?
Do not move the box - if you want to move the box - consult with your squaddies so they can be ready to give concentrated suppressing fire and so they don't get in your way making it impossible to put the box down.
(updated: 10SEP1501530Z)DO NOT put your box down with your back exposed: know your surroundings - Situational Awareness - if you know a sqaud mate is at your back - then trust them for now - put the box down - if not, find a corner or a wall.The reason: The box is effective as a barricade *to keep zombs away from you* if you put it down in the middle of a room and don't have any clue whats behind you, i guarantee you, you will die very quickly.
Use your box to protect yourself and your squad - if you die as the medic, chances are the injured in the squad are as good as dead before you respawn.DO NOT put your box down in random locations The reason: Again, your box defends you passively by 'blocking' the zombies trying to nom you - if you place it in random spots you have no idea what can spawn around you or come rushing in behind some tail between the legs tank.
KNOW YOUR ENVIRONMENT and always place your box strategically to give you cover, your squad mates cover and to provide a quick few seconds of healing which can be all that is needed to restore full running speed - or fast enough running speed to make it to the extraction point.DO NOT ignore your teams health: Use TAB to check their health if you can't see them - and drop the box for them whenever you can (back to a wall/corner or a squaddie watching your six)The reason: Your sole role in this squad is to provide health, armour, ammo - if you aren't doing that- then why are you there?
Support Medics who do watch their squad mates health, who do set that box in a path that blocks the charging zombs so the hurt tanks can get a quick health are the Support Medics that rarely get left, and people always want to play with.
You are the game changer and will be the reason the injured make it.
That *is* why you are a Support Medic, so SUPPORT the team.DO NOT lose sight of your squad or let them lose sight of you: As a medic if you are solo - without proper knowledge of the map, environment and how to use these best to your advantage, you will die when left alone and your squad will most likely die without you.DO NOT use your SMG recklessly: Your SMG is not the best firearm and the weakest of the classes.
Full clip bursts are wild and hard to keep on target.
Master the art of the single shot and short burst.
Two short bursts on target will kill any zombie except a Dead Rambo (soldier).
To kill a dead soldier with the SMG, you need a full clip + 1/2 to empty into that dead soldier and chances are the recoil will cause a few rounds to astray in which case that dead Rambo is going to kill you before you reload.
Short repeated bursts - preferably Aiming - will all hit the target and take it down faster - learn your weapon and make it effective in your hands.SMG recoil control: Resist the Rambo Frenzy to just hold the trigger and spray madly at oncoming zombies, you won't be helping yourself or your Squad and the recoil is going to be out-of-control.
To avoid battling recoil to put your rounds on target, use your weapon smartly, once again short burst of 1 second, 2-3 rounds, with a second between each burst gives your aim time to recover allowing you to put more rounds on target giving you a greater chance of putting that zombie down with short 2 bursts instead of 3.For maximum recoil elimination: take a knee (crouch), aim, and fire in short bursts and you will realize a dramatic reduction in recoil and increase in your accuracy.
This is my preferred way of firing - even in a zombie rush.
When you play with a solid squad you can afford to take a knee to aim and fire and not always watch your six because you know a Squad mate has your back like a bra-strap.Remember: Do not hold the trigger for a full clip burst except as a last desperate act of survival and only at point blank range.
The SMG has a mean recoil, if you full clip anything at range you will waste rounds spraying everything around the target with a greatly reduced amount of damage hitting the target.
(updated: 10SEP1502203Z)DO NOT place your Support Box facing opposite the door that is openingThe reason: Every gate that you have to wait to rise before running through always has zombies waiting because they are drawn to the sound.
Use the box to make it difficult for them to rush your squad - to do this you have to be facing them - not back to the gate that is rising.DO NOT needlessly block the entrance to the truck or helo: Newbies can't easily crouch jump - they will get left, they will think you intentionally griefed them, and most of the time the zombies can be held from boarding the truck/helo without the box.
So the key here is to not &needlessly block these points& - sometimes it has to be done.People need to learn to jump & crouch jump (and i am the suck at crouch jumping)DO NOT fail to ONE PUNCH a zombie and keep moving: All zombies except dead Rambo's can be one-punches - do this when you can, especially when running through the office to avoid attracting attention.
Technician [Do Not]
As the Technician, you are the primary game changer in any barricade/hold out/survival situation.
Your most effective tool is the Sentry turret.
If you do not understand how it works and how best to place it, you will be ineffective and your team won't survive barricades or heavy zombie rushes. To be an effective member of your squad as a Technician DO NOT: DO NOT forget you have a Sentry / Turret:
You are not fighting the Zombie Apocalypse with just your 9-round shotgun.
You have a Sentry aka Turret - It has ENDLESS AMMO - NEVER MISSES.
Always set your Sentry up.
Whenever the group comes to a stop - think strategy (after reading the other DO NOTs) and put your Sentry down where it can be the most effective for however many seconds or minutes you will be at the location.
The Sentry can literally make your time go from hard to easy when used properly, or from easy to hard when you forget to set it out because you are busy running around one shottting zombies like you are the Pointman.* Do NOT forget to set out your Sentry!DO NOT place your Sentry at the nearest point of a Zombie rush or spawn:
The Sentry is a DPS machine - the longer it can put rounds
on a target the greater the DPS (damage per second) delivered to that target.What does this mean?It means place your turret at the farthest point away from the oncoming zombies.
This means - probably NOT in front of the Supply Box.
If the Supply Box is in the corner, then choose the wall to the left or right of the Box, not in front of it - 1-2 extra meters is all it takes for a zombie to hit the Sentry.
If the Sentry gets hit enough times, it will explode - team will get injured.
Place the Sentry against the wall - means the zombies have to make 1 or 2 extra steps to reach it and that 1-2m difference is all the Sentry may need to drop everything running at it.Fartherst point away from oncoming zombies does not have to be on same level ground.
Know your environment and your map - place your sentry on high ground whenever possible as well.
Remember the farther the Sentry is from the zombies, the longer it will take for them to reach it and the more time it has to damage the zombies before they reach it or you.DO NOT place your Sentry in door / hallways to block the zombies The reason:
If you are in a room or further down the hall - then shouldn't your Sentry be closest to you if that gives it a greater distance from the zombie rush and more time to deliver damage to zombies as they rush towards the sentry?
Yes, it should.
If your Sentry is doing barricade duty - it is not going to survive - the zombies will rush the doorway in enough numbers to overwhelm it.
ONLY USE THIS TACTIC to block your rear path as you are running to the evac site - this is an effective tactice but it robs you of the ability to have the defense while waiting for your evac location to secure itself or the helo/truck to arrive/take off.
So if you do this, make sure its at that &60s mark because 90s of running in circles waiting for a Helo reduces your survivanility dramatically, but does increase the squad lulz.
Choose wisely. DO NOT block your squadmates into corners, against walls, or out of rooms & halls:
You have to know your Sentry placement which means looking around you before placing it so it is a help not a hinderance.The reason: If you do not pay attention, you will block squadmates against walls, into corners, out of rooms and halls and they will die or you will move it and may not be able to get it placed again before the rush overwhelms your squad - all because of a bad Sentry placement.DO NOT let your Sentry get destroyed!:Your Sentry has health, when it gets yellow - grab it up.
The longer you hold it, the more health it regenerates.The reason:
The Sentry is an incredible weapon of unlimited ammo, auto-aiming goodness.
If you lose it, the team is weaker for it and you will not get another until you respawn.
The Sentry can turn any barricade/hold out from an Alamo situation to a &We can doo eeet& winning situation.
It is better to grab it and save it for your final run or next rush - even if that means a squadmate may die when you grab it.
People who play with you will learn soon enough - when the Sentry health is no longer green, it is going away - and you can always communicate this via keyboard in game or voip.
DO NOT forget you shoot round for reloaded round if needed: Your shotgun can be loaded 1 round at a time so you can retreat and load - fire - load - fire - load - fire to keep zombies off you until you can fully reload.
The shotgun is a powerful weapon, as powerful as the Pointman auto-shotty, and it carries 1 extra round.
You can one shot kill them 1 round at a time as you reload - Do not forget that.DO NOT fail to ONE PUNCH a zombie and keep moving: All zombies except dead Rambo's can be one-punches - do this when you can, especially when running through the office to avoid attracting attention.
Sniper [Basics]
Sniper KNOW THE MAP - KNOW THE MAP - KNOW THE MAPWeaponsPSG1, Five-seven, and incidenary device/grenade (x4)The current maps do not cater to sniper like gaming - not many long distances to shot.Basic Rules#1 - Do not fall behind#2 - Watch the rear - you are the best rear defense the squad has#3 - Again, Do not fall behind (no one will come back for you except some super heroic Tank/Support team - and there are not many of us out there).-
People generally like the Sniper to bring up the rear because the rifle lets you 1 shot most zombies and take the dead soldier out in about 5 shots or so.Most importantly.. FIRE.How to use your incidenary device - or more importantly - HOW NOT TO USE IT.#1 - Use it to cover your escape and give the zombs something to run through and die.#2 - Firebomb the approach points to the truck and helo to slow the zombs#3 - Firebomb entry/exit choke points.
DO NOT I repeat DO NOT:#1 - Firebomb the path ahead of you.#2 - Firebomb the Support medic & box because their are zombs all over you - you will kill everyone for sure.#3 - Firebomb if you really have no clue what are you doing (load the game play your own server and test it out).***
The Firebomb can be a game changer for the better or worse.
The sniper will either make your entire run as difficult as possible with ill-placed firebombs that lag you into the loving embrace of zombies on fire, lag you into corners/dead ends where you burn to death in the embrace of a loving zomb - or in general just make your game crappy by making everything difficult because every where you go you are walking through fire.The best Sniper is the &save the day& Sniper because the firebomb, literally saves the day when used right. As a sniper - in every map you should know the higher ground - where you can place yourself to be the most effective to your team if you are ahead of them or simply camped out safe waiting for some charges to blow a hole in the wall.
Snipers can save the squad by picking off zombies chasing down injured squad mates barely making it through the water to the docks.As a sniper - you should literally be the member that 'walks softly but carries a big stick'.Every good sniper i have teamed with has made me say &dayum that was a great firebomb& and saved our butts.Every bad sniper i have teamed with has made me say &dayum, fire again?? really??& and disconnect to join another server.
Sniper [Do Not]
As the Sniper, you are an understimated and underappreciated but we will address that now - you can be the greatest hinderance or final reason for Mission Success To be an effective member of your squad as a Sniper DO NOT: DO NOT set your squad on fire
DO NOT set your squad on fire
DO NOT set your squad on fire Your Incindenary device is best used to:-
cover your rear when a huge train of zombies is chasing you - especially on th- defend the rush at the bomb zone - make the zombies walk through the fire -- burning up the zombie rush when you are at the pick-up zone or inside a shelter slowly closing.* Fire does create lag - and fire at the wrong time will kill the squad.
DO NOTsuicide bomb yourself when near your Squad - just die The reason:
Falls under the &DO NOT set your squad on fire rule&DO NOT do your squad a favor by set ablaze the hold out/barricade because there 20 zombies The reason: You just turned a winnable scenarior into a no win scenario for a few of your squad-mates for sure.
Your firebomb is not a grenade - do not use it like it is a grenade.DO NOT Tank: In any room, you should be like a technicians Sentry - furtherst point from the zombies - Aiming & one-shot killing them at a distance.
The reason: On some maps you can keep the higher ground while your squadmates run around below setting the bomb and waiting for grates to rise up etc.
This is where you shine - perch up, aim - fire.
You can take out any zombies encroaching on your squaddies like the Hand of God at a distance and when ready, move out, bring up the rear, and through your firebombs with impunity because your squaddies are ahead of you and hopefully stopping to provide cover fire for your egress.
Remember, you are not a tank - whenever possible, let the Assault, Pointman, Technician, run around doing that point blank action - your role is a thinking role - think strategically and you will be most effective.
If you do not think and play the tank, and you will get beat up and probably firebomb the squad.DO NOT set your escape route on fire:Most people do not want to run through fire.
This is why Sniper's are to be placed in the rear - set the rear path on fire, not the escape path or the path we are charging down.The reason:
If your situation is so desperate that your firebombing the route ahead of you, then chances are squadmates are going to take a few thumps from the incoming zombies in the rear or in the front.
Firebombing your route ensures that people will take extra damage and that may be enough to slow down that squadmate from being able to outrun the fast zombies.Instead of setting the path ahead on fire - secure your back to something and quickly start firing to open a hole big enough for someone to escape the hits and allow them to turn around lay mow down some zombies, rally the squad, and extract you.
Yes, Sniper, you may die - but when you give the team life you are way appreciated.DO NOT fail to ONE PUNCH a zombie and keep moving: All zombies except dead Rambo's can be one-punches - do this when you can, especially when running through the office to avoid attracting attention.
Setting the Bomb! [Basics]
This has been covered in various parts of the guide - but let's be specific.Setting the Bomb - How to do it and get out!#1 - This is the entire goal of the game.
You can reach the bomb site a number of ways, but the best is in a group.
This way - 1 person can set the bomb while the others keep the adjacent rooms occupied/watched to reduce the zomb spawn or cover you so you don't get beat down while setting it.#2 - DON'T RUSH TO SET THE BOMBS - Secure the area.
Get the support box up.
Heal, ammo up, armour up, then set the bomb.Setting the bomb with your team unhealed and low ammo is the primary way to guarantee you mission failure.
There is no rush until after the bomb is set, so why not prepare yourself so you are in the best shape for the exit run?#3 - ALWAYS Keep an EYE on whatever Elevator, Gate, Door, you are waiting for.
The moment it is open, your squad mates are going to pour through it and leave you behind (especially the Support and Tech).If you miss the elevator because you were racking up achievement points or zoned out in a Vietnam moment - you're dead - you're fault.
Believe me, one person will be quick to push the &Close garage door& button and leave you out there for no good reason except they are panicked and not thinking TEAM WORK.
So KEEP YOUR EYE ON YOUR EGRESS DOOR.#4 - If a squad mate misses the evac because they were caught up in a firefight as you are lifting off, pulling away, or the blast doors closing - have fun!
Wish them happy travels, make sure to say &bye&, and at least one person croon out &Nooooooooooooo &insert name&& - you will laugh.#4a - if you are the one missing the truck/train/helo make sure to cry out &nooooooooooo& as the zombies bring you low for nom noms.Setting the Bomb: Jobs by ClassAssault & Point - clear the forward path - the zombies are charging hard and you have the firepower and grenades to keep the front clear - This is why you need 2-3 grenades for a good egress in case the poop hits the fan.
This is also the time when i throw 'nades forward more than ever - or if the team is dead - throw then behind me.- Do NOT run pass Zombies and leave them for your squadies - now is the time where you back pedal in circles and firefight to clear the best path you can because injured squad mates can die to just 1 zomb before they can even punch.
An unprepared support medic gets hit 3 times before being able to punch once, that can mean death.
If you run past the zombs, turn to put some rounds in them!Support & TechTime to shine - get your box and turret up before the bomb is set so people can heal up and you keep the zombs at bay with the sentry.- In the elevator - Set the box up to block the door - Heals and barricade - If not box. Use the Sentry.- When waiting for the elevator or door to raise - Box up in a corner and tell the squad &BOX&.- Technicians: Place the Sentry in front hallways or against the wall or corner facing doorways and let it sit until you have to run.
When Setting the Bomb [Do Not]
You made it to the bomb!
Congratulations.Please DO NOT:DO NOT set the bomb before squad is ready:
Except for maps like &Office Building&.
There is no rush to set the bomb.The reason: If you rush in and Set the Bomb, the TIMER Countdown begins.
If you any injured squad-mates or low ammo - you probably will not have time to Ammo & Health up before reaching the extraction point unless you have a good buddy squadmate who is the Support Medic to run with you.
But what about everyone else?If you set the bomb before your squad has re-upped health/armour and ammo, you greatly reduce the chances of the full team making it to the evac without dying.
Remember, injuries slow you down, so why Set the Bomb when you are injured and can't out run the zombie rush?
The zombies
will catch you and you will die because you Set the Bomb without being prepared for the next phase of the mission.
So be patient - Do not set the bomb until the squad is ready (or all the squad that can make it the site.DO NOT lose sight of the egrees point and go Rambo when waiting for the gate to raise/elevator to arrive: When the bomb is set you will be waiting for your next exit/egress to open - keep one eye on that exit point at all times! The reason: you will either get left or you will allow zombies to rush in through that egress point that could have been taken care of before they blocked your path and killed 1-2 or all
of your squad.
When running for Extraction / Evac / Safety [Do Not]
After the Bomb is Set - time for Extraction or Evacuation to a designated locationDO NOT:DO NOT stop for fire fights (again): Now is the time to run and push push push your fight forward and hopefully you have a good squadmate who is checking your six and laying down supressing fire to take out zombies chasing you because if you have squadmates in the rear - behind that zombie rush chasing you - the moment you go off the docks or get out of sight, they are going to turn on your squaddies behind them - so one of you keep putting down rounds into the zombies chasing you and the other handles what is coming down your path.
Just don't stop.You will learn the areas you can stop and heal or ammo up after the bomb is set before you are evac'd or reach the safe zone - and you will only seconds 15-30 usually tops.DO NOT do not impede your squad-mates progress: don't lay down obstacles - like leaving your Support Box blocking a door because its empty, you don't need it and it stopped the zombs in your six - what about squad-mates that may still be behind you?
You slow their progress and you increase their chance of death and overall mission failure.
Server Selection - Choose carefully
Servers vary based on just a vew points:- Players (kids v. children): * Kids are just youngsters who know the game, play well, and are mature enough to have fun with the rest of us no matter our age.
They also don't abuse voice.* Children are kids in age and behaviour - they are immature, they whine over voice, they shoot you repeatedly, firebomb everywhere - etc..etc.* U.S. servers seem to have a greater number of &children&.- Maps:* Servers can and do have their own maps with different objectives - either set the bomb or survive.* Korean servers seem to have this down with lots of features- Extras* This includes cool things like:
Friendly Fire OFF.
!model command to change your avatar.- Latency - You can play with a server ping in the 200's without much notice - except of course if someone is playing with Firebombs - in which case that 200+ ping is going to get you killed.- Joining servers* Click Connect.
If it says full &server not responding&, just hit REFRESH in the smaller server window that appeared and you will see the number of players and their time on the server.
* So far, the auto-join feature does not work - so get ready for Codename Cure the ClickGame if server you want if is full.- Servers with Admins talking at the console* The are usually homebrew servers: Admin's at the console usually means the admin is bugging around on the server machine which usually means server crash imminent because &idle hands are the devils playground&, and server admins who only have one computer or choose to sit and chat at the console can't help but do a bunch of other things that result in server death before mission success.
So play on those with caution. - Make a Server favorites list- When wanting to play with 2+ friends - join a server with 0 or no more than 1 person on it to make sure your squad gets there.
Most people look for servers than 4 people to join, so the moment your server hits 4 people, expect the 5th real fast.
Updated - Sept 16, 2015:
Insane Mission Guide - Lessons Learned & Tactics
I will update this section with new tactics and lessons learned on my trips through infected zones.Square Box Defense - AKA in squad chat:
Q or or QxThis is tactic is called &Square& (Qx) because of 4 sides of protection:
2 Chests + 2 Walls.One could easily call it the &Shooting Gallery& as well.
When properly setup, a QX allows you to stay back away from the box to avoid all zombie damage while still shooting.
As you can sit, a Sentry can fit insisde a proper QX.Stairwell BarricadeInsane missions have crazy bottle necks that can happen with zombie hordes in the stairwells.
Use the Stairwell barricade to give your squad some rest and let the horde kill itself on twin turrets.Both of these tactics allow you to sit back and work on Pistol Achievements or No Soldier Left Behind, etc..
And keep you safe until the end of the Zombie Rush and you can moveout agian.Have fun! Colonel Briana
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