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在线时间3 小时最后登录积分19帖子UID3332932精华0坦克零件25 注册时间
LV.2, 积分 19, 距离下一级还需 31 积分
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在线时间3 小时最后登录积分19帖子UID3332932精华0坦克零件25 注册时间
LV.2, 积分 19, 距离下一级还需 31 积分
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在线时间3668 小时最后登录积分25748帖子UID1355360精华1坦克零件17192 注册时间
like play play, not play roll
列兵UID1355360精华1坦克零件17192 注册时间
本人操作虎,意识强,走位风骚,狗斗流氓。精通坦克世界3种模式,28张地图,255辆坦克,365种傻X队友。能带线,能抗炮,洞悉所有车辆弱点,说打 装填手,不打驾驶员。3倍活动让人头,银币翻倍给点亮,指挥超前反映快,骂战全程不重样。侦察车当眼,对面15辆10分钟不灭,火炮支援2秒随叫随到。脾 气好,心态稳,不挂机,不刷分,精力充沛,头脑清醒。YY24小时在线,可接受电话,短信,bb机指挥。国服、美服、俄服,欧服、海服,韩服各个有号,单 野、组队、连队、领土均可胜任。曾经92盲秒502,残血1V10翻盘,季老师700m不断腿,GWE贴死T-54,95三十四场拿尖兵。国服效率一千 七,贴吧效率七千一。
在线时间171 小时最后登录积分2300帖子UID1988406精华0坦克零件53 注册时间
LV.5, 积分 2300, 距离下一级还需 200 积分
少校UID1988406精华0坦克零件53 注册时间
在线时间7 小时最后登录积分59帖子UID3575981精华0坦克零件133 注册时间
LV.3, 积分 59, 距离下一级还需 191 积分
上尉UID3575981精华0坦克零件133 注册时间
在线时间3668 小时最后登录积分25748帖子UID1355360精华1坦克零件17192 注册时间
like play play, not play roll
列兵UID1355360精华1坦克零件17192 注册时间
收藏快乐 发表于
本人操作虎,意识强,走位风骚,狗斗流氓。精通坦克世界3种模式,28张地图,255辆坦克,365种傻X队友。能带线,能抗炮,洞悉所有车辆弱点,说打 装填手,不打驾驶员。3倍活动让人头,银币翻倍给点亮,指挥超前反映快,骂战全程不重样。侦察车当眼,对面15辆10分钟不灭,火炮支援2秒随叫随到。脾 气好,心态稳,不挂机,不刷分,精力充沛,头脑清醒。YY24小时在线,可接受电话,短信,bb机指挥。国服、美服、俄服,欧服、海服,韩服各个有号,单 野、组队、连队、领土均可胜任。曾经92盲秒502,残血1V10翻盘,季老师700m不断腿,GWE贴死T-54,95三十四场拿尖兵。国服效率一千 七,贴吧效率七千一。
在线时间3668 小时最后登录积分25748帖子UID1355360精华1坦克零件17192 注册时间
like play play, not play roll
列兵UID1355360精华1坦克零件17192 注册时间
枸橼酸钠 发表于
本人操作虎,意识强,走位风骚,狗斗流氓。精通坦克世界3种模式,28张地图,255辆坦克,365种傻X队友。能带线,能抗炮,洞悉所有车辆弱点,说打 装填手,不打驾驶员。3倍活动让人头,银币翻倍给点亮,指挥超前反映快,骂战全程不重样。侦察车当眼,对面15辆10分钟不灭,火炮支援2秒随叫随到。脾 气好,心态稳,不挂机,不刷分,精力充沛,头脑清醒。YY24小时在线,可接受电话,短信,bb机指挥。国服、美服、俄服,欧服、海服,韩服各个有号,单 野、组队、连队、领土均可胜任。曾经92盲秒502,残血1V10翻盘,季老师700m不断腿,GWE贴死T-54,95三十四场拿尖兵。国服效率一千 七,贴吧效率七千一。
在线时间47 小时最后登录积分748帖子UID32115精华0坦克零件1835 注册时间
LV.4, 积分 748, 距离下一级还需 252 积分
中校UID32115精华0坦克零件1835 注册时间
在线时间11 小时最后登录积分66帖子UID3509096精华0坦克零件198 注册时间
LV.3, 积分 66, 距离下一级还需 184 积分
列兵UID3509096精华0坦克零件198 注册时间
在线时间150 小时最后登录积分2212帖子UID2579106精华0坦克零件3224 注册时间
LV.5, 积分 2212, 距离下一级还需 288 积分
中校UID2579106精华0坦克零件3224 注册时间
bartonsl 发表于
南区玩家专属勋章 可自行购买领取,永久有效
【核心提示】  来源:WG官方舅舅党,虫族房子的部落格  http://overlord-/2011/09/updated-match-making-chart.html  补充图片说明:  Light&=&轻坦,粉红色格子  Medium&=&中...
  来源:WG官方舅舅党,虫族房子的部落格  http://overlord-/2011/09/updated-match-making-chart.html  补充图片说明:  Light = 轻坦,粉红色格子  Medium = 中坦,亮蓝色格子  Heavy = 重坦,海军蓝格子  SPG = 火炮,暗灰色格子  TD = 坦歼,皇家蓝格子  最下面那一堆主要是金币车和个别银币车,因为车辆性能的原因有不同于同级其他车辆的分房范围。  最左边竖行的数字代表车辆的等级,最上面横排的数字代表车辆能进入的房间的战斗级别,那一排排的颜色格子就代表了某个等级的车能进哪个级别范围的房间。(例如T-34、四号、小馒头这类五级中坦,能够进入6~9战斗等级的房间,相当于一般我们说的5~8级班长房)  6.7随机战斗分房规则表:  ------  这次6.7分房政策调整,首当其冲的是最近才出现,引领飙车时髦度潮流的先锋&&五级轻坦。因为五级轻坦相对于其他的五级同事们来说有着先天上的硬件优势,所以明斯克市政厅为了提高其他同级群众的购房竞争力,决定提高五级以上轻坦群体的购房标准下限两级,上限维持不变。此外四级的萝莉豹同志以及T-50同志通过艰苦奋斗,证明了自身的价值,同样 被 争取到了提高购房标准下限一级的待遇。  在上述主要方面,新近加入购房大军的五九式同志,因为人民子弟兵的经历,可以享受购房上限下调一级的优惠政策。至于四级重坦B2同学、四级轻坦瓦伦丁同学、五级中坦M4A2E4同学,则因为先天器官短小症、腿脚不便等老大难问题,长期无法在其他的高管、大腕之间获得公平竞争机会,这次都特别给予降低购房上限的待遇。  -----  以下是比较直观的调整数据:  - 5、6、7级轻坦分别最低只能进7、8、9级班长房。  - Vk1602萝莉豹和T-50分房最低等级提高一级(虽然还是属于4级班长房,但里面会有更多的3、4级车辆)  - T 59只会进8、9级班长房,跟KV-5一样,不会碰到10级车和8级火炮这些大怪兽。(目前来说也意味着进入满地高级火炮房间的机会也比较小)  - 金币坦B2和瓦伦丁只会进4级班长房,不再会碰到5级车和4级火炮;M4A2E4范围是5、6、7级班长房,不会碰到8级车。  - 其余没有单独列出的金币车,都是按照级别和车型,与银币车有相同的分房范围。
龙腾世纪 汉化
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Copyright &
硅谷动力公司版权所有 京ICP证000088号您现在的位置:&&&&&>>&&>>&坦克世界分房系统详解 白板车的保护
坦克世界分房系统详解 白板车的保护
&作者: 来源:官方
  So,you&ve seen the MM video, right? If you haven&t, you should, because this postrefers to it. In order to repeat what was in the video though:
  - there is a possibility of the MM to create non-standard teams. The amount ofsuch battles should not exceed 5 percent from the sum of all battles, but inconcrete situatios this number can vary in accordance with the theory ofprobability. For example, if you played 10 battles with IS-3 in a row and in 3of these battles you encountered a breach of the &first 5 slots& rule (tiers oftop 5 vehicles were not equal), it&s not a MM error and it most likely won&trepeat itself in next 10 battles.
  - 有可能分出一个不标准的队伍,这种情况应该不会多于总场次的百分之五,但总的来说,这种情况的数量变化是符合概率论的。举个栗子,如果你连续打10场-3,其中3场违反了&前5槽&原则(前5槽原则,排在队伍最前面的5辆车级别应该相同),这并不是分房系统的错误,并且在接下来的10场里它不会重复(这样的分房)
  - the MM tries to align the team composition with the current state of queue, sothat in cases, where the team composition is non-standard, the template forselection of tanks into teams can be significantly different from the defaulttemplate (used when the server is started) (SS: if you remember the video, itis stated there that &weird& battles happen for example shortly after serverrestart, but in fact before the templates, based on the queue are formed, theserver uses a &default& template for team building).
  - 分房系统试着从等待队列里选出匹配的对战队伍,所以,有时候会出现&不标准&的分房,选择坦克进队伍的模板和服务器的最初模板(在服务器刚启动的时候采用)有很大的不同。(SS:如果你还记得那段视频的话,它说在服务器重启后的一小段时间里,分房会变得非常的诡异。在等候队列形成之前,服务器用的是默认建队模板)
  - Statistics of played battles does influence the default template from the firstminutes and as soon as in 30 minutes, the template corresponds to the currentcomposition of the queue and &keeps track& of the changes in it. For example,on the test server the queue might be filled with vehicles of one type theplayer joing the queue with and it&s possible to notice that there are more andmore of these &popular& tanks and their waiting time gets lower and lower.
  - 在第一分钟到大概第三十分钟,已经结束的战斗数据确实会影响默认模板,模板根据目前等待队列里的车辆成分做出响应,并&追踪&相应的变化。举个栗子,在测试服里,队列里充满了某一特定车辆,分房系统就有可能注意到了队伍里有越来越多的热门车辆,同时缩短他们的排队时间。
  -If the vehicle stands in queue for more than one minute, the matchmaker triesharder to push it into battle, reducing the team composition requirements. Butthere are 30 vehicles entering the battle (2 teams with 15 players), so even ifyou wait less than one minute, you can still get into the battle, in which theteam is composed in order to push the long waiting player in.
  - There is one more reason forthe appearance of non-standard teams: platoons. If the platoon consists ofvehicles of one type (for example three tier 7 heavies), the MM easily picks ateam for such a platoon. And if the platoon is a &trollplatoon& consisting ofone tier 10 and one tier 2 tank? The MM can correctly handle even thissituation, but the composition of both teams will likely be non-standard.
  - 还有一种出现&不标准&分房的原因:组队。如果是同一类型车辆组队(举个栗子,三个7级ht),分房系统很容易对付。如果是逗比组队呢?比如一个10级车带一个2级车?分房系统仍然能正确的处理这种情况,但是会使得双方的队伍成分看起来都&不标准&
  - And there is one more type ofplatoons, for which the MM can make non-standard teams: platoons that haveartillery or scouts in them. These classes of vehicles have their own MM rulesand platoons with them should not break the MM rules.
  - 还有一类组队导致不标准分房:队伍里有火炮或者侦查车。这类车辆有自己的分房规则,即使组队也不能破坏这个规则
  (侦察车基本上包括4级和4级以上的所有轻坦,除了的M5斯图亚特、法国的AMX 40、苏联的T-80和英国的所有轻坦。)
  - While collecting the team forthe battle, the MM fills empty slots in it while moving gradually from slot 1to slot 15, skipping those that have already been filled. At the same time itkeeps an eye on the queue and from the queue the vehicle, whose MM weight isclosest to the one assigned to the empty slot is picked.
  - 当选择车辆进队伍的时候,分房系统从1到15依次填充这15个槽,跳过已经填充好了的。同时,系统关注等待队列,从中选出分房权重最接近的车,放入选好的槽里。
  - But even if the MM weight ofthe vehicle differs from the one of the slot, the slot is filled with it andthe MM weights of unoccupied slots are adjusted so that the sum of the team MMweight doesn&t differ by more than 10 percent (20 percent in case there is aplayer in the queue, waiting for more than three minutes). This explains thecases where the teams have a significantly weaker tank on the last slot of theteam: the MM corrected the MM weights of the slots several times and the lastunoccupied slot proved to be the hardest to fill.
  - 即使某个车被放在了一个与它分房权重不符合的槽里,它也不会被动,系统会调整剩下的空槽的权重,从而使得两队整体的分房权重总和之间的差距不超过百分之十(出现百分之二十的情况是因为有个人在等候队列里等了超过三分钟)这就解释了为什么有时候在队伍的最后一个槽的那个车是个特别特别弱的车,因为分房系统不断调整剩下槽的分房权重,而最后一个空槽是最难填充的
  - Slots of both commands arefilled in sync, from slot 1 to slot 15. &Rearranging& of 30 already pickedvehicles in order to ensure the equality of compositions does not happen, soeven if one team has a group of vehicles of the same type and the other doesn&t, whenthe other MM conditions are met, such teams are sent to battle. When fillingthe empty slots in teams starting from 6th slot, the MM does not crosscheck thetype and tier of the vehicle against the slot with the same number on otherteam, so it makes no sense to compare &pair to pair& both teams in battle from6th place onwards. But even in first 5 slots the rule of &equal pairing& can becancelled, if there are long-waiting vehicles in the queue.
  - 从1到15,插槽的命令都是同步的。&重新安排&30个已经选好的车辆,以确保有相同队伍成分的情况不会发生。所以即使一队有一堆相同类型的车,另一队没有,但是满足其他分房条件,这两队就被送上战场。当填充队伍中第六个之后的槽的时候,分房系统就不会交叉核对两队相对应的槽中车辆类型和级别是否一样。所以比较两队从第六辆车之后的车辆是否&门当户对&没有意义。但是当有一个人等了特别长的时间,(为了让他赶快玩一局)甚至连前五个槽的&门当户对&原则都能被取消
  - If the amoung of players playing on the server is low or if there is an overflowof one type of vehicles in the queue and the battle waiting time increases, insuch a cases following exceptions in MM rules are made:
  - 如果玩家特别少,或者等待队列里某一种类型的车特别特别多导致等待时间变长,以下的一些分房特例就用来对付这些情况:
  - there can be battles with more than 5 arty per team (if an arty player waitedfor more than three minutes for battle)
  - 每一队可能出现5个以上的火炮(如果有个火炮等待了超过3分钟)
  - teams that are not full can be released into battle (7-14 vehicles), both teamshave to have the same amount of vehicles though (this happens when any player&swaiting time is longer than three minutes)
  - 队伍人没满就被丢上战场(一队7到14人),但双方的人数还是相等的(这种情况是当任意一个人等待超过三分钟都会发生的)
  - light tanks with increased MM weight (scouts) can assume the slots for mediumand heavy tanks on the top of the team
  - 被提高分房权重的lt(这里特制侦查车,定义上文有)将会被放入队伍顶端原属于mt和ht的槽里
  - a notable disbalance of tech class and tiers might appear within the sum of MMweights of the team (this concerns arty)
  - 出现与全队分房权重极其不符合的类型或者级别(主要指火炮)
  - starting from battletier 7, a medium tank,
or arty can appear on the topposition of the team
  - 从战斗等级7以上的房开始,mt,td,火炮都可以当班长
  - if the waiting time is longer than 5 minutes, the tank drops back to the hangarfrom the queue
  - 如果等待超过5分钟,坦克就直接从等待队列送回车库
分房系统详解 毛子想得还是很周到的
&  Helloeveryone,
  So,you&ve seen the MM video, right? If you haven&t, you should, because
this postrefers to it. In order to repeat what was in the video though:
  - there is a possibility of the MM to create non-standard teams. The amount
ofsuch battles should not exceed 5 percent from the sum of all battles, but
inconcrete situatios this number can vary in accordance with the theory
ofprobability. For example, if you played 10 battles with IS-3 in a row and in
3of these battles you encountered a breach of the &first 5 slots& rule (tiers
oftop 5 vehicles were not equal), it&s not a MM error and it most likely
won&trepeat itself in next 10 battles.
  - the MM tries to align the team composition with the current state of
queue, sothat in cases, where the team composition is non-standard, the template
forselection of tanks into teams can be significantly different from the
defaulttemplate (used when the server is started) (SS: if you remember the
video, itis stated there that &weird& battles happen for example shortly after
serverrestart, but in fact before the templates, based on the queue are formed,
theserver uses a &default& template for team building).
  - Statistics of played battles does influence the default template from the
firstminutes and as soon as in 30 minutes, the template corresponds to the
currentcomposition of the queue and &keeps track& of the changes in it. For
example,on the test server the queue might be filled with vehicles of one type
theplayer joing the queue with and it&s possible to notice that there are more
andmore of these &popular& tanks and their waiting time gets lower and
  -If the vehicle stands in queue for more than one minute, the matchmaker
triesharder to push it into battle, reducing the team composition requirements.
Butthere are 30 vehicles entering the battle (2 teams with 15 players), so even
ifyou wait less than one minute, you can still get into the battle, in which
theteam is composed in order to push the long waiting player in.
  - There is one more reason forthe appearance of non-standard teams:
platoons. If the platoon consists ofvehicles of one type (for example three tier
7 heavies), the MM easily picks ateam for such a platoon. And if the platoon is
a &trollplatoon& consisting ofone tier 10 and one tier 2 tank? The MM can
correctly handle even thissituation, but the composition of both teams will
likely be non-standard.
  - And there is one more type ofplatoons, for which the MM can make
non-standard teams: platoons that haveartillery or scouts in them. These classes
of vehicles have their own MM rulesand platoons with them should not break the
  - 还有一类组队导致不标准分房:队伍里有火炮或者侦查车。这类车辆有自己的分房规则,即使组队也不能破坏这个规则
  (侦察车基本上包括4级和4级以上的所有轻坦,除了美国的M5斯图亚特、法国的AMX 40、苏联的T-80和英国的所有轻坦。)



