
Forum SidebarEvents/FeaturesActive: 1162 usersBattlerite
Sequel to Bloodline Champions, is an arena brawler is entering
Early Access is $20 and includes all future DLC heroes for the life of the game.
I think it deserves it's own thread separate from Bloodline Champions.More info
and on the
Here are the
Played Alpha, played Beta and just bought Early Access.Game is 10/10, I recommend.
WriterSalty oldboy | One and only back-to-back Liquibet Winner | AKA : iFU.Medic
I have an extra key from my Diabotical kickstarter award. PM me if you want one
The world is burning and you rather be on this terrible website discussing video games and your shallow feelings
On September 21
739 wrote:Played Alpha, played Beta and just bought Early Access.Game is 10/10, I recommend.I did not play BLC, but I did play the short last beta and immediately got hooked. I just dig the WASD/Mouse combat system (reminds me a lot of The Exiled), the short rounds and pure PvP focus. Hope this gets a nice playerbase so 10/10 from me as well!
Big downgrade from BLC unfortunately. Much slower, worse heroes and a much lower skill ceiling. Has more mass appeal but meh.
On September 21
bardtown wrote:Big downgrade from BLC unfortunately. Much slower, worse heroes and a much lower skill ceiling. Has more mass appeal but meh.Much slower? Being too fast is one of my main gripes with the game atm. Was everyone a onehit in BLC?
On September 21
KeksX wrote:On September 21
bardtown wrote:Big downgrade from BLC unfortunately. Much slower, worse heroes and a much lower skill ceiling. Has more mass appeal but meh.Much slower? Being too fast is one of my main gripes with the game atm. Was everyone a onehit in BLC? Nope, you didn't do damage faster but you moved faster and had more spells. In general it was more open ended and complex. My standard for fast is Quake or GunZ. BLC had some of that twitch, but I don't get that sensation at all from BR.Also found matchmaking very frustrating because there's no global chat for whatever reason so I can't find competent teammates to queue with and had 2x my teammates' scores in 70% of my games. They seem to have decided that 5s queues are more important than balanced games.
It's not surprising that if you were a Bloodline Champions expert playing with and against lots of new players, that many of your games are going to be unbalanced.
You can't really expect MMR's to be established on even the best match making system the day a game comes out, and I doubt this game will have the best match making ever made.
I don't think the game is perfect by any means, but I think its fun enough that it's worth $17 and people who don't can wait until it's free to play.
I tried it but gotta say the sluggish movement disappointed me a bit... didnt really get a chance to actually try it in a match tho, just messing around with characters for a few minutes.
Moderatortell the guy that interplanatar interaction is pivotal to terrans variety of optionitudals in the pre-midgame preperatories as well as the protosstinal deterriggation of elite zergling strikes - Stimey n | Formerly FrozenArbiter
On September 21
Liquid`Jinro wrote:I tried it but gotta say the sluggish movement disappointed me a bit... didnt really get a chance to actually try it in a match tho, just messing around with characters for a few minutes.I really don't like spamable ranged heroes are and and how quickly they can escape melee heroes. I am having zero luck against all ranged line ups.
I have the Honor to be your Obedient Servant, P.6
I bought it today and am having fun personally. Never played bloodline champions. Also, I get carried or yelled at every game but gosh dangit this old tiger is still having a blast!!!
The sun sets. Dusk has approached. Time to whip out my pen0r amd masturbatr to smi titites
On September 21
bardtown wrote:On September 21
KeksX wrote:On September 21
bardtown wrote:Big downgrade from BLC unfortunately. Much slower, worse heroes and a much lower skill ceiling. Has more mass appeal but meh.Much slower? Being too fast is one of my main gripes with the game atm. Was everyone a onehit in BLC? Nope, you didn't do damage faster but you moved faster and had more spells. In general it was more open ended and complex. My standard for fast is Quake or GunZ. BLC had some of that twitch, but I don't get that sensation at all from BR.Ah I see what you mean now. I'm a huge fan of more tactical play instead of faster reactionary play though, so for me personally this isn't really a downside. Except for the amount of spells - agreed that more spells and more effects (especially ones that allow synergy between characters) would be great!
Few beginner tips: 1)
If you are holding a key down it will go off as soon as it comes off cooldown. 2) Hold shift to see your EX abilities which are powered up alternate abilities that cost energy. 3) A healer can only heal the &dark& part of the health bar, but healing orbs can heal both parts. 4) The game has no mana so for beginners you want to use your offensive abilities on cooldown as much as possible when a target is in range.
Obviously defensive cooldowns should be saved until you need them and ults or longer cooldown abiliites should be timed, but for beginners you need to get in the practice of using your spammable abilities as often as you can get value out of them.
Especially your left click abilities need to be spammed when in range.
Later you can learn which cooldowns are best to save on each champion for specific situations. 5) Defensive cooldowns are the opposite.
6) Press Z while mounted to speed up your mount.
On September 21
amazingxkcd wrote:I have an extra key from my Diabotical kickstarter award. PM me if you want one key claimed. sorry for late response :O
The world is burning and you rather be on this terrible website discussing video games and your shallow feelings
This game is really excellent and a lot more approachable than BLC. I liked BLC's complexity but unfortunately it was very obtuse and turned away a lot of players due to poor in-game feedback and too much happening too fast for most players to process.Battlerite has very clean visuals and much more reasonable pacing while also having a high skill ceiling. I do think there is a bit too much homogeneity in characters' defensive cooldowns and would like to see a lot more variety there, especially among ranged characters. You can only have so many teleports on Space and counters on Q before it gets a little stale.9/10 but could go up or down depending on where they take it and how ambitious they get with hero designs.
This game is so fun! Anyone who wants a challenging and deep fighting/moba-esque game should really give this a shot.
Guys I want to reiterate this game is really good and worth the money/your time if you like competitive games that you can learn the basics of quickly but feel like you are constantly improving at every time you practice.Desperately want there to be a ladder but at least the game is even fun solo queuing (which I wouldn't have expected).
This game makes me stay up much later than I should and neglect my worldly responsibilities. It's like WoL all over again.
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