
Chinese paper’s editorial says Indians are ‘self-centered’, ‘self-righteous’[ 转自铁血社区
]中国报纸社评说,印度人“自我为中心”,“自以为是”NEW DELHI: A day after India formally got membership to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) – which China hasn’t been allowed to enter because of its dodgy proliferation record – an editorial in the Chinese state-run Global Times has called Indians self-centered, self-righteous and perhaps lacking morals.The entire editorial heaps insults on Indians who according to the Chinese paper don’t understand nationalism, have no knowledge of morals, cravenly follow the west and are spoiled.The editorial is talking about the coverage of and the failure of India’s bid to get into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Both the Indian media and the Indian government blamed China’s opposition for India’s failed bid to the NSG.It appears the Chinese newspaper’s editorial wants to give Indians a lesson in nationalism and patriotism. It criticizes Indians for their supposed adulation of the West. The US, France, Canada and several other countries backed India’s NSG membership bid.“US backing adds the biggest impetus to India’s ambition…The US is not the whole world. Its endorsement does not mean India has won the backing of the world. This basic fact, however, has been ignored by India,” the edit says.[ 转自铁血社区
]The editorial seeks to enlighten Indians about foreign policy. “By cozying up to India, Washington’s India policy actually serves the purpose of containing China.”Indians also needs to learn about nationalism, the editorial says.“India’s nationalists should learn how to behave themselves. Now that they wish their country could be a major power, they should know how major powers play their games,” it says.The editorial keeps repeating that China “follows the rules”, and the rule is that an NSG member must be a signatory of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and India isn’t. It says 10 countries opposed India’s NSG bid.“India is not a signatory to the NPT, but is the most active applicant to join the NSG. Before the Seoul meeting, the Indian media played up the prospects of its bid. Some even claim that among the 48 members of the NSG, 47 have given it a green light, except China,” the editorial fumes.The editorial – which makes no mention of China’s nuclear proliferation for which it has been shut out of the MTCR – seeks to put China on a (dubious) moral high ground.[ 转自铁血社区
]“It is morally legitimate for China and other members to upset India’s proposal in defense of principles,” the editorial crows.And then its claws really come out.“Recent years have seen the Western world giving too many thumbs up to India, but thumbs down to China. India is spoiled. Although the South Asian country’s GDP accounts for only 20 percent of that of China, it is still a golden boy in the eyes of the West, having a competitive edge and more potential compared to China. The international “adulation” of India makes the country a bit smug in international affairs.”However, the Global Times does believe that unlike common Indians, the Indian government is alright.“On the contrary, the Indian government behaves decently and is willing to communicate,” the editorial concludes.以下是环球网的评论文章:[ 转自铁血社区
]核供应国集团(NSG)上周在韩国首都汉城举行成员大会,其中23日晚的一个特别会议讨论了非NPT(《不扩散核武器条约》)缔约国加入这一组织的问题,没有达成一致意见,中国等至少10个国家主张搁置此事,要求先达成共识。印度没有签署《不扩散核武器条约》,同时又是最希望加入NSG的国家。该国舆论之前营造了一种在汉城会议上印度志在必得的虚假氛围,有媒体宣称NSG 48个成员国中已有47个同意印度加入,那意思是只有中国在犹豫。NSG 1975年成立,迄今它的所有成员都是NPT缔约国。它是NPT缔约国之间的组织,已经成为NSG的第一原则。印度当年违反《不扩散核武器条约》精神,发展了核武器,巴基斯坦成为紧随印度发展核武器的另一南亚国家。现在印度想成为既非NPT缔约国又进入NSG的第一个例外,中国等多国为了维护既定原则而不予同意,这在道义上毫无瑕疵。然而印度舆论却像炸了锅。连日来一些印度媒体大量报道此事,对中国不同意给印度开口子妄评妄议。少数印度人在社交媒体上呼吁“抵制中国货”,这种极端声音亦被印度主流媒体报道、炒作。还有印度人主张退出“金砖国家”组织,因为除了中国,巴西也不支持印度现在加入NSG,南非的态度也很勉强。


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