we lolwe战队老板是谁 mythic是谁

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NSFWWhat streams?
I say that in my solo queue games
The game ends quickly, but not in my favor shrug
Fuck it I just want Doom and Wolfenstein on the go ASAP
That is exactly what Riot Sanjuro said
Yesyes but he is a good ape
I&#39;ll just let myself out now
It depends on what you are trying to achieve
This guy says his cpu is being tortured by the game, so limiting the fps seems logical, if your cpu is fine, you can worry about things like input lag
I&#39;ll just let myself out now
The wonders of communism
you should be limiting that to 60, 120, 144 fps, because that would be a waste of cpu for unwanted frames
But hey, its PCMR
What drama?
You seem extremely butthurt, my dude
I&#39;m going to assume your thoughts on Tyler1 aren&#39;t that good either?
He is probs not going to stream on the 31st
Im going to assume he is not going to stream the 31st
I would love to try out DOOM, which is on sale, if not, PUBG would be wonderful!
I think Ubisoft might remove it in 3 weeks when the profitable window closes, if they still keep it up after that, then they are actually retarded
CSGO is like 5 years old, if that game is clogging up a quad core, you are doing something wrong, buddy
Not for Tyler though LUL
That is the problem of adding bots here, they are either trash or godlike, it makes more sense to increase the other player&#39;s gold income like what DOTA does
its not a permaban, its Indefinate ban, which means he can get unbanned but Riot can&#39;t see if he reformed if he doesn&#39;t play, so he has to play off stream to show progress in his behavior.
This is why I didn&#39;t opt for the creators update
Stick with anniversary
1080 in an acer predator 17X
4k display bb
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