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  第一次吃是在2008年在北京的时候,当时剥开后,好大的壳,里面的果肉类似大不能和什么一起吃" style="text-decoration:">瓣似的,一入口,真甜呀,真的对得起它的价格,当然也不是太贵,只是小编太穷了,所以觉得贵。下面简要介绍一下和什么相克,以后有时间了,再详细的写一下。
  +不能和什么一起吃" style="text-decoration:">:身体不适
  山竹+不能和什么一起吃" style="text-decoration:">:身体不适
  山竹+不能和什么一起吃" style="text-decoration:">:身体不适
  山竹+不能和什么一起吃" style="text-decoration:">:身体不适
  2.每天最多吃3个山竹,过多会引起便秘。若不慎吃过量,可用不能和什么一起吃" style="text-decoration:">煮不能和什么一起吃" style="text-decoration:">调和一下。
  3.山竹忌和不能和什么一起吃" style="text-decoration:">西瓜、不能和什么一起吃" style="text-decoration:">豆浆、不能和什么一起吃" style="text-decoration:">啤酒、、不能和什么一起吃" style="text-decoration:">芥菜、、、荷叶等寒凉食物同吃。
山竹是什么意思 山竹在线翻译 山竹什么意思 山竹的意思 山竹的翻译 山竹的解释 山竹的发音 山竹的同义词 山竹的反义词 山竹的例句
山竹 双语例句1. 1. 上海陆通国际贸易有限公司是一家以水果、水产、蔬菜等品种的代理经营公司主要以经营欧美、东盟、新西兰、澳洲等过进口水果,公司成立于2009年4月,主要依托上海农产品批发市场这个平台,开展国际水果进口代理经营业务,代理经营的进口水果品种主要有芒果、奇异果、红黑提、车厘子、橙子、苹果、山竹、红毛丹、木瓜、龙眼、榴莲、莲雾、凤梨、香蕉等。&&&&The Introduction to Shanghai Lutong International Trade Company, LTDShanghai Lutong International Trade Limited Company is an agency which manages all sorts of fruit, aquatic products, and vegetables and so on, especially manages imported fruits from Europe and America, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, New Zealand and Australia. The company established in April, 2009 supported by Shanghai Agricultural Product Wholesale Market develops international imported fruits proxy services. The variety of imported fruits is mainly about mangoes, Kiwis, grapes red and black, cherries, oranges, apples, blueberries, mangos teens, rambutans, papayas, longans, durians, wax-apples, pineapples, bananas and so on.2. 山竹2. 进口水果类的有:加洲红提、青提、车梨子、新奇士橙、阶纳果、红李、啤梨、萍果、芒果、榴莲、山竹、奇异果等等品种之多质量上好。&&&&Imported fruits are: California Red Globe, Green mentioned, car pears, Sunkist orange, order na fruit, red plum, pear, apple, mango, durian, mangosteen, kiwi, and so many varieties of quality can be better.3. 说榴莲是水果之王,是不准确的,因为它不能取代酸甜多汁的水果的位置,例如橘子、葡萄、芒果和山竹,那些提神清凉的水果也很棒,但是作为口味浓厚的食物,榴莲是很霸气的。&&&&It would perhaps not be correct to say that the Durian is the best of all fruits, because it cannot supply the place of subacid juicy fruits such as the orange, grape, mango, and mangosteen, whose refreshing and cooling quali but as producing a food of the most exquisite flavour it is unsurpassed.4. 提出了一种基于计算机视觉技术的山竹大小和颜色分级方法。&&&&A grading method of mangosteen by size and color was proposed based on computer vision.5. 山竹是一种热带水果,在东方自远古时代起就被作为一种有治疗功用的食物源。&&&&Mangosteen is a tropical fruit that has been used in the East as a source of healing since ancient times.6. 但是,山竹跟榴莲是不能比的,山竹就相当于桃子或者葡萄,不能说是特别出色,但榴莲就不一样,它是一个无法替代的角色,我们没有东西能和榴莲相比,榴莲是不是水果中最棒的,很难评判。&&&&There is however no com the Mangosteen resembles a peach or a grape, and can hardly be said to be superior, if equal, the Durian, on the other hand, is a fruit of a perfec we have nothing with which it can be compared, and it is therefore the more difficult to judge whether it is or is not superior to all other fruits.7. 山竹的翻译7. 山竹是富含营养的水果,而其粹取物Garcinol在In vitro的实验中可以有效的抑制恶性的乳癌细胞MDA-MB-231生长,而其抑制的途径是藉由抑制细胞生长周期中的Cyclin D Family的Cyclin D3表现量,使细胞周期停滞。&&&&Mangosteen is a kind of very nutritional fruit. Its extraction, Garcinol, is effectively suppressing the breast tumor, MDA-MB-231, growth in vitro. The pathway is via downregulation of Cyclin D3 expression, which is an important protein regulating cell cycle.8. 最终确定干木薯、鲜龙眼、鲜榴莲、龙眼干与肉以及鲜或干山竹果为重点关注产品。&&&&Dry cassava, fresh longan, fresh durian, dry longan or longan aril and dry or fresh mangosteen are the most important products.9. 本研究主要是探讨乳癌中过量表现的Cyclin D3和山竹粹取物:Garcinol之间的关联性。&&&&The purpose of this study is to figure out the correlation between over expression of Cyclin D3 in breast cancer and the components of Mangosteen:Garcinol.10. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D10. 在不自觉中,我对这里产生了眷恋不舍之情,那纯洁的气味,那美妙的声音,那挺拔向上的山竹,竟然使我变得即清醒又冷静。&&&&Not consciously, I am right here, had a nostalgic feeling of dismay, that the pure smell, that wonderful voice, and that the mangosteen up tall and straight, even made me get that clear again calm.11. 11. 作者建立了山竹壳原料和山竹壳提取物中α-倒捻子素的高效液相色谱测定方法。&&&&&&An assay method of α-mangostion content in mangosteen fruit skin and mangosteen fruit skin extract by HPLC was developed in this manuscript.12. 12. 今天,来自东南亚的榴莲、山竹和火龙果摆满了中国的超市,中国的苹果、柑桔和桃子也丰富了东盟各国民众的餐桌,这在十几年前是不可想象的。&&&&&&Today, durian, mangosteen and pitaya from Southeast Asia are on the shelves of Chinese supermarkets. Apple, orange and peach from China are an extra on the dinning table of ASEAN people. All this would have been unimaginable some ten years ago.13. 山竹它具备了特殊的医疗效果,在历史上,就使用它的果皮来治疗皮肤疾病,并且浸泡於水中做成效果独特的山竹果茶,具有强化小肠健康的效果,并且可以提升自体免疫功能。&&&&&&Special medical result that it has possessed the mangosteen, in history, use its peel to treat the skin disease, and soak and make into the mangosteen fruit tea with unique result in water, is it strengthen small intestine healthy result to have, can improve immune function of body since.14. 我喜欢吃山竹果。&&&&&&I like to eat mangosteen.15. 我的下一个实验杰西是与山竹果。&&&&&&My next experiment with Jesse is with the Mangosteen Fruit.16. 山竹的翻译16. 山竹果不仅是高酯C的,也含有许多其它对净化血液有用的物质。&&&&&&Mangosteen not only is high in ester C but many other substances useful to cleansing the blood.17. 山竹就是她弟弟想吃的水果。&&&&&&Shan zhu is the fruit that her brother want to eat.18. 18. 以半流动沙丘为对照,对5、10和22年生山竹岩黄蓍人工固沙群落不同层次(0~10、10~20 和 20~30 cm)土壤的养分状况、微生物生物量和土壤酶活性进行了对比研究。&&&&&&With adjacent semi-moving dune as the control, this paper studied the effects of 5-, 10- and 22-year old Hedysarum fruticosum plantations on the nutrient status, microbial biomass, and enzyme activities at the soil depths 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm.19. 19. 研究微波辅助提取山竹夹层中黄酮类化合物的提取工艺与条件。&&&&&&Studied microwave-assisted extraction technology and conditions of flavone from garcinia mangostana L.20. 911查询·英语单词20. 在逃荒人流中,有一家饭店掌灶师傅叫杜山竹,素有卤肉、灌肠好手艺,来到了临洺关。&&&&&&In the flow of people flee from famine, there are a hotel chef in charge of kitchen Du called mangosteen, known as braised pork, a good enema trade, came to the Pro Ming Guan.山竹是什么意思,山竹在线翻译,山竹什么意思,山竹的意思,山竹的翻译,山竹的解释,山竹的发音,山竹的同义词,山竹的反义词,山竹的例句,山竹的相关词组,山竹意思是什么,山竹怎么翻译,单词山竹是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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