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【词语】: 大发雷霆
【解释】: 霆:极响的雷,比喻震怒。比喻大发脾气,大声斥责。
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雷霆 基本解释雷霆[léi tíng ]词典:雷电;意外的事情;恐吓;大发雷霆。词典:雷声,霹雳;突然而可怕的事情或消息。词典thunder-like power or rage词典:愤怒;激怒。雷霆 汉英大词典雷霆[léi tíng](霹雳) thunderbolt雷霆 双语例句1. 1. 根据盘古开天地的不同传说,他的眼泪流成了河眼睛的光芒变成了雷霆和闪电。&&&&According to some versions of the Pan Gu legend, his tears flowed to make rivers and the radiance of his eyes turned into thunder and lightning.2. 2. 其疾如风;其徐如林;侵掠如火;不动如山;难知如阴;动如雷霆;侵吞之势如海潮&&&&Not really...but let's say true because sometimes i docan the wind make you fly?3. 其疾如风;其徐如林;侵掠如火;不动如山;难知如阴;动如雷霆;侵吞之势如海潮&&&&Not really, so false...4. 雷霆的反义词4. 不要在我每次不得不走的时候都大发雷霆。&&&&Don't throw a fit every time I have to go.5. 母亲:我丈夫看到这个会大发雷霆的。&&&&Mom: My husband is going to throw a fit when he sees this.6. 你父亲要是听说了你的所作所为,一定会大发雷霆。&&&&Your father will throw a fit when he hears what you have done.7. 她要是发现了,一定会大发雷霆。&&&&She'll throw a fit if she finds out.8. 8. 今天早上,我等了将近一个小时。等我见了他的时候,我可真是大发雷霆。&&&&This morning I waited fon almost an hour and I practically blew my top when I saw him.9. 首生盘古,垂死化身;气成风云,声为雷霆,左眼为日,右眼为月,四肢五体为四极五岳,血液为江河,筋脉为地里,肌肉为田土,发髭为星辰,皮毛为草木,齿骨为金石,精髓为珠玉,汗流为雨泽,身之诸虫,因风所感,化为黎氓。&&&&First Health pangu, gas clouds, the sound is thunder, his left eye for the day, the right eye for months, body limbs for five quadrupole Five Sacred Mountains, for the rivers of blood, as in NF, the muscle for the Land, a mustache for the stars, fur, for vegetation, for the golden tooth bone, the essence for Zhu Yu, Ze汗流for rain, are all the insects, because of the wind by a sense of vagrant into Lebanon.10. 让我们回到雷霆崖去,回到奥格瑞玛去,回到booty bay去,回到悲伤沼泽去,回到希尔斯布莱德去,回到我们沙塔斯的的贫民区和诺森德的荒原去,要心中有数,这种状况是能够也必将改变的。&&&&Go back to Thunder Bluff, go back to Orgrimarr, go back to Booty Bay, go back to Swamp of Sorrows, go back to Hillsbrad, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northrend, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.11. 精通攫抓:要使用这个能力,雷霆蜥蜴必须使用他的撕咬攻击击中小一个体型的对手。&&&&&&Improved Grab: To use this ability, a thunder lizard must hit an opponent of up to one size smallerwith its bite attack.12. 精通攫抓:要使用这个能力,雷霆蜥蜴必须使用他的撕咬攻击击中小一个体型的对手。&&&&&&Improved Grab: To use this ability, a thunder lizard must hit an opponent of up to one size smaller with its bite attack.13. 13. 但艾默里小姐对这件倒霉事儿却大发雷霆。&&&&&&But Miss Amory was savage at her mishap.14. 吞噬:雷霆蜥蜴能够尝试通过一个成功的战斗鉴定来吞下被攫抓的小一个体型的对手。&&&&&&Swallow Whole: A thunder lizard can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of up to one size smaller by making a successful grapple check.15. 卢瑟福和泰勒都是移民,都对维护他们移民去的国家表示出狂热的爱国主义情绪;两者的行为都很像身体过度发育的孩子,对琐事大发雷霆,随后又若无其事,友好亲切;两者都对学生像父亲一样,既关心他们的个人问题,也关心他们的学业;两者都多科学研究的策略而不是技巧更感兴趣,卢瑟福决定用加速器研究原子,把有关加速器的细节问题留给卡斯喀特和华尔顿,泰勒决定造氢弹和安全反应堆,然后把细节问题留给其他人;两人都把一生献给科学研究,但花费在帮助年轻人的时间比自己做研究的时间要多得多;泰勒以《齐心协力》为标题讲述了他眼中的氢弹故事;卡斯喀特和华尔顿的名字出现在写给《自然》杂志宣布他们发现的信中,但信中没有卢瑟福的名字,我的名字出现在安全反应堆专利中,但也没有泰勒的名字。&&&&&&Both were more interested in the strategy of science than in the tactics.16. 卢瑟福和泰勒都是移民,都对维护他们移民去的国家表示出狂热的爱国主义情绪;两者的行为都很像身体过度发育的孩子,对琐事大发雷霆,随后又若无其事,友好亲切;两者都对学生像父亲一样,既关心他们的个人问题,也关心他们的学业;两者都多科学研究的策略而不是技巧更感兴趣,卢瑟福决定用加速器研究原子,把有关加速器的细节问题留给卡斯喀特和华尔顿,泰勒决定造氢弹和安全反应堆,然后把细节问题留给其他人;两人都把一生献给科学研究,但花费在帮助年轻人的时间比自己做研究的时间要多得多;泰勒以《齐心协力》为标题讲述了他眼中的氢弹故事;卡斯喀特和华尔顿的名字出现在写给《自然》杂志宣布他们发现的信中,但信中没有卢瑟福的名字,我的名字出现在安全反应堆专利中,但也没有泰勒的名字。&&&&&&Rutherford and Teller were both immigrants who became fiercely patriotic in defense of their adopted countries. Both often behaved like overgrown children, losing their tempers over trivialities and then regaining their equilibrium with a friendly smile. Both were father figures to their students, taking care of students'personal problems as well as their professional education. Both were more interested in the strategy of science than in the tactics. Rutherford made the decision to explore nuclei with an accelerator, and then left the details of the accelerator to Cockcroft and Walton. Teller made the decision to build a hydrogen bomb or a safe reactor and then left the details to others. Both had a lifelong dedication to science, but spent more time helping younger people than doing research themselves. Teller published his version of the hydrogen bomb story under the title The Work of Many People. The names of Cockcroft and Walton appear on the letter to Nature announcing their discovery but Rutherford's does not. My name appears on the patent for the safe reactor but Teller's does not.17. 把我投入了有害无益的辱骂和争斗。为了一个姑娘,我和阿基琉斯竟至于唇枪舌剑,而我还率先动了雷霆。倘若我俩能齐心合谋,特洛伊人&&&&&&Achilles and I are quarrelling about this girl, in which matter I was if we can be of one mind again, the Trojans will not stave off destruction for a day.18. 他完全把面包当作艺术品,哪怕只有一勺黄油不新鲜,他也要大发雷霆,认为那简直是难以容忍的亵渎。&&&&&&He regards biscuit as completely artwork, even if one spoon butter is not only fresh, he also wants be furious, those who think that is to tolerate hard simply is profanatory.19. 19. 同样的,我们不会把雷霆一击的CD减为0。&&&&&&Likewise, we don't want to reduce the cooldown of Thunder Clap to zero.20. 在战机、火炮与迫击炮雷霆般的火力支援过后,贝劳手下的各个排依次发起了进攻。&&&&&&Barrow then attacked in a column of platoons behind a thunderous preparation by close air, artillery, and mortars.雷霆是什么意思,雷霆在线翻译,雷霆什么意思,雷霆的意思,雷霆的翻译,雷霆的解释,雷霆的发音,雷霆的同义词,雷霆的反义词,雷霆的例句,雷霆的相关词组,雷霆意思是什么,雷霆怎么翻译,单词雷霆是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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