Minifigure 1Collection Vol.1有谁还找得到么

Lego Minifigure Bracelet: 3 Steps (with Pictures)Introduction: Lego Minifigure BraceletI'm seeing a lot of Lego jewelry these days, including quite a bit here on Instructables. I decided to jump on the band wagon and make some, and the first thing I thought of was a bracelet made of minifigures. I looked around but i couldn't find any instructions on how to make one, so I designed one myself.Step 1: What You Need:- Some Lego minifigures - 2 Lego 1x1 round bricks - Leather cord, thin enough to fit through a 1/8" hole - Glue (I used hot glue because I wanted to get mine done fast, but if you aren't impatient like me it would probably be better to use something else.) - Scissors - Drill or rotary tool - 1/8" drill bit - Leather cord, thin enough to fit through a 1/8" holeStep 2: Prep-Snap the arms off the minifigures. - Cut a piece of leather cord that fits around your wrist. Line up the arms and bodies of the minifigures along the cord to get a feel for what the spacing will be on the bracelet. - Look through the arm sockets of the minifigures. Some will probably go straight through the whole body, but some will have a chunk of plastic in the way. Drill through that plastic.Step 3: Putting It All Together- Thread one rounded brick onto the end of the leather cord with the stud side facing the end of the cord. Put a drop of glue on the end of the cord to stop it being pulled back through the brick. - Get the pieces of one minifigure. Glue one arm onto the cord. Then thread on the body. - Leave a little bit of wiggle room, then glue on the next arm. You have now attached one minifigure. Repeat for the others. (My spacing was a bit off because I try and make sure the minifigures are evenly spaced along the cord.) - Once all of the minifigures are on the cord, thread the other rounded brick onto the cord with the stud facing inward. Glue the rounded brick to the cord. - Connect the two rounded bricks together to fasten the bracelet. - Show off your awesome minifig bracelet!About This Instructable 1022More by M3G:Add instructable to:Related請輸入物品的新價格。
價錢 : HK$50&(不議價)新價錢: HK$ 不議價
出售物品: Lego Minifigure 71012 Disney 人仔 三眼仔 Little Green Man Alien
價錢 : HK$50&(不議價)
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