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Sparrow Songs - Porn Star Karaoke&()
Sparrow Songs is a project in which filmmaker Alex Jablonski and cinematographer Michael Totten make and exhibit one short documentary per month, every month for one year. Episode 3 from ...
The Hitman's Bodyguard
Superheroes, swimsuits, and special operatives await you in our Summer Movie Guide. Plan your season and take note of the hotly anticipated indie, foreign, and documentary releases, too.
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Sparrow Songs is a project in which filmmaker Alex Jablonski and cinematographer Michael Totten make and exhibit one short documentary per month, every month for one year. Episode 3 from the series is Porn Star Karaoke Every week porn performers, fans and others from the adult industry get together at a bar in the San Fernando Valley to sing karaoke.
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ONA LA Karaoke (post-ONA14, pre-ONA15)
Inspired by ONA's infamous Greg Linch, let's meet post-ONA14 for some drinking, bonding and bad singing (no judgement)!
As you may already know, Los Angeles (well, technically Century City) will be the host of ONA15. Let's have a little party now before the official one visits.
Karaoke Max (inside Little Tokyo Shopping Center mall)
333 S Alameda St, #216, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Cross Streets: Between E 4th St and E 3rd St
Parking: validated in parking structure or street parking
The largest room holds max 25. And we are doing a room so we act like fools among friends.
It's be around $15 a person, or less, depending on how many people attend and how many rooms we need.
For this event we are requiring RSVPs, so we can pre-determine size of room(s) and budget.
NOTE: They will charge $1 extra PER PERSON if we bring in our own food and drink. The guy said they don't check our food and drink tho, just clean up after ourselves. This is a BYOB jam.
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Sparrow Songs is a project in which filmmaker Alex Jablonski and cinematographer Michael Totten make and exhibit one short documentary per month, every month for one year.
Every week porn performers, fans and others from the adult industry get together at a bar in the San Fernando Valley to sing karaoke. This is one look at one of those nights.
All of the films are available for free on our website, .
The website is also iPhone compatible so you can watch the films on the go.
They are also available on Vimeo at . There's a blog about the project as well,
A documentary project华东地区:
Star Karaoke
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