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场所: 奥运|话题: 举重 How many gold medals do you think the Chinese weightlifting team will win at the Beijing Olympics? 你觉得中国举重队在北京奥运会上能拿多少块金牌?王芳赵伟5 or so. They have won 5 gold medals during the past two Olympics. 五块左右吧。他们上两次奥运会拿到的都是五块。王芳Ng, the Chinese weightlifting team is pretty good, especially the women. 嗯,中国举重队还是挺强的,特别是女队员。赵伟Yeah. Since women's weightlifting became an Olympic sport, they have always performed extremely well. 是啊。从女子举重被列为奥运项目以来,她们的表现就一直非常好。场所: 奥运|话题: 乒乓球李强Do you think that we could win all of the gold medals in ping-pong during the Beijing Olympics? 你觉得在北京奥运会上我们能包揽乒乓球的所有金牌吗?赵伟I hope so, but it's hard to say. 希望如此,但不好说。李强Why? 为什么?赵伟The South Korean, Swedish, and Japanese athletes are strong competitors. 因为韩国、瑞典和日本队都是我们强有力的对手。李强Yes, but I believe when the best players face-off, the matches will be awesome. 嗯,不过我相信高手对阵,比赛一定很精彩。场所: 奥运|话题: 买票赵亮Do you have tickets to the Olympics? 你有奥运门票吗?汤姆No. Do you know where I can buy them from? 没有。你知道哪儿能买到吗?赵亮Yeah, I bought mine online. 嗯,我在网上订购的。汤姆Which site did you use? 在哪个网站订的?赵亮The official ticket website of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. 2008 年奥林匹克运动会官方票务网站。汤姆Is there any other way? 还有其他办法购票吗?赵亮You can also buy them at the gate. 你也可以现场购买。场所: 奥运|话题: 会徽王芳Do you like the emblem for the Beijing Olympic Games? 你喜欢北京奥运会的会徽吗?刘丽Of course. The red emblem is reminiscent of a Chinese seal. 当然啦,你看,会徽的红色底色就像是中国印。王芳The &Jing& character is shaped like an athlete, it's very dynamic. 那个“京”字就像个运动员,很有动感。 刘丽&Beijing 2008& in English also embodies the beauty of Chinese calligraphy. “北京 二零零八”的英文也体现了中国书法的美感呢。王芳It's really creative. 真的是太有创意了。场所: 奥运|话题: 体操 Do you know who Liu Xuan is? 你知道刘璇吗?陈红孙雪Yes, I know who she is. She has won a gymnastics medal. 知道啊。她拿过奥运会的体操冠军。陈红I like her so much, but she has already retired. 我很喜欢她,但是她已经退役了。孙雪What a shame. 好可惜啊。陈红Well, the good news is that she has become a gymnastics judge. 不过,她现在转做体操比赛的评委了。场所: 奥运|话题: 冬奥会韩美美The Olympics is coming to China in 2008. We have been waiting for it for 17 years. 零八年奥运终于要来到中国了,我们等了足足十七年哪。海伦Every country is crazy about hosting Olympic Games. 每个国家都渴望获得奥运会的举办权。韩美美Yeah, I still remember the excitement when we won the bid for the 2008 Olympics. 嗯,08 申奥成功时的激动,我现在都还记得呢。海伦I feel happy for you. We also won the bid for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. 太替你们高兴了。我们也赢得了二零一零年冬奥会的举办权。韩美美I don't get why the Winter Games are held separately. 不知道为什么冬奥会要分开办?海伦Because winter sports become very popular, and there are more and more events. Holding the Games together would require too much time. 因为冰雪运动越来越普及,项目也越来越多,一起办时间太长了。场所: 奥运|话题: 击剑 I like fencing very much. 我很喜欢看击剑比赛。李强赵伟Me too. And the Chinese fencing team is great. 我也是。而且中国击剑队也挺棒的。李强But it's a pity that they haven't won a gold medal in over 20 years. 不过可惜的是,他们已经二十多年没拿过金牌了。赵伟When was the last time they won the gold medal? 上次是什么时候拿的金牌?李强The 1984 Games in Los Angeles. That was China's first gold medal in fencing. 是在一九八四年的洛杉矶奥运会上。那是中国的第一枚击剑金牌。赵伟I hope that China will be awarded a gold medal again at the Beijing Olympics. 希望在北京奥运会上中国击剑队能够再次夺冠。场所: 奥运|话题: 历史张磊Dad, where was the first Olympics held? 爸爸,第一届奥运会是在哪儿举办的?爸爸In Athens, Greece. 是在希腊的雅典。张磊And when was it held? 是什么时候举办的?爸爸In 1896. 一八九六年。张磊So the Olympics has a history of over 100 years? 那奥运会不是已经有一百多年的历史了?爸爸Yes, and it will be held in Beijing next year. I'm really looking forward to it. 是啊,而且明年就要在北京举行了。真令人期待!场所: 奥运|话题: 吉祥物 Do you know what the first Olympic mascot was? 你知道第一个奥运会吉祥物是什么吗?林涛孙雪I don't know. But I know the mascots of the Beijing Olympic are the Fuwa. 我不知道。不过,我知道北京奥运会的吉祥物是福娃。林涛The first Olympic mascot was a dog called Waldi from the Munich Olympics. 第一个奥运吉祥物是慕尼黑奥运会的吉祥物五彩狗瓦尔第。孙雪Oh, the first mascot was a puppy. 噢,原来第一个吉祥物是一只小狗啊。场所: 奥运|话题: 奖牌王芳China's team has won more and more gold medals during the past few Olympic Games. 在前几届奥运会上,中国队获得的金牌越来越多了。刘丽Yeah, we only won 16 gold medals during the Atlanta Olympics, but in Sydney, we won 28 是啊,亚特兰大奥运会的时候我们只获得了十六块金牌,但悉尼奥运会的时候我们获得了二十八块。王芳And in Athens we even won 32, and came in second in the gold medal standings. 在雅典更是拿到了三十二块,位居金牌榜第二呢。刘丽I hope we can have even more success at the Beijing Olympics. 希望北京奥运会我们的成绩会更好。场所: 奥运|话题: 奥委会汤姆Do you know who the current president of the Olympic Committee is? 你知道现任奥委会主席是谁吗?吉姆Isn't it Samaranch? 不是萨马兰奇吗?汤姆He retired a while ago. I heard the new president is Belgian. 他不久前退了。听说新任主席是比利时人。汤姆You're right. The new president is a Belgian, named Rogge. He was also an athlete. 哦,对。新任主席是比利时人罗格。他以前也是一名运动员。汤姆I also heard that he was a plastic surgeon before. 听说他以前还当过整形医生呢。 场所: 奥运|话题: 奥运会王平I'm looking forward to the 2008 Olympic Games. 好期待二零零八年的奥运会啊。杰瑞So am I. Olympics is the biggest sports event in the world. 我也是呢,奥运会可是世界上规模最大的体育盛事。王平You know it's being held in Beijing, right? 你知道这次是在北京举办吧?杰瑞Oh, are you from Beijing? 哦,你是北京人吗?王平Yeah. I welcome you to visit my hometown. 是的。欢迎来到我的家乡。场所: 奥运|话题: 学英语刘丽A lot of people are learning English for the Olympics. 为了迎奥运,好多人都在学英语呢。王芳Yup. Many old people are learning English, too. 是啊,好多大爷大妈也在学呢。刘丽As volunteers during the Beijing Olympics, we should also learn more English. 我们是北京奥运会的志愿者,也应该要多学学英语。王芳That's right. Now I practice speaking English every day. 没错,所以我现在每天都在练习英语口语呢。场所: 奥运|话题: 射击王芳I like the shooting competitor, Zhu Qinan. 我喜欢射击选手朱启南。刘丽Oh, he was the champion of the Men's 10m Air Rifle in Athens. 哦,他是雅典奥运会男子十米气步枪项目的冠军。王芳He also broke the world and Olympic records. 而且还打破了世界纪录和奥运会纪录。刘丽I still remember how he confidently gave a thumbs up. 我记得当时他还自信地竖起了大拇指呢。王芳That was so cool! I hope he wins again. 真是太帅了!希望他还能拿冠军。场所: 奥运|话题: 开幕式刘丽I really like watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics, because it reflects the national culture of the host country. 我特别喜欢看奥运会的开幕式,因为它能展现出主办国的民族文化。王芳Me too. I enjoy watching it every time. 嗯,我每次看也觉得是种享受。刘丽I am looking forward to the lighting of the Olympic flame the most. 我最期待的还是点火仪式。王芳Exactly. They light the flame in a spectacular way every time. 没错。每次点燃圣火的方式都很新颖。 刘丽I hope they will find a creative way to light the flame during the Beijing Olympics. 希望北京奥运会点燃圣火的方式也会很有创意。王芳You should trust Chinese wisdom. 你应该相信中国人的智慧。场所: 奥运|话题: 志愿者陈红Do you want to become a Beijing Olympic volunteer? 你想成为北京奥运会的志愿者吗?刘静Sure. But I don't know how to apply. 当然了。但是我不知道怎么报名。陈红You can check out the poster on the bulletin board at school. 你可以去咱们学校的海报栏看看。刘静Great. I could offer service in English and French if I were a volunteer. 太好了。如果成为志愿者的话,我的英语和法语也可以派上用场了。陈红Let's apply together. 我们一起去报名吧。场所: 奥运|话题: 排球 It wasn't easy for the Chinese women's volleyball team to win during the Athens Olympics. 雅典奥运会中国女排夺冠真是不简单啊。林涛孙雪Yes. They won the final three matches and ultimately beat Russia for the gold. 是啊。她们赢了最后三局,最终打败俄国队。林涛Yes. They won the last three and, finally, beat Russia for the gold. 对啊。最后连赢了三局,打败了俄罗斯队得了金牌。孙雪You know it's been 20 years since they last won the gold. 距离上次奥运会夺冠都有二十年了。林涛Yeah. I hope they can win again at the Beijing Olympics. 希望她们北京奥运会还能是冠军。场所: 奥运|话题: 教练刘静Do you know Li Yongbo? 你知道李永波吗?陈红Yes. He's the famous! 当然了,他可是大名鼎鼎。刘静I admire him a lot. The Chinese badminton team has won lots of gold metals under his lead. 我一直很崇拜他。在他的带领下,中国羽毛球队拿了很多金牌。陈红Well, I think it's because the players are very strong. 我觉得主要是羽毛球队的队员有实力。刘静I don't agree. I think a good player can't win without a good coach. 实力再强,也需要教练好好指导啊。场所: 奥运|话题: 旅游业 The 2008 Olympics will offer a great opportunity for China's tourism industry. 零八年奥运会将给中国的旅游业带来绝佳的机遇。王平海伦Ur...Beijing has been a world-famous city known for its cultural relics. 呃……北京已经是一个世界著名的文化遗产圣地了。 王平Because of the Olympics, Beijing will become one of the best-known destinations in the world. 因为奥运,北京更将成为最著名的一个旅游目的地。海伦I think Beijing's tourism industry will have really good prospects both before and after the Olympics. 我认为零八年前后,北京的旅游前景都会非常不错。王平The government estimated that there will be more than 5 million overseas tourists coming into Beijing. 政府部门预计在零八年将有超过五百万的外国游客来到北京。海伦5 million? What a terrifying figure. 五百万?好惊人的数字啊!场所: 奥运|话题: 歌曲 What are you listening to? 你在听什么呢?王芳刘丽Some songs written for the Beijing Olympics. 北京奥运宣传歌曲。王芳I've heard that many singers have been composing songs for the Olympics. 我听说有好多歌手都在制作跟奥运会相关的歌儿呢。刘丽Yeah, which one is your favorite? 对啊,你最喜欢哪首?王芳&We are ready& from the Stars Concert. 群星演唱的《我们准备好了》。刘丽It has a very catchy tune, and it means that we are ready for the 2008 Olympic Games. 这首歌很琅琅上口,也表明我们已经为零八年奥运会做好了准备。场所: 奥运|话题: 武术刘丽With the spread of Chinese kung fu movies, more and more foreigners are beginning to like Chinese Wu Shu. 随着我国功夫电影的传播,越来越多的外国人开始喜欢上了中国武术。王芳It is said that Wu Shu will be a special event at the Beijing Olympics. 听说武术将作为北京奥运会的特设项目。刘丽Yeah, I hope that one day Chinese Wu Shu will become a formal Olympic event. 是啊,希望有一天中国的武术能成为奥运会的正式比赛项目。王芳It will be difficult, but it's a start. 那可不容易,不过这已经是个很好的开始了。场所: 奥运|话题: 比赛场馆 What're those buildings beside our school for? 学校旁边那片高楼是干什么用的?刘静李磊You don't know? That's the Olympic Village. 你不知道啊,那是奥运村。刘静The Olympic Village? 奥运村?李磊Yes, it's the place where the Olympic athletes stay. 就是奥运会时运动员们住的地方。刘静Wow, great. The athletes will be our neighbors then. 哦,太好了。我们到时就可以和运动员们做邻居了。 场所: 奥运|话题: 比赛项目汤姆Do you know how many sports the Olympics has? 你知道奥运会有多少个比赛项目吗?约翰I've no idea. It seems like a lot. Are there 50? 不知道。好像很多。有五十个吗?汤姆Actually, there aren't that many. There are 28 sports in total. 没有那么多。共有二十八个大项。约翰Only 28? 才二十八项?汤姆Yes. But there are different events in some sports. Take swimming for example, there are 32 swimming events. 对。但有些大项下面还有分项。像游泳一项,就有三十二个小项呢。约翰Oh, I get it. 噢,我明白了。场所: 奥运|话题: 游泳 I enjoy watching swimming events. 我喜欢看游泳项目。莉莉赵亮Like the races? 你是说比赛?莉莉Yeah, and all those different strokes: the backstroke, the butterfly, etc. 嗯,各种泳姿的:仰泳啦、蝶泳啦什么的。赵亮What about other swimming events? 那其他游泳项目呢?莉莉What other events are there besides racing? 啊?游泳还有其他项目吗?赵亮There's lots of other stuff! There's diving, synchronized swimming and water polo. 多着呢!比如说跳水、花样游泳和水球。莉莉Geez, I didn't know those were also swimming events! 天哪,我原来都不知道这些也属于游泳项目呢。场所: 奥运|话题: 火炬手陈红The Olympic Games are going to be held in Beijing next year. 奥运会明年就要在北京举行了。刘静Yes. And I'm sure the opening ceremony will be amazing. 是啊。明年的开幕式肯定很壮观。陈红There is usually a torch relay before the ceremony. 开幕之前一般都要传递奥运火炬。刘静Yes. I want to be a torch bearer. 我想做一名奥运火炬手。陈红So do I. We can go applying together. 我也是。咱们可以一起去报名。场所: 奥运|话题: 火炬接力大卫The torch relay for the Beijing Olympics will last 130 days and travel 137,000 kilometers. 北京奥运会的火炬传递历时一百三十天,总里程十三点七万公里。 艾丽丝Really? Where will the torch go? 真的?传递的路线是怎样的?大卫It will start in Beijing and pass through 21 countries and 31 provinces and cities in China. 从北京开始,经过二十一个国家和国内三十一个省市。艾丽丝I wonder if the torch will pass through our city. 不知道火炬会不会经过我们市呢?大卫I don't remember the details, but you can check it online. 我忘了,但你可以上网查一下。艾丽丝I hope I can see the torch relay in person. 真希望能亲眼看到火炬传递。场所: 奥运|话题: 田径王平Do you have a copy of today's paper? I want to check how Liu Xiang did yesterday. 有今天的报纸吗?我想看一下刘翔昨天的成绩。汤姆Yes, it's on the table. Are you talking about The 11th World Track and Field Championships? 有,在桌子上。第十一届田径世界锦标赛?王平Yeah. 对。汤姆He won the men's 110m hurdles with a time of 12.95 seconds. I saw it on TV. 他以十二秒九五赢得了一百一十米栏的冠军。我在电视上看了。王平That's great! It's too bad he didn't break his old record. Anyways, he's still the best. 太棒了!可惜没有打破他自己的记录。不过他是最棒的。汤姆He's become a national hero in China, right? 他已经成了中国人的民族偶像了,是吧?场所: 奥运|话题: 申奥 The Olympics is finally going to be held in our country. 奥运会终于要在我们国家举行了。刘丽王芳Yeah, the process of applying for the Olympics is really tough. 是啊,当初我们申奥的过程真是曲折啊。刘丽Yup, That's why all of us were so excited about China's successful bid for the Olympics. 嗯,所以申奥成功的时候所有人都很激动。王芳That was in 2001. It's been nearly seven years, and the Beijing Olympics is coming soon. 那还是零一年呢,转眼七年就快过去了,北京奥运会也快要举行了。场所: 奥运|话题: 短跑 Do you like track? 你喜欢赛跑吗?杰瑞李梅Yeah. I admired Marion Jones, but she has fallen on hard times recently. 嗯,我崇拜马? 琼斯,不过现在她正处于低潮。杰瑞She used to be the top runner before. I heard she got re-married. 她以前是最棒的选手。听说她再婚了。李梅She did - her husband is also a sprinter. Who is your favorite runner? 是的,她的丈夫也是短跑运动员。你最喜欢哪个短跑运动员?杰瑞I like Asafa Powell and Tyson Gay, they are new track stars. 我喜欢阿萨法? 鲍威尔和泰森? 盖伊,他们是跑道上的新星。李梅Which one do you think will do better in next year's Olympics? 你说二零零八奥运会他们谁会赢?杰瑞I don't know. It's anybody's game. 不知道,每个人都有机会。场所: 奥运|话题: 竞走 When I was at school, I was quite good at race walking. 我在学校的时候,竞走很强呢。王平杰瑞Did you ever win any competitions? 有得过什么奖吗?王平I was once the provincial champion for the 20 km pedestrian race. 我得过二十公里竞走的省冠军。杰瑞Wow. Why didn't you become a professional? 哇。你怎么没有成运动员?王平One day I broke my leg and decided to give it up after that. 我有一次摔伤了腿,就放弃了。杰瑞I'm sorry. I didn't know. You still look great. 不好意思。我不知道。不过你看起来挺好的呀。王平Don't worry about it. It's just that I'm not cut out for sports anymore. 没关系的。那并不表示我不能做任何运动了。场所: 奥运|话题: 篮球艾丽丝Why do you like basketball? 你为什么喜欢篮球?大卫 艾丽丝I like watching the players dribble and pass the ball and find offense and defense exciting. What about soccer? 足球呢?大卫I like soccer, too. 足球也喜欢。艾丽丝Which one do you like more? 更喜欢哪个?大卫Basketball. Because its pace is faster and the action is more intense. 篮球。它的节奏更快,对抗也更为激烈。场所: 奥运|话题: 网球露西Do you like watching tennis? 你喜欢看网球比赛吗?玛丽Very much. And I like Federer the most. What about you? 喜欢啊。我最喜欢费德勒了。你呢?露西I prefer Nadal. 我喜欢纳达尔。玛丽Why? I don't think Nadal is as skillful as Federer is. 我觉得纳达尔的球技不如费德勒。露西I don't agree. Nadal recently beat Federer. 才不会呢。最近纳达尔才刚打赢了费德勒。场所: 奥运|话题: 羽毛球 Do you know Super Dan? 你知道超级丹吗?张华陈红Of course, Lin Dan from the Chinese badminton team. I love watching him play. 当然了,不就是羽毛球队的林丹嘛。我最喜欢看他打比赛了。张华Me too. He's won a couple of gold medals in men's singles. He's awesome. 我也是。他已经拿了好几个男单冠军,真的太棒了。陈红And did you know he's a lefty? I think that's amazing. 而且他还是左手握拍。真是不简单啊。张华I hope he can win at the 2008 Olympics. 希望他零八年奥运会的时候,还能拿冠军。陈红That shouldn't be a problem. I have faith in him. 肯定没问题,我对他有信心!场所: 奥运|话题: 花样滑冰 Which Winter Olympic events do you like most? 你最喜欢冬奥会哪个项目?丹尼尔琳达Figure skating. 花样滑冰。丹尼尔Me too. I think it's so incredible to perform so many difficult movements. 我也是,我觉得在冰上还能做那么多高难度的动作真是太厉害了。琳达But I worry a I'm afraid that they will bet injured. 可是每次也会替他们担心,害怕他们受伤。丹尼尔Hmm, still, their beautiful performances are really enjoyable to me. 嗯,不过他们优美的表现的确是种享受。场所: 奥运|话题: 足球大卫The game last night was really exciting. Did you watch it? 昨天晚上的比赛真精彩,你看了吗?王平Nah, I was busy working all night. 没,我整晚都在忙工作。大卫That's too bad. Portugal beat Iran 2 to 0. 真可惜。葡萄牙二比零战胜了伊朗。王平Any good goals? 有什么好球吗?大卫Yeah, No.8 of Portugal volleyed the ball into the goal from 25 meters away. It was amazing. 嗯,葡萄牙的八号在球门二十五米外凌空抽射,非常精彩。王平That means Portugal can advance to the 2nd round. 那么葡萄牙有希望晋级了。场所: 奥运|话题: 跆拳道 张婷I want to attend a tae kwon do class. 我想去报个跆拳道班。刘丽Why do you want to learn tae kwon do all of a sudden? 怎么突然想去学跆拳道了?张婷Because my idol is Chen Zhong. 因为现在我的偶像是陈中。刘丽Oh, I know her, she is the champion of the Women's Tae Kwon Do 67kg weight-class during the 2000 and 2004 Olympics. 哦,我知道她是零零和零四年奥运会跆拳道女子六十七公斤级冠军。张婷You're right. I hope she can three-peat in 2008. 没错,我希望她能在零八年再次夺冠,实现三连冠。场所: 奥运|话题: 跳水 The Chinese diving team is called the &Dream Team&. 中国跳水队被称为“梦之队”。大卫赵亮Yeah…that's because each of them always takes home a gold medal when one of them competes. 嗯,那是因为他们每一个参赛的选手都会拿块金牌回去。大卫Uh-huh. I especially love Fu Mingxia. She's considered &the diving queen& and is pretty too. 嗯,我特别喜欢伏明霞。人们说她是漂亮的跳水皇后。赵亮But she's been retired for a while now - Guo Jingjing took her place as the most famous diver in China. 她已经退役了。现在中国最出名的跳水队员是郭晶晶。大卫Is she pretty? 她漂亮吗?赵亮Different strokes for different folks. 萝卜青菜,各有所爱吧。场所: 奥运|话题: 蹦床 Have you ever seen the trampoline event? 你看过蹦床比赛吗?玛丽吉姆Trampoline? I haven't even heard of it. Is that an Olympic sport? 蹦床?我都没听说过。这是奥运会比赛项目吗?玛丽Of course. It's pretty interesting. You should check it out. 当然了。这个比赛很有意思。你可以去看看。吉姆OK. 好啊。场所: 奥运|话题: 长跑 How are the students doing at sports? 学生们的体育怎么样?大卫赵亮I'm worried about the long- very few of the girls can cover the 800m in under 3 minutes. 我正担心长跑呢,只有几个女生在三分钟内能跑完八百米。大卫You mean it's not easy for girls to complete? 你是说女生很难达到要求?赵亮Yes, it's not easy at all. The finals are coming up soon, so I've asked the girls to run 1km a day from now on. I hope it helps. 嗯,挺难的。马上就要期末考试了,所以我让她们每天跑一千米,希望管用。大卫Are they any good at running the 100m sprints? 一百米怎么样?赵亮They're not bad…some of them did well. 还行,有些人跑得很快。场所: 奥运|话题: 马拉松海伦It's been a great competition. We got gold medals in three events. 这次比赛收获不错,我们一共取得了三个项目的金牌。赵亮Other than the men's 110m hurdles, what other events did we win? 除了男子一百一十米栏,还有什么项目得金牌了?海伦We also won the men's high jump and the women's 1500m. 男子跳高和女子一千五百米。赵亮What about the marathon? 马拉松呢?海伦We didn't place. 没有名次。场所: 奥运|话题: 马术李梅Which competitions are you going to watch? 你要看什么比赛?海伦I want to see some of the equestrian events. 我想看马术比赛。李梅Ah, the equestrian events are going to be held in Hong Kong. 哦,马术比赛是在香港举行。海伦Really? Should I go to Hong Kong? 真的?我还得去香港啊?李梅Yeah, while you're there, you can also go shopping. Hong Kong is called a &Shopping Paradise.& 嗯,去那儿还可以购物。香港可是购物天堂哦。海伦That sounds good. Maybe I should plan a trip to Hong Kong. 不错。看来我真该做个香港行的计划。场所: 家|话题: 个人信息查理Hello, is this Mr. Gao? 你好,高先生吗?中介Yes, hello, Charlie. 我是,你好,查理。查理My relative is sending a package from the US to me and asking for my address, but I don't know it. So I'm calling to ask you. 我一个亲戚要从美国给我寄包裹,问我地址,可我居然不知道,所以想问你一下。中介I'll check for you, hold on a second... Your address is, Xingfu Jiayuan, building 3, apartment 302, Chaoyang District, Beijing. 稍等,我帮你查一下……你的地址是北京市朝阳区幸福家园三号楼三零二室。查理OK, thank you so much. 好的,太谢谢你了。中介No problem. You can also check your rental contract. Your address is in it. 不客气。你也可以查看你的租赁合同,上面有地址。场所: 家|话题: 买房 李明The apartment I looked at today was pretty decent - around 120 m? . 我今天看的房相当不错,大概得有一百二十平米。王芳Great. What about the surrounding area? 好啊。周围环境怎么样?李明Very quiet and safe. And it's got a lot of trees and plants. 很安静,治安很好,而且绿化也很棒。王芳That's good. Is the location easily accessible? 很好啊。交通便利吗?李明Yep, its' near a bus stop. 嗯,挨着公车站。王芳Hmm…well, maybe we can buy this one then. 嗯……好吧,也许我们可以买下这个房子。场所: 家|话题: 买车王平Should I buy a car? 你说我该买车吗?汤姆You could - it would be convenient for driving to work, and you can also use it to go off on holiday. 可以呀,有了车上下班就方便了,放假还能开车出去郊游。王平Actually it's not necessary for now. It's very convenient riding the subway. 也没到非买不可的地步,我坐城铁上班挺方便的。汤姆Traffic is bad these days. It would be slower than taking the subway if you run into a traffic jam. 现在交通不好,遇上堵车兴许还不如坐地铁快呢。王平Yeah. Also, petrol prices are rising, and maintenance and parking cost too much. 是啊。另外,油价也一直在涨,保养、停车什么的开销都挺大的。汤姆That's true. You need to think about it a lot. 那倒是,再好好考虑一下吧。场所: 家|话题: 修理爱德华Hello, is this the management office? 您好,是物业吗?职员Yes, how can I help you? 是,请讲。爱德华The pipe in my bathroom is broken, and now the water doesn't flow because there is no pressure. 我厕所的水管坏了,现在水因为缺压流不出来。职员Okay, we will send a repairman to your home and fix it. 好,我们会派个修理工过去修好它。爱德华Thanks. Please make it quick. 谢谢。麻烦快点儿啊。职员No problem. He'll be there in 10 minutes. 没问题。十分钟之内就能到。场所: 家|话题: 做饭孙雪Mom, can we have lunch now? 妈,能吃午饭了吗?妈妈Not yet, your father hasn't come home. 再等一会儿。你爸还没有回来呢。孙雪But I'm starving. 我都快饿死了。妈妈Then why didn't you have breakfast? Just hang on a little longer and your father will be back . 谁让你不吃早饭的?再等等,你爸爸马上就回来了。孙雪I can't wait anymore. Let's eat first. 我等不及了。咱们先吃吧。妈妈Fine. I don't know what to do with you sometimes. 好吧,有时真拿你没办法。场所: 家|话题: 友谊妈妈Where are you going? 你去哪儿?琳达I'm going to the hospital to see Jane. 我去医院看简。妈妈What's the matter with her? 她怎么了?琳达She broke her legs and hasn't been at school for two days. 她腿骨折了,都两天没来上学了。妈妈Oh, poor thing! But why are you bringing your backpack? 哦,真可怜!那你为什么带着背包啊?琳达I want to give her my notes on the stuff that she's missed. 因为我想把她落下那些课的笔记给她。妈妈That's really kind of you, sweetie! 做得好,宝贝儿!场所: 家|话题: 吵架迈克Hey! Where did all the cake go? 嘿! 蛋糕都哪儿去了?吉姆You mean the leftover cake? 你是说那些吃剩下的蛋糕?迈克Duh! I haven't had any and it's gone? 废话!我还一点儿都没吃就没影儿了?吉姆Sorry. Nothing left. I just ate the last piece. 对不住,我吃了最后一块儿,一点儿没剩。迈克But it's MY birthday cake! 可那是我的生日蛋糕啊!吉姆Hey! It's not my fault. If you snooze, you lose! 嘿!这可不怪我,谁让你坐失良机了?迈克I'm going to tell mom on you! 我告诉妈去!吉姆You dare! 你敢!场所: 家|话题: 天气陈红You'd better not go out today. 今天没事最好不要出门。孙雪How come? 怎么了?陈红There's a strong wind outside, and it's so dusty. 外面风很大,扬尘很厉害。孙雪The spring wind in Beijing is really strong. You know, it looks sunny outside, but you can't go out. 北京的春天风真大。明明外面阳光灿烂,却不能出门。陈红You're right. It's dirty from all the dust and sand blowing around in the wind. 对啊。一刮风,就有很多尘土和沙子,太脏了。孙雪I prefer my hometown to Beijing. It's always sunny and never too windy. 还是我们老家那儿好。一年四季都风和日丽的。场所: 家|话题: 孩子琳达It's so wonderful to have a child. 有个孩子真幸福啊。王芳But it's hard work raising him! 可养个孩子多累啊。琳达Isn't it a happy thing to see him growing up? 可看着他慢慢长大,不也是很幸福的吗?王芳You are right. 那倒是。场所: 家|话题: 宠物海伦What's wrong with the cat? He didn't eat this morning. 小猫怎么了,上午都没吃东西。李梅Maybe he doesn't like what you fed him? What did you feed him? 是不是它不喜欢吃啊,你喂它什么了?海伦Some new cat food. I thought he would enjoy it. 新买的猫粮,我觉得它应该会喜欢吃哪。李梅Maybe he doesn't like it. Try giving him some fish. 看来它是不怎么喜欢,给它条鱼吃吧。海伦He can't d maybe some can fish will work. 它太小还不能直接吃鱼,只能吃鱼罐头。李梅We don't have any…maybe some milk? 家里没有罐头了,要不喂点儿牛奶吧。海伦If he still doesn't eat anything by this evening, I'll take him to the vet tomorrow. 好的。如果到晚上还不吃东西,就带它去医院吧。场所: 家|话题: 家人刘静Hi, sis. Could you go shopping with me tomorrow? 老姐,明天能跟我一起去逛街吗?陈红Sure. What's the occasion? 好啊,有什么应酬? 刘静There's a big fancy party this weekend, and I'm dreading going because everyone judges your style. 这周末有个大型的豪华派对,我都怕死这种派对了,每个人都对你的衣着品头论足的。陈红Don't worry. I promise that we'll find you something real classy. 别担心。我保证你能买到非常漂亮的衣服。刘静Yeah, you do have a nose for fashion, sis. 嗯,老姐,你的时尚嗅觉的确了得。场所: 家|话题: 家务迈克How much do you charge per hour? 你工作一个小时收费多少?保洁阿姨10 yuan per hour. 一小时十块。迈克OK, your work is cleaning the floors, washing clothes and doing the dishes. 你只要帮我拖地,洗衣服,刷碗就可以了。保洁阿姨That will take about 3 hours, so it's 30 in total. 那差不多要三个小时吧,总共三十块钱。迈克OK, come every Friday morning at 8 o'clock. 好的,那你每个周五早上八点过来打扫吧。保洁阿姨Sure. 好的。场所: 家|话题: 家用电器凯特Our washing machine has just bitten the dust. It doesn't work at all. 咱们的洗衣机报销了。根本不能用。杰克Check out the commercial. How about this silver one? It's shiny! 看看广告。这个银色的怎么样?亮晶晶的。凯特I hate silver. 我不喜欢银色。杰克Since when? 什么时候开始不喜欢银色了?凯特Since always. 从来就没喜欢过。场所: 家|话题: 年纪简Can I tell you a story, Fang? 小芳,我给你讲个故事吧。王芳Alright, go ahead. 好,你讲吧。简Once I called on a Chinese friend. When I saw her mother, I said, &You look so healthy, auntie. How old are you?& 有一次我去一个中国朋友家作客,我看见那个朋友的妈妈就说:“您身体这么健康啊伯母,您几岁了?”王芳That's not how you ask old people how old they are. 不是这么个问法儿。简Exactly. My friend told me that I should ask &Could I ask how old you are?& 可不是,那个朋友告诉我应该说您多大年纪了?王芳That's right. 这样问就对了。 场所: 家|话题: 广告王芳Look, this advertisement is very nice. 你看,这个广告挺好看的。李明Yeah, the actress is very beautiful. 是啊,这个女演员挺漂亮的。王芳Oh, no, I mean the idea of it is very creative. 不是啦,我是说广告创意非常好。李明You're right. It's much more interesting than the TV shows you watch. 没错,比你看的那些商业广告强多了。场所: 家|话题: 打扫琳达What are you doing, Dad? 爸爸,您在做什么呢?爸爸I am cleaning up the house. Could you help me? 我在收拾屋子呢。你能帮我干点儿活儿吗?琳达No problem. What should I do? 没问题。我做什么?爸爸You can mop the floor. 你擦地板好了。琳达Ok. 好的。场所: 家|话题: 打招呼简Why do Chinese people always say &did you eat?& when meeting someone? 为什么中国人见面总爱说“吃饭了吗”?李明They will also ask &where have you been&, right? 是不是还会问“你去哪儿了”?简Yes. Why are they paying so much attention to other people's actions? 对啊,他们怎么那么注意别人干什么啊?李明Please don't take this the wrong way. They don't want to interfere in other people's privacy. It's just a Chinese way of saying hello. 你千万别误会,这不是要干涉别人的私事,而是中国人打招呼的一种方式。简Oh, I got it. Every nation has its own customs. I need to learn these. 原来是这样啊,看来每个民族都有自己的习惯,还真得好好儿学一学呢场所: 家|话题: 找东西林涛Mom, I couldn't find my watch, and it made me late for school this morning. 妈,我的手表找不着了。害得我今天早上上学都迟到了。妈妈Are you sure that you left it at home? Maybe you dropped it on the way to school. 你确定是掉家里了吗?别是掉路上了吧。林涛Impossible. I'm sure that I didn't wear watch when I went out. 不可能。我出门的时候就没带手表。妈妈Well, you'd better think it over. Where did you put your watch before you left? 那你好好想想,出门之前把手表放哪儿了?林涛The desk…I think. 好像是放桌上了。 妈妈Let me help you. It's right under your nose. 我帮你找找。这不就在你眼皮底下嘛。林涛Where? 哪儿啊?妈妈Beside the lamp. 台灯旁边。场所: 家|话题: 抱怨妈妈What's wrong with you? 怎么了?林涛I'm feeling under the weather. I think I have got a cold. 我有点不舒服。估计是感冒了。妈妈Didn't I tell you to wear more clothes? 我不是让你多穿件衣服吗?林涛I didn't think it would be so cold. 我没想到今天会那么冷。妈妈I told you there was a drop in temperature last night. 我跟你说过,今天降温。林涛I wasn't paying attention. 我没在意。妈妈It's just in one ear and out the other with you, isn't it? 你把我的话当耳旁风啊?场所: 家|话题: 拜访 Is your father home? 你爸爸在家吗?王叔叔彼得Unfortunately, my dad has just left. 真不巧,我爸爸刚走。王叔叔When will he be back? 那他什么时候回来?彼得In the evening. 晚上吧。王叔叔Alright, I'll come by again in the evening. Goodbye. 那好,我晚上再来吧。再见。彼得Goodbye, Uncle Wang. 王叔叔再见。场所: 家|话题: 搬家搬家公司职员Hello, &Mover Brothers& . 你好,兄弟搬家公司。大卫I'm calling to ask how much your rates are for movers. 我想咨询一下你们搬家的价格。搬家公司职员The price depends on the amount of items to be moved, and which level they are to be moved to. Generally it would be 150 yuan to 200 yuan within the city limits. 价格根据搬运物品的数量还有楼层高低来定的。北京市内单次一般在一百元到两百元之间。大卫I want to move from Xizhimen to Dongzhimen. 我要从西直门搬到东直门。 搬家公司职员Do you have a lot to move? 您的东西多吗?大卫No. I have a television, a fridge, clothes and some smaller items. 不多。有电视机、冰箱、衣物和一些杂物。搬家公司职员Which floor do you live on now and which floor will you be moving to? 你现在住几楼?从几楼搬到几楼?大卫Both are on the third floor. 都在三楼。场所: 家|话题: 旅游艾伦How long are your parents going to stay in China? 你父母准备在中国待多久?李明About 15 days. I want them to stay 5 days in Beijing and 10 days somewhere else. What do you think? 十五天左右。我想让他们在北京玩儿五天,再在外地玩儿十天。你看怎么样?艾伦That sounds good. Where would you like to take them to travel while in Beijing? 挺好的。想好在北京去哪儿逛了吗?李明The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, and where else? 长城,故宫,颐和园,天坛,还有哪儿?艾伦I think you can take them for a stroll around Wangfujing and Houhai. 我觉得还可以带他们去王府井和后海逛逛。李明Where should they go when they leave Beijing? 外地去哪儿好呢?艾伦I think Xi'an, Suzhou, Hangzhou and Kunming are pretty good. 我觉得西安,苏州,杭州,还有昆明都挺好的。李明Wow, there are so many places to go. 哇,要走的地方还真不少呢。场所: 家|话题: 淋浴陈红What's the first thing you do when you go to the bathroom? 你进浴室做的第一件事是什么?孙雪I look at myself in the mirror. 照镜子。你呢?陈红So do I. Do you usually take showers or baths? 我也是。那你通常是淋浴还是泡澡?孙雪I usually take a shower in the morning and take a bath in the evening. 早上淋浴,晚上泡澡。陈红Do you take cold showers? 那你会洗冷水澡吗?孙雪No way! I'm afraid of the cold. 不会。我怕冷。场所: 家|话题: 生日玛丽Last week, I went back to my hometown to celebrate grandma's birthday. It was really fun. 上周我回老家去给我奶奶过生日了。可真够热闹的。杰克What about it? 怎么了?玛丽Can you imagine four generations getting together under the same roof? 你想想,四代人聚在同一个屋檐下。杰克There must have been a lot of people. 肯定好多人。玛丽Yeah, the house is quite small and was bursting at the seams. 是啊,房子本来就挺小,被挤得满满当当的。杰克Your grandma must have been very happy with so many of her children and grandchildren there. 可有这么多儿女和孙子、孙女去看望你奶奶,她一定很高兴。玛丽Yeah, she was on cloud nine the whole day. 可不,她整天都美颠儿颠儿的。场所: 家|话题: 生病迈克Hello! How are you? 嘿,你怎么样?李磊Not so great. I'm going to see the doctor right now. I haven't felt very good the last few days. 不太好。我正要去看大夫。最近几天我一直不太舒服。迈克What have you got? A cough? A cold? 你得了什么病?咳嗽?感冒?李磊That's the funny thing. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just feel exhausted. 说来也奇怪。我不知道自己得了什么毛病。我就是觉得累。迈克Perhaps you've been working too hard. You'd better have a rest. 也许是你工作太辛苦了。你最好休息一下吧。李磊Maybe. 也许吧。场所: 家|话题: 看电视迈克Hey. Kate, what are you doing now? Want to come watch TV with me? 嘿,凯特,干吗呢?来跟我一起看电视吧?凯特Uhh, you know, actually I was going to do some laundry. 哦,我本来想去洗衣店洗衣服的。迈克Okay, great, hold on a sec....here you go. This's mine. You don't mind doing a little extra, do you? 太好了,等一下啊……嗯。这是我的衣服。你不介意再多洗点儿吧?凯特Well, sure...You couch potato! 嗯,行……你个电视虫!迈克Hey! That would really help me out a lot! Thanks! 嗯!你可帮了我大忙儿了!多谢啊!场所: 家|话题: 礼物林涛Let's go play soccer this afternoon. 下午一块去踢球吧。张华I have no time to. I need to go get some roses. 不了,今天没时间。还得去买玫瑰呢。林涛Roses? What for? Didn't your girlfriend just have a birthday party? 怎么了?又是什么节日啊?你女朋友不是刚过了生日吗?张华Today is our one-year anniversary from our first meeting. 今天是我们认识一周年纪念日。林涛Oh man, too many special occasions. It's better to be single. 哎呀,节日还真多。还是单身好。场所: 家|话题: 租房凯特What kind of place should we rent? 我们租什么样的房子?玛丽As long as it's close to the university so we don't have to get up so early. 离学校近就行,这样我们就可以多睡会儿了。凯特Absolutely. I don't really care about the size of the apartment. 说得对。对房子的大小我倒不是很在乎。玛丽Neither am I. So a small place is OK, but we'll get a bigger one if it's not too expensive. 我也是。小的就行,当然如果不贵的话,也可以找一个大一点儿的。凯特Good. Let's go to the real estate agent and see what they can offer us. 好的。我们现在就去房产中介看看有什么房子。场所: 家|话题: 结婚李明Have you sent our wedding invitations to your friends? 你把咱们的结婚请柬发给你朋友了吗?王芳Yup. And we need to reserve a hotel and some cars for our wedding party. 发了。我们还要为婚礼预订一家饭店和一些婚车。李明I'll do it. You'd better rest. 我来做。你还是休息一下吧。王芳Ok, I'm really tired. It's so complicated planning for a wedding. 好,我真的很累。筹备婚礼实在是太复杂了。李明That's life, honey. 这就是生活,亲爱的。场所: 家|话题: 网络安装工人Hello, is it you who asked for internet installation? 您好,是您需要互联网安装服务吗?爱德华Yes, come in, please. 是,请进。安装工人You must sign the service agreement before we can go to work. 服务开通前您得先签一下这个协议。爱德华How much is it per month? 一个月多少钱?安装工人100 yuan per month. But the first month's service is free of charge. 一百元一个月。但第一个月免费。爱德华OK, let me go through the agreement. 好,我先看看这个协议。安装工人You should confirm the terms before signing it. 您确认了再签字。爱德华Looks okay. I'll sign it, thanks a lot. 看起来应该没问题,我这就签吧,谢谢。 场所: 家|话题: 聊天李明Where did you go last night? I called you many times but there was no answer. 昨天晚上你去哪儿了?给你打电话也没人接。丹尼尔I was chatting with someone and didn't go back to my apartment until midnight. 我聊天去了,聊到半夜才回房间睡觉。李明Whom were you chatting with? 跟谁聊天啊?丹尼尔An old man. Others called him &Kan Ye&, so I think his surname is &Kan&. 和一个大爷,我听人家都叫他侃爷,我想他姓侃吧。李明The Beijing word for endless talking is &Kan&. So he's called &Kan Ye& because he's is always talking. 北京话把漫无边际的闲聊叫“侃”。那位大爷特别能聊天所以就叫他侃爷了。丹尼尔Oh, so his surname isn't &Kan&. 哦,所以他不姓“侃”。场所: 家|话题: 艳照门张婷Ten actresses were linked to Sexy Photo Gate involving Edison Chen. 陈冠希的艳照门事件牵扯了十个女明星呢。刘丽I think the actresses were the ones hurt most in this event. 我觉得这个事情对女明星的伤害最大了。张婷I agree, especially Cecilia Cheung. 我也觉得,特别是张柏芝。刘丽Yeah, to go through such a thing right after getting married and having a baby. 是啊,她刚结婚生孩子就出了这种事情。张婷I saw online that Nicholas Tse will divorce her. 我看网上说谢霆锋要跟她离婚呢。刘丽I don't think so. Nicholas Tse is also in the entertainment business. I think he understands and supports her. 我看未必。谢霆锋也是圈儿里的人,应该会理解支持她的吧。张婷Who knows! It's none of our business whether they divorce or not. 谁知道,他们离不离婚关我们什么事儿啊。刘丽True. 就是啊。场所: 办公室|话题: 节日 The National Day is coming! 国庆节就要到啦!张华刘静Yeah, we'll have a vacation for seven days. What do you plan on doing during the holiday? 是啊,我们可以过个七天长假了。放假你都打算干吗啊?张华I plan on going sightseeing. 我想去旅游。刘静Oh, Gosh! There will be so many tourists during that time. Why don't you change your plans? 天啊,这个时候旅游景点的人肯定特多。干吗不换个时间去?张华I know, but it's not that easy for me to have such a long holiday to travel. What about your plans? 这个我也知道,可是难得有个这么长的假期可以去旅游啊。你打算做什么呢?刘静Me? I intend to stay at home for the whole seven days and have a good rest. 我啊?就打算在家待七天,好好儿休息休息。 场所: 家|话题: 装修迈克Your home decor is superb. I like it. 你家装修挺棒的,我喜欢。吉姆You do? You know my parents are totally against my design. They said the color is too cold. 你喜欢?你都不知道,我父母非常反对我这个设计,说这个色调太冷了。迈克It's always like that, generation gap, there's no way around it. 就是这样,代沟嘛,没办法。吉姆Yeah. We've been arguing about this for several months. 是啊,我们为这个都争执了好几个月了。迈克How did you finally convince them? 那你怎么说服他们的?吉姆I told them that a man's home is his castle. 我就告诉他们我的地盘我做主。场所: 家|话题: 订外卖 Hello, Quick's. 您好,快客。小店主莉莉Hello, can you deliver some food to Wangjing Huayuan? 你好,请问你们能送餐到望京花园吗?小店主Sure. 可以。莉莉Is there a delivery fee? 另外收费吗?小店主We can deliver goods to you free of charge. 送餐是免费的。莉莉Great. I want two bottles of Tsingdao beer, a carton of milk, and a pack of white bread. 嗯,我想要两瓶青岛啤酒,一盒牛奶和一包白面包。小店主That'll be 20 yuan. 一共是二十块钱。莉莉Could you bring me an invoice and add my company's name? 能给我开张发票吗?抬头写公司名。小店主OK, what's the name of your company? 好的。公司名写什么?莉莉Tianyuan Sci-Tech Co. Ltd. When will you arrive here? 天远科技有限公司。什么时候能送到?小店主In 10 minutes. 十分钟吧。场所: 家|话题: 退休李磊How's your father? 你父亲怎样了?林涛He's fine. He retired last week. 挺好的,上周刚退休。李磊He can spend more time with his grandchildren now. 那他就能多跟孙子们一起玩了。林涛I don't think he wants to do that. He'd rather travel around the world. 我觉得他不想就这么待着,他更想环游世界去。 李磊Good idea. He should live a full life after retirement. 好主意啊。那他的退休生活就更充实了。场所: 家|话题: 道别赵伟Linda, thanks for dinner. I'm stuffed. 琳达,感谢你的款待啊。我吃得很饱。琳达I'm so happy you like it. Just enjoy some snacks. 你喜欢就好。再吃些点心吧。赵伟I wish I could. But I have to go to pick up my daughter. 恐怕吃不成了。我得接我女儿去。琳达Oh, that is more important. Bring her with you next time. 哦,这事可重要。下次和你女儿一起来。赵伟Ok, see you next time. 好的,再见。琳达See you. 再见。场所: 家|话题: 邀请丈夫Honey, I'm home! Hey, you lazy bum, why didn't you cook? Aren't Mary and Mike coming over for dinner? 亲爱的,我到家啦!你个懒虫,怎么不做饭?玛丽和迈克不是要过来吃饭吗?妻子No need to rush, I have an ace up my sleeve. 急什么,山人自有妙计。丈夫Oh, really? And what would that ace be exactly? 嗯,我还真不信。那你的妙计是什么啊?妻子We'll eat out. 我们出去吃。丈夫Ha, I knew you would say that. 哼,我就知道你会这么说。场所: 家|话题: 邻居李明Hi, are you new here? 你好,你是新搬来的?查理Yes, I moved here last week. 是的,我上周搬来的。李明I'm Li Ming, your neighbor. 我是李明,咱们是邻居。查理I'm Charlie. It's nice to meet you. 我是查理。很高兴认识你。李明Nice to meet you, too. 我也是。场所: 家|话题: 雪灾赵强The blizzard that hit Southern China was really severe. There hasn't been such cold weather like that in over 50 years. 这次南方的雪灾来得太猛了,五十年不遇的冰冻天气啊。李梅It's really terrible that the water and electricity was cut off in many places. 好多地方都断水断电了,也真够惨的。赵强Yeah, the damage is really widespread. 是啊,损失是挺大的。李梅I heard a lot of companies, stars and foreign countries donated to help the disaster areas. 所以很多企业,明星啊,还有其他国家都给这些受灾地区捐款呢。赵强Why don't we donate some money too? 我们也捐点儿钱吧?李梅OK, I'll go to an ATM tomorrow. 好啊,我明天就去取钱。场所: 家具店|话题: 买家具 What do you think of this coffee table? 你觉得这个咖啡桌怎么样?王芳琳达It's nice, but it doesn't match the color of my room. 好是好,就是和我房间的颜色不搭配。王芳How about this? 这个呢?琳达Oh no, this type of coffee table gets dirty very easily and it's difficult to clean. 哦,不行,这种咖啡桌很容易弄脏还不好擦。王芳Alright, let's look at some others. 好吧,我们看看其他的。琳达Look, this one matches my room and it's inexpensive. 看,这个和我的房间很配,也不贵。王芳Moreover, it's easy to clean, right? You are really lazy. 而且还容易擦是吧?你真是太懒了。场所: 宿舍|话题: 室友韩美美Hellen, I want to move into the dorms. 海伦,我想搬到宿舍去住。海伦What's wrong? You don't want to live with me anymore? 怎么了?不想和我一起住了?韩美美That's not why I want to move. Next semester, my credit load is going to increase and campus is a little bit far from here. 不是。下个学期的课更多了,这儿离学校有点远儿。海伦Well, who will be your new roommate? 好吧,你要和谁一起住。韩美美Susan. Her roommate graduated and is going to move out next week. 苏珊。她的室友毕业了。海伦She's easy-going and always does the best in exams. What luck! 她挺好相处的,而且考试总得第一。你好幸运啊!场所: 宿舍|话题: 就寝海伦I feel sleepy. 我困了。苏珊How long do you sleep every day? 你每天睡多长时间? 海伦About 5 hours a day. 大概每天五个小时。苏珊No wonder you feel sleepy. You should get more sleep. 难怪你困。你应该多睡点儿觉。场所: 宿舍|话题: 打扫 Your room looks very tidy today. 你房间今天好干净啊。林涛迈克Of course. I spent the whole morning cleaning it up. 那当然。我收拾了一上午。林涛Since when did you become so interested in housework? 你什么时候变得这么喜欢做家务了?迈克Well, Maggie said she would come this afternoon. 玛吉说她下午要过来。林涛Oh, I see. What's your next move? 哦,原来如此。那你接下来要做什么?迈克Ha-ha, I'm going to give myself a pat on the back. 哈哈,我打算好好犒劳一下自己。林涛Just because you cleaned your room? 就因为打扫了自己的房间?迈克Sure. I haven't worked this hard in half a year. 当然。我可是半年没这么辛苦干活了。场所: 宿舍|话题: 游戏刘静Do you want to play another one? 还想再来一盘儿吗?吉姆Why not? I'm killing you. 好啊,反正我正狂胜你呢。刘静Ha, you're so cocky! I'll get even. You'll see. 哈,就吹吧你!我会赢回来的,咱们走着瞧。吉姆I doubt that. 我看不太可能吧。场所: 宿舍|话题: 熬夜露西Oh man, what's wrong with your eyes? Did you get into a fight? 噢,你的眼睛怎么了?跟别人打架了?吉姆No. I stayed up all night, so they look terrible. 没。我昨天熬夜了,所以眼睛看起来有点儿恐怖。露西Haha. You look like a panda with black eyes. 哈哈。你的黑眼圈看起来真像熊猫。吉姆Stop joking about it. It's no laughing matter. 别再笑了。这一点儿都不好笑。露西Sorry. 抱歉。场所: 宿舍|话题: 电脑 林涛Are you online now? Help me search for something, please. 在上网吗?帮我查个东西。迈克Well, my mouse doesn't move any more. I think my computer crashed. 哦,鼠标动不了,好像死机了。林涛Is it infected with a virus? 是不是中毒了?迈克I have no idea. I am all thumbs. 不知道。我对电脑一窍不通。林涛Me too. We need someone who knows something about computers. 我也是。还是找个懂电脑的来看看吧。迈克Ok, I think Li Lei is. I'll get him. 好啊,李磊比较厉害。我去找他。场所: 律师事务所|话题: 询问爱德华Hello, I'm here for a consultation regarding civil law. 您好,我想咨询一下民法方面的问题。律师Yes, please. 请讲。爱德华My neighbors are causing me to lose sleep. They are always singing and dancing late into the night. 我邻居让我根本睡不着觉。他们总是唱歌跳舞到大半夜。律师Oh, I see. For a case like this, we'll arrange for a lawyer to go visiting your neighbor with you. 哦,明白了。对于这种案子,我们通常会安排个律师去跟您的邻居交涉。爱德华I spoke to them several times before. I don't think having a lawyer present is going to help. 我和他们都谈过好几次了。我看律师去谈也不会管用的。律师In that case, we'll contact the police. If they find enough evidence, they'll force your neighbors to comply. 这样的话,我们就只能通知警方了,如果证据确凿,警方就能强令他们夜间安静些。爱德华That's good. I hope I can have some peaceful nights in the future. 好。希望马上就有安静日子过了。场所: 房地产中介|话题: 租房查理I would like to rent an apartment. 我想租个房子。中介What do you need? 您有什么条件吗?查理A new two bedroom apartment, around 70 to 100 square meters, central heat and air conditioning, in the Sanlitun area. 七十到一百平米,两个卧室,有中央空调,三里屯附近的新楼。中介And what is your price range? 您可以接受什么价格范围的房子?查理 RMB. 五千到八千块钱。中介We do have one available. Do you have time to go look? 我们还真有一套这样的房子。您有时间去看一下吗?查理Yes, I do. Shall we go now? 有时间。我们现在就去吧。中介OK, let's go. 好的,走吧。 场所: 报刊亭|话题: 买报纸摊主Need a magazine? 买杂志吗?顾客Yeah. I wanna buy a fashion magazine. 嗯,我想买本时尚杂志。摊主What about Vogue? This issue comes with a movie poster. 来本《时尚》怎么样?这一期的还赠电影海报。顾客I'll take it. And give me a copy of the evening paper, please. 好的。再给我来份晚报。摊主Here you are. Anything else? 给您。还要点别的吗?顾客No, just these. 不了,就这些。场所: 报刊亭|话题: 充值卡爱德华Hello, I want to top up my cell phone. 您好,买张充值卡。小贩How much would you like? 多少钱的?爱德华What kind of cards do you have? 都有什么面值的?小贩We have a 50 yuan card and a 100 yuan card. 有五十和一百的。爱德华I'll take a 50 yuan card. 来张五十的吧。小贩By the way, if you buy a 100 yuan card, you'll get 25 yuan worth of free calls. 对了,一百元的卡会附赠二十五元话费爱德华In that case, I'll take the 100 yuan card. 这样啊,那来张一百的吧。场所: 教堂|话题: 婚礼约翰Father, I want to hold our wedding in this church. 神父,我们想在这个教堂办婚礼。神父One of you two must be the believer of our church. 你们两人必须有一人是本教堂的信徒。约翰My fiancee is a faithful believer of this church. 我未婚妻是这个教堂的忠实信徒。神父It's ok then. You'd better make an appointment half a month in advance. 那就可以了。你们最好婚礼前半个月预约一下。约翰What times are available for weddings? How much do you charge? 那都什么时间可以举行婚礼?费用如何呢?神父Anytime of the week, except Thursday and Friday. And having a wedding in our church is for free. 除了周四、周五,其余时间都可以。在我们教堂举行婚礼是免费的。场所: 教堂|话题: 礼拜 约翰Excuse me, is there a church nearby? 请问,这附近有教堂吗?路人Yes. There's Chongwenmen Church ahead. Are you going to church? 前面不远,有座崇文门教堂。你是要去做礼拜吗?约翰Yes. 是的。路人You'd better show up early. There're always a lot of people on Sunday morning. 那你最好早点儿过去。那里星期天早上总是有很多人。约翰I see. Thank you. 好的,谢谢。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 买票艾丽丝Excuse me, two tickets please. 你好,买两张票。售票员Admission-only or all-inclusive? 要门票还是通票?艾丽丝What does &all-inclusive& entail? 什么是通票?售票员If you buy an all-inclusive ticket, you can visit whatever Scenic Spots you like inside the park. 如果你买了通票,可以参观所有的景点。艾丽丝OK, I'll take 2 all-inclusive tickets. 好的,那就要两张通票吧。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 交朋友大卫Hi, Could you tell me how to get to the Summer Palace? 你好,请问颐和园怎么走?杰瑞Sorry, I'm not from here. 不好意思,我也是刚到这儿的。大卫Thanks anyway. 谢谢。杰瑞Not at all. I'm heading to the Summer Palace too. Do you want to go together? 不客气,我也要去颐和园。一起走吧?大卫Sure, I like making friends. My name is David. Nice to meet you. 好,我喜欢交朋友。我叫大卫,很高兴认识你。杰瑞I'm Jerry. Nice to meet you, too. 我叫杰瑞,我也很高兴认识你。大卫All right, Jerry. Let's go. 嘿,杰瑞,走吧。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 假期爱德华Hello, is this Jim? 你好,是吉姆吗?吉姆Hey Edward. I am in Hainan now. 嗨,爱德华。我现在海南。爱德华How is your holiday? The beach must be beautiful. 你假期怎么样?海滩很漂亮吧? 吉姆Yes. The weather here is perfect. I feel quite good now. 是啊。这儿的天气太好了。感觉真棒。爱德华I really envy you. I've been running around in circles. 真羡慕你。我现在可是忙得团团转。吉姆I will be back next Friday. See you then. 我下周五回来。回头见。爱德华Your time in paradise is coming to an end. 好日子快到头了。吉姆Yes, but I have had enough rest. 是啊,但我也歇够了。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 准备 Hey, Jerry. Have you seen my luggage? 嘿,杰瑞。看到我的旅行袋没?汤姆杰瑞Is it in the closet? 不在衣柜里吗?汤姆Let me check…yeah,it's here. 我找找,在这。杰瑞What are you doing? 你在做什么?汤姆Packing. I dediced to go on a trip after graduation. 打包。我决定做个毕业旅行。杰瑞Where are you going? 你想去哪?汤姆Beijing, the Capital of China. 中国的首都,北京。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 吃东西乌玛Could you tell me about some snacks from Xi'an? 能给我介绍一下西安都有什么小吃吗?赵刚There are quite a lot. The most famous snack is mutton soup with steamed bread. 可多了,最有名的就是羊肉泡馍了。乌玛I've heard of it. How does it taste? 羊肉泡馍我听过,好吃吗?赵刚It tastes good, you should try some. 好吃,你一定得尝尝。乌玛What else? 还有什么小吃呢?赵刚Persimmon cake, vegetable soup, cold noodles, etc. 柿子饼,芙蓉汤,凉皮什么的。乌玛Where can I taste all these snacks? 去哪儿能吃到这些小吃呢?赵刚Nearly all restaurants have them. 一般饭店都有。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 天气 苏珊What lovely weather. 天气真好。汤姆It's really nice, I can finally climb the Great Wall. 真棒,这样我可以去爬长城了。苏珊There's been a lot of rainfall this summer. 今年夏天的雨真多。汤姆I thought it was always this rainy in Beijing. 我还以为北京经常下雨。苏珊No, actually the climate is rather dry. 没有。其实这儿很干。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 导游 Hey, Li Mei, we need a tour guide. 嘿,李梅,我们需要一个导游。海伦李梅Yeah, I don't know what we should see in Guilin. I forgot my guide book. 我不知道该看桂林的什么地方。我忘带导游手册了。海伦Look, there is a travel agency over there. Should we go and see what kind of tours they offer? 看,那边有个旅行社。我们去看看他们都提供哪些旅游服务吧?李梅OK., let's go. 好的,走吧。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 拍照游人Excuse me, could you take a photo for me? 麻烦你能帮我照张相吗?行人Sure. Press this button? 好的。按这个钮?游人Yeah. 是的。行人Yeah. Say &cheese,& done! Come see how it looks. 好的。喊“茄子”,好了!来看看怎么样。游人This is great. Thanks a lot. 挺好的,谢谢你。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 接待林涛Have you had a good time these past few days? 这几天玩得怎么样啊?迈克Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place. 好极了。昆明这地方真漂亮。林涛Thank you. You're welcome here anytime you want. 谢谢夸奖。什么时候想来就过来玩儿。迈克I'm afraid I've been a bother these past few days. 这几天真是太打扰你了。林涛Don't mention it. You know, we're old friends. 别这么客气。咱俩都老朋友了。迈克Well. Please come to Beijing if you have time, and let me do the honors. 好。有时间的话,一定来北京玩儿,让我也尽尽地主之宜。 林涛Okay. Have a safe trip. 好的。一路顺风。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 晕车 Excuse me? 不好意思。艾丽丝司机Yes, Miss? 什么事,小姐?艾丽丝I'm sorry, I'm feeling carsick. Would you drive a little slower, please? 对不起,我有点儿晕车。能开慢点儿吗?司机Sure. Are you OK? Do you need to go to the hospital? 好的。没事吧?需要去医院吗?艾丽丝No. Thanks. I'm OK. 不用了,谢谢。我没事。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 洗温泉 I've heard that the hot springs in Xi'an are pretty good. Do you know of a good place to go? 听说西安的温泉不错,去哪里比较好?安东尼奥赵刚Definitely Huaqing Pool. It's the most famous. 当然是著名的华清池了。安东尼奥Is it far? How can I get there? 远吗?怎么去啊?赵刚Not too far. It takes half an hour to get there by taxi. 不太远,打车半个小时就到。安东尼奥How much is it to go in the hot springs? 洗一次要多少钱?赵刚About 100 Yuan. 一百左右吧。安东尼奥Have you been there before? 你去过吗?赵刚I've been there once. It's really comfortable. 去过一次,洗温泉的感觉可舒服了。安东尼奥Really? Well, I'll go there then. 是吗?那我也去感受一下。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 环保大卫Do you have a napkin? 你有纸巾吗?艾丽丝Yup, here you go. What do you need it for? 有,给你。你要干什么?大卫Have you seen that bottle on the road? I want to pick it up and dispose of it properly. 看见路上那个瓶子了吗?我要捡起来,扔进垃圾桶。艾丽丝What a good guy. You must really be into keeping the environment clean. 好孩子。真是个环保卫士啊。 场所: 旅游景点|话题: 租自行车巴伦There's a bike rental store here. 这里有租自行车的。老板Yeah, wanna rent one? 是啊,租一辆吗?巴伦How much is it to rent one? 租一辆多少钱?老板It's 10 yuan per day for a standard bike, 20 yuan for a mountain bike and 50 yuan for a tandem. 普通的十块一天,山地车二十,双人骑的自行车五十。巴伦Is there any deposit? 有押金吗?老板Yes: 200 yuan for a standard bike, 300 yuan for a mountain, and 800 yuan for a tandem. 有,普通车两百,山地车三百,双人骑自行车八百。巴伦I'd like to rent three standard bikes. 我要租三辆普通车。老板Okay, that will be 600 yuan. please. 好,那就交六百吧。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 签证韩美美Hey, Li Mei…I'm hoping to go abroad during the break. 嘿,李梅……我想这个假期能去国外旅游。李梅Nice. Where do you want to go? 不错。想去哪儿?韩美美Greece, I think. 希腊吧,我想。李梅You'd better start getting ready for it now. 你最好现在开始做准备。韩美美I know you have a lot of experience when it comes to this. What should I do? 你很有经验,我该做些什么?李梅Well, the applications for a passport and visa are the most pressing, for the time being. 嗯,申请护照和签证是目前最重要的事情。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 购物售货员Can I help you, sir? 先生,想买点儿什么?爱德华I wanna have a look first…Could you show me this small pottery figure? 我先看看……能给我拿这个小陶俑看看吗?售货员Of course. 好嘞。爱德华How much is it? 多少钱一个?售货员15 yuan. 十五块钱。爱德华I want to buy six, could you give me a better price? 我想买六个,能便宜点儿吗?售货员How about 12 yuan each? That'll be 72 yuan altogether. 算您十二个怎么样?一共七十二块钱。爱德华Let's make it 70, a round number. 七十吧,凑个整儿。售货员Alright, deal. I'll put them each in a small box so that they won't break. 好,给你吧。我帮您用盒子装起来,这样就不会碎了。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 选择苏珊Tom. Where do you want to go tomorrow? 汤姆,明天想去儿哪?汤姆I don't know how to decide. Both Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven are the 2 most famous places I want to visit. 不知道啊。颐和园和天坛都是著名景点,我都想去。苏珊Why don't you visit them one by one? 干吗不一个个去呢?汤姆I have to leave for Shanghai the day after tomorrow. 我后天得去上海。苏珊Aw, that's too bad. 噢,真遗憾。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 问路 Excuse me, how do I get to the Forbidden City? 请问一下,去紫禁城怎么走?艾丽丝路人Follow this road and turn right at the first intersection. It'll be right there. 沿着这条路往前走,第一个十字路口右拐。就到了。艾丽丝Is it far? 远吗?路人No, it should only take you about 10 minutes by foot. 不远,走路大概 10 分钟。艾丽丝Thank you. 谢谢。场所: 旅游景点|话题: 风景杰瑞Where are we going next? 我们接下来去哪儿?韩美美I will show you around the Tian'anmen Square, it's just around the corner. 我带你去天安门广场吧,前面一拐弯就到了。杰瑞The Tian'anmen tower is used for official ceremonies. It used to be a forbidden area. 天安门城楼是皇帝举行典礼的地方,普通人是不能上去的。韩美美You are very familiar with Chinese history, aren't you? 你对中国的历史很熟悉嘛。杰瑞Not really. I only know a little bit. 差远了,我只知道一点点。韩美美Don't be so modest. I heard that you are an old China hand. 别谦虚了,早听他们说你是个中国通了。杰瑞No, I'm just interested in Chinese history. 不过,我只是对中国历史比较感兴趣而已了。场所: 旅行社|话题: 买票爱德华Hello, I want to buy a round trip ticket to Hong Kong. 您好,我想买张去香港的往返票。职员It's high time you came here. This is a very popular trip and tickets are almost sold out. 您来得还真是时候。这条线现在很火,票都快卖完了。爱德华How long is the trip? 这是几天的团?职员We are leaving on the second and returning on the thirtieth of the month. 我们本月二号出发,三十号返回。爱德华How much does it cost? 多少钱?职员Six thousand RMB. 六千。爱德华OK, here you are. Please arrange a window seat for me. 好,给你钱。请给我安排个靠窗户的位子。职员I will try, sir. 我尽力而为吧,先生。场所: 旅行社|话题: 旅行路线旅行社职员May I help you? 您好。莉莉I'd like to look at some travel packages to Yunnan. 我想看看去云南旅行有哪些路线。旅行社职员OK. Here is our travel brochure. It might help you decide. 好的,这是我们的小册子。您可以参考下。莉莉Thank you. 谢谢。旅行社职员We have three different Yunnan travel deals. Would you like me to go over each one with you? 我们有云南游的三个套餐。我给您详细介绍一下吧?莉莉Sure! That sounds great. 好呀!太好了。场所: 旅行社|话题: 目的地旅行社职员Good morning. Can I help you? 早上好。需要什么帮助吗?莉莉Morning. I'd like to create a travel itinerary. 早上好。我想做个旅行计划。旅行社职员Where do you want to go? 请问您想去哪儿?莉莉I have no idea. But I hope to visit the seaside. 没想好。但我希望是个海滨城市。旅行社职员Sure, how about Qingdao? Right now is the best time of the year to visit Qingdao. 好的,青岛怎么样?现在是去青岛最好的季节了。莉莉I've been there before. I think a southern city is better. 我去过那了。我想这次最好是去个南方城市。旅行社职员How about Sanya? Blue sea, soft sand and gentle breezes. It's really relaxing. 三亚呢?蓝色的大海,软软的沙滩,柔和的微风。真的很不错。莉莉Sounds great. Do you have any brochures? 听起来不错。有介绍资料吗? 场所: 旅行社|话题: 自助游 Hello, I want to charter a car for a sightseeing. Can you tell me the price? 您好,我想租辆观光车。多少钱?汉斯职员The price list and service details are in the booklet, please take a look at it. 收费表和服务细则都在这个小册子上,请看看吧。汉斯Can you tell me some scenic spots that are worth a visit? 都有什么比较好的景点?职员Of course, there are many scenic spots, such as the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall and more. 有许多景点,像天坛,紫禁城,长城等等。汉斯Moreover, I need a guide who can speak German. Can you arrange for one to accompany me? 此外,我需要一个会说德语的导游。你能安排一个吗?职员I am afraid only English speaking guides are available. 恐怕现在只有会说英语的导游。汉斯All right. Then I will make the reservation without a guide for the following week. 好的,那我就预订下下个星期的旅程吧,到时不要导游了。场所: 机场|话题: 交通工具丹尼尔Excuse me, how can I get from the airport to the city? 请问我怎么从机场到市区?接待员You can take a taxi or an airport shuttle. 您可以坐出租车或者机场大巴。丹尼尔How much is a shuttle ticket? 大巴一张票多少钱?接待员16 Yuan. But you'd better decide which bus line you should take before you get on the bus, sir. 十六元。您最好在乘车之前选好乘车路线,先生。丹尼尔Which line should I take if I want to go to Wangjing? 我要是想去望京的话应该选择哪条线?接待员Let me check for you. According to the route map, you should take line 6. 我帮您查一下。根据路线图,您应该选择六号线。场所: 机场|话题: 免税 Two. 两瓶吧。Lucy露西Are you flying to Paris tomorrow? 你明天要飞巴黎?陈红Yeah. Transit in Singapore. 对,从新加坡转机。露西Well, could you do me a favor and buy something in the duty-free shop when you transfer in the Singapore airport? 那你从新加坡转机时,能帮我从机场的免税店带点儿东西吗?陈红Sure. What would you like me to buy? 好啊。你要买什么?露西Chanel perfume. I heard it's very cheap there. 香奈儿的香水,听说那儿卖的很便宜。陈红How many bottles? 要几瓶?露西Two. 两瓶吧。场所: 机场|话题: 入境海关人员Hello, can I see your passport, please? 您好,请出示您的护照。吉姆Here you are. 给您。海关人员What's the purpose of your visit? 您旅行的目的是什么?吉姆Sightseeing. 观光。海关人员Where are you staying? 您将在哪儿住宿?吉姆China World Hotel. 中国大饭店。海关人员How long will you be staying in China? 预计在中国停留几天?吉姆Six days. 六天。海关人员Ok. Have a nice trip. 好,祝您玩得愉快。场所: 机场|话题: 延迟 How was your first flight? 第一次坐飞机感觉怎么样?吉姆露西Couldn't be worse. I spent almost the same time in the airport as I spent on the plane. 遭透了,在机场呆的时间都跟在飞机上呆的差不多了。吉姆What happened? 怎么了?露西The flight was delayed, and we waited in the airport for eight whole hours. 飞机晚点,我们在机场等了整整八个小时。吉姆Oh, that sucks. Maybe it will be better next time. 哦,真够倒霉的,下次估计会顺利点儿。露西Hope so. 希望如此。场所: 机场|话题: 接机李明I'm so happy to meet you in Beijing. You must be tired after such a long trip. 在北京见到你真太高兴了。你一路上辛苦了!丹尼尔Taking a flight really made me tired. But after landing in Beijing and seeing you, I'm not tired anymore. 坐飞机的确是很累,可是一到北京见到了你,我就不累了。李明I've been away from the US for one year and I miss you so much. Come, let's get into the car to go to the hotel. 我离开美国已经一年了,真想你们啊。走,我们先上车去宾馆吧。丹尼尔Alright, in Beijing, you call the shots. 好的,到了北京,都听你的。 场所: 机场|话题: 服务爱德华Morning,I booked 2 tickets to the US three months ago. I would like to check in. 早,我三个月前订了两张去美国的机票,现在想办理登机手续工作人员OK, please hand me your boarding pass. 好的,您的登机卡。爱德华Here it is. 给。工作人员Sir,you have been checked in. Have you got much luggage to check? 先生,您的登机手续已经办好了。您有许多行李要托运吗?爱德华Yes, I have two pieces of luggage. 有,有两件行李得托运。工作人员Ok, please fill in the form and your luggage will be there when you arrive. 好的,请您填一下这张}


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