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Things in Driving school (驾校那些事)
来源:文章阅读网 时间: 15:39 阅读:
   Things in Driving school
  Time fly so quickly , it’s just like yesterday i got into driving school, today i am driving in the road 。(过得真快啊,好像昨天才去驾校,今天就在路上和交警打交道了)
  I still can remember the first day when i take the bus to reach the school , all the way i just imagine what it is like if i drive a car with fast and furious , how wonderful i am if i can pass a corner with fast drifting (记得第一天坐校车去驾校的时候,一路上着自己要是能够像速度与激情里面的男主角一样,玩转各种直角漂移,那该多拽啊。)
  Ideal is marvelous , reality is cruel。 The truth is even i can’t finish some simple tasks ,like turn the steering wheel promptly, which make my coach lose his heart in the first teaching day , “you are completely a idiot , i promise to the god that you are the most stupid learner i met in my teaching career , ever” , “*** your asshole , do you have brain ? Have you finished your primary school ? Or you must be expelled from kindergarten” , “oh my god, Mr zhong , i have nothing say to you, now, can you ask the president to arrange a new coach for you since i’ve already given up you ” (很丰满,很骨感;事实是我连一些基本的任务都完不成,一上车就连方向盘都摸不熟,这直接就让教练死心了。“我教了那么多年还没有遇到像你这样笨的学生”,“我操,你完全不用脑袋想问题啊?读过小学没?是不是幼儿园都没毕业?”“天呐,小钟,我服了你了,你自己和校长说一下,换个教练算了,我已经彻底你了”)
  every time,When i recall those days i spend in the school , these words are vivid in my my mind, as if it still echo in my brain 。(每次当我想到在驾校的那些日子,教练说过的这些话都回响在我的大脑,栩栩如生。)
  Sometimes, i almost decide to give up myself ,maybe driving is really not suitable for me, perhaps i shouldn’t waste more time to learn some like this。so ,one day i ask a veteran whether or not i should say goodbye to driving , is there any chance left to me ? Veteran is a beautiful young married woman,who are always praised by the coach。 After understanding all my complaint, she mildly say to me :”listen ,young man , no matter what you are trying to study ,never say i can’t do it at first ,because you will regret in the future if you surrender too easily。 ”(有时候,我也想过放弃,也许我真的不适合学车,没必要再浪费时间了。所以,有一天,我问了一个老手:你说,我到底有没有可能学会开车,或者干脆我不学算了。老手是一个漂亮的已婚妇女,她经常被教练夸技术好,听了我的抱怨,她温和的说:听着,年轻人,不管你学什么,别一开始就放弃,如果你随意的放弃一件事,你以后会的。)
  Not only can A word change a country’s fortune,but also it can convert a young man’s perspective and his future, veteran’s words stun my my daydream just like the sun split dark cloudy, ultimately i set my decision to overcome all the problems i met in there,i tell myself that nothing can block me as long as i trust myself。 (一言不仅可以兴邦,也可以改变一个年轻人的对事物的看法继而影响他的未来,老手的话就像太阳划破乌云一般击脆我的白日梦,最终,我决心要克服在这里遇到的所有的困难,我告诉自己,只要我自己就没有什么事情能够阻挡我。)
  Everyday ,when my classmates left the school at early time ,i just practice it once and once,again and again ,i am learning when they are learning , i am learning when they have fun,cause i always remember what the veteran say and i also believe a famous motto : no pains ,no gains。(每天,同学们都早早的了学校,我就留下来一次又一次练,他们学的时候,我跟着一起学,他们去玩了,我还在一个人学,因为我一直记得老手说的那些话,而且我也相信那句老话说的:一分耕耘,一分收获。)
  November,27,2015。that’s a meaningful day to me , cause i am going to take part in the test of subject 4 which is the last examine。if i pass,there will be flower and victory , otherwise the will be tear and failure。now that i’ve already spent all my salary in driving school ,i remind myself that failure is not permitted to me。 (日,对于我来说是一个极其重要的日子,因为我要终于要考科目四了,哪也是驾考的最后一关。如果我过了,迎接我的是鲜花和胜利的果实,如果我了,只能够是独自流泪。因为已经花光了所有的工资,我告诉自己:此战,只许胜,不许败。)
  There is two times opportunities in examine, I lost my first chance and grab the second chance under great pressure ,after watching my examine performance , my coach finally leave a very ridiculous comment to me,that is “indeed the boy is stupid , the boy is also luck”(一共有两次考试机会,第一次我失败了,第二次顶着压力过了,教练看完我的考试视频打趣的对我说到:这小子确实笨,不过这小子也够)
  Even though driving learning is over , i still couldn’t forget those guys i met in school。Mr Li,a very outgoing boy who always say some funny story 。Mrs zhang ,a very sophisticated woman who always keep clam even in the final examine。Mrs song ,a very cute lady,who are the most pretty girl in that class。and , most of all ,thanks for the veteran Mrs shen,a cute woman with mercy and wisdom,who ask me never give up at first 。 (虽然驾校已经上完了,我却难以忘记在学校里认识的那些好友,小李,特别外向的小子,经常讲一些笑话;张姐,非常的一个女士,即使是考科目四也一点也不害怕;小宋,在这个班里我觉得她应该是最漂亮的一个了。当然,最重要的,还是感谢老手――沈姐,一个既漂亮又而且非常聪明的女士,一直记着她那句:不要一开始就对自己说我不行。)
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