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中文翻译库尔贝&&&&科尔贝级战列舰&&&&古斯塔夫?库尔贝; 库尔贝&&&&孤拔&&&&库尔伯贝斯&&&&弹跳起; 手倒拉; 直立跳跃&&&&库尔布&&&&库尔贝特&&&&库贝尔&&&&库伯维尔&&&&库尔博&&&&库伯瓦&&&&库尔巴东
例句与用法The exhibition also features works by courbet , bastien - lepage and other painters of naturalism in the 19th century in europe and those with the influence of naturalism by the masters of modern art including van gogh , gauguin , picasso and pissarro . the revolutionary grouping of 73 works , many of them being the first debut in japan , contributes to our understanding in tracing the history of the naturalism movement有库尔贝和巴斯蒂安-勒帕热等19世纪欧洲自然主义画父们的作品,还有梵高、高更、毕加索、毕沙罗等近代绘画大家们从自然主义观点出发而创作的的作品等,通过包含众多首次在日本公开的73份绘画作品可以追溯自然主义的发展流程。 &&
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中文翻译葛佳丝塔芙 德国,瑞典 战争古斯塔夫古斯塔韦居斯塔夫&&&&殊荣常归之于巴克&&&&古斯塔夫?库尔贝; 库尔贝&&&&艾菲尔; 居斯塔夫埃菲尔&&&&居斯塔夫福贝尔&&&&佛洛贝尔; 古斯塔夫?福楼拜&&&&跟著名汉学家夏伦教授&&&&居斯塔夫卡恩&&&&布格候; 莫罗&&&&古斯塔莫瓦尼埃&&&&莫侯&&&&古斯塔&&&&居斯塔夫泽代&&&&科里奥利&&&&居斯塔夫阿巴恩甘齐翁&&&&古斯塔弗?德?科文&&&&古斯塔夫?德?莫利纳里; 古斯塔夫德莫利里&&&&古斯塔夫多雷&&&&布瓦索纳德&&&&勒庞&&&&古斯塔夫马伦巴姆邦古拉&&&&詹姆斯古斯塔夫斯佩思&&&&让玛丽居斯塔夫勒克莱齐奥&&&&让玛丽居斯塔夫勒克莱齐奥; 让玛丽?居斯塔夫?勒克莱齐奥&&&&格贝道&&&&古斯塔瓦&&&&古斯塔夫沃尔夫缆线厂
例句与用法It was designed by engineer gustave eiffel它是由工程师古斯塔夫艾菲尔所设计。 Psychiatrists don ' t always knock people out , gustave精神病专家不总是把人捆起来古斯塔夫It ' s ledda ' s testimony , gustave是莱达的供词,古斯塔夫I can only report it , gustave我只能上报,古斯塔夫Father of eiffel tower gustave eiffel died on december 28 at the age of 91日,埃菲尔铁塔之父古斯塔夫?埃菲尔逝世,享年91岁。 The creation of gustave eiffel , this magnificent steel tower has come to serve as a symbol of paris , as well as of france itself艾菲尔铁塔(法国) :塔高985英尺,于1889年为世界博览会而建造,是巴黎的象征。 The painting of gustave moreau is the painting of ideas . the deepest poetry of shelley , the words of hamlet bring our mind into contact with the eternal wisdom , plato s world of ideas雪莱最精深的诗句,哈姆莱特的话语,都能够使我们的心灵接触到永恒的智慧,接触到柏拉图的观念世界。 Gustave flaubert ( 1821 - 1880 ) , french novelist , was a master of realism in fiction . his major works include madame bovary ( 1857 ) , the temptation of st . anthony ( 1874 )法国小说家吉斯塔夫?福楼拜( 1821 - 1880 )是现实主义写作大师。他的主要作品包括《包法利夫人》 ( 1857年)和《圣?安东尼的诱惑》 ( 1874年)等。 &&
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