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九年级人教版pep(上)英语 课文翻译.doc
九年级人教版pep(上)英语 课文翻译.doc
九年级人教版pep(上)英语 课文翻译.doc
简介:本文档为《九年级人教版pep(上)英语 课文翻译doc》,可适用于高等教育领域,主题内容包含九年级人教版pep(上)英语课文翻译Unit你怎样为考试而复习,PA《怎样学习是最好的,》这个星期我们问了新星中学的同学们关于学习更多英语的最好方式符等。
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生活大爆炸第五季第 1 集中英文剧本对白 The Big Bang Theory, Season 5, Episode 1Previously onTheBigBangTheory... 生活大爆炸前情提要... -Priya: My brother... he's got a big crush on Bernadette. Crush: 迷恋 我哥哥?他非常迷恋 Bernadette。 -Leonard: Bernadette You’re moving back to India? 你要回印度? -Leonard: What's going on? go on: 发生 怎么了这是? -Penny: It's... It's not what it looks like. look like: 看起来像 不是...不是你们看到的那样。 -Sheldon: What does it look like? look like: 看起来像 看起来是怎样? It's not what it looks like. look like: 看起来像 不是我们看到的那样。 It's not what it looks like. 不是我们看到的那样。 -Leonard: What are you grinding about? grind about: 絮叨 grind: 磨 你在那絮叨什么呢? -Sheldon: Penny's brain teaser this morning. brain teaser : 脑筋急转弯 brain: 头脑 teaser: 戏弄者 Penny 早上说的那个脑筋急转弯。 She and Koothrappali 她和 Koothrappali。 emerge from your bedroom. emerge: 浮现 一起从你卧室出来。 She is disheveled, and Raj is dressed only in a sheet. dishevel: 使蓬乱 sheet: 床单 她是衣冠不整,Raj 只披了块被单。 The sole clue &It's not what it looks like.& sole: 唯一的 clue: 线索 唯一的线索是 &不是你们看到的那样&。 -Leonard: Just let it go, Sheldon. let it go: 任他去,放下 算了吧 Sheldon。 -Sheldon: If I could, I would, but I can't, so I shan't. 如果我能,那我会的,但是我不能,所以我不会。 Now, knowing Penny, 因为是 Penny。 the obvious answer is, they engaged in coitus. obvious: 明 显 的 be engaged in: 参 与 engage: 从 事 coitus: 性交 所以,很明显,答案是,他们交媾了。 But... 但是... since that's what it looked like, 因为看起来就是这样, 1we can rule that out. rule out: 排除 rule: 规定 我们可以排除这种可能性了。 Let's put on our thinking cap,shall we? put on: 穿上 thinking cap: 思维帽 cap: 帽 让我们仔细考虑一下(字面意思为带上思维帽) 好吧? Raj is from India, a tropical country. tropical: 热带的 Raj 来自印度这个热带国家, Third World hygiene. Third World hygiene: 第三世界卫生 hygiene: 卫生 卫生状况极差, Parasitic infections are common, such as pin worms. Parasitic: 寄生的 infection: 感染,传染 pinworm: 蛲 虫 蛲虫病之类的寄生虫感染很常见。 The procedure for diagnosing pinworms is to wait procedure: 程序,步骤 diagnose: 诊断 诊断蛲虫病的步骤就是等待 until the subject is asleep, subject: 宿主 asleep: 睡着的 直到宿主睡着的时候, and the worms crawl out of the rectum for air. worm: 蠕虫 crawl out: 爬出 crawl: 爬行 rectum: 直肠 寄生虫就会从直肠爬出来呼吸空气。 Yes, just likethat. 就像这样。 Penny could have been Penny 可能是在帮 inspecting Raj's anal region for parasites. inspect: 检 查 anal region: 肛 门 区 anal: 肛 门 的 region: 范围 parasite: 寄生虫 Raj 检查肛门区域是否有寄生虫 -Leonard: Oh, boy. 哦。 -Sheldon: That's a true blue friend. 那样可真够义气啊。 -Leonard: They slept together, Sherlock. 他们上床了,福尔摩斯(著名侦探) -Sheldon: No, you weren't listening. 你刚才没有听我说话, She said it's not what it looks like. 她说了,不像看起来那样。 -Leonard: She lied. lie: 撒谎 她撒谎了。 -Sheldon: Oh. 噢。 Don't I look silly sitting here wearing this? silly: 傻 wear: 穿着 那我戴着这东西坐在这里,岂不看起来很傻? * Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state * universe: 宇宙 dense: 稠密的 state: 【状态】 * 宇宙一度又烫又稠密 * * Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started...Wait! * billion: 十亿 expansion: 膨胀 * 140 亿年前终于爆了炸...等着瞧! * * The Earth began to cool * * 地球开始降温 * * The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools * autotroph: 自养生物 drool: 胡说 Neanderthal: 穴居人 的 develop: 【发展】 * 自养生物来起哄穴居人发明工具 * * We builttheWallWebuiltthepyramids * pyramid: 金字塔 * 我们建长城我们建金字塔 * * Math, Science,History,unravelingthemystery * unravel: 解开 mystery: 神秘 * 数学自然科学历史揭开神秘 * * That allstartedwithabigbang * * 一切由大爆炸开始 * * Bang! * 爆炸 -Howard: Hey. 嘿。 -Rajesh: Hey. 嘿。 -Leonard: Hey. 嘿。 -Sheldon: Hey. 嘿。 -Sheldon: Leonard, is it awkward for you awkward: 尴尬的 Leonard 当你知道, Knowing that one of your dear friends had sexual intercourse sexual: 性的 intercourse: 性交 你的一个好朋友和你的旧爱, with a woman you used to love used to: 惯于,过去常常 在你床上性交, in the very place you lay your head? lay: 躺 是不是很尴尬? -Leonard: No, I'm fine with it. 不会,我可以接受。 -Sheldon: That sounds like sarcasm, sarcasm: 讽刺 听起来像是讽刺, but I'm going to disregard it, disregard: 忽视 但是我不会在乎。 because I have an agenda...paintball. agenda: 议程 paintball: 彩弹球 因为我有个议程...彩弹枪战。 Specifically, the interdepartmental tournament this weekend . Specifically: 明确地 interdepartmental: 不同部门间 的 tournament: 联赛 具体来说,院际彩弹枪比赛在本周末举行。 In order to function better as a fighting unit, In order to: 为了 order: 命令 function: 运行 fight: 战斗 unit:单元 为了让我们战斗小组发挥更大战斗力, I thought we should establish a chain of command. establish: 建立 chain: 链 command: 指挥 我认为我们得制定指挥体系。 2Now, it goes without saying goes without saying: 不用说 现在,不言自明的是, that I would out rank the three of you, outrank: 级别高于 我的级别会高于你们三个, but the question remains,by how much? remain: 依然,留下 可问题依旧是高多少? -Sheldon: Now, 现在, I don't see me as some four-star general, see as: 视?为? general: 将军 我没有觉得自己是四星上将, back at HQ riding a desk back at: 回到 HQ: 总部(headquarters) 坐在总部的办公室, and playing golf with the Secretary of Defense. the Secretary of Defense: 国防部长 Secretary: 部长 Defense: 防护 整天和国防部长打高尔夫球, But I also can't be Sergeant Cooper, sergeant: 【中士】 但我也不能只是 Cooper 中士, because that might lead you 因为这样你们可能会 to think of me as just a regular Joe. think of as: 把?看作 regular: 【普通的】 joe: 乔(男 子名) 误以为我只是个普通大兵。 This might take some thought.As you were. 这个得花点时间考虑,你们继续。 -Leonard: What the hell is wrong with you? hell: 究竟 你到底是怎么回事? -Howard: Yeah, how could you do that? 就是你怎么能做出这种事来? -Rajesh: What is it to you ? 跟你有什么关联? -Howard: I got his back . get his back: 挺他 back: 背部 我挺他啊。 -Rajesh: Yeah, right.You'rejustjealousbecauseitturnsout jealous: 妒忌的 turn out: 结果是 才不是,你只是嫉妒我。 I'm Penny's number two choice after Leonard. choice: 选择 因为我是 Penny 除了 Leonard 的第二选择。 -Howard: Hey, ifIwasn'tengagedtoBernadette, be engaged in: 忙碌于 engage: 从事 嘿如果我没有和 Bernadette 订婚, that totallycouldhavebeenme. totally: 完全地 我是很有希望的 -Leonard: Please. Sheldonwouldhavebeenbeforeyou, 省省吧 Sheldon 都会排在你前面, and hemightnotevenhavegenitals! genital: 生殖器 而且他可能连生殖器官都没有! -Rajesh: Why do you care so much ? care: 在意 你为什么这么在意? You're dating my sister, date: 约会 你在和我妹妹谈恋爱, and Penny and I are in love. in love: 相爱,恋爱中 而且我和 Penny 是两情相悦 -Leonard: -Howard: What?! 什么?! -Sheldon: Gentlemen, if I may interject, gentlemen: 先生 interject: 突然插入 先生们,打扰一下, I've decidedmy rank will be captain. decide: 决定 captain: 上尉 我决定了我的职位是上尉。 If it'sgoodenoughforKirk,CrunchandKangaroo, enough: 充足地 如果这个职位对于 Kirk 和 Crunch 以及 Kangaroo 来说足够 了 it's goodenoughforme. 对我来说也足够了。 -Howard: You're notinlovewithPenny. 你才没有爱上 Penny。 -Rajesh: Yes, Iam. 我爱她。 -Rajesh: The godKamadevahasshotuswithhisfloweryarrowsoflove. shoot: 射击 flowery: 绚丽的 arrow: 箭 Kamadeva(印度爱神)已经向我们射来了爱神之箭。 -Howard: Who? 谁? -Rajesh: He's theHinduversionofCupid, version: 版本 他是印度版的丘比特。 but waybetter,because he rides a giant parrot. giant: 巨大的 parrot: 鹦鹉 但他要强很多,因为他的坐骑是只巨型鹦鹉。 -Leonard: Raj, comeon.Youfallinlovewithanygirlwhosmilesatyou. come on: 【别这样】 smile at: 对?微笑 Raj 少来了,你会爱上每个朝你微笑的女生。 A monthago,youwerewritingpoemsabouthisfiancee. ago: 以前 poem: 诗 fiancée: 未婚妻 上个月你还给他的未婚妻写情诗呢。 -Howard: I'm sorry. What?! 什么?! -Rajesh: Rubbish. He'stalkingrubbish. rubbish: 垃圾 胡扯,他在胡言乱语。 -Leonard: Oh, Bernadette,pleaseplaymyclarinet. clarinet: 竖笛 Bernadette 请吹奏我的竖笛吧。 -Rajesh: That couldhavebeenaboutanyone. 这也不一定是我啊,而且你也不用担心, because now I'm the dusky half of Koothrapenny. dusky: 暗淡的 我现在是朦胧的。 -Sheldon: For the record,Idohavegenitals. for the record: 【正式声明】 声明一下,我有生殖器官。 They're functionalandaestheticallypleasing. aesthetically: 审美地 他们不但功能完备,而且非常美观。 -Penny: Well. 好吧。 Oh. Coming. 来啦。 -Penny: Yup, that's good. yup: 是的 真好啊。 Wine glasses should have handles. wine: 酒 handle: 把手 酒杯就该有个把手。 -Amy: Keeping accurate track of your alcohol intake. accurate: 精确的 track: 踪迹 alcohol: 酒精 intake: 摄取量 你开始严格控制饮酒量了, Smart idea considering how trampy you get smart: 聪明的 consider: 考虑 考虑到你酒后乱性的事件。 when you've had a few. 这是个明智的选择。 -Penny: You heard what I did? hear: 听说 你听说那事了? -Amy: Well, I heard who you did. 呃我知道那人了。 -Penny: Oh, my God, 哦,天哪。 I screwed up everything. screw up: 弄糟 screw: 强迫 我彻底搞砸了。 I hurt Leonard. hurt: 使受伤 我伤了 Leonard, I hurtRaj. 还有 Raj。 I mean,what is wrong with me? mean: 用意 你说,我怎么能这样呢? I feel like two totally different people... 简直就是两个世界的人嘛... Dr. Jekyll and Mrs.Whore. 就像化身博士(大好人)和荡妇人。 -Amy: Don't be so hard on yourself. be hard on: 对?苛刻 别这么说自己。 Do you know the story of Catherine the Great? story: 故事 你知道凯瑟琳大帝吗? -Penny: No. 不知道。 3Besides, youhavenothingtoworryabout, worry about: 焦虑? -Amy: She ruled Russia rule : 统治 Russia: 俄罗斯 十八世纪末, in thelate1700s,andonenight, 她统治着俄国。一天晚上, when shewasfeelingparticularlyrandy, particularly: 特别地 randy: 好色的 她实在抑制不住自己的欲望, she used an intricate system of pulleys intricate: 复杂的 system: 系统 pulley: 滑轮 她造了一组复杂的滑轮, to have intimate relations with a horse. intimate: 有性关系的 relation: 关系 horse: 马 就为了和马性交。 -Penny: I'm... I'm sorry. 我...没听懂。 What does this have to do with me? 这跟我有什么关系? -Amy: She engaged in interspecies shanky-panky, engage in: 参加 interspecies: 种间 hanky-panky: 捣 鬼 她都跨物种交配过了, and peoplestillcallher &Great&. 而人们依然称她为&大帝&。 I'm sure your reputation can survive reputation: 声誉 survive: 幸存 所以与印度小鬼的爱, you shagging a little Indian boy. shag: 使杂乱 Indian: 印度的 肯定也不会影响你的声望的。And youtellHowardthere's never been anything between us! never: 从未 你去跟 Howard 澄清我们之间的事!-Rajesh: I will.Hey ,Bernadette? - 会的嘿 Bernadette? -Bernadette: What?! - 怎么了?! -Rajesh: Do youthinkIhaveashotwith Penny? have a shot with: 有一个镜头 shot: 射击 你觉得我和 Penny 有戏吗? -Bernadette: Of courseyoudo.You'rea cutie pie! of course: 当然了 cutie: 【可爱的人】 pie: 馅饼 当然了你这小甜心! Any girlwouldbeluckytohaveyou! lucky: 幸运的 跟你在一起的女孩会很幸福的!-Bernadette: You jerk face! jerk: 蠢人 face: 表面 你这混蛋! What didyoutellHoward?! 你都跟 Howard 说啥了?! Did yousaytherewassomethinggoingonbetween us? between: 在?之间 你说我们俩之间有一腿是不是? Because hethinksthere is! 他就是这么觉得! He's completelyfreaking out! completely: 完全地 freak out: 崩溃 freak: 反常的 他现在都抓狂了! -Rajesh: Please, comein. 呃请进。 -Bernadette: What thehelliswrongwith you?! 你妹的到底闹哪样啊?! -Rajesh: Well... 呃... You werealwayssonicetome,Ithoughtmaybeyoulikedme. be nice to: 【亲切的】 maybe: 也许 你对我一直那么好,我以为你喜欢我呢。 -Bernadette: I'm nicetoeveryone! 我对所有人都很好!。 -Rajesh: I'm sorry. 对不起 -Bernadette: Damn right,you're sorry! 可不是吗你对不起我! 4-Penny: You know,I'vedonethisbefore. before: 以前 知道吗,我以前也干过这事。 In kindergarten, kindergarten: 幼儿园 幼儿园的时候, I wassupposedtomarryJason Sorensen at recess, suppose: 推想 recess: 休息 说好的课间的时候我嫁给 Jason Sorensen。 but by the time my class got out there, by the time: 到?的时候 但我下课后跑过去, he wasalreadyengagedtoChelseaHimmelfarb. be engaged to: 与?订婚 他居然已经跟 Chelsea Himmelfarb 订婚了。 So whatdidIdo? 猜我都干嘛了? Hung upsidedownfromthemonkeybars, hung: 悬挂 upside: 上面 monkey bars: 供儿童攀爬游戏 的猴架 monkey: 猴子 bars: 栅栏 在单杠上倒挂, let alltheboysseemyunderpants. underpants: 【内裤】 让全部男生看我的内裤。 -Amy: You can'tblameyourself. blame: 责备 别责怪自己。 When yourprefrontalcortexfailstomakeyouhappy, prefrontal: 前额的 cortex: 皮质 fail: 失败 当脑皮层前额叶不能让你开心的时候, promiscuity rewardsyouwiththeneededfloodofdopamine. promiscuity: 乱 交 reward: 奖 励 flood: 一 大 批 dopamine: 多巴胺 滥交就成为了获取多巴胺的工具。 We neurobiologistsrefertothisasthe &Skankreflex&. neurobiologist: 神 经 学 家 refer to: 指 的 是 skank reflex: 恶心东西反射 skank: 讨厌 reflex: 反射 我们神经学家称之为&死客反射&(垃圾般的生活)。 -Penny: You know what? 这样吧, Let's getoutofhere. 我们离开这儿吧。 -Amy: Where arewe going? 去哪儿? -Penny: Somewhere wherenoone'sseenmenaked. naked: 裸体的 去个没人见过我裸体的地方。 -Amy: We mayhavetodriveawhile. drive: 开车 awhile: 片刻 车可能得开远点。 -Sheldon: Subtlety isn'therstrongsuit, is it? subtlety: 敏锐 strong: 强壮的 suit: 组 这女人一点都不敏锐啊! -Penny: Can Istayatyourplaceforafew nights? 我能去你家住几天吗? -Amy: Really? 真的? -Amy: A bestfriendsleepover? Yay. sleepover: 过夜 yap: 狂吠声 好朋友来过夜? 真好啊。 -Penny: Yeah, sure. Yay! 是啊多好! -Amy: We'll makepopcorn,stayupallnight, popcorn: 爆米花 stay up: 熬夜 我们吃点爆米花,卧谈一整夜。 and I'llteachyoumysecretlanguage,Op. secret: 秘密 language: 语言 我还能教你我的密语,叫哦语。 -Penny: Sounds great. sound 听起来 听上去不错。 -Amy: Nope. nope: 不是 错。 Sounds “Gop Rop E A Top”. 应该是听上去“表奥错奥” 。 -Penny: Yeah, I'mgonnagopackabag. gonna: 将要(going to) 好吧,我去收拾一下包。 -Amy: No, you'renot. 不,错了。 You're gonna &Pop A Cop Kop A Bop A Gop.& 你是去&收哦拾哦行哦李哦& -Leonard: Do wereallyhavetowearthiscamouflagecrap camouflage: 伪装 crap: 废物 真的要穿这破伪装服 to playpaintball? 去玩彩弹枪战? -Sheldon: Who said that? 谁说的? Leonard, Icanhearyourvoice, voice: 声音 Leonard 我听得见你说话。 but Ican'tseeyou. 但你在哪呢? -Leonard: I'm notinthemood,Sheldon. in the mood: 兴致勃勃 mood: 情绪 我没心情跟你玩 Sheldon。 -Sheldon: Oh, thereyou are! 噢你在这儿呢! 5Leonard, Leonard 啊, I know you're upset about recent events, and upset: 心烦的 recent: 最近的 event: 事件 我知道你最近很不爽, I havesomeoneheretohelp. 我请了个人来帮你。 -Leonard: I don't want to talk to Amy. 我不想见 Amy。 -Sheldon: No, it'snotAmy. 不是 Amy。 -Beverly: Hello, dear. 你好,亲爱的。 -Leonard: You calledmymother? 你请了我妈? -Sheldon: Oh, Leonard, 噢 Leonard, is itreallynecessarytocaptionthe obvious? necessary: 必要的 caption: 加上说明 obvious: 明显的 这么明显的事有必要说吗? -Beverly: He's beenlikethatsincehewasatoddler. toddler: 学步的小孩 他从小一直这样, Look, Mommy...abutterfly. butterfly: 蝴蝶 看啊,妈妈...有只蝴蝶诶。 Maddening . maddening: 令人恼火的 特烦人。 -Leonard: What's going on? What do you want? 怎么了? 你要干嘛? -Beverly: Sheldon informedme inform: 告密 Sheldon 告诉我, that you'reexperiencinganemotionalupheaval, experience: 经历 emotional: 情绪的 upheaval: 剧变 你近期情绪十分不稳定。 and I'mheretohelp. 所以我来看看你。 -Leonard: That's sonice. 你真好。 -Beverly: And we'rebacktotheobvious. 你又说这种明显的傻话了。 Now, what's up? 说吧,怎么了? -Leonard: Well, uh...okay. uh: 嗯啊 okay: 好 呃...好吧。 Um... um: 嗯 嗯... I don'twanttogetbacktogetherwithPenny. get back: 恢复 together: 一起 我没想和 Penny 复合 We triedit,itwascrazy,itdidn'twork, try: 尝试 crazy: 疯狂的 work: 起作用 试过了,没救了,也没法继续。 but Ican'tdealwiththefact deal with: 处理 fact: 事实 但我真的受不了。 that shesleptwithmyfriendRaj. 她跟我朋友 Raj 搞上了。 And thenIfindoutthatRaj'ssister Priya, find out: 发现 然后 Raj 的妹妹 Priya, who I'vebeengoingoutwithforeightmonths, go out with: 与某人约会 month: 月 和我交往八个月之后, is movingbacktoIndia. move back to: 搬回 move: 搬家 居然要搬回印度。 So I'mjustcompletelyconfusedandalone. completely: 完全地 confuse: 使困惑 alone: 孤独的 所以我现在很困惑也很孤单。 -Beverly: I understand. understand: 理解 我理解。 -Leonard: Got any advice? advice: 建议 有什么好的建议吗? -Beverly: Yes. Buckup. buck up: 使振作 buck:【抗拒】 是的振作起来。 -Leonard: Excuse me. 可是, You're aworld-renownedexpert world-renowned: 世界知名的 expert: 专家 你作为世界知名的 in parentingandchilddevelopment, parenting: 父母对子女的养育 child: 儿童 development: 发展 教育和儿童发育方面的专家, and allyou'vegotis &Buck up&? 你能给的意见只是&振作起来&? -Beverly: Sorry. 抱歉。 Buck up,sissypants. sissy: 女人气的 pants: 短裤 振作一点,小姑娘。Leonard: Thanks, Mother.Ifeelmuchbetter. 多谢你,妈妈,我感觉好多了。 -Beverly: If youneedanymorehelpfromme, more: 更多的 如果还想要我的什么帮助的话, my booksareavailableonAmazon. available: 【可获得的】 可以到亚马逊上买我的书。 Logging off. log off: 注销 log: 记录 下了。 -Amy: ?ninety-nine, onehundred. hundred: 一百 九十九,一百。 It's likeawaterfallofliquidgold. waterfall: 瀑布 liquid: 流体 gold: 金 这看起来像一个流着金水的瀑布。 My turn. turn: 转弯 轮到我了。 -Penny: You know,Idon'tevenknowwhatthepoint 6point: 要点 知道吗,我都不知道我干嘛 of mestayinginL.A.is. 要住在洛杉矶。 I haven'tgottenasingleactingjobsinceImovedouthere. single: 单一的 act: 扮演 job: 工作 move out: 搬出 我搬来以后连一个小角色都没有搞到。 The closestIcamewaslastmonth, close: 亲近的 month: 月 最有希望的是上个月,I gotacallbackforahemorrhoidcommercial. callback: 【回呼】 hemorrhoid: 痔疮 commercial: 商业 广告 我得到了痔疮药广告里的一个试镜机会。 -Amy: Oh, Icouldsoseeyoubeingthefaceofhemorrhoids. face: 面容 哦,我觉得你那张脸演的痔疮会很传神。 -Penny: I know,right? 你也觉得吧? Maybe IshouldjustmovebacktoNebraska. maybe: 也许 可能我应该搬回内布拉斯加。 -Amy: No, Ican'tletyoudothat. 不行,我不同意。 -Penny: Why not? 为什么? -Amy: For thefirsttimeever, 这是我第一次 I haveathrivingsociallife. thriving: 蒸蒸日上的 social life: 社交生活 social: 社交的 有了一段欣欣向荣的社交生活。 And no pressure, pressure: 压力 没有压力, but it kind of lives and dies with you. die with: 因?而死 die: 死 但是你要走了,这一切都完了。 -Rajesh: Hi, Amy. 嗨,Amy。 Can I talk to Penny? 我能和 Penny 聊聊吗? -Amy: A guest in my trundle bed and a boy at my door? guest: 客人 trundle: 【转动】 一个睡我床上的客人一个站我门前得男孩? I wish I could tell1 3-year-old me&it does getbetter.& wish: 希望 get better: 变得更好 我希望我能告诉 13 岁的我“真的会更好的” 。 -Penny: How did you know I was here? 你怎么知道我在这里的? -Rajesh: It's all over her Facebook page. FaceBook: 一个社交网络服务网站 page: 页 看她的 Facebook 啊 -Amy: I'll take your stuff to the bedroom stuff: 东西 bedroom: 卧室 我把你东西带到卧室去 -Penny: Thanks. 谢了。 -Amy: No problem.Try and keep it in your pants,okay? no problem: 没问题 keep: 保持 pants: 裤子 没问题,就是要 Hold 住,行不? -Penny: So, hi. 那,嗨。 What's up? 什么事? -Rajesh: I was wondering if you're free Friday. wonder: 想知道 free: 自由的 Friday: 星期五 我想问问你周五是不是有空。 They're having a Totally'80s Night at the Greek’. totally: 完全地 night: 晚上 80s: 80 年代 greek: 希腊 人 要举办一个希腊风格的怀念 80 年代的聚会, Hall &Oates,KatrinaandtheWaves 有 Hall & Oates ,还有 Katrina and the Waves 。 and three-fifthsofKajagoogoo. 和三个人时期的 Kajagoogoo 的歌(均为 80 年代乐队)。 -Penny: Oh. 哦, Gee, that'sreallysweet,butthethingis... gee: 快 sweet: 【甜蜜】 thing: 情况 那确实很甜蜜,但是问题是... -Rajesh: Aw, there's a thing. aw: 奥 啊,还有问题。 -Penny: Look, honey,Iwasreallydrunk, honey: 宝贝 drunk: 喝醉了的 亲爱的,我真的喝多了。 and madeahugemistakelastnight. huge: 巨大的 mistake: 错误 然后昨晚就犯了一个大错, We should'veneverslepttogether. sleep: 睡觉 我们不该睡在一起的。 It's whatruinsfriendships. ruin: 毁灭 friendship: 友谊 这会毁了你我的友谊。 -Rajesh: You can'truinafriendshipwithsex. sex: 性行为 性是不会破坏友情的。 That's liketryingtoruinicecreamwithchocolatesprinkles. ice cream: 冰激凌 chocolate: 巧克力 sprinkle: 少量 就像是想用巧克力屑毁掉一个冰激凌,不可能啊。 -Penny: Come here. 过来。 Just listentome. just: 只是 听我说。 I wanttogobacktothewaywewerebefore. before: 以前 我想回到我们以前的那种状态。 You know,friends. 就是朋友。 No sprinkles. sprinkle: 少量 没有杂质。 -Rajesh: Oh. 7oh: 哦 哦。 All right. 好。 -Penny: Thank you. 谢谢你。 -Rajesh: Well, uh... 好,呃... as yourfriend,youmightliketoknowthat, um... 作为你的朋友,你可能想知道,呃... we didn'thavesexintheconventionalsense. conventional: 传统的 sense: 观念 我们并没有发生传统意义上的性关系。 -Penny: Oh, God. god: 神 哦,天哪。 Did youpullsomeweirdIndiancraponme? pull: 拉 weird: 怪异的 Indian: 印度的 crap: 废物 你是不是把什么奇怪印度东西弄到我身上了? -Rajesh: No, no. 没有,没有。 After wegotundressedandjumpedinbed, undressed: 不穿衣服的 jump: 跳跃 我们脱了衣服跳上床之后, you... youasked if I had protection. protection: 保护 你...你问我有没有带避孕套。 -Penny: Oh, youdid,didn'tyou? 哦,你带了,是吧? -Rajesh: Of course.I'malwayspacking. pack: 包装 当然,我一直随身带着。Anyway, anyway: 总之 不过, um, Ihadtroubleputtingiton, trouble: 麻烦 put on: 穿上 呃,我难以戴上, and youtriedtohelpand... help: 帮助 然后你就想帮我... that wasallshewrote. write: 写 然后就没有结果了。 -Penny: So, wedidn'tactually... actually: 实际上 所以我们没有真正的... -Rajesh: I did. 我射了。 It wasbeautiful. beautiful: 美丽的 真的很美妙。 -Penny: Oh! 哦! -Rajesh: Penny, please,pleasepromiseme, promise: 允诺 Penny 请,请答应我, you won'ttellanybodyaboutthis. about: 关于 你不把这事告诉任何人。 -Penny: Of courseIwon't.No,Iwon't. 废话,当然不会啦。 -Rajesh: Oh, good. 哦,好。 And, um,canItellpeoplethatourlove 呃,我能和别人说我们的爱情 burned toobrightandtooquickly? burn: 燃烧 bright: 明亮地 quickly: 迅速地 燃烧的太亮太迅速吗? Kind ofa&CandleintheWind&deal? kind of: 有点儿 candle: 蜡烛 wind: 风 就像是一支&风中的蜡烛&这样的比方? -Penny: Sure. 当然。 -Rajesh: Cool. CanIsayitfellapart fall apart: 破碎 fall: 变成 apart: 分离的 太棒了我能说最后分手 because you were all &I wantto have your babies&. because: 因为 baby: 婴儿 因为你一直嚷嚷着想要我孩子, and Iwaslike,&I'mtoorockandrolltobetied down&? rock: 摇动 roll: 滚动 tie down: 束缚 tie: 打结 而我觉得自己还要继续流浪不能安定下来吗? -Penny: No. 不。 -Rajesh: Can IsayIruinedyouforwhitemen? white men: 白种人 我能不能说我因你是白人所以甩了你? -Penny: Also no. also: 也 也不行。 -Rajesh: Okay, justthecandlething. 好吧,只能用那个蜡烛的比方。 -Penny: Yeah. 是。 Cool. cool: 出色的 很不错。 All right,friend. 好,是朋友。 Hmm. 嗯。 I'll seeyouaround. around: 大约 后会有期。 -Penny: Okay. 好。 Raj, wait. wait: 等待 Raj,等等。 Thank youforbeingmyfriend. 谢谢你成为我的朋友。 -Rajesh: Penny? Penny? -Penny: Mm-hmm? 嗯? -Rajesh: It's gettingbeautifulagain. 8again: 再一次 又有那种美妙的感觉了。 -Sheldon: All right,thisisaGoogleEarthview ofthefieldofbattle. Google: 谷 歌 earth: 地 球 view: 视 野 field: 战 场 battle: 战役 好,这是 Google 地球上的一个战地图像。 -Howard: I don'tseeanything. 我什么都没看见。 -Sheldon: Give itasecondtoload. second: 秒 load: 加载 等几秒钟,让这加载。 Whenever you'reready,AT&T! whenever: 无论何时 ready: 准备好 AT&T: 美国电话电报 公司 AT&T 随时为您服务(电信运营商)! Okay, herewego. 好了,计划是这样的。 This isushere. 我们在这里。 To the south is Professor Loomis and the Geology Department. south: 南 方 的 professor: 教 授 geology department: 地质部门 department: 部门 Loomis 教授和地质学院的人在南边。 According to their Twitter feed, they're out of sunblock, according to: 根据 according: 依照 Twitter: 微博客 be out of: 没有 sunblock: 防晒霜 根据 Twitter 上的更新,他们已经没有防晒霜了。 which means they'll have to hug the treeline or risk melanoma. mean: 意味 hug: 抱有 risk: 冒?的危险 melanoma: 黑 素瘤 所以要么他们会躲在树荫里,要么就冒着得黑色素瘤的风 险。 That's our edge. edge: 优势 这是个好机会。 All we have to do is move quickly over this ridge, over: 越过 ridge: 山脊 我们只需要快速翻过这个山脊, the rock-worshipping pasty-faced bastards rock: 岩石 worship: 崇拜 pasty: 苍白的 pasty: 杂种 这帮玩岩石崇拜的混蛋。 won't knowwhathit them! hit: 打击 永远不会知道他们是被谁打败的! All right,let'smoveout. 好了,我们走。 -Leonard: Hang on,Sheldon. hang on: 等等 等一下 How you not tell me your sister was moving back to India? sister: 姐妹 move back to: 搬回 你怎么可以不告诉我你妹妹要回印度了? -Howard: Maybe he was too busy writing clumsy penis metaphors busy: 忙碌的 clumsy: 笨拙的 penis: 阴茎 metaphor: 暗喻 说不定他正在笨拙地用下流无耻的文字 about my fiancee. fiancee: 未婚妻 来描写我的未婚妻。 -Rajesh: Screw you. screw: 强迫 去你的。 That was a beautifully written penis metaphor. 那明明是绝妙的下流文字。 -Leonard: You knowwhat,guys,I'mnotinthemoodforpaintball. guy: 家伙 in the mood: 兴致勃勃 paintball: 彩弹球 各位,我现在实在没兴趣玩彩弹枪战。 What doyousaywejustbagit? bag: 把?装入袋中 我们打包走人如何? -Howard: Fine with me. 我同意。 -Rajesh: Sure, whatever. whatever: 无论什么 好吧,随便。 -Sheldon: You can'tquit. quit: 退出 你们不能退出。 That's acourt-martialoffense. court-martial: 军事法庭 offense: 犯罪 临阵脱逃是会上军事法庭的。 That's punishable by... punishable: 可罚的 你们将会受到各种惩罚,比如... You can'tquit. 你们就是不能退出。 -Leonard: Sorry, Sheldon,it'sjustnotagoodtimeforplayinggames. game: 游戏 对不起,Sheldon。现在真的不适合玩游戏。 -Sheldon: This isagametoyou? 对你来说这只是个游戏? Uh, was the Battle of Antietam a game? Antietam: 案底特姆河(美国河流名) 安提耶坦之战只是场游戏吗?(美国南北战争中的著名战役) Huh? Was the sack of Rome a game? sack: 洗劫 Rome: 罗马 西哥特入侵罗马之战对你们来说也只是游戏吗?( 入侵罗马 战役) -Leonard: Yes, noandno. 我们在玩的是游戏,后两者不是。 -Sheldon: Wait. 等一下。 I justwantyoualltoknowthatIforgiveyou. forgive: 原谅 我只想说我原谅你们了。 This mutiny isn't yourfault, mutiny: 兵变 fault: 故障 这次兵变不是你们造成的, it's mine. mine: 我的 9而是我。 I haven't earned these bars. earn: 获得 bar: 在...上饰以条纹 我有负于肩上的军衔。 Although what I lack in leadership, although: 虽然 lack: 缺乏 leadership: 领导能力 看来我即没有指挥才能, apparently I more than make up for insewing. apparently: 显然地 make up: 组成 sew: 缝纫 更没有缝纫才能。 -Howard: Let itgo,Sheldon. 算了吧,Sheldon。 I'll get you a Jamba Juice on the way home. juice: 果汁 home: 家 回家路上我给你买丈八宝果汁喝(美国著名果汁品牌)。 -Sheldon: No. 不要。 -Sheldon: Jamba Juice is for heroes. hero: 英雄 丈八果汁是给英雄们喝的。 And that's what we're goingtobe. 而我们要成为英雄 -Leonard: What are you doing? 你要干什么? -Sheldon: Following in the footsteps of Kirk,Crunchand Kangaroo. follow: 跟随 footstep: 脚步 跟随 Kirk、Crunch 和 Kangaroo 的脚步。 Geology isn't a real science! real: 真正的 science: 科学 地质学是伪科学! -Howard: Damn those sons of bitches! damn: 可恶的 son: 儿子 bitch: 泼妇 一群混蛋! Let's get'em! get 'em: 得到他们 干掉他们!Eat paint! paint: 油漆 吃子弹吧! -Sheldon: If there's ever a Church of Sheldon, church: 教派 如果将来有 Sheldon 党的话, this will be when it started. 那应该就是从此时开始的。 Ow! ow: 哦 哇! -Leonard: I'd like to propose a toast propose: 建议 toast: 干杯 我提议一起举杯 to the man whose noble sacrifice inspired our victory, noble: 高尚的 sacrifice: 牺牲 inspire: 鼓舞 victory: 胜利 向这位以牺牲激励我们走向胜利的英雄致敬, Captain SheldonCooper. caption: 队长 伟大的 Sheldon Cooper 队长。 -Howard: Hear, hear. hear: 听见 干,干。 -Rajesh: Hear, hear. 干,干。 -Sheldon: Excuse me.It's Major Sheldon Cooper. major: 陆军少校 更正一下,是 Sheldon Cooper 少校。 With my last breath, breath: 气息 在生命的最后一刻, I awarded myself a battle field promotion. award: 授予 battlefield: 战场 promotion: 晋升 由于我的英勇表现我给自己的军衔升了一级。 It's kind of a big deal. deal: 政策 这可是件大事。 -Penny: Hi. You guys have a minute? 嗨,你们有空吗? -Leonard: Uh, yeah,sure. 呃,有啊,怎么了? -Penny: Okay. 好吧。 Um... 恩... Well, I already talked to Raj,but I wanted to apologize already: 已经 apologize: 道歉 我已经和 Raj 谈过了,但是我还是想和 to the rest of you for, rest: 剩余部分 你们几位道个歉, you know,everything. 你们知道的,之前的那件事。 -Rajesh: Please, Penny,let me. 等一下,Penny 让我说。 We've decidedtoletourcrazy,wonderfulnighttogether crazy: 疯狂的 wonderful: 奇妙的 我们打算让我们那个疯狂又美妙的夜晚 be justoneofthosememoriesyouhave, memory: 记忆 成为你们记忆中的一部分, and cancalltomindwhenyou'refeelingblue mind: 注意 feel blue: 闷闷不乐 好让你们在灰心失意或是洗澡时 or you'reintheshower. shower: 淋浴 回忆起来。 -Penny: Hey, what you doing ,Quick Draw? quick: 快的 draw: 拉 嘿,你搞什么,快枪手? -Rajesh: Sorry. Goon. 对不起,你继续。 -Penny: Anyways, I wanted you guys allto know thatI've been taking 总之,我只是想告诉你们, a really hard look at things and come to the conclusion. hard: 困 难 的 come to the conclusion: 得 出 结 论 conclusion: 结论 我再三考虑然后决定, I havetostopkiddingmyself. 10stop: 停止 kid: 欺骗 我不能再自欺欺人了。 I suckatacting. suck: 糟糕 我的演技烂透了, It's timeformetomovebacktoNebraska. 是时候该搬回我内布拉斯卡州了。 -Leonard: You're leaving? leave: 离开 你要走了? -Penny: Yeah. 是的。 -Howard: What areyougoingtodoinNebraska? Nebraska: 内布拉斯州 你回老家干什么? -Penny: I don'tknow,maybeteachacting. teach:教 不知道,可能会教别人演戏吧。 Oh, sorry.Holdon. hold on: 等一下 对不起,稍等一下。 Hello? 你好? -Leonard: Penny, listen,Ihopeyou'renotdoingthiscauseofyouandme, cause: 原因 Penny 听着,我不希望你这样做是因为我们俩... because Ihaveagirlfriend,andyou'reasinglewoman... single: 单一的 你懂的我有女朋友而你单身... -Penny: Shh! It'smyagent,it'smyagent. agent: 代理人 嘘! 是我的经纪人,是我的经纪人。 You're kidding. kid: 取笑 你开玩笑的吧。 Oh, mygosh. gosh: 天啊 天哪。 I can'tbelieveit!Really?! believe: 相信 真不敢相信! 真的?! Oh, I'msoexcited! excited: 激动的 哦太激动了! Thank you! 谢谢! Thank yousomuch. 太谢谢了! Okay, bye. 好的,再见。 I gotthehemorrhoidcommercial! hemorrhoid: 痔疮 commercial: 商业广告 我要拍痔疮广告了! I startMonday! Monday: 星期一 周一就开拍! -Sheldon: What aboutNebraska? 那你不回老家了? Oh, hell withNebraska. hell with: 见鬼去吧 hell: 【见鬼】 去他的内布拉斯加州。 I'm gonnabe a star! star: 明星 我就要红了! -Sheldon: Have youeverthoughtofteaching physics? think of: 考虑 physics: 物理学 你该不会也考虑过教物理吧? -Woman: Ready to ride? 能出发了吗? -Penny: I don'tthinkso,Mom. mom: 妈 不行,妈妈。 Not today. 今天不行。 -Woman: Oh, sweetie. sweetie: 爱人 亲爱的, Hemorrhoids actingupagain? act up: 【发作】 痔疮又犯啦? -Penny: You don'tknowthehalfofit. half: 一半 你根本不知道那有多痛苦。 -Woman: Oh, yes,Ido. 我当然知道。 Try adabofthis. dab: 少量 我推荐你这支神奇药膏。 -Penny: Rose-scented Preparation-H for women? rose: 玫瑰 scent: 气味 preparation: 准备 women: 女 士 女士玫瑰香型痔疮膏? -Woman: Now, the &H& is for &her&. 专为女性研制的。 -Leonard: I'm proud of you. proud: 自豪的 我真为你骄傲。 -Penny: Shh! Here comes my joke. joke: 笑柄 嘘! 我的段子来了。 -Woman: How youdoing? 感觉如何? -Penny: Sittin' pretty. sittin’: 坐 pretty:优美的 爽快又自在。 生活大爆炸第五季第 2 集中英文剧本对白The Big Bang Theory, Season 5, Episode 2 -Sheldon: What are you doing? 你在干嘛? -Leonard: Oh, eh. Priya is calling in a minute on Skype. in a minute: 一会儿,马上 Skype: 网络电话 噢,Priya,一会就要用 Skype 跟我联系 Eh, we are gonna have a dinner date. gonna: (等于 going to)将要 dinner: 晚餐,晚宴 date: 约会 11嗯,我们要晚餐约会 -Sheldon: It's eight o'clock in the morning in Mumbai. o’clock: 点钟 Mumbai: 孟买 孟买现在才早上 8 点 How can she have dinner? have dinner: 吃晚饭 她怎么可能吃晚餐? -Leonard: Fine, whatever. Priya will be having breakfast. whatever: 随便,无所谓 breakfast: 早饭 好吧,随便了,Priya 吃早餐 -Sheldon: Alright. So technically, it's not a dinner date. alright: 好吧 technically: 严格地 好吧,严格来说,这不是晚餐约会 I suppose you can call it a dinfast date. suppose: 猜想 我想可以称之为晚早餐约会 But if you did, you'd open yourself in peer-based mocking open: 展现,展示 peer: 同龄人 mock: 嘲笑 但如果你真这么叫,你肯定会被同龄人嘲笑的 such as &Hey, Leonard, how was your dinfast with Priya last night?& such as: 比如,诸如 last night: 昨晚 比如说“嘿,Leonard,昨晚你和 Priya 的晚早餐怎么样?” -Leonard: That doesn't sound like mocking. sound: 听起来 sound like: 听起来像 听起来不像嘲笑啊 -Sheldon: You didn't let me finish. finish: 完成 听我说完 Dinfast. 晚早餐 Are those soy-based candles? soy: 大豆 candle: 蜡烛 那是用大豆做成的蜡烛吗? -Leonard: I don't know. Why? 不知道,怎么了? -Sheldon: Paraffin candles may contain carcinogens. paraffin: 石蜡 contain: 包含 carcinogen: 致癌物质 石蜡蜡烛可能含有致癌物质 Unless lung cancer is the ambiance unless: 除非 lung: 肺 cancer: 癌症 ambiance: 气氛 当然,如果你的晚早餐要的就是 you were going for at your dinfast. go for: 努力获取 肺癌的氛围,那正好 Dinfast. 晚早餐 -Leonard: Listen, I don't want to be rude, rude: 无礼的 听着,不是我想赶你 but Priya's gonna be calling any minute, so... any minute: 随时 但是 Priya 随时可能来电了,所以... -Sheldon: Oh, yes, Priya. 噢,对了,Priya Leonard, you know I make a point of make a point of: 特别注意 Leonard,我说过我绝不会 never interfering in your personal affairs. never: 决不 interfere: 干涉 personal: 个人的, 私人的 affairs: 事务 介入你的私人问题 -Leonard: Yes, I've always admired that about you. always: 一直,总是 admire: 钦佩,感激 是的,对此我非常感激 -Sheldon: As well you should. as well: 也,同样地 那是必须的 But I'm going to make an exception here. exception: 例外 但我想再次破个例 -Leonard: Oh, good. 噢, “再好不过了” -Sheldon: Priya has moved back to India to pursue her law career. move back: 搬回 pursue: 追求,继续 career: 事业,生 涯 Priya 已经搬回印度继续她的法律生涯了 Instead of desperately trying instead of: 与其,不是?而是? desperately: 拼命地 你与其这么努力 to keep this intercontinental relationship alive, keep: 维 持 , 保 持 intercontinental: 跨 洲 的 relationship: 关系 alive: 有生气的 想要维持这段异国恋情 you could use that time to take up a hobby. take up: 开始从事, 【培养】 hobby: 爱好 倒不如利用这段时间培养一个爱好 -Leonard: A hobby? 爱好? -Sheldon: Yes. 是的 I read recently about a fellow in Kansas recently: 最近 fellow: 家伙 Kansas: 堪萨斯州 最近我读到一篇报道 with an enormous ball of twine. enormous: 巨大的 ball: 球 twine: 线,绳 讲的是在堪萨斯州有人有一个巨大的线球 I bet you could give him a run for his money. bet: 打赌 I bet: 我猜 我想为了钱你也可以和他一争高下 -Leonard: You know, some people might say that it's great might: 也许 great: 伟大的 要知道,有些人会说 that we're trying to make things work long distance. try to: 设法,试着 make things work: 处理好,使顺利 发展 distance: 距离 我们维持远距离恋爱是很勇敢的 They'd say things like, 他们会说 Love is stronger than the miles between you. strong: 强大 mile: 距离 between: 在?之间 爱情可以超越距离 -Sheldon: -When I rise to power, those people will be sterilized. rise: 升迁 power: 权力 rise to power: 掌权 sterilize: 12使绝育 等我掌权了,就让那些人一秒变太监 -Leonard: You video-chat with Amy all the time. video: 视频 chat: 聊天 all the time: 总是,经常 你不也经常和 Amy 视频聊天嘛 How is this different? different: 不同的 这有什么区别吗? -Sheldon: Don't you like Amy? 你不喜欢 Amy 吗? -Leonard: Of course I like Amy. of course: 当然 我当然喜欢 -Sheldon: Well, there's the difference. difference: 不同 那不就是了,区别就在这里 -Leonard: Excuse me, that's Priya. 很抱歉 Priya 来电了 -Priya: Hi, Leonard. 嗨,Leonard -Leonard: Hey, honey. 嘿,亲爱的 -Priya: I miss you. miss: 想念 我想你 -Leonard: Oh, I miss you, too. 噢,我也想你 -Sheldon: I miss the old days when your romantic partners old days: 昔 日 时 光 romantic: 浪 漫 的 romantic partners: 梦中情人 我还真怀念以前能把你的梦中情人 could be returned to the video store. return: 退回 store: 商店 退还到音像店的日子 -Sheldon: Thanks for letting me stay here stay: 停留 谢谢你让我在 Leonard 和他女朋友 while Leonard Skypes with his girlfriend. girlfriend: 女朋友 视频的时候呆在着 -Penny: Oh, it's no problem. 噢,不用谢 It's actually kind of nice. actually: 实际上,事实上 kind of: 有点儿 这感觉还挺好的 You reading, me reading. 你在看书,我也在看书 We're like an old married couple. couple: 夫妻 好像是一对老夫老妻 -Sheldon: If we were an old married couple, 如果我们是对老夫妻 the wife would serve iced tea and snicker doodles. serve: 招待 妻子就应该端上冰茶和巧克力饼干 -Penny: I don't have iced tea and snickerdoodles. 我这可没有冰茶和巧克力饼干 -Sheldon: A good wife would go to the store. good wife: 贤妻 store: 商店 要是贤妻就会去买 -Penny: I want a divorce. divorce: 离婚 那我要离婚 -Sheldon: Good. On the way to see the lawyer, on the way to: 在去?的路上 lawyer: 律师 行啊,在去见律师的路上 pick up some tea and cookies. pick up: 顺便买点 cookie: 饼干 买点茶和饼干 I must say, I am enjoying your new chair. enjoy: 新喜欢 不得不说,我很喜欢你的新椅子 -Penny: It's great, isn't it? 那很好啊,不是吗? -Sheldon: It is. 是的 Aligns the lumbar, align: 匹配,吻合 lumbar: 腰椎 吻合腰椎 cradles the coccyx, balances the buttocks. cradle: 把?放入摇篮, 【保护】 coccyx: 尾椎 balance: 平衡 buttocks: 臀部 护住尾椎,平托臀部 This is a chair worthy of the name. worthy of: 配得上 worthy of the name: 名副其实 真是名副其实啊 -Penny: What name? 什么名? -Sheldon: Chair. 椅子之名 -Penny: Oh, all right, well, I'm glad you like it. 哦,好吧,很高兴你喜欢 I mean, I still can't get over the fact get over: 回过神, 【明白】 我是说 我还是不明白 someone just threw it away. throw away: 扔掉 居然有人就这样把它扔掉 -Sheldon: What? 什么? -Penny: Yeah, it was just sitting on the street. street: 街道 是啊,就那样扔在街上 I paid a homeless guy ten bucks to help me get it up here. pay: 支付 homeless: 无家可归的 homeless guy: 流浪汉 buck: (美)元,钱 我还花 10 块钱雇了个流浪汉把它抬上来 -Sheldon: Oh, dear. Oh, dear. dear: 老天,天哪 哦,天哪,老天哪 -Penny: What is wrong? 怎么啦? -Sheldon: I've been sitting in garbage! garbage: 垃圾 我坐在垃圾上了! -Penny: Sheldon, take it easy. take it easy: 放松 13Sheldon,别紧张 -Sheldon: You take it easy! I need to use your shower. need to: 需要 shower: 淋浴, 【浴室】 你才别紧张!我得用用你的浴室 -Penny: I went into this marriage with so much hope. go into: 加入 hope: 希望,憧憬 结婚的时候,我可是满怀憧憬啊 -Sheldon: There's a wet Band-Aid on the shower floor! wet: 湿的 floor: 地板 浴室地上有张用过的邦迪! “Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state whole: 整体, 全部 universe: 宇宙 hot: 热的 dense: 稠 密的 state: 状态 “宇宙一度又烫又稠密 Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! nearly: 差不多 billion: 十亿 ago: ?以前 expansion: 膨胀,爆炸 start: 开始 140 亿年前终于爆了炸... 等着瞧! The Earth began to cool begin: 开始 cool: 变凉 地球开始降温 The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools autortroph: 自养生物 drool: 胡说,起哄 Neanderthal: 穴居人 develop: 发明 tool: 工具 自养生物来起哄,穴居人发明工具 We built the Wall We built the pyramids build: 建造,建筑 the Wall: 长城 pyramid: 金字塔 我们建长城,我们建金字塔 Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery math: 数学 science: 科学 history: 历史 unravel: 解 开 mystery: 奥秘,神秘 数学、自然科学。历史,揭开神秘 That all started with a big bang start with: 从?开始 bang: 巨响,重击 big bang: 宇宙 大爆炸 一切由大爆炸开始 Bang!” 砰! ” -Rajesh: This is fun. fun: 有意思 真好玩 I've never used a hydraulic thermoforming press before. hydraulic: 液 压 的 thermoform: 热 成 型 press: 重 压 before: 之前 我还从没用过热成型水压机呢 -Howard: Pretty sweet, huh? pretty: 相当,很 sweet: (俚语)酷毙了 很棒吧,啊? This little baby set the university back 175 grand. university: 大 学 back: 下 赌 注 set back: 使 花 费 grand: 一千美元 这个小宝贝儿让学校掏了 17.5 万美元 -Leonard: That's three minutes. minute: 分钟 三分钟到了 Shall we see what we got? 让我们看看成果如何? -Howard: Hang on 马上好 -Rajesh: Oh, yeah. 哦,太棒了 This is one good-looking Panini. good-looking: 好看的 Panini: 三明治 真是个好看的帕尼尼三明治 -Howard: Hand me the tuna melt hand: 递给 tuna: 金枪鱼 melt: 三明治 把金枪鱼三明治给我 -Leonard: Yep yep: (俚语,等于 yes)好 给 -Howard: Thank you. 谢谢 How's it going with the long-distance love affair? distance: 距离 affair: 事务,事件 异地恋搞得如何呀? -Leonard: Not easy, but we're making it work. easy: 简单,容易 make work: 使顺利进行 不容易,但我们搞得还行 -Howard: When you say &making it work&, does that include include: 包括 你说的“还行”包不包括 doing the cyber nasty? cyber: 网络的 nasty: 性事 视频做爱? -Leonard: What? 什么? -Howard: You know, the virtual pickle tickle. virtual: 虚拟的 pickle tickle: 如胶似漆 你懂得,虚拟的卿卿我我 The digital... “Bow-chicka-bow-bow”. digital: 数字化的 数字化的...“砰-气咔-砰-砰” -Rajesh: Come on, dude. dude: 花花公子,纨绔子弟 好了,伙计们 This is my sister you're talking about. talk about: 谈论 你们说的是我的妹妹好吧 -Howard: Hey, Leonard jiggling his junk at her through a webcam jiggle: 抖动, 振动 junk: 废物 through: 通过 webcam: 网络摄像头 嘿,Leonard 在摄像头前面摆弄他的那货 has got to be easier for you to deal with deal with: 对待,处理 肯定比他真的用那货去碰她 than him actually touching her with it. actually: 事实上 touch: 接触 让你更容易接受吧 -Leonard: There's no junk jiggling. 我们根本没有那么做 We just talk. 我们只是聊天 -Howard: Are you insane? 14insane: 发疯的,愚蠢的 你疯了吗? With high-speed Internet, you have at your fingertips speed: 速度 fingertips: 指尖 有了高速网络,你的性福触手可及 the greatest advancement in the field of sex advancement: 进步 field: 领域 in the field of: 在? 领域 sex: 性 这可是自浴巾之后 since the invention of the washcloth. since: 自?以来 invention: 发明 washcloth: 浴巾 性爱领域里最伟大的进步 -Leonard: I can't do that. 我不能这样 -Howard: Well, if you don't, 好吧,不这样的话 you're gonna lose Priya to some fancy guy in a turban lose to: 败给,输给 fancy: 奇特的 guy: 家伙 turban: 头巾 Priya 会跟戴着头巾 who grew up with Kama Sutra coloring books. grow up: 长大 Kama Sutra: 《爱经》 coloring book: 彩 色画图本 看着彩图印度爱经长大的帅小伙跑了的 -Rajesh: How can you be so racist? racist: 种族主义者 你咋这么种族主义呢? -Howard: Oh, come on, tell me I'm wrong. come on: 行了,算了 哦,行了,你说我哪儿错了 -Sheldon: Oh, Leonard, good. 哦,Leonard,太好了 There you are. 你在这儿 I need you to check my head for chair lice. check: 检查 lice: (louse 的复数形式)虱子 帮我检查下头上有没有虱子 -Leonard: I did it last night, I'm not doing it again. last night: 昨晚 again: 再次 我昨晚看过了,我不会再做一遍了 -Howard: Just his head, right? 只是看他的头,是吧? Leonard: I don't want to talk about it. 我不想聊这个 You didn't catch bugs from Penny's chair. catch: 沾染 bug: 小虫,臭虫 你没在 Penny 椅子上沾到虫子 -Sheldon: Yes, I did. 不,我沾着了 And now they're cavorting at the base of my hair follicles cavort: 欢腾,跳跃 base: 底部 hair follicle: 发囊 他们现在正在我的发囊底部跳来跳去 like dancing hippies at the Redwood National Forest. dance: 跳舞 hippies: 嬉皮士 就像在红木国家森林里跳舞的嬉皮士一样 -Leonard: Sheldon, you do this all the time. all the time: 一直,总是 Sheldon,你总是这样 You fixate on some crazy idea fixate: 注视,执着于 crazy: 疯狂的 idea: 想法,主意 你总是固执于一些疯狂的想法 and then blow it way out of proportion. proportion: 比例 out of proportion: 不成比例的,过分 的 然后将其超级放大 -Sheldon: Name one time I've ever done that. name: 指定, 【举例】 举出一个具体的例子 -Leonard: How about when you put GPS trackers in your garbage how about: 怎 么 样 put: 放 , 置 tracker: 追 踪 器 garbage: 垃圾 那次你在你的垃圾里面放 GPS 追踪器 because you were convinced North Korean spies be convinced: 确信 North Korean: 朝鲜 spy: 间谍 因为你坚信朝鲜间谍 were stealing your doodles? steal: 偷盗,窃取 doodle: 草稿,涂鸦 在窃取你的涂鸦,这算不? The chicken nuggets you were sure were human nuggets. nugget: 块, 【肉块】 chicken nugget: 炸鸡块 还有那个你认定是人肉做的的鸡肉块 The strangely-shaped cloud strange: 奇怪的 shape: 形状 cloud: 云 还有那形状奇怪的 that was following you around town. follow: 跟随,追随 around town: 环城游,满城跑 追着你满城跑的云 The time you put on my shirt by mistake put on: 穿上 shirt: 衬衫 by mistake: 错误地 还有那次你穿错了我的衬衣 and were convinced you'd started growing again. grow: 发育, 【长个】 于是坚信你又开始长个了 -Sheldon: I said, &Name one.& 我说“举出一件” You really need to work on your listening skills. work on: 从事, 【练习】 skill: 技能 你真要好好练练你的听力了 -Sheldon: Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny,Penny,Penny 啊 -Penny: Yello. yello: (口语)你好 你好呀 -Sheldon: You need to remove that chair from the building. remove from: 从?移出,搬出 building: 建筑物 你需要把那张椅子移出这栋建筑 It's a health hazard. hazard: 危险 health hazard: (医)健康危害 它会危及健康 -Penny: Okay, relax. I took off the slipcovers, relax: 放松 take off: 脱下,取下 slipcover: 沙发套, 套子 好了,放松点,我已经把沙发套取下来 had them dry-cleaned and then fumigated the cushions. clean: 清洁, 清洗 dry-clean: 干洗 fumigate: 用烟熏消 毒 cushion: 垫子 15干洗了,而且把垫子烟熏消毒了 -Sheldon: Really? 真的吗? -Penny: Yeah. It's cleaner than my couch. couch: 沙发 嗯,它现在比我的沙发还干净 Found half a Hot Pocket in there. half: 一半,半个 Hot Pocket: 热贝派(一种夹香肠的三 明治) 里面找出了半个三明治 -Sheldon: It certainly looks okay. certainly: 的确 look: 看起来 看起来确实不错 Has a strong toxic chemical smell. strong: 浓烈的 toxic: 有毒的 chemical: 化学品 smell: 气味 有很浓的有毒化学物的味道 That's reassuring. reassure: 使放心,使安心 很让人放心 -Penny: Why don't you give it a try, Sheldon? why not: 为什么不 give it a try: 试一试 要不要试一下,Sheldon? -Sheldon: All right. 好的 It is a comfortable chair. comfortable: 舒服的 真是个舒服的椅子啊 -Penny: Why don't you just admit you overreacted? admit: 承认 react: 反应 overreact: 反应过度 你何不直接承认你反应过度了? -Sheldon: No, thank you. 不,谢谢 -Leonard: It's like living with a Chihuahua. live with: 与?同居 Chihuahua: 吉娃娃犬 简直像跟只吉娃娃住在一起 -Sheldon: Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny,Penny,Penny 啊 -Penny: What's up, buttercup? buttercup: 金凤花, 【小花(昵称) 】 什么事,小花朵? -Sheldon: You have to get rid of the chair. have to: 不得不 get rid of: 丢掉 你必须弄走那张椅子 -Penny: Nope. 不行 -Sheldon: Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny,Penny ,Penny 啊 -Penny: What's the word, hummingbird? hummingbird: 蜂鸟 有什么话啊,蜂鸟先生? -Sheldon: For your safety, please wait in my apartment safety: 安全 apartment: 公寓,房间 为了你的安全,在我请有关部门 as I call the authorities so they may remove authority: 当局,有关部门 将这张死亡之椅搬走的时间内 the chair of death. 请你到我房间等候 -Penny: No. 不行 -Sheldon: Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny,Penny,Penny 啊 -Penny: What's the gist, physicist? gist: 要点,要旨 physicist: 物理学家 要点是什么啊,物理学家? -Sheldon: Under my authority as a self-appointed member under: 在?之下 appoint: 任命,委派 member: 成员 作为自己委任的 of the Centers for Disease Control street team... center: 中心 disease: 疾病 control: 控制 team: 组, 队 疾病控制中心街道组成员,我宣布... these premises are condemned. premise: 上述房屋 condemned: 报废的 这部分建筑禁止使用 As a man with a keen sense of style, keen: 敏锐的,强烈的 sense of: ?的感觉 style: 时尚, 风格 作为一位,有敏锐时尚感的男士 I must tell you, that chair does not work with the room. work with: 对?有效, 【适合】 我必须告诉你,那张椅子不适合这间屋子 Penny! Penny 啊! Penny! Ahh! Penny!啊! Penny! Penny 啊! -Leonard: So, here we are. 好了,又见面了 Back in bed together. together: 一起,共同 又一起上床了 -Priya: Yep, here we are. 是啊,又见面了 -Leonard: Okay, so I... I guess I'll just jump right in. guess: 猜,想 jump in: 跳入,投入, 【进入(主题) 】 好,那么我... 我就直入主题了啊 -Priya: All right. 好啊 -Leonard: Uh, you're a naughty girl. naughty: 顽皮的,淘气的 啊,你真是个顽皮的女孩儿 And... and, uh, I... I want to punish you with my love. punish: 惩罚,处罚 呃,我... 我想用我的爱来惩罚你 -Priya: What? 什么? -Leonard: Not good? 不好吗? -Priya: That's terrible. Try again. terrible: 糟糕的 try: 尝试 糟糕透顶,再来 -Leonard: Okay. 好吧 Uh, uh, you're... not naughty. 16呃,呃,你... 不淘气 Uh, you're... you're... you're dirty. dirty: 下流的,肮脏的, 【淫荡的】 呃,你... 你... 你淫荡 You're... 你... You're a... a dirty girl? 你是个... 是个淫荡的女孩? -Priya: Oh, yes. 噢,是 Yes, I am. 我是 -Leonard: Yeah, yeah. Uh, okay. 呃,好吧 You're a, you're a... 你是个,是个... You're a... a dirty... 是个又淫荡... disgusting... disgusting: 令人厌恶的 又惹人厌... revolting girl. 让人恶心的女孩 Ugh! 恶! -Priya: God, Leonard, stop talking. stop: 停止,停下 天,Leonard 别说了 -Leonard: Why don't you just give me five minutes? 再给我 5 分钟吧? I'll Google how to do this. I'll call you right back. call: 打电话,呼叫 call sb back: 给某人回电 我去谷歌下怎么做,我马上联系你 -Priya: Shh... shh... shh. Just be quiet and do what I tell you. quiet: 安静的 嘘... 嘘... 嘘安静,按我说的做 -Leonard: Okay, like usual. Good. usual: 通常的,平常的 like usual: 像往常一样 好吧,像往常那样,很好 -Priya: Take off your shirt. take off: 脱掉,脱下 脱掉你的短袖 -Leonard: All rightie. Shirt coming off. come off: 脱离,脱落, 【脱下】 好,短袖脱了 Ta-da Man nipples. nipple: 乳头 哒哒,男人乳头 -Priya: I said be quiet. 我说了,安静 -Leonard: Yes, ma'am. 是,长官 -Priya: Now take off your shorts. shorts: 短裤 现在脱掉你的短裤 Leonard: Taking shorts off. 脱掉短裤 There we go. there we go: 好了 我们开始吧 Naked, naked, naked! naked: 裸露的,裸体的 裸身,裸身,裸身! -Priya: Wonderful. wonderful: 极好的,奇妙的 好极了 Now I'll take off my clothes. 现在我脱掉我衣服 -Leonard: Cool. cool: (俚语) ,太棒了,太好了 太棒了 Uh-oh! 啊噢! -Priya: Here I am, baby. 我来了,亲爱的 You miss these? miss: 想念 你想念这些吗? -Leonard: Oh, damn it! damn: 可恶,讨厌 damn it: (俚语)该死 噢,该死! -Priya: Oh, Leonard! Already? Leonard!你已经结束了? -Leonard: No, no! No... no... no! 没,没!没... 没... 没! The screen froze. froze: (freeze 的过去式)冻结,凝固, 【 (屏幕)卡住】 卡屏了 It's probably just buffering. Just give it a second. probably: 或许,可能 buffer: 缓冲 second: 秒 give it a second: 等一会 可能是在缓冲,等会吧 -Priya: Fine. 好 -Leonard: So, how are your mom and dad? 你爸妈还好吗? -Priya: Yeah, I really don't want to talk about my parents now. talk about: 谈论,讨论 parents: 父母 现在这个时刻我真不想谈及我爸妈 -Leonard: Yeah. Sure, sure. 好,知道 -Sheldon: If your video's frozen, 如果卡屏的话 try resetting the TCP/IP stack. reset: 重置,重新设定 stack: 堆栈 试着重置 TCP/IP -Leonard: Oh...! 噢...! I didn't even think of that. Thanks. think about: 想起,想到 我没想到那点,谢谢 -Sheldon: You're welcome. Please let me know when 不用谢,下次你和女友 you and your girlfriend are done 为了一己私欲占用全部带宽 hogging the bandwidth for your self-abuse. hog: 贪 婪 攫 取 bandwidth: 带 宽 abuse: 恶 习 , 陋 习 self-abuse: 一己私欲 17准备激情的时候,请提前通知我 I'm trying to stream a movie on Netflix in here. stream: 流动,流出 stream a movie: 看电影 我正在 Netflix(在线视频网站)上缓冲电影 -Amy: Five, six, seven, eight. 五六七八 “Tall and tan and young and lovely tan: 棕色的,褐色的 young: 年轻的 lovely: 可爱的 “高挑棕色年轻可爱 The girl from Ipanema goes walking Ipanema: 伊帕内玛(巴西城市) 伊帕内玛女郎慢慢走过 And when she passes, each one she passes goes...” pass: 经过,通过 当她经过,身边的每个人都说...” -Sheldon: Amy? Amy? Amy? Amy?Amy?Amy?啊 -Amy: “Oh... ” “噢... ” You are aware that your ritualistic knocking behavior is be aware: 意识到 ritualistic: 惯常的,固有的 knock: 敲门 behavior: 行为 你知道你惯有的敲门行为 symptomatic of obsessive compulsive disorder? symptomatic: 症 状 , 症 候 obsessive: 强 迫 性 的 compulsive: 强迫性的 disorder: 紊乱 是强迫妄想混乱综合症吗? -Sheldon: Is not. 不是 Is not, is not. 不是,不是 -Amy: Denial. Denial, denial. Come in. denial: 否认,拒绝, 【抵赖】 才怪,才怪,才怪,进来 -Sheldon: Thank you. 谢谢 -Amy: Would you like to hear me play, play: 演奏,弹(琴) 你想听听我用竖琴弹奏的 a bossa nova standard on the harp? standard: 标准的 harp: 竖琴 波萨诺瓦爵士歌曲吗? -Sheldon: No. 不想 -Amy: How about the theme song how about: 认为怎样 theme: 主题,主旋律 theme song: 主题曲 要不听听经典电视剧,别样击打 to the classic television show Diff'rent Strokes? classic: 经典的 television: 电视 show: 节目 stroke: 打击,冲程 的主题曲怎么样? “Now the world don't move to the beat... ” beat: 拍子, (有规律的)敲打 “现在世界不会跳动... ” -Sheldon: No. 不 -Amy: Well, that's every song I know. What's up? 额,我就会那些,什么事? -Sheldon: You're good friends with Penny, right? 你和 Penny 是好朋友,对吧? -Amy: Best friends, besties, BFFs, peas in a pod, besties: 闺蜜,死党 BFF: best friend forever pea: 豌 豆 pod: 豆荚 peas in a pod: 好朋友 最好的朋友,闺蜜,一辈子的好朋友,形影不离 sisters who would share traveling pants. Go on. go on: 继续 pants: 裤子,短裤 亲密无间(取自电影牛仔裤的夏天) ,说你的事 -Sheldon: I was hoping 我想 she might listen to you about the dangers danger: 危险,危险物 她应该会听你的 of owning unhygienic furniture. own: 拥 有 , 持 有 unhygienic: 不 卫 生 的 , 不 健 康 的 furniture: 家具 明白不卫生家具的危害 -Amy: For general educational purposes, or has she acquired general: 一般的,普通的 educational: 教育的,有教育 意义的 purpose: 目的 acquire: 获得 是为了做一般教育呢,还是说她有 a bar stool dipped in cholera? bar: 酒吧 stool: 高脚凳 dip in: 浸泡 cholera: 霍乱 拿了把浸泡在霍乱中的高脚凳? -Sheldon: Cholera is water-borne. You're mocking me. borne: 负担,负荷 -borne: 以?方式传播的 mock: 嘲笑 霍乱是饮水传染的,你这是在嘲笑我 -Amy: Yes, I am. 是的,没错 -Sheldon: Penny has dragged a chair in off the street drag: 拖,拽 Penny 从街上捡了把椅子 whose unknown provenance jeopardizes unknown: 未知的 provenance: 出处,起源 jeopardize: 危害,危及 那椅子来历不明 the health and welfare welfare: 福利,幸福 会危及这栋楼里 of every resident in our building. resident: 居民 building: 楼房,建筑物 所有居民的健康幸福 -Amy: Sheldon, just because you have a focus on cleanliness focus on: 专注于,集中于 cleanliness: 清洁 Sheldon,只因为你的洁癖 bordering on the psychotic border: 边境, 接近 border on: 接近, 近似于 psychotic: 精神病患者,疯子 已经严重到快成精神病 doesn't mean I have to participate. mean: 意味着 participate: 参与,参加, 【与?为伍】 并不意味着我就和你为伍 -Sheldon: All right, name your price. price: 价钱,价格 name your price: 出个价吧 好,说出你的条件 -Amy: Kiss me where I've never been kissed before. 18never: 从未 before: 之前 亲我以前从未被亲过的地方 -Sheldon: You mean like Salt Lake City? 你是说比如盐湖城? -Amy: Never mind. I'll talk to Penny. mind: 介意,注意 never mind: 不要紧 算了,我会和 Penny 谈谈的 Will you listen to me play my harp now? 现在你能听我弹竖琴了吗? -Sheldon: No. I dislike the sound of the harp. dislike: 不喜欢 sound: 声音 不,我不喜欢竖琴的声音 Its overuse in classic television sitcoms overuse: 过度使用,滥用 sitcom: (situation comedy) 情景喜剧 它在情景喜剧里的过度使用 always makes me think 总让我觉得 I'm going to experience an episode from my past. experience: 经历, 体验 episode: 插曲, 一段情节 past: 过去,往事 我要重温记忆中的生活 I'm sorry, Mommy. Don't be mad at me. mad: 狂怒 be mad at: 对?非常恼火 抱歉,妈妈,别生我的气 Don't do that! 不要弹了! -Leonard: I don't know about this, Howard. Howard,我觉得这东西行不通 -Howard: What? You're having trouble trouble: 麻烦 怎么了?你们无法进行 with the long-distance lovemaking. distance: 距离 lovemaking: 调情,性爱 远距离性爱 This is your answer. 这就是解决办法 There are two interfaces interface: 接口,端口 这里有两个 that simulate a human mouth. simulate: 模仿,模拟 mouth: 嘴 模拟人嘴的接口 You have one, Priya has one in India. 你用一个,Priya 在印度用另一个 When you move your lips and tongue on yours, lip: 嘴唇 tongue: 舌头 你这边嘴唇和舌头的动作 it transmits exactly what you're doing to hers. transmit: 传输,传递,传播 exactly: 准确地,精确地 会分毫不差地传递到她那边 See? Internet kissing. 看见了吗?网络接吻 Give it a try. try: 尝试 give it a try: 试一试 试一下吧 -Leonard: I don't think so. 我不想试 -Rajesh: I'll try it. 我试试 Like this? 像这样? -Howard: Almost. Really get your tongue in there. almost: 差不多,几乎 really: 实际上,事实上 差不多,把你的舌头放进去 to activate the motion sensor. active: 激活,使有活力 motion: 运动 sensor: 传感器 才能触动传感器 -Rajesh: Like this? 像这样? -Howard: Close. Really French it. close: 靠近,接近, 【差不多】 French: 法国的,法式的 差不多,类似法式湿吻 -Rajesh: Better? better: 好点儿,好些 好些了吗? -Howard: Yeah, you got it, you got it. get it: 做到了 对,就是这样,就是这样 -Rajesh: I'm impressed. This is very lifelike. impressed: 印象深刻的 lifelike: 栩栩如生的,逼真的 真不错,很像真的呢 -Howard: Whoa! You just bit my tongue! bit: (bite 的过去式)咬 噢!你咬到我舌头了! -Rajesh: I... I nibbled. I was being playful. nibble: 轻咬 playful: 开玩笑的 我只是轻轻地咬了一下,闹着玩的么 -Howard: Why do you have to make everything weird? weird: 怪异的 你怎么干什么事情都那么怪啊? -Rajesh: Sorry. 不好意思 Better? 好些了吗? -Howard: Oh, yeah. 噢,就是这样 -Penny: Pretty cool, huh? pretty: 很,相当 很酷,是吧? Probably would cost like 200 bucks in a store. probably: 可能,也许 cost: 花费 buck: (美)钱,元 store: 商店 在商店里买可能要 200 美元 -Amy: I do appreciate a bargain. do: 表示强调 appreciate: 欣赏 bargain: 交易,买卖 我很欣赏这桩买卖 This entire ensemble once belonged to my dead grandmother. entire: 全部的,整体的 ensemble: 全套服装 belong to: 属于 dead: 过世的 我这一整套衣服是我祖母生前穿过的 -Penny: You're kidding. kidding: 开玩笑 你开玩笑的吧 -Amy: Everything except bra and panties. bra: 胸罩 panties: 女式短内裤 除了文胸和内裤以外都是 19And they're a leopard-spotted secret I share with Victoria. leopard: 豹子 spot: 斑点 secret: 秘密 share: 分享, 共有 这些豹斑虾虎鱼是我和维多利亚的秘密(美国内衣品牌) -Penny: And now me. 现在我也知道了 -Amy: I just have one question about the chair. question: 问题 对于这椅子我只有一个疑问 -Penny: And what's that? 什么疑问? -Amy: Aren't you worried about it being unhygienic? worry: 担 心 , 烦 恼 be worried about: 对 ? 担 心 unhygienic: 不卫生的 你就不担心这椅子不卫生吗? -Penny: No, it's completely fine... completely: 完全地,彻底地 不会啊,它一点问题都... Hmm. I get it. 嗯,我明白了 Sheldon sent you. send: 派遣 Sheldon 派你来的 He put you up to this. 他让你过来找我谈的 -Amy: No, he didn't. 不,他没有 -Penny: really? 真的? -Amy: Yes, he did. He absolutely did. absolutely: 绝对地,正是如此,当然是 是的,他派我来的,就是他派我来的 -Penny: My God, Amy, that's really crappy of you. crappy: 糟糕的,讨厌的,蹩脚的 哦,天啊,Amy,你这样太不够意思了 -Amy: It is? 是吗? -Penny: Yeah! Letting Sheldon use you to manipulate me? manipulate: 操纵,操控 是啊!让 Sheldon 利用你来控制我? I thought you were my friend. 我以为我们是朋友呢 -Amy: No, I am your friend. Please don't be mad at me. 没错,我们是朋友啊,求你别生我的气 -Penny: I can't even believe this. believe: 相信 我真不敢相信这一切 You know, maybe you should just go. maybe: 或许,可能 或者你应该离开了 -Amy: No! No, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I take it all back! Look! take it back: 收回(所说的话) 不,不要,对不起,十分抱歉,我收回我说的话!看! I'm, uh, I'm sitting in your chair. 我正坐在你的椅子上 There's nothing wrong with it. It's a great chair. great: 极好的 什么问题都没有,很不错的椅子 Please let me continue to be part of your world. continue: 继续,仍旧 be part of: 成为?的一部分 求你让我继续留在你的生活中吧 Ow! 嗷! -Penny: What's wrong? 怎么了? -Amy: Something in the chair's biting my tushy. tushy: 臀部 椅子里面有东西咬我的屁股 It's not important. Ow! 没什么大不了的,嗷! -Penny: Wait. Get up, get up! get up: 起身,起来 等等,起来,起来! Swear you won't tell Sheldon what happened! swear: 发誓 happen: 发生 你要发誓,你不会告诉 Sheldon 刚才发生的事! -Amy: I swear! 我发誓! Can I tell my doctor? I'm probably gonna need shots! gonna: (等于 going to)将要 need: 需要 shot: 注射, 打针 我可以告诉我的医生吗?我可能得打几针! -Penny: Yeah, sure! 当然可以! -Leonard: Oh, hey, babe, I think I figured this thing out. finger out: 理解,弄明白 噢,嘿,宝贝,我觉得我学会了 -Priya: Oh, Leonard, listen... 噢,Leonard,听着... -Leonard: No, you listen! You're my woman, 不,你听着!你是我的女人 and I'm gonna make you feel things feel: 感受 我会让你感受 you have never felt before. never: 从未 before: 之前,以前 你从未有过的快感 -Priya: Leonard... Leonard 啊... -Leonard: That's right, say my name... 就是这样,叫我的名字... and beg me for more, 'cause... beg: 乞求,恳求 向我乞求吧,因为... I'm gonna give it to you. 我什么都可以给你 -Priya: My parents are here. 我父母在旁边 -Priya’s Dad: Hello, Leonard... 你好啊,Leonard... if I may also say your name. 如果我也可以叫你的名字的话 -Howard: Check it out. Free chair. check: 检查,核实 check it out: 来看看,看过来 free: 免费的 20看啊,免费椅子 -Rajesh: Yeah. 是啊 Hey, you know, if this was in Sheldon and Leonard's apartment, apartment: 公寓,寓所 嘿, 你知道吗, 如果把这个放在 Sheldon 和 Leonard 的公寓 里 I wouldn't wind up sitting on the floor all the time. wind: 卷绕,缠绕 all the time: 总是 我就不用每次都坐在地上了 -Howard: On three? 数到三? Three! 三! -Rajesh: What kind of idiot throws away a terrific chair like this? kind: 种类 idiot: 傻瓜,白痴 throw away: 扔掉,丢弃 什么傻瓜会把这么好的椅子给扔了? 生活大爆炸第五季第 3 集英文剧本对白 The Big Bang Theory, Season 5, Episode3 -Leonard: Who wants the last dumpling? dumpling: 饺子 最后一个饺子谁要? -Penny: Ooh, me! 哦,我要! -Sheldon: Penny, a moment. moment: 瞬间 等一下,Penny。 We just had Thai food. Thai food: 泰国菜 我们刚吃的是泰国料理。 In that culture, the last morsel is called culture: 文化 morsel: (食物)少量 在泰国文化里最后的一块食物 the &Greng Jai& piece, and it is reserved for reserve: 储备 被叫做&Greng Jai& 是要留给 the most important and valued member of the group. important: 重要的 value: 价值 一群人里最重要最受尊重的成员的。 -Penny: Thank you all for this high honor. honor: 荣誉 谢谢大家给我这么高的评价。 -Sheldon: I've seen pic keep eating. picture: 照片 mother: 母亲 eat: 吃 我看过你母亲的照片,接着吃呀。 -Howard: All right, honey, if we're gonna make the movie, we should go. honey: 宝贝 movie: 电影 好了,甜心。要赶上电影,现在就该出发了。 This may be hard for you to hear, hear: 听见 可能你有点难以接受。 but when I say &honey&, I mean my fiancee . fiancee: 未婚妻 但我说&甜心&的时候,我指的是我的未婚妻。 Yeah, well, now it means her. mean: 意味 是的,好吧。但现在指的是她了。 -Bernadette: It's okay if he wants to come. 他要是想来也可以啊。 -Howard: Fine. But next time, we get a sitter. sitter: 代人临时看管小孩的人 好吧,但下次我们得找个保姆。 -Penny: All right, I got to go to work. I'll walk down with you. walk: 步行 好吧,我要去上班了。我和你们一起下去。 -Sheldon: Wait. wait: 等待 等等。 Which is closer to the new train store in Monrovia, train: 火车 store: 商店 Monrovia: 蒙罗维亚 到底哪个离 Monrovia 的新火车玩具店近一些。 the movie theater or The Cheesecake Factory? 、 theater: 电影院 cheesecake: 奶酪蛋糕 factory: 工厂 是电影院还是芝士蛋糕店? -Howard: Neither of them are close. neither: 也不 close: 紧密的 哪个都不近。 -Sheldon: Oh, well, then I guess it doesn't matter which one 好吧,这样的话,你们哪个开车送我去 of you drives me. 都一样了吧。 Let's play a fun guessing game fun : 供娱乐用的 guess: 猜测 那么我们就来玩一个有趣的猜谜游戏, to see who gets to take me. 看看谁有幸能送我。 All right, this four-letter word describes either letter: 字母 describe: 描述 either: 也 听着,这个四个字母的单词描述了 a printer's type size or a compulsion to eat dirt. printer: 打印机 type}


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