无主之地前传汉化补丁drongo bones怎么打

当前位置:&&&&&&&&&无主之地:前传 v1.0.5升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁
  使用说明:  1.解压缩  2.复制全部文件覆盖到游戏目录  3.开始游戏  已包含之前所有升级档+DLC  存档继承:  1.复制旧存档文件夹内(17位存档数字代码文件夹内)的全部内容(可根据修改日期判断新旧)  2.粘贴到新的存档文件夹内  3.打开游戏即可继续游戏  存档位置:我的文档My GamesBorderlands The
Pre-SequelWillowGameSaveDataXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  v1.05更新说明(机翻):  下面的BOSS现在重生当玩家退出并重新进入地图:  微小的驱逐舰  临时工  狂热的亚当斯  巨人Shuggarath  布鲁斯  金鸡助推器  偶更恶心托克  卷尾骨头  梅格  CLAP-L3K  失去军团Powersuit新手上路  肉头  (注:上校Zarpedon的赃物池已被添加到Sentinel因为Zarpedon不能重生。)  顶级SDU的升级,现在可以购买和结束会议之后将不再消失。  解决一个问题,即Maylay盾会给损坏推动所有的Digi-杰克的攻击,而不仅仅是混战。  修正了一个特定的声音效果可能无法播放。  地址在哪里一定的技能没有被正确地级MODS的修改问题。  修正了一个问题,即某些自定义不会在游戏中被删除。  上校Zarpedon的战利品池现在可以从哨兵下降,因为Zarpedon不能重生。  解决了一个罕见的问题,即威廉的机器人声音未能复制的客户。  用户将不会再遇到一个罕见的崩溃,一边听录音ECHO在宁静的浪费。  玩家在单人游戏中使用的Digi-插口后,将不再收到“所有玩家所需”的消息。  出现如果一个球员要追溯到硬拉的巢穴的入口停止“所有玩家所需”的消息。  增加在该游戏中检查是否游戏者在看一个可用的对象的速度。  各种CPU性能优化。  修正了一个问题,即磨3倍紫色物品可能会导致崩溃。  研磨机现在可以生产上面,在正常和真正的跳马猎人模式50级的物品。  修正了奖杯一个问题:“我欢迎你的攻击,傻瓜”可能无法解锁。  Sterwin将不再攻击守护在“Sterwin永远”的使命死亡。  修正了一个武器可能会失去功能后,哗众取宠的“肉独轮车”行动包过期。  奥里利亚玩家将进入游戏由玩家扮演的幽灵托管后不再崩溃。  清理拍摄某些冰冻的敌人后发生的图形古怪。  玩家可以不再使用月光石磨3X非常罕见(紫色)的物品,除非他们是一流的mods。  从多个来源采取低温伤害时,玩家将不再保留“放缓”的状态。  杰克的难以区分投影类质地国防部现在库存查看时正确显示。  玩家将不再获得节能与在“科学与暴力”的使命后退出卡住。  编年史埃尔皮斯的类国防部现在将显示所有的冻结机遇和盾牌容量奖金的项目卡上。  修正了一个玩家可能会失去武器的功能,如果输入“争取你的生活”,而“MEDI-BOT”的行动方案是积极的。  改进的稳定发挥在Holodome DLC的“Digistructed疯狂”任务时。  固定在任务“新方向”一个可能的进展拦截。  修正了一个Spara博士的对话是听不见的客户。  威廉的ShockAbsorber脚步声音,现在可以听到网上的客户端。  修正了一个问题,即汉娜将在使命“别开枪的使者”去世后,反应不正常的客户端的玩家。  修正了一个Eghood的对话可以发挥他已被杀害后。  解决了一个可能的进展阻滞剂在Holodome DLC到可能发生在客户端的玩家保存并退出。  由Digi-插孔做出杀敌现在向技能“最好的一面”的增加动作技能的持续时间计算在内。  修正了一个幽灵的问题,玩家仍然可以解雇他/她的武器,而进入“争取你的生活”的动画。  降频“爆击”标注的音频。  挑战“大游戏狩猎”现在只增加一次杀死每个kraggon。  国防部杰克的难以区分投影类现在会正确地增加他的猛击的伤害。  解决了一个罕见的问题,即东道主选手可能是无形的客户。  更新不当质感上的“粉碎机”忠诚奖励手枪。  解决战斗火焰猪脚时可能发生的一种罕见的崩溃。  永久热修复  在幽灵现在将获得免费的手榴弹,而空中有轰炸机奥兹套件配备适量。  在幽灵的投影类国防部现在将提供正确的枪伤害加成。  Aurelia路上的“特权”阶层国防部现在将应用正确的重装速度加成。  从Aurelia大街的“特权”级MOD射速和重装速度奖金现在将正确应用时,国防部从背包装备。  从Aurelia大街的“大游戏猎人”奖金狙击步枪的伤害,现在将正确应用时,国防部从背包装备。  一颗子弹将不再添加到当前装备的武器,当玩家与Aurelia路上的一线希望技能杀死了近战暴击的敌人。  对埃尔皮斯类MOD编年史现在显示正确的屏蔽能力增加其项目卡。  Aurelia路上的“高清晰度”级国防部现在会正确运用其枪伤害加成当mod是从背包装备。  杰克的难以区分投影类国防部说明现在正确地表明伤害加成只适用于海波龙炮。  当Iwajira被杀害间歇泉会自动闪光。  增加了冰雹突击步枪,以Iwajira的战利品池。  针对显示不正常,为客户符号某些“避难所的崇拜”。  调整飞行色拉寺卫敌人正确获奖经历,激活技能和对失利引发的第二个风。  修正了一个错误,让尼莎双持武器不是手枪。  其中,涉及某些类型的冰伤害正在抵制不正确的问题。  在罗西的持续伤害加成已降低。  Moxxi小姐的探头的吸血奖金和关键修饰语已经减少。  修正了一个问题,即“建立一个机器人军团”的任务可能无法推进的“消灭Powersuits”的目标。  地狱火,岩浆和冰雹溅射伤害的DOT状态效果现在将勾损坏的正确的金额。  玩家现在可以发现在泰坦机器人生产厂符号'避难所的崇拜“。  “胎面仔细”的挑战 - 玩家现在可以通过破坏五大电力西装,而不会触发任何权力核心成功地完成了挑战。  挑战“从上面的死亡” - 玩家现在将提醒他们已经解锁的自定义头完成挑战的五级之后。  有效范围“冲击波”和“Spitter'类型的激光枪已经增加。  现在Holodome overchargable跳垫将能够被过充电,如果玩家射overcharger激活可选跳垫之前。  热修复  修正了一个桥梁可能消失后,“跨桥”的目标,在任务“群集0R4”完成。  改进的性能为东道主选手在战斗时从事网络游戏在“群集RL00K”。  修正了一个发展阻滞剂当玩家允许多个病毒时的使命“的哗众取宠的心理学”攻击防火墙。  性格音频将杀死暗影陷阱后不再沉默下去。  v1.05更新说明:  Version 1.0.5 Patch Notes  The following bosses will now respawn when a player exits and re-enters a
map:  Tiny Destroyer  Boomer  Rabid Adams  Giant Shuggarath  Bruce  Rooster Booster  Even-More-Disgusting Tork  Drongo Bones  Meg  CLAP-L3K  Lost Legion Powersuit Noob  Meat Head  (Note: Col. Zarpedon's loot pool has been added to the Sentinel since
Zarpedon cannot respawn.)  Top tier SDU upgrades can now be purchased and will no longer disappear
after ending a session.  Addressed an issue where Maylay shields would give a damage boost to all
Digi-Jack attacks and not just melee.  Fixed an issue where certain sound effects could fail to play.  Addresses an issue where certain skills were not being correctly modified
by class mods.  Fixed an issue where certain customizations would not be dropped
in-game.  Col. Zarpedon's loot pool can now be dropped from the Sentinel since
Zarpedon cannot respawn.  Addressed a rare issue where Wilhelm's robotic voice failed to replicate
for clients.  Users will no longer experience a rare crash while listening to ECHO
recordings in Serenity's Waste.  Players will no longer receive an &All Players Needed& message after using
Digi-Jacks in a single player game.  Stopped the &All Players Needed& message from appearing if a player goes
back to the entrance of Deadlift's lair.  Increased the rate at which the game checks to see if the player is looking
at a usable object.  Various CPU performance optimizations.  Fixed an issue where grinding 3x purple items could result in a crash.  The grinder can now produce items above level 50 in Normal and True Vault
Hunter modes.  Fixed an issue where the trophy &I Welcome Your Attack, Fool& could fail to
unlock.  Sterwin will no longer die from Guardian attacks during the &Sterwin
Forever& mission.  Fixed an issue where weapons could lose functionality after Claptrap's
&Meat Unicycle& action package expired.  Aurelia players will no longer crash after joining a game hosted by a
player playing as the Doppelganger.  Cleaned up graphical oddities that occurred after shooting certain frozen
enemies.  Players can no longer use moonstones to grind 3x very rare (purple) items
unless they are class mods.  Players will no longer retain &slowed& state when taking cryo damage from
multiple sources.  Jack's Indistinguishable Projection class mod texture now appears correctly
when viewed in inventory.  Players will no longer get stuck after saving and quitting during the
&Science and Violence& mission.  The Chronicler of Elpis class mod will now show all of its Freeze Chance
and Shield Capacity bonuses on the item card.  Fixed an issue where the player could lose weapon functionality if entering
“Fight for Your Life” while the “Medi-bot” action package is active.  Improved stability when playing the “Digistructed Madness” missions in the
Holodome DLC.  Fixed a possible progression blocker in the mission “A New Direction&.  Fixed an issue where Dr. Spara’s dialogue was inaudible for clients.  Wilhelm’s ShockAbsorber footstep audio can now be heard by online
clients.  Fixed an issue where Hanna would react erratically for client players after
death in the mission “Don’t Shoot the Messenger”.  Fixed an issue where Eghood’s dialogue could play after he had been
killed.  Addressed a possible progression blocker in the Holodome DLC that could
occur when client players save and quit.  Kills made by Digi-Jacks now count toward the increased action skill
duration of the skill “Best Foot Forward”.  Fixed a Doppelganger issue where the player could still fire his/her weapon
while entering the “Fight for Your Life” animation.  Reduced frequency of “critical hit” callout audio.  The challenge “Big Game Hunt” will now only increment once for each kraggon
killed.  Jack's Indistinguishable Projection Class Mod will now correctly increase
his slam damage.  Addressed a rare issue where the Host player could be invisible for
clients.  Updated an improper texture on the “Smasher” loyalty reward pistol.  Addressed a rare crash that could occur when fighting Flame Knuckle.  Permanent Hot Fixes  The Doppelganger will now get the appropriate amount of free grenades while
airborne with a Bomber Oz kit equipped.  The Doppelganger's Projection class mod will now provide the correct gun
damage bonus.  Aurelia’s “Privileged” class mod will now apply the correct reload speed
bonus.  Fire rate and reload speed bonuses from Aurelia’s “Privileged” class mod
will now properly apply when the mod is equipped from the backpack.  Bonus sniper rifle damage from Aurelia’s “Big Game Hunter” will now
properly apply when the mod is equipped from the backpack.  A bullet will no longer be added to the currently equipped weapon when a
player with Aurelia’s Silver Lining skill kills an enemy with a melee critical
hit.  Chronicler of Elpis class mod now displays the correct shield capacity
increase on its item card.  Aurelia’s “High Definition” class mod will now properly apply its gun
damage bonus when the mod is equipped from the backpack.  Jack's Indistinguishable Projection class mod description now correctly
indicates that the damage bonus only applies to Hyperion guns.  The geyser will now fire automatically when Iwajira is killed.  Added the Hail assault rifle to Iwajira's loot pool.  Addressed certain &Cult of the Vault& symbols not displaying properly for
clients.  Adjusted Flying Sera Guardian enemies to properly award experience,
activate skills and trigger second wind upon defeat.  Fixed a bug that allowed Nisha to dual wield weapons that weren't
pistols.  Addressed an issue where some types of ice damage were being incorrectly
resisted.  The Rosie's continuous damage bonus has been reduced.  Miss Moxxi's Probe's lifesteal bonus and critical modifiers have been
reduced.  Fixed an issue where the “Building a Robot Army” mission could fail to
advance at the “Destroy Powersuits” objective.  The Hellfire, Magma, and Hail splash damage DoT status effect will now tick
for the correct amount of damage.  Players can now discover the ‘Cult of the Vault’ symbol in Titan Robot
Production Plant.  'Tread Carefully' challenge - Players can now successfully complete the
challenge by destroying five power suits without triggering any power cores.  'Death from Above' challenge - Players will now be alerted that they have
unlocked a customization head after completing tier five of the challenge.  The effective range of the ‘Blaster’ and ‘Spitter’ type laser guns has been
increased.  The Holodome overchargable jump pad will now be able to be overcharged if
the player shoots the overcharger before activating the optional jump pads.  Hot Fixes  Fixed an issue where the bridge could disappear after the “Cross bridge”
objective is completed in the mission “Cluster 0R4”.  Improved performance for the host player in an online game when engaging in
combat during “Cluster RL00K” .  Fixed a progression blocker when the player allows multiple viruses to
attack the firewall during “The Psychology of A Claptrap” mission.  Character audio will no longer go silent after killing Shadow Trap.
本类最新更新 12345678910当前位置: /
时间: 来源: 作者:小鬼飘来 热度: 1451 次
9. Rough Love:任务中出现不可重复刷的怪物Meat Head,会掉落MeatG
10. The Secret Chamber:在任务最后能在箱子中发现蓝色手枪CyberEagle
11. Nothing is Never an option: 任务中出现不可重复刷的怪物Boomer,会掉落KerBoom或者Baby Boomer
12. Treasures of Echo Madre: 任务中出现不可重复刷的怪物Rabid Adams,会掉落Marek*sMouth
13. Another Pickle: 任务中出现不可重复刷的怪物Bruce,掉落装备Supernova
14.No such thing as a free launch: 任务奖励蓝色火箭筒VoltThrower
15. Home Delivery:任务奖励蓝色狙击Razorback
16. Sub-Level 13:任务奖励E-GUN (选择fixing fast travel station获得,提交给Pickle则是得到一件绿色装备)
17. Infinite Loop:任务奖励二选一Mining Laser(提交给EvilClaptrap获得)
Snowball(提交给Hippie Claptrap获得)
18. Lab 19:任务中出现不可重复刷的怪物TinyDestroyer,会掉落橙色氧气罩Moonlight Saga
19. Kill Meg:任务中出现不可重复刷的怪物Meg,会掉落橙色SMG Torrent
20. Red, then Dead: 任务中出现不可重复刷的怪物Power Suit Noob,会掉落橙盾The Shooting Star,和一些皮肤
21. To the moon:任务奖励Sunshine
22. In Perfect Hibernation:任务奖励Fridgia
23. Eradicate!:任务中出现怪物Cl4P-L3K(除非你在任务中击杀它,否则的话它是会刷新的),会掉落橙色氧气罩3DD1.E
24. These are the Bots:任务奖励BrightSpadroon
25. Guardian Hunter: 任务奖励二选一
Asteroid Belt(递交给Sterwin获得)
26. Don&t Shoot the Messenger:任务奖励Fremington*sEdge
27. Dahl Combat Training:第5轮任务奖励Haymaker
最后提别第一下,主线任务Beginningof the End,在二周目完成这个任务会获得一把节操武器Ol*Rosie(玫瑰),不通过se的情况下是有可能获得50级的玫瑰的。假如要获得50级的玫瑰的话就需要在接这个任务前到达50级(为了确保获得50级的玫瑰,最好在50级以后再去打Z上校Zarpedon,这么做你有可能还能掉落48级的ZX-1或Bulwarkshield ,这是这两个装备野生掉落的最高等级)
公众号查询:k73手游 轻松订阅 &&
官方QQ群1: 官方QQ群2:
版权所有 鄂ICP备号
无主之地:前传 v1.05号升级档+RELOADED破解补丁
英文名称:Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
游戏制作:2K Australia、Gearbox Software
游戏发行:2K Games
2. 安装Update目录下的升级补丁
3. 复制Crack目录下的破解补丁到游戏目录中
4. 开始游戏
Version 1.0.5 Patch Notes
The following bosses will now respawn when a player exits and re-enters a map:
&&& Tiny Destroyer
&&& Boomer
&&& Rabid Adams
&&& Giant Shuggarath
&&& Rooster Booster
&&& Even-More-Disgusting Tork
&&& Drongo Bones
&&& CLAP-L3K
&&& Lost Legion Powersuit Noob
&&& Meat Head
&&& (Note: Col. Zarpedon's loot pool has been added to the Sentinel since Zarpedon cannot respawn.)
&&& General
&&& Adds support for upcoming downloadable content.
&&& Top tier SDU upgrades can now be purchased and will no longer disappear after ending a session.
&&& Added support for Nvidia Surround
&&& Fixed an issue where certain sound effects could fail to play.
&&& Addresses an issue where certain skills were not being correctly modified by class mods.
&&& Fixed an issue where certain customizations would not be dropped in-game.
&&& Col. Zarpedon's loot pool can now be dropped from the Sentinel since Zarpedon cannot respawn.
&&& Addressed a rare issue where Wilhelm's robotic voice failed to replicate for clients.
&&& Users will no longer experience a rare crash while listening to ECHO recordings in Serenity's Waste.
&&& Players will no longer receive an "All Players Needed" message after using Digi-Jacks in a single player game.
&&& Stopped the "All Players Needed" message from appearing if a player goes back to the entrance of Deadlift's lair.
&&& Increased the rate at which the game checks to see if the player is looking at a usable object.
&&& Various CPU performance optimizations.
&&& Fixed an issue where grinding 3x purple items could result in a crash.
&&& The grinder can now produce items above level 50 in Normal and True Vault Hunter modes.
&&& Fixed an issue where the trophy "I Welcome Your Attack, Fool" could fail to unlock.
&&& Sterwin will no longer die from Guardian attacks during the "Sterwin Forever" mission.
&&& Fixed an issue where weapons could lose functionality after Claptrap's "Meat Unicycle" action package expired.
&&& Aurelia players will no longer crash after joining a game hosted by a player playing as the Doppelganger.
&&& Cleaned up graphical oddities that occurred after shooting certain frozen enemies.
&&& Players can no longer use moonstones to grind 3x very rare (purple) items unless they are class mods.
&&& Players will no longer retain "slowed" state when taking cryo damage from multiple sources.
&&& Jack's Indistinguishable Projection class mod texture now appears correctly when viewed in inventory.
&&& Players will no longer get stuck after saving and quitting during the "Science and Violence" mission.
&&& The Chronicler of Elpis class mod will now show all of its Freeze Chance and Shield Capacity bonuses on the item card.
&&& Fixed an issue where the player could lose weapon functionality if entering 揊ight for Your Life?while the 揗edi-bot?action package is active.
&&& Improved stability when playing the 揇igistructed Madness?missions in the Holodome DLC.
&&& Fixed a possible progression blocker in the mission 揂 New Direction".
&&& Fixed an issue where Dr. Spara抯 dialogue was inaudible for clients.
&&& Wilhelm抯 ShockAbsorber footstep audio can now be heard by online clients.
&&& Fixed an issue where Hanna would react erratically for client players after death in the mission 揇on抰 Shoot the Messenger?
&&& Fixed an issue where Eghood抯 dialogue could play after he had been killed.
&&& Addressed a possible progression blocker in the Holodome DLC that could occur when client players save and quit.
&&& Kills made by Digi-Jacks now count toward the increased action skill duration of the skill 揃est Foot Forward?
&&& Fixed a Doppelganger issue where the player could still fire his/her weapon while entering the 揊ight for Your Life?animation.
&&& Reduced frequency of 揷ritical hit?callout audio.
&&& The challenge 揃ig Game Hunt?will now only increment once for each kraggon killed.
&&& Jack's Indistinguishable Projection Class Mod will now correctly increase his slam damage.
&&& Addressed a rare issue where the Host player could be invisible for clients.
&&& Updated an improper texture on the 揝masher?loyalty reward pistol.
&&& Addressed a rare crash that could occur when fighting Flame Knuckle.
&&& Permanent Hot Fixes
&&& The Doppelganger will now get the appropriate amount of free grenades while airborne with a Bomber Oz kit equipped.
&&& The Doppelganger's Projection class mod will now provide the correct gun damage bonus.
&&& Aurelia抯 揚rivileged?class mod will now apply the correct reload speed bonus.
&&& Fire rate and reload speed bonuses from Aurelia抯 揚rivileged?class mod will now properly apply when the mod is equipped from the backpack.
&&& Bonus sniper rifle damage from Aurelia抯 揃ig Game Hunter?will now properly apply when the mod is equipped from the backpack.
&&& A bullet will no longer be added to the currently equipped weapon when a player with Aurelia抯 Silver Lining skill kills an enemy with a melee critical hit.
&&& Chronicler of Elpis class mod now displays the correct shield capacity increase on its item card.
&&& Aurelia抯 揌igh Definition?class mod will now properly apply its gun damage bonus when the mod is equipped from the backpack.
&&& Jack's Indistinguishable Projection class mod description now correctly indicates that the damage bonus only applies to Hyperion guns.
&&& The geyser will now fire automatically when Iwajira is killed.
&&& Added the Hail assault rifle to Iwajira's loot pool.
&&& Addressed certain "Cult of the Vault" symbols not displaying properly for clients.
&&& Adjusted Flying Sera Guardian enemies to properly award experience, activate skills and trigger second wind upon defeat.
&&& Fixed a bug that allowed Nisha to dual wield weapons that weren't pistols.
&&& Addressed an issue where some types of ice damage were being incorrectly resisted.
&&& The Rosie's continuous damage bonus has been reduced.
&&& Miss Moxxi's Probe's lifesteal bonus and critical modifiers have been reduced.
&&& Fixed an issue where the 揃uilding a Robot Army?mission could fail to advance at the 揇estroy Powersuits?objective.
&&& The Hellfire, Magma, and Hail splash damage DoT status effect will now tick for the correct amount of damage.
&&& Players can now discover the 慍ult of the Vault?symbol in Titan Robot Production Plant.
&&& 'Tread Carefully' challenge - Players can now successfully complete the challenge by destroying five power suits without triggering any power cores.
&&& 'Death from Above' challenge - Players will now be alerted that they have unlocked a customization head after completing tier five of the challenge.
&&& The effective range of the 態laster?and 慡pitter?type laser guns has been increased.
&&& The Holodome overchargable jump pad will now be able to be overcharged if the player shoots the overcharger before activating the optional jump pads.
&&& Hot Fixes
&&& Fixed an issue where the bridge could disappear after the 揅ross bridge?objective is completed in the mission 揅luster 0R4?
&&& Improved performance for the host player in an online game when engaging in combat during 揅luster RL00K?.
&&& Fixed a progression blocker when the player allows multiple viruses to attack the firewall during 揟he Psychology of A Claptrap?mission.
&&& Character audio will no longer go silent after killing Shadow Trap.
游戏制作:2K Australia、Gearbox Software
游戏发行:2K Games


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