格雷5 mc高级采矿机机II

[GT5]格雷科技5 (GregTech5)更新日志 - MC百科|最大的MineCraft中文模组百科
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-修复了GT5在Forge1355及更高的兼容性-修复了失踪的合成&-修复了失踪的&铁路工艺Railcraft&合成&-改变了新的林业mod的蜂蜜名称-配置增加了发电机的效率-方便了大数字的阅读-扩展了Galacticraft的支持&-添加配以禁用所有ic2电缆,并更换为GT电缆:-添加的功能 - RF 支持-添加核反应堆组件-添加了核聚变堆(3层)&-增加了等离子发生器(3层)-增加魔法能量发生器(3层)-添加处理阵列-添加蒸馏塔&-添加了2个新电等级(电池)(LuV和UV)-添加烙铁-增加魔法能量吸收器(4层)-添加量子坦克(5层)&-添加格雷量子胸甲(5层)[?]-添加无线红石面版-增加泵(5层)-添加传送器-添加需求维护盖&-添加怪物驱散器(5层)范围16-256格。-增加大型汽轮机&-增加大型高压蒸汽轮机-增加大型燃气轮机&-增加大型等离子发生器(十分疯狂)-增加了播放器检测器盖(范围8格会无动力的,范围32格会供电1eu / t)&-增加大型热交换器
Fix usability of Single use batteries.(by Timeslice42)Fix Gas turbines/Diesel generators generating infinite fuel when using Universal Fluid Cells.(by Dimach)Fix Adv Miner II outputting wrong ores.(by codewarrior0)Fixed burn time of wooden covers.(by Dimach)Fix fluid regulators ignoring shutters.(by Dimach)Fix Plasma flow tooltip.(by Techlone)Add progress bar for last forge loading phase.(Recipe load)(by Данила Большаков)Fix Diesel Engine Tooltip.(by codewarrior0)Fix Diesel Engine output when boosted.(by codewarrior0)Fix efficiency calculation on large gas/plasma turbines.(by codewarrior0)Fix Oil Cracker tooltip.(by codewarrior0)Fix unlimited EU in Dynamo Hatch bug.(by codewarrior0)Fix mining laser recipe change.Disable markDirty Function of TileEntitys.(Achieved huge memory improvements in GT6, no testing in GT5 so far)Fixed ore harvest levels for new stone types(marble/basalt ores)(by Dimach).Various Fixes for Modular Armor.(By dgabehar)Fix ULV&LV cable recipes.Add marble and basalt to ore typefilter.Wrong type of steam inserted in steam turbine will now get voided to avoid getting stuck.Fix process time calculation of LuV+ disassemblers.Fix food can recipes.Change hot coolant energy value to better fix IC2 heat exchangers.Fix efficiency data of Diesel engine.Add Magic super fuel recipes that work without thaumcraft.Naq Gen MK3 now needs molten enriched naquada instead of dust.Add new usages for Graphite(Neutron reflectors, 8+32V solars, carbon conversaton).Fix scanning for oil.Fix naquadah fuel rods heat bonus.Reduce damage senses take when harvesting ic2 crops.Fix sound when using the plunger.Fix Chlorine and Hydric Sulfide fluid states.Rebalance Rocket Fuel production costs.Fix broken Hydric Sulfide recipe.Add missing meta items for GT++.Fix pollution effect coordinate calculation.EBF efficiency changes for better coils(-5% EU/t per 900K free heat capacity, One tier overclocking without efficiency loss every 1800K)
Fix crash with Fossils Archeology Revival.Basic IC2 Classic&compatibility(兼容性).Fix Forestry Wood Cover&recipes(食谱).Fix missing paperboard recipes.Fix ore in&basalt(玄武岩)&or mable not&triggering(引发)&achievements(成就).Fix Disassemblers above Insane Voltage(These tiers now work faster without&efficiency(效率)&loss).Lowered&sodium(钠)&fuel value because mods with endless salt sources allowed too&efficient(有效率的)&power generation.Exploding GT machines now drop&randomly(随便地)&some of their&crafting(精巧地制作)&components(成分).Add missing GT Food Crops.Fix GC Compressed Aluminium recipes.Add Duranium/Tritanium as highend tool materials between HSS and Neutronium.Add&radon(氡)&and naquadria&fusion(融合)&recipes.Fix ImmEng adding simple recipes for Steel/Iron/Aluminium rods.Added&compat(兼容)&to EnderIO Rocket fuel+GT Recipe.Cleanup recipe code.Add all missing&potion(一剂)&recipes to GT.Make Dough by throwing flour into filled&cauldron(大汽锅).Allow Oil Drills to pump oil in&void(空的)&worlds without&bedrock(基岩).Hide Covers for&Forestry(林业)&woods if forestry is disabled.Hide Disabled Crates.Show missing Mining Pipes in Adv Miner II GUI and missing&turbine(涡轮)&rotors(转子)&in large turbine GUI.Fix Reinforced stone dropping as TNT.Wrench(扳手)&shift(移动)&click can move machine front direction.Fix Quicksilver&nugget(天然金块)&dupe(上当者).Improved Magneticraft&compatibility(兼容性).(Imported instead of&reflection(反射), add&sifter(筛选)&recipes(食谱), remove processing exploits fortungsten(钨),&iridium(铱)&or&osmium(锇), change carbite recipe, add oil products to fuels)Immersive(沉浸式)&Engeneering compatibility.(Crusher(压碎)&recipes, Excavator has GT oreveins, bio fuel in&diesel(内燃机传动的)&generator(发电机))Add fuel values for PneumaticCraft fuels.Fix crash in some Processing Array recipes.Naquadah Fuel Rods.(Mox fuel stats with 10x runtime)Fixed some broken Assemblyline recipes.Added special mode to needsmaintainance cover for large turbine rotor damage&detection(侦查).Detect(察觉)&GT++ and enable materials for it.Item Transfer now tries to move full&stack(堆)&instead of single operation.Rare dropping of items in&combination(结合)&with double chests fixed.Add Automatic Maintainance Hatch.New Recipes for Lapotron Crystals, Mining Pipe, Mining Laser and Quantum Armor.Change gravisuite&armor(装甲)&recipes(食谱)&to&assembly(装配)&line.Fix missing&pulverization(粉碎)&byproducts.Add EnderIO Alloy recipes.Rebalance Pollution. (&for details)Fixed some Pollution Bugs.Added some more Pollution Effects.Fixed Powderbarrel processing client side.Fix the generation of uncraftable&turbine(涡轮)&rotors(转子).Fix Translation of Multibock&Tooltips(工具提示)(This time for real)Fixed Broken crop orepreocessing recipes.Turn off AdvMinerII once reaching&bedrock(基岩).Turn off Oil Drill once all oil is&drained(排水).Fix ignoredOredictList not working.Fix&scanner(扫描仪)&looking at wrong&chunk(大块)&for pollution in&negative(负的)&coordinates(坐标).Fix Large Turbine tooltips.Revised(修正)&the&modular(模块化的)&armor.Recipes are now enabled. Basic, non electric, Modular armor should work fine, testing needed. Electric modular armors still with a&bunch(群)&of strangebehaviors(行为), will be fixed in the next updates, helping with testing would be nice. Modular armor now has a&config(配置)&to change its values. Balancingproposals(提议)&would be nice.
Bugfix update.Many fixes on the new Material system.Also added a Minetweaker script parser. GT automaticly scanns for MT scripts and enables all items used in them automaticly.If a Material is fully disabled, go to the MaterialProperties.cfg, search for the Material and enable it.I:MaterialID_-1= &- '&Give it an unused Material ID, best the one it had before it was disabled. B:HasParentMod_false=true &- Not always there, but if it is, it must be set true. I:MaterialTypes_205=205 &- Bitmask for autogenerated Metaitems&&&*&@param&aTypes&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&which&kind&of&Items&should&be&generated.&Bitmask&as&follows:
&&&&*&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&128&=&GearsAll known mods that use GT items got included and now work fine. Should there be more, please leave an issue on github.Other fixes:Fix pollution crash.Remove .bats because of some antivirus programms misrecognition them.Fixed short distance teleports.Fixed Fusion Reactor input.Fix returning slabs on paper craft.Fix GT Capes.Fix Asteroid worldgen.Fix Electric Blast Furnace heat behavior.Change load order for doors to fix malisis doors conflict.Changed nerfed Comb&Crop recipes.Allow energy hatch to be in every slice of assembly line.Optimize hiding of recycling recipes.Change Multiblock Tooltips(Large Boiler, Large Turbine and Large Diesel Gen).Add config to drop items from exploding machines.Fixed charcoal pile igniter bug.Added forming press support for processing arrays.
又一次减少启动加载时间。该次更新导致mod物品不连贯,建议用前版本。.24 directly after .23 even&trough(水槽)&.23 took months? Well, this version has only one, but a huge change we prefer to keep seperate for now. Muramasa-rewrote(重写)&the whole Materials and Metaitem system. The changes were huge, so quite possible that some things are still broken. The important points about the change. We again can add more materials. Before it was limited by the maximum size of the materials enum. Everyone can add and change materials. As addon or even in the config! Materials now load dynamicly depending on the mods loaded. Less Materials = faster startup. Players/Modpacks that use materials that are now disabled must&reenable(再能)&them in the config! Unused Metaitems also got disabled for even faster startup times. Same here, should they been used in the modpack, they have to be reenabled in the config! It is possible to enable the whole metaitem type or single metaitem/material combinations. These changes again brought a huge improvement in startup time. Depending on prior performance 10-40%! So .24 compared to .22 improves in some cases to less than half the load time.
加载速度更新。Major changes:&Rewritten(改写)&oregen system (by Muramasa-) The addon GalacticGreg got integrated and can now be removed from modpacks without any issue. Oretypes for Galacticraft planetes stones got added. Oretypes for Underground Biomes stones got added.More heating Coils for Electric Blast Furnace (by OneEyeMaker) Old heating Coils are now Depricated. They should automaticly update. If not, you can pick them up and shapeless craft them into the new Coil types. LuV+ Materials now need higher tiers of heating coils.Load speed optimations (by Bogdan-G, portet by Muramasa-) Many small improvements. The slower load was before, the better the speedup. 5-30% less startup times have been measured.Pollution Now fully functional and activated. To get exact pollution value, use the Tricorder/Portable Scanner on any block to get pollution in the current chunk. Can be disabled in config or limits for effects can be set. Current effects, limits subjet to change: Pollution & 750 000: Sometimes weak poison effect, gets stronger and more often as pollution rises. Pollution & 1 000 000: Grass, Trees and plants start to die. Pollution & 2 000 000: Rain becomes acid and slowly destroys stones. Fuel burners and&muffler(蒙住)&hatches produce 10-100 pollution per second. Every chunks pollution gets updates once per minute. Pollution goes down by 1% + 2000. Neighbour chunks that have less than 80% pollution get 10% pollution moved over. Transfer&minium(铅丹)50000. Planned: Smog, pollution production from other mod burners, better balancing, better multi dimension support.Balancing/Bugfixes:Update Capelist URL.Correctly remove items from Assembly Line input hatches.Fixed assemblyline not working in negative world coordinates.Fluidfilter cover fix.Wires used in some IV recipes changes.Updated Achievements.Made GT machines sounds adjustable with sliders.Fixed Super Fuel Fuelvalue handling.Made wires paintable.Update Processing Array recipe on machine replacement.Large Turbines now explode when producing more than the dynamohatch voltage tier.Fixed&localisation(本土化)&of Assembly Line constructions plans.Fixed large turbine integer overflow.Added Magneticraft compatibility. (GT ore processing gets loaded into Magneticraft multiblocks)Return slabs on paper crafting.Added Metal Subtags to Tungstencarbide and Vanadiumsteel.Fixed dimensional&teleporter(心灵运输).Reduced teleporting costs for long and interdimensional distances.Changed item pipes behavior. The one transfer per second now can be split into multiple targed inventorys.Naquadah Gen Mark III now also returns used naquadah.Added missing reactoria leaf recipes.Changed Magnetite&aurelia(水母)&processing recipe.Fixed wrong&quintuple(五倍的)&plate recipe.Force only single&maintainance(维护)&hatch on Distillation Tower, rised min stainless steel casings by 10.
Huge Changes:(有大更新变化)Added Assembly Line multiblock.&Picture construction and use guide.Added Components for LuV, ZPM, UV produces by the new Assembly Line.Added Machines for LuV, ZPM and UV. (Via Pull Request #551 by Muramasa) So now there are 8 Tiers of single block machines. The next updates will move some recipes up to the new machines or add new&endgame(最后阶段)&stuff.Added Large Diesel Engine multiblock. (Via Pull Request #500 by Muramasa) Proper Guide coming soon, for now infos can be found here:&GitHub PR Large Diesel GenLarge Turbines other than Steam now require higher tiered casings. (Via Pull Request #493 by Muramasa) (Fixes #434) You need to rebuild all your large turbines besides the Large Steam Turbine!Added Pollution basework. Boilers, Diesel/Gas Generators and Muffler Hatches now add Pollution. Pollution gets saved per chunk. Pollution spreads and slowly&dissipates(浪费). Currently no effects. Coming soon.Smaller Changes:Added Blast Furnace recipe for NaquadahAlloy and Osmiridium.Argon(氩)&now has a fluid.Added NaquadahAlloy cables for ZPM and Duranium cables for UV.Re-factored machine recipe components for LuV to UV.Large Plasma turbines will now output the cooled versions of plasmas if an Output Hatch is available. (Via Pull Request #547 by perkinslr) (Fixes #162)Advanced Miner II can now silk touch then&pulverize(粉碎)&ores from other mods than GT. (Via Pull Request #542 by perkinslr)Added QuantumEye, QuantumStar and GraviStar to improve Field Generator recipes.Added Super Fuel and Magic Super Fuel.Notch apples can now be burned in a Magic Energy Converter.The Plunger will now empty the input tank of a machine if the output tank is empty. (Fixes #370)The Processing Array now supports 10 more machine types. (Fixes #524)Added support for the EnderIO wrench. (Fixes #527)Machines now support IC2 Single-Use batteries. (Fixes #483)GT Plasma Cells that have a Fusion recipe are shown in NEI. (Via Pull Request #518 by Muramasa) (Fixes #268)The Portable Scanner and NC Displays will now show the Optimal Flow for Large Turbines. (Via Pull Request #518 by Muramasa)Processing of some ores can now be enabled via the config. (Via Pull Request #515 by OneEyeMaker) (Fixes #512)Added Assembler recipes for various Machine Casings. (Via Pull Request #511 by MauveCloud) (Fixes #477)Soft Hammer renamed to Soft Mallet and it's texture is also flipped to&differentiate(区分)&from the Hammer (Via Pull Request #482 by draknyte1) (Fixes #407)GT now triggers IC2 achievements&unreachable(不能得到的)&before.Added support for Speiger's Crop NEI Plugin. (Via Pull Request #497 by MauveCloud)Rebalances/Fixes:Glass in machine recipes past IV now requires IC2 reinforced glass.Buffed the stats of Ultimet.Nerfed(冲撞别的汽车)&biogas(生物气)&from&distillery(酿酒厂).Changes voltage required to process Combs and crop drops.Deduced(推论)&cost to produce Polycaprolactam(String from oil).Buffed the stats of Neutronium. (Fixes 489)Reduced damage of Turbine Rotors in Plasma Turbines and added a config value. (Fixes 505)Rebalanced(再平衡)&sifting(筛选)&outputs.Bugfixes:Pyrolyse(热解)&oven can now be overclocked. (Fixes #548)Charcoal/Lignite blocks now have fuel values.Advanced Miner II now takes the ore byproduct output chance into consideration. (Via Pull Request #536 by Techlons)Corrected the burn value of Wooden Plates.Fixed Exploit with Advanced Miner II where infinite mining pipes came out.The Distillation tower will not start processing if there is a little oil left in second input hatch.Magic Energy Absorber can now produce power from Enchanted Books. (Fixes #487)Fixed Magic Energy Absorber not calculating it's efficiency properly. (Fixes #486)Unstable&ingots(锭)&are now blacklisted from Unification. (Fixes #529)Fixed Exploits with Advanced Miner II where an ore block could be mined twice. (Via Pull Request #533 by Techlone)The Processing Array can now handle multiple input stacks at a time. (Via Pull Request #526 by perkinslr)Brittle(易碎的)&Charcoal can now be harvested in Adventure Mode. (Via Pull Request #511 by MauveCloud) (Fixes #436)Fixed Brittle Charcoal server client sync bug. Enforce correct tool and mining level. (Via Pull Request #511 by MauveCloud) (Fixes #503)Fixed various storage blocks not enforcing tool levels. (Via Pull Request #503 by MauveCloud)Fixed 3&misspelt(拼写错误)&TC Aspects causing them not to be recognized by GT machines. (Via Pull Request #518 by Muramasa) (Fixes #507)Achievement &Full Efficiency& now has to be unlocked before &As Dense As Possible& (Via Pull Request #518 by Muramasa) (Fixes #478)Added missing GUI buttons to GT High Pressure and Bronze machines. (Via Pull Request #518 by Muramasa) (Fixes #367)Turbine Rotor tooltip now shows the correct Optimal Gas Flow. (Via Pull Request #518 by Muramasa) (Fixes #501)Fixed crash when right clicking Fluid Filter with an item that isn't a fluid container. (Via Pull Request #518 by Muramasa) (Fixes #517)Redone all multiblock tooltips so that they now follow a similar structure and are a little easier to understand. (Via Pull Request #518 by Muramasa)Output buses will now try and split exported items to multiple buses if there is no one left to take full stack. (Via Pull Request #499 by MauveCloud) (Fixes #180)Sulfuric(硫磺的)&Naphtha is now&spelt(拼写)&correctly. (Via Pull Request #473 by leagris) (Fixes #472 & #219)The EV Battery Charger recipe now uses the OreDictionary.Moved GT Bee init to earlier load phase.Fixed a depricated autogenerated recipe for Assemblymachine.Rised generator internal EU storage to counter production bug.
Fix fluid regulator recipe.Fix some more missing recipes.Change charcoal pit tooltip(now better to understand? If not, help me out please).Allow multiple inputs in&distillation(蒸馏)&tower.Invert outputs of distillation tower fluids(light fluids top, heavy fluids bottom).Oil&rebalance(再平衡)(Rised gas fuel values, made heavy oil processing faster, cracking cheaper and outputs more gas, cracking light fuel to gas and burning it in multiblock gas turbine should slightly better than nitrofuel while being more complex).Check damage from hot pipe also with connected sides.Stop&disassembler(拆开)&destroying items.Fig rotor assembler recipes missing(had to change large fluid cells recipes/Recipe conflict).Fluid&extractor(提取器)&show one recipe per material.Arc furnace show iron and copper recipes.
Fixed heavy oil not generated(other oil types pumped might change as random generator was changed).Changed some Crop stats to fix&crossbreeding(使杂交繁育)&(by Nidan).Fixed broken gui of modular armor(by miuirussia).Fix Fusion Reactor starting without enough energy in buffer(by techlone).Fix Forestry Log&Planks above meta 15 not changed by GT.Added compatibility for Nuclear Control monitors to large turbines.Fixed large turbine output above optimal flow incorrect.Added sharpness entcant to HSS metals.Made Large Fluid Cells cheaper and higher stacking.Improved stats of sense.Adding missing drop to Uranium crop.High pressure turbine now deletes normal steam in input hatch to not get stuck by heat exchanger messing up.Added Lathe recipes for wooden bowls.Fixed mox fuel rods in fluid reactors.Fixed impossible recipe in&implosion(向内破裂)&compressor.Added Silicone soft hammer.Added assembling machine recipe for rotors.Fixed Adv Miner II not stopping at bedrock.Fixed Adv Miner II destroying Oil Sands.Made HV Magic Energy Converter pre fusion tier.Added Fluid Filter cover(shutter cover that only lets pass fluids it is set to. set by right click with fluid container).Added Regulator cover(pump cover with adjustable L/sec).Fixed shift right click with&screwdriver(螺丝刀)&not working (finally lowering values without looping&trough(水槽)&up to 64 values).Fixed Item Detector cover.Hiding of all unused ores from NEI (about 3000 entrys removed from NEI, can be&reenabled(再能)&in config).Hiding of recycling recipes (should improve search for the correct recipes a lot. About 30k recipes that no longer show in NEI but still work. Also with config).Fixed Gunpowder unlocking clean dust achievement.First internal works on Tool hardening and Pollution systems. Only about half done.}


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