
感谢他的制作亲测windows8.1 x64使用无误 无兼容性问题-----初次使用请看楼下的教程-----
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挖坟者自重。——千万不要在意我的新式小尾巴!原因:系统自动发送,仅android客户端启用。霉运正在删除中 请稍后...━━━━━━━━━━━━━▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉ 100%━━━━━━━━━━━━━删除成功。。。。 看见者请在60秒内转发,谁转谁走运!2014红红火火但愿自己在2014年红红火火吧。
WIN8.1 用了进地图照样闪退。。
大地图不会保存 虽然里面一样但是外面是一片平地什么情况
@周瑜K了Zero 为什么我用了这个启动器能跳过开头动画了,但是进入地图没几秒钟就闪退了呢。。。。。。 以前玩得一直很正常,自从装了Origin,下了个FIFA15之后,模拟4就进不去了,一直闪退! 望高手解答啊
? ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈你住的城市 下雨了,很想问你有没有带伞。可是我忍住了,因为我怕你说没带,而我又无能为力,就像是我爱你,却给不到你想要的陪伴。 我们在的城市下雨了,很想问你有没有带伞,可是我忍住了,因为我怕你说没带,我说我给你送伞吧,你说不用,我跑着回去就行了,就像是我爱你,你却不需要我的陪伴。?┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
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SimCity 4 Cheats - PC
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SimCity 4 Cheats
Useful Cheats
Remember hold ctrl+x so it reveals the cheat box! Also hold control to keep the cheat box showing after you submit the cheat and press up to bring the previous cheat up.
Code: fightthepower
Useful Cheats
Remember hold ctrl+x so it reveals the cheat box! Also hold control to keep the cheat box showing after you submit the cheat and press up to bring the previous cheat up.
Code: howdryiam
Useful Cheats
Remember hold ctrl+x so it reveals the cheat box! Also hold control to keep the cheat box showing after you submit the cheat and press up to bring the previous cheat up.
Code: tastyzots
Useful Cheats
Remember hold ctrl+x so it reveals the cheat box! Also hold control to keep the cheat box showing after you submit the cheat and press up to bring the previous cheat up.
Code: weaknesspays
Useful Cheats
Remember hold ctrl+x so it reveals the cheat box! Also hold control to keep the cheat box showing after you submit the cheat and press up to bring the previous cheat up.
Code: you don't deserve it
Change city name
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: whererufrom
Change mayor name
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: hellomynameis
Display Codes
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Display Codes
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: terrainquery
Easy Money
Push CTRL+ X; S Press and hold LEFT SHIFT; Push ENTER; Push CURSOR UP; Push ENTER; Repeat steps 5 and 6; you will get $1000 each time.
Code: weaknesspays
Easy Money
Push CTRL+ X; S Press and hold LEFT SHIFT; Push ENTER; Push CURSOR UP; Push ENTER; Repeat steps 5 and 6; you will get $1000 each time.
Code: weaknesspays
Empty Zone colors disappear
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: zoneria
Green tinge on map
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Hide empty zone color
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: zoneria
No power requirement for all buildings
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: fightthepower
No water requirement for all buildings.
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: Howdryiam
Reactivate God mode
To reenter God mode after you have created your City, press and hold CTRL + ALT + SHIFT and click the button. The tools will not be the post-establishment tools, but will revert back to pre-city tools. They will remain that way as long as you stay in God mode, otherwise they go back to normal.
Code: God mode
Set magnification level
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: sizeof
Set time of the day (military format)
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: whatimeizit
Start recorder
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: recorder
Toggle cell warnings
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: tastyzots
Toggle the 24 hour clock
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: stopwatch
Turn advisors into llamas
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: dollyllama
Unlock all rewards
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: you don't deserve it
1,000 more Simoleons in treasury.
Push CTRL + X while playing the game to see the console window. Submit one of the codes below then push ENTER to enable that particular cheat code. If the console window closes then you know you have entered the code correctly.
Code: weaknesspays
50 Million Bucks
Press Ctrl-x and type in the following code, then press Enter.
Code: ultamate money
Increase Population
Press Ctrl-x and type in the following code, then press Enter.
Code: population increase
In the adviser screen, click the query box, then click the X on the bad or good messages.
Double rewards
Use the unlock all rewards code, and write down requirements for reward (hold the pointer over the picture.) Place that reward. Now perform the requirements for it. Neil Fairbanks will ask your permission to build the reward a second time in your city.
Public or Private Schooling
The advantages of private schooling are: it helps with the demand for high money residences, increases the desirability of your surroundings, and reduces the amount you will spend on education.
Land Value
Land value is enhanced by the proximity to water and high ground (elevation-wise). This is your opportunity to make some places that will be higher in land value, and make your place popular among your citizens.
The best way to make money in SimCity 4 is through taxation, higher taxes mean more money to spend in building your city. Early in the game it is important to build the city up prior to spending a lot of money on amenities for your Sims to generate a good tax base. Keep tax levels at reasonable rates, if they are too high your Sims will move out.
Make sure you have a useful mode of transportation next to your train stations. Otherwise, if a sim may only walk from the train station to the final destination, that train station is only serving a very small radius and won't be used very much at all.
Gameplay Guide 2
If a Sim looks towards the other side of the city, and sees his destination a couple miles away, they will choose to go to a bus, train, or subway station within walking distance. If one isn't within walking distance he or she will decide to use his/her own car and drive.
Gameplay Guide 3
Sims can drive to a train station. Let's say that about three blocks away, there is one, and the sim knows that the train will take him/her near the destination.
High Net Worth Sims 3
If you keep your taxes at 7.o% the whole game, you get a higher demand and more people want to move to your city
Transportation in SimCity 4 is more complex than any of the previous versions. In previous versions Sims actions were very simplistic, so mass transportation was an obvious choice, but in SimCity 4 that is not the case. First of all, transportation is not only used by Sims going to and from work. There is transportation to do errands at...
Public or Private Schooling 2
Private schools take longer to develop than public schools. Therefore before the private schools are running you will need to weigh the effects of delaying your education system. By delaying the education system (while you wait for private schools) you city will be less desirable.
Since Maxis developed the SimCity and The Sims franchises, you can export your characters from The Sims to SimCity 4. These characters will act as advisors, but instead of talking about municipal issues they will talk about their personal lives and how well your city is running. Unfortunately these characters will not retain all their traits...
Press CTRL + X to open the cheat window. Then type in weaknesspays, but befroe you press Enter, press and hold Left Shift. Then press Enter but without letting go of Shift, (don't take your hand off Shift until you're satisfied with your savings).
Gameplay Guide 1
Sims won't walk much farther than a block.
High Net Worth Sims 1
Another thing to note is that high-wealth sims rarely take mass transportation, and like to stay in their luxury cars, and mid-wealth sims tend to take trains and subways if it's practical, but rarely busses, and low wealth sims tend to take the bus a lot.
High Net Worth Sims 2
To make money make sure there is power, low traffic, water, and roads.
Pollution Problems?
Pollution is mostly caused by traffic congestion or Dirty Industry, along side with your power plant (if it generates pollution).
Some Tips to help reduce pollution for your Sims:
1) You can build your industry anywhere just make sure that medium wealth residence and high wealth residence are not too close or they might leave due to poor...
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