德州扑克nl50什么意思 big smart什么意思?

德州扑克(Texas Holdem):技巧性非常强的游戏。基本上所有玩家都能在十分钟内掌握基本游戏规则和简单技巧。这种游戏需要技巧、心里、EQ、耐性以及运气等众多因素,可以说是一种对人的综合素质全面考验的游戏。在北京,喜欢德州扑克这项运动的,多半是以金融、投资等领域的白领和高管为主。
10月9日 周五 19:30-21:30北京市东城区东直门外大街42号宇飞大厦906室(离东直门地铁步行5分钟),问路电话:活动简介
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入门, 积分 806, 距离下一级还需 194 积分
威望2 经验值806
本帖最后由 wyn7880 于
19:16 编辑
0 F, O, f3 |+ c5 N3 s
从别的论坛上看到一篇帖子觉得写的不错,就自己翻译了一下。5 t5 h. e. `/ _' m$ |; y
(翻译也蛮累的。。可否求点竞技币鼓励……), w9 H2 U2 ]& B6 M8 n. @; r
/ z7 j2 u. `6 ]9 N. F
我之前一直在想啥时候写个什么牛逼帖子,估计没几个人认识我。首先要说的是我这帖子没啥新内容,这. F. g4 F8 u6 I
帖子很长,而且可能到处是语法错误什么的,不过我会写的容易理解一些。我在论坛潜水蛮久了,之前在$ T: T, j' c1 {' J4 z! N& B3 C
UIGEA法案出台前就开始玩牌了(UIGEA是Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act,美国
2006年出台的非法互联网DU强制法案 ,为了变成一个牛逼的牌手我玩了好多不同的玩法,但一直
都没变的真正牛逼……我现在可以稳定盈利,不过我不玩高额桌,而且我知道如果写策略贴的话哥不是水平* _5 `1 S, O: q8 Y. Q
6 G1 ]) u7 v1 r* J) t0 g- H
不管怎么样,我有个把月没有正式工作了,也没打算找个正式工作。所以咧,我一直觉得应该写个帖子来回0 U; x) e) ]$ N0 ^4 |
馈社会神马的……9 X, q% g1 L8 f
! q% l# R&&|&&i' q
你没那么牛逼,不过一般情况下你意识不到,因为你总是以短期盈利来做评判标准。# W9 b1 p. e&&G" W
* P9 Z/ l+ K! @+ k4 e( @! Q& k
认是你的打牌技术不行。某天晚上你因为输了40个buyin而ot了,你无法接受失败,你的自尊心或者自负心' @% D9 N. C5 A- S# e0 G/ m
1 e$ U% [' j( u9 X: E
第一次也不会是最后一次。你读过很多帖子都说如果一个session里输很多或者正在经历下风期时就应该停% {- l% E6 m8 d0 D& X
被认为是很傻X的,所以你最好TMD能成功。' s7 B2 N5 v+ O4 U7 s# x6 x7 p
你觉得如果我不OT,我就能赚NNNNN多钱了,我现在应该能升到NL2000或者NL5000级别了。可惜你没做到,* g9 |. m3 ^+ u$ E
里的话,那你就不是一个好牌手,尽管你这个月大部分时间都打的很好。1 L% S, r' l) J4 ?&&s1 L% o5 W
方面的水平。9 L+ o3 ~, R4 g1 u* a* O( R* |: }& b
% m4 ]/ J) }* b9 j- E
于更重要的东西。, w/ N( |# L6 K3 g
+ Z$ u8 E& X&&m. N0 y
所以当我在想这帖子写什么内容的时候,我想告诉大家一些我懂但貌似大部分人不懂的东西。不过想想我自. _5 ]# w$ z- M; H
己费了多大劲才达到这水平后发现这样写很装逼,还是算了吧。实际上抛开自私的一面我决定写一点自己想: c" S' M! S' O
写的东西,或者更准确的说写给刚开始打牌时的我。所以这是个写给曾经的我的帖子,希望大家能从我的教( v( @: g) Z) Z0 S0 F8 U
训里明白点东西。& ^% L1 E" D$ m$ T7 V2 }+ z
不过没关系,事实上如果你明白你有多烂的话你会变的更强大,如果你能明白你为什么这么烂的话就会变得/ W6 g0 D% D0 ?- _1 F2 i
超级强大。) K&&]6 n, r, f3 X* @& ]: ]
这是第一步,学会如何提升水平和提升水平就是打牌的一切。我知道你考大学弄学位什么都挺轻松的,花几9 i% t2 R% r7 e' @5 Y
这是你第一次面对一个需要付出真正努力才能成功的东西。别糊弄自己了……你不是天才,你需要认真的付8 ~) v3 N( Q, G&&c
出努力才行!这样会简单的多。& d5 f5 {7 A&&B, u1 e0 W
0 i&&g9 i& c5 l! o+ L2 M% a
我知道你正在看这帖子,你觉得这些话都是说给别人听的。扯淡,不管你信不信,我说的就是你。我就是你2 d3 M, H. _1 T
!我几年前就是你现在这熊样!是,你是盈利了,但是如果你能盈利更多呢?我知道你想过这个,不过你真, F7 t- ?+ s8 m7 e
大弱点吗?你有没有制定计划去完善这些?是否正在执行这个计划?你OT吗?知道为什么OT吗?7 v8 t0 R9 S3 A+ o
我知道并且也做了。- f9 q: J( }&&V2 \
* ?' d% n1 w+ p: z
逃避,你把这些归结于倒霉。你是不是经常听人说自己倒霉?每个被bad beat的故事里是不是都充斥着EV图
* Y( D' V* f. @* C( {3 O/ F
扑克就是这么奇怪…如果我们打篮球的时候罚球不进,估计我们会找个打的好的人来教我们投篮技术,如果0 J$ x, \: V9 y7 G&&h; V7 y7 W
8 x) ~5 Y2 K: {
你知道的,从长远来讲技巧才能让你盈利。但是你输的时候会抱怨,你明知道打不出最好的水平还咬牙切齿5 n* j1 Q- l: w% w- H6 m
/ W) L3 e# {' X; t' g& u
抓一个大咋呼时幸运的成功了,我估计你不会想很多,就像你轻松的搞定学生时期一样。但是如果你一而再; g$ q7 u7 d&&g! o. g
受不了了你就放弃了。错误是成长所必须的,而且错误是成长的好机会。如果能找出这些错误的话你就偷着4 @6 D$ D0 J3 l! h6 {% q/ X
乐吧。因为每当你找出一个错误时,你就能改正它,这意味着更多的钱和自信。$ O8 b' x3 ~& j. W! a4 I+ b* n) }( U
,这是个持续积累的过程,最终你的盈利将稳定并持续增长。- ?" l' h" C8 l% c
/ H, f/ m! \6 @0 V; J7 e0 C
中学会了多少、成长了多少。我牌手生涯里最牛逼的事就是抛开情绪并且认识到自己打的很烂。当你知道你/ J1 X/ C2 L) A7 g2 j
&&C9 b: A' z&&W0 j0 E% b
得某个session很垃圾的时候,去回顾每手牌,把每个bad beat和错误都写下来,找出你输的真正原因,别. I$ `. J7 Z% f% Y* [5 |2 S
子能帮别人一点一点改进直到最后获得成功。2 @" M9 ^% X9 w/ d, G. R
1 j9 C# X) ^9 O2 P: N
+ v7 w$ o+ r- k9 M% `3 O/ j
" [9 [. R3 z% o6 G) h
竞技币 +50
入门, 积分 806, 距离下一级还需 194 积分
入门, 积分 806, 距离下一级还需 194 积分
威望2 经验值806
I have been thinking about what to write for a pooh-bah post for sometime. I don't think many of you know who I am, outside of this forum. I will start by saying I do not have a lot of new content as far as strategy goes. This is very TLDR, and it's probably full of grammar mistakes, or something... but I tried to make it easy to read.
8 Y/ {9 h3 ?5 D&&V! h
& a& U+ H& N& O+ W5 n
I've been around the forum for a long time now, and started playing poker before the UIEGA. I've played many different games in my goal to become great at poker, and it never really took off for me. I make consistent money now, but I don't play the super high stakes games, and I don't really think I am the best poster when it comes to strategy. " z+ e! k5 y3 x% I8 y+ J/ Z
* z% D* Z6 V" J5 d4 g) ^
However, I haven't had a formal job for many months now, and have no intentions of getting one anytime soon. So, I still feel obligated to give something back, or better yet, pay it forward.
8 M: w* n8 ?/ ^. N; T/ e1 Y
# f8 `7 \) _9 x2 Z! x
Looking back on the years I have spent on this game, and the numerous ups and downs in a poker career that has been less than stellar up to this point makes me wonder what kept me going. One of the hardest things I have ever done in my life was being a mediocre poker player. When you are marginally above break even, you still take the same swings that everyone else does, but you also don't really make any serious money doing it. You get to a point where you should realize you aren't very good, but your ego won't let you. So you end up being gratified and tortured by your results. 6 t&&D6 X9 j0 V* w* [
/ m0 Q3 h- ^6 B0 h
One month you win 10K and you think &finally this game makes sense&, then midway through the next month you get hit by negative variance in the cards and your play. Of course, at the time you won't admit that your play has everything to do with your results. And one night, you tilt off 40 buyins because you can't accept losing. Your ego just won't let you. ' p: c, |/ y+ j, q" T- c" I
Yeah, that's right 40 buyins over one 20hr session. I mean, no breaks, no food, not missing a single hand. It's not the first time either... or the last. You read numerous posts that if you lose that much in one session, you should quit, or you are horrible at poker if you take those kinds of downswings, but you can't quit. You think you have a borderline gambling problem, but you still made some money. And you are doing something that society generally feels as being pretty stupid, so you better ****ing succeed. & Q% \" G* e7 l' R1 j# _! [! M9 X
. E6 Y) w3 H% F# O4 u" g
5 X0 Z+ e9 s' h4 B
You think... if I just didn't tilt... I would have $XXXXXX.XX. I would be playing $10-20 or 25-50 by now. But you aren't... you are busto. You know you aren't stupid. You have an engineering degree, so why are these idiot dropouts making all this money and you aren't? How can they be better at a game like this? Well, I got news for you, they are better. / @& W! |/ Y2 v0 \
+ H* L, E9 m2 M! Z# n7 w
If you are tilting, or otherwise not playing your A game, that is all part of who you are as a poker player. It took me a long time to learn this. Every time you sit down at the table, you are demonstrating who you are as a poker player(even sometimes when you are away from the table). If you play amazingly well, then once a month you go on tilt and you take your entire roll and put it in a high stakes game, you have a major leak and that means you aren't an amazing player, despite playing amazing for most of the month.
4 @7 {( v( s: |9 S
/ a2 W! b: Q( M* P$ A
Most players don't have leaks this severe, but I hope you get my point. You can't pick and choose how good you are based only on when you are playing well. You need to look at all your play and all your skills.4 i7 K5 m' O&&v) Z9 }9 V3 |
: [8 S&&z0 |- j' Q2 G) Y9 b( Q/ |
" H& \! z0 d) y/ @
Even if you are only playing when
you are missing out on money and good games, and you aren't giving yourself a chance to improve your B and C game. And trust me, if you need to play one day and aren't feeling tip-top, you will really wish you spent some time working on those aspects of your game.
&&R' C/ M! N. B2 s
% r: V% X$ t# Y( T
1 S0 R) S* Z$ }0 J5 V+ Y6 }; |4 c
I went through all of this... then I hired a mental coach and actually started winning constantly and figured out my tilt game. I am still working on it all, but it is coming along. 8 J6 I0 K3 C7 j- \/ Q8 e
' K' l' K2 P( ~. P
0 d5 U# y* L# V9 x7 J. U
Now I focus on other things. I am working on taking my ego out of the game. I also decided that I don't care about the stakes I play, or the money I make, as long as I have enough to live on. I stopped compulsively checking my cashier, and don't even know if I am up or down for the month. This act alone takes money out of the game, and you can focus on what really matters. ( D7 s* e* z% U; g, @. Q
" V" b: L9 a7 T8 Q' \
So when thinking about what to write, I wanted to offer the community something that I have that most others don't seem to have. Then I realized that that is a pretty arrogant thing to even think about, considering how much I have struggled to get to where I am. ( u+ S* j& j& `
" d9 A) \$ b% R6 \
Instead, I took the selfish way out and decided to write something that I want to write about. Or more accurately, what I would tell myself back when I was starting out. So this is a note to the old me, hopefully by sharing it someone else may learn from my mistakes:
' `8 I: Q# }$ _* w/ S! J1 U. \8 n/ R
You are not as good as you think you are." A. k+ d- X
" ], ~9 p8 _- M: P4 s% ]5 z( n5 ~
2 c, a' m. m4 q( _! c) p# C% `
But that is okay. In fact, it is amazingly powerful if you can truly understand just how much you suck. It's even more powerful if you can understand why you suck. ; d- ~: t% ^# t- d
: Z2 P9 C7 N&&A9 ]) Y
) I/ q3 f+ q! v+ |5 C
This is the first step in learning to improve and improving is what this game is all about. I know things have always come easy for you in school and all the way through university. You never applied yourself for more than a few weeks and you did fine. People always told you how smart you are, and how they wish they could learn as quickly as you.( `& m5 r7 Z, e4 ]$ L
6 R/ I) H* k: Y% S/ U
This is the first time in your life that you are facing something that you really have to work at to succeed intellectually. And don't kid yourself... YES! You need to work! ALL THE TIME! Trust me, it's sooo much easier that way. 8 X&&}* ^* S5 {7 P: A8 i0 o: b
" V% Y8 F9 k9 V8 G2 k$ {
; K% c* F2 V& O% l3 s
I know you are reading this, and you think it is for someone else. But it's not.... believe it or not, I am talking to you. I am you! I was where you are right now years ago. Sure, you have had some success at this game, but what if you could do more? I know you've thought about it...but do you really know how to get there? Do you even know the things you need to improve? Do you really know why you lose? Do you know your biggest leaks? Do you have a plan to fix them? Is it working? Do you tilt? Do you know why? - W( E( j&&\1 u% q' @
. ~+ [5 J2 }&&@3 W' `% [% |
I do... ' L, ?2 M6 T1 D# i
' S$ w: l! {3 U
I know something even bigger about you. You hate making mistakes. It makes me smile knowing this, I wish you could understand why... You hate making them so much, that you justify losses to yourself by saying you ran bad. How many times have you seen people complain about running bad? How many threads have you read about bad beat stories, EV graphs, doomswitch complaints, and chat window beratings? Now think about how many times you've seen someone say, “I have these mistakes, how do I fix them?”
% b( @& P/ u1 u! j/ g: _( ]- j
Poker is weird that way... If we were playing basketball and couldn't make a free-throw we would probably ask someone better than us to help us with our technique. We would probably get a lot of weird looks if we just complained about our unlucky free-throw or how bad we run at basketball.7 y1 V, L+ V$ r
1 ?% E) U$ M6 t2 z: t
You know this game rewards skill over the long run. But when you are losing, you complain, you grind and you try to win it back in one shot when you KNOW you aren't playing your best... Essentially, you try to get lucky. You don't realize that losing is the BEST thing for your game!. V1 y& k2 n( o7 `, L8 b9 o7 N
, v9 X6 w" p) B- }; N: G
4 G' O$ @7 u! P6 m
& W: i3 a: l5 g# p
If this game was easy, and you won all the time from the start, how much effort would you put into improving? If you make a big call, suckout, or sniff out a bluff and got lucky you probably won't think twice about it. It would be like school, and you would just coast through. But if you lose and lose and lose, you can start asking questions. " T5 i$ y1 x6 s
" x: f5 e( s) Q& u- d. ]' M. x
4 Y! T. U+ S4 P2 [
Failure doesn't exist if you keep trying and keep improving. Failure happens when you keep doing the same damn thing, and keep getting the same stupid result until you can take no more and you give up. Mistakes are necessary and are the best opportunities for growth. Seek them out and be proud!! Because when you find one, you can fix it and that means more money and confidence.
, o) c&&S- y( V7 _# R
4 V" O: [&&^- R7 O4 S3 ?- C& `: z: M
You have a long way to go and a lot to learn. But remember, every thing you learn compounds on itself in this game. You don't learn to win overnight, you pick up little things here and there, and eventually, you have built a game that wins and continues to grow.
/ T/ `$ k$ [+ |) h& A# Q" X
2 V0 u" E5 O. U+ L, N3 A
&&A% D9 L$ c( b- Z
Your Best Bud, & A& P: L, S&&z1 T/ ^1 R7 E
$ T$ I$ j9 f9 L0 J( d' ]9 ]
. J1 E5 |) ~: e% H! q
You. # F; T/ i. e( i: ?
4 h' _% s# E# X" W( W& K& J2 ]4 M1 Z) k
/ ?# _) T7 G! j' P/ v
I ****ing love this game. I realize I am far from an amazing player, but it doesn't matter. This game challenges a person on so many levels and I can't think about how much I have grown and learned from this game outside of poker. Taking my ego out and realizing that I suck at poker has been one of the best things that ever happened for my game. When you know you suck, you can work and improve. If you are 'just running bad', there isn't a ****ing thing you can do.
1 r2 u6 O$ S) i
) i4 m, R! x( Y* a0 C
Now this next part is going to sound weird to a lot of good players. I don't lose confidence when I am running bad. Seriously. The cards I am dealt have nothing to do with how I interpret my skill, and that is what confidence means to me. If I do lose confidence, it's because I am not analyzing my game enough. Try it. The next time you feel like crap from a session, go over every hand and WRITE DOWN all spots you got unlucky and all the mistakes you made. Find out exactly why you lost, and don't make any excuses. It might sound odd, but if you force yourself to do it, you will feel better. & }# |# M+ D9 P: `- D$ i- ?0 C/ O
9 r0 y! P5 x2 Q5 Z8 V3 l* n$ d8 V
2 Z" S. L( E( u& r0 ~; B0 ?
, [7 O& a) D) c7 P! p0 _1 f8 j
It is a privileged to play this game everyday, and I am very grateful that it is my job. I know this post isn't likely to help anyone a huge amount, but I also know that it might help someone a little and little improvements reap big rewards in this game. 1 u9 P0 v+ v" I3 A$ X
( g&&n: T+ m: `* B
Thank-you for taking the time to read this.
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UIGEA指的是Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act,美国2006年出台的非法互联网DU强制法案
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入门, 积分 806, 距离下一级还需 194 积分
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