dota 2 invoker cape of the arsenalantenna magus 5.5第四层要怎么解锁

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The Helm of the Dominator is an
purchasable at the Main Shop, under .
One Helm of the Dominator grants a total of 40 , 1.43% , 0.33 , 27 , 24 , 0.14%
AffectsEnemy Units
Takes control of one neutral, non-ancient target unit and sets its movement speed to 425 and max health to a minimum of 1500.Dominated units with a max health of greater than 1500 retain their original max health. Dominated unit's bounty is set to 125 gold.
Cast Range: 700Max Units: 1Minimum Base Health: 1500Set Movement Speed: 425Set Gold Bounty: 125 60
Dominated: Undispellable. Item Helm Of The Dominator Bonushealth: Undispellable.
on the target which removes buffs and debuffs.
Dominating a creep while already having one dominated causes the previous dominated creep to die.
The number of max allowed units is bound to the player. Buying a new Helm of the Dominator does not allow dominating an additional unit.
This also goes for the
's copied Helm of the Dominator.
When an enemy steals the dominated creep (e.g.
), dominating a new creep does not cause the previous one to die.
When the item gets sold or destroyed, the dominated creep dies.
The death is not credited to anyone so that no one gets
Sets the target's movement speed to 425, regardless of its default movement speed.
Sets the target's gold bounty to 125, regardless of its default bounty.
The target's default gold bounty is not granted upon killing it, only the set value is. Its experience bounty is unchanged.
If the creep's maximum health is below 1500, its health is set to that value.
If its health is below the minimum base health, it gets fully healed as well. If it is equal or above, then it does not get healed.
Does not restore the creep's mana.
Cannot dominate ,
summons and .
Dominator Aura
Increases nearby allies' attack speed by 15 and health regen by 8.
Radius: 900Attack Speed Bonus: 15Health Regeneration Bonus: 8Modifiers
Helm Of The Dominator Aura: Undispellable.
The 's buff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
Does not stack with multiple instances of Dominator Aura.
Fully stacks with other sources of attack speed and health regeneration bonuses.
Regenerates up to 480 health in one minute.
Does not affect ,
Helm gives one more creep to Chen and health regen, that is very important for early game pushes.
Howl increases damage of every single creep, increasing pushing power.
Certain , such as the , can be useful if Dominated and made to follow Drow Ranger.
Allows to give a creep to provide aura for Luna. Stats, hp and attack speed are also important for pushing and surviving.
Gives a huge amount of health (750/) and attack (75/105/135) when using
Death pact.
Dominated creeps can be used to remotely stack an . Some creeps have abilities that are very useful, such as
You can dominate the
for the helpful damage aura and have it follow your .
A dominated creep can be used as a scout that can be placed inside
's pit. Just be sure not to place it too close to Roshan, so he does not attack it.
Dominate always sets the creep's base movement speed to 425. The only units which have more than 425 movement speed are
at level 3 or higher. This means dominating one of them actually reduces their base speed down to 425. Besides these, all other dominatable creeps have lower movement speed than 425.From Dota 2 Wiki
Forge SpiritFrom Dota 2 Wiki
Forge Spirit}


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