warframe天王星 archwing 天王星拦截任务怎么过

Steve谈Warframe之Archwing更新(采访编辑:)我上一次玩warframe的时候,它基本来说是一款传统的太空忍者游戏。仅仅一年之后,太空忍者的要素仍然还在,但又添加了新玩意儿,例如可以交易的太空小狗。玩家的活动也更广泛了——玩家建造的超大氏族道场,以至于需要新增传送功能来帮助穿行其中。当我撰写这篇采访之时,warframe是Steam上第十位的热门游戏,有着16382名玩家同时在线。并且warframe马上就要插上翅膀起飞了。在warframe之中,你扮演其中一名Tenno,身披名为warframe的外部装甲的古代战士,与名为Gineer的军事化克隆体战斗。在最新的更新中,Archwing将让玩家在太空中飞行和战斗。为了发掘Archwing到底如何工作,我采访了Steve Sinclair——warframe的创意总监。 RPS(网站名,即采访者):我上一次见warframe的时候记得有很多太空忍者穿梭于各个任务中,击杀各种东西……Steve:游戏仍然扎根于你所说的,玩家四处跑动,砍杀,射击,使用你的技能,但是我们在不断添加新的内容。并且我们马上要添加社交界面。我们会继续积极地更新,只要有人还付我们薪水。 RPS:最新的更新将会重点特写让你翱翔宇宙的Archwing。那是一个全新的战甲还是你可以装在现有战甲上的增幅装置?Steve:它是战甲使用的飞行装置。我们现有的玩家喜欢自由选择和自定义他们的战甲,他们很熟悉于此,所以当你进入Archwing模式后仍然会保留相关设定。如果你用着一套很cool的Loki,身上有着不同的升级模块,进入Archwing模式后很多会被保留,而不是说:“你有了新的工具,之前的投入就没用了”。我们希望尊重玩家的投入。
RPS:Archwing会有建造要素吗?Steve:Mod系统是我们升级系统的主体。如何融入建造要素会像这样“Oh,你发现了可以装备在Archwing上的武器部件”。我们一般用物品来达到类似的目的——也许有一把Archwing的锤子你能通过击败Archwing模式的boss来获得蓝图。你能建造它,并带它进入太空,砸碎那些敌人。 RPS:说到武器,在太空中有近战吗?在演示中好像都是远程攻击。Steve:演示中的还比较粗糙,所以我觉得我的同事有意避开展示太多。动画师仍在添加细节。我们希望Archwing——原谅我词穷了——越动漫(anime)越好。你会装备一把大型的重武器,以及一把巨大的斩舰刀,在飞船间消灭一切。 RPS:你曾经提到过Warframe的地图生成有着和Diablo系列类似之处——那么太空地图会如何呢?Steve:好问题。一种一个模式叫Trech Run,是一个类似千年隼号于绝地归来中穿过的迷宫(星球大战)——曲折蜿蜒,而你处于一艘大型战舰的内部。那样的地图确实是使用了我们常用的过程生成技术(procedural generation)。在更加自由飞行的模式里,我们将碎片和敌人进行过程生成,但是因为是开放的,所以不会有类似系列迷宫的感觉。只有地图上的东西是过程生成的。 RPS:如何完成从飞船内到飞船外的转换?还是说是不同的任务?Steve:如果我们进行一个混合的任务,你将会通过一艘Corpus的飞船,同时Grineer会冲这你喊“我们要炸了那艘船,我们说到做到!”然后他们就会真的炸了,于是你就会转换到宇宙飞行的模式。一定会有不同的地图类型在一个任务之中。我觉得我们还只是在浅尝,我们会看看玩家到底喜欢什么样的。我们对此很兴奋,我们一定希望能更深入探索(任务类型)。 RPS:告诉我更多关于新游戏模式。Steve:我们现在有这很多不同的游戏模式。有些是无限的,比如防御和生存模式,它们很受欢迎。我们正在尝试带来尽可能多的游戏类型,让玩家不仅能到处飞行,耍帅(be awesome),还能4人合作完成在太空的防御,消灭四面来袭的敌人。我们正在试图尽可能多地把现有的各种任务类型搬入太空。
RPS:Warframe一直着重灵活度和超强的机动力。那么从地面到太空的转换会不会引起玩家的不适应呢?Steve:我们希望在Archwing中保留玩家对于滑行,躲避等动作的肌肉记忆。你的跑动会变成加力飞行,而太空中的滑行会做一个很cool的漂移机动,让你更难被击中。一个我们之前做出的,比较有争议的决定是——我不知道你有没有玩过天旋地转(Descent)?——你可以倾斜着飞行,而“上”这个方位可以变化。第一版的Archwing可以让你随意飞行,并没有预设“上”这个方向,你可以倾斜,让“上”朝向左边。那样十分容易引起头晕呕吐,是朝着超级硬核(hardcore)的方向迈过头了。 RPS:所以说最开始的时候没有绝对方向或者指南针?Steve:是的,所以如果你进入一些陌生的环境,你可能有晕眩感,并且不能分辨发生了什么。我们锁定了飞行,你仍然可以朝6个方向飞行,但是一定会有“上”。 RPS:告诉我更多关于道场吧——它们如何发展,将会和Archwing如何协作?Steve:有这么一个氏族有着10条障碍赛道,因为他们的Warlord认为他们的成员必须是最忍者最灵活的,所以他们建造了所有的障碍赛道。他们希望成员能够反复练习。Archwing将会如何融入其中?总的来说是间接的方法。比如说,假如说一个月之后我们要加入一个新的Archwing,并且要让Tenno们自己设计。我们会将其作为氏族研究,因此氏族会建造研究室——这有点像XCOM,然后成员会做出贡献,确保研究完成。不需要去外面或者击杀boss,取而代之的是可以在道场内完成。当然,一定会有玩家说如果有一个飞行测试室会很cool,我们会对这类要求做出回应。我们也会进一步推行道场的自定义,玩家可以用喜欢的颜色粉刷墙壁,以及其他的一切。有很多有趣的东西,并且对于高端玩家,我们有一个叫黑暗地带的PvP模式。这是一个防御和进攻的战斗,有意思的地方在于氏族可以在道场内建造战术图,来决定和其他玩家战斗时的地图是如何的。我们尝试让道场不只是一个有趣的俱乐部会所,而是(与游戏)有着更多的连系。 RPS:重要的问题:你的库伯能进入太空吗?Steve:这问题听起来像我的Twitter消息!目前我们会命令你的飞船接走它们。我不知道我们是不是会用对待Laika(苏联送上天的一只狗)的办法,让它带上头盔,飞在你身边,不过我相信肯定有玩家这么希望。也许一个月之后我们会坐在那里思考这个问题“我们到底该如何把这该死的库伯送进太空?” RPS:其中一个无限的休闲探索模式——这如何能融入游戏的(快速)节奏?Steve:长期玩家在游戏中不只是在飞速地爬墙,他们坐在聊天频道里,可能在进行交易,可能在谈论一天的经历。越来越多地,当你和玩家交谈时,游戏变成了一个供你放松的场所。一旦你成为了优秀的玩家,一些游戏模式就不像新手期那样紧张了。 RPS:听起来像是多人在线网游(MMO)的社交功能Steve:正逐渐变成那样。我们有来自世界各地的玩家。对我们来说他们难以捉摸,令人可怕,但是我们希望他们宾至如归。有一个我没说的事情是,我们正在开发一个我们称作中继站(Relays)的地方,玩家可以在一起交谈,或者一起执行任务。这是一个超出文字交谈的社会化场所,你带着你的战甲,库伯,一起一切cool玩意儿。我们正努力发展Warframe的这一部分,像你所说,有着MMO的感觉。 RPS:你的意思是说你需要一个“深空九号”(星际迷航)之类的空间站。Steve:正是。它下面还有花园什么的,真的很cool RPS:会有树吗?Steve:会有,我们有奇异的太空树,当然会有。他们不是传统的树,是白色藤状的东西。 RPS:太空树合我胃口,一定要随时告诉我进展。不过现在请告诉我你说的类似的巨型死星/索伦之眼的东西。Steve:每次我们举办活动的时候,我们希望促进元话语和反馈他们喜欢什么不喜欢什么。一个过去的例子,当我们用议员Vay Hek做活动时,玩家觉得太简单了,每个人都去论坛发帖,我们所做的是让Vay Hek在我们直播的时候打断我们,并且叫嚣:“你们以为真的就那么简单吗?”装作其实他早就安排好了。我们接着提高了活动的难度,并以此开了个玩笑。那个boss回来了。他尖叫着嘶喊着,并且他获得了他的巨型战舰——这是warframe风格的死星,在那个模式中有一个巨大的红色眼睛试图找到飞在身边的Tenno。如果它看到你很久并锁定了你,会用巨型的红色光束杀死你。这令你需要隐匿行踪,躲藏在小行星和烧毁的船壳之后。
RPS:在游戏之初,有过奠基者付费等级让玩家进入DesignCouncil并参与游戏决定。这仍在进行吗?是否也包括了Archwing?Steve:没有包括Archwing。因为我们希望这是一个大惊喜,所以我们藏了比较久。是否仍在进行?当然,我们结束了奠基者计划,但是我们有一个草案让玩家逐渐进入Design Council,来保证新鲜血液。游戏的增长让处理反馈变得有点困难,但是我们有社区热帖,海报设计工房——玩家能尽可能地看到幕后的故事。 RPS:去年我们交谈的时候你提到了电子竞技和warframe的关系,但似乎并没有朝那个方向做出追求。目前你对此的看法是什么呢?Steve:这是个好问题。这是一个我们不经意想到,却又苦苦思索的问题。我认为我们有一批玩家投入并跟随我们。对于大多数玩家,他们更希望和朋友们一起玩,而不是相互对战。我们确实有越来越多的玩家热衷于黑暗地带的pvp,并且我们正在改进我们的pvp系统。但不像其他公司,我们没有为了追求pvp而舍弃让游戏成功的要素。这个问题我们仍然在思考。当我们参加科隆游戏展时,我们是和ESL一起的,而ESL全是关于电子竞技的。我们和他们保持了良好的关系,不过我们没有太侧重于此,因为我们做的更多的是关注任务,以及扩展pve内容的。RPS:最后一个问题:关于新资源和奖励,我们能期待些什么?Steve:目前基本限定在能让你的Archwing更好的东西上。对于老玩家来说一个好消息是,他们只需要拿起他们已经有的升级模块,装上就行了。这不算是个太有趣的进度曲线,因为他们能很快地增强战斗力。对于Archwing来说,至少Archwing的技能需要玩家进行任务,要么从敌人那里乞讨,要么和敌人战斗来获得技能。我很兴奋想看到玩家会如何做出反应。 Archwing更新会在十月抵达。
感谢翻译,话说上面Steve提及Vay Hek的warframe版死星巨型战舰是星战梗吧我也有过狗狗能不能上太空的疑问。。。守护应该能行吧
Interview: Steve Sinclair On Warframe’s Archwing UpdateWhen I last played Warframe it was very much a vanilla space ninjas game. Just over a year later and there are still space ninjas but they sit alongside extras like tradeable space puppies. The player activity has been extensive too – there are user-created clan dojos so big the developers have had to add teleport functions to the game to make them navigable. As I write this it’s at number ten in the Steam top games list with 16,382 people playing right now. It’s also about to get wings.In Warframe you play as one of the Tenno, an ancient warrior race who must don exo-armour (the titular warframes) to fight militarised clones called the Grineer. In the latest update, Archwing, players will be able to use new augments to allow their warframes to fly and fight in the vacuum of space. To find out how the Archwing update will work I spoke to Steve Sinclair – creative director of Warframe developer Digital Extremes.RPS: The last time I looked at Warframe it was lots of space ninjas zipping through levels murdering things…Sinclair: The game is still at its roots what you’re talking about, running around slashing and shooting, using your warframe abilities but it continues to grow. We’re adding social hubs really soon as well. We’re going to continue to update it aggressively as long as they keep paying us to come to work.RPS: The latest update features the Archwing which lets you fly around in space. Is that an entirely new warframe or an augmentation you can add to existing warframes?Sinclair: It’s a flight augmentation for your warframe. What our existing players will like is they get to pick and customise their warframe. They’re very familiar with this idea and we’re not throwing that out when you go into Archwing mode. If you have your cool Loki and he’s got all these different upgrades on him a lot of that will continue into Archwing mode rather than risk saying, “Now you have this vehicle and that investment doesn’t matter anymore”. We wanted to respect that.RPS: Will there just be the one Archwing available or are there multiple types?Sinclair: It works a little bit like our other weapons and warframes in that you finish the Archwing quest and get the first one – the Odonata. That one has a whole bunch of upgrade slots. You can find upgrades while playing that game mode to make it better. There’s another one that’s still in development but will have a slightly different playstyle and feel and statistics to it.RPS: Will there be crafting elements that affect your Archwing?Sinclair: There’s the mod system which is a huge part of how our upgrading system goes. How we would bring in crafting elements to that game mode would be like, Oh, you found parts to make a different weapon you can equip while in Archwing”. We usually use items to accomplish that sort of stuff – maybe there’s a cool new Archwing hammer you can get and you find the blueprints by killing a crazy Archwing boss. You craft it and then you bring that into space and smash fools…RPS: Speaking of weapons, will there be melee in space? In the demo you gave it was all ranged attacks.Sinclair: Its a little rough in the demo so I think [my colleague] was avoiding showing it too much. The animators are still working on fleshing that out. We wanted it to be – for lack of a better description – as anime as possible. You have a big heavy weapon and then you have a giant ridiculous space sword which you’re smashing through spaceshipsRPS: You mentioned that Warframe levels have that Diablo 3-esque procedural generation aspect – how have you approached the space segments?Sinclair: Good question. One mode called Trench Run is a bit like the maze the Millennium Falcon flew through in Jedi – it’s twisting and turning and you’re inside the guts of a large ship. That one is definitely procedural generation as we usually do it in the game. The more free-flight mode has procedural generation in that we place the debris and the enemies procedurally but it’s open so it doesn’t really have that Diablo maze-like affordance. Only the contents are procedurally generated.RPS: How does the transition from being in a ship interior to flying in open space work? Are there mixed levels or are they separate?Sinclair: If we’re doing a blended mission you’d go through the corpus ship, meanwhile the Grineer would be screaming at you – “We’re going to blow up that ship, we really mean it!” Then they would blow it up and we would transition you into the spaceflight mode. There’s definitely a mix of those level types in one mission. I feel like we’ll be scratching the surface and we’ll see what our players really like. There’s a lot of real excitement for it. We definitely want to explore................................................
bird lifters
RPS: Tell me more about the new game modes.Sinclair: We have a lot of different game modes in Warframe now. Some are infinite modes like defence and there’s a survival mode that’s super popular. We’re trying to bring in as many game types as we can so that people can not only fly around and be awesome but they can try their hand at what’s it like to play a co-op 4 player defence mission in space where the enemies are coming from all over the place. We’re trying to add as many mission types that map to the existing mission types but with you flying around like a crazy space ninja.RPS: Warframe has always focused on agility and supermobility. Were there problems on that front with transitioning the warframes into space?Sinclair: We wanted to take all the muscle memory [players] have from the game for sliding and dodging and that sort of thing so all of that is mapped to Archwing. Your sprint is a boost instead and when you slide in space you do this cool drift manoeuvre so you’re harder to hit. One of the decision we made early on which was a bit controversial was – I’m not sure if you ever played Descent? – you could bank and what was “up” could change. The first version of Archwing had you flying around and nothing was [predefined as] “up” so you could tilt and then up was to the left. It was super vomit-inducing and went one step too far into being uber hardcore.RPS: So at first you had no absolute directions or compass points?Sinclair: Yeah, so if you got into some strange configuration you had this woozy feeling and couldn’t figure out what was happening. We locked that plane. You can still move in those six degrees of freedom but there’s a very specific “up”!RPS: Tell me more about the dojos – how have they grown and how will they work with Archwing?Sinclair: There’s one clan that has ten obstacle courses because their warlord has decided they’re going to be the most ninja and agile of all the clans so they have all these obstacle courses set up. They want their members to be practicing constantly. How Archwing will be integrated into that? Generally it will be in an indirect way. For example, suppose a month from now we want to add a new type of Archwing and it’s like the Tenno have designed their own Archwing. What we would do is unroll that as research, so clans build research rooms – there’s a little smell of XCOM – and then their membership contribute and make sure the research gets completed. Instead of having to go out and kill a boss for blueprints, they can go into their dojo and see what’s been researched. Of course, we’re going to have players saying that it would be cool to have a flight test room in the dojo. That’s the kind of thing we respond to.We’re also continuing to push the customisation in [dojos] so they’ll be able to paint the walls the colour they like now and that sort of thing. There’s a lot of neat stuff and for the high-end players we have a PvP mode called Dark Sectors. It’s this fortress defence and attack battle. What’s neat about that is the clan builds a schematic inside their dojo for how that map plays when battling other players. We’ve tried to add connections to the dojo that aren’t purely for a fun clubhouse.
RPS: Important question: can your kubrow space puppies come into space?Sinclair: You sound like my Twitter feed! For now we’re going to have orders for your ship to pick up your kubrow. I don’t know if we’re going to get the Laika treatment of the kubrow with a little helmet on, flying around with you, but I’m sure players will be wanting that. Probably a month from now we’ll be sitting in a room going, “How are we going to put these damn kubrows in space?”RPS: One of the new game modes as a relaxing endless exploration – how does that fit with rest of game’s pace?Sinclair: The long-term players we have are spending time in Warframe that isn’t running as fast as you can along the walls. They’re sitting in chat, maybe participating in trade, talking about their day. Increasingly, when you talk to players, it becomes a place to hang out. Once you’re a really good player some of the game modes are also not as stressful as for new players.RPS: It sounds like the community aspect of an MMOSinclair: It’s become that. We have a lot of players who come from that world. They’re confusing and terrifying to us but we want to make them feel at home! One of the things we’re working on and didn’t talk about is a place – we call them Relays – where people can walk around and talk and meet up to go on missions together. It’s a socialisation place but rather than text chat they’re there with their warframe and kubrow and all this cool stuff. We’re putting effort into growing that part of Warframe and, as you say, it has an MMO feel.RPS: What you’re saying is you need a Deep Space Nine-type stationSinclair: That’s literally what we’re adding. It has gardens down below and it’s really cool.RPS: Are you going to have trees?Sinclair: Yes, we’re have these weird space trees, of course. They’re not just traditional trees, they’re these white vine-y things.RPS: Space trees are totally my thing at the moment so keep me posted on that. But now tell me about your giant Death Star/Eye Of Sauron thing.Sinclair: Every time we do an event with our players we try to advance some kind of metanarrative and feedback what they liked and didn’t like into the game. An old example of that was when we put in an event with General Vay Hek. The event was too easy and everyone flooded to the forums. What we did was on a livestream had Vay Hek interrupt us and scream “Did you really think it would be so easy?” and pretend he’d planned it all along. We went in and statistically ramped up how difficult the event was in response but were also playful with it.That boss is back. He’s screaming and yelling and he’s got this giant ship – it’s a Warframe-esque Death Star and the way the game mechanic works for that mode is it has this giant red eye that’s trying to find the little Tenno flying around. If it sees you for too long and gets a lock on you it’s going to zap you with a big red beam. It gives a bit of purpose. You end up sneaking and hiding amongst asteroids and burned out ship husks.RPS: When the game was just starting out you had a founders’ program payment tier which let players sit on a Design Council and influence the game. Has that continued and has it affected Archwing?Sinclair: Archwing not specifically because we wanted to have it be a big surprise so we held that in secret for quite some time. Ongoing, though? Absolutely. Now we’ve ended the founders’ program we have a draft where we slowly let people into the Design Council over time to keep the fresh blood coming through it. The growth of the game has made coping with the volume of feedback a little bit difficult but we run community hot topics, post design workshops – they get to see behind the curtain as much as possible.RPS: When we spoke last year you mentioned eSports in relation to Warframe but don’t appear to have aggressively pursued that angle. What’s your thinking on that front at the moment?Sinclair: It’s a good question. It’s something that we flirt with and agonise over. I think we got a certain type of player invested and interested in the game and sticking with us. For the most part they want to play with their friends not against them. We do have a growing faction of Warframe members who are invested in the Dark Sector mode I talked about and we have been improving Conclave which is our PvP duelling system. Unlike other companies, we haven’t thrown out the things that have made the game successful at the expense of chasing after that.It’s something we’re still looking at and when we went to GamesCom in Cologne we did it with ESL and they’re all about [eSports]. We have a great relationship with them but we haven’t really thrown as much weight behind that as other things we do that are more quest-focused or really expand the game from that PvE side of things.RPS: Last question: what about the new resources and rewards? What can we expect on that front?Sinclair: Right now it’s fairly limited to things that are going to make your Archwing better. One of the great things about this update for our experienced veteran players is – when we add new stuff all they do is take the upgrades they’ve had for the last year and smash them on. There’s not that interesting progression curve you get from new items because they can beef them up so quickly. The neat thing about Archwing, at least in terms of the Archwing abilities, is they’ll be having to go out there and scrounge or fight enemies to earn that power back. I’m excited to see how they react to that.The Archwing update is expected to be added to Warframe during October.
i lovein de!
16382名玩家同时在线= =有种瞬间把archwing的高逼格low下来的感觉


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