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Ref.:&&Ms. No. WSPC-JAD-D-14-00005
Non-equilibrium thermodynamic theory of ferroelectric phase transitions
Journal of
Thanks for your submission to the Journal of
The manuscript entitled &Non-equilibrium thermodynamic theory of ferroelectric phase transitions& has been reviewed and the review comments are appended below. You will see that they are advising against publication of your work, therefore I couldn't recommend it for publication. If you dissent, please submit a rebuttal against each point or resubmit your work, we will reconsider our decision. :rol:
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work. I hope the outcome of this evaluation will not discourage you from the future contributions to this journal.
Yours sincerely
Managing Editor
Journal of
Reviewers' comments:
Reviewer #1: The manuscript is very strange. It consists of two parts and to describe what the first part is about let us read the Abstract: &First, the limitations of the classical thermodynamic theory of ferroelectric phase transition (known as the Landau-Devonshire theory) were reviewed critically. The unpleasant consequence caused by the metastable states hypothesis, and evidence for the non-existence of metastable states, i.e. the logical conflict?& This is quite enough to stop and to begin to ask questions.& &Begin with the &metastable states hypothesis&. If the authors consider existence of these states as a hypothesis I see no point to address to Landau and Devonshire. It would be logical to start with the van der Waals Thesis (1873), well before both Landau and Devonshire were born. One should be more serious when &reviewing critically& scientific concepts generally accepted during at least 150 years (I am not sure that van der Waals was the first). An experimental observation that so many people (millions without exaggeration) during so long time considered metastable states as reality and not as a hypothesis is also worth explanation, isn't it?&&The more that the &evidence for the non-existence of metastable states& is so simple according to the authors (p.3): if the&&&Gibbs energy& should be minimum the metastable states are excluded. How this is compatible with Fig.1, where this &Gibbs& energy has several minima is beyond my understanding.&&Apart from this it is just fantastic that according to the authors it was 150 years of massive blindness because such a trivial argument was overlooked.&&
It makes no sense to discuss the second part of the manuscript. It is accepted in a healthy scientific society that a new theory replacing an old one is discussed only after it is shown where and why the old theory was wrong or not sufficient. This is not the case of the present manuscript and it is pointless to discuss its second part. Therefor, I could not recommend its publishing.
Reviewer #2: Presented paper pretends to give a rather severe criticism of the well established concepts in Landay theory of the first order phase transitions. However, since the very beginning of the paper, arguments are not well formulated and visibly suggest that authors somehow lacks the common understanding to Landau theory. For example, authors try to demonstrate inconsistencies in calculations of&&stable/equilibrium state, but they do not really provide reader with precise assumptions and definitions of these terms, it requires a lots of imagination to guess what issues they actually have in mind.
Anyway, it is well known that phase coexistence near first order phase transition in solids is often realized by motion of interphase boundaries. This knowledge does not disqualify the concepts of the simplified single-phase Landau theory as given in textbooks, rather, the understanding of the real processes of first-order phase transition usually starts from estimation and the minimalization of the Laundau potential like in the equation (4), and simplest texbook analysis already does give an estimation thermodynamically possible (maximum, in a sense) range of the thermal hystheresis.
Therefore, this paper would make more confusion then benefit. I cannot recommend its publication.
Reviewer #3:&&This article is interesting and may be published after some changes. The main contents of the article are connected with application of non-equilibrium thermodynamics to area of a temperature hysteresis upon the ferroelectrics phase transitions of the first order. In this area the ferroelectric crystal is in the heterophase state which stability is defined by many factors. In this article the theory allow connecting among themselves action of various factors on a condition of a crystal is offered. Such theory certainly can be useful at creation in the ferroelectric crystals of handmade domain structure. Shortcomings are carelessly written Introduction and the Conclusion. Not clearly why in Introduction Landau-Devonshire theory is discussed. Whereas it is well known that this theory considers of phase transition of the first order as occurring instantly and is therefore inapplicable for the description of the physical phenomena observed in the area of heterophase state which actually and considers in the article. In the Conclusion it would be desirable to see more certain conclusions about possibility of application of the theory stated in article for an experiment explanation
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词意:敬词,请求人指教.   造句:他经常向有学问的人请教.   近义词:求教. 详细解释   1. 指边远之地的人请求接受教化,愿意臣服、归化.   《宋书·符瑞志下》:“日表地外,改服请教.”   2. 请求指教;请求告诉.   宋 周煇 《清波杂志》卷六:“ 范忠宣公 亲族间子弟有请教於公者,公曰:‘惟憸可以助廉,惟恕可以成德,是为修身之要.’”《醒世恒言·马当神风送滕王阁》:“ 王勃 辞道:‘待俚语成篇,然后请教.’须臾文成,呈上 阎公 .” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》十一:“ 乐华 的小小的书柜里有着《辞源》,他预习功课时常常请教它.” 欧阳予倩 《买卖》:“唷,闹了半天我还没请教你贵姓.”
词目:请教   读音:qǐngjiào   词意:敬词,请求人指教。   造句:他经常向有学问的人请教.   近义词:求教。
词意:敬词,请求人指教。   造句:他经常向有学问的人请教.   近义词:求教。 详细解释   1. 指边远之地的人请求接受教化,愿意臣服、归化。   《宋书·符瑞志下》:“日表地外,改服请教。”   2. 请求指教;请求告诉。   宋 周煇 《清波杂志》卷六:“ 范忠宣公 亲族间子弟有请教於公者,公曰:‘惟憸可以助廉,惟恕可以成德,是为修身之要。’”《醒世恒言·马当神风送滕王阁》:“ ...


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