i want to meet the mountain tai, lol.

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Martian invaders! Quick, put on your goggles!Claire Headley has been under the weather, so we’re replacing our “Up the Bridge” installment this week with something we hope will tide you over.
Back in October,
from a March 10, 1952 L. Ron Hubbard lecture that proved to be hugely popular with our readers. In that lecture, Hubbard described the origins of humanity on Earth, and it was quite a bit different from what he would say 15 years later when he came up with the notorious “OT III” material and its story about
(which South Park had so much fun with).
Today, we have another fun slice of Hubbard galactic history: audio portions of another lecture from 1952 in which the great scientist explains this solar system’s real political situation!
The lecture we’re hearing today was recorded on October 30, 1952, and its title is “Role of Earth.” We found a recording of two portions of it, and we think you’ll see why we thought it might be worth a listen.
At the beginning of the segment, Hubbard is talking about a young woman who was recovering memories of some kind of space communications switchboard from a previous life. That propels him into a discussion about the nature of our solar system.
The asteroid belt, he says, provides a convenient low-gravity platform for travel to other parts of the “gah-LAX-ee.” And we learn that to outsiders, our solar system is known as “Space Station 33.”
The place is apparently crowded with incoming waves of galactic travelers. The Fourth Invader Force has been here for millennia, but more recently a Fifth Invader Force has moved in, and there have been clashes between the two, with the Fourth Invader Force based on Mars and the Fifth Invader Force banished to Venus. (We think.) Meanwhile, the Earth is used as a prison planet, with installations in places like the Pyrenees and the Mountains of the Moon.
When a person dies on Earth, his thetan (Hubbard’s name for an eternal spirit) is transferred to Mars or Venus for a between-lives implant, erasing his memory of the life he just lived. This is why it takes therapy to recover your entire whole track of existence — that darned between-lives implant is preventing you from seeing your true nature. Or something like that.
In the second portion of the tape, Hubbard describes bodies being held in “pawn” while they are preserved for the use of a thetan. We think.
Hubbard then makes some very interesting claims, that the true nature of the galaxy is much more gruesome than science fiction has been able to portray, and then he tells a rambling story to illustrate it. We’ll let you tell us the upshot of all this.
We found it particularly interesting that Hubbard takes pains to point out that none of this is fiction. Or even very unusual, at least in the solar system he’s observed through his whole track of existence. Fascinating!
We just don’t understand why the Church of Scientology works so hard to keep this stuff under wraps, or why celebrities like Tom Cruise or John Travolta or Kirstie Alley don’t talk about what great space opera there is in L. Ron Hubbard’s lectures. This is the best stuff in Scientology, and it’s also its essence — Hubbard is telling his audience these things because he expects Scientologists to run into these histories as they recover their own galactic memories (at up to a thousand dollars an hour).
As Hubbard says, space is wild! And so is Scientology. But why is the church so shy about it?
Last year, one of our most popular features was a weekly look at the “OT Phenomena” that appeared in copies of Advance! magazine in the 1970s. Advance! was — and still is — a publication aimed at whetting the appetites of Scientologists to get to the top end of “the Bridge,” where they reach the “Operating Thetan” levels of spiritual enlightenment and the superhuman abilities that come with them. Each month, the magazine features stories of the kind of extraordinary things “OTs” can do with the power of their minds.
Well, we couldn’t help thinking of those great Advance! items when we saw that one of our readers posted the following comment on a story from a few days ago, where it might not get the notice it deserves.
Please enjoy this anecdote from Paul Katz, you doubters. You just can’t argue with evidence like this!
To those LRH haters, OT ability deniers and especially those who know nothing of these things, yet want Mike, Marty and others to come to their senses and abandon worthless Scn Tech:
I have been waiting for an appropriate place to tell this story, and since Michael mentions Paul McElveen above, I will now.
Paul was a shipmate and my roommate on Excalibur in the early 70’s. I don’t remember what his job was at that time.
One payday we got in his stripped-down doorless Jeep and headed out to spend the precious $20 bill each of us had just been given. I was the passenger, my bill was in my right pants pocket.
Half way up the hill into town I realized my money was gone. I mentioned it to Paul.
He did an immediate uey and headed back towards the Excal. A minute or two later another uey and onto the shoulder.
There in the weeds was a $20 bill. I got out put in my pocket and got back in. He looked at me, smiled and said:
“That’s called knowin’ where it’s at.”
We never spoke of this. I was sure that all the OTs aboard could do that and other amazing things but LRH told them (in A History of Man, and an HCOB from the 60’s, for example) not to show off their abilities. So, OT ability is real. I saw it in action. (And I am truly sad if you didn’t attain OT in the c of s or if you didn’t feel scn worked for you.)
To you know-nothing whistlers: Whatsa matter? Mouth a little dry? Think I’m lying? Well say so, but sign your real name, and location, just as i am.
Dunedin, FLA
Thanks, Paul. We’re sure many of our readers now have an entirely new attitude about spending several years and a couple of hundred thousand dollars if it means we’d achieve the superhuman ability to find lost twenties.
Somebody warm up the e-meter!
Another strong video testament from Karen de la Carriere about the death of her son, Alex Jentzsch.
J. Swift and Angry Gay Pope are doing a great job putting these things together.
Posted by Tony Ortega on April 2, 2013 at 07:00"Hey everyone I discovered this site and found Winston Wu's articles to mirror my experiences in Texas and the USA. Winston Wu speaks the truth and because people cannot counterattack his statements they attack his character like shameless lawyers. Because of my experience living in Costa Rica for four months in 2010 I found Winston to be a preacher of enlightenment and truth." -
"Thanks alot winston your site has really helped me tremendously !!!
I feel so much better about myself when I am around foreign people. I feel really energized. I feel more relaxed and at ease. Everything moves with the flow. Just like you said.
You really helped me tremendously. I am thankful for that." - , Forum PM
"Dear Winston:
I love your philosophical Wisdom. I am brewing with hot topics in my head and want to write articles just like you. I have so much to add to
even my own ideas about life in general.
People like you are almost too good to be true Winston. The mere fact that you are saying all the things that I have thought about for years all the more make me want to be a fellow traveler of yours.
Please, let's keep in touch. Are you state side yet? Do you want to chat again? You are so amazing." -
"I will admit Winston's analytical style in his writing is good, VERY GOOD. His writing was a home run for me, it's the kind of stuff where if you repeat it here in the USA, people will think that you're crazy. Winston wasn't trying to change you to be a PUA like other guys try to do. Geography was key with Winston and I agreed based on my experiences but to me I always thought they were just vacations." -
"I read your bio and found your trips quite amusing.
It explains why I was so lonely and miserable in America. I thought I was the only one that felt that way. Nobody really expresses how they really feel in the U.S." - , Forum PM
"Think about how many people sent Winston emotional thank you letters when they discovered his site. Why did they do this? Because his articles presented opinions which were suppressed. Millions of people had them, but they never heard anyone else discuss them, so they were led to believe they were crazy or delusional for having them. If you agree or don't agree with someone's opinion is completely irrelevant. Most westerners are too uncomfortable speaking about politically-incorrect issues in daily life. Society needs to cultivate strong characters with convictions not conformist drones. Without contrary opinions to the popularly accepted ones people aren't given a choice." -
"When I first stumbled across HappierAbroad, I thought this website was full of nonsense. But as I experienced college even more, I soon realized that Winston was right on. When I went to Mexico by myself, I could see that the claims on HappierAbroad were uncannily true. I came across well-written books by academics, such as "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" and "The Narcissism Epidemic" (thanks, Steve Nesse!), and realized that this is a real-world phenomenon that Winston had recognized long ago, but which academics are only beginning to become aware of." -
"I have been lurking on this site a few months now. I think I found it from a website search on how messed up the American dating scene is. I just want to say what a Godsend this site is, because for the longest time I had no hope. I thought if I wanted to be with someone here in the US I'd have to settle for fat and/or retarded. So I stayed single and just settled on counting my days. After finding this site and realizing that there are a whole world of options, I have regained hope and a will to find the right woman for me." -
"I've been interested in the idea of going to date and possibly marry abroad for several months, but I have only recently started reading this site. And this site is incredible! It captures perfectly what is wrong with society here in the U.S. and shows what human beings need to be healthy and function and thrive. Social connection and inclusiveness and romantic relationships and sex are what I've always lacked in my life. Obviously, I'm not doing too well where I am, so going abroad is a good option for me, and one that I'm interested in doing eventually." -
"Winston, thank you so much for making this website and this forum. You deserve 1000 cool points. I knew something was wrong with the women in America (go after the wrong men, turn down nice guys, etc) and things in America before I discovered your website. When I discovered your website and read things, the problems were confirmed... Ever since I read and found your website, my life is much easier." -
"...while I do not exactly worship you, I think you are doing a great thing and I have mad respect for you. If I try this out and by some cosmic fluke, it does not work for me, then I would not respect you any less than I do right now. However, if it does, you would be the man who changed my life, and I would be forever grateful to you (like owing my success with foreign women to you)." -
"Hello Winston,
I rarely ever feel compelled to personally respond to articles, websites, or posts, but after spending a couple hours today reading about your life's journey, I had to write to you. You hit home with me in an area that I've been praying about and dealing with for years! Your story resonates with me on every key level you discuss: your faith and spirituality, your height (I'm a shade under 5'6"), and the social and cultural differences between Americans (especially women), and other countries." -
"Many of the things that are said on this site are things you know are true but no one else says." -
"Kudos for having the courage to say what no one else is willing or aware enough to say. There are many ways of looking at these things but it is evident most of us share the feelings of isolation and wasteland that modern western society has become. There are many who perhaps feel this too but live in quiet desperation." -
"When I finally found this site, where everything I was feeling was so well elucidated and free from all the extraneous BS that some of the other sites harbored, it made me feel much stronger in my position that all was not well in this society, and I finally received affirmation that I was not "crazy" to feel this way... I'd also like to thank Winston and all of you who speak so freely about things that most people do not want to hear... Thanks Winston! I certainly attribute much of my "awareness" to all the golden nuggets of information on your site." -
"Okay so i have read all the way through the book happier abroad. and i have to say that was one good D*** read. it was very very hard to find any flaws on the information on american society and american women in general it is just super duper accurate i would have to say 98 % accurate. probably 100 %... he hit the nail on the head about the women in america being unapproachable, anti-social, unfriendly male hating bitches. for real... he is like my mentor right now. foreign women it is just sooo much better to meet them, they are easy-going, date them and have sex too... so all in all winston WAS RIGHT WITH EVERYTHING. THANK YOU SO MUCH WINSTON. truly inspirational stuff." -
"HELLO WINSTON! I watched your clips on youtube... and all I can say is you said everything that I have felt and thought. The things you said just made me shout with joy. FINALLY, someone else feels the same way. You know what Winston I'm a traveler and from experience women are more approachable and friendlier. For example, the Dominican Republic and Mexico to name a couple. So moving on. I just have to say you hit it on the nail with everything you said. You thoughts and feelings mirror mine my friend. We're in the same boat..." -
"As a foreign student living in the US, I love this website. Why do you love it here? (including the chairman winston) for me I would say there are everybody here (all races, all ages even gender). There are so many wise guys. It is amazing it is marvelous, C'est magnifique
keep it going ... ;)" -
"I love this website because I can tell that the most of the people on here are smarter and more knowledgeable then me. I always surround myself with people who know more then me so I can keep learning and become a better person." -
"I am a HUGE FAN OF YOUR WORK. To say that it was INSTRUMENTAL in my choice to not give up on women entirely, but rather to look abroad for women of quality would be an understatement... Thank you so much for all your work effort. You are an inspiration, Winston. I only wish more men would wake up and see the light like we have." -
"I want everyone on this site to know that Winston is 100% right. I have lived abroad and seen the difference in my social life, in how it and I've also seen the antisocial lame-ass dating scene in the US, and how it undermines a man's confidence and inhibits his ability to simply be himself. It is an absolute shame, and no man should have to live that way... Thanks for a great site Winston. You're doing a service to all American guys by exposing the limited possibilities for happiness and social connection in the US." -
"I've never been to the Philippines, Winston, but after spending a month in Thailand I'm willing to believe everything you say about it... That was my first trip abroad, Winston, and it has convinced me that your position that Western guys can have a better life in other countries is absolutely correct." -
?I was very nervous around women... I traveled to Asia and within a week I learned that I am really only abnormally nervous around American women... What it boils down to, is that foreign women are an entirely different species... It's one of those things you have to experience to fully understand." -
"I went to SE Asia 3 months ago, My Social life went from 0 to Rockstar overnight. America is a dead place, Just GO and get on that airplane. Life is better abroad." -
"I blamed myself for my lack of success with American women. So, I worked hard for many years to improve myself... and I was still getting rejected by women who had no business being picky!... So then I did some traveling to Hungary, the Czech Republic, and the Philippines, and beautiful young women couldn't keep their hands off of me! Dating is like real estate- the 3 most important factors are location, location, location!" -
"I appreciate Winston doing this site because frankly, I know he's right. Before I moved abroad my social life in the US was a 2 out of 10 (at best). When I moved abroad all that changed dramatically, and I made true friends and dated gorgeous women." -
"After weeks and months of criticizing Winston Wu, I have to give it to him... He is right... American women are more stuck up than foreign women and the proof was what I witnessed...? I actually went to most countries abroad and what Winston said was SO true. I now applaud for his effort in helping dateless man like me in America face hope again. Thank you Winston Wu." -
"I would recommend this website to anyone, , created by Wu, a genius at any rate.& He's someone who's actually gonna show you proof. All these other websites you go to, they really don't show you anything.& His ebook has changed my view of American culture 180 degrees." -
"Your book has exposed me to a paradigm shift with regard to dating. My collection of dating / seduction books is now merely a repository of rubbish." -
"I thank you Winston from the bottom of my heart for showing me and other lonely men THE WAY to PARADISE... Those seduction books I use to buy are total GARBAGE compared to what YOU'VE proven and you put PUA artist and experts to complete shame with SIMPLICITY and REAL PROVEN SOLUTIONS WINSTON..." -
"After reading all your ebooks and following your advice to visit Lithuania I did and met the love of my life. I really give you credit because you are 100% right... I would also like to let you know that I am getting married in MAY 2008. Keep up the good work Winston you do inspire people." -
"Hello Winston:
I am reading your revised, updated book as of August 2009, and I must say that so far it's are real eye-opener... good job on your ebook. You are a brilliant orator and you are very good at articulating in succinct detail the plight of men today. Keep up the good work." -
"What I also love about this ebook is Winston's philosophical view of the world. I have never in my life seen an Asian guy with such a brilliant, philosphical mind. There have been times when I thought I was crazy thinking the way I was thinking, especially as it pertains to America and its awful, non-inclusive culture. However, after reading Winston's words, I totally feel relieved and vindicated, knowing full and well it's society that is crazy, not me!" -
"Winston's blogs and photojournals are epic! I have a new internet hobby now: reading Winston's stories.
I'm moving to St Petersburg in the new year and as I was researching I came across Happier Abroad, and I couldn't agree more with the overall message... Winston is absolutely right from my experiences. I had to go somewhere and then come back to see the light, but I definitely see it." -
"I believe in Wu. Wu was right about the Polish girls and them being really friendly and giggling and blushing. Wu was right about being able to go over to the girls' tables and immediately go and sit with them. Wu was right about the society being more open in Poland than in America. WU WAS RIGHT!!! ... Wu is trying to help other people's lives. And he helped my life because I stumbled upon his website and read his stuff and I was inspired in part by his website to try Poland. AND IT WORKED!!!!! WU WAS RIGHT!!!! WU WAS CORRECT!!!" -
"Having been in band, I've done well with women in America, but I am very well traveled outside the US and only the blind could not see that what you say is true." -
"i agree with wu, and i'm on the flipside of things- i'm a woman! after being dateless (yes, even in college, save one date) and going to france, i found guys approaching fairly regularly-- in random placesl like coffee shops and museums, not just in bars. and what's more, women too (platonically)-- thus, dating and forming friendships were easier in a certain way. it was great. guys ask us girls out! with so few other guys having the guts to do so, you won't have much competition!" -
"I totally agree with Wwu. I went to Russia and married a beautiful Russian lady in 1999. We have been married almost 10 years now and have a 6 year old daughter together. Russian women have a quality that is difficult to understand unless you have been there. It is a completely different experience than the US." -
"SWEET website.& WOW!& Inspiring, useful, fun.& Fascinating to see the reactions of your readers! As one pointed out, you really are a leader. Unusually truthful and courageous." -
"Photos prove everything they backup the talk. You walk the talk so to speak and very few of these other men on these Blogging sites can ever claim this not even the agency owners whom many are scamming many men." -
"Winston talks the talk, and he walks the walk. Thats more then can be said for most. Kudos Winston." -
"It's such a wonderful time in my life and YOU are the person I thank for this guidance and for
and giving lonely guys everywhere a chance at solutions and cures to datelessness and hope to having a life that is fullfilled overseas. I'm so excited and so happy now Winston." -
"Thank you Winston for all of your help. Your knowledge and experiences are inspirational and GOLDEN and you are well liked and honored by MANY.& Keep up the good work my friend. You're doing EXCELLENT !!!" -
"A GREAT WEB SITE! Thanks for the many hours of work it took to put together. Also I curse you for the many hours I'll spend reading it all. ;) Thanks again." -
"You are an infinite inspiration to me and I feel tremendous admiration to the fact that you actually put your dream into reality!!!" -
"After months and months of observing your views and actually reading through your articles, and experiencing various American people, I made a conclusion that you are correct and I fully agree with your views... Thanks for your enlightening articles." -
"I have been reading the stories and adventures of Winston, and like the rest of you I'M IMPRESSED!!!? I am striking out on a BOLD and NEW path for my life such as Winston did... I love how he persevered and finally got the girl of his dreams. WAY TO GO WINSTON..."
"Sir, first off, let me tell you in one word what I thought of your e-book... OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!!& I'm currently reading it right now and it is great!!!" - , Retired Air Force
"Everything you wrote in your treatise is precisely to the point? It took me a while to realize that there was a chasm of difference between the media picture of America and real life, but when the truth hit home, I felt very disappointed and empty. I even had a lapse of self-condemnation as I thought the problem was in me. I have gotten over it now and can see clearly. Your writing puts all the pieces of the puzzle together very well." -
"I cannot express in words how impressed I am by your work and how accurate and true you are to yourself.& I have lived in the US for 13 years now, and I can't but agree with every single word you wrote? Congratulations again on a job well done!!!!!" -
"Dear Winston, I have just read your article Propaganda vs. real life in America. I only wish I could be so eloquent - its as if you have been reading my thoughts. I came here for over 20 years ago searching for the stars with my 2 kids." -
"Your website truly is a treasure!& It's making me more self-aware in areas that I may have been slipping into "typical American mode" in, and is opening my mind even more." -
"I recently stumbled across your website... I'm so impressed to find someone who clearly, boldly, and honestly declared the sickening state of social life in America and the deep ills that affect nearly all aspects of social interaction here, not just in relationships with women, but also the overwhelming feeling of disconnection and superficiality that pervades nearly all types of social interaction here... Winston, You are the type of person that sees/feels something wrong and does something about it. Respect!" -
"Your ebook was refreshing. I thought I was the only one who thought this way about American social climate." -
"You inspire me! Never change!!" -
"This guy is a legend? Read his long story and the photos (including the albums) and you will be amazed? my hero" -
"You are a champ. Most of us, even if we did find the holy grail would either be too selfish or more likely shy and embarassed to ever come out publicly the way you have. Your generosity of spirit is truly amazing." -
"YOU ARE MY HERO TOO. Here I am with clinical depression feeling like I'm wasting my year after college and its honestly giving me hope browsing your photo collages and seeing that happiness is definitely possible, no matter who you are." -
"I'm currently 17 years old and like you I am a Chinese American. I love the ebooks you have online and I really enjoy hearing about your success with white women abroad. I have a research paper on "my hero" and I choose to do my report on you and your success." -
"You are a hero for the underdog, proving that with balls and determination you can find fun, sex, love, and happiness?" -
"Winston the reason you are successful is that you admitted there was a problem and went outside the box to get what you want. Most people settle for what life puts right in front of them." -
"Winston you're one of the few people who will tell it like it is, even if it makes yourself look bad. I give you that. Most guys brag and BS and deny their faults. Like Dwight (our mutual friend) if you say something happened, it happened. And like him, you don't just talk about it, you DO IT." -
"I visited your website, , and I agree with everything you write. You are my hero! You have spoken truths that many men do not understand. You have broken ground that many men have not... You are an inspiration!" -
"The stuff you recommend, winston, has always managed to utterly CHANGE MY LIFE. thank you for being an inspiration. you will never know how much it means to me!!!" -
"I love rebels and free spirits, I really do. And that's why I like Wu so much.& There are so many people who turn into depressed potatoes in the USA. They just sit there and get more and more depressed. And if you don't fit in, they just label you a "loser".& Wu didn't just sit down and take that. Wu rebelled against that." -
"I've had a bunch of other people validate what Wu says in general about European Culture. The last guy I talked with posted that message about Spain and the women he met. He too is confirming what Wu has said." -
"Just thought I'd say hi and tell you how much your writing inspired me... I think people "need" to read what you've written" -
"Winston you are now an Asian American Moses, and you are leading your people out of the "captivity" of boredom, loneliness, lovelessness and datelessness to the various promised lands of milk and honey, many honeys that is and milk is to come later. Lol." -
"People can be divided into three groups
Those who make things happen
Those who watch things happen
And those who wonder what happened
You are in the first group Winston"
"Despite all the flak you get you are certainly an interesting character and probably the most famous (or infamous) self-made asian on the internet" -
"You're probably the most atypical Asian male I've ever met." - Peter, an old Scottish traveler I met in Estonia who's been to nearly 100 countries
"Most Asians don't think for themselves. They simply follow the pack. You are an exception." -
"I enjoy your writing and you are one of the most inspiring dudes around. Main thing is you don't give a shit what other people (especially white) say about you - highly unusual, unfortunately, for any race of people, Chinese especially.& So your stuff is absolutely awesome." -
"Winston, I am amazed at your ability to attract women that are much more attractive than yourself.& I wish I had more of your magic.& I consider myself much more attractive than you, but you seem to do better with the ladies.& What is your secret?"
"To be honest with you Winston, I think almost all of the girls you hit on (and many of them you scored) are all very hot.& This makes me wonder how you did it, especially the fact that you're an oriental.& I know some guys who have a lot more than you, but they can't do anywhere near what you did (in terms of girls of course)." -
"I do support your adventures and would to commend you for doing what many guys are far too chickens*** and cowardly to do ..so my hat is off to you and I would like to hear more about your times abroad." -
"Your tenacity is astounding. All the stuff you went through. Most people would have given up." -
"Thank you for creating this site, Winston...I've spent hours this evening reading your site and comments on here before joining, and you've really put your finger on so many of the dysfunctions in the US. I knew many of them, and even sensed them as a kid growing up (I'm now 40 and married). I can attest to the incredible femininity and beauty of the women overseas, particularly Eastern Europe, where I spent many years. I actually met my Italian wife in St. Petersburg, Russia!" -
"I've got to say this right out: everything you wrote is absolutely dead on, and furthermore, your site, happier abroad, which was linked up
was INSTRUMENTAL in my choice to not give up on women entirely, but look overseas for women of quality...
But I can attest Winston....everything you say above, and on your site is damn true. Damn true. In 7 days I have never been so happy with a woman in my entire life? Why? Because she is night and day unlike the shit here...
Winston, I cannot recomend your site enough. And the ebook. The ebook was great. I even owe you a thank you, I'd say. What I read on there helped me to decide: JUST GO. JUST DO IT. I'm 10,000 times happier because I did. Thank you for your wisdom. Feel free to use anything I write on here or my thread as a testimony...
I was about to give up on women entirely and just be a confirmed bachelor like one of my heroes CS Lewis. But WHY? God, there are women of quality out there. Quality. I HAVE one now. And I saw A LOT MORE. Go abroad, gentlemen, you will indeed be happier...I know I am. Thanks Winston." -
"Hi Winston. I really enjoyed reading your ebook. For years and years I would beat myself up inside over the fact that trying to talk to women was a total nightmare... It can be very hard to communicate with women out in there public places. And if you are not part of the right clique or circle of friends you are in a bad way. Even if your a reasonably attractive and highly intelligent male. After reading your ebook. It gave me a very detailed account of why things are the way they are. If things at the time is not going right connecting with women it's not my fault. It's not that I'm doing anything incorrect or I don't have a certain look. #1 it is very taboo to talk to women you don't know. It totally goes against the social mores in US society even in places where it's suppose to be appropriate to flirt with women..." -
"You are the man, Winston!... I recommend your website and YouTube videos to everybody... Your personal accounts of women (and people in general) being more approachable, friendly, and caring in other parts of the world serve as hope to those of us living in the frigid, hostile U.S. My own experiences with friendly, outgoing foreign students in college were refreshing and led me to believe that America tr this is confirmed seemingly every time I go out in public. The information you provide
is extremely valuable..." -
"I've been through your site before and I admire your courage in going out there, actually taking action and sharing your experiences... Most people don't even get out of their own bedroom door, for you to actually go out and do it, and then share with everyone else what you learned earns you a ton of respect." -
"Winston, it looks like you are definitely enjoying the ladies... You are correct, you can tell just by their demeanor/body behavior that they do not act like these American females. I can see why Americanized men feel surreal when meeting women like you have shown us... It's pretty sad when comparing feminine ladies instead of these good for nothing spoiled children(Aw's)... Good for you Winston, live it up. I will need to browse through you information and start planning me a nice bachelor trip!" -
Your analysis of the social scene in the U.S. is spot-on. This country is social hell... Thank you, Winston, for providing reassurance to those of us who haven't traveled as extensively as you." -
"Dude you are awesome... Happierabroad, nomarriage, and the-niceguy gave me hope! Your like.... the justice league? or something!" -
"You're the man Winston! Fabulous channel! I wish I was in your shoes." -
"Your a genius Wu and a pioneer for waking up your fellow countrymen to REAL WOMEN overseas the women in my country are about as bad. American men are good and decent and deserve better than the feminist nightmare there being offered in their own country." -
"I am completing a trip through the Balkans. Pretty much everything stated on this website is true, it is like being on a different planet. Now I see how much damage the US matrix has done - 20 years of baggage and issues, mistrust and rejection are ingrained into my view on reality. I assume rejection before I even talk to a woman, which ruins the potential for doing anything with her at all. In the states, a man is openly described as pathetic if he approaches a woman, asks for her number, etc. I can see that going outside of the US matrix behavior pattern produces unimaginable results here that would be impossible in the US.... for example, if a woman gives you her number, she may actually answer when you call her and may actually be interested in getting together.... It could take many years to begin reprogramming myself." -
"Winston, you rock man! Ive always had trouble expressing to my family and friends exactly the right words as to why I just cant meet woman in the US, at least not the kind I want. But reading your website has helped me explain it much better to others what I knew& all along but just couldnt explain it in words. Thanks!" -
"I want to share the gospel with as many guys as I can, as there are so many here who suffer... your writings are gospel and so many guys in the US need to know this truth." -
"I never write to a public space as am very private. But what got me in your site
it looks at a problem of insanity (again, stated by those who are from abroad, or Americans who tasted life/ Americans themselves are in a delirious oblivion about themselves and their "culture") of Americans, their life style and "culture" at every angle, in depth, diagnosing the insanity, looking at the possible causes of it, and offering suggestions to cure. It was by far the most comprehensive and cumulative work I've ever encountered on the subject. Big thanks to you for that, for devoting your life to this cancerous world's problem. At first I thought that emphasis on dating is a bit shallow and might repel some thinking, deep people, but the more I looked at it, I came to think that it might just do the opposite..." -
"Hi Winston, I came across your site today and I have to agree with all that you say. I am a 26 yr old White South African woman married to an American man. I have been in USA for 4 years. Thank you Winston, I am glad that you have discovered how much better foreign women are, and I wish you all the happiness in the world." -
&&&& &&&& &&&& &&&& &&&& &&&& &&&& &&&& &&&& &&&& &&&& &&&& &&&&
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of the Foreign Kind
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Greetings! Welcome to Happier Abroad. A few questions for you:
Are you a single male fed up with the horrible dating scene and lack of social connection in America?
Do you find it hard or impossible to meet or date any decent quality single women in America?
Do you prefer sweet feminine genuine women over independent masculine women who don't need you?
Do you feel alienated by America?s fake, inauthentic, toxic, soulless, superficial culture and people?
Are you fed up with the high cost of living in America, its overly inflated prices, and unhealthy food/lifestyle?
Do you feel like America is trying to destroy, corrupt or torture your soul? Is it making you go crazy?
If so, then you've come to the right place! I have Good News for you: The problem is NOT you and there is a Real Solution! My name is , Founder of Happier Abroad. In 2002 I made the greatest discovery of my life, which was that: I could solve all the problems above by simply GETTING OUT of America! That's it! It's very simple yet very taboo, because we are taught by western culture to blame ourselves for all problems. Therefore, I have a great message and life changing secret to share with YOU:
If you go abroad to one of the many authentic saner foreign cultures, you will have a better and healthier life in many important ways, such as: A better social life, dating life, mental health, physical health and food, lower cost of living and more freedom!
No joke! That's at least 6 major categories of life right there that will be greatly improved by leaving America! 6 huge benefits of going abroad. This is one of the
and the greatest self-help secret that America and it's psychologists don't want you to know!
Let's elaborate on the 6 major ways your life will be better by getting out of America.
1. Better Social Life Abroad: America has one of the worst social scenes and social cultures. There is no social or human connection with others. The environment is too socially disconnected, segregated, isolating, paranoid and fake. It's very hard to make any normal friends. The social vibe feels very negative. Everyone wants to be left alone in their own bubble. People don't like to meet people or connect with others. Americans act too fake, arrogant, narcissistic and toxic, making it hard to get along with them. Conversations are usually business-related only, especially with strangers. Thus America is probably the loneliest country in the world. In contrast, in most overseas countries, there is more natural social connection. People are more genuine, real and down-to-earth. So it is far easier to connect with others and make real friends. Foreign social atmospheres are more inclusive, and social life flows more smoothly and naturally. Happiness is shared with others, not kept to oneself. Friendships are more true and meaningful. (Note that America was not always like this though. In the 70's and early 80's it was a much friendlier culture, as you can see from the movies/TV shows of that era.)
2. Better Dating Life Abroad: America has the worst dating scene for most men. The women and girls are too spoiled and given too much power, making them highly fake, arrogant, narcissistic, picky, toxic, unfriendly and unapproachable with the worst attitude. Thus they are the hardest females to connect with, and the furthest thing from authenticity that you can get. Also, they are way too difficult and entitled. Their standards are way too high for most men for they seek the top 10 or 15 percent of men. Since they are too independent and don't need men, they either want the best men or nothing at all. This makes America the worst dating scene for men, totally nightmarish, hostile and lopsided. As a result, there are more single males without dating choices in America than in any other country. In contrast, in most foreign countries, most women are sweet, feminine, down-to-earth, genuine, friendly and approachable, like real women were meant to be. Thus it is far easier to connect with them and get dates or find girlfriends or wives. Foreign women have a more pro-male attitude compared to the anti-male attitude in the West. Also, flirtation in America is seen as creepy and taboo by women, whereas in many friendlier foreign cultures, flirtation creates energy and excitement and women find it flattering. Moreover, foreign women cherish their God-given femininity whereas American women abhor femininity and see it as oppressive.
Therefore, if you're a single male in North America, the BIGGEST SECRET that's being kept from you is this: There are many overseas cultures where meeting and dating quality single women comes naturally, like breathing! In such cultures, single women who are feminine, sweet, genuine and down-to-earth are the NORM and in ABUNDANCE, not in scarcity like in America! These females (in the millions) see YOU as GOLD! But this is not publicized in any positive light in America, due to its taboo and politically incorrect nature. So the point is, you don't have to remain lonely and put up with a loveless life!
3. Better Mental Health Abroad: According to the
Thus the US is the most mentally ill country in the world. No doubt about it. America also has the biggest mental health industry and the
in the world as well. A major reason for this is that American culture is very fake and toxic, so in order to fit in you have to become fake and toxic yourself. Otherwise, if you are genuine and down-to-earth, you will be alienated and out-of-place. But in wearing a fake mask everyday, one denies one's true self, thus resulting in a split psychosis in one's inner psyche. As a consequence, one's mental health deteriorates and fragments. Fakeness abounds in extremes in America and pervades all aspects of its culture and life, so you can't avoid it there. In contrast, most foreign cultures are more genuine and down-to-earth, which allows you to BE YOURSELF and to be REAL. When you are free to be yourself in an authentic culture, you will have better mental health for sure. Being FREE to be yourself is the ultimate freedom. If you can't be yourself, then you aren't free, regardless of what political system you live under.
4. Better Physical Health and Food Abroad: America has the highest rates of obesity, cancer, heart disease and diabetes in the world. Even their counterparts in Britain and Canada are healthier. Everyone knows the
in the world. Food in the US contains too many unhealthy ingredients and toxins, dangerous GMO's (genetically modified organisms), and fluoridated water. Trying to eat healthy in the US is too complicated and expensive at health food stores. Not only is food addictive, but Americans overeat to fill their emptiness and void as well, since they have no true social connection or shared happiness to fulfill them. In contrast, food is healthier and more natural/organic in most other countries, so when you eat abroad, you will be healthier and less fat. It's the biggest weight loss secret that the US nutrition industry doesn't want you to know. In Europe for example, mainstream food is healthy so there is no need for health food stores. My friends and I have all lost significant weight while in China, Russia and Europe. People abroad also walk more because there is better public transportation, so they get more exercise. Also, foreign cultures are less toxic and more authentic, which is better for your mental health, as explained earlier, which results in better physical health as well since there is a proven mind-body connection.
5. Lower Cost of Living Abroad: America has one of the highest costs of living in the world. Thus in the US you have to work more and accrue more debt, and become a wage/debt slave, which makes you less free in the alleged "land of the free". Prices on almost everything are overly inflated and crazily expensive. Examples: Restaurant meals in the US are at least 10 dollars, even if they suck, compared to 3 or 4 dollars in China for a large healthy Chinese meal. Haircuts in the US start at 20 dollars plus tips, whereas in China they are 3 dollars with no tip. Taxis cost around 50 dollars, compared to only a few dollars in China. Shipping international packages from the US cost around 30 to 50 dollars, whereas in China shipping overseas packages is almost free. Etc. Inflation has destroyed the US dollar in the 20th Century alone by deflating 95 percent of its value, due to the fraudulent fiat currency system of private central banks (such as the Federal Reserve). The US is also the only developed nation with no universal healthcare and its healthcare costs are astronomical. . In contrast, most foreign countries have a lower cost of living, so you can live on less, giving you more purchasing power. There are many ways to live cheaply overseas, depending on your standards and lifestyle. And all other developed countries have universal health care, , even in nations with low income taxes such as Taiwan. (See the Michael Moore documentary "Sicko")
6. More Freedom Abroad: Contrary to what it claims, America is actually one of the LEAST free countries in the world, in many ways:
* The US has a controlling government that is becoming increasingly tyrannical, as we all know. But it also has the highest number of laws and regulations in the world. More laws=less freedom of course, so how can American claim to be the "land of the free"? It defies logic. In contrast, Mexico has one of the fewest laws in the world, so any Mexican can tell you that Mexico is far freer than uptight America.
* America's prison population is now at 2 million, which is more than in any other country. So how can the "freest country" have the biggest prison population?
* As mentioned before, cost of living and prices in America are overly inflated and crazily high, so you have to work more to make ends meet, thus reducing your freedom and purchasing power.
* In China and many other countries, vendors can set up stands and sell stuff on the street without paying for expensive permits, thus keeping prices low, because the streets belong to the people after all. But in America, you can't do that because everything is too privatized. So one has to pay expensive permits to sell stuff in public places, thus inflating prices unnecessarily.
* America's culture is fake, phoney and plastic, and doesn't allow you to be yourself, which is the biggest inhibitor of freedom. Obviously, to fit into a fake phoney culture, one has to be fake and phoney, lest one be alienated and out-of-place. As they say, "In a mad society, only the mad are sane." If you have to be fake rather than your true self, then you aren't free.
* America requires that you PRETEND to be positive, happy, optimistic and "doing great" 24/7, even if you are not. So whenever someone asks "How are you?" you are expected to respond positively and say that you are "doing great" or "doing good" even if you are not. It's so fake. In reality, life is not "great" 24/7, it runs in a series of up and down cycles. So America's expectation of "eternal optimism and positivity" is not reasonable or realistic. America basically denies human nature in trying to be so artificial. Therefore, America doesn't allow you the freedom to be honest about how you are feeling at any particular moment. However, in other countries you are allowed to speak honestly about how you feel, whether good or bad. People do not have the absurd expectation that you always have to be "doing great" because as mentioned, overseas cultures tend to be more down-to-earth and authentic, not fake.
* Everything you say in America has to be politically correct, so you can't speak your mind freely on social issues or say anything anti-liberal or too right wingish, whereas you can in most other countries, including China. Sure you can criticize the government in the US whereas you can't in China, however in China you can speak freely on social issues that you can't in the US. For example, you can criticize and expose the harmful lies of liberalism, feminism and multi-culturalism in China, and you can talk freely about obvious racial and gender differences. But if you do that in the US, it is a big taboo and you could lose your job and be ostracized.
* You also don't have the freedom to meet people or talk to strangers or make friends in America the way you can overseas. Nor do you have the freedom to flirt with girls or chat up female strangers you find attractive in the US, which is considered creepy and taboo, whereas you can in many foreign countries. So while China, Russia and many other countries may lack political freedoms that the US has, they have social freedoms that the US doesn't have.
* Note: For hundreds of more comparisons, see my .
So does the Happier Abroad solution make sense to you now? I hope so, because all the above are biggies that matter and affect you personally. Yet most Americans never hear about these comparisons because they are so taboo. So that's what we are here for, to disseminate these life-changing truths to those in need. We know that once you go abroad and experience all this, your life will change forever! Our site provides an abundance of , , , , , , , an
that prove all this conclusively. We've changed lives and inspired many& people like you to become "Happier Abroad"!
As of now, HA is the only major movement and website that has a Proven Solution and Answer to the many problems in America described above that affect YOU personally and make you unhappy, whereas other sites only talk about the economic and political problems in America, as well as various conspiracy theories. They don't dare mention the abysmal dating and social life or toxic mental health in America like HA does. Moreover, most other websites and movements assume that you can't leave America or that everywhere else is the same (which we guarantee is NOT true) so they assume you have to stay in America and try to change things. However, understand this wise and simple truth:
"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World
That's an important lesson. You can't change your society or culture, but you can go to another one that fits you better and provides more of what you want. It makes perfect sense. Thus you don't have to stay in America if it's killing your soul or doesn't fulfill your social or romantic needs. This "get out of America" solution is very simple, yet goes against everything you've been taught. Hence why you don't hear about it, though awareness of it is growing nowadays since 6 million Americans now live overseas -- a number which is increasing every year as more Americans realize that their country is a sinking ship that's best to get out of for their sanity's sake.
I'm here to make you aware of OPTIONS you didn't know you had beyond the US Matrix. And I'm also here to deprogram you from the false myths, assumptions and propaganda that's been fed to you by your society, culture, peers and media, which are restricting you from a whole world of social and romantic opportunities overseas. If you're skeptical and think this sounds too good to be true, then I PROMISE that once you go through my material, you will be convinced by the overwhelming mountain of proof that me and others present to support our claims. Guaranteed! You can also see our .
If all this sounds great, then see my welcome video below and listen to my audio lecture
as well as other& . Be sure to check out my
that you won't hear about in America. Then explore the links in the boxed sections below. Read this
to see if you are the "Happier Abroad type". Don't forget to see our
too. If you have any questions, you may post them in our . Thanks for your interest.
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