
Operation IMPACT
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Operation IMPACT
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Operation IMPACT is the Canadian Armed Forces& (CAF) contribution to the Middle East Stabilization Force (MESF) & the multinational coalition to halt and degrade the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
Under Operation IMPACT, the CAF conduct air operations, provide training and assistance to the Iraqi security forces, provide capacity building capabilities to regional forces, and support the coalition with highly skilled personnel.
The total number of personnel deployed under Operation IMPACT is increased to a maximum of 830 CAF members, from the previous mandated level of 600 personnel and 69 advisors working in an advisory and assistance role to the Iraqi security forces.
Latest News - Mission RefocusSubject to further discussions with the Government of Iraq and coalition partners, the Government of Canada is implementing a renewed and broadened whole-of-government approach to the fight against ISIL. The main areas of engagement are Human Assistance, Building Resilience, Political Engagement and Security and Stability. The CAF is responsible for the Security and Stability area and sees its contribution of military capabilities and personnel increased. The military engagement in Iraq and Syria under Operation IMPACT is extended until 31 March, 2017.
Through the refocused CAF efforts to the MESF, Canada is playing an important role, alongside its partners, in setting the conditions for Iraqi security forces to achieve long-term success through self-sustainable security.
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As directed by the Government of Canada in February 2016, the CAF will end the conduct of airstrikes in Iraq and Syria&by&22 February 2016. As a result, the six CF-188 Hornets, along with associated aircrew and support personnel currently deployed to the region, will return to Canada in a phased approach.
Joint Task Force-Iraq
Joint Task Force-IraqThe Joint Task Force-Iraq is responsible for the national command and control of Operation IMPACT personnel and operations and for the coordination of operations with the coalition headquarters.
Additional CAF personnel with high-demand skillsets will support and enable the coalition and Iraqi security forces in the planning and execution of military operations. The additional personnel will have expertise in areas such as int socia and command and control. The deployment of additional personnel will be conducted over the next weeks.
These additional personnel, including operational planners and liaison officers, will support Allies at coalition centers and headquarters in the region. Through this support, Canada is playing an important role, alongside its partners, in setting the conditions for Iraqi security forces to achieve long-term success.
Air Task Force- Iraq
Air Task Force- IraqAs part of Joint Task Force-Iraq, Air Task Force-Iraq contributes to coalition air operations against ISIL. The Air Task Force-Iraq includes:
one CC-150 Polaris aerial refueller to support coal
up to two CP-140 Aurora surveillance aircraft to contribute to coalition intelligence, surveillance and reconna
six CF-188 Hornet fighter aircraft[E1]&; and
as well as associated aircrew and support personnel.
These aircraft represent an important part of the Canadian contribution to the MESF.
From their first sortie on 30 October 2014 to 1 February 2016, the CF-188 Hornet have conducted 1338 sorties resulting in 238 airstrikes (233 in Iraq and 5 in Syria), expended 586 munitions and achieved the following effects: 257 ISIL fighting positions, 96 ISIL equipment and vehicles, and 27 ISIL Improvised Explosive Device (IED) factories and ISIL storage facilities.
As of 1 February 2016, Air Task Force-Iraq conducted 2098 sorties:
CF-188 Hornet fighters conducted 1338
CC-150T Polaris aerial refueller conducted 366 sorties, delivering some 21, 500,000 pounds of fuel t and
CP-140 Aurora aircraft conducted 394 reconnaissance missions.
Definition - sortie: In air operations, a sortie refers to an operational flight by one aircraft. A sortie starts when one aircraft takes off and ends upon landing.
Train, Advise and Assist
Train, Advise and AssistThe deployed CAF members are not part of a g their role is to participate with other coalition forces in advising and assisting the Iraqi security forces in developing their military skills. This will enable the Iraqi security forces to take the fight to ISIL and eventually remove the security threat this group brings in the country and the region.
The addition of personnel with high-demand skillsets and the delivery of critical equipment will contribute to creating the security environment necessary to deal with the threat posed by ISIL. In order to enhance the advise and assist mission, the CAF will:
triple the number of CAF advisors to help train the Iraqi security forces in the planning and conduct of military operations against ISIL;
deliver training on the use of military equipment (small arms) donated by the Government of Canada, in accordance with Canadian a
examine possibilities for deploying additional in-
position CAF medical personnel to provide training to regional security forces in casualty management in a battlefield context as well as to provide medical support to CAF personnel.
Capacity building
Capacity buildingEngaging with regional partners is critical to preventing the spread of violent extremism. To that end, the CAF is seeking opportunities to develop capacity building programs with regional partners.
CAF efforts towards capacity building for regional forces will contribute to security and stability in the region.
Mission ContextAbout ISIL
ISIL was founded in Iraq in October 2004 when the leader of Jamaat al-Tawhid wal-Jihad aligned with Al-Qaeda, creating what was then known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq. The group has also been known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Islamic State (IS), and Daesh.
ISIL advocates radical interpretations of Islam and claims religious authority over all Muslims. It aims to create a caliphate in the Levant region & which includes Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Lebanon, Cyprus and a part of southern Turkey & by converting or killing non-Sunni populations. Its ultimate objective is the establishment of a world-wide Islamic caliphate.
It is estimated that ISIL has between 25, 000 and 30,000 fighters in total across Iraq and Syria, of which a number are foreign recruits. The group has acquired equipment including tanks, artillery pieces and other light vehicles, mainly stolen from Iraqi and Syrian military installations.
International response
The group began taking control of territory in Iraq and Syria in 2014, starting with Fallujah in Iraq in January 2014 and culminating with the fall of Mosul in June 2014. Its rapid advance across Iraq and Syria has displaced millions of people, has undermined stability in Iraq and the region, and poses a threat to international security.
On 7 August 2014, United States President Barack Obama authorised targeted military intervention in Iraq. &A United States-led coalition that includes many of Canada&s closest allies and partners, as well as important regional partners, is working to degrade ISIL.
Milestones/ Mission Timeline
Between 28 August and 26 September 2014, Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) aircraft conducted 25 flights to deliver more than 1,600,000 pounds of military supplies to Iraq.
28 October 2014 & All ATF-I air assets arrived in Kuwait.
30 October 2014 & Two CF-188 Hornets, one CP-140 Aurora and one CC-150T Polaris conducted their first missions as part of the MESF. The two CF-188 Hornets did not conduct any airstrike during this first sortie. The successful conduct of the first ATF-I missions confirmed the integration of Canadian air assets in the MESF.
2 November 2014 & CF-188 Hornets conducted Canada&s first combat airstrike on ISIL targets.
30 March 2015 & The CAF mission was formally extended for as many as 12 months and expanded into Syria.
8 February 2016 & The Government of Canada announced its renewed and enhanced whole-of-government approach to the fight against ISIL.
8 February 2016 && The Government of Canada announced that the CAF will cease airstrike operations in Iraq and Syria as of 22 February, 2016.
Delivery of military supplies to Iraq
Between 28 August and 26 September 2014, Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) aircraft conducted 25 flights to deliver more than 1,600,000 pounds (725,000 kilograms) of military supplies to Iraq. The donations from allied countries included small arms, ammunition and other military equipment. The supplies were delivered in concert with military partners including the United Kingdom and the United States, to security forces working in Baghdad and Erbil.
As reported in the 2014-15 Departmental Performance Report, the actual incremental costs related to Op IMPACT for fiscal year 2014-15 totaled approximately $70 million.
Given the current fiscal year ends on March 31st 2016, the actual total incremental expenditures for this fiscal year cannot be fully confirmed at this time.
External Links
Government of Canada
(Royal Canadian Air Force) (Royal Canadian Air Force) (Royal Canadian Air Force) (Royal Canadian Air Force) (Royal Canadian Air Force)
(U.S. Department of Defense)
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树仁荟People Impact
树仁荟People Impact为儿童智能培训界先驱,2012年为正式在亚洲成立十周年。过去树仁荟一直专注于研发5个不同证书课程,当中包括资优宝宝BabyImpact、资优领袖Leader Impact、资优天才Brain Impact、资优博士ThinkImpact及机智小领袖eLeaderOnline网上学习平台,为亚洲0至18岁孩子提供智能提升培训服务。课程重点改善不同软性技巧(Soft Skills),如沟通技巧、自信心、领导能力、金钱及时间管理、数学逻辑、语言应用、创意及批判性思维等。
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树仁荟People Impact正式成功收购天略顾问有限公司(TalentPrintsConsulting),该公司专业为各大跨国企业以至个人提供管理及领袖技巧等培训。
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树仁荟People Impact成功与新加坡当地著名教育机构签订合作协议,正式登陆新加坡市场。
树仁荟People Impact分别位于中国无锡,长沙,济南,太原及广州,成功与合作伙伴在当地开设不同品牌的培训中心,包括资优领袖(Leader Impact),资优博士(Think Impact)和资优天才(Brain Impact)为不同地区小孩带来新的体验和美好将来。
树仁荟People Impact荣获新加坡亚洲特许经营与专利授权局颁发“2011年度国际加盟商大奖”五强,成为唯一获奖教育机构。
树仁荟People Impact于中国香港,成功与合作伙伴在当地开设资优天才(Brain Impact)培训中心。
树仁荟People Impact香港(亚太区)总部正式开幕。
树仁荟People Impact上海(大中华区)总部正式开幕。
树仁荟People Impact行政总裁黄振祥先生接受中国商报(China Business)官方杂志(第七期)的访问,提及在CEPA安排下对中国教育革命的影响。
树仁荟People Impact行政总裁黄振祥先生被邀请以主讲者身份出席在德勤创业家论坛,分享如何进入这快速增长的教育行业,达至公司、合作伙伴、家长在长远发展下的三赢局面。
树仁荟People Impact荣获南华传媒集团2010之优质企业巡礼中颁发《优质教育培训机构》奖项。
树仁荟People Impact分别位于中国香港开设3间不同品牌的培训中心,包括资优领袖(Leader Impact),资优博士(Think Impact)和资优天才(Brain Impact)。
树仁荟People Impact正式于上海成立首间自营资优宝宝(BabyImpact)旗舰中心。
树仁荟People Impact其中一个品牌,机智小领袖(eLeaderOnline)获得香港数码娱乐协会,颁发最佳数码娱乐金奖及最佳教育娱乐软件大奖。
树仁荟People Impact教育经营的生意模式,获具公信力的财经杂志经济一周选为2009年十大最有前景行业机构之一。
树仁荟People Impact连续3年获得商界展关怀大奖()。
树仁荟People Impact在中国香港开设首间自营资优宝宝Baby Impact旗舰中心。
树仁荟People Impact分别位于中国香港开设3间不同品牌的培训中心,包括资优领袖Leader Impact、资优博士Think Impact和资优天才Brain Impact。
树仁荟People Impact分别位于中国香港开设2间培训中心,包括资优领袖Leader Impact,资优博士Think Impact和资优天才Brain Impact不同品牌。
树仁荟People Impact正式在中国上海开设首间自营旗舰中心。
树仁荟People Impact凭独特的经营模式,成功吸引天使投资者投入巨额资金,开发全球加盟系统及网上学习系统。
树仁荟People Impact与在美国及香港上市的有线电视i-Cable达成策略性合作伙伴关系,I-Cable并投资超过1千万美元开发和于大中华推广机智小领袖(eLeaderOnline)网上学习游戏。
树仁荟People Impact正式在中国香港开设首间自营旗舰中心。
于中国香港,树仁荟People Impact开设第3间自营培训中心。
于中国香港,树仁荟People Impact开设第2间自营培训中心。
树仁荟People Impact于中国香港,成立港区行政总部。
于中国香港,树仁荟People Impact开设首间自营培训中心。
树仁荟行政总裁黄振祥先生(CharlesWong)曾于各大跨国集团担任要职,其中包括在位列财富杂志百大公司(Fortune100)的SaraLee担任高级行政工作,又曾于瑞士Siber Hegner及Swire Group等跨国上市公司服务。他在充满挑战及竞争激烈的国际营商环境中工作逾十载,因此能亲自披露他在跨国集团的“成功奥秘”。Charles的使命是希望协助个人以至企业团体寻找他们在目前和未来的致胜发展策略。此外,Charles亦于多间知名品牌担任商业顾问,例如Champion,Hanes,Wonderbra及伟麟珠宝等。
Baby Impact资优宝宝
健康活泼聪明,父母永远的Happy Baby!
Leader Impact资优领袖
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eLeader Online机智小领袖


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